• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 14: The Hunt

Twilight and Spike walked back into the private garden where her friends were waiting. Apparently Rarity had a few candles brought out and was making three of the flames dance around as she waved her fore-hooves around as if she were directing an orchestra. Twilight smiled at the display.

“Show off,” She said playfully.

“Oh, Twilight, I didn't see you there,” Rarity chuckled sheepishly, “I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to show you up. I was just curious as to how difficult it was.”

“And she totally one-upped you!” Rainbow Dash laughed.

“Rainbow Dash!” Rarity scolded the prismatic pegasus.

“It's OK Rarity,” Twilight assured the tailor, “You have the best fine mana control of any pony I've ever known, Rarity, even the Princess. It's only natural that you can do that with the candle flames. I bet it wasn't even hard for you.”

“No, I suppose it wasn't,” Rarity admitted before quickly changing the subject, “So what was all that about, darling?”

“Ah, That was Queen Chrysalis,” Twilight told the group, “Something's been killing her subjects and I'm going to go investigate. I'll be back when I can.”

“Wait, I want to come with you,” Spike cried.

“No, Spike,” Twilight said trying to be as gentle with the still fragile dragon, “I don't want you in any danger. I've handled far worse situations than this, and can protect myself. Plus, I don't want you to know this kind of thing. I care about you too much.”

“I'm not letting you go!” Spike latched on to Twilight's side, tears streaming down his face, “I don't want to lose you again.”

“You won't Spike,” Twilight's horn flashed briefly and Spike fell, sound asleep, “I'll be back by the time you wake up.”

Twilight gave him a peck on the forehead before raising her right leg to her face. A small panel rose up from it, a holographic display coming to life. Her horn glowed as she manipulated the images displayed.

“What are you doing?” Fluttershy asked in her usual soft manner.

“I'm getting my ship,” Twilight stated matter-of-factly, “This is a remote device. I can use it to get my ship to fly where ever I need it. I'll be right back.”

Twilight flashed into her room, grabbed her flight armor from the corner and quickly donned it, before flashing back. By the time she finished the gunship was landing on one of the chariot platforms. Rainbow Dash and Applejack stepped forward.

“We're coming too,” AJ demanded.

“Really?” Twilight asked, amused, “How? My ship can only fit one and even Rainbow can't keep up.”

“That a challenge?” The cyan pegasus tried staring down the lavender unicorn.

“No, it's fact, trust me,” Twilight said with a touch of mirth, “This baby can go about five times sonic rainboom speeds in an atmosphere, nine if I use a friction reducing spell.”

Dash's jaw dropped as she stared wide eyed at the metal craft in awe. She was just trying to wrap her mind around the thought of that kind of speed.

“If you really want to come, get a chariot and bring AJ to meet me at Heart Valley,” Twilight told her friend, “I gotta warn you though, if it is a murderer like the Queen thinks, it might get ugly.”

“I just want to see you in action,” Rainbow Dash grinned.

“Ah just don't want you goin' alone,” AJ stated, “Trainin' or not.”

Shining approached and spoke up, “If that's what you truly want, I'll get you a chariot and my best scout to help you pull,” his horn glowed in what Twilight recognized as the message spell the two of them developed five years earlier.

“Help me pull?” the athletic mare said, sounding offended, “You mean slow me down.”

“Yeah right,” said a voice from behind her, “You might slow me down.”

Rainbow Dash turned around to meet the amber eyes of an old friend, “Lightning, what's up.” The two gave each other a hoof bump, “So your slow flank is going to be coming?”

“Heck yeah,” said the teal pegasus, “So Twilight Sparkle really is back from the dead, huh. Crazy.”

“Well, I’ll see you guys there,” Twilight called as she climbed into the cockpit.

The Ax lifted off the ground as Lightning Dust watched in awe. It climbed about a hundred feet off the platform and turned so its nose was facing to the side of the palace. The back glowed and emitted a thunderous roar as it shot off at a speed no pegasus could hope to match. Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust stared in shock and awe.

“So we goin' or what?” Applejack snapped the two out of their daze.

“Right, sorry,” Lightning said with a sheepish chuckle, “Come on, Dash. I'll get you hooked up.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Thankfully, it wasn't a very far flight to the changeling city of Apocrita and Twilight soon touched down just outside the entrance of the underground city. She had been here a few times visiting a friend she made among the shapeshifters, Ruby Heart. Twilight made a note to visit her before she left and let her know she's alive. That had to wait though as there was a killer on the loose, possibly more. First thing on the agenda was to speak to Queen Chrysalis. Twilight took off her armor and stowed it in the ship before entering the cavern. She made her way through the halls of the changeling city. No matter how many times she's been here, the sheer beauty of the murals adorning the walls, telling the history of the changelings, amazed her. The most recent of the images depicted Chrysalis and a dozen other changelings sick and starving. Chrysalis's outstretched hoof being taken by the hooves of Princess Celestia and Luna. Twilight admired the artwork for a moment before walking the rest of the way to the throne room doors. A pair of guards in red armor opened the doors and allowed her entry.

“Ah, Twilight,” Chrysalis stood from her throne to meet the unicorn, “Would you care for something to eat before you begin your investigation?”

“No thank you,” Twilight gave a grateful smile, “If at all possible, I'd like to see the bodies.”

“Very well. This way.” Chrysalis strode to a door to the side of the room and motioned for Twilight to follow.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight leaned in closely, examining the wounds. All three were killed by a puncture wound to the heart. Twilight let out a sigh of relief that drew a questioning gaze from the Queen.

“I can eliminate the possibility the Dratali having followed me here,” The lavender mare observed, “These wounds were made by metal swords, the Dratali use blades with energy edges. The wounds from those cauterize the wounds and leave burns. Based on the angle of entry, the killer was a similar height which eliminates the vast majority of griffins. I doubt it was a unicorn as most tend to swing weapons overhead, but I won't dismiss the idea.”

“You know a lot more about this then I would have guessed,” Chrysalis looked on, impressed.

“I studied some forensic science from the Alliance archive,” Twilight replied.

The changeling ruler didn't know what a Dratali is or what Alliance Twilight was talking about, but she knew better than to try to interrupt the brainy pony. She'd ask about it later. In fact, there was a lot of questions she had for Twilight. She seemed so different than the last time she saw her... maybe it was the weapons and armor.

“OK, I've seen all I need to here,” Twilight looked up from the cadaver, “Can you show me the scene of the murders?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“All three were found right here,” Chrysalis indicated a clearing in the forest surrounding the city entrance, “Unless you need anything else, I need to return to Apocrita. I still have duties to attend to.”

Chrysalis flew off toward her home leaving Twilight to her investigations. Twilight adjusted her visor with her telekinesis, turning the eyepiece green as she observed the area. She looked around, following an invisible trail.

“You weren't kidding, Twilight. That space ship of yours is fast.” Rainbow Dash interrupted the investigator's concentration, “What'cha doin'?”

Twilight looked up at the two new arrivals and returned to her observations, “I'm scanning for anything I can use to track the killer.”

“Need any help?” Applejack asked.

“No, that's alright,” Twilight smiled at her friends eagerness to help, “My VAD is doing all the work anyway.”

“What the hay is a VAD?” Dash flew beside Twilight.

“Vision Amplification Device,” Twilight clarified, tapping a hoof on the visor, “It has several functions; low light amplification, motion detection, sonic mapping, lethal and nonlethal target acquisition, and forensic analysis, the one I’m currently using, are a few.”

“Does it got a varmint tracker?” AJ joked.

“Or a wind current reader?” RD giggled.

“Yes, and yes,” Twilight gave them an amused grin.

“Where can I get one of those?” Rainbow asked.

“Enlist in the Alliance Marine Corps and go kill whoever they tell you to.” Twilight said plainly.

“Would I get one of those cool spaceships like yours?” Rainbow Dash asked with an excited grin.

“Not like mine, it's custom,” Twilight explained, “It's designed with unicorn physiology and magic in mind. Perhaps they could design one for pegasi as well.”

“Awesome!” Dash pumped her hoof in the air, “Where do I sign up?”

Twilight laughed and shook her head, “You just may have that chance, Dashie.”

“What now?” The farm mare gave her magically inclined friend an inquisitive look, “How would she have a chance?”

“I'll tell you about it later,” Twilight brushed off the question, “I think I got something. These impressions are from a pony's hooves. They're heading off in this direction.”

Twilight made her way way deeper into the woods, following the trail. Applejack and Rainbow Dash remained silent to let her focus for several minutes until the pegasus broke the silence.

“Do you guys hear that?” she asked.

The other two swiveled their ears around until they too heard the same sound. It was the sound of somepony screaming. The three ponies took off toward the noise. Soon enough the screaming stopped, and voices took their place.

“Take it back to camp and put it with the others,” commanded the voice of a stallion.

Twilight held up a hoof to stop her companions.

“Hold on,” She spoke softly, “Don't confront them yet. Let's follow them and see if there's more. And stay silent.”

The other two just nodded and took position behind and to either side of the soldier pony. Twilight's horn flashed quickly and the their coats and manes took on a more earthy brown color. The unicorn crept up slowly until she could just barely see the suspects. It was three earth ponies, a red-brown stallion with a yellow mane, a green mare with a red mane, and a yellow stallion with an orange mane. The yellow one had a squirming burlap sack slung over its back. They followed the probable murderers (and definite foalnappers) until a small camp came into view. There were seven ponies in all.

Twilight motioned for AJ and Rainbow to stop and whispered into their ears, “You two stay here and make sure none of them escape. Do not try to help me unless I ask you to.” Dash was about to protest but Twilight stopped her before she could, “I know, Rainbow, you don't want to leave me hanging, but we can't let any of these guys go. I need you to sneak around to the other side and watch that side. AJ stay here.”

The pegasus reluctantly ran off toward the opposite side of the camp. Once RD was in position, Twilight dispelled her own camouflage and stepped out into the camp.

“Nice day for a camping trip, huh?” She announced, getting the attention of everypony there, “Kinda far to travel though isn't it? Not to mention it's in changeling lands.”

“Changelings are nothing but mindless beasts,” the yellow one snapped, “They don't have land.”

“Huh, funny,” Twilight feigned confusion, “I was under the impressions that Princess Celestia recognized this as changeling lands, but I guess some random pony in the woods would know more about it than a 1500 year old all powerful, near god-like princess.”

“What do you want here miss...” Said a gray unicorn stallion with a dark blue mane with a white stripe on each side.

“I'm just trying to find someone,” Twilight claimed, purposefully withholding her name. She lit a cigarette before continuing, “You see, three changelings have been murdered, and I was sent to bring the killers back to Canterlot for their trial.”

The red-brown pony spoke up next, “What are they being charged with?”

Twilight let out a breath of smoke and glared at them, “Treason.” the stallion backed down at her gaze, “Now, I'm sure the Princess might be merciful if they give up the changelings in their possession and cooperate.”

“And if they don't?” asked the unicorn.

“Then I put my hoof up their asses and drag them back where they will probably be executed.” Twilight said matter-of-factly.

“Ha!” the unicorn (Twilight assumed he was the leader) laughed, “You and what army?”

“Army?” Twilight scoffed, “I don't need no stinkin' army. So are you going to cooperate, or do I have to demonstrate the Korg four legged fighting technique?”

The unicorn motioned to the mare of the group, and she went into the tent and dragged out the sack holding the changeling. Twilight thought they were cooperating until the mare drew a knife and held it over the bag.

The unicorn gave a malicious grin, “How about this; you leave or we just kill this thing you seem so fond of. And don't even try casting any spells, Cabbage Patch is quick enough that she'd strike before you could even cast a levitation spell.”

Twilight smirked, “Is that so?”

“Oh, she's quite fa...” Before he could even finish his thought, Twilight teleported to the mare and delivered a punishing roundhouse kick to the head, sending the filly flying. He stared for a second before he could find his voice again, “Get her!”

Two charged at her from the front. The first was met with a quick left jab to the jaw, followed by a strong hook from her metal right hoof. Following through, she planted her left hoof and swung her body around. Twilight's back hooves connected with the legs of the second stallion. Without the support of his hooves, his face hit dirt moments before another hoof was driven into the back of his head, knocking him unconscious.

Two more tried catching her off guard with a sneak attack. One swung his right hook at her only to have it deflected by Twilight's own hoof. She recoiled with a back hoof to the face and rolled over his back, grabbing him around the neck mid-roll. With a heave, Twilight flung the stallion into the his companion. Twilight looked up to see the tail end of the last of the henchponies disappear into the foliage only to be launched back by the powerful kick of the apple farmer.

“Give it up,” Twilight turned on the killer unicorn as Applejack and Rainbow Dash emerged from the woods, “You alone against three very skilled opponents. There's no hope of you getting away.”

“You're fools,” he seethed, “These things are lying to us! They're using the Princesses kindness against them. This is another plot to take over Equestria, and you're playing right into their hooves.” he sighed, “Fine, I’ll go with you. Right after...”

His horn lit up as he charged a spell and aimed his horn at the bagged changeling. In the blink of an eye, the unicorn stallion was screaming in agony, blood coming from the bony stump on his forehead, and Twilight stood in front of him scowling. A blade, edges glowing yellow, retracted back into her metal hoof.

“Magic is a gift meant to improve the lives of everyone,” Twilight said coldly, “You would use it to kill the innocent! You don’t deserve such a beautiful gift. By order of Princess Celestia, you are hereby under arrest for the murder of Equestria's allies and violating international law. AJ, Rainbow, help me tie them up. Let's get them back to Canterlot.”

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