• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 27: It's About Time

Everyone that remained on the ground watched as the blurs zipped across the sky...everyone but Celestia, who was once again lost in thought. Twilight noticed her teacher was no longer watching the race and approached her.

“Are you alright Princess?” Twilight asked in concern, “I'm guessing you're thinking about the true history of Avol. I couldn't stop thinking about it for days.”

Celestia smiled warmly at her student. “I'm sure, but...I can't help feeling betrayed. To think that mother and father weren't even born ponies, but humans. It's just a bit jarring to learn you're only thirty six years younger than your entire species.”

“I bet,” Twilight giggled, “But the way I see it, we're still the same ponies we were before. The only difference is, now we have family we never knew about.”

Celestia let out a sigh, “I suppose you're right.” She giggled, “If things continue like this, I'll be calling you my teacher.”

Twilight had to laugh, “Ha! I can see it now, ‘Dear Twilight, I learned today that ponies use to be big bald space monkeys, your faithful student, Princess Celestia’... actually, I like the sound of that. I'll expect a report from you every week about what you've learned.”

“Great. Now I get to run around Equestria having fun with friends while you deal with the nobles' petty squabbling,” Celestia gave Twilight her best trollface.

“On second thought, I like our current arrangement just fine.” Twilight recanted quickly.

“I thought so, though I still think you would do well.” Twilight already knew where she was going with this, “I do wish you would reconsider my offer, Twilight.”

Twilight sighed, “I have considered it. I'm sorry Princess, but...I just can't stand the thought of outliving all my friends.”

“You'd still have us,” Celestia offered.

“I'm sorry. The life of a princess just isn't for me. Please, don't ask me again.”

Celestia blinked back a tear, “Very well. I won't ask again.”

Twilight looked over to the pink hoof some distance away, beckoning her, “Excuse me, Princess. Pinkie wants something.”

Celestia nodded and watched her student trot off to her pink friend. She turned away and let her tear fall. “I can't stand the thought of outliving you, either.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“What's up, Pinkie?” Twilight asked as she approached.

“What's up? What's up!” Pinkie got right in Twilight's face. “There are aliens...here...in Equestria...and I'm Pinkie Pie!”

“Oh, right,” Twilight recoiled a bit, “When?”

“An hour. The other guests should be arriving soon.” Pinkie turned and headed inside, Twilight close behind.

“What do you mean ‘other guests’? When did you send out the invitations?” Twilight asked.

“Yesterday,” Pinkie explained, “My Party Sense tingled, so I set it up.”

“Oh, alright.”

The two made their way to the ballroom where Pinkie started surveying the area. After a few “mhm”s and “aha”s she stood beside Twilight again. “Alrighty then!” Pinkie pulled something that reminded Twilight of a cross between her party cannon and an R-47 portable missile platform. She held it in her forehooves while standing upright, “Do you like it? I call it the PC-9000!” She put her eye to the scope on the side. The party animal pulled the trigger and a massive rocket shot out and detonated in the very center of the room. Decorations were flung to every section of the room. Balloons, streamers, confetti, games, a bartender...

How the...stop. Don't do this to yourself again, Twilight. Forget what you saw.

After whipping her logical side down before it tried dissecting Pinkie's brain again, she followed the pink pony to the door. Pinkie flung them open, and in a voice that rivaled Luna's, shouted, “It's party time!”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Like every Pinkie Party, it was in full swing in no time. Vinyl Scratch was tearing up a tune while Lyra and Bon Bon danced with Raak and Aden. Rarity and Fluttershy were chatting with Fancypants and Fleur de Lis. Seth was chatting with Shining Armor. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie, and Lightning Dust were crowded around Gilda and Thunderlane. Twilight and Applejack were at a table hoofwrestling. Curt had to chuckle at the sight. He knew Twilight wasn't competitive which meant she was probably demonstrating the strength of her prosthetic. Judging by the strained look on the farm pony's face, she was making her point.

Always wanting to teach someone anything she can. He mused.

“You should ask her out,” a voice from beside him made him jump, “Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.”

He looked over to see the apologetic smile offered by the pink alicorn.

“You're fine,” he returned the smile, “What do you mean 'ask her out'? Twilight and me are just friends. ”

Cadence giggled, “Funny, I didn't say Twilight.”

Curt hung his head and smiled, “Twilight did say your special talent is love. I guess hiding it from you is pointless.” His smile faded. “I'm no good for her... I'm rude, sarcastic, irresponsible, and even if you don't take my bad traits into account, I'd still be no good. She told me once that she wants to have foals of her own, and if you haven't noticed, I’m human. I can't give her that, and I won't deny her that, either.”

Cadence just smiled knowingly, “Follow me.”

At first he thought she was going to tell Twilight. He was about to say something, but instead she headed toward the group in the corner. His curiosity made him follow the alicorn.

“Do you girls mind if I see the little cutie?” Cadence asked.

“Oh, sure thing Cadence,” Rainbow said as she moved aside, pulling Lightning with her.

Curt followed the princess into the small crowd. He looked on, eager to see, when Cadence made a bunch cooing sounds saying things like “Isn't he precious” and “who's a handsome guy”. Finally she, after asking Gilda if it was alright, she turned around to show curt a small, straw colored pegasus foal with a grey mane.

“This is Gilda and Thunderlane's son, Glen.” Cadence said with a warm smile, “And before you ask, no he wasn't adopted.”

Curt looked confused, “But, how is he a pegasus if his mother's a griffin?”

“Because ponies, griffins, and diamond dogs can't naturally reproduce, spells were made to alter either the father's seed to match the race of the mother, or the mother's egg and uterus to match the father's race. Thank you Gilda.”

“No problem, Princess.” Gilda smiled as she took her son back.

Curt followed as Cadence walked away toward Twilight. She stopped halfway and turned back to Curt.

“So...” She waited for an answer but received only a blank stare. “Is there some other ridiculous excuse as to why you're here and not asking Twilight to a movie, or dinner, or anything?”

“What about her brother? If Twilight and I got together he'd probably try to kill me.” Curt gestured to said unicorn.

“He'll come around,” Cadence assured him, “He's just protective.”

“There's a difference between 'protective' and just being a racist asshole.”

Cadence sighed and explained, “When Twilight was a filly, she was bullied relentlessly, especially in magic kindergarten. Almost every day, she'd come home with cuts and bruises from other foals beating her up. The worst was a filly named Silver Light. She even lit Twilight's tail on fire once. One day she told Twilight that she was tired of picking on her and wanted to be friends.

“For three days Silver was nice, but that Friday she asked Twilight to meet her in the west wing. The wing was undergoing heavy renovations, so it was abandoned for the weekend. Silver locked Twilight in a closet, then used an illusion spell to look like her so teachers would see her leave. We searched high and low for Twilight, but couldn't find her anywhere. On Monday, one of the workers found her unconscious and severely dehydrated and ice cold from the winter night. She was rushed to Canterlot Memorial for treatment. They told us if she was found a few hours later, she would have died.

“After she came home, she decided that she didn't need friends. She became anti-social and introverted. It wasn't that she didn't want friends, it was that she was afraid of having friends. She feared they would hurt her. It wasn't until she was facing down Nightmare Moon and saw five mares that she barely knew willingly running into danger for her that she realized what friendship really was.

“She's been through a lot, even before she left. Shining just doesn't want to see her get hurt again. I'm not excusing him mind you, I just want you to understand. Yes if you and Twilight become an item he'll hate you for a time, but eventually he'll see how good you are to her and come around... especially if you turn out to be a good father.”

Curt blushed, “Well, she likes Raak anyway, so th-”

“Really?” Cadence gave him a deadpan glare, “I can't say what was there, but now she just sees him as a guy she'd like a roll in the hay with and nothing else. Everyone has someone they would like to just have a night of mature fun with, even Shining and I.”

Curt barely held back a snicker, “Really? You two have someone you'd like a one night stand with?”

“Yes, Fancypants and Fleur de Lis are ours,” Cadence gave a sly grin.

“You're kidding?” Curt gaped.

“It's true,” Cadence said matter-of-factly, “Have you seen Fleur's body? What I would do to that, mmm.”

Curt stared wide eyed at the unexpected comment. “Wait...you like Fleur? But that means-”

“That's all Raak is to her now,” the pink princess interrupted him, “She likes you. At least ask her to dance.”

Curt thought for a couple seconds, “I suppose I could do that. Uh, does she know how to dance?”

“Yeah, she took lessons a few years ago,” Cadence assured, “Now go and cut a rug.”

She pushed Curt toward the lavender mare. After a couple steps he looked back to Cadence, hoping for a bit of a confidence boost. He saw her talking to Vinyl and Octavia.

Oh god, she's planning something.

“...useful fer a barn raisin',” Applejack laughed a little before noticing the human, “Why howdy, Curt.”

“Hello Applejack, Twilight,” he held out his hand, and with a mock-posh voice asked, “Would you care to dance?”

Twilight giggled and took the offered hand. “Why of course, good sir.”

As he lead her to the dance floor, Vinyl called to her posh friend, “You ready, Tavi?”

“As ever,” came the reply.

Vinyl Scratch hit a big red button on her table. Suddenly the speakers slid apart and extended upward. A trio of lights shined down on the gray earth pony, as a wire snaked its way to the cello in her hooves and attached to the side. Octavia and Vinyl started their music, blending perfectly.

Twilight stood up on her hind legs and placed her left hoof in his hand and her right on his shoulder. The beat was fast and furious, but they moved just as fast, just as furious. They moved with the music, letting it guide their feet and hooves. They stepped, twisted, turned, and dipped with the addictive music. Octavia's bow tore across her cello with poise and grace, while Vinyl spun her tracks with precision and passion, creating a perfect balance of opposites that melded into a harmonic whole, sweeping away the dancers. The others in the room took notice and stopped to watch the display.

As the song approached the end, time slowed to a crawl for Curt, as Twilight closed her eyes and twirled. His breath caught at the beauty in front of him. Her dark, sapphire-blue mane, with violet and rose highlights seemed to flow in the air. Her lavender coat shined brilliantly. Even the polished metal of her right foreleg added to her beauty. If those weren't enough, as she came back around, she opened her eyes and looked straight at him. Those gorgeous violet eyes seemed to shimmer with a light all their own. She spun back into his arms and he dipped her one final time, to stop with the music. He held her there, lost in those same pools of radiance, as they stared back into his. Did he dare? They had kissed before, but only in the throes of lust. He leaned in slowly, hoping she would let him. To his utter joy, she moved up toward him ever so slightly. The light from the chandelier above reflected in her eyes. When their faces were mere inches away, her eyes widened with fear.

“Oh goddess!” In a flash of light, Twilight teleported a few feet away, laying on the floor, shaking, with her hooves over her head.

“Twilight, I'm sorry, I...” Curt tried to apologize, coming up short.

Twilight stilled her quivering and looked up at him. “I'm sorry I freaked out. It's just...I'm terrified of that chandelier.” Curt looked up at the crystal decoration in confusion. “When I was about fifteen, I was showing Princess Celestia a float spell, but I used too much energy and I hit that chandelier. When I landed and took a few steps forward...it fell so close, I felt it brush my tail! I had to have pieces of crystal removed from all across my backside... If I paused to take a breath, it would have killed me!”

“Oh...sorry,” Curt apologized again, “I didn't know.”

“Are you alright, Curt?” Twilight asked, “It's not your fault, honest.”

“I'm alright,” He assured her, “I just...need some air.”

“Wait,” Twilight tried to stop him, but a flash of blue light signaled he had already teleported. “What...what did I do wrong?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Shining Armor wiped the sweat from his brow. “That was a close one.”

Cadence glared at him. “Shining Armor!”

“What?” He said indignantly, “I said I wouldn't interfere, and I won't. That doesn't mean that I want that guy dating my sister.”

Cadence's glare sharpened, “Shining, dear...”

“Uh, yeah honey?”

“Make sure you pick up plenty of lotion and tissues on your way home. You'll be needing them for a while.”

“Wha...oh come on, sweet'ums!”

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