• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Love, Friendship, And Duties (Edited By BS)

Having finally managed to calm down, Blueblood and Cadence grabbed some cider to drink and retreated to a balcony so they could have privacy and try to put the Prince's mind back in order.

Seeing Blueblood staring into his cup, the Princess of love decided to break the ice and looked out at the distorted sky. "It can be scary, isn't it?"

Breaking free from his thoughts, Blueblood looked back at her. "The ways of the heart, and the idea of love." Smiling, Cadence looked back at him once more. "It can happen at any moment and in the most unexpected of ways. You can never predict when, how, or even who you will fall in love with. It just happens, and it can be scary at times, isn't it?"

"…Terrifying." Blueblood nodded and looked back at his drink again. "And it can even make you feel ashamed of yourself."

"Hey," Cadence used her wing to catch his chin and slowly made him look her in the eyes. "No self-pity talk here, ok? There is nothing to be ashamed about falling in love."

"What about being overwhelmed in lust? Is there no shame there?"

"Hmm, debatable. It all depends on if that is the only thing you can think of. Tell me, cousin, is that what you are feeling right now? You can't stop staring at every lady's flank that you come across?"

"What?…NO!" Immediately, Blueblood looked at her with shock and an intense blush.

"Oh, I'm sorry, their chests then? Or perhaps you wish to lick their legs."

"What? Who does…?Neither!"

"Can't wait for the moment to walk behind them standing on two legs and…."

"For the love of all that is pure, Candy, stop!" He grabbed her shoulders. "It's nothing like that."

She only smirked and poked his nose. "Then it's not lust that you are feeling, see?" She winked at him as he slowly released her. "And as I said, there is nothing to be ashamed of what you are feeling right now."

"Cadence is not that easy."

"Then help me make it easier, please, Bluey" she grabbed his hoof and stared at him with worry. "Talk to me. What's on your mind?"

Sighing in defeat, Blueblood closed his eyes and nodded. "Well, I suppose you could say it is a mixture of acceptance, curiosity, confusion, and maybe a bit of shame all wrapped up into one complicated package."

"How so?"

"Well, for a while now, I have been struggling with my emotions and tried to convince myself repeatedly that I do not have feelings that I do, in fact, have." He admitted ashamedly.

"Oh, Bluey," Cadence can only shake her head in disappointment.

"It was hard, ok. My worldview of...a lot of things were completely shattered the second I woke up as a pony. Top that with a horrible track record when interacting with the opposite sex, and needless to say, if before I was paranoid and reserved when it came to finding a girlfriend, now I was completely terrified and clueless about what to do."

"I see" Cadence pondered what her cousin was saying a little before smiling. "It probably was a huge relief admitting that you like mares, right?"

"Oh, like you have no idea," He confirmed, nodding rapidly before looking down in shame. "And then I feel ashamed of myself."

"Why? What is so wrong with being in love? Why are you been so harsh on yourself for having feelings?"

"Is not so much about having feelings and more. It's having feelings for more than one mare!" He confessed with an intense blush, startling Cadence briefly with the outburst. "Where I came from, society is not very accepting of the idea of the herd, harems, and polygamy in general. By nature, we are kind of built towards monogamous relationships, with exceptions here and there. And all my life, I have seen people being unfaithful to their significant other, again and again, merely for lust. The equivalent would be like if Shining Armor...." He stopped, not wanting to open an old wound, yet Cadence received the message loud and clear.

"...if he had sought Chrysalis after our wedding by choice and started a secret relationship with her, despite how much that would hurt me. That is what you were trying to say, right?"

"Exactly!" After a tense moment of silence, the Prince finally admitted, "I thought I could fix things up. I mean, I suppose me and Fluttershy started to click after that party, and the idea of having her as my girlfriend, makes me happy, maybe even giddy...but then Desire had to come along and complicate things. When A.J., Pinkie, and Rarity told me what they felt. I...I think I felt something too. Or instead, I remember how I felt when my aunties explained to me what a herd is. I was ashamed to admit it back then, but I got curious about the concept. Subconsciously I started wondering what it would be like to be a part of one.

I was so used to ignoring things like that that I barely perceived it, but...it was there, and once more, I felt it when they confessed. And admitting that I wanted to try it out made me feel like I was betraying Fluttershy, and worse, made me question if I had genuine feelings for her or it was all just a passing fancy."

He chuckled darkly to himself. "I'm the worst. My tastes and what I find attractive weren't replaced from humans to ponies. It seems to have ballooned out of proportion. I still love the idea of a bipedal woman and have my interests in order, but now my views...I think they have expanded to all races! Pony, Abyssian, Seapony...heck! I'm starting to wonder how would I fair with a Holster! Cadence, you need to help me get rid of this. What I'm wanting...is messed up!"

"I will not do such a thing," Cadence replied firmly with a stern look, "Not only because the example that you gave me and what you are feeling are completely different things but also because I will NOT kill true love. Even less so when it's just blossoming."

"True love? Cadence, I just met them! I spent one, O.N.E. day alone with them. I met them as Twilight friends and hung out with them while pretending to be a colt and barely have kept contact with any of them minus Fluttershy after the incident in Manehattan! And even that was a very short interaction. That is not love; that is… ah…ah crush at best!" He tried to defend his view.

"And what's so wrong with having a crush? YES, Blueblood, I'm also including multiple crushes simultaneously." Cadence added before Blueblood could argue that point. "Answer me honestly, Bluey, if everyone, including yourself, knows that there is nothing wrong with having a herd and that it is a perfectly normal relationship goal in our society, then why do you keep torturing yourself by pretending it's wrong to have those feelings?"

"Because…because I'm afraid I'm just indulging myself in fantasy rather than wanting to explore the subject truly. I don't want to hurt any mare or, worse, make her feel like I'm treating her as an object." Blueblood finally confessed and stared down as Cadence smiled and pulled him closer into a hug.

"Just worrying about your partners' feelings like that should be all the proof you would ever need to know that would never be the case."

He remained quiet, deep in thought. Accepting the embrace his cousin was offering, he tried to clear his mind. "I want to believe that and to get rid of all these fears and just try it already."

"But?" She raised an eyebrow, knowing what was eating him alive.

"But I don't know where or how to start." He finally said with an exhausted sigh. "I feel so lost."

"Then let me help you," Cadence offered, catching the Prince by surprise.

"Love is a battlefield, filled with twists and turns. Where it is a guarantee that you might get hurt, repeatedly." She places her hoof over his chest. "But no matter how scary that idea is, it will be nothing compared to the misery, sorrow, and pain your heart will feel forever if you let fears dictate your life and never take that deep dive into the water. So please, Bluey, promise me that you will no longer ignore your heart. Please tell me that you will make an effort to listen."

Blueblood closed his eyes and grabbed the hoof over his heart, remembering the time he spent with all the girls. The laughs he shared with Pinkie, the peace he felt with Rarity, the sense of fulfillment working alongside Applejack, and finally, the sweet, kind smile of Fluttershy capable of melting away any worries plaguing his mind. Slowly piecing together his feelings and what awakened them in the first place, Blueblood slowly smiled and nodded.

"It will be hard, and most likely, I will misinterpret something."

"Then you come to me, and I would gladly translate what your heart is trying to say. Expert translator of love language right here." Cadence points at herself, and they both share a small laugh as he nodded again.

"If that is the case, then yes, I promise I will try my best to stop and listen."

"That is all I needed to know" She hugged him again and rubbed her head against the top of his, being mindful of his horn. "I'm proud of you, cousin."

"Thank you" Blueblood opened his eyes and smiled before he looked away in concern. "Now the question is, where do I go from here?"

Cadence breaks the hug. "You tell me, there sure is plenty on our plate. Tell me, Blue, what would you like to tackle first? Remember, use not only this." She tapped her head. "But consider this as well" She then tapped her chest.

Humming, the Prince looked up, weighing his options until he came up with something "I think I have an idea."

Exiting the room, the two royals looked around the casino until they found just what the Prince was looking for.

"Are you feeling better, partner?" A.J. asked in concern as the four elements approached. Blueblood smiled and nodded.

"I'm ready to speak with you more openly" He then turned to Fluttershy, "Thank you for not letting me take the easy way out."

She smiled and nodded.

"Soooo...what did you decide in the end, Bluey?" Pinkie asked. Her curiosity soon turned to confusion when he shook his head.

"Not yet, while I did find the answers I needed. Right now, I'm also the ruler of Equestria and can't put my duties on hold anymore." He extended his hoof toward them. "So I ask you to be patient just a bit longer. At least until Captain Sparrow finishes giving me his briefing." He closed his eyes and bowed to them.

"Wha-What? B-But our feelings, you can't..." Pinkie was about to protest, but A.J. interrupted her and shook her head at her before smiling at Blueblood

"Fine by me, sugarcube. All of Equus kind of needs your help right now. It would be unfair if we started hogging all of your attention now."

"Agreed, go, darling. We will talk as soon as you finish that important meeting."

"This isn't an excuse to buy more time, is it?" Fluttershy asks with a raised eyebrow as Blueblood shakes his head.

"Nope, I promise this is me simply putting my priorities in order, and as much as I wish to focus on only you. My nation needs me, and it has been more than patient so far. I can't keep it waiting, right?" He then tapped Fluttershy's head. "Plus, I need all of you to settle yourselves. We're going to need your heads in the game if we are going to use the elements."

That caught all of the mare's attention, and Cadence giggled, knowing what he had in mind.

"Wait, we? Does that mean you intend..." A.J. tried to argue, but Blueblood was already leaving.

"Sorry, I have to go. Promise to clear things up once I'm done. Until then, I leave them to you, Candy!" He waved goodbye as Cadence blocked their way with magic to prevent them from following him.

"You can count on that, Bluey" She waved goodbye to him with a friendly smile.

"What the hay is going on, Cadence?" A.J. questioned, caught off guard by how everything played out.

"Just as he said, his royal duties can no longer be put on hold. So in the meanwhile, let's all have a little talk." She kept smiling at them, but for some reason, the air started to fill with tension.

"Eh...what type of talk exactly?" Fluttershy asked with some fear in her voice and a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing much. I just want to clear the air with all of you regarding my cousin." She stepped closer to them and closed her eyes. "And what exactly are your intentions with him?"

A.J. could not help but roll her eyes and sigh in frustration. "Seriously?! First Big Mac, and now you Princess? I thought of all ponies you would leave me alone with...Ack!" When Applejack looked back at the Princess of love, she froze in place and cringed with how close Cadence had gotten to her while maintaining her smile before finally opening her eyes to stare right at her. By that point, the air in the room was freezing and heavy.

"Well said, Applejack. Normally, I would be completely on your side. Unfortunately, however, I have grown too close to Blueblood. To be completely honest, part of me has always wanted to play the protective big sister role, so don't hold it against me and if it's ok I would start with you. Good? Good. Then let us begin." The mares all gulped at the intense gaze Cadence leveled at them as she used her magic to close the room door slowly.

Meanwhile, the V.I.P. poker room repurposed as a military room.

Blueblood made his way to meet with his guards. Soon enough, he was greeted by two soldiers guarding the entrance with their spears.

"I come to speak with Captain Sparrow." The Prince announced with an authoritative tone, and after a short nod, both guards retracted their spears and opened the door, allowing the prince entrance. Inside he saw the pegasus in question inspecting a map of Equestria and discussing plans with other soldiers, one an earth pony and another a unicorn until they all noticed the arrival of Blueblood and stopped to bow to him.

"Your majesty," Sparrow greeted as all others in the room stood and bowed at the word of the Captain, who then turned to introduce his peers, starting with the unicorn. "This is Lieutenant Light Spear in charge of the unicorn battalion."

"Greetings, your Highness"

"And this Sargent Ground Breaker, the pony in charge of the earth ponies first front of attack/defense."

"Thank you for coming to speak to us, your Highness."

"At ease, soldiers," Blueblood ordered, just like Princess Platinum taught him when speaking with royals as they relaxed and lifted their heads. "And thank you for keeping the peace during my absence, your efforts have surely been noted and will be rewarded properly when the time comes, but for now, I was under the impression that there were urgent matters that I needed to be briefed on?"

Black Sparrow nodded once. "Indeed, there is plenty, sir, starting with the how and why there is an additional platoon stationed in this casino. Something that was caused by the actions of the spirit of Desire."

The comment caught Blueblood's attention as he approached the table and took a seat so that the royal guards could begin their explanation. "By all means, please, if it involved one of Discord siblings, I imagine it is quite the tale."

"Unfortunately, it's a rather short and simple tale. Our platoon was on our way to Ponyville to gather the elements of harmony when that spirit and Scarlet ambushed us inside the train. By that point, the power of Desire had reached a level where all of our combined might was merely an annoyance for them." Ground Breaker quickly followed up on Spear's answer.

"By the time we came to our senses, we were already in the casino serving as muscle for that overgrown plant, stopping us from continuing our mission. A mission that we really should be on our way." He says, only barely containing his agitation behind his trained professionalism.

"Patience, Sergeant, we already discussed this. Before we decide anything, the Prince must be informed of all the facts." Sparrow reminded his companion sternly.

"Patience?! The nation is in danger, and we are just wasting time here! We need to act now while we still have the tactical...!" Breaker stopped once Blueblood silenced him with a neutral yet stern look as he raised his hoof into the air. Taking a short breath, the earth pony stood back and retreated a little under his gaze. Once calm, he turns to the Captain and Prince before nodding. "My apologies, your Majesty, Captain."

"Please proceed, Captain. What Sgt. Breaker is saying it is certainly alarming news. Tell me exactly what situation demands the attention of not only the elements but also a well-trained, equipped platoon composed of all three tribes?"

With a sigh, Sparrow closed his eyes and nodded. "It's your aunts, your Highness. They may be in danger." The eyes of the Prince widened ever so slightly in shock before narrowing into seriousness. The Captain opened his own once more and elaborated. "The royal family in general, maybe even all of Equestria, is under potential threat of a domestic terrorist attack orchestrated by a member of the noble class who goes by Sharp Shooter. we do not yet currently understand the scope of the threat."

That name again. So all this time, he wasn't only targeting me then?

"This is a bold claim, Captain. Do you have the evidence to back it up?" Blueblood inquired with a raised eyebrow trying his best to remain professional and impartial. His guards all nodded in confirmation.

"Princess Luna herself can attest to our claims, your Highness. She is the one that led the investigation and discovered the plans he had for the nations, including gathering all of the evidence regarding your attempted regicide and even how he was planning on targeting Applejack next."

"We cannot produce the evidence now, though, so for now, I ask you to trust our words, your Highness until we can return to Canterlot."

"There will be no need for that, gentlestallions, I believe you." Blueblood nodded and remained quiet as the only way to keep himself calm. "Finding out about these plans and the evidence gathered..." He shook his head and took a deep breath after shivering a little. The soldiers were unsure if that was an involuntary reaction out of fear or anger. "...It would be understandable why my aunt would believe Sharp Shooter might be targeting the royal family if things didn't stop with me."

"I'm sorry, your highness." Breaker shakes his own head and offers the Prince an understanding look. "But it is more than an assumption. She solved the case. Princess Luna tried to establish a mental link with Princess Celestia only to find her possibly sedated by one of the Shooter allies...your godmother."

That did the trick as Blueblood paused to stare at them before he started to chuckle and slowly turned to gaze directly at the earth pony. "No, please, she couldn't, not aunt Tempo!"

"I'm sorry" The soldiers look at him with pity and understanding. All the while, a still shaken Prince Blueblood tries to remain composed, breathing deeply. He relaxed enough to address the group of officers once more.

"How are you so sure?"

"The timing was more than convenient, your highness, the motive of establishing a group, their history, how she was pushing to revive Sharp Shooter's old ideas, her mysterious disappearance after Princess Celestia exiled her from Canterlot..."

The last part gave the Prince pause as he looked at Spear, who paused his list, "My aunt exiled her?"

They all nodded. "Even if circumstantial, there is enough evidence to believe Tempo is involved. That is why we are treating this as a terrorist act, and Princess Luna ordered the apprehension of Crossfire Tempo." Breaker informed the Prince, " We organized two units, one following her to Applelossa and Tempo's spa. The other was to bring the elements there as well. We were even suspicious that she was plotting against the Wonderbolts." He slammed his hoof on the table. "Which is why we must act now, your Highness, your aunts...all of Equestria need you. We don't know how many moves ahead that traitor has plotted against the nation, but it is safe to say no one ever believes a single pony could best an eternal spirit. We must act now while we can still exploit the element of surprise."

" But if we do that, we risk stepping into a trap." Spear countered. "Something caught not only Princess Celestia but prevented Princess Luna from rescuing her. What guarantees do we have the same won't happen to us? We cannot stay idle, and we use the elements carefully. We must regroup and go back to Canterlot where we could get better equipped."

"And leave those terrorists loose in the nation?! What's to say this wasn't part of the plan? Scarlet was part of Shooter's circle of friends, too. She could easily be another ally of his. The Princess might be being transported and imprisoned somewhere we cannot go as we speak! We need to seize the offensive now!"

"Enough, you two!" Sparrow intervened and broke them apart using his wings. "I understand your concerns. I do. But besides that, we must also think of the civilians in the hotel and the possibility of aiding Discord. If something is making him struggle, it might be best to send the elements to help and increase our chances of success."

Exchanging glances between the two soldiers, Sparrow retracted his wings once they calmed down enough and gave a tired sigh before addressing Blueblood.

"That is everything, your Highness. We understand this is a difficult situation. By Celestia's standing orders, we have established communications and temporary alliances with all the royal guards of the other nations to ensure everyone's safety in this building. Perhaps you could strike a deal with other rulers as well. The only thing we ask is that you consider our options. Yes, releasing Desire might aid us, but there could be better alternatives. I believe it was important that you be informed of the whole situation before making any decisions."

And I thought sorting out my feelings was terrifying. Blueblood remained silent and nodded once.

"You have my thanks, Captain Sparrow. I will be sure to keep everything you just said in mind. if you would please give me a moment to consider everything you have said?"

"Of course, you have been thrust into this dire and delicate situation, your majesty. Take as much time as you need. It seems for once that time is a luxury we can afford." Sparrow nodded.

"You have our full support no matter your decision, Prince Blueblood," Sgt. Breaker added. "I only have to say. It might be best to focus on your aunt's rescue first." He looked up at the ceiling. "It's a miracle the animal and plant life is still ok but having the sky as it is. It would only be a matter of time before it takes a toll..." Sparrow jabbed the sergeant in the side and made him look as Blueblood kept his gaze fixed on the table.

"Don't worry. I will keep that in mind as well. Gentlestallions," He vowed before standing up. "If you need me, I would be in my quarters. Once I come to a decision, I will inform you immediately. Until then, please keep ensuring the safety of everyone in the building."

"Yes, sir!" They all saluted as Blueblood marched out of the room, and once he made sure there was no pony nearby, he sighed in exhaustion and rubbed his forehead

And it just keeps piling up! Desire, my aunts, the sky, Sharp Shooter, the elements!....Augh! He stopped at a window and observed the distorted sky of day and night.

Heavy is the head upon which the crown lays. Yeah! Understatement of the century. And I'm not even wearing a hat now.

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