• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,637 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

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Rainbow and Juhani exchanged glances as they followed Tar’nek through the Craftworld. They had long since left the district of Khaine behind, and were heading towards the far edges of the Craftworld. Rainbow realised that for all the time she had spent on Saim-Hann, she had never really explored its surface, limiting herself mostly to the temple and the courtyard where she had first met Tar’nek. Maybe she would change that someday, but then again, she was still a pony, and even though Kaliden and the other aspect warriors had accepted her as one of their own, she was still not sure whether or not Eldar society as a whole fully accepted her.

Nevertheless, Rainbow was happy with who she was with now, and no matter how much she longed to be home, and how much the knowledge of her fracturing mind was eating away at her, she was glad she was here. Tar’nek and Juhani were great people, even more so than the Exodites, and she wouldn’t trade their friendship for the world.

“So where are you taking us?” Juhani asked, breaking the silence that existed between the three of them.

“Way I see it, if you start another path, you’ll be bored stupid with how slow they move, and you can’t Rainbow, so that leaves civilian paths.”

“I can’t really see Rainbow as a sculptor.” Juhani laughed.

“And I can’t see you as a poet.” Rainbow shot back, sticking her tongue out.

“Precisely. So of us aren’t cut out for anything else.” Tar’nek sighed. “I know it’s not good for Eldar to say that, but hey, only two of us are Eldar.”

“So what does a pathless Eldar and a pony do if they won’t want to join another aspect temple?” Juhani asked.

“Simple. You become a Wind Rider.” Tar’nek beamed.

“Hey, I may be clanless but I know that you have to have someone high up in the clan to vouch for you if you aren’t tied to the clan by blood.” Juhani pointed out.

“It’s true, but an honour guard is the highest position in the clan except for the chieftain, and you happen to be looking at the head of the honour guard of Nar’bok.”

“So I’m guessing that’s where we’re heading?” Rainbow summarised.

“That’s where we are.” Tar’nek corrected her, gesturing to a building in front of the trio. “The clan hall of Nar’bok, home to the Wind Riders of Nar’bok for over eight thousand years. Our Patriarch has lead the clan to victory over a thousand battlefields, and has reaped the souls of humans to Orks, and has even clashed blades with the ancient enemy.”

“Sounds like he’s a pretty violent guy.” Juhani pointed out.

“He is, but he’s fair. Don’t get on his bad side and you’ll be fine. Come on, let’s go.”

Tar’nek began to walk towards the building as Juhani and Rainbow admired it in awed silence. While the temple of the Floating Assault had been huge, this was in a whole other class. Souring towers were connected by spinally looking walkways, and Rainbow couldn’t help but be enthralled by the majesty of it all, instantly being reminded of Canterlot. As the three approached the building, Rainbow spotted a squadron of Jetbikes launching from one of the towers, swooping down and stopping just on front of them, brandishing lances and swords.

“Halt. This is territory of the Nar’bok clan. State your business and intent or leave.” The leader said, his lance mere centimetres away from Tar’nek’s face.

Tar’nek didn’t react at all as the weapon pointed at him threateningly, before smirking.

“After time adrift among open stars. Along tides of light and through shoals of dust. I will return to where I began.”

The effect on the Jetbike riders was instantaneous, each one sheathing their weapons.

“I’m sorry clan mate, I did not recognise you.” The leader said, before speeding off back towards the tower.

“What was that all about?” Rainbow asked as Tar’nek pushed the gates open, walking inside the complex.

“It’s an ancient greeting for the clan, lets them know if the person that’s approaching is a friend or foe. I’ve been away with the temple for far too long, plus I think he’s relatively new to the clan.” Tar’nek explained, before reaching a door and turning to face the others. “Behind these doors is the clan hall. Nar’bok himself should be in there, just follow my lead and let me do the talking unless he asks you a direct question.”

With that, Tar’nek threw open the doors, striding inside as the others hurried to keep up with them. The hall was huge, and rainbow was taken aback by how little it looked like other pieces of Eldar architecture, looking more like the great mead halls of the griffons rather than something to be found on a giant space ship. The Eldar within were equally as different as the others Rainbow had seen, drinking and roaring with laughter, many sporting tattoos or tribal looking necklaces. As the doors crashed open however, they all turned to look at the new comers.

As Rainbow advanced down the hall, she began to feel more and more self-conscious about why they were all looking at the trio, but she pushed it aside, keeping her eyes fixed on the figure at the head of the hall, the one she assumed was the clan leader.

He was huge, easily taller than Tar’nek or Juhani, both in height and in muscle mass, his bare chest showing off rippling muscles as he leant forward, inspecting the newcomers into his hall. At his side rested a massive, two handed sword, and Rainbow could tell from the aura that he was giving off that he knew how to use it. Beside him sat a group of familiar Eldar, and Rainbow fought to suppress a smile as she recognised Maura, Quek, Ionth and Fu’rage, each one wearing a lighter version of aspect armour that Rainbow recognised as Guardian armour. On the other side sat another familiar Eldar, Anira nodding almost imperceptibly at Rainbow as she stopped just before the steps up to what could only be described as a throne.

Dropping to one knee, Tar’nek looked straight up at Nar’bok.

“Mighty Nar’bok, Patriarch of the mighty Nar’bok clan. I have returned from the path of the warrior, prepared to take up the mantle of honour guard once more.”

“Arise. Tar’nek, honour guard and Swooping Hawk.” Nar’bok boomed, his voice sounding like the crash of thunder. “Tell me, who are the outsiders you have brought into my hall?”

“Mighty Nar’bok, allow me to introduce Juhani and Rainbow Dash, ex-hawks of the Floating Assault as I was. Both are in possession of the fire that burns in the heart of all Nar’bok clan riders. I request that they face the trials of the Windriders, and that you will accept them into your fold as your sword and shield.” Tar’nek declared, rising to his feet.

For a long time, Nar’bok was silent, before he let out a deep, booming laugh, looking down at the pair as Tar’nek moved out of the way.

“Juhani, and Rainbow Dash. An Eldar I could see, but a xenos? What are you playing at Tar’nek?”

“Rainbow Dash has been as sister in arms to me for the past year, she survived where many other did not on Verbatim VIII. She has earned my repect through labour and through blood.” Tar’nek replied.

“Very well. Step forward, the pair of you.” Nar’bok ordered, and both Rainbow and Juhani quickly moved to obey, climbing the steps until they were directly in front of Nar’bok. “Tell me, Juhani, why should you be allowed to join my clan? What do you bring?”

“Put swords in my hand or some wings on my back and I will show you what I can bring.” Juhani declared.

“And you Rainbow dash, what do you bring? Why should I allow my house to be polluted by a xenos?”

“With all due respect sir, I believe my actions speak louder than my words.” Rainbow replied, looking the venerable Eldar directly in the eye.

For a moment, Rainbow thought she may have pressed to far and been disrespectful as Nar’bok stared down at her, his face not betraying any sign of emotion one way or the other. Suddenly, his face cracked into a smile, and he let out a throaty laugh as he stood up to address the rest of the hall.

“She has spirit! Do we not reward those who have such?!” He roared.

“We do!” The hall roared back, the sound nearly deafening Rainbow.

“Tar’nek, you have brought these warriors to us to be judged. Will you, or any amongst us, speak on their behalf?”

“I will sir.” Tar’nek said, stepping forward from the position he had taken up with the rest of the honour guard.

“You will speak for them on their behalf?” Nar’bok asked, looking at Tar’nek as he moved to stand in between Juhani and Rainbow.

“I stand as witness to the courage of the souls before us.” He declared.

“Would you raise your weapon in their defence?” Nar’bok continued.

“I would stand at their backs, so that the galaxy might never overtake us.” Tar’nek shot back.

“And would you raise your sword in their honour?”

“It stands ready to meet the blood of their foes once more.”

“And would you raise a mug in their name?”

“I would lead the songs of triumph as our hall revels in their glories.”

“Then my judgement is complete. These two shall face the trials, and if successful, shall gain the honour of this clan and my name. Prepare the ring!”

Instantly, a cheer went up throughout the hall as the Eldar raised their mugs and glasses. Slowly, they began to file out of the room, heading down one of the corridors that lead deeper into the domain of Nar’bok, and soon, only Nar’bok and his honour guard remained.

“Are you prepared for the trial that lies ahead of you?” Nar’bok asked Juhani and Rainbow.

“I’m not sure.” Juhani replied. “What exactly is the trial?”

“Combat. Non-lethal.” Nar’bok explained. “Normally this would be against the warrior who vouched for you, but as there are two of you, you shall face each other in the ring.”

“Looks like I’ll be getting to teach you a few moves again Rainbow.” Juhani smirked, looking at the pony.

“I’ve come a long way since you first taught me Juhani, let’s get this started.” Rainbow smirked back, extending a hoof.

“You said it.” Juhani nodded, tapping her fist against Rainbows hoof, before turning to Nar’bok. “We’re ready sir.”

“Excellent.” Nar’bok said as he got up from his chair, looking between the two Eldar, before indicating the door everyone else had left through. “After you.”

Exchanging a quick glance with Juhani, Rainbow trotted down the corridor, quickly emerging into a large circular room. All the Eldar who had previously been in the main hall were now standing around a large metal ring set into the ground. Just beyond it, Rainbow could make out a rack of weapons, ranging from small but brutal looking knives to large two handed axes that would look more at home in the hands of a Space Marine rather than an Eldar.

Walking forward, Nar’bok lowered himself into a wrought iron chair, the entire thing seeming to exude menace in stark contrast to the almost regal one in the main hall. Tar’nek moved over to him, the pair whispering to each other as another two Eldar approached Rainbow and Juhani.

“You can’t have any armour on in the ring, combat fatigues or nothing at all.” One said, gesturing to Rainbows armour. “Weapons can be your own or selected from the rack over there, but no power fields. Power packs must be removed before the fight to limit the damage you can do to each other. Understand?”

“Yes.” Rainbow nodded, before beginning the task of removing her armour.

Meanwhile, Juhani walked over to the rack of weapons, running her finger along some of the blades as she carefully selected the weapons she was going to use. Finally deciding upon her weapon, Juhani grabbed hold of a small knife, as well as a slightly curved sword. Both looked vicious, and Rainbow would have been seriously worried if this had been a fight to the death. Juhani was the one who taught her sword combat after all, so Rainbow seriously doubted her ability to beat her.

Finally free from her own armour, Rainbow drew the large power sword from its scabbard, removing the power pack and placing it with the rest of her things, before stepping into the ring. Juhani mirrored her actions, the knife held in a reverse grip in her left hand, while the sword was gripped tightly in her right. Tar’nek had left Nar’boks side by now, and was involved in another conversation, this time with Juhani, while Anira was walking towards Rainbow.

“Remember, try to get first blood, and don’t give into the war mask. Who knows what it will do to your mind, or if you could even control it properly anymore. Winning is a good start with the clan, but if it comes to a choice between winning and keeping the war mask off, make sure you put your brain first.” Anira urged her.

The crowd was bellowing now, eager for the duel to begin, but went silent almost instantly when Nar’bok rose from his seat.

“Honoured members of my clan, listen up!” He shouted, making sure his voice carried across the hall. “This is the truth of it. Fighting leads to killing, and killing gets to warring and whoreing. That was damn near the death of us all during the fall, but look as us now! No more can we afford to fight each other to the death, not if we ever wish to see ourselves back to our original power. Now, when the Windriders of Saim-Hann get to fighting, it happens here! And it finishes here! And it finishes here! Two combatants enter; one leaves!”

“Um… I thought this wasn’t to the death.” Rainbow muttered with a gulp, turning to face Anira as the crowd cheered in approval and repeated the line over and over again.

The Eldar simply looked down at Rainbow, her face cracking into a mirthless smile. “It’s always to the death Rainbow, especially when it isn’t. Now hush. It’s bad luck to interrupt Nar’bok.”

“Right now, I’ve got an Eldar and a Xenos who want to join our ranks, two warriors with a gut full of courage and brains full of violence. Most Eldar shun this type of behaviour, say it’s barbaric. But we’re not most Eldar are we? What are we?!” He roared, throwing his arms wide.

“Windriders!” The crowd screamed, getting ready for the fight.

Nar’boks voice dropped to a lover’s whisper, magnified by a tiny piece of technology that was affixed to his neck, “Ladies and Gentlemen…aspect warriors and Windriders…dying time’s here!”

Taking this as a que, Juhani stepped forward, raising her weapons above her head and letting out a battle cry, drawing more screams of admiration from the crowd.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you’re in for a treat tonight! This fine young warrior claims to be a sword master, thinks she’s some sort of hotshot with a blade! Her enemies fear her, her allies love her! I give you, Juhani! Ex-Swooping Hawk!”

“Kick the pony’s ass Juhani!” One Eldar roared.

“Go on.” Anira encouraged, giving Rainbow a slight shove forward. Instantly, a light was on her, drawing the crowd’s attention away from Juhani and towards her.

“Hailing from who knows where, possibly outside the bounds of our reality itself, this mare has come forth to teach us Eldar a thing or two! She’s fought for us, she’s killed for us, she’s lost her damn leg and wing for us, but that still isn’t enough! She’s going to prove her mettle in the arena today, so keep your eye on her! I give you, Rainbow Dash! Pegasus and ex-Swooping Hawk!”

“Fight’s simple. Keep a hold of your weapons and use them any way you can. This is a challenge to submission. Fight as long and hard as you can till your bones break if you must. Tap three times and you’re done! Get knocked out and you’re done! Die…and you’re done!” Nar’bok roared, looking between Juhani and Rainbow. “Other than that, don’t worry about the rules, there are none!”

Rainbow flapped her wings nervously, readying her blade as Juhani did the same. Slowly, the pair began to circle each other, waiting for the word that would…

“Begin!” Nar’bok bellowed, before taking his seat again.

Snarling, Juhani leaped forward, swinging her sword at Rainbow, only to have it blocked by the Pegasus pony’s much larger sword. Rainbow quickly realised that this fight would be almost the exact opposite of the one she had had against the Chaos Sorcerer. This time, she had the advantage of strength, while her opponent in the form of Juhani had the advantage of speed.

Growling, Rainbow shoved back against Juhani, lashing out with a forehoof and smashing it into one of Juhanis new prosthetics. Clearly she was still getting used to fighting with them, as the blow would have done nothing to Juhani when they had first fought, but this time put her just off balance enough for Rainbow to lash out once more, striking her with the flat edge of her sword and sending her skidding across the floor.

Quickly recovering, Juhani sprang to her feet, running straight at Rainbow as she sought to close the distance, her sword angled to deliver a low slash, while her knife was held in front of her to ward off any attacks Rainbow may have launched. Dropping the point of her blade towards the floor, Rainbow forced Juhanis attack away, ducking underneath the knife strike that quickly followed. Not missing a beat, Juhani span on her heels, turning and sidestepping past Rainbow, moving her sword towards the prismatic Pegasus’s neck.

With a grunt, Rainbow jerked her head backwards, narrowly avoiding the decapitating blow, before crouching low and charging. Snorting, Rainbow stabbed forward with her sword, only for Juhani to parry the blow, pulling Rainbows blade away from her body with the knife before punching forward with her sword hand. Rainbow gasped as the blade passed within inches of her head, cutting a lock off of her mane as it passed, but missing its mark. Following the blow through, Juhani twisted the pommel of her sword, slamming it into Rainbows muzzle and further taking her off guard, before heaving back with her dagger, forcing Rainbow to stumble forward into the knee strike she launched, catching Rainbow in the stomach and sending her sprawling.

Knowing that if she stayed still for even an instant Juhani would finish this fight, Rainbow jerked her body to the side, flapping her wings to push her away faster and ending up on the other side of the ring. Turning, Rainbow watched as Juhani placed a hand to a cut on her forehead, before she readied her sword again.

“Whoa, looks like these two aren’t slouches in combat after all.” Nar’bok laughed. “Maybe they will end up making a valuable part of the clan.”

Not listening to the rest of the running commentary, Rainbow sprang forward at almost the exact moment as Juhani jumped at her, the pair meeting in mid-air. While Juhani may have been a Swooping Hawk for longer, and could undoubtedly match up or beat Rainbow in the air if she had her flight pack on, Rainbow Dash was a Pegasus, and as such, the air belonged to her, and it was here that she could press her biggest advantage.

Moving back slightly, Rainbow took away any support Juhani had had, before powering forward again, wrapping her hooves around the Eldars waist and knocking her upwards. Letting go of her, Rainbow allowed her to continue going up for a moment, before speeding ahead of her and bringing a hoof down into Juhanis stomach, following through as she powered both herself and the Eldar into the ground.

Rolling away from the impact sight, Rainbow panted heavily as she recovered what she could of her strength. She knew this wouldn’t be the end of the fight, but it gave her enough time to prepare for the next assault. Rainbow could feel something in her mind, and instinctively knew that it was her war mask trying to get out, and if hers was trying to get out, that meat Juhanis was as well. She had to end this fast, or this could get real ugly real fast.

Rainbow was suddenly knocked from her hooves as a blur of colour smashed into her, knocking her sword from her hooves and leaving her on the ground standing beneath Juhani, the Eldar grinning as she looked down at her opponent.

“Well, looks like Eldar are better than ponies.” Nar’bok announced.

“Never.” Rainbow spat, before bringing her heavy bionic rear hoof into the knee joint of Juhanis left leg.

To be fair to the Eldar, the move Rainbow pulled off would have been physically impossible for someone who shared a physiology similar to what the Eldar or humans had, but a pony could move in ways that not many other creatures could. Catching her off guard, Rainbow managed to roll away, before springing forward, driving both of her forehooves into Juhanis weakened leg joint.

It was too much for the thin mechanical leg, and with a sickening crack, the knee twisted in its socket, turning the entire assembly around the wrong way. Letting out a scream of pain, Juhani only just managed to fend off a barrage of blows from Rainbow, who hammered down on her weakened opponent with both hooves, pummelling her into the floor, leaving dents in her new arm as well.

Eventually, Rainbow stopped her assault, panting heavily as she stood over Juhani. The Eldar was groaning as she lay on the floor, hardly moving anything except for her one organic hand. Her bionic arm was in tatters, but it was intact enough that the natural regenerative properties of Wraithbone would fix it up in a few hours. The same could also be said about one of her legs, while the other one floundered weakly, trying to lash out at Rainbow. Any blows that did connect felt like a kitten tapping her, and Rainbow did nothing to block them or dodge them, allowing Juhani to see the effects of her attacks.

Slowly, and clearly only doing so because she had no other option save for forcing Rainbow to knock her out, Juhani raised her organic arm, bringing it crashing into the floor three times, before allowing it to fall limply by her side.

“That’s it! Fight’s over!” Nar’bok roared, getting up from his seat and raising his hands into the air as the crowd roared in approval, or howled in dismay. “Looks like the plucky prismatic pony managed to beat the sword master! Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for Rainbow Dash, new member of my clan! Rainbow Dash Nar’bok, be reborn this day as a Windrider of Saim-Hann!”

The crowd screamed once more, even as Nar’bok turned his attention towards the ground where Juhani lay, the Eldar slowly pushing herself to her feet. Swaying wildly, she nearly fell over again, but was steadied by Rainbow, the mare instantly rushing to her side to steady her friend. Even through cracked teeth and a blackening eye, Juhani was smiling, blood running down her chin from where she had bitten her tongue or lost teeth.

“And let’s not forget our fallen warrior.” Nar’bok continued. “She fought with valour and skill, something we can’t deny just because she didn’t stand victorious. Nar’bok clan, welcome her into our fold! Juhani Nar’bok, Windrider of Saim-Hann!”

Rainbow nudged, Juhani, grinning up at the Eldar, before gesturing to her back with her head. Taking the message, Juhani swung herself over Rainbow, half lowering and half collapsing onto the mares back. With a grunt, Rainbow adjusted to the added weight of having an Eldar on her back, before walking slowly towards a doorway, a group of Eldar gesturing for her to follow them.


Rainbow and Tar’nek waited outside of the Bonesingers quarters as they waited for Juhani to re-emerge. She had been in there for just over ten minutes, and for all that time, the soft melodies of the Bone Singer and her majestic instrument had been drifting outwards and worming its way into the pair’s ears.

“And that was all without the war mask?” Tar’nek checked for the millionth time since Juhani had been gone.

“Yes, I promise that I didn’t put the war mask on.” Rainbow sighed. “I could feel it trying to get out, but its call is weaker now.”

“Are you sure? Anira did warn you…” Tar’nek began.

“Yes. I’m sure.” Rainbow said exasperatedly. Tar’nek’s care for her was touching, and the first time had been nice, even the fifth time had been tolerable, but now it was just annoying.

“Fine then.” Tar’nek nodded. “You look like you can throw one hell of a punch though Rainbow. I honestly didn’t think that Juhani would be the one to lose that.”

“That much faith in me huh?” Rainbow chuckled.

“It’s not that I don’t have faith in you, it’s the fact that Juhani is older and more experienced in sword play than you are.” Tar’nek explained, back-tracking furiously.

“True, but almost all of her skills have been tested and honed against bipeds, not quadrupeds, putting her at a disadvantage. Me though, I’ve fought Tyranids on four legs and Humans and Orks and two legs. I just knew that I would be able to move in ways she didn’t expect.” Rainbow replied casually, failing to keep the smugness out of her voice.

“Yeah, tell me about it.” Juhani chuckled, walking out of the Bonesingers quarters, rolling her bionic arm in its socket as she flexed the fingers, checking it was all working. “Still, other than a few cuts and bruises, no harm done.”

“Sorry about breaking your new arm, and your new legs.” Rainbow apologised sheepishly.

“Hey don’t worry about it.” Juhani reassured her. “The ol’ Bone Singer patched me up pretty well. See,” she held her arm out for Rainbow to inspect, “Wraithbone regenerative properties mixed with the machinations of the Bone Singer. Benefit of having Eldar not Human tech strapped to you.”

She said the last bit while staring pointedly at Rainbow own rear leg. Rainbow got the message she was trying to put across instantly, but it didn’t really matter to her, her leg worked and that was what she wanted from it.

“Still getting used to these damn things anyway.” Juhani grumbled, looking at her limbs. “If I had them for longer, you wouldn’t have lasted five seconds.”

“Sure, keep telling yourself that.” Rainbow chuckled, flexing her own leg.

“Come on you two.” Tar’nek cut in. “Nar’bok is awaiting our presence in the ritual chamber. There is one more part you have to play to be called Windriders of Nar’bok. You carry his name with you even now though, so do not disappoint.”

The three ex-Swooping Hawks began to walk through the massive corridors, chatting as they went.

“So what does that even mean, ‘carrying his name with us’?” Rainbow asked.

“It is a tradition between Windriders to adopt the name of their Patriarch as their own last name. Outside of the Windriders, no one really looks down on you, but inside the clans, those without names are all but worthless.”

“So…I’m now Juhani Nar’bok?” Juhani clarified.

“Yep, just like I’m Tar’nek Nar’bok, and Rainbow is Rainbow Dash Nar’bok.” Tar’nek nodded.

“How come you never told us about the Windriders before we all came here?” Rainbow asked.

“You know how it is, join the temple to trying something other than being a Windrider, it’s a bit pointless spending everyday talking about being a Windrider.” Tar’nek shrugged, before turning and walking through an archway into a small, dimly lit room.

The room was circular and made of stone, or at the very least made of Wraithbone that looked like stone, and in the middle of the room stood a large bowl, filled with a sticky red liquid. Behind this bowl stood Nar’bok, still bare-chested and watching the three new entrants to the chamber like a bird of prey.

“You both passed the trust,” he began, nodding to Tar’nek, “and you have earned this right. Rainbow Dash, Juhani, please step forward.”

As Rainbow and Juhani approached the bowl, Tar’nek pressed a few keys on a holo-pad by the door. A second later, a large rocky door slid across the entranceway, sealing the four in the room together. Now, the only light came from a series of torches that flickered around the edge of the room. Quickly moving beside them, Tar’nek looked at Nar’bok as he drew a small knife.

“Hold out your right arms please.” Nar’bok ordered, holding the knife in his left hand while he placed his own right arm over the basin, Tar’nek quickly following the lead of his clan chief. Tentatively, Rainbow and Juhani followed their lead, and soon all of them were ready for whatever Nar’bok was doing.

“It is blood that binds us, blood that holds us together. This blood will be shed in the name of the clan, but it is that which we will never forget. Race means nothing, who you were before you came here means little. Honour given I honour earned, and today, you both earned some of the highest honours I can bestow upon you.”

Bringing the knife down across his wrist, Nar’bok opened up a small cut, clenching and unclenching his hand to stimulate the blood flow, before allowing the crimson liquid to mix with the rest of the blood in the bowl.

“Rainbow Dash. First of your name in my clan. First Xenos in my clan. Shed the blood you need for the glory of your allies.” He quickly brought the knife down across Rainbows leg, blood spurting out and into the bowl.

“Juhani. First of your name in my clan. Shed the blood you need for the glory of your allies.” Nar’bok repeated, slashing her wrist and allowing the blood to fall, before finally turning to Tar’nek.

“Tar’nek, my faithful guard. You have brought these two new souls into our halls, you have vouched for them, and now you must bleed anew for them.” He quickly made the cut, before replacing the knife at his side and looking down at the bowl.

“This bowl has been used since the first riders of this clan joined my family. The blood of generations lies here, and today you have added to it. Complete your initiation, and drink of your brothers and sister.” Nar’bok said, before cupping his hand and plunging it into the crimson liquid, before draining what he had caught from his now blood-stained hand. Tar’nek followed quickly, and soon it was just Rainbow and Juhani left, looking sheepishly at the blood. Rainbow knew what it would taste like, and kicked herself as she found she was looking forward to the taste, the war mask pressing against her mind as it knew what was coming, before Rainbow forced it away.

Finally, Juhani took the plunge, scooping out a portion of the blood with both hands, before tilting them back and allowing her to swallow the age old life giving fluid. Realising that she would have to do it differently, Rainbow bent her head down to the bowl. With one final sigh, she stuck her muzzle into the deep bowl, sucking up some of the thick liquid, and shuddering as it trickled down her throat, the familiar bitter, slightly rusty, taste sending waves of pleasure down her spine.

“You have partaken in the blood of those before you.” Nar’bok declared. “There are no more rituals, no more tests. From this day forth, you are clanless no more. Today you take on my name. Today you become, Windriders.”