• Published 30th Nov 2012
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Into the Black: A Mare's Tale - shirotora

Twilight is flung into the farthest reaches of the galaxy

  • ...

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Chapter 20: The Morning After

“Oh, Goddess no,” Shining Armor pleaded, “No, that's not funny. You didn't have... with... Oh Goddess.”

“Yes I did,” Twilight confirmed, “And I actually liked it.”

“No,” Shining Armor's expression was angry, “It was bad enough you were all head over hooves for that Raak guy, but now you're saying you're dating Curt?”

Twilight laughed, “Hell no. We've never been more than just friends. That was just alcohol assisted sex. Besides if I was dating him, it's not your place to tell me otherwise. If I decide to date someone, it'll be for love not because he has a horn.” Her expression hardened, and she glared at her brother, “And if you, mom or dad do anything like what you did with Time Turner, I'll make sure you know nothing about it until we're already married.”

“We only want what's best for you,” Shining defended, “Time Turner, no matter how nice, is an earth pony.”

“An' jus' what's wrong with earth ponies?” Applejack gave him the stink eye.

“Nothing, but for a unicorn from a noble family to wed one, it'll ruin her reputation,” Shining argued, “Come on, back me up here Spike.”

“What Twilight does, and with who is her business,” The young dragon said, “Unless he took advantage of her, then I’ll roast him.”

“If anything, I took advantage of him,” Twilight admitted.

Shining’s face went from confused to angry and back. Before he could speak again, Cadence pulled his face to look at hers.

“Shining, honey, maybe you should let Twilight decide for herself,” Cadence said softly, “She's a grown mare, and that 'tradition' is just stupid. Nopony should marry just for heritage.”

“I just...” The captain sighed, “I just don't want my little sister to make a mistake and marry someone thats not good enough for her...”

“Marrying for any reason but love is a mistake,” Celestia added, “I've seen it far too much. Unicorns marry based on status and live hollow, loveless lives. I've tried and tried to break the nobility of that mindset, but they’re just too stubborn... wouldn't you say, Captain?”

Shining let out an amused snort. He always admired the way Celestia worked, “Yes your highness. I guess so many generations of prejudice just isn't easy to let go. I'm sorry Twilight. I won’t like it, but if you really want to date a pegasus, earth pony,” Shining clenched his teeth and continued, “Or human I won’t interfere.”

“Alright, I forgive you,” Twilight gave her brother a hug.

Shining returned the embrace, “But at least try to fall in love with a unicorn. Ow!” Shining released her to grab the back of his head, “Jeez, Twilie. You're a lot stronger than you use to be.”

“So are you done with your little talk?” Dash asked impatiently, “I want to hear what happened. Come on Twi, details. Was he good?”

“No!” Shining yelled, “Please no. I do not want to hear about my little sister’s bedroom antics.”

“Fine, compromise,” Twilight said, “If you want details, I’ll tell you in my room later. If you’re creeped out by Pony on alien sex, just stay away. Anyway back to the story...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Neither spoke for some time. The memories of their... activities... ran through their minds. The two of them started drinking innocently enough. Then came the crying. Twilight cried about being ugly, about not being loved, about the two only dates she’s had in her life ending miserably. Then Curt said something nopony had ever told her outside friends and family... he said she was pretty. He said that he if ponies thought purple was ugly, they were stupid, and that it was even considered the color of royalty on Earth.

She kissed him. She wanted to say she didn't know why, but she knew damn well the reason. Curt broke away from the unicorn with surprise written on his face.

“Wh, what was that for?” he slurred.

“I...” Twilight struggled to find the words in her alcohol impaired mind, “Make me feel pretty.”

Curt's eyes widened when her meaning set in. was she really asking him to do what he thought she was asking?

“I just want to feel like I'm loved,” She begged, “Not loved like a friend, but like a mare.”

“I don't know Twi,” Curt replied, “You said you’ve never done it, right? Don't you think you should save yourself for someone you love?”

Tears started falling from her face, “I was already considered ugly, but now I'm a crippled killer. My chances of finding a special somepony are gone. I know you don't think of me like that, but please,” The pleading look in her eyes melted the soldiers heart, “Just give me this.”

Curt didn't say a thing. Instead he pressed his lips to hers and picked her up. The pair staggered to her room and shut the door behind them.

The more intimate moments that followed were... amazing. She never thought he would take such care to make her feel good. Though she didn't think of him as anything but a friend, she was glad she did this. She felt... relaxed... laid back. She lost count of how many times Rainbow Dash told her she needed to get laid, but never thought it was that big a deal. Now, though, she knew why her prismatic friend was so insistent and made a mental note to do it more often.

Twilight looked over at Curt and smiled, “Thank you, Curt.”

He gave her a confused look, “Uh, you're... welcome? You don't regret it?”

“No,” Twilight answered, “It was fun.”

“Really?” he cocked an eyebrow, “Usually when people have drunken sex there's a bit of awkwardness in the morning.”

“Yeah, well,” Twilight blushed and turned away, “I kinda needed it. Besides, it was amazing.”

Curt gave her a sly grin, “So does that mean we can do it again?”

Twilight gave him a deadpan stare, “We'll see.”

“Yeah, I didn't think... what?” Curt looked at her with wide eyes, “Um... Twilight?”

“Yeah?” Twilight asked as she got out of bed.

“You don't think this means you and I are... you know... together?” Curt inquired.

Twilight laughed a bit before cringing at the pain in her head, “Ow... no, Curt. You're a good friend, but I just don't think of you like that.” Twilight caught herself at the very familiar words. Goddess I hope he doesn't..., “Are you okay with that?”

Curt let out a sigh of relief, “Are you kidding? I was scared you would think it was something more than just meaningless sex.”

Twilight smiled, “It was more than meaningless sex. It meant a lot to me. Now get dressed before Debby comes over to wake me up.”

As if on cue, the moment Curt got out of the bed, a soft knock came and the door opened.

“Twilight,” Came Debby's voice, “I got something to help with your...” her eyes widened at the sight of Curt standing beside Twilight's bed in all his glory, “hangover...”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight had never been more embarrassed in her life. She sat on her bed while Curt, fully dressed of course, sat on the chair in the corner and Debby leaned against the door glaring at him. Twilight had just finished explaining what transpired between the two. Despite telling her fellow pilot that she was the one that instigated it, Debby still wanted to make sure Curt didn't trick her in some way. Eventually she agreed that Curt just wasn't that type of guy.

After a few scrutinizing moments she broke the lingering silence, “Is this going to affect your ability to function in a squad together?” It wasn't often she was ever in 'leader mode', but she was the Griffins' second in command for a reason. She always put the good of the unit first.

“No, Ma'am,” Curt and Twilight said in unison.

She stared at them with discerning eyes of what felt like hours before she spoke again, “Good, now let’s go. Breakfast is actually real food today.”

Twilight's ears perked up. Even when she was staying with Has-Ka she only had real food twice. His garden was too far from being ripe, what animal life was there was for stabilization, and it was too expensive to have food imported. In fact thinking about it, she had only had real food three times in the four months she was there.

“Well what are we waiting for,” Curt perked right up, “Lets go get us some chow! God I hope there's bacon.”

“Go on,” Debby ordered Curt, “I need to talk to Twilight alone.”

Curt looked between Debby and Twilight, “Yes Ma’am” and left the ladies alone.

“Alright, Twilight, I need to know,” the senior officer gave the unicorn a serious look, “is there a chance you could get pregnant from this?”

Twilight was caught off guard by the question but answered without delay, “No, our genetics are incompatible. Plus my estrus cycle isn’t due for a couple months, so even if we were compatible it wouldn’t matter. There is zero chance of pregnancy.”

Debby let out a sigh of relief, “Thank god,” and returned to her normal, ‘Rainbow Dash-esque’ attitude, “One more question... why? I honestly never thought of you and him getting it on like that.”

Twilight blushed at looked away, “I just needed it, and he’s always been there for me. Yeah he’s a pain in my flank some times, but he makes me laugh. I mean, I don’t think about him romantically, but at the same time... I’ve only ever had two dates in my entire life. The first was with a jackass that my mom set me up with. That piece of shit just cared about my status as Princess Celestia’s student. The second was an earth pony named Time Turner. He actually liked me for me, but my family, being Canterlot nobels, are kinda prejudiced. They didn’t like the thought of me seeing a pony that wasn’t a unicorn, so my brother told him that if he kept seeing me, he would arrest him. It was hard enough getting a date before, but now,” Twilight wiped a tear away, “Now, I’m a scared, maimed killer. I have no chance of finding a pony that will love me for me. I just needed to feel what it was like. I’m glad I did, too. I feel better than I have for a very long time.”

“Shit,” Debby said sympathetically, “I didn’t know it was that bad for you. Ponies really think purple’s ugly? That’s just dumb,” She opened the door and the pair headed out, ready for food.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“I think it would be good to stop for the day,” Celestia interrupted the story, “After all, Twilight has an important meeting in the morning.”

“I suppose,” Twilight agreed.

The group parted ways. Twilight made her way to to her room followed by Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and...

“Cadence?” Shining Armor stared at his wife as he followed his little sister.

“I'll see you in a bit sweetheart,” Cadence said over her shoulder.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Twilight walked through the halls of Canterlot Castle. Its pristine walls shined in the sunlight filtering in through the windows. She paused for a moment to look out, over the landscape. In the distance she could just barely make out her home of Ponyville. She gave a contented sigh. It was what she wanted more than anything else for a whole year. The purple soldier was finally home. Twilight closed her eyes and relished in the feel of Celestia's sun warming her face and fur. No other sun was as soothing as Avol's. Maybe it was psychosomatic, but it didn't matter to her.

She opened her eyes to take one last look at her home before continuing on. As she looked at it a blinding flash of light came from the center. Shock and confusion took over until a deep rumbling came. She stared in horror as the flash subsided and a smoking crater was all that was left. Panic started to grip her as she tore herself away from the terrible sight. The princesses had to be warned. Twilight took off toward the throne room, noticing the halls were oddly deserted. She burst through the massive gilded doors and slid to a halt at an even worse sight. The bloody, mutilated bodies of her friends and family littered the floor. Her watering eyes looked at the carnage as an icy feeling gripped her chest.

“Twilight Sparkle,” A chiding voice boomed out, one that has haunted her for six long months, “Did you really think you could just run home and I wouldn't find you?”

Twilight turned around just in time to see the shadow overtake her, and screamed.

“Ahhh!” She shot up, her sheets soaking with a cold sweat.

She looked around her room as the first of the morning light found its way in. With a few slow, deep breaths, she calmed herself down.

It was just a nightmare, she told herself, I’m safe here. He doesn’t know how to find this place... right?

She hoped she was right.

Author's Note:

For those of you that want it, here's the clop scene.

Special thanks to my artist Sonic Rain.

In case anyone missed the blog, Chaotic Harmony has been edited to be rated Teen. So anyone that wanted to read it, but didn't want to ream an M rated story, you can now.

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