• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Veterans Ideology (Edited By BS)

Taking a sip from her tea, Crossfire Tempo took a short break from reading a truly massive assortment of letters arranged in two towers in front of her to look up and enjoy the beauty of the royal garden. The moment had an almost Zen-like form of peace with the birds singing not too far away—the cold breeze of autumn combined with midday sunlight kept everything relatively warm and cozy.

"Nice weather we are having, don't you agree?" The voice of Platinum alerted the ex-wonderbolt, tearing her attention away from the scenery to watch as one of the founders of Equestria made her way towards her with a calm smile and a platoon of bat pony guards escorting her.

"Oh, princess Plantinum, you startled me." Tempo mentioned holding her chest with one hoof before relaxing and looking back at the garden once again. "And indeed today seems particularly pleasant, so much so that it would be a crime not to enjoy it, at least a for a moment."

"I couldn't agree more" Plantinum nodded before pointing at an empty chair in front of the pegasus. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all, please have a seat," Tempo invited her, and the princess took her offer, sitting in the empty chair as her entourage moved around the area to protect her. The princess took note of the stack of letters on the table and a seal of approval and ink near the ex-wonderbolt, piquing her interest.

"So, miss Tempo, if it isn't too much to ask. May I enquire about all that paperwork you have there? I was under the impression that you were merely visiting to spend time with your godchild."

"Oh, this? Oh, it's just some paperwork I brought with me. As ironic as it might sound, being the owner of the best spa chain Equestria has ever seen has its drawbacks. Like ordering all the materials necessary to keep everything smoothly without going over or under budget with the creams, ointments, towels, water bills, you get the idea." Tempo replied with a calm smile. "As you said, I'm mainly here to stay with my nephew, but things like this? Well, they can't be put on hold. You understand?"

"Oh, I'm familiar with it indeed. Paperwork is easily the worst nightmare a good ruler has to face on an almost daily basis." Platinum replied, "So, I couldn't help but overhear that you were looking for Blueblood. I was wondering why and hoping to see if I could help you with anything?"

Tempo brought her right hoof up to the oval emerald necklace she was wearing and lightly stroked it while humming with her eyes closed in thought at the princess's proposal. "Perhaps you could, your highness, perhaps you could." She nodded before stopping fiddling with her jewelry and looked at the princess once more. "You see, ever since the incident on Nightmare Night, I have been thinking about everything my sweet godchild has been forced to endure, and honestly, I'm worried for his safety," She confessed before looking down with pity. "I understand that all of these actions were beyond his control, but after seeing how often his life has been put at risk, I can't help but question how safe he is here."

"Yes, I remember how vocal you were after the last incident." Platinum commented with a fake smile, slightly irked by the events with Nightmare Moon. "And while I share in your desire that things have gone down a different…"

"Why not make it a reality then?" Tempo interrupted the princess before she could continue.

"I beg your pardon?" Platinum looked at her with a raised eyebrow as Tempo seemed to have switched from calm to excited, unusually fast.

"It's no secret that my relationship with Celestia has been…tense, but if there is something that we both agree on, it's wishing for our family's well being. That is just what I would like to discuss with her, a way to make things safer for him, and by extension, for all of Equestria. But she never listens to what I have to say! No, that mare is the most infuriating, stubborn…"

"Careful, Miss Tempo," Platinum warned with a glare while keeping her calm demeanor though one eyebrow started to spike occasionally in a clear sign of anger. "That is my filly you are talking about."

"And that's exactly why she would listen to you! I wish to offer an olive branch with this idea of mine, but things would certainly speed up if the suggestion to listen comes from you." Tempo grabs one of her hooves and smiles at her. "So what would you say, princess? Would you listen to the request of this concerned godmother wishing to protect the child of her dearest friends? The one who was entrusted with his protection?" She pleaded with big eyes and flattened ears, looking intently at the princess until she sighed and looked down in defeat.

"Before I give you my answer, I want to hear it." Platinum looked back at her neutrality. "Tell me, what do you have in mind? What idea did you come up with that could improve the security for all of Equestria?"

"Oh, thank you, your highness. I'm sure you will love it!" She retracted her hoof and started to rummage through the completed papers in a pile. "The best part is that you will not have to do much other than give the final approval. A friend of mine and I have been working on this idea for a while now, aha! Here it is." She extended a paper and showed it to the princess. "What would you say if I told you that we had found a way to make the royal guards even more effective than what they are now…" She started explaining in great detail as she laid out her project.

Back at Cloudsdale

While enjoying their treats, Blue Yonder took the occasional glance at the Wonderbolts with a smile as he watched how things unfolded. The tension seemed to be leaving their systems. While he might not know what exactly they were talking about. He could at least take solace in perceiving how the group's pressure was slowly fading away, especially Spitfires, who seemed to be relaxing more. Unbeknownst to him, his mom was listening in just fine by reading their lips and what she was hearing planted the seed of concern in her heart.

"Ok, listen, as I said, this is just a suggestion, and I'm still considering it if we should do it or not, so don't jump to any conclusions, Dash." The captain shot a side glance at Dash before continuing. "During the lockdown, the idea that I was completely powerless hit me hard. I wanted to do something to help but didn't know what, and while Crossfire let me crash in her hotel room and hang out with her and Sharp Shooter, I discovered that it wasn't something that only happens to our group."

Sunshine's eyes widened slightly in realization. Sharp Shot, tell me you didn't. The mare's suspicions were confirmed by the following words the captain spoke.

"I think the Wonderbolts should incorporate royal guard training regimens in our program and get more involved with the Equestrian air force."

You did

Sunshine looked down in disappointment.

"What?!" Rainbow almost yelled in shock at what Spitfire was suggesting. "Y-you mean like taking on some royal guard duties?"

"No, I mean like becoming royal guards fully. To turn our group into a subdivision in the air force, to be more precise." Spitfire elaborated. "Think of the good we could do, Dash. Do you know how useful you could be as a ranger or part of a rescue and search team? What could we all accomplish if only we were trained in those areas?" She continued trying to sell the idea.

"B-But that is not what being a Wonderbolt is. We're Equestria aces in the sky, the best air acrobats. We are what any pegasus colt and filly want to become when they grow up. Sure we have some training, and we keep tabs on weather cleaning and activities, and we are ready to serve in times of war, but we are not royal guards." Rainbow Dash countered.

"And that is exactly why I’d been wondering if we should or shouldn't try it," Spitfire argued back. "I love my job and our team, and I'm the last pony that wants to change this much, but Dash wake up already! Even you have to admit how we have been out of the league on more than one occasion. Remember the invasions? The dragon incident? Or what about Tirek? Each time we even dare do something other than spins and tricks in the air, we get our flanks handed to us. Even when just performing on more than one occasion, we have been greedy, treacherous, and self-absorbed...like the freaking captain of the team reduced to a fan filly after meeting her hero and taking a nap while Canterlot went to Tartarus." She mumbled the last part in anger, refusing to make eye contact with anyone for a moment before speaking again.

"Let's face it, guys, we need to clean up our act and know what we are doing. Yeah, sure, we know how to fly, but that is it. I'm not saying we should end the Wonderbolts. I was thinking, why not find a way to be better, more competent, and, more importantly, more useful to the crown. Doesn't that sound interesting, Dash? After this, we could fight bad guys and look hot while doing it. Together the Wonderbolts could be seventy-five percent more awesome than it was before and give our group a brand new glimmer for kids to admire."

"And make your job much more dangerous in the process," Her mother calmly voiced her concern. "Spicy, I'm with you in wishing to improve but actively seeking out danger? Isn't there another way?"

"Not to mention our training program will have to change," Soarin pointed out too, but to that, Spit only shrugged.

"Not by much, to be honest, we have a military system. We would be simply adding a combat component to it" She then turned to her mom. "And I understand what you mean, mom, but I'm not saying let's all go straight into danger. That is how you end up in…"

"…a full body cast." Dash and Soarin finished in stereo, knowing full well what she was going to a said with a roll of their eyes, catching her off guard momentarily "…right that, and this is more to prevent it, we will still do what we do, but if the situation demands it, we will be ready." Spitfire tried to explain to calm her mother's worries.

Sunshine, for her part, was internally surprised and slightly afraid, not by what Spitfire was suggesting but rather how she had heard a very similar speech before.

So this is the new approach you will try then? Oh, Sharp Shot, this is low, even for you. She shook her head and let out a disapproving sigh while starting to think about how she would put an end to this once she returned to the castle. All the while keeping a conversation with Allman and Scootaloo.

Once the Wonderbolts were done talking and started flying to the rest of the group, the prince smiled with a sense of pride of knowing that his mom's plan worked in the end. Yet before he went to see the mare in question, a tiny hoof kept his head still.

"That is good enough," The voice of Vision started to whisper into his left ear as he tried to look back at her, only to stop once again.

"Don't look back. They will think you're crazy if you start talking to thin air." Vision warned. At that moment, Blue Yonder realized that every pony was still moving, and nothing seemed to have changed, but he couldn't hear anyone other than themselves. "Don't worry, I will be quick, so just listen carefully." Once he relaxed, she let go of his head, sitting next to him so he could see her better, even if only from the corner of his eye. "Working together is nice and all, but wouldn't you like it if this wasn't an act?"

"Uh?" Raising his eyebrow and trying to be as quiet as possible, Blue Yonder hoped the point of his message would get across, which was confusion. Which luckily seemed to pass as Vision elaborated, "All of this day, or to be more specific, getting to experience what it's like to have a mom finally." She clarified, making him subconsciously turn to see his aunt happily chatting with Allman and Scootaloo about an adventure she had. "Working together is adorable and all, but wouldn't you like to take advantage of this day as much as possible? To have a bonding moment and pretend to have a mom? After all, that was a luxury you never had in your previous life, right?"

Yonder slowly nodded as the realization dawned on him.

"Doesn't it feel wonderful? To have your prayers answered? To experience that which you were deprived of previously? To truly have…"

"…A mother," Yonder finish and slowly extend his hoof to grab hers

"You did more than enough for today. You don't need to keep fixing everything around you, prince. Just lay back and enjoy your day. This is your wish come true. Don't let it go to waste." The voice of Vision grew quieter and softer until it disappeared. Everything goes back to normal as he touches Sunshine's hoof, which grabbed her attention and she turned to look at him with a smile at first before being surprised and slightly confused by how he was looking at her.

"What is the matter, dear?"

"It's nothing, mom, it just that…I just remember what we came here for in the first place." He confessed, looking down with a big smile. "We don't usually spend as much time together as we would like, and well, I just realized how much I miss you…on your trips." He quickly added, noticing how Allman and Scootaloo were now looking at him. "I don't want this day to end, mom." Blue then got up and hugged Sunshine, taking her slightly off guard but ever so grateful for the gesture, and she reciprocated the action.

"I love you too, mom." Scootaloo declared, doing the same as both mother and daughter were moved by Blue Yonder's words.

"What is bothering you, Blue? Sunshine whispered in his ear.

"Dealing with Spitfire made me realize what you have been trying to say to me all day, auntie." He whispered back. "We are here to have fun and spend time together away from all the craziness back home. I get it now, and I promise. No more setbacks, just mommy and me time from this point onward."

Sunshine smiled and nodded. Pleased by that answer, "You don't need to feel guilty, sweetie. You could do with exercising some subtlety next time, but your heart was always in the right place, and for that, you will never have to apologize. I'm happy you know exactly where to stop. I'm with you. This was enough drama for the day. Let us enjoy the rest of it."


And with that, the drama of the day was done. After their little chat, Spitfire's mood improved a lot more, as she and her herd agreed to talk about the subject more calmly and with all of their teammates. A part of the princess was still worried about what that might mean for the future. Still, in the end, she decided to wait and deal with that another time. Instead, she kept enjoying the rest of the day as was intended, Giving more advice on flying with the group and later on, exploring the city by themselves. Sunshine had the chance to teach Blue Yonder more about its wonders, saving each memory with the help of a disposable camera Sunshine procured at some point.

On their way home, the mare was currently trying her hardest not to laugh as Canterlot came into view, with Blue still clinging to her back. "Mom! Please could you let it go already" Blue complained with a hint of crimson in his cheeks? Unable to resist his adorable look, Sunshine chuckled once more. "I'm-I'm sorry dear-I'm trying to let it go, but-but it's too hard!" She laughed more openly, clearing one of her eyes in the process. "I know I should have warned you sooner, but I didn't think you would dip your head in and slurp the rainbow!"

Blue only looked down in embarrassment, "Stupid skittles add," He mumbles to himself before looking back. "Mom, it was a rainbow RIVER! Do you know how incredible that sounds? On earth, rainbows are a refraction of light. I thought that was liquid light! Do you know what light tastes like? Because I don't, so of course I was a tad curious,... and maybe, I hoped it was strawberry flavor." He whispered the last part, primarily disappointed in the result and making Sunshine laugh again.


"Ok, ok, it's out of my system now. I'm over it, promise." She told him, finally recovering control as her balcony started to come into view, as she tapped her necklace and ended the illusion returning to be the princess before any guards could spot her. "Jokes aside, I enjoyed our mother/son day Bluey, I know you were only doing it to keep your promise, but it meant a lot for me. Thank you for giving me this day."

Finally reaching her room, she landed and let the child descend from her back as she levitated all the pictures she took with care and excitement. "I can't wait to show Luna all the pictures we took, your first flight, your visit to the rainbow factory, your first view of Cloudsdale…oh, this one I'm framing." Celestia was about to exit when she suddenly felt the absence of a certain prince behind her.

"It wasn't just because I promised it," Blue confessed, catching the princess by surprise as she looked back at him, noticing how he was still there on the balcony with his head hanging low and still in his colt disguise. "Mo…auntie, I need to come clean with you. I was reading other ponies' expressions because I was practicing to identify certain tells in negotiations and at court. I memorized the clues I should be looking for, and I was doing that because…because I have already made my decision to help other kingdoms as I did in Manehattan."

This surprise caught Celestia off guard as Blueblood looked at her with a determined gaze. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but I didn't want that to get in our way of having fun. This was supposed to be your day off, and it wouldn't have been fair to burden you with my problems." Blueblood looked down again in shame. "I just wanted to give them my reply face to face without fear of being tricked again. I know how the game is played and wanted to be ready to play it. I'm sorry, auntie."

Celestia sighed and shook her head in slight disappointment. "Although I'm not pleased with you not telling me this sooner and trying to use our deal for your own agenda, I am happy that you came clean with me, Blueblood. We will discuss this later with your aunt, and I expect to hear the rest of this plan of yours in detail then, young colt, but for now, let us not let that small slip up sour our mood." She approached him and lifted his chin with her hoof to favor Blueblood with a smile. "I forgive you, nephew."

Her smile was infectious, and he soon did the same in gratitude and grasped her hoof. "Thank you, auntie. That is another thing I wanted to talk about. It might have started with that idea, but as the day progressed I decided to follow my own advice, and in the process remembered something I thought I had forgotten a very long time ago."

"And what was it, sweetie?"

"Back when I was a human, growing up, I always had this silly wish of wanting to experience what it would feel like to have a mother." He confessed, looking away in embarrassment, not noticing the expression of slight shock in Celestia's face, though this was a different type. The first ones were simple surprises, easily identified. This was an entire spectrum of emotions, with shock and sorrow leading the charge. Celestia slowly retrieved her hoof. At the same time, Blueblood turned around and looked at the sky.

"I know it sounds ridiculous, childish, and even greedy coming from me, the spoiled brat that had everything in the world and kept wanting more and more. Heck, I don't even know if I wished for it or if it was just another delusion my brain made! But real or not, I'm happy that it came true."

He cleared a tear forming on his eye before continuing, "I know that I'm lying to myself, that no matter what happens, in your eyes I will always be 'the nephew,' but even if it was just for one day, I'm delighted I had the chance to say how I feel."

The room went eerily silent as the tension in the room built upon itself, while the prince just refused to make eye contact with Celestia as he kept cleaning his eyes and chuckled lightly. "By the stars, I'm getting worked up by a silly act! How pathetic must I be looking right…?" Before he could finish, he could feel his aunt pulling him back towards her barrel, where she hugged him tightly using both her wings and hooves. Blueblood then noticed that she, too, was beginning to tear up as he heard her sob and felt some water falling on top of his head.

"It was real for me too" Celestia confessed with a whisper as she tightened her embrace. "No one will ever take your place in my heart! I won't be going anywhere, I swear! Nephew and aunt might be our titles, but in my eyes, you will always be my little knight." Trembling in emotions, Blueblood could not contain himself anymore and let the floodgates open as he turned around and embraced her in a hug just as tight as hers as they openly cried in joy.

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