• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 8: Recovery

The group of friends gave themselves a couple hours to digest the information (and the alcohol). They could see why Twilight didn't want to talk about it again. It really was a terrible experience. After they all settled down again, Twilight lit up another cigarette.

“So, yeah, not even there for a week and,” She removed her prosthetic and examined the stump, “...This happens. That shield saved my life, but the blast threw me while the hand was still clenching my leg. It literally ripped it off. Luckily, I was knocked unconscious almost instantly, so I didn't feel it. Needless to say, I was depressed for a while, and recovery was a bitch.” Twi reattached the limb and continued with the story.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Now, try taking a step,” Said the therapist.

Twilight took a tentative step and winced as the discomfort of the prosthetic set in. It was nothing more than a metal rod with a 'C' shaped foot to absorb the impact of walking. It was awkward and kind of painful.

It had been two weeks since the incident, one since she woke up, and she was still aboard the White Wolf by her request. They agreed considering the presence of friends as an aid in her mental recovery. They were a big help too, especially Curt. He kind of reminded Twilight of Pinkie as he was always trying to make her smile and laugh.

“That's very good, Ms. Sparkle,” The Therapist said, “Is there any discomfort other than at the site of the injury?”

“It's fine,” Twilight said, sounding depressed.

“OK, then you'll be moving back to your quarters today,” The therapist said, “Captain Dupree is going to be here soon to escort you wherever you wish to go. I'm also prescribing you some medication for the pain. Take one pill whenever the pain gets too much, but no more than four a day. They’re addictive so try to take as few as you can. You can get it refilled here if you need to.”

Twilight just nodded, and continued walking around in a circle. She hated the thing, but didn't have much of a choice. It was either that or try hopping around on three legs (which wasn't looking so bad at the moment).

“How ya feeling Twilight?” Curt asked from the door.

Twilight just shot him a bemused look.

“So...” Curt said, “Where do you want to go? Library?”

“I don't feel like reading right now,” Twilight said, “I just want to go to my room.”

“Well, before we do, why don't you come with me,” Curt said, “We have something to show you.”

“I don't want to see it,” Twilight said, “I just want to be alone.”

“Twilight, please,” Curt tried to talk to her.

“Just go away,” Twilight shot, “I know the way.”

And with that the broken unicorn limped off, leaving Curt behind. She didn't want to see him. She didn't want to see anyone. She found her room, and slammed the door shut behind her. She went to the mirror on her closet door and looked at herself. She could barely recognize the pony looking back at her. Her right side was still covered with bandages from the other injuries she received from the blast. Most of of her fur was gone, and her mane and tail were cut short to remove the burned ends. But the worst feature of all, was that abominable piece of metal, where her leg was suppose to be. She undid the straps holding it on and slammed the prosthetic against the mirror. Twilight continued to beat anything that got in the way of the fake leg. Twilight's rage was interrupted by a knock at her door.

“Go away!” She yelled.

Disregarding her, Debby opened the door and walked in.

“Whoa, you sure did a number on this place,” Said the aviva as she shut the door behind her, “I wanna talk to you for a sec.”

“Leave me alone,” Twilight said.

“Can't do that,” Debby said, “You're my friend, and you saved my feathers. It's time I did something for you.”

“Then leave and we'll call it even,” Replied the unicorn.

“Nope, that's not gonna happen,” The pilot sat on the bed and motioned for Twilight to join her. After the pony got comfortable she continued, “Believe it or not, I kinda know how you feel. You feel like you're not a real person anymore, like you're useless.”

“How could you know what I feel?” Twilight said spitefully.

“You see these little chicken wings on my back?” Debby said, “Have you seen a full blood Aviva's wings? They’re huge and they can fly, the most I can do is take a few pounds off on the scale in my bathroom. Our wings are what make Aviva unique. I may be half human, but I still have the pride and desire to fly of an Aviva. That's why I became a pilot. It's not the same but it's all I have.”

Twilight tried to think about how Rainbow Dash would feel if she suddenly couldn't fly. It didn't seem so different after all. They both had a piece of themselves missing. Twilight looked down again at what was once her leg, as her eyes glistened with tears.

“I'm sorry for yelling at you,” Said the purple pony meekly, “I just... I just feel so alone. I want to go home.”

“We'll find a way, Twilight,” Debby assured the distraught pony.

“No, we won't,” Twilight moaned, “My world has an artificial sun. There's no way to find it without tracking the massive amounts of light and gravity of a natural sun.”

“Don't tell yourself that bullshit,” Debby said.

“Do you have to curse?” Twilight flinched.

“It's actually very therapeutic,” Said the redhead, “You should give it a try.”

Twilight looked at her skeptically, “OK... uh... Shit!” She instinctively blushed in shame, but let a smile cross over her face, “I really do feel a little better. Shit! Damn it! Fucking ass licker! Testicle-shitting rectal-wart!”

“Nice one, pony girl,” Debby grinned.

Twilight found herself laughing for the first time since she woke up in the hospital, and at profanity at that. It was amazing how good it felt.

“Thank you, Debby,” Twilight thanked, “I really needed that.”

“I'm glad I could help,” Replied Debby, “Now come on. There's something you need to see.”

The two ladies left the room and headed down the hall to toward the lounge.

“How are the refugees?” Twilight asked.

“They're good,” Answered her friend, “We're dropping off the last of them today.”

“I'm glad to hear it,” Twilight said as they entered the room.

“Twilight,” Seth said, “We were worried about you. How are you feeling?”

“Better, thank you,” She answered.

“Good to hear, now get your purple furry butt over here,” Curt said, holding up a datapad, “You've got mail.”

Twilight gave him a confused look to which Curt showed her how to use the device to access said mail. She emulated a ‘finger’ with her telekinesis and read through the letters. Eighty-six thank you letters to her from the civilians she saved, and from their families.

The first was from a woman named Beth. Twilight read it out loud, “Thank you so very much for saving me and my family. I don't know what would have happened if you weren't here. If you ever find yourself on Lynus III look me up and I'll be sure to thank you properly.”

The next was from an eight year old boy named Bobby, “Hi, I think you were really cool. Mom said that you were a unique corn. I don't know what that is, but you're really pretty. Can I be your boyfriend?”

“Oh god, my heart,” Curt jokingly grabbed his chest, “The adorableness is too much.”

That got a laugh from Twilight as she pulled up the next, “I'm not very good with words, so I guess, thank you.”

“Brief but sincere,” Seth commented.

Twilight read the next, “Ms. Sparkle (I was told that was your name), I would like to extend my gratitude to you. You risked your life for strangers, and received a terrible injury for your troubles. I can't help but berate myself for not being able to help. We're not rich but my family is rather well off. I'll leave my information for you. If you ever need help just ask.”

The five friends read several more before Debby stopped them when a Tacig drone delivered a package. When the hive-minded insect left, she placed the box on the table.

“OK, a lot of the people you saved wanted to do something for you, so they pooled their money together and we ordered this for you. It's the top of the line, most hi-tech model in existence right now.”

Twilight removed the lid to find what looked like a metal replica of her lost leg. She lifted it out of the box and examined it closely.

“Go on,” Aden said, “Try it on.”

With a quick use of magic, Twilight removed her current prosthetic and set it aside. Then she took up the new one and was about to put it on when Debby stopped her.

“Just so you know, when you first put it on it's going to hurt. It automatically implants receptors on the nerves. It only does it the first time, though, so think of it like getting your cherry popped,” Twilight gave her a confused look before Debby explained, “Losing your virginity.”

“Oh... Ooohh, yeah. Hehehe I get it, right,” Twilight said pretending to know what that was like and blushing deeply.

Debby quirked an eyebrow and said, “Are you a virgin?”

“No... yes... You know what! Who cares!” Twilight barked, “I'll do it when I damn well please and not a moment sooner.”

“Holy taco! Twilight just cussed,” Curt said.

“Shut up so I can put this thing on,” Twilight said.

Once she was sure they would remain quiet, she strapped the limb on. At first nothing happened. Then, it hit her like the Pony Express. Every nerve erupted in a fiery pain. The purple pony cried out as she fell onto her side, struggling to resist the urge to tear the thing away. She could feel it fusing to her nervous system one fiber at a time. It was the most excruciating thing she had ever experienced, and she was bitten by a fire viper when she was fourteen (hence her fear of the slithery demons).

“We're here for you Twilight,” Seth said as he wrapped his arms around her, to comfort the pained pony, “Just hold on for a little while longer.”

What seemed like hours to Twilight was, in reality, less than a minute. Slowly, but surely, the pain started to ebb and Twilight's senses came back to her. She was gasping for air, and slick with sweat. Without most of her fur on her right side, she was cold and sensitive, but it made Seth's embrace that much more pleasant.

After catching her breath, she opened her eyes and turned to the soldier. “Thank you.”

They stayed like that for a little while longer before separating. The others visibly relaxed as their worry melted away.

“Are you OK, Twilight?” Seth asked in his deep, soothing voice.

Twilight nodded and said, “Yes... that hurt a lot,” She looked down at the metal appendage and lifted it in front of her, “That's incredible. Even with magic, we don't have anything like this. I can actually feel it. Did they really buy this for me? It must have cost a fortune.”

“It did,” Aden said, “More than they could have afforded on their own. In fact I doubt they would have even been able to afford half that thing. I'd guess they had some help in that department, right Deb.”

Twilight looked from one pilot to the other a few times before it clicked, “Debby, did you pay for some of this?”

Debby just waved it off, “It was nothing. I don't spend much of my money, so it just builds up. I have plenty saved up.”

Debby tried to put on a show of bravado, but it wavered when a pair of hooves grabbed her up in a hug. She tensed for a moment, not used to physical shows of emotion, but soon let herself go and returned the gesture.

“Aww,” Curt said, “You're so sweet Debby.”

“I can still murder you, Cunt,” Replied Debby.

“What?” Curt feigned hurt, “Can you believe that, Twilight?”

“Yes,” Twilight answered, “I believe she can.”

Seth laughed, “Congratulations Curt. You're the first human to get burned by a unicorn. Mythic burn.”

The five friends laughed.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight and the others watched the last of the survivors board the transport that would carry them to their new home. At least, the others did. Twilight was lost in thought. She had a decision to make, and didn't know what to do about it.

“Um, Miss unicorn?” A small voice said.

Twilight was pulled from her thoughts and look up at the young girl that called to her. She couldn't have been older than nine or ten, and had minor burns and scratches on her face and arms. The sight made Twilight want to cry, until the girl threw her arms around her and began crying into her shoulder.

“Thank you for saving me and mommy. I don't know what I would do if I lost her, too,” She sobbed.

Twilight looked at a woman that she assumed was the girl's mother. Her eyes were swollen and red as if she had been crying. That's when Twilight realized...

Lost her, too? She lost her father.

Twilight put her hoof around the child as a few tears of her own fell. After a few seconds they released each other and the girl and her mother boarded the ship. She watched as they took off and flew to the station in orbit around a planet. She made her decision.

She walked over to the admiral and said, “Excuse me, Admiral Gibson,”

He turned to her to see her very serious expression. “Ms. Sparkle. Is something on your mind?” He asked, though he already knew the answer. He'd seen that look before.

With a steely determination, she told him her decision, “Admiral... I want to fight.”

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