• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 17: Return

Twenty eight hours...

Twenty eight hours of sitting in one seat, unmoving. It was hell. She knew a sleep spell that would knock her out for a predetermined amount of time, but she didn’t know how long it would take when she took off. She couldn’t force sleep, she couldn’t move around, if not for her datapad she would have gone completely nuts. Thankfully though, she was able to get some sleep. Unfortunately, her sleep was interrupted by the arrival alert.

Destination approaching” Came the computer's voice, “Arrival in two minutes. Please prepare for deceleration.

“Alright, Alri~ight” Twilight said between a yawn, “Thank Celestia. Now I know why Rainbow hates hospitals so much.”

Twilight prepared to open a com channel to the White Wolf the moment she arrived. If entering FTL space felt like being turned into spaghetti, coming out of it was like being made into pizza. Debby once told her what could happen if the inertial dampeners failed. The thought made her shudder. Even the ship seemed to shudder from the gory image, or maybe it was the Dratali fighter that exploded nearby...

“Uh...” Twilight’s half asleep mind tried to catch up with what was going on.

“Oh shit!” The battle raging before her finally registered. The White Wolf was under attack by three Dratali warships. It looked like the battle had been underway for some time based on the wreckage of a fourth enemy ship. Working fast, Twilight disconnected the sled and opened the comm.

“White Wolf, this is Second Lieutenant Twilight Sparkle. I just arrived from FTL flight. What's going on?”

Twilight?” Admiral Gibson's voice came over her earpiece, “What the hell are you doing here? You should be training!

“It's a long story, sir,” Twilight replied, “And I think there's more pressing matters.”

I'll expect a report when you get back. Right now link up with Firefly and Sonic.” Gibson ordered, “Mongoose, Fool, Hammer, watch her back.”

Copy that, sir,” Seth's voice was like music, “Welcome back, Twilight.

Yeah, we missed you, Pony Girl.” added Debby.

“Good to hear your voice, Mongoose, Firefly.” Twilight never actually used their call signs before. It felt kinda weird.

Twilight put the Ax in tactical mode; the canopy lit up with targeting data, friendly positions, enemy positions, and various other pieces of information. The hum of the particle cannons, and the shimmer of the shields assured her that she was ready. She gunned the engines and headed directly for Debby and Aden. A red warning light came to life. She was being targeted.

“Oh-goddess-oh-goddess-oh-goddess!” Twilight began to panic, “Someone help!”

I have him,” Raak's voice came over the comm.

A flash of light erupted behind Twilight and the alert light was dormant once again.

It's alright, Twilight,” Raak tried to relax the unicorn, “You have all the skills needed. Just breathe, relax, and trust your instincts.

“Right,” Twilight took a deep breath and let it out slowly, calming her nerves. She took the controls in her magic and scanned the information displayed. They were vastly outnumbered, leaving few ways to get to her wingmates. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she locked on to the nearest enemy fighter. Her magical 'finger' was ready at the trigger. The moment she was in range, she fired. The bolts struck the Dratali fighter, causing it to bloom into a beautiful flower of fiery death. It made Twilight sick to her stomach. The first time, she didn't even know what was happening until it did. The second time, she just reacted to seeing what happened to those kids. This, though, was different, premeditated. These Dratali were only threatening people who could defend themselves, not helpless civilians. She didn't really know why that made it so bad, but it did. Despite her misgivings, she pressed on and destroyed three more before finally finding herself just behind and to the left of Debby.

You ready, Pony Girl?” Debby asked excitedly.

“Y-yeah, still a little nervous, but I'm good,” responded the mare.

The three of them waded through the enemy space craft. Their main focus was taking out the enemy bombers, while Mongoose protected their own. Another one of the enemy ships was badly damaged. Fires and explosions could be seen across. After shooting down another two fighters, Twilight watched as two of their bombers unloaded their deadly payload at the dying vessel. Something vital was hit, as a massive series of explosions ripped the warship to pieces.

That's another down,” Admiral Gibson said over the comm, “Two more to go. Keep up the pace.

No sooner did he say that did the shields on the ship the White Wolf was focusing on flash and disappear. The White Wolf slowly turned to aim its main cannons, two massive Mass Driver weapons, at the defenseless machine. Dual soundless shockwaves erupted from the cannons as the two massive warheads rocketed out. They buried themselves deep within the superstructure before detonating and destroying their target.

One more,” said a voice Twilight didn't know, “Don't let up!

A flashing blue light alerted Twilight to a new contact.

Alert, alert! Incoming Dratali Phoenix class battleship!” said another voice, one Twilight recognized as a comms officer she had spoken with on occasion, “All fighter squads proceed with caution.

Twilight recalled that the Phoenix class was a capital ship noted as having large hangar bays for combat spacecraft. Though that wasn't the most dangerous feature they possessed. They almost always had at least one Hellfire fighter, a modified fighter craft for adept pilots. They have systems meant to channel magic energy throughout the ship and project it outward. Unfortunately for Twilight, This one had two, and one of them set its sights on her. If not for her ability to sense magic, her journey would have ended right then and there. The unicorn pilot pushed the throttle to its max. She couldn't escape it. She could feel the connection of the tracking spell latched to her ship. Thinking as fast as she could, she activated the ejection sequence. The two halves of her custom fitting helmet enclosed her head, creating an airtight seal. Instead of waiting for the ejection, she teleported. It was a good thing she did as the chair was engulfed in flames before it even left the doomed craft.

Twilight? Are you okay? Answer me?” Debby was calling frantically.

“I'm alright,” Twilight answered. An idea popped in her head. It was crazy, so crazy it just might work, “Firefly, I'm hitching a ride.” Before Debby could respond, Twilight flashed onto the back of her fighter and locked herself on with an ice spell. “The helmet's thin enough that I can cast spells through it. Now let's go take out those Hellfires.”

You're crazy, Pony Girl. I like that,” Debby chuckled, “Let's kick some ass.

As they approached the one that shot down Twilight, her horn flashed and a lavender bubble appeared around the fighter. A pair of magical bolts hurtled toward them only to be deflected harmlessly off the orb. It pulled away moments before impacting the shield itself only to have its undercarriage peppered by four magic bolts. They weren't powerful enough to destroy it, but they left some severe damage. The enemy turned tail and tried to retreat back to the ship, but found itself trapped in Twilight's magical grip. Debby lined up the easy shot and let off three volleys from the particle cannons. The first two impacted the shields, but the third breached and reduced the mage and his fighter to scrap.

Nice work up there, Twi,” Debby said, “Think you can keep that up?

“I can do this all day,” Twilight replied.

Then hold on tight, we have one more little lizard to fry, ” Debby said with glee, “Sonic, link up with Vector and his team. Their getting hammered and need the backup.

Yes ma'am,” Aden responded.

Debby battled her way to the other adept fighter and engaged. This one noticed what happened to his comrade and was being much more cautious. He didn't charge at them, but stayed at a small distance.

Damn, he's being a pain in the ass,” Debby muttered.

The Dratali adept dodged or deflected everything Debby threw at her. Twilight's magic didn't have the aid of a targeting computer, so her shots were far from accurate. His shots, however, were punishing Twilight's mana reserves. Every hit on her shield drained more and more of her energy. Another idea formed, and she dropped the shield.

Twilight? What's wrong?” Debby asked.

“Nothing,” she replied, “That shield's too taxing to keep up. If I try, it'll drain my magic reserves and we'll be defenseless. I have another plan.”

In a flash, Twilight teleported from the back of Debby's fighter. She reappeared on the nose of the Dratali fighter. She could see the shock fear in the adept's eyes and hesitated. The enemy mage took the opportunity quickly weave a spell, but Twilight's training wasn't in vain. She forced out a storm of small magic bolts that tore through the cockpit and pilot. Her job done, she returned to her perch on Debby's fighter.

That was awesome!” Debby cheered.

“Thanks, but what are we going to do about that?” Twilight nodded toward the massive Dratali warship currently duking it out with the White Wolf. At some point during the fight the last of the smaller ships was destroyed.

Let the White Wolf handle it. We’re not... oh, shit.” Worry seeped into Debby's voice when the Massive Allied vessel's shields flashed and fell, “It took too much from the cruisers!

Twilight watched as the Capital Ship began to turn it's mass driver on them. Twilight's mind raced, trying to think of something. The mass drivers used by the Dratali were stolen tech. That meant they were identical to the Alliance version. Schematics, studies, and reports flew through her head until...

“Fly in front of it!” Twilight said, “Don't ask, just trust me!”

Debby did as Twilight asked, flying toward the massive ship. Twilight snagged a small piece of debris as they flew and poured her magic into it until a distinct pattern emerged. Has-Ka told her it was harder to use an unprepared canvas, but it wasn't enough to deter her. She placed the rune on the vessel and froze it in place.

“I put a teleport rune on your ship. When I teleport away, get that in the hangar as fast as you can,” Twilight instructed.

The teleport rune was one of many new spells in her arsenal. It's the same one the Dratali use to launch their raids. They're placed on unsuspecting stations by non-Dratali and then adepts lock on and flash soldiers in. Now Twilight was going to use it against its creators.

Wait, what are you talking about?” Debby tried to get an answer, but Twilight already flashed right into the barrel of the enemy mass driver, “God damn it, Twilight! You better not get yourself killed.

Debby let out a few more curses directed at the lavender unicorn as she turned and gunned it toward the safety of the hanger. Twilight ran as fast as she could. Being within the containment barrier of the ship meant there was gravity, making the way a little easier. The whole way down, she charged the biggest bolt she could. The vast amount of raw magic energy was painful. The truth was, she wasn't entirely sure she would have enough energy after this to teleport back, and she still hadn't figured out how to pull in magic like the Dratali do. Twilight knew she might not survive this, but if it meant saving the thousands of souls on the White Wolf, it would be worth it.

Twilight came to a stop about two-thirds the way down. She was going to have to wait until the moment the cannon fires or else the warhead wouldn't be active and it wouldn't detonate. She only waited about one second before the fur on her neck stood on end. She released the build up magic down the tube, shattering her helmet. It slammed into the warhead and erupted in a massive ball of fire. Twilight quickly summoned every ounce she had as her unprotected face felt the immense heat. She cast the teleport spell just as the first tongue of fire reached her. Her world spun and twisted as she was pulled through space to the rune. Everything stopped in an instant.

“Oh my god, Twilight!” said a red headed blur.

Twilight's vision swirled and spun. Before her and consciousness parted ways she managed to say, “Spike, take a letter...”

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