• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 12: Enemy of My Enemy

“Whoa whoa whoa,” Rainbow Dash waved her front hooves in front of her, “That Admiral guy sent you to learn magic from the bad guys?”

“No, Rainbow, he didn't,” Twilight deadpanned, “He sent me to one of the most important members of the Alliance.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Y-y-you're Dratali,” Twilight stammered.

She was finally able to get a good look at him. His scales were a golden color and his eyes were a rather beautiful shade of rose red. Unlike the others she's seen he had no feathers. He wore very simple earth brown pants and dirty white sleeveless shirt.

“I am, yet am no longer,” Has-ka said cryptically.

“What do you mean?” Twilight said warily of the reptilian mage.

“I no longer give my allegiance to the Dratali,” Has-ka explained, “Though I am still of the Dratali race.”

Twilight looked at the Dratali, still skeptical. “How do I know you're telling the truth?”

“If it were a lie, you would be dead,” Has-ka said, seriously.

Twilight couldn't fault his argument. There was just one other question she had to ask.

“If you're not an enemy, Why did you attack me?”

“I needed to test you,” he stated simply, “I had to see the quality of clay I have been given to mold. Though you have potential, you are almost entirely unskilled. You fight with the finesse of a rock.”

Twilight opened her mouth to argue, but once again he was right.

“OK, so you’re not trying to kill me,” Twilight relented, “But how do I know you're not planning something? You might try to ponynap me in my sleep.”

Suddenly Has-Ka waved his hand and Twilight's body locked up and her mind clouded. She hit the ground, no longer able to keep her balance. Twilight couldn't focus enough to cast any spells or even devise an escape plan. She let her guard down and he took advantage of the opportunity. The Dratali mage stood over her limp body and peered into her eyes.

“You’re completely at my mercy,” he stated firmly, “I can do whatever I wish with you, and there's nothing you could do about it. Do you understand what that means?”

The look in her eyes told him his answer. He held his hand out again and Twilight was released from the spell's influence. Twilight jumped up and stared at the reptilian magic user with confusion and a touch of fear. She couldn't understand it. Nothing made sense about this whole mess.

“Who are you, really?” Twilight asked.

“Who am I indeed?” he repeated, “That is the question we all ask ourselves at some point. Tell me, do you know who you are?”

Twilight answered easily enough, “I'm Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia, and the Element of Magic.”

“That only tells me your name and what you are. Who are you?” Has-Ka asked again, “I am Has-Ka, former Dratali Archon. Five years ago I had an enlightening revelation. If the universe wanted life destroyed, it could do it itself. It doesn't need insignificant mortals like us to do it. Not only that but isn't it the universe that created us in the first place? Killing its creations is the true blasphemy. This is why I turned on the brotherhood and joined the Alliance.”

“But I was told I was the only mage in the Alliance,” Twilight said, confused, “Why aren't you fighting?”

“You are the only official adept in the Alliance. My existence is a closely guarded secret,” Has-Ka clarified, “I am the reason the Alliance knows so much about the Dratali. The reason I do not fight is my own. Please leave it at that. Now answer one question of mine. Where did you learn that lightning spell? I was told you know no combat magic.”

Twilight grinned at the question, “I learned it from you when you used it on me.”

“What do you mean? How can you learn a spell like that?” Has-Ka cocked an eyebrow (or whatever that ridge above his eye is called).

“I can learn spells the first time I see the spell matrix being woven.” Twilight answered with a little bit of pride showing.

“You can see the spell matrix?” Has-Ka asked, astonished.

Twilight furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, “Can't you?”

“It's not supposed to be possible,” The Dratali replied, shocked, “Can you do the earth move spell I used as well?”

Twilight's horn lit up as she gathered the mana to weave the spell. Once it was ready, she used it to reach out to the ground beside her and forced it to jolt upward. Has-Ka stared at the display, mouth wide open.

“Incredible,” was all he could say for several seconds, “It would seem my six month training program will have to be shortened.”

He thought for a few moments before walking around the pony, appraising her. His piercing gaze was making Twilight very uncomfortable, but she held her ground.

“I think I know how to spend our time together.” He said with a small smile.

Twilight tensed, ready to run as fast as her hooves could carry her.

“We'll work on mana manipulation.” He stated.

Twilight let out a sigh of relief.

“I noticed how long it took you to cast that earth move spell, as well as the lightning,” the Dratali continued, “Anyone can tell when you're about to cast a spell by watching your horn. We're going to improve your ability to cast quickly and to control mana. Do you remember how I reversed your lightning?”

“What spell was that?” Twilight asked, “I couldn't see it.”

“It wasn't a spell, but mana control,” Has-Ka replied, “I redirected your mana with my own.” At the confused look Twilight gave him, he clarified, “You can use raw mana for various purposes. For instance, you can concentrate it and flatten it, like so...”

He held his right hand out, palm up and gathered raw magic above his hand. Twilight watched with her magic sense open as he flattened the energy into a short, curved, translucent, rose red blade. He hovered it around him a few times before moving it closer to Twilight so she could examine it, but not so close as to make her nervous. It was actually quite simple. Twilight lit up her horn and created an orb of magic energy. She focused on flattening it to a blade, but when it was about one inch thick the energy erupted, scorching Twilight's already short mane.

Has-Ka laughed, “Good try, but you have much to learn. Come my student. I have a place prepared for you.”

He started into the forest again with Twilight reluctantly following close behind.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Uh, Rarity, Why are you crying?” Twilight stopped for a moment when she heard the sobbing mare.

“This is just the saddest story I have ever heard,” replied the alabaster unicorn, “Your poor mane!”

Eleven hooves (thirteen if you count the guards outside the garden) and one claw met their respective owners faces.

“Just ignore her,” Pinkie advised with an unusually serious expression, “It's just Rarity being Rarity.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Has-Ka led the small equine through the woods to a large three story house. Needless to say it seemed very out of place, way out there in the middle of nowhere, but Twilight wasn't about to complain. It was a yellow house with green shutters and a red door. Other than that it was just a big box, function over form to the extreme. Twilight idly thought of the seizure Rarity would have at the sight of the ugly place. The garden to the left of the house was nice at least.

“This will be your home for the duration of your stay. I'll give you a tour.” Has-Ka opened the front door for Twilight. Twilight was never one for worrying about décor, but this place really needed a mare's touch. The home was entirely devoid of and decorative pieces. The entry only had a simple coat hanger that was left unused, while the living room had a couch, a coffee table, and a TV. The kitchen had only the necessities (and several appliances Twilight had no idea about). Her room consisted of a bed, dresser, and end table. Finally the top floor was one giant room, and the only one with any kind of decoration. He called it the “meditation room”, and had several candles and a nice rug in the center.

“Do you have anything in your ship you may need before we get started?” Has-Ka asked.

“No, I'm ready when you are,” Twilight answered.

Has-Ka looked at the unicorn with an inquisitive expression. “Do you always wear your flight armor or do you have other clothes?”

“Ponies don't normally wear clothes,” Twilight answered matter-of-factly.

“Really? Well if we're going to be going into town you should probably wear something,” he suggested.

“I suppose, after all clothes seem to... wait... there's a town here?” Twilight asked, confused.

“What did you think?” Has-Ka chuckled, “That I was some eccentric hermit living alone, training random people to use mystical powers?”

“Well... yeah, kinda,” Twilight admitted, “I figured since your existence is secret that you were alone out here.”

“When I defected, I rescued several prisoners that were going to be sacrificed to Gan-Fal, our god. As if he wishes for the blood of the innocent.” the Dratali mage explained with a scowl, “They and their families settled here as well. The town is comprised of friends and family of those prisoners. I go there for supplies every few weeks.”

“Then I'll get my uniform. It's the only clothing I have at the moment. I'll be right back.” Twilight said before flashing back to her ship. She grabbed her uniform and a couple other things she might need and flashed back.

“You're good with that blink spell,” Has-Ka observed, “It's one spell I never did get the hang of.”

“Oh, my flash travel spell? It's my favorite,” Twilight told him, “Why don't I teach it to you.”

“I would like that,” Has-Ka smiled, “But first, let's begin our training.” He went to a section of candles and lit one of them, “OK... mana control. You're going to lift the flame from the candle and feed it with your mana. Try to keep it the same size it is now. I'm going to cast a fire retardant spell. If you don't know one watch and learn.”

Having lived with a dragon for the majority of her life, she knew a very good fireproofing spell, but she watched anyway.

“OK, it's set,” Has-Ka gave the go-ahead.

“Hold on,” Twilight said as her horn flashed and a similar spell was cast on what was left of her mane, “Alright.”

Twilight lit up her horn again and took up the flame. The tiny fire fluctuated heavily as she tried to regulate her magic and keep the flow at a steady rate. All her friends thought of her as powerful, and she's come to acknowledge this fact as well, but finesse was never her strong suit. She idly thought of how easy this would be for Rarity, Lyra, or any unicorn that relies on such precision in their careers. In her thought, though, her flow faltered and the flame nearly died. She tried to fix the flow, but put a bit too much into it. The tiny flame became a small inferno. She quickly cut off the flow and the fire died out.

“And that's why we use fire retardant spell for this,” Has-Ka stated, “Not a bad first try. Try it again.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“My apologies for the interruption, Ma'am,” A guard said as he trotted over to Celestia and whispered something in her ear.

“Now?” Celestia sounded surprised, “Did she say what she wanted?”

“No, your majesty,” the guard responded.

“I'm sorry, my student,” Celestia apologized, “It seems something important has come up.”

“It's OK, Princess,” Twilight waved it off, “I could use a breather anyway.”

“Why don't you come with me then,” the solar princess offered, “I could use the company.”

“I'm coming, too,” Spike said quickly and jumped to his feet.

“When we continue, I'll tell you about the first time I went into the town.” Twilight said.

The trio made their way in contented silence through the palace to the throne room. The guards, once they saw the Princess and her company, opened the massive, gilded doors. Awaiting the Princess of the sun was a black figure abut the same size as Celestia with a jagged horn, wings like a dragonfly, and hooves riddled with holes.

“Ahh, Chrysalis,” Celestia greeted her fellow royal, “How have you been?”

The changeling sighed, “I have been better, Celestia.”

“Still having problems with ponies harassing changelings, your highness?” Twilight asked.

Chrysalis gasped, “Twilight Sparkle, you're alive! I was told you died.”

“It's a long story,” Twilight chuckled, “But I've been in space. I'll tell you about it some time.”

“Chrysie, you said you have a problem...” Celestia attempted to get the conversation back on track.

“Of course,” Chrysalis said apologetically, “I'm not sure, but I doubt it's the ponies. We haven't had much problems with them recently. Only four attacks in three months.”

“That's four too many.” Twilight said with a little anger in her voice, “Why the hell can't ponies accept the treaty and get over it? I swear, we should starve them and let them feel what it's like to be so desperate for food you would do anything to get it. Then maybe they would realize why you did what you did. Even Cadence forgave you!”

“Relax, Twilight,” Celestia said, “Chrysalis just said she's not here because of ponies. Now let's hear her out.”

The Queen smiled at the lavender unicorn, “Thank you, Twilight Sparkle, for your concern, but the ponies’ mistrust is our own doing. Many still remember the wrongs we committed regardless of our reasons. As queen, I should have devised a better way to acquire the love we needed. I should have approached Celestia myself to discuss the issue. Instead, I foalnapped a member of the royal family, impersonated her, attacked the citizens of Equestria, and assaulted Celestia after drugging her morning tea with a magic dampening agent.”

“Which I still say was a clever move from a tactical perspective,” Celestia said, “Anyway, we're off on another tangent.”

“Right,” Chrysalis continued, “The reason I came is because something has been attacking my changelings. I don't think it's ponies because...” Chrysalis's expression hardened, “Three of my subjects have been murdered.”

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