• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 39: Falling Stars

“Now, I cast the spell. Oh, and Twilight, before you go... I'm sorry,” apologized the solar diarch.

With a flash of light from her horn, the magic held in the arcane circle and from her horn joined. Like water rising, the magic surrounded her student and began to swirl. In a burst of energy, the lavender unicorn was gone, and Celestia collapsed in exhaustion.

“Sister, are you alright?” asked Luna.

“I'm fine,” Celestia answered, “Just tired. That spell takes a massive amount of power and not all of us are blessed with the ridiculous amount of power that you have.”

“Oh come now, Tia, you know power isn't everything,” Luna replied.

Celestia sighed, “A lesson that Twilight will be teaching me very soon.”

“What do you mean?” Luna looked at her quizzically.

“Never mind. I must prepare for the Alliance ambassadors. Clyde said they would arrive later today.”

“Clyde? Oh, right, James... or is it Mayhem... what do we even call him?” Luna pondered.

“I've known him as Clyde, the eccentric rock farmer, for nearly a decade, and James for only a few days. As far as I'm concerned, he's Clyde. Besides, he surrendered his power and position for his life here, so that is the life I shall recognize.”

“Perhaps we should ask him which he prefers,” Luna offered, “Until then, what should I do while you prepare?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow, “Oh, did you think you weren't going to be meeting them with me?”

“You're so much more... eloquent than I.” Luna tried to weasel her way out, “I wouldn't want to insult someone and cause an interstellar war.”

“Oh please, you'll do fine. Now let's go meet with Anal Retentive.”

“That's not his name, Tia,” Luna deadpanned.

“No, but it might as well be. It's a good trait for a Royal Planner.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Spike awoke after the greatest sleep of his life. He absently wondered if the smile left his face at all the entire night. He looked down at the big magenta eyes looking up at him.

“Mornin' stud,” she said seductively, “Sleep well?”

“Best sleep ever,” replied the dragon, “So, what do you have planned for today?”

“I'm gonna pick up my wing blades, and ask one of the Princesses who to talk to for lessons,” answered Rainbow, “I learned a little a long time ago, but I'm going to need a refresher. What about you?”

“I'm going to read one of the books I got from my time in Wyr. I have a whole book on battle magic, but I haven't read it yet.”

The pegasus giggled, “You have a book you haven't read? You came back like, four years ago.”

“It's about fighting, Dashie, and I'm a pacifist.”

“But you said you're going to be fighting those Dratali guys,” Rainbow said in confusion.

“I'm also not stupid,” Spike sighed, “We can't talk or run from these guys. We fight, or we die. Plus, having dragon magic will be a huge help. The other dragons will be defending Wyr, and won't be able to help much if at all.”

“We're going to have to get up aren't we?” asked the rainbow maned one.

“I don't know about you, but I kinda worked up an appetite last night,” Spike gave his lover a light kiss, “Let's get some lunch. I’ll cook something real quick.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Coming!” Parry shouted to the knock at the door of his small one room apartment. He moved through the field of boxes to open the door. The moment it was open, an orange hoof slammed into his snout, knocking him to the floor. He squeezed his eyes shut and clutched his poor schnoz in pain.

“Applejack! You said you wouldn't hurt him!” said a voice he recognized as his fiance.

“Ah said Ah wouldn't kill'em, and Ah didn't,” said another voice that he knew belonged to her older sister. “We need to talk.”

Parry got back to his hooves, and let the two mares in. Applejack looked around for a place to sit, but, seeing no chairs, opted for the floor.

“Sit!” she commanded and they obeyed, “Ah hit you 'cause you knocked up my little sister. Ah know y'all are adults, and Ah can't tell you what y'all can and can't do, but you shoulda used protection. Rarity knows the spell and woulda done it for free, and not told a soul. It was stupid, and now y'all are gonna be payin' the price.”

Applejack glared at the young fencer, “How are you gonna be supportin' your wife-to-be?”

“Um, I have a job bussing tables at the Happy Dragon,” replied Parry.

“Is that all?” Applejack asked, “That doesn't pay very well.”

“I know, but I try to do a few odd jobs on the side. I'm saving it all for Applebloom's engagement bracelet,” Parry smiled at the love of his life.

“Applebloom, could you wait outside for a few minutes, and hand me mah bag?” Applejack requested, “Ah promise Ah won't hurt'em.”

Applebloom got up and headed to the door. She returned briefly to give AJ her saddlebags and then stepped outside. The blonde farm filly rummaged through her possessions for a moment before pulling out a small wooden box. She slid it over to him with a stern look. Parry picked it up slowly and cracked open the lid. He half expected a poisonous snake to jump out at him, but realized that if this mare wanted him dead she could do it with her own hooves without much trouble. Instead, he was greeted with the shine of polished gold and a large diamond.

“It was momma's,” explained Applejack.

“It's amazing,” Parry near whispered in awe, “I... I don't know what to say, but... thank you.”

“Ah'm mad at you, but you’re a good colt,” the cow pony gave her future brother-in-law a warm smile, “and I'm glad Applebloom has you. Don't worry about a house when y'all tie the knot. You got a place on the farm if you want it.” Applejack put a hoof to her lips and whistled loudly. Applebloom re-entered the apartment, “Go on, Parry, make it official.”

“Applebloom...” Parry beamed as he turned the box toward the yellow filly, “Will you marry me?”

Her eyes widened in shock at the sight of the bracelet. She looked over to her smiling sister, knowing where it came from. She turned back to Parry and leaped onto him in a hug, “Yes, of course Ah will.” Bloom broke the embrace just enough for her, now official, fiance to slip the bracelet on her hoof. As Applebloom leaned in to kiss Parry, Applejack decided to leave them to their moment. She took up her saddlebag and left the apartment.

“How long 'till you gotta be at work?” Applebloom asked.

“About an hour, why?”

“Plenty of time,” Applebloom dove back in for a passionate kiss.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Curt wandered the halls of Canterlot castle. With Twilight hanging out with Merlin, Seth instructing Celestia on Alliance protocol, Debby and Aden still with the R&D ponies, and Raak training the guard, he had nothing else to do. He found himself in a courtyard, paved with marble. In its center stood a familiar purple dragon, a look of pure focus in his eyes. Curt decided he might as well see what the guy was doing, so he watched on.

Spike clapped his claws together, and in a flash of fire breath, ignited them in emerald flames. With quick, deft motions, her inscribed runes in the air with the fire. The writing lingered, hovering in midair, as he spun around slowly, writing all around him. When the dragon was surrounded on all sides by fiery runes, he looked at the book on a nearby stand. He examined his work and the book, comparing the two. With a smile and nod, he set the book down. He spread his claws to his sides and closed his eyes. The runes suddenly began to spin around him, soon becoming green streaks. When they resembled a solid green ring, Spike flicked his claws out, causing the fire to dissipate.

“Oh yeah, you the dragon,” he congratulated himself.

Curt gave a little applause, “That was pretty cool, Spike.”

“Oh, hey Curt,” the dragon greeted.

“Where'd you learn that? I doubt Twilight taught you dragon magic.”

Spike chuckled, “Yeah, even as awesome as she is with magic, she's still not a dragon. When I hit puberty, I had to go to Wyr, the dragon nation, to learn to control my magic. Not many dragons can use magic, but those of us that can have to learn to control it or we can lose control and incinerate everything around us. I was taught under one of the most powerful dragon mages in history, Laalia the Golden. She's cool. Even Fluttershy likes her, says she reminds her of her grandma, except scaly.”

“I wouldn't mind meeting her,” Curt gave a sly grin, “I'd love to meet a real dragon, someday.”

“Hey!” Spike complained, “Not funny, dude. You never question a dragon's dragonhood.”

“I take it Ms. Dash can vouch for your 'dragonhood',” Curt teased.

Huh, Curt thought to himself as he saw the dragon's face turn scarlet. I guess dragons are warm blooded, more like dinosaurs than reptiles. I wonder if they evolved from dinosaurs?

“So, how’d you two get together anyway?” Curt asked

“Well, it started with a bet...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

In a meadow, about one hundred miles outside of Canterlot, three objects crashed. The metal cylinders were obviously not natural. This was made even more obvious when the sides shot off with a loud bang, and three beings stepped out. Two had brown scaly skin with a single strip of gray feathers going from the top of their heads down to their backs. The third had green skin visible only on its feline-like face and gold fur everywhere else.

In the guttural language of the Dratali, one of the reptilian beings ordered, “Send out the drone. I want to know where we are, and how close this capital is. Then send the information to the incoming fleet.”

The korg convert nodded and got to work. Before long, a small winged craft took to the sky, scanning the terrain as it flew and transmitting the data to the control box which, in turn, transmitted it to the fleet.

“Good, now we're... what's that sound?” the leader of the group looked around, spotting a single wagon approaching, heading toward the castle on the mountain. “New plan. Capture and interrogate the native.”

The three hid behind their landing pods until the pony was within range. The second it was, they jumped out and raised their weapons.

The korg ordered, “You, pony. Come with us or die.”

The pony looked up at them from under the wide brim of her hat, “Ah, you must be the ones the princess said was coming. I'm guessing some kind of scouting party.”

“Yes, and if you cooperate, you will be shown mercy,” the korg offered.

To the surprise of the trio, the pony laughed, “Oh my, you are funny. Do you think I'm just some kind of weak, helpless pony like the others? I've traveled the world, even outside the princesses’ protection. If you think I will go down easily, you are mistaken.”

“It's not worth the trouble... kill it,” ordered the leader.

The three opened fire on the mare who could only... laugh? The rounds passed right through her, as if she weren't even there. They stared in confusion at the impossible sight.

“It's a shame,” the pony’s voice came from behind them. They turned around just in time to see steel knives imbed themselves into their chests, “That of all the ponies in Equestria... you had to meet the Great and Powerful Trixie.”

She pulled the blades from the corpses, and magic'd them clean. As she went back to her cart, she looked up toward the sky toward Manehattan. Her eyes were drawn toward a trio of fireballs similar to the ones that signaled the arrival of the now dead scout party. Her brow furrowed in determination.

The princesses must be warned about these... scouts, I assume?, she thought to herself before taking off down the road as fast as she could, leaving her wagon behind.

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