• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

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Chapter 3: A Whole New World

AN: Many people have been asking about Spike and where he is. He is in this story, but not just yet. There's a good reason for this I assure you.


The ship shook and rattled as it shot out of the planet's atmosphere. Curt and Seth sat in their seats laughing and joking the whole time. Twilight however, was scared witless, so much that she slammed her eyes shut the moment the craft started shaking.

“Are we there yet?” she asked, her voice shaking from more than the turbulence.

“It's about to get a lot smoother, Twilight,” said Curt calmly.

True enough, the shaking slowed and eventually disappeared. The moment it did, the strangest thing happened...Twilight felt completely weightless. Her confusion was apparent.

“You've never been to space I take it.” Seth said.

“Nopony has,” Twilight said, “Well, except Princess Luna when she was possessed by Nightmare Moon, but she was on the moon.”

“In that case, congratulations on being the first of your kind in space,” Curt said, “Take a look.”

Twilight turned around to look out the window behind her. Her breath caught at the sight before her...an endless expanse of black, littered with countless points of light. Never before had she seen so many stars! It was not the dreary, depressing thing she expected, it was beautiful beyond words!

“Sweet Celestia...” Twilight gasped, “What is that?”

There was something else out there, not a star... It was a massive thing, long and angular, with wings sprouting from the sides at the back, curving down and back. The front had a large hollow tube sticking straight out. The underside dropped a third of the way back, which seemed to be their destination. The wall slid down, to reveal an opening... It was here that their craft flew into and landed.

“That, my four legged friend, is the White Wolf,” Curt answered, “A United Earth Special Operations Assault Ship. That means it goes into the shit alone.”

“OK, Twilight, this is what's going to happen,” Seth said as their shuttle came to a rest, “We're going to the med-bay. We need a mandatory check up, standard after a mission, and you need that wound stitched up, they're also going to check for any diseases that could infect us.

“After that, the two of us are going to give our report to the commander, while you get to talk to the Admiral. You’re being given diplomatic status for as long as you’re on the ship. We should be able to see you after your meeting.” Twilight nodded in understanding.

The back of the craft opened, and the three were greeted by men in white suits that covered their whole body. They stood beside what looked like a carriage made of clear plastic. Obviously, it was meant for them. The three stepped out of the spacecraft and into the weird carriage. One of the white clad men climbed on the front, as the others went into the ship Twilight just came from and began spraying some chemicals. The carriage lurched forward causing Twilight to fall off her seat.

“Hey, take it easy, dumbass.” Curt scolded their escort, “We have an emissary here.”

“My apologies, sir,” the driver apologized.

“So, Twilight, Tell me a bit about your home world,” asked Seth, trying to help Twilight relax.

Twilight smiled, happy to teach, “Well, we call our world Avol. I'm from the nation of Equestria. The Griffin Republic and Wyr being the other two. We're protected by our princesses Celestia and Luna. They're the ones responsible for the sun and moon rising and setting.”

“Hold on... really?” Seth deadpanned, “You expect us to believe that your sun revolves around your planet, and that it's moved by two ponies? That's not scientifically possible. They aren’t scientifically possible.”

Twilight gave that ‘I know something you don’t’ smile, “Sure it is.”

“Really? How,” Seth asked.

“Our sun and moon are artificial.” To say Curt and Seth were shocked was like saying Rainbow Dash has a slight ego.

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“Hey, not cool!” cried Rainbow Dash as everypony else was chuckling.

“Relax, I'm just messing with you,” Twilight said as she smiled.

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“A long time ago, we were at war the a creature called Mayhem, a draconequus. Just before he was defeated, he used the last of his strength to transport Avol far from it's solar system, away from its sun.

“The unicorns of Avol, realizing we would die without sunlight, united, pooling their magic together to create an artificial sun. Because it was pony made though it was small and very close. This caused gravitational problems so the unicorns once again pooled their magic to grab nearby asteroids and formed the moon on the opposite side of the world. Princess Celestia and Luna renew the spell that keeps them orbiting the planet every day.”

“That's amazing,” Curt said, “I've seen some crazy shit when it comes to magic but creating a sun?”

“That's unbelievable,” Seth said.

“Well, I’m impressed by this thing,” Twilight said, throwing her front hooves out to everything, “I mean, a whole ship that can travel through space without magic! I mean, I’ve seen airships that were big, but this thing could hold hundreds of them and still fit the crew. Is crew the right word, or do you call them something else? What does it use as a power source? Do you manufacture atmosphere or just bring it with you? what kind of propulsion do you use? Why aren’t you answering my questions? I told you something about ponies, now you tell me something about humans.”

“Slow down, Twilight.” Curt pleaded, “I can’t answer you if you don’t stop asking questions.”

Twilight’s face burned red, “Oh, sorry. I have a tendency to get excited with new things to learn about.”

“I’ll say. This is all yours Curt,” Seth said.

“Alright,” Curt started, “As you know humans have no magic, though we did at one time. Thousands of years ago, adept humans existed, but for some reason they vanished. Lucky for us though, we have a knack for creativity. We could look at a thing and not just see what it was but what it could be.

“In the year 2114 Dr. Coal perfected the FTL drive.”

“FTL?” asked Twilight.

“It stands for “faster than light”, and that's exactly what it does.” said Curt, “It lets our ships travel faster than the speed of light.”

Twilight’s jaw fell so fast it was surprising it didn’t fall off. She could hardly believe it, “Teleportation doesn't even move that fast.”

“You can teleport?” Seth asked cocking an eyebrow.

“Yes. Not many unicorns can, but magic is kind of my special talent,” she answered with a slight blush.

“We're here,” announced the driver.

The vehicle backed up to a door that opened as they approached. When the back was through, the three passengers filed out and sat in the white room. Other than the bench, the room was bare with the exception of the door they entered through and another on the opposite wall. Another human dressed the same as the driver stepped in.

“Excuse me ma'am but I’m going to need a blood sample,” said the human. It had a feminine voice.

Twilight stuck her foreleg out and the nurse went about drawing a sample of her blood with a needle. Twilight winced a little at the pain, but let the professional work. After gathering a sufficient amount, she removed the needle and placed it in a curious machine.

“How long will this take?” Twilight asked, holding a piece of cotton the nurse gave her over the tiny hole.

“About...” the nurse watched the machine until a ding sounded, “That long. OK you're clean. No unknown diseases.” The nurse removed the headpiece revealing dark skin, rather short black hair, and brown eyes. Unlike the two soldiers, she had no scars or blemishes from a rough life, “Follow me and we'll get you stitched up.”

The men and mare followed the nurse into the next room. This one already had a resident in some weird metal cast on her leg. She was slim and muscular, with very short red hair, and a pair of way-too-small wings on her back.

“I didn't know humans had wings,” Twilight said.

“Huh?” said Curt before following Twilight's gaze, “Oh shit, Debby you hurt yourself again?”

“Sup Cunt? This your new girlfriend?” she asked sardonically.

“Hardly,” Twilight said and extended a hoof in greeting, “My name is Twilight sparkle, pleasure to meet you.”

“Name's Debby, callsign Firefly,” she said, taking the offered hoof, “...the greatest pilot in the galaxy...and only half human. I got these bad boys from my dad.” she pointed a thumb at her wings, “He's Aviva.”

“Fascinating,” Twilight mused, “...cross-species breeding, I never knew it was possible.”

Debby laughed. “Damn Curt, she's as much an egghead as you.”

Twilight cocked an eyebrow, “Ms. Debby, if I were to ask you how much cooler you are than everyone else here, what would your answer be?”

The pilot scratched her chin for a second before answering, “I'd say I’m at least twenty percent cooler.”

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“Yer makin that up,” Applejack accused.

“Swear on my life. That's what she said,” Twilight assured the farm pony.

“Well they say everypony has a twin,” stated Celestia, “Perhaps yours is a twin in mind only.”

Everypony but one broke into laughter.

“Just get on with the darn story,” the colorful pegasus grumbled clearly annoyed.

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The two-and-a-half humans stared in confusion as their pony friend lost herself in a fit of laughter.

“What's so funny?” Curt finally asked.

“I...she...it's just...Rainbow...” Twilight tried, futilely, to speak through her laughter. She eventually took a deep breath and calmed enough to speak, “It's just that you act so much like my friend Rainbow Dash. Her favorite phrases are ‘20% cooler’ and saying she can do anything in ‘ten seconds flat’.”

Curt choked back a laugh, “Really, she really said ‘in ten seconds flat’?”

“Yeah why?” Twilight looked at Curt before the realization dawned, “Wait, seriously? Oh, Celestia!” Her laughing fit relapsed in full force, this time time with both Curt and Seth joining her.

“Hey, pony girl,” Debby called, concern tinging her voice. “You're bleeding.”

“Huh?” Twilight quirked an eyebrow. She looked down and saw little pools of blood where she was rolling around, “Oh-my-gosh, help.” She pressed her hoof against the reopened wound.

Seth practically tore the back door off its hinges and yelled into the back room, “Where the hell is the doctor! We have an emissary from a newly discovered race bleeding in here!”

A man in a white lab coat walked in.

“I'm sorry about that. I didn't realize there were casualties,” he apologized, "Could you sit on the bed, please?"

Twilight looked at the high bed, obviously meant for the taller bipeds. In a flash of light the mare was on the bed.

“Whoa!” Debby exclaimed, “She's an adept?”

“I'm the personal student of Princess Celestia,” Twilight said proudly, “She taught me all kinds of amazing things. She’s the best teacher I could have ever hoped for.”

“That is fascinating,” the doctor said as he began examining the gash on the pony's cheek, “I've never treated an adept before.”

He cleaned the wound and, using a cylindrical tool of some kind, sealed the wound. The only thing left was a nasty looking scar.

“When we make port we can have someone remove the scar. Right now though, Admiral Gibson wishes to speak to you.” As the doctor spoke, a man walked in and stood in a very erect, disciplined manner. “Follow Corporal Hick here, if you will. He will escort you.”

“Thank you doctor, for taking care of my cut,” Twilight thanked and left with Corporal Hicks.

As she left she overheard the doctor say, “I just treated a freaking unicorn.”

“Good for you,” Curt deadpanned, “Now you can treat humans again.”

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle at her new friend.

They walked for about ten minutes to an unassuming door. The corporal gave a knock.

“Enter,” came the simple reply.

The door slid open revealing an office with a mahogany desk and a couple soft, plush chairs at the far side. There was a shelf with various trinkets and baubles to the right, and a large colorful potted plant that Twilight didn’t recognize to the left.

“Take a seat Ms. Sparkle,” said a politely smiling older looking man with gray hair and a air of experience and wisdom. He was clean cut, with a strong jaw, and hawk-like nose. The only blemish was a scar on the left of his forehead near his hairline.

“Please Admiral, call me Twilight,” she replied with a polite smile as she took a seat in the chair directly in front of the desk.

“Very well, Twilight. Likewise you may call me Andrew.” The officer returned the smile, “So, I would like to get to know you a bit better. I understand you're probably quite confused about a great many things. I heard a brief account of what happened out there from Major Vasiliev, but I would like to hear it from our own perspective.”

“Well, I was sent here against my will by an evil unicorn named Xander...” Twilight told the Admiral everything that transpired since her arrival on that unknown planet. She told about the battle Seth and Curt fought, until she came to the part she hated, “One of them was trying to sneak around them and it saw me.” Her breath quickened, “I-I-I didn't know what to do. I just panicked and I-I-I-I-I-I...” Twilight broke down, tears pouring down her face as it now rested in her hooves.

Admiral Gibson jumped up and quickly went to comfort the distraught mare with a hand on her shoulder, “Shh, it's OK. I know how it feels. The first time I had to kill I felt like I was a monster. It hurts, but you have to remember, if you didn't do what you did it would have killed you. Think about how many others he would have killed. You saved them.” This seemed to work. Twilight's crying slowed. “How about we get you some food and a bed.”

Twilight looked up at the old soldier and managed to give an honest smile at his kindness. “I'd like that. I'd like that very much.”

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