• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 13: What is Evil?

7 years ago...

Celestia and Luna watched, as the train carrying Twilight and her friends made its way toward the Crystal Kingdom, to aid Shining Armor and Cadence against King Sombra’s dark influence.

“I still think it would be best if I accompanied the Element Bearers,” Luna protested.

“No, little sister, you have a different task,” Celestia's voice became serious, getting Luna's undivided attention, “We've found them.”

Luna's confused expression became one of surprise, as she realized who her sister was talking about.

“Where?” came her simple question.

“Heart Valley, to the east,” Celestia answered, “I would like you to be the one to lead the assault. This is a threat we can not ignore. Now remember, Lulu, things are not as they were a thousand years ago. Do not kill them if you can help it.”

Luna sighed, “Very well, but it will make things more difficult. Have we learned anything new about the changelings?”

“No,” Celestia answered, “We still know nothing outside what Cadence was able to get from Chrysalis while she was captive. We don't even know if they really are insects or some strange mutated pony race.”

“I was hoping for something a little more helpful,” Luna slumped a little but perked up quickly, “There's nothing we can do about it now. We have a foe in need of a thrashing. When I return, dear sister, the changelings will be a threat no longer!”

“A detachment of royal guard pegasi are awaiting you in the courtyard,” Celestia informed her younger sibling.

“Of course, I shall retrieve them and depart immediately.” In a flash of indigo light, the lunar diarch was before her soldiers.

The Captain gave a sharp salute, “Ready and awaiting orders, your highness.”

“After months of searching, we have finally found the changeling hive,” Luna informed them, “Now we shall punish them for their crimes. We meet them on their own ground and shall drive them from Equestria. Come, we fly!”

Luna took to wing after the short speech. The two dozen pegasi took after their princess with some difficulty. Few could actually match her speed, but thankfully she flew at a more reasonable pace. They flew for about six hours, resting after five. Soon they found themselves outside a cavern.

“Why are there no guards posted?” the captain asked.

“Shh!” Luna silenced him sharply, “Follow me and be quiet.”

The princess and the soldiers made their way into the cavern, weapons bared. After following the only passage they were greeted with an unexpected sight. Instead of the rough dug tunnels they expected, they found themselves in a beautifully crafted stonework city. Its meticulously carved walls, depicting forest scenes, and ocean views, were more extravagant than even Canterlot Palace. Gem lights adorned bronze sconces on the walls. Another thing that was different than their expectations was the fact that the artistically crafted halls were empty.

“Where are they?” one of the soldiers whispered.

Luna glared at him, causing him to cringe. He mouthed an apology and they continued on. Less than two minutes later the captain tapped Luna's foreleg to get her attention. He pointed a hoof at a corner with a black, holed hoof sticking out. Luna nodded and charged her horn as she crept up to the unsuspecting changeling. Suddenly, the moon princess leaped around the corner followed by her entourage to find... a corpse? A collective gasp came from the ponies at the sight before them. Changelings laid about the hallway, some dead, the rest nearly so. The ones that still lived cowered and shook with fear at the sight of the armored ponies making their way down the hall.

Luna approached one of the stronger (by comparison) looking ones and asked, “Where is your queen?”

The insect-like pony (or pony-like insect whichever the case) pointed to a large open door at the end of the hall. Luna nodded and made her way down to what was likely the throne room. Upon entering, her theory was confirmed by the presence of the large black figure slumped on the floor in front of the marble throne. The queen's eye's met Luna's with... relief?

“I see you've finally found us, Princess,” Chrysalis said with joy in her voice, “No doubt you're here to rid the world of us.”

Luna flinched at the accusation, “No, we're not here to kill you.”

Chrysalis’ expression went from nearly giddy to angry, “Why? Are you so cruel as to leave us to suffer!” the changeling monarch bowed her head, “Please, at least end it for my beloved subjects. They were merely following the orders I gave them. Let me suffer if you wish, but not them. End their suffering.”

In the silence, Luna heard the sound of dripping water. She's weeping... Could this truly be the evil creature that attacked Canterlot only months ago? It seemed things were not as she and Celestia had thought. Luna charged her horn and cast a far-speak spell.

Tia,” Luna called her sister.

Yes, Lulu?” Celestia responded.

You need to come immediately,” Luna said seriously, “There's been a development you need to be aware of.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Celestia could hardly believe her eyes. Such a beautiful city marred by the sight of dead and dying creatures. She had similar nightmares before about ponies in the her palace, but this, even though they were an enemy of Equestria, was so much worse than just a nightmare... This was real. When she finally made it into the throne room, she found Luna kneeling beside several changelings, brushing their manes(?) with her hoof.

Is Luna feeding them? Celestia asked herself.

Luna looked up at her older sibling with pleading eyes. Celestia knew her sister like nopony else. She knew how difficult it was to get Luna's forgiveness, yet here she was trying to help creatures that attacked her home. Celestia walked up and kneeled beside Luna.

“What happened?” Celestia asked calmly.

“Oh, Tia,” Luna had tears in her eyes, “We were so very wrong. They aren't the evil monsters we thought they were. They were starving and desperate.”

Celestia looked at Queen Chrysalis. She was curled into a ball, shivering. Was this really the same creature that nearly took her kingdom from her? Celestia stood up and walked over to the pained monarch.

“Tell me, Why should we show you or your changelings mercy?” Celestia asked.

“I deserve none, but my changelings are only guilty of being loyal,” Chrysalis struggled to reply, “Please don't punish them for my foolishness. I sense what Luna is doing, please let her save them. My subjects are my reason for living. I don't care what you do to me, kill me, torture me, leave me to die. I don't care, just save them.”

Celestia looked at her fellow royal, contemplating what she should do. An idea formed in her head. One to test the queen's sincerity.

“I'll tell you what,” Celestia began, “I'll save them if...” she levitated a small dagger that she keeps under her neck piece and held it out to Chrysalis, “You kill yourself with this.”

Of course she was bluffing, but 1500 years have left the princess with a flawless poker-face. Chrysalis' eyes widened in shock and horror.

“Do you swear on your honor that you will save my subjects and give them asylum in Equestria?” Chrysalis asked.

“I swear,” Celestia answered.

The dagger was ripped from Celestia's grasp and hurled toward Chrysalis' chest so fast the princess barely managed to catch it in time. What was even more shocking was how easily the changeling queen made the choice. There was no thinking, just doing what she had to in order to protect her subjects. Chrysalis looked at Celestia with confusion and betrayal.

Celestia offered a warm smile, “You truly do act for the good of your kingdom. I admire that.” Chrysalis felt a wave of energy from the raiser of the sun, “Perhaps we got off on the wrong hoof.”

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Shining Armor couldn't believe what he was hearing. Not only did the princesses not drive off the changelings, but they brought them back to Canterlot for medical attention. If it were his decision, he would have left them there.

“Shining, honey, please calm down,” Cadence pleaded with her furious husband, “I don't like either, but if what Luna said is true, then maybe... I don't know... maybe Chrysalis isn't as evil as we thought.”

“After what she did to you!” Shining snapped, “I'm sorry, I'm not mad at you. I just can't fathom what the Princesses are thinking!”

“I know why you're mad, honey, and I know what she did to me,” Cadence tried to soothe Shining, “Looking back on it, though, she could have been worse to me. She brought me plenty of good food from the kitchens and I could have sworn I saw a glimmer of regret in her eyes. I was angry at the time though so I didn't think much of it. I'm not saying to trust her, but maybe we should be the better ponies and give her a chance to redeem herself?”

“And what if she does it again?” Shining questioned.

“Then we can still say we tried,” Cadence said plainly, “Tomorrow, I'm going to help the changelings. You're not going to change my mind on this, Shiny. Everyone deserves a second chance, even if they aren't ponies.”

Shining Armor tried to protest, but couldn't find a decent counter argument. He hung his head in defeat and sighed, “Fine, but I’m going to be watching them like a hawk.”

“As you should. Giving them another chance is the proper thing to do, but letting them go without supervision would be asking for betrayal. Besides, the only reason I'm saying this is because I truly believe in second chances and don’t want to be a hypocrite. I wouldn't be surprised if this is some plot to take over again. Letting them stay here will let us keep an eye on them.” Cadence saw the surprised look on Shining's face and chuckled, “What? Did you think I would marry the captain of the guard without picking up some kind of tactical knowledge?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“I can't do this,” Chrysalis was nearly panicking, “It goes completely against changeling nature!”

“You'll do fine, Chrysie,” Luna assured the monarch.

Over the weeks the changelings had been recovering in Canterlot, she and Luna had become close friends. They both had one thing in common if nothing else; they both made terrible mistakes that nearly cost them everything they loved.

“Just remember how we practiced it,” continued the princess, “It's almost time.”

“...I expect everypony to treat our new allies with respect.” Celestia's part of the speech was coming to a close, “Queen Chrysalis wishes to address you all now. I understand you may not wish to hear what she has to say, but I ask you to at least hear her out.”

“That's your cue,” Luna urged.

Chrysalis slowly made her way onto the stage. Her fear and trepidation was magnified by the cloud of hatred coming from the crowd. It wouldn't have surprised her if they charged the stage and tore her limb from limb. Instead they did as their princess asked and waited to hear her out. Each step she took felt like her legs were made of lead. It took what seemed like hours to finally reach the podium.

Chrysalis cleared her throat and began, “Um... H-hi,” I can do this. I just have to pretend they aren't really there. “As you know, several months ago I, in my foolishness, attempted to usurp the throne of Equestria. My kingdom was starving, and in my desperation I did a terrible thing. I'm not asking that you forgive me, only that you not blame my changelings for what I commanded them to do. They are good and loyal to a fault. It was I who devised the plan, I who ordered the attack, I who should have approached Celestia under a banner of truce to plead our case. If you must hate, hate me. All I ask is that you give my subjects the chance they deserve to show you they are not evil.”

Though anger still hung in the air like a thick blanket, the hatred had thinned slightly. In its place there was a mix of emotions; confusion, sadness, pity, even a little bit of relief and joy. It wasn't much, but its presence was comforting. Perhaps someday they would be accepted. Chrysalis left the stage and made her way backstage again where her new friend awaited her.

“They still hate and fear us, Luna.” Chrysalis said solemnly.

“As they do me,” Luna placed a wing over her fellow royal's shoulders, “But in time they will come to see what you did as a simple misunderstanding. It'll take time, and there will be many difficulties, but you are strong. And if you ever are at a loss for what to do, my sister and I will be here for you. Of that you have my word.”

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