• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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After The Sandstorm Part 1 Of 3 (Edited By BS)

Author's Note:

Happy Holidays everyone, boy has been a while and I'm so thankful to all of you for your patience with me and my editor, hope you can enjoy this as my early Heart Warming Eve present and new years one.

You are the best

Stirring from his sleep, Blueblood slowly woke to the sounds of hooves moving everywhere and muffled noises that soon became fragments of words and then into complete sentences of command—his aunt Luna's commands, who seemed to be close by.

Opening his eyes, he realized he was lying in a bed with a strange diamond floating above him, emitting a dim blue glow that increased and decreased periodically; next to him were a series of empty beds and something else that quickly caught his attention. Beside him, he beheld none other than his aunt Tempo. She floated languidly within a medical tank filled with pungent green liquid and connected to an array of medical machines. Her body was bloated, her eye sockets were noticeably empty, and a gaping wound was cut into her back.

Shocked, Blueblood sat bolt upright and cried out in surprise and horror, "Aunt Tempo!"

"What?!" The mare in question responded, equally startled and scared by the sudden commotion. She quickly entered the room and rushed toward the Prince as he jumped and looked back at her. This was the version of Tempo that he was familiar with, slim with particular longwings and seemingly in the prime of her life. She jumped onto the side of his bed and started inspecting his face. "What is it, Sweetie? Did you have a bad dream? Are you hurt somewhere?"

"Aunt...Tempo? Is this...why are there...?" He glanced back at the fleshy body and the recognizable Tempo a couple of times until she realized what was happening and let go of his face.

"Oh! Right, right. I see what happened; some moron forgot to pull the curtain again after they were done." She remarked with a roll of her eyes while letting go of the Prince's face, then walked to the side of the tank to pull a curtain to hide it from view.

"They are much better; sorry for the scare, dear. Princess Luna told me there wasn't anywhere else to put it at the moment. " She apologized with a slight blush of embarrassment on her face.

"What IS that?" Blueblood asked again, pointing at the curtain.

Tempo could only shrug in response. "Your guess is as good as mine, I suppose, not even I'm sure. When I woke up, that thing was lying a couple of feet away from me, with a gaping hole on its back and some weird red goo trailing from it toward me; according to Princess Luna and the rescue party she was leading, I was covered head to hoof on that same slime." She shivered at the memory,

"By the stars, just thinking about it makes me want to barf. I had only just realized what was happening when we stumbled onto you and your friends lying unconscious on the sand." She then pointed at the diamond still floating above Blueblood.

"And you, in particular, were on the verge of completely exhausting all of your magic, which is why you were placed under an induced coma spell and let that crystal, It's called lumus, by the way, restore your mana, mister."

"Coma!? How long were you going to keep me out..."

" For as much time as you need, and we will put you back under if you ever dare do something that stupid again, mister!" She warned him with a stern face, "I'm so grateful that you saved us, but you pushed yourself and your body too hard, and it's a miracle you didn't suffer any irreparable damage, but until you have all your magic back and are fully recover, that crystal stays with you, and that is final."

She answered before the Prince could ever ask or protest, not wanting to make things worse for his case.

Looking down at his sheets, he looked back at her. "And what about you? Are you feeling fine?"

She smiled and nodded. "I feel like I could fly a marathon all over Equss. The doctors gave me a full check-up and physical, trying and failing to understand what happened to me," She announced with pride, extending her wings while pointing at herself with a big grin. "According to them, medically speaking, I turn back the clock, and I'm in my thirties again!! This is how I used to look before...before HE turned me into his plaything." She confessed, her mood soured with venom dripping from her words as she looked back to the curtain-concealed blob again for a few seconds before returning to Blueblood with a big grin again.

"Nopony has no idea what happened, but. I'm sure not complaining!"

Remembering his battle's conclusion, Blueblood's eyes widened, "The elements!"

"Hmm? What was that, Sweetie?" Tempo asked, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow for clarification.

"The elements are probably the cause. Like what happened to Aunt Luna when she was Nightmare Moon just..." he waved his hooves at the blob "...different. Their use alone would purify you, but then you must remember how and factor in where it happened. Plus, you were technically blasted with two sets of elements and..."

Tempo stopped him by putting her hooves on his shoulders. "Sweetie, Sweetie, relax. No need for you to analyze a miracle; let's just be thankful it happened and move on."

He stopped and nodded before gesturing in the carcass's direction again. "Speaking of moving on, why are you preserving that thing?"

She sighed and rolled her eyes. "It was Princess Luna's idea. Since the corpse is virtually a blueprint of everything that the bastard of Sharp Shot did to me, the princess insisted on keeping it and studying it as evidence for his trial. That's why the tank and the cables. That was the only reason I agree with that idea...barely. Seriously, snowflake, if it's unnerving to you, imagine how I'm feeling, " She joked with a smirk.

He smiled and nodded. "Jokes aside, I'm just glad the nightmare is over, and we are all together at long last, thanks to you, my sweet little hero." She cooed and brought him into a hug, which he accepted.

"And I would gladly do it again, too. You know how all my aunts can count on me...Aunties!" Now that he is more calm, Blueblood can finally realize. "Are they okay? Where is Aunt Celestia? Is she with Aunt Luna?"

"Calm down, snowflake; there will be time for all that later." Her expression turns somber. "There is plenty to discuss when the time is right."

"Is something wrong?"

She shakes her head. "Not right now. It would be best if you went to see your friends, though; they are in the saloon nearby, and Sonata told me to send you a message. Something about a cellphone you still need to return?"

His eyes widened in realization. "The cellphone!" He then looked around in desperation.

"Oh, that is what that was called then; I must say that is a particularly unusual device right there; better take it back before that cat gets a bit too curious and decides to break it apart to see how it works." Tempo joked as the Prince nodded.

"By the way, did she take everything else on me?"

Tempo shook her head. "No, the princess took your swords and a strange red gem you had. She wanted to keep them safe, considering how the power of the elements was inside them. Don't worry, you can have them back later; for now, let's focus on that cell phone first, okay?"

"Okay." Blueblood tried to stand and leave the bed but found that he was still very weak as his legs nearly gave out beneath him. They would have if not for Tempo intervening and helping him by letting him lean on her as they exited the room.

"Allow me."

"I'm fine, auntie, just a bit dizzy that..."

"...I wasn't asking," she stated, her tone brooked no argument, making Blueblood sigh in defeat and accept his fate.

As they walk back to the town, the guards that notice them stop briefly to bow or greet them respectfully before going back to their duties; not only that, but some citizens and even soldiers from the Abyssinian empire seemed to be showing more respect than usual, that soon started to confuse the Prince as he slowly leaned further towards his aunt.

"Aunt Tempo, is it me, or is everyone being more respectful toward us?"

"I would say it is more directed at you, snowflake; that kind of thing tends to happen when you save the world," She replied with a roll of her eyes.

"Saved the world? I suppose from a certain perspective and with two planets held hostage..." The realization soon dawned on him: "Yep, we kind of did just that, but to be honest, it was more of a team effort."

That made Tempo laugh and shake his head. "Oh, just take the compliment, sweetie. You saved everyone, and they are more than thankful for it. You should get used to it; I bet there will be even more ponies bowing to you in the future."

"Something tells me it's gonna get old pretty fast, too." He replied with a tired sigh.

"Probably, but let them have it; you earned it fair and square, and it's the least of what's to be expected; don't worry, it could also pass by. It did with Twilight and her friends, after all, right?"

"True." Blueblood nodded a couple of times before looking around, still slightly uncomfortable with how low some ponies were lowering their heads; he could swear one even planted his entire body into the ground. "I hope that is the case."

Soon, the two arrived at the saloon, where they found Nefi surrounded by ponies and a couple of her guards telling the story of how they defeated Dream.

"...So there we were, in the middle of a floating island, with Blue and his copy on the verge of a mental collapse while a giant sand alicorn was preparing to destroy everything we hold dear." The Abyssinian princess regaled with theatrical and exaggerated movements to amuse the children in the audience, who were the second most interested in hearing the story. Pinkie had to take first place as she lay on the floor in the middle of the children, even allowing one to climb on top of her head so he could hear the tale too.

"We barely escaped the monster; our plan had failed, and we were running out of options, so I did what only I could do."

"Oh! What?" Pinkie asked, leaning forward with the kids while the Prince smiled and listened with interest from the back of the audience.

"I step into action! Grab Blueblood by the shoulder and tell him, listen, I know you want to cry. I know you are scared, but we are the Prince and Princess of our kingdoms. We are their future and salvation; we may have lost this battle, but the war is far from over, and I deliver a kiss for good measure."

The kids in the audience gag, but Blueblood can't help but laugh at the embellished story.

"Never underestimate the female charm everyone, and even less so after today, because that did the trick. I single-handedly managed to snap him back into action. The elements probably heard me too because the next thing I knew, I was this huge yet still sexy lioness made of electricity ready to fight for all of you against Dream, so I sprung into action and started bashing at the beast over and over as I was light itself until it was on the ropes. Then, with my companions, we managed to save everyone in one single hit!"

She finished as the audience remained quiet until Blueblood decided to speak up. "Three cheers for Princess Nefertiti, who saved us all!" He started stomping the ground, and soon, the rest followed as they cheered up and celebrated, the princess muttering a 'thank you' in his direction as he winked.

"Bluey!" Pinkie didn't waste any time and tackled him to the ground before nuzzling his cheek. "You are awake! Or you are sleepwalking, are you sleepwalking? quick, tell me, how many hoofs am I holding up?" She asks in rapid-fire succession as the Prince laughs and the two stand up; Tempo quickly stands up while glaring at the party mare.

"That is not how it works, Pinkie, and yeah, I'm awake; I hope I didn't miss much." He then brought her into a soft hug. "I missed you; sorry you couldn't have the chance to play with our mega secret weapon."

Her eyes were wide in realization. "I remember I attacked you and almost made you into a stone, Bluey; I'm so, so, so sorry. I didn't know what was happening; I was looking for my copy one moment. Next, I only wanted to have this amazing party, and you were being mean, not letting me and I...I!"

"Hey, hey!" Blueblood stopped her cold with a kiss on her cheek. "No hard feelings, Pinkie, it was Dream; the guy is as strong as Discord, and if he can mess with your pretty little head, so can his brother. I'm just glad you and everyone else are okay. No party can be complete without you!"

"Ah y-yeah, oh you I....eh hehe. Je, je aw...I need to go for Dashwaitherebye!" Pinkie quickly excused herself while walking backward with a blush before running away, Tempo smirking as she slowly turned to look at him.

"So, nephew, is there something you want to tell me too?"

"Oh, believe me, complicated doesn't begin to describe it. Whatever this is, we decided to put a pin in it until everything has settled down." Blueblood replied with a roll of his eyes as they approached Nefertiti.

"Aha, that is good, but it's still not an answer." Tempo mentioned with a smirk, making him laugh.

"Let's just say Dream wasn't the only one messing with everyone's heads. I will explain later after we talk with everyone."

"Fair enough, but you better do; we still have plenty to catch up on," Tempo concluded, and the Prince nodded.

"Blue," Nefi called for him, and the two shared a much softer hug before she broke it apart and smirked at him. "At long last, the hero awakes from his nap." The princess replied sarcastically before pointing at the crystal, "Seeing though you have your satellite and Tempo is glued to your side, I assume you already got your well-deserved earful?" She asked with a stern face and crossed arms.

Smiling sheepishly, Blueblood could only blush and look away. "Yeah, I might have overdone it a bit, but things just keep piling on, and a lot was riding on this. Nefi, I just...If I didn't devote my full attention to this, I couldn't help but think I would be lazy and insulting everyone who was counting on us."

The princess only sighed and shook her head. "Oh, Blue, you need to relax too. I could spend hours lecturing you on how stupid you were keeping up that act of being fine, but I bet Princess Luna will do that for me."

At that comment, the Prince's body went stiff in realization as Nefi only grinned toothily at the reaction. "You forgot about that, didn't you?"

"Yeahhh...and my aunt Celly," He replied, panicking at the thought of the kind of scolding coming his way.

"Oh well, you'll cross that bridge when you get there. You did save all of us, so I bet they will go easy on you," Nefi offered, bringing him to her with one arm. "For now, we need to get you up to speed with everything that has been going on, and you can be sure that there is a lot to discuss, which reminds me." The princess took out her phone and handed it over; she pointed to an earpiece fused to the upper left part and a small crystal embedded in the middle of its back.

"The mutt found a way to make it work by combining it with our earpiece; you can call Sunset; in fact, you should call her right now; last we spoke, she sounded livid, and let's say...she found out about our little adventure on the mall."

"What do you...? oh!" He slowly nodded, realizing what she meant, and resolved to call her. "Yeah, I should."

"Mmhmm," Nefi nodded before pointing behind her. "You do that while I go fetch Sonata and Rainbow Dash. The two have been constantly racing since things calmed down in the city, and they would love to talk with you. Especially Sonata." Nefi mentioned with a laugh before excusing herself.

The Prince nodded and pressed the cell phone to his ear as it rang, and soon Twilight answered.


"Hey, Twilight, it's me, the Prince Blueblood."

"Blueblood! Oh, thank god you are okay; when Nefi told us you need to rest for a few days, we feared the worst would happen until they explained why."

Days!? Oh, right, right, the spell... god. I hope it was a short time.

"Yeah, I was a bit impulsive during the fight; sorry to make you worry."

"It's ok; I know a thing or two about being impulsive, and well, as much as I want to talk. Sunset needs to speak with you."

"Yeah, I figured. Is she with you?"

"Yep, one moment."

After a moment of silence, Blueblood heard the voice of Sunset.

"Blueblood, we need to talk," She says without hiding her irritation. "I have been informed of how in the mall near the school, there were strange signs in various stores saying -I grabbed this or that, please get in touch with Sunset Shimmer to discuss payment- and my phone number. Care to explain?!"

"Right, Sunset, we needed a medium to use magic in your world. Plus, we were hungry at some point, and I didn't want to steal anything, so I put those IOUs. Just pass me the bill, and I will pay you back."

"What do you mean, to just pass you the bill?! Blueblood, you went around looting!" Sunset angrily mentions, "And now you expect me to just what? Pay everything up and pretend you didn't do anything wrong?

"Yes. I made a tactical decision; I'm aware my actions were wrong, but they were necessary, which I'm now taking full responsibility for, and I ask you to please understand and help me out this one time.

"Blueblood, I'm not gonna pay for you going around stealing," She says with finality. "You better come here and fix this, mister," She ordered, making the prince sigh and lose his patience.

"Please, Sunset, we are all friends here. Don't make me play this card; I hoped we could negotiate this peacefully without resorting to the blame game."

"What game? Blueblood, you have nothing to stand on. You are not weaseling out of this one, mister!" she remarked, getting angry as the Prince remained quiet, waiting if she had anything else to say, having reached the end of his patience.

Okay, Sunset, you asked for it.

"Sunset...you know that I'm still technically the ruling authority of Equestria, correct?"


"So, as the ruler, I could easily decide to consider how you never faced justice for everything you have. My aunt and cousin decided to look the other way, pretending everything was fine. Shall I list them off? Theft from the crown attempted terrorism, assault of a member of the royal family, possession and knowledge of illegal magics that shouldn't be in that world in the first place, and is currently affecting your world in a series of unpredictable and often dangerous ways. Do you want me to go on?"

Sunset remained quiet, and the Prince had a good idea of why it was. "Now, if you want me to face the consequences for my actions, fine, I am ready to do just that, but don't forget I can also bring up how a certain STUDENT broke the law several times in return. So what do you say? We can both atone for our mistakes and put EVERYTHING back to what it should be and follow the letter of the law. Or will you do me this one favor and go our separate ways as friends with an understanding? Your choice."

"...so when can you pay me back?" Sunset asks with a nervous chuckle

"As soon as things get back to normal in Equestria, I promise." He said with a sigh. "And Sunset? As your friend, please don't make me play this card again; I hate being the bad guy pointing fingers. You were never my enemy, and the last thing I want is for us to have bad blood between us."

"It...I know something about making mistakes, like underestimating you back then. Mayor Sombra and Principal Celestia gave us a whole speech about it." She said with a sigh of her own.

Wait, Mayor Sombra? Is he like the equivalent...? There has to be a better time to start playing 'Who is who in which world.'

The Prince shook his head before continuing, "I promise. I will discuss the deal with Twilight, but you will get your money back in a week at the most." Blueblood answered cheerfully.

Sunset sighed, and Blueblood could practically feel her pinching her nose and shaking her head. "I will take your word for it. And again, sorry for this. I got pretty worked up when you got your little escape."

"To be fair, I should have told you earlier. You shouldn't worry, though. You know now that I am very particular about keeping my promises and despise leaving things incomplete."

"Yeah, that's true, Blueblood. A lot is happening here, and we are still cleaning up the mess. Dream is gone. Is the same happening on your end?

"I have been informed yeah, but something tells me things will need to be put back in order. Starting with returning the elements to Twilight and her friends. The moment I can, I will send you the money and the cell phone; thanks for your help, Sunset."

"No, Blueblood, thank you for saving us; you were a hero back then. Thanks... and I'm sorry for how we treated you."

"Water under the bridge, I'll talk more later; take care, Sunny,"

"Sunny?" She repeated, confused, but before she could ask anything else, Blueblood hung on with a chuckle

God, I needed to get that out of my system

Shaking his head, he looked at his aunt with a smile as he levitated the cell phone with his magic.

"So everything is fine?" Tempo asked with a tilted head.

"As fine as things could be considering everything that has happened, but it seems things are slowly returning to normal here."

"Good, I..." She stopped herself before looking down. "I was too afraid to ask if everything was okay there. Everyone has been so careful and understanding with me ever since, and I'm thankful to them for doing so, but the guilt of what I did is..."

The Prince stopped her by placing his head underneath her neck and nuzzling her face with a hug. "I know it's hard now, but we can take it one step at a time, Auntie. And I will always be there for you. I'm just glad to have you back, and this time, I know that it is my real auntie."

The pegasus sniffed and held back tears as she returned the gesture. "My sweet, beautiful snowflake, have I ever told you how much you remind me of your mom?"

He chuckled and started to tear up a little. "Not yet, but nothing would make me happier than to hear more about her and Dad."

"Of course! I will not leave a single detail." They both shared a moment until a loud thud outside the establishment startled the two and bounced them two feet off the floor alongside everything else not nailed to the ground.

Once they were on the floor again, they only blinked and broke the hug to look at the entrance, where something big was blocking the sunlight from the adjacent windows.

"~Oh, Blueblood, somebody wants to see you~" Nefi sang from the entrance, making both ponies look at each other before chuckling and shaking their heads.

"Never a dull moment in our lives, right?"

"Trust me, snowflake, after twenty-five years of nothing but dullness, you begin to crave excitement." Tempo replied as they left the room to meet the rest of their friends.

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