• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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School Of Fish (Edited By BS)

As Blueblood continued to close the freshly made portals while Nefertiti dealt with the creatures to test her new gloves, Sonata remained on the sidelines, feeling out of place and unsure of what to do.

Fiddling with her fingers, she would occasionally glance at the two of them.

They look so in sync.

Doing her best to keep up with their speed, Sonata caught how the two kept smiling while glancing at each other, taking a few minutes to deal with the monsters before closing the portals, almost like they were playing some sort of game.

Seeing them in action, it is almost like they are having fun. Unconsciously she brought her palm to her neck and tried to remember when she and her friends were still sirens, wreaking havoc everywhere.

Is this what teamwork looks like? Fun? And, for that matter, did we have fun back then? Closing her eyes, she recalled when they first appeared in Equestria, causing havoc and destruction with their voices.

"Wow, so this is the open sky? It's so...big and blue but different from the sea." Sonata unfurled her fins and basked in the sunlight while floating around.

"Great Sonata, thanks for describing what the sky looks like." Aria snarked before turning to Adagio. "Can we get a move on before she starts describing what a rock is?"

For her part, Adagio looked around at the shores before she spotted a coastal town nearby.

"There. We would start with that town and make our way north."

"Aww, but do we have to? We just arrived. Can't we rest a little bit?" Sonata complained, "The breeze feels incredible in my fins. Girls, you have to try it. Just hunch over a little and then..."

"We will have time for that later. Right now, there is work to be done." Adagio stopped her and pointed at the town.

"Eww work? But you said we were going to have some fun"

Adagio smirked and put a fin on her shoulder. "Oh, that's the idea, Sonata. I have the greatest game for all of us to play."

Opening her eyes, she looks at the ceiling in contemplation.

It may have been funny at first, but after a while, it started to get repetitive and felt like a chore. I followed her orders because I didn't want to get yelled at or bullied by those two. Adagio kept pushing Aria and me to do what she wanted repeatedly. Come to think about it, I don't remember her ever asking our opinion or even saying sorry. Not even when it was her fault we ended up here and again when we lost our voices and our final chance to return to Equestria. Cleaning a tear, she looked at the two royals again while they wrapped things up.

My siren voice, he said that he could bring it back, but is it even possible?" letting go of her neck, she dug around in her pocket for a plastic bag full of what remained of their gems. Adagio told us that this was just garbage now and to throw it away, but was she right? I followed her because she is the leader, but why was that? Smarts? No, if anything, I say she was a bully, were I and Aria just her minions? Why? Why did we keep listening to her even after what she did to us?

"Sonata?" Nefi's voice startled her, and looking back while putting the gems away, she noticed the two royals staring at her in concern. "Are you with us?"

"Y-Yeah, I am, but what were you saying, just in case?"

The two blink before pointing to the empty mall. "We're done here and can focus on your magic now."

"Oh, that's great!" Her face suddenly lit up as she exchanged glances between the two. "Let's do this! Just a quick question, how do we do it?"

Blueblood briefly chuckled at her disposition while Nefi sat beside her on the bench. "Well, before we do anything. I was wondering if I could ask you something."

"Don't worry, sweetie, this isn't a friendship trap, nor are we giving you conditions." Nefertiti quickly added before Sonata could protest. "This is just something Bluey likes to do, that's all."

"Plus, it would help me figure out how to give you back your voice."

"Ah! Okay then, as long as this isn't some friendship trap."

"It isn't. I promise," Blueblood repeated calmly. "I just want to make sense of something. Twilight once told me about you. About how before you came here, you and your other two friends used to terrorize all of Equestria and gave a bad reputation to the siren species as a result. Did you really do all of those things? I ask because something didn't make sense every time I heard that story."

"Yeah, we did all of that. What did you not get about it?"

"Well, if that is the case, why did you do it, Sonata? There weren't any demands, end goals, treats, or warnings. For all intents and purposes, you were only destroying everything, just because. Why? Twilight told me how fiercely intelligent you are here and there, so why act...for lack of a better term, like wild animals?"

"Because Adagio told us that it would be fun," She answered without shame or thought, perplexing the royal.

"And was it?" Nefi questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Sonata looked at her, equally confused by that question.

"You just said that Adagio claimed that it would be fun. What did you think about it?" Blueblood clarified.

"I mean, it was kind of funny...at the beginning, but then it kind of became a chore and a boring one at that." She confessed with a roll of her eyes. "We simply did it because Adagio told us to continue. Or at least that is what I always thought, and Aria didn't seem interested in...anything else. She follows Adagio just because." She shrugged and closed her eyes. "If you ask me, she is a bit of a school fish. In that, she only follows and copies everything Adagio does."

The two royals exchanged worried glances at that claim.

"Ah, Sonata..." Before the Prince could say anything else, Sunset's phone came to life, startling everyone, and after checking it, Nefi was confused when the number was listed as unknown "Bluey, why don't you take this call while I deal with this?" Nefi suggested handing over the phone.

"You sure?"

"Relax, this is something my dad did millions of times before. I know how to deal with it."

"Deal with what?" Sonata looked between the two, not understanding what was happening, as Blueblood remained a bit unsure before ultimately agreeing and taking the phone.

"Okay, Nefi, I trust you."

He picked up the phone and walked away a fair distance so the ladies could have privacy.


“BLUEY! You picked it up!" The cheerful voice of Pinkie almost made him drop the phone. "I was so worried, and so was Sierra and RarityandSkystarand..."

"P-Pinkie, Pinkie! Calm down. I can barely make sense of what you are saying." The Prince managed to say before she could continue with her rant. "I'm happy to hear from you too, but how are you doing this?"

"Oh, Rarity told me that Sierra told her how to do it. Wait, I will put you on the group call."

"No, wait, how are you...?"

"Hello? Blueblood? Is that you?" A relieved Rarity asked.

"Yay, we did it!" Skystar screams in excitement.

"Not bad girls, not bad at all," Sierra replied calmly. "Told you he was okay."

"Wait, girls, how are you talking to me?" He pulled the phone away and regarded the machine with a raised eyebrow. "How far is the coverage of this phone?" He put the phone back to his ear as Pinkie laughed.

"No, silly, I told you, Rarity did it."

"I boosted the signal more precisely," Rarity clarified. "Using blueprints and following Sierra's instructions, mind you, but it was mostly Skystar and me."

"You three manage to boost a signal to cover two dimensions?" Blueblood couldn't help but whistle, "Okay, that's just impressive."

"We can't exactly take all the credit," Skystar said after a quick giggle. "The breaches in the sky make reaching your current dimension that much easier, and a device near you is picking up the signal. Which is probably why you are receiving it there and not on your earpiece."

"Yeah, we are gonna need to talk about what exactly you are holding later, Blueblood," Sierra said. "But for now, we must focus on the situation at paw. How are things on your end? Where are you exactly?"

"Short version? We are in the world where Sunset lives. When things got worse in Appleloosa, Nefertiti and I had no choice but to make the jump and find out how bad things are getting here. The plan is still on track, don't worry. We just had to change the course of action. What about you? How are things back in Equestria?"

"Not too great, I'm afraid, darling. Whatever happened to you must have happened everywhere because all of a sudden, brutes start appearing everywhere and causing unrest." Rarity explained somberly.

"We managed to repel them here, thank Fenrir," Sierra continued. "And that moment, I took advantage of the calm to finish my invention to move the day and night cycles forward. It's almost done, by the way."

"Fluttershy's group seems to be okay too, from their position as they keep sending out the radio silence signal, but unfortunately, AJ..." Skystar started to list but paused when she reached the situation with her.

"Oh, AJ? She is here with me." Pinkie announced, shocking everyone.

"She is?" Almost everyone asks her immediately.

"Yep, did I forget to tell you how the dream bubbles here have been expanding and merging for a while now? Oops, silly me," She giggles briefly. "Yeah, the sand here has been acting weird with all the holes growing, expelling even more bubbles and fusing them into one giant one. So I quickly made a sand ballroom like the one in Canterlot to put a group there, then a sand apple farm, a sand rodeo, and when I found out the other bubbles came from Sunset's world, a sand school that turned into a dreamy, real one."

"Pinkie, walk me through that. You saw a bunch of sand bubbles appearing everywhere, so you just decided to make sand buildings to put everyone dreaming inside," Rarity asked, recovering from the party mare's explanation first.


"And once you did, everyone just appeared inside them, and the sand became real, like when we had to deal with Princess Luna's evil creation?"

"That is right!"

"Okay, just one final question, how did you know that by moving the sand, you could create solid structures?"

"Dah, because sand is at the beach, and the beach has games. Among those is making sand castles, but you don't necessarily have to make one, and castles are houses."

Everyone remained quiet at her explanation until Blueblood started to laugh. "By god, did I send the right mare for the job? Pinkie, you are a genius."

"Awww! Thanks. Oh, do you want to talk with AJ? She and the double Big Mac's are keeping everyone calm, but I'm sure they would like to speak."

"Not yet. Just tell her we are all fine and can talk for a moment. But before that..." Blueblood glanced at Sonata, who kept talking with Nefi "...think you could look for two people in particular, Pinkie?"


"Excellent, call me back in twenty minutes. I need to set something up here."

"Darling, what are you plotting?" Rarity asked, intrigued by the Princes tone

"Fixing two issues at once with any luck." He smiled, thinking of a plan of action for Sonata. "I will explain the details later, but for now, this is what I want you to do, Pinkie..."

20 minutes later

"Okay, I get that we have communications again. Hurray for the fleabag," Nefi replied sarcastically with a roll of her eyes and wiggled finger. "And it's great that we are putting the plan back on track, but why are you letting Sonata talk with her tormentors again?" The Princess crosses her arms as they look at the siren in question, speaking with her teammates again, not too far from them. "I just helped her realize how Adagio was just using her."

"Exactly," Blueblood nodded confidently. "It's one thing having doubts. It's an entirely different thing to have solid evidence. Sonata is their only hope, and the poor mare has been grieving their loss since then. What will happen when Adagio responds to her concern with yells and demands that she set her free right now? Ignoring her opinion, her feelings, and at this point, even logic? Especially after your little chat about how Adagio keeps dragging them down."

"Oh! I see what you are doing now, Bluey." Nefi smirked as she looked at the surprised and then angry scowl on Sonata's face. "Your devious Prince, I love it."

"It's not a manipulative tactic if that is what you're thinking." He looked at Sonata with pity before looking back at Nefi. "I genuinely want to help that poor girl escape such a toxic relationship. And to do that, sometimes you have to play the same game. At least part of it relies on constructing a situation in which the tormentor can't lie their way out of it, and their victims finally see the type of person they were all along. It is painful, hard to watch, and sometimes explosive...but at the end of the day. It needs to happen."

"You know what? SCREW YOU! Rot in that desert for all I care!" Sonata yelled at the top of her lungs before ending the call and hugged herself in sadness and rage, holding back tears.

"And that's the explosion, time to do some healing."

Approaching carefully, the two royals approached Sonata, who continued hugging herself and sniffing while fighting to hold back tears.

"Sonata I..." Nefertiti started and was about to place her hand on Sonata's shoulder but retracted and looked at Blueblood before glancing at the siren again "...we are sorry."

"No, you are not" She turned to them with a glare and teary eyes. "You knew that would happen, did you?"

They both remained silent for a moment and looked down.

"Answer me!"

"Yes," Blueblood didn't dance around the subject and responded bluntly, taking a step forward. "Neither Aria nor Adagio was ever your friend Sonata. From the beginning, you were nothing but a minion, a fool, and manipulated so much that not even exile made you realize what that siren did to you. So if you want to be angry, be angry at me. This was my whole idea, but don't ask me to say sorry. I would not apologize for helping you see the truth."

She was about to cry, keeping her glare on him. "When did I ask you to save me?!" She started to hit his chest repeatedly, wailing as Blueblood remained firm. "I was happy with how things were! I was happy thinking that deep down inside, I had friends! I was happy because this world had tacos! At least I could continue pretending there wasn't anything wrong! You are an idiot! Bastard! You giant egomaniac! Why did you have to come and mess with my life? You...you...you..." She became increasingly tired as Blueblood let her have a moment to vent before extending his arms and pulling her into a hug.

"That is okay, Sonata, this is all okay. Just let it all out."

"Let me go! Let me go right now! You want to use me too! Just as another soldier, don't you? That is why you want to give me my voice back! So you can use it against your enemies!" She struggled to get out, but her emotions and energy betrayed her, and she barely made any effort.

"You can walk away," He whispered into her ear, which caught her off guard.


"I'm not Adagio. I will not force you to do something if you don't want to. You can still walk away, find a hiding place, and wait for all this to end even after we give you your voice back. We would understand if you still want no part in this."

"We might know the mental game works, heck we might have played once or twice before, but there are lines we don't cross honey." Nefertiti added. "Forcing civilians into fighting is one of them. We might be liars, and taking our words with a grain of salt is okay. It is a good policy, and you should keep it, but know that we have principles too."

Sonata exchanged glances between the two royals before lowering her hands and resting her head on Blueblood's shoulders. "Are you telling the truth? I can run after you give me back my powers?"

"Yes. The world is in crisis, and we could use a siren to help us, but we will not force you if that is not what you want. It must be your decision."

Sniffing, she didn't reply and decided to return the hug, crying openly, "Why did she do that to me?"

"Some creatures are like that. Sonata" Nefi can only offer that as a reply patting her head. "There will always be those who see others as nothing more than puppets, fools, and tools. That is why you need to be careful with them."

She tightened the hug and started to glare at nothing. "I will show them. I would show them all."

"Sonata?" Blueblood took a quick glance at the siren, confused by her shift in mood

"I will do it. I will help you, Blueblood." She broke the hug and stared at them both. "I would stay with you, not only because you helped me see what a bitch Adagio is, not only because you asked instead of just using those mental tricks you mentioned, but so I will be able to show everyone in both worlds that Sonata Dusk is not some ditzy airhead that can be jerked around like a puppet on a string! And once the world is saved, I would make sure to find those ingrates and rub on their faces how I could save everyone without their help!" She mainly proclaimed to herself as she looked with steely determination.

"Glad to have you with us, and I love that energy right there, Sonata. Try to hold on to it. You are going to need it in order to get your powers back."

"I do?" She looked back at Blueblood with a raised eyebrow

"She does?" Nefi repeated, looking at the Prince equally confused.

"Oh yeah, Sonata, you have been a trio act all your life, so for this to work. You must take a deep breath, look deep down, and find your voice. Clear, loud, and strong." He rubs his hands in anticipation. "Look out, world, Sonata is about to debut her solo act!"

The ladies are still confused but started to get excited at the prospect. While hiding behind a pillar, a wary Blueblood looks on angrily at them.

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