• Published 23rd Jan 2013
  • 13,637 Views, 1,182 Comments

Swooping Pegasus - FenrisianBrony

Rainbow Dash. A Pegasus who disappeared for 2 years is back. And she's got a story to tell.

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Rainbow slowly regained consciousness, and was immediately aware of somepony talking in the same room to a group of other ponies; she didn’t open her eyes just yet, as experience had taught her not to jump into any situation before assessing it thoroughly. While this particular time probably wouldn’t result in any pain on her part, some lessons were in ground to deeply to forget.

“We have done all we can to stabilise her, but we can’t do anything due to the strange clothing she’s wearing. We tried teleporting her out of it, but it seems resistant to our magic, and is also very resistant to any methods of cutting we tried to get it off. All we can say at this point is she is stable, and it is definitely Rainbow Dash under there.” A voice said, apparently a doctor of sorts.

“Please, let us know when she wakes. Myself and the 5 girls will be waiting outside.” Spoke another voice, this one however Dash recognised as Princess Celestia.

Figuring that she was indeed perfectly safe, and nothing was going to happen, Rainbow slowly opened her eyes. What she saw instantly brought tears to her eyes. Standing around the foot of her bed was a doctor, the two Princess’s, and her five best friends in the whole world, scratch that, the universe, she had seen enough of it to know that. No-pony noticed her open her eyes initially, but slowly a straight haired Pinkie Pie looked over and noticed Dash’s eyes were open. In under a second her hair poofed back out to its usual messy disposition, and a smile to rival Rainbow's when she returned broke onto her face.

“DASHIE!!!” Screamed the pink mare, in a voice that would put Luna’s royal Canterlot voice to shame.

Pinkie jump up and ran towards the bed, as the other seven ponies looked around in shock.

“Darling” Rarity screamed, in an unusual display of ‘uncouthness’

“Sugercube” AJ exclaimed, also leaping towards rainbow.

“Rainbow” Twilight called, also making a move towards the bed

Fluttershy didn’t say anything; instead, a pink and yellow blur rushed over to Rainbows bed and engulfed her in a hug, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Hey guys, long time no see huh” Rainbow laughed, “if you guys could just move quickly I could get up and return your hugs properly”

“Oh no, you are not getting out of that bed, we don’t know what’s wrong with you, but you pas…” the doctor started, but was cut off by Rainbow.

“Relax doc” Dash reassured “I know what caused it, it’s called being tired."

With that, Rainbow pushed the covers away from herself and got out of the hospital bed. As soon as she had done so, the six friends all dived at each other, culminating in a group hug, with tears filling eyes around the room.

“I thought I, I lost you” Stammered Fluttershy through her tears

“Yeah, I’m sorry about leaving, although I didn’t really want to per say” Rainbow said apologetically.

After what felts like hours the six mares broke apart, and stood back from Rainbow Dash, and got their first proper look at her. Rainbows mane was cut much shorter than it used to be, but was still as vibrant as ever, her face on the other hand was covered in scars, ranging from small barely noticeable ones to a large one that went from above her right eye to the middle of her muzzle.

The rest of Rainbows body, including her wings, was clad in a form fitting suit of armour, that while much slimmer and softer looking than the angular and bulky armour the royal guard wore, looked much sturdier, backed up by the multitude of scratches and small dents all over it. What drew most of the ponies eyes however, was the big ruby type stone set into the middle of the chest piece.

“So Rainbow, what happened?” asked Twilight, “everypony thought you were dead after your stunt at the Wonderbolts show and what is the, thing, you're wearing?”

“Yes,” Rarity piped up, “I must say even in its current state, it is a work of art, beautiful, but ominous at the same time, and that crystal” Rarity started staring at the crystal longingly.

“I’ll get to that, but first, can I get something to eat? I haven’t eaten anything since, ummm, well two weeks ago, unless you class what my armour makes as food, and FYI guys, you shouldn’t”

“Huuuuuh” Pinkie gasped “No cake for weeks, quickly, there’s no time to lose” and with that Pinkie ran over to the wardrobe, flung it open and dived inside.

“Um, guys,” Rainbow asked slowly, “Did pinkie just jump into a...”

“I found it” Shouted Pinkie happily, emerging from the wardrobe with the biggest cake any of the assembled ponies had seen, and considering Celestia was there, that was saying something.

Before anypony could react, Rainbow had literally dived into the cake, and began to eat it like a pony possessed while the others stared on in awe.

2 minutes later

Rainbow sat in a pile of cake, smiling happily before burping loudly and standing up.

“That was, interesting dear” Rarity remarked, slightly shocked at the speed at which Rainbow had eaten the cake.

“You’re darn right thar Rarity” AJ agreed.

“Now you have eaten, my dear subject,” Celestia spoke, “I believe you were about to tell us what happened after you performed your sonic Rainboom”

“DOUBLE Rainboom, your highness” Rainbow corrected, “well, after my double Rainboom, I landed in a jungle, well crash landed anyway, from what I saw the place stretched on for miles in all directions.”

“How did you survive” Luna asked

“With a lot of help”

“From who?” Twilight asked.

“An Exodite, or more specifically an Eldar named Elarique”

“What’s an El-Dar?” Fluttershy piped up

“Well, for that I guess I should start at the beginning” Rainbow smiled.


Elarique quickly rode through the forest, the invasion was not going well, and he had to secure the World Spirit. As he neared the sight of the node he was tasked with protecting, a flash of light and a boom was heard over the forest and a rainbow coloured streak of light plummeted to the ground.

Elarique heard the crash and began to move faster until he reached a clearing with a monolithic rock in the middle. Lying next to the rock in a small crater was a mass of Light blue fur, with a Hormagaunt standing over it.

Author's Note:

For future reference, Elarique looks something like this:

(Just without the Space Marine.)