• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,637 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

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Cultural Exchange

Rainbow screamed as she forced her eyes open. Her entire body was covered in sweat, and she was panting heavily. The sheets she didn’t remember crawling under were wrapped around her legs, and her armour was nowhere to be found.

“Rainbow. It’s ok.” Tar’nek said, getting up from where he had been seated on the side of the room.

The Eldar had likewise removed his armour, and was now dressed in the simple garb of the temple of the Floating Assault. Fixing her eyes on Tar’nek, Rainbow fought to bring her breathing beck down to normal levels, taking in a few large breathes, before managing to speak properly.

“Where are we?” She croaked.

“At the primary webway portal. The rest of the strike force is finishing up a sweep of the planet with the Imperials.” The Eldar said softly, taking a seat on the bed Rainbow was lying upon.

Slowly, Rainbow began to unravel the sheets from around herself, finally finding herself free of the restraints. Curling up into a ball, Rainbow began to sob quietly as she looked up at Tar’nek. The warrior still had the rune of Khaine painted on his forehead in blood, even if it was a bit smeared, and his eyes were glazed over. He was still wearing the war mask, and right now, Rainbow wished she was too.

The war mask shielded the mind from memories of war, blocking out the terrible actions that were undertaken in the pursuit of victory. In this way, Eldar could lead two lives, that of war and that of peace. At war, they were unrivalled, able to make decisions based solely on instinct and logic, and unfettered by morality, while at peace they could forget the horrors that they had seen and inflicted. It was a perfect system, but Rainbow wasn’t wearing her war mask. She hadn’t since she had been revived by the Imperials. She could remember everything, every action she took that led up to her laying here now, and it terrified her. The daemons were creatures from her nightmares, making even the Tyranids pale in sheer horror factor. She would never forget this.

Tar’nek seemed to understand, and even in his war masks trance, he knew why she was hurting. As a warrior, he must have seen the lack of signs on her as easily as she had seen the signs on him. Carefully pulling her closer, Tar’nek placed Rainbow on his lap, holding her their lightly.

It was amazing how such a little act could be so soothing, and yet she found herself calming down almost instantly, even managing to slow the tide of tears.

“Where…where are the others?” She sniffed.

Now it was Tar’nek’s turn to turn away as emotions boiled up inside of him. Even the war mask couldn’t stop these memories.

“Juhani’s alive.” He said slowly. “She injured, but she’ll live. The others though… Only two of us survived. Everyone’s dead.” His voice wavered at the end, and Rainbow could tell he was holding back tears. She was too.

She hadn’t much liked Kaliden, the Exarch had been hard on her, and even though he had saved her from herself, she had never built up a proper rapport with him. That was to be expected though, the curse of the Exarch meant that even those closest to him who did not share in the curse would always be distant. It was the other members of the squad that ate away at Rainbow’s insides however. She had half expected it, but to hear it vocalised, to get confirmation on what she had feared threatened to open the flood gates again.

“So what happens now?” Rainbow sniffed.

“Well, we’re still routing out possible secondary sights, and the main daemonic entrance point has been sealed. The Imperials wish to coordinate a final meeting to exchange any honoured dead that have been recovered.”

“They should. It’s a good idea.” Rainbow nodded glumly. “You don’t think…”

“No.” Tar’nek shook his head. “Anyone in that drop is gone. We found some bodies of Eldar were used in the ritual at the Citadel, but they were too far gone, used for foul rituals. Everything’s been put to the flame.”

“The temple’s gone then. No body means no armour for the next Exarch to don.”

“There will be more than a few empty shrines back on Saim-Hann.” Tar’nek agreed. “Mostly those of the Swooping Hawks.”

“What are you going to do then?” Rainbow asked, looking up at Tar’nek. “Will you join another shrine?”

“It’s early days, and I’d rather wait until my mask is removed until I make that decision. Right now though, I need to go and see someone. Can I leave you here alone?”

As Tar’nek turned to leave, Rainbow had a thought, and called out to him.

“Tar’nek, can I…can I ask you something?”

“Of course you can, whether I can answer it is another question.”

“Do you…remember anything that happened after you take your war mask off, memories, visions?”

Instantly, Tar’nek was alert, moving back over to Rainbow and softly taking hold of her head, turning it as he inspected her eyes.

“No.” He said finally. “But you do, don’t you?”

“Only now.” Rainbow nodded.

“What happened to your war mask?” He asked softly.

“I don’t know, it came off after the drop.” Rainbow said weakly.

“And you didn’t think to yourself that it was a bad idea to go into combat without it?” Tar’nek snapped.

“There were no Eldar around.” Rainbow snarled back. “You abandoned me after the drop, you never once came looking for me, or spoke to the humans after the drop, you just disappeared, and then came back at the end to grab the glory.”

“We didn’t even know you were alive!” Tar’nek roared. “Do you have any idea how many warriors we lost?!”

“You still, left, me!” Rainbow screamed. “I almost died, and half of the humans wanted to execute me!”

“I’m sorry!” Tar’nek roared back, silencing Rainbow. “Ok? I am sorry. Is that want you want?”

“I don’t know what I want!” Rainbow cried, tears forming in her eyes again. “I just…I want to go home.”

“We will get you there Rainbow.” Tar’nek said reassuringly. “I’ll help you get home if it’s the last thing we do together. On that you have my word.”

“How?” Rainbow asked, her voice barely more than a whisper. “I don’t know where it is.”

“I’ll figure something out, but first I need to find someone who can help you. Until that time, I don’t think you could go home, you’d be a danger to everything and everyone you hold dear.”

“Help me with what?” Rainbow asked.

“Your war mask was removed in combat after you died and came back, that will have ripped it off, leaving behind scars on your mind. I’m no expert, but I know it’s not good, but the only way we can find out exactly what is wrong is to get you to a veteran seer back on Saim-Hann.”

Rainbow nodded, slumping back on the bed, looking up at Tar’nek once more with red, puffy eyes. She was tired again, her eyelids drooping as sleep threatened to overtake her. She didn’t want to go.

“Don’t leave me.” She whispered.

“Take this Rainbow,” Tar’nek replied, reaching over to a small table and grabbing hold of a small pill. “this will make you sleep. If you fall asleep, things will get better.”

Nodding, Rainbow reached out and took the pill, placing it in her mouth and grimacing slightly as it slid down her throat.

“Am I going to have bad dreams?” Rainbow said, even as sleep rushed up to meet her.

“No Rainbow, you won’t.” Tar’nek lied, even as Rainbow closed her eyes. He knew that she was going to struggle to get through this, but at least she could try to sleep through the worst of the pain.


Rainbow panted as she kept running, pushing her way past the husks of burnt out trees and smashed vehicles. Corpses lay all around her, some she didn’t. Almost losing her footing, Rainbow stumbled over a body, crashing to the floor and looking back at the way she had come. Her eyes fell on the corpses of Goge, both his eyes gone and his chest ripped open and empty, and she let loose another wave of tears, before looking further beyond him.

A Daemon was approaching her, its sword blazing bright in the darkness of the burnt forest, and its tongue lashing out as it tasted the air, tasted her fear.

Scrambling back to her hooves, Rainbow set off again, twisting and turning through the dark forest as she tried to lose the vile Daemon, but to no avail.

Suddenly, she caught sight of snatch of colour, and turned towards it, sprinting after the elusive object. She didn’t know why she was following whatever it was, but she knew that it was the only snatch of colour other than the Daemon around her, and she wanted to find out what it was.

Skidding on a corpse that may have at one point have been an Eldar, Rainbow rounded a corner, finally coming face to face with the thing she had seen. It was her. Rainbows mouth dropped as she took in the mare in front of her, the perfection of her curves, the brilliant shine of her mane and coat, her unblemished and unscarred flesh. She was in every way Rainbow Dash, just without the wear and tear.

“Wha…” Rainbow began, before the apparition began to change.

Fur began to matt and fall out, scars appeared on the surface of the mare’s skin, blossoming into bruises and burns as flesh parted beneath invisible blades. The face, her face, contorted into a new position. Gone was the cocky smile that she had worn in Equestria, replaced instead by a vicious snarl as Rainbow prepared to fight an unseen foe. This was Rainbow Dash now, and it was terrifying to the real Rainbow.

Fresh tears erupted from Rainbows eyes, mirrored by her double as skin began to bubble and pop in an intense heat that appeared from nowhere. In a second, the changing Rainbow Dash had been enveloped in flames, still unmoving, but showing the signs of the damage. Fur burnt, eyes burst, and the mare opened her mouth in a silent scream.

The real Rainbow Dash screamed as she was lifted from the ground, looking down at the massive sword that erupted from her chest. Letting out another scream, Rainbow was turned to face the Daemon, its tooth filled maw opening in a feral snarl.

Even as Rainbow watched however, the face began to warp and change, rippling as its entire shape altered to become smaller and its colouration becoming lighter, until it was pink, revealing another face.

“E…E…Elarique?” Rainbow managed, her breathe infused with blood that splattered over the Eldars Swooping Hawk armour.

“Pathetic.” The Eldar snarled, before drawing a pistol.

Before Rainbow could react to the new development, the barrel of the shuriken pistol was placed to her head. A nanosecond later, the razor sharp micro-disk was lunched from the pistol, slicing deep into Rainbow head.


For the second time that day, Rainbow awoke screaming, scrambling to check her stomach as she checked it for damage, but finding nothing. Panting heavily, Rainbow fought to control her breathing, before looking around the room. She was still in the same bed as she had been when Tar’nek had given her the sedative, but now she was alone, and sought to rectify that.

Swinging herself out of the bed, Rainbow headed for the door and turned down the corridor, wiping away tears as memories of the nightmare played over and over again in her head. She didn’t really care who she found as she poked around the corridors of the Eldar base, all she cared was that she wasn’t going to be alone for much longer.

“Rainbow? What are you doing up and about?” Tar’nek asked from behind the Pegasus, and Rainbow wheeled to face the Eldar.

“Couldn’t sleep, don’t want to be alone.” Rainbow whimpered.

“It will get better.” Tar’nek assured her softly. “As it happens it’s a good thing I found you. How are you feeling?”

“Terrified, sweaty. Take your pick.” Rainbow said, trying and failing to show him a smile.

“Gabriel Angelos and the Imperials have declared the planet free from Chaos taint, and they are organising the bodies of our dead as we speak. The Autarch has ordered us to do the same, but Gabriel and one Colonel Goge wishes to speak to you personally. They were told that you would only come if you felt up to it.”

“I’ll be fine.” Rainbow nodded, her mood brightening ever so slightly as she thought of Goge. “Where’s my armour?”

“Follow me. We can suit up together and meet up with the Autarch before he leaves.” Tar’nek said, before leading Rainbow off down the corridor.

Half an hour later, the pair were standing by a humming transport in full armour, waiting for the final bodies of Space Marines and Imperial Guard to be placed reverently into the transports to be flown to the meeting spot. Around the pair stood several warriors who had distinguished themselves in the war, or else were in a position of command, and would be speaking on behalf of the Eldar.

Behind them, the bone singers and the rangers were preparing to transport the base through the webway up to the ship that was already in orbit. After the Imperials and the Eldar had finished the cultural exchange, the rangers would be leading the remaining Eldar on the world back up to the ships, and they would return to the craftworld.

“Ok, let’s mount up.” The Autarch announced, looking at the rest of the Eldar. “We’ll be there in ten minutes.”

Nodding, Rainbow clambered inside the transport and shuddered as she recognised the vehicle, and the last time she had been in it. By the trepidation Tar’nek was showing, Rainbow assumed she was right, and that this was the very transport they had used in the drop attack.

Closing her eyes behind her helmet, Rainbow tried to push the thought from her mind, but soon found that it was either memories of the drop, or the beginnings of another nightmare. Reluctantly, Rainbow began to remember the drop, reliving every painful moment up until the point the ship landed again.

Quickly disembarking, Rainbow saw that they were once again on the same plateau that the Eldar had originally met the Imperial high command. Now as then, guardsmen were standing around a series of Valkyries, but as well as those, there were three massive ships belonging to the Space Marines. All three Thunderhawks were parked behind the Valkyries, and a pair of Space Marines were guarding each one.

As Rainbow and the other Eldar made their way towards the Imperial forces, the Imperial aircraft opened, allowing the men inside to clamber out to meet the Eldar half way.

Instantly, Rainbow caught sight of Goge, and her heart soared to see that he was still alive, even if his other eye had been destroyed, leaving his with an odd visor like attachment over his head.

“Lord General. Chapter Master.” The Autarch bowed deeply, the rest of the Eldar stopping behind their leader.

“Eldar.” Gabriel said, nodding slightly. Clearly he had been placed in charge of the Imperial force. “I thank you for your participation in this campaign. Your help has been invaluable.”

“Thank you Angelos.” The Autarch nodded. “Your men have also been extremely useful to the protection of our Craftworld. Together, you have helped us to save thousands of Eldar lives. Allow us to return the honour and present you with the honoured dead that we have recovered, all free of taint.”

With a signal from the Autarch, a host of Eldar began to bring the dead out of the transports, each Space Marine body mounted on a hovering gurney that supported the heavy weight despite their spindly appearance. Guiding each gurney was a robe clad Eldar, who made sure that each corpse was transported to the right Space Marine chapter, being taken by a series of Space Marines back to the Thunderhawks.

“This is more than we expected from Xenos when we heard of your involvement.” Gabriel began. “Allow us to return the favour.”

Quickly, a series of Imperial medical staff appeared out of the Valkyries bearing a series of Eldar bodies that were quickly transferred to the transports.

“I believe this is it then.” The Autarch said, looking between the Imperial commanders.

“Not quite.” Gabriel shook his head, before looking directly at Rainbow. “Rainbow Dash, Pegasus, Xenos. I owe you my life, and for that you have my thanks, and the thanks of the Blood Ravens. You lost your sword in the fight with the Sorcerer. Allow me to replace that weapon for you.”

Slowly, the Space Marine drew a beautiful sword from its scabbard, presenting it pommel first to Rainbow Dash. To say Rainbow was shocked would have been an understatement as she grabbed hold of the sword and took it from the Chapter Master.

“It is called Ravenous, and it has been in my personal armoury for centuries. Treat it well, and it shall serve you the same.”

“I don’t know what to say, but thank you.” Rainbow said, taking the proffered scabbard as she looked over the blade.

It was a monstrous weapon, almost being too big for her to use, and was clearly meant to be a short sword for a Space Marine. Nevertheless, it radiated death from the tip of the blade to the skull pommel, and as she swung it experimentally, she found that it was actually a lot lighter than it looked. Placing the sword in the scabbard, Rainbow looked back at Gabriel.

“It has been an honour to fight alongside you Rainbow Dash.”

“As it has been to fight alongside you Gabriel Angelos.” Rainbow replied, glancing over her shoulder as the webway portal opened, and the transports moved through, traveling through the sub-realm to the awaiting ship.

“It is time for us to go.” The Autarch said, before turning to Gabriel for one final time. “Farseer Macha still speaks of you, Gabriel of the Hidden Heart.”

With that, the Autarch walked into the webway portal, followed swiftly by the rest of the Eldar, leaving Rainbow alone with the humans on the plateau.

“Rainbow, wait.” Goge called, edging past Gabriel and kneeling down in front of her, placing a hand on her back. “I know that our time together has been brief, and that a lot of it was filled with pain, both mental and from the augmentations, but I hope that we depart truly as friends.”

“Did you need to ask.” Rainbow smiled, before throwing her hooves around Goge’s neck, hugging him tightly. “I’m going to miss you.”

“I’ll miss you to.” Goge chuckled, returning the hug. “Just don’t tell the Commissar.” He joked.

“This is goodbye forever isn’t it?” Rainbow sighed, finally letting go of the human.

“It probably is yes.” Goge nodded. “But remember what you learnt here, and keep fighting until you get home. I’ll see you again, even if it’s after my duty ends.”

Smiling, Rainbow waved to the human, before stepping through the webway portal, disappearing from the surface of the planet, and leaving only the humans left, Goge staring at the place where Rainbow had been standing as the portal closed, a wistful look in his eye. Slowly, the other members of the Imperial delegation began to retire to the transports to return to their base, but Gabriel stepped towards Goge, standing beside him and staring at the spot.

“She’s different from most Xenos, isn’t she?” Gabriel asked, not looking down at the human.

“She’s not other xenos.” Goge replied simply. “Regardless of what species she actually is, what she may look like in the outside, she was like us on the inside. She was almost human.”

“I know what you mean, but you must be careful with talk like that. Many amongst the upper echelons of the Imperium would not welcome it.”

“I know, the Ordo Xenos especially, but then you would know, wouldn’t you sir. This Farseer Macha. I saw how you reacted to her name. Who is she to you? If you don’t mind me asking that is.”

“An old enemy turned friend,” Gabriel sighed, “in a campaign where old friends became enemies. We all have our duty to the Emperor, and we must do it regardless of our feelings. Do not allow compassion for Xenos to flood your mind Colonel, else you will find it clouded when called upon, leading to damnation and ruin. Heed my words, but do not forget her. Xenos can be reasoned with, and if the time is ever right, they can be more than simple allies.”

Letting the final part hang in the air, Gabriel turned and marched back towards the awaiting Blood Ravens Thunderhawk. The other two Thunderhawks had already taken off, and Goge could just about make them out as they flew back towards the waiting Strike Cruisers that would ferry the survivors out of the system. Goge to would be leaving soon, taking the fifty or so remaining members of the 212th back to Elysia to receive much needed reinforcements, as well as catch up on the events of home. Goge doubted he would ever hear from Rainbow again, but in his heart, he yearned to see her just one last time.