• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

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Chapter 23: Arrival

“What do you mean you're on vacation?” Shining Armor half yelled.

“Well, some bad stuff happened, and it got to me,” Twilight explained, “It messed me up pretty bad. I've had nightmares, panic attacks, flashbacks, as well as paranoia. Seth ordered me to go home and get my shit together. As I am, I'd be a danger to them.”

“What happened?” Shining asked, concern heavy in his voice.

“I... I, um...” Twilight started trembling slightly as memories started flashing through her mind.

“Twilight,” Cadence's gentle voice beside her brought the troubled mare back to the present, “It's alright. You don't have to tell us until you're comfortable with it.” The Alicorn brought her former charge into a soothing embrace. She held the unicorn for a while, letting her compose herself again.

“I... I will... just not now.” Twilight wiped a tear away. “Just being home is helping me. But to answer your next question, yes, I'm going back. I can't leave Curt, and the others to fight on their own.”

“You're going to be leaving again?” Spike asked, sounding upset.

“I'm sorry,” Twilight apologized, “Look, I'm still with the Alliance military. Yeah, I could leave anytime I want, but would any of you leave them behind if you were me?”

A silence came over the group for a long while. None of them could argue with her. Her new friends needed her help, and she was going to give it even if they didn't like it.

Eventually Twilight got tired of the quiet and broke it, “I'm here for now, and when I do leave, I'll keep in touch. Until then, though, I have a story to finish...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Their stop at Hilatia IV was brief, only about three hours. Twilight stocked up on essentials... meaning chocolate, sourdough bread, bacon, cheddar cheese, various veggies, and a soft pillow. The others had a similar list. They were going to have to ration their food though, as it was going to be a two and a half week trip to the planet that Curt lovingly named 'Bob'. Before long, the Black Beast left the planet's orbit and began its trek into the unknown. The two and a half weeks out wasn't anything exciting. They played some games, talked about home, and trained. Ever since Curt 'helped' with Twilight's problem, she didn't have so much trouble focusing around Raak and even lasted thirty seven seconds against him in a sparring match, which is longer than most. Debby had the record of one minute, thirteen seconds.

Two things did happen, though. The first was about six days into their trip. Twilight was practicing her magic in the training room like she often did. She enjoyed spending time in there, because it was the only place where it was acceptable for her to go shirtless. She had just finished with a new spell she had an idea for when she suddenly exclaimed, “I got it!”

Seth and Debby, who were both jogging on treadmills turned towards the excited unicorn.

Seeing their surprise at her outburst she explained, “I think I know how to draw in mana like the Dratali do.”

Debby gave her friend an excited smile. “Really? Sweet! That means you could go as long as you want right?”

“If it works.” Twilight took a breath. “I'm going try. Stand back.” The unicorn spread her hooves for support, and closed her eyes. She cut off her own mana reserves and focused on the latent energy around her. Slowly, she felt a warmth start to grow.

“Whoa...” Twilight could hear the awe in Debby's voice, “That's creepy. It's the same red as most Dratali.”

Twilight pulled her focus away from the pilot and back to the warmth that was growing. She gathered enough for a low level spell, and the warm feeling was more of a low heat and growing...

and growing...

and growing...

By the time she had enough for a mid-high level spell it began to hurt. She decided to stop there, but found she couldn't. It was like someone opened a valve and broke the handle. She tried to regain control in vain. The burning became more intense as the foreign energy flooded her body. She yelped in pain.

“Twilight?” Debby tried to see if she was alright, but was stopped when a portion of the unicorn’s body erupted in a small flame. “Oh shit, Twilight!” The half human ran up to the burning mare as more flames flickered into existence and grabbed her horn firmly. She learned by accident some time ago that doing that was a surefire way to break a unicorn's hold on their magic. At that moment, she then learned that breaking a unicorn’s hold on her magic with that much stored energy wasn’t a very good idea. A pulse of energy sent the two women flying in opposite directions. Seth quickly ran to make sure they were okay starting with Twilight. They both assured him they were fine as he helped them up.

Seth sat down on a weight bench. “I may not be an expert with magic, but even I can tell that technique is dangerous. You're not to use it unless you have no choice, until you can prove to me you can control it. Also, if you’re going to practice it, make sure someone else is with you, ready to intervene. You’re lucky you didn’t lose more than you just did.”

“Huh?” Twilight looked back at her body to see three small bald spots. “Son of a bitch! Not again!”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Geez, Rider, how many times are you going to burn your fur off?” Dash managed to say when she finally got over her fit of laughter.

“This is nothing to laugh about.” A teary eyed Rarity put a comforting hoof around Twilight, “Your poor coat has been through so much.”

“No shit,” Twilight agreed with a chuckle, “Anyway...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

A week after the mana absorbing incident came the second point of interest. It started like any morning. Wake up, hygiene, dress, and out for breakfast. Debby met her in the hallway and they chatted it up a bit.

“Is something wrong with the climate control?” Twilight asked, “It's a bit warm.”

Debby thought for a second, “It feels fine to me.”

The pair walked into the small galley and the smells of breakfast immediately hit the mare. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, and... something else she didn't recognize. She sat down at the table and levitated a plate and some food toward her. She only saw the pancakes, eggs and sausage, but assumed the fourth thing was still cooking. Whatever it was, it smelled amazing and it made her eager to try it.

After she finished her portion she had to ask, “What's still cooking?”

Everyone else looked at her in confusion.

“Nothing,” Curt stated.

“Then what's that smell?” Twilight closed her eyes and began sniffing the air. She got up and walked around trying to deduce the source. “It smells amazing, and...” She bumped into something furry.

“Whoa, careful, Twilight.”

Twilight opened her eyes to see Raak looking down at her with one eyebrow raised. Her embarrassment fled as quickly as it appeared, as something in her mind snapped. She sniffed him again. “You smell good...” The logical side of Twilight's brain noticed immediately that something was wrong, but unfortunately, it wasn't in charge anymore. Instinct decided to take over for the moment.

Twilight forgot a very important difference between the Earth and Equestrian calendars. Though they shared the same months, Earth was two months behind Equestria, so even though it was February 4th in the Alliance, it was April 7th in Equestria... the first day of Twilight's heat.

“Hey Raak...” the hormone driven mare said with a lustful tone.

Raak gulped nervously, “Yes, Twilight?”

“... Rut me.”

Curt fell out of his chair and everyone else stared, slack jawed, at the purple pony.

“Twilight, what the hell's wrong with you?” Debby asked

“Shut up! He's mine!” Twilight growled in a very 'un-Twilight-like' manner.

“Twilight!” Seth's voice boomed out.

At that, Twilight's logic managed to regain a bit of control. Her eyes widened with horror, realizing how she was just acting and what it meant. “B-but it's Feb...” it clicked, “Eep.” Her instinct was trying to push her logic aside again, but before it could she teleported to the shower room and jumped under some ice cold water.

A couple minutes passed before footsteps were heard approaching. Twilight was trembling, part from fear, part from the cold. Please be Debby, please be Debby! The universe took pity on the pitiful pony, and the winged woman walked into the room.

“Twilight!” Debby's concern was obvious. “Oh my god.” She ran up to the freezing mare, turned off the water, grabbed a towel, and started taking off the soaking wet uniform before drying her off. “What the hell happened? You could have at least taken your uniform off.”

Despite the cold, she still managed a blush, “I-I-I'm-m-m, i-in h-h-hea-at.”

“What do you mean? You're freezing!”

“N-no, I-I-I'm in h-heat.” Twilight had a pleading look.

Realization hit Debby like a truck. “Oh... that kinda heat...”

More footsteps were heard from outside.

“Twilight? You in there?” Curt's voice came from just outside.

“Stay out, Curt,” Debby said before turning to Twilight again, “So how do you fix it?”

“W-without a special medicine, I either have to wait it out, or...” The unicorn blushed deeper and looked away, “Satisfy it.”

“Satisfy it? You mean..?” Twilight nodded to Debby's question. “Twi... I have an idea.”

Twilight looked up at the sly grin she had and knew exactly what she had in mind. A similar smile graced the unicorn's face.

“Hey, Curt, can you come here please?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Dear goddess, you didn't!” Shining Armor cried.

“We're not having this discussion again, Shining,” Twilight declared.

“Not that, though I still don't like it,” Shining continued anyway, “I mean... did you force yourself on him?”

Twilight laughed, “Almost, but Debby stopped me long enough to get permission. I'll tell you what, where Christmas was gentle and sweet, this time we were like a couple of wild animals just going at it.”

“I'm gonna be sick...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Several days later, Twilight and Debby were maintaining what few craft the ship held. Debby's, Twilight's, and Aden's fighters, as well as a small shuttle and a land vehicle were the only small craft held by the Black Beast. Twilight's mass driver needed calibrating, and Debby needed the mare's help. Normally fighters don't have mass drivers because fighters rely on their shields for protection and mass drivers are almost useless against them. Particle cannons, on the other hand, do little against armor, but are extremely effective against shields. Twilight's fighter is an exception. Her mass driver is laced with spell channels to allow Twilight to wrap the round in mana to exploit magic's ability to penetrate shielding.

“Try it now!” Debby called.

“Alright,” Twilight 'fired' the weapon.

The device attached took readings of how the cannon would have performed had it been loaded. Debby looked at the readout and nodded. “Okay, I think that'll do it.”

Just in time, Curt's voice came over the PA, “All crew, We're approaching the planet Bob. Please report to the bridge.”

“I'll race ya!” Debby said and took off down the corridor.

Twilight just smiled and, in a flash of light, was in her spot on the bridge. A half minute later Debby bolted in.

“Cheater,” She shot Twilight a glare but the grin ruined the effect.

Soon everyone was ready, and the ship dropped out of FTL travel. The stealth systems were activated and the ship descended into the atmosphere of RSD-1104 (Bob). It was mostly devoid of large plant life, and great sweeping plains dominated. The ship gave the slightest of shudders as it passed through the atmosphere. They landed about a mile away from the ruins, which lay in one of the few wooded areas.

“Alright,” Seth clapped his hands together, “Congratulations everyone on our first successful landing. Let’s all get to the hangar. Aden, you stay here and keep the ship ready just in case.”

“Yes, sir.”

Everyone but Aden made their way down to the hangar and piled into the Puma, an all terrain assault vehicle.

“Why do they call this thing a Puma?” Curt asked.

“I don't know,” Seth replied, “I guess cause it looks like a puma.”

“It doesn't look anything like a puma,” Curt returned, “It looks more like a warthog.”

“Would you two focus?” Twilight broke up what was sure to be a heated debate.

“Right, let's go,” Seth said and hit the gas.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Oh-my-gosh-this-is-so-awesome!” Rainbow Dash was jittery with anticipation, “I am so jealous of you right now. I always wanted to explore some ancient ruins. What was it like? Were there traps? Did some rival try to take the artifacts you collected?”

“Rainbow!” Twilight stopped the pegasus' rant before it could intensify, “Would you let me tell the story?”

“Oh, right. Hehe, sorry,” RD rubbed the back of her neck.

“Right, where was I? Ah, yes...” Twilight was about to get back into the story when a series of three quick beeps came from her leg, “What the hell?” Twilight rolled the sleeve down and opened the console hidden inside.

“He~low~ow, Hey there sparkle butt.” said a sing-song voice from the computer, “Guess who's coming over for dinner?”

Twilight looked up and a huge smile came over her face. The others looked to see what she was so happy about to see a fireball falling from the sky.

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