• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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ItB 1.5: Fond Farewells

“Stop it,” Twilight giggled as she tried to fix her mane, “I'm trying to get ready.”

Curt ignored her and continued kissing her neck, “We still have an hour and a half before the party. Plenty of time.”

The six months since she returned home had been some of the best in Twilight's life. Not only was she back with her friends, but she had a boyfriend that thought she was the prettiest mare in the galaxy. When he showed up after she was sure he had left and told her how he felt about her, she had leaped into his arms and immediately planted her lips on his. Between the moonlit strolls and magical experiments, she couldn't be happier... Oh, and sex. She really liked that part. Now, she even gets to spend Hearths Warming with him.

“Goddess, you're insatiable. Alright, a quickie.”

Curt picked his mare up, placed her on the bed, and began stripping himself. They didn't get past passionate kissing before a multicolor blur flew through the window.

“Twilight! Twili... oops...” Rainbow Dash's eyes widened when she noticed what she interrupted.

“Rainbow,” Twilight said icily, “I'm going to hurt you.”

“Eep,” Rainbow squeaked and took off back out the window shouting apologies.

“You really should start locking that window,” Curt chuckled.

“I know. Let me go see what she wants.” Twilight got up and levitated her datapad to her. She brought up Dash's number and called her back. The pegasus reentered the library, through the front door this time, in a manner more fitting Fluttershy.

“Is there a reason you interrupted us, Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked.

“I'm so sorry,” Rainbow apologized, “It's just that the sim-u-whatzit came and me and Spike don't know how to use it.”

“The simulator?” Twilight sighed, “Alright, I guess that is kind of important. If you're going to make it in Zero-G Racing you're going to need a lot of practice.” She turned back to the human, “Curt, I gotta go. I'll make it up to you tonight.”

“Alright. I'll see you in a bit,” came the reply.

Twilight put on a coat and stepped out into the snow covered streets followed by Rainbow Dash. The two mares walked toward the cloud house making a bit of small talk.

“Applejack accepted the job,” Twilight told her friend, “She'll be leaving on the first transport after Harmony Station is finished.”

“I know,” Rainbow replied, “She told me this morning. Fluttershy's thinking about it too.”


“Yeah. They said something about needing someone to make sure the wildlife is adjusting to the ecosystem.”

“Wow, 'ecosystem'?” Twilight chuckled, “That's a big word, Dashie. Don't hurt yourself over it.”

“Shut up,” Dash pushed the scholar playfully, “I know a few big words. I married a guy that's almost as big of an egghead as you.”

“Yeah, I know,” Twilight gave a fake scowl, “You stole my number one assistant, you jerk.”

“He's my number one assistant, now,” RD smirked, “He assists me in the bedroom, the shower, the kitchen table-”

“Stop! I don't want to know that!” Twilight interrupted, “Damn it Dash, he's like my brother, or hell, almost a son. You're married, it's a given you guys get intimate, I don't need details.” She was quiet for a moment before adding, “I still think your 'wedding' should have been more than a judge stamping a piece of paper.”

“What?” Rainbow said indignantly, “We had a party afterward. Besides, I'm not into that sissy stuff like weddings. Spike didn't mind either, so... Anyway, what about you and Curt? You two think you might get married?”

“We've talked a little about the possibility, but it's still too early. We would like to get married one day, though.”

“Just remember to send us the invitations long enough ahead of time that I can make it. Now come on,” Rainbow Dash gave a thrust of her wings, and launched herself towards her floating home. When she noticed her lavender friend wasn't following her, she glided lazily back giving a bemused look. “Don't tell me you still haven't been practicing?”

“Well, I'm sorry,” Twilight shot, exasperated, “This isn't the flutterwing spell. You don't have to know how to fly with that, it does it for you. These,” Twilight flared her draconic wings, glaring at them, “aren't like that. Unicorns don't fly, and the instinct to do so was apparently in a part of the Nightmare that I lost.”

“That's why you practice genius,” RD rolled her eyes, “Instinct can only take you so far. No pegasus ever learns to fly without getting up there and crashing a few times. You know, for being such an egghead, you can be kinda dense sometimes. Come on, I’ll be right beside you.”

Twilight groaned, “Fine, hold on,” Her horn lit up as she grumbled under her breath. Despite the wings, she still needed a cloud walking spell to visit her prismatic friend and little brother. “Okay, ready.”

With a strong thrust, the quasi-unicorn took to the air on unsteady wings. Even though the cloud house was only around a hundred feet up, the flight still took about ten minutes. The moment they touched cloud, Twilight pulled her head from the small crater and took a moment to catch her breath.

“See, Twi, you're fine,” Rainbow rubbed her friend's back soothingly, “How bout this, you help me practice piloting a racer, and I'll help you practice flying, kay?”

Twilight thought for a second before continuing, “Okay, deal. I got these things, so I might as well learn to use them.”

“Sweet! Now help us set this thing up.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“That should do it,” Twilight inspected the machine, “Now, all you do is sit here and put this over your head. It's been modified for you, so it'll fit easily. After that, you just follow the instructions it gives you. Your sponsor will receive feedback of your progress, so take it seriously.”

“Got it, let's try it out,” Rainbow said moving toward it.

“Hold on, Dashie,” Spike interrupted her, “We gotta get going, or we're going to be late.”

“Late!” Twilight's eyes widened as she looked at the clock, “Come on, let's go!” the purple mare ran out the door and leaped from the porch, gliding toward Sweet Apple Acres.

The landscape was rushing past when she recalled a very important fact... she had never successfully landed. Her mind raced, trying to think of a plan that would get her back on the ground without injury. A hundred different ideas raced through her head. Flashing took all her focus and could cause her to crash, blinking would just make her speed up. Only one idea stood out as the most likely to succeed. Twilight took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and...

“Help!” She hollered as loud as she could, “Somepony please help me! I don't wanna die!”

“Twilight,” a voice said as she continued screaming.

“Twilight?” it repeated, and the mare still shrieked.


Twilight finally stopped screaming and opened her eyes. She was hovering mere feet above the ground, wrapped in a blue aura. She looked around and noticed Curt giving her a bemused look.

“Put your feet down,” he deadpanned.

“Oh... right,” Twilight blushed in embarrassment as she was set down, “Thanks, Curt. Uh, sorry.”

“God you're adorable when you're embarrassed.”

“Shut up,” Twilight's blush deepened.

“What was that about anyway?”

“I didn't want to be late, so I jumped from Rainbow's porch.”

“Well you're not late,” the former soldier scratched her behind the ear, “But if we don't get going, we will be.”

“Okay, this should be good practice for you,” Twilight grinned at him, “Blink the whole way.”

“The whole way?” Curt sounded a little unsure, “Alright, I’ll try.”

“And you can fly there,” Rainbow added as she landed beside them, “And land without help.”

“What?” Twilight half shouted, “Oh, come on! I just flew most of the way!”

“No, you glided,” Spike countered, “That's easy. Powered flight is another story. Not to mention you didn't land on your own.”

“Spike! You traitor!” Twilight groaned.

“Sorry, Twi, but I gotta stand by the wife before anypony else. Besides, she's right and you know it.”

“I'm not flying if you aren't beside me, Rainbow.” Twilight stretched out her wings properly.


The human and nightmare practiced their skills as Rainbow Dash and Spike watched to ensure they didn't hurt themselves. They arrived at the orchard quickly thanks to their methods of travel. Curt collapsed in a snow drift, panting, while Twilight tried to land. It wasn't easy with a Type I prosthetic, but she still hadn't been able to procure another Type IV like her old one.

“It's good to see you practicing,” said the wizened voice Twilight recognized as her teacher.

“Princess, you made it!” Twilight rushed to nuzzle her mentor, “You're looking better. Your mane is all pink again, and you look a lot younger.”

The regal mare returned the gesture, “Thank you, I feel better. My magic has almost been restored to Cadence's level. I can already flash to Canterlot from here, though it would tire me greatly.”

“Well, I'm just glad you decided to spend the day with us.”

“It will be the last Hearth’s Warming we will spend together for some time. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Luna had some last minute duties to attend to, and shall arrive shortly as well. Shall we begin the festivities?”

“Oh yeah!” Pinkie bounced.

It was a warm and festive party in the barn of Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack and Rainbow Dash found anything and everything they could to compete with each other. Fluttershy, Rarity, and Celestia sat around listening to one of Discord's stories of alternate dimensions, something about a really fast blue rat.

Twilight was happy that Rarity was doing better. She still wore Sweetie's choker, and hid the scared, eyeless side of her face with her mane, but she smiled sometimes.

Applebloom laid on her side on a cushy pillow, rubbing her swelling belly with one hoof while humming a lullaby, being waited on hoof and tail by Parry, who insisted she take it easy. Scootaloo chatted up Lyra and Bon Bon about her last show in Manehattan. Vinyl was working the turntables with Dinky, while Derpy and Octavia laughed at one of Pinkie's jokes. Luna, who had shown up a few minutes after the party began, was teaching Curt a couple little cantrips she picked up in one of her and her sister's many prank wars.

“If you use any of those on me, I’ll kick your ass to Polaris,” Twilight warned with a smile.

Curt responded with a smile that screamed false innocence, “Why, I'd never even think about it, sweetheart.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes at him with a smirk, knowing what was going to be coming soon. The two glared at each other until they burst out in laughter.

“Well, you two are obviously enjoying yourselves,” said a certain minty unicorn as she and her wife approached.

“How's it going, Lyra, Bon Bon?” Twilight greeted.

“Good,” replied the candy maker, “You guys got a second?”

“Sure, what's up?”

Lyra gave a look to her mare and back to Curt, “We were wondering if you would like to sire a foal for us.”

Curt stared blankly for a few seconds as the request registered in his mind, “Come again?”

Twilight was trying her hardest to suppress a laugh. “She's asking if you want to knock her up.”

Curt's eyes widened as he stammered, “Uh, I-I don't... what do you... I'm... I don't think... I'm with Twilight.”

Lyra and Bon Bon gave each other a confused look before the green pony said, “Okay... What's that have to do with anything?”

Twilight decided to show her boyfriend mercy, “What he's trying to say, is that in human culture it's considered taboo to have sexual relations with someone when romantically involved someone else.”

“Really?” Bon Bon was rather taken back by that, “Oh...”

Seeing the two looking down, Curt spoke, “This is normal in your culture right?”

Twilight smiled, “Of course. Applejack's parents were both mares. She was sired by Orange Grove, a stallion from Manehattan. She calls him 'Uncle Orange'.”

“So, do males that sire foals have to be involved with the foal?” Curt asked.

“No. Many do, but it's not mandatory,” Twilight explained.

Curt gave his girlfriend an inquisitive look, “Do you actually want me to... sire a foal for another mare?”

Twilight threw her hooves around his neck, “Logically, it would introduce genetic diversity, and you are a fine candidate for reproduction. Emotionally, this is how things are done here. I think it's a great idea, but I don't want you to do anything you don't want to. If you're uncomfortable with it, we won't pressure you.”

Curt turned toward the couple, “Can I think about it for a while?”

“Of course,” Lyra smiled, “I'm not going to go into heat for about three months, so there's plenty of time. We'll leave you guys to it then. I'm going to go see if there are anymore of those muffins Derpy brought.”

As the two left, Twilight gave Curt a peck and said, “Aren't you lucky to have a girlfriend that'll let you bang other ponies?”

Curt laughed, “I'm lucky regardless.”

“Time to open presents!” Their thoughts were interrupted by Cheerlie's announcement.

“Sweet!” Rainbow shot to the pile and picked one out, “Twilight, open mine first.”

“Okay... It's not going to explode and cover me in jam is it?”

“Oh, come on!” Dash groaned, “That was one time, and it was funny.”

Twilight gave her friend a suspicious look but took the gift anyway. She carefully unwrapped the present, looking out for any trigger mechanisms, but found none. It was a hardcover book, the cover image was mostly black with a bright light that looked like a sun rising over a planet from orbit and silvery letters along the bottom.

Twilight read it out loud, “Into the Black: The Tale of Twilight Sparkle? Dash, is this...”

“Yep, my new book. A biography of your adventures in space. I just need your okay to begin publishing.”

“Of course, I'd be honored for you to be my biographer,” Twilight beamed, “I'm sure you added plenty of your own ideas, though. So when do I fight the fifty foot tall super robot?”

“Chapter twenty two, and it's seventy foot,” Rainbow replied with a smug look, “Oh, and I started your steamy romance at the Christmas party when it should have started.”

“You? Writing romance?” Curt chuckled.

“Believe it or not, she's good at that,” Twilight said, “Of course, her idea of romance is just a lot of sex.”

“Duh, what's more romantic than gettin' nasty?” Rainbow said with a couple thrusts of her hips for emphasis.

“You're a pervert,” Applejack chuckled.

“And you used to love it,” countered the pegasus.

“Hold on,” Curt looked between the weather pony and the farmer, “Did you two used to date?”

“For a few months,” Applejack answered, “Fluttershy and Rarity convinced us we should give it a go, since we was such good friends and all.”

“What happened?”

“We're too similar in the wrong ways,” Rainbow answered, “It was cool for a while, but then we started getting into arguments every other day. It got worse and worse until one day we got into a hoof fight... we didn't talk to each other for a while.”

“Enough talk of past mistakes,” Celestia interrupted, “Let us continue giving our gifts.”

Several gifts were exchanged, some genuine, some gags, some Pinkie. Applejack finally got the plow she was needing from Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash got Twilight some sexy lingerie, which Twilight quickly said was going to be returned... AJ called her bluff.

“Hey, Twilight,” Rainbow called, “You got one from Techy.”

“Technia? That's weird,” Twilight took the gift in her magic and peeled the paper from it. She opened the box and stared for a while, stunned, before leaping into the air with a loud, “Yes! Thank you, you psychotic genius.” She levitated out a brand new prosthetic. It looked exactly like her old one, but was a polished lavender color that matched her coat perfectly. Twilight quickly removed the leg she had on, and replaced it with the new, high tech limb. She moved it around experimentally, “You have no idea how good this feels.”

Several more were given until Twilight pulled out a surprise gift and card for her teacher.

Celestia took the card first and looked at the cover, reading it out loud, “Have a happy Hearth’s Warming...” She flipped it open, “Or Woona will get you, daww.” The photo of a little, four year old Luna glaring and pointing a hoof graced the card, “That's adorable.”

Applejack stifled a giggle as she looked over Celestia's shoulder, “Mah stars, Princess, you were a right precious little filly.”

“Twilight!” Luna tried to give an angry glare, but couldn't keep from smiling.

Celestia opened the present to reveal a picture frame and her breath caught, “Oh my... Twilight, this is...”

“What is it?” Luna asked as she moved to see. Her expression quickly matched her sister's, “Oh... It's father.”

“I figured you probably didn't have a photo of King Solaris since the camera wasn't invented until almost a thousand years after he died, and I took a picture with him when I was there, so I just removed myself and...”

“Oh Twilight,” Celestia said as she and Luna picked up the winged unicorn in a strong embrace, “Never have I received such a wonderful gift. Thank you.”

“You are a true friend, Twilight,” Luna added.

The moment lasted for about a minute before the royals released their willing captive. It was then that Rarity cleared her throat to get everyone's attention.

“Excuse me. Now that the gifts are given, as well as our thanks to those that gave, I have an announcement. Last night I received a message. I've been accepted into the Emergency Response Team. I leave on the first shuttle from Harmony Station once it is completed.”

“The ERT?” Twilight gasped, “Rarity, that's one of the most dangerous jobs in the galaxy! People die in that all the time! Please reconsider.”

Rarity replied, “Twilight, I've thought about it quite enough, thank you. My decision has been made.”

“But... what if you get killed?” Twilight asked.

Rarity sighed, “Would you like to know how I learned of them? I received a message on my datapad from an anonymous source... while I stood on a ladder with a noose around my neck.” Everyone in the room was shocked by that revelation. “I was ready to end it all, Twilight. My life had no meaning without Sweetie Belle, and the pain was unbearable. I don't know who sent it, or even why I read it, but when I read the message I felt that I could have a purpose again.”

“But... how did you get accepted? You're missing an eye.” Twilight asked.

Rarity moved her mane away from her eye. For the second time, gasps came from everyone present. A silver and blue cybernetic eye stared back at them.

“I went to speak with Technia. I asked if there was anything she could do, and she made this,” Rarity let her mane fall back over the eye, “It can see through most materials, in the dark, can record images and technical data, as well as several other functions. She even included a cutting laser because, as she put it, 'you never know when you'll need to cut through three inches of steel'. She's a mad mare, but she's a genius.”

Twilight stared at the ground for a time before speaking, “Rarity...” she looked into her friend's eye. She could tell this was something she had to do, “just... stay safe.”

“I won't just throw my life away without good cause. I can't save lives if I get myself killed.”

“So, I guess that means Pinkie is going to the only one staying here?” Spike observed.

“That’s alright,” Pinkie said with a smile, “There’s going to be a lot of new friends coming to our planet for the first time, and somepony needs to be here to welcome them.”

“Is Princess Celestia okay with you doing this?” Twilight asked.

“Of course she does,” Pinkie said, but her mood lowered, “But I can’t use my welcome wagon mark three.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

It had been just over a year since construction began on Harmony Station, and it was finally done. Twilight and her friends were all bidding their friends and family goodbye on the warm summer day.

“Are y'all sure y'all be alright without me?” Applejack asked as she held her month old niece.

“Course we will, Applejack,” Applebloom reassured her big sis, “Ah'll be ready to get back to buckin' in no time, and Parry's gotten pretty good at it, too. Just make sure you call every now and then.”

“Course Ah will, sugarcube,” AJ said, “And make sure not to spoil this little angel.” She gave the filly back to her mother.

“Ah'll try, but no promises,” Applebloom giggled as she took her daughter, “She's just so precious.”

Applejack rolled her eyes with a loving smile.

“So, Twily,” Shining Armor made his way to his sister's side, “I guess you're leaving us again.”

“It's different this time, Shiny,” Twilight said, “You know where I'm going, and we can still talk to each other.”

“I know, I just worry about you.”

“That's why you're my BBBFF,” Twilight pulled him into a hug, “I'll miss you, big bro.”

“I'll miss you, too, sis,” Shining looked over at Curt, “Take care of her for me, big guy. She's the only little sister I have.”

“Will do,” Curt answered.

“Sorry I can't stay. Cadence and I are meeting Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis for an outing.”

Curt gave the stallion a knowing grin, “So Cadence finally got them to agree? Your dream has come true.”

Shining's eyes widened as he shifted nervously, “Uh, I don't know what you're talking about. I gotta go!”

Twilight watched her brother's frantic retreat in confusion, “What was that about?”

“Don't worry about it,” Curt said.

Before the winged unicorn could press further, the others caught up. Applejack looked up at the tower and asked, “That thing goes all the way to space?”

“That's right,” Twilight confirmed, “It'll take us to Harmony Station in geosynchronous orbit, where we'll board our ship that will take us to the nearest hub station-”

Pinkie laughed, “Ponies are going to the 'Hub' station! Get it?”

Twilight stared in confusion at the pink pony before resuming, “And then we'll transfer to different ships that will take us the rest of the way. The trip to the hub-” Pinkie snortled again, “will take about five days, and from there it will be different for each of us. AJ, Fluttershy, yours will be the longest, close to a week, since it's out on the fringes.”

“So, do we have to wear these clothes the whole time?” Rainbow Dash asked pulling the collar of her tee shirt for emphasis.

“Yes,” Twilight answered, “Remember, we're new to the Alliance. We can't expect the billions of people to change their customs just for us. We have to adjust to them, and that means following their laws. That means if you walk around naked, you'll get arrested.”

Rainbow scoffed, “That's dumb. The shirt I can handle, but these pants are not comfortable.”

“Ah know, sugarcube,” AJ placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder, “Ah don't like it either, but we gotta follow their laws if we're goin' out there.”

“Maybe you should wear a skirt,” Rarity recommended.

The conversation was abruptly interrupted by a gasp from the yellow pegasus in the group. The others looked over to see her looking at something. They followed her gaze to see Technia and another pony heading toward them.

“Rarity!” Technia called, “I'm glad I found you before you left.”

“Flicka?” Fluttershy couldn't believe her eyes, “Is that you? But... I saw you die.”

“I nearly did,” replied the unicorn, “Technia found me barely alive. She took me and saved my life. I'm about as much machine as pony, but I'm alive.”

“That's one of the things I wanted to talk to you about,” Technia continued, “She's also joined the ERT and you two are going to be placed in the same unit. I made some calls to make sure it would happen. Oh, I also needed to give you this maintenance kit for your eye.” The technophile produced a small red bag.

“Thank you, Technia,” Rarity took the small bag and placed it in her saddlebags, “I suppose this is goodbye for now.”

“I guess so. Oh, and don't tell them about the laser,” Technia warned, “They made me take out Flika's missile launchers when I requested she have access to an armory to reload them.”

Rarity glanced over at the cyborg who merely shrugged, “Right...”

“Shh!” Twilight silenced the talking, “Celestia is about to speak.”

The regal alicorn walked to the podium and cleared her throat, “A little over a year ago, our world was visited by beings from another world. They invited us to join them in the stars, and began construction on Harmony Station. Those of you leaving today are pioneers. You are leaving the familiar world of your ancestors, and venturing into a strange, new world, with customs that differ greatly from our own. You will likely struggle to adapt, but the potential rewards are great.”

Celesta lit her horn, “Without further ado, I hereby open Harmony Station.” The massive doors of the tower opened wide. The crowd cheered as the gateway opened.

“So girls,” Twilight smiled as she looked back at her friends, “Are you ready to see some of the most amazing things you've ever seen?”

With nods of consent, the small group entered the doors, and began their journeys into a vast, exciting world.

The end...

for now

Author's Note:

That's it for this folks, but the story isn't over yet. After a brief break and a short story not related, we'll begin work on the collab. Click this link for the collab page. That being said, we need editors and artists. Those of you interested contact; for Twilight, myself, for Rarity, Flicka, for Applejack and Fluttershy, Journeyman, and for Rainbow Dash, E3gner. Keep an eye out for my next fic, too. It'll be my first without any sort of human in it (I know, right).

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