• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Respect For The Departed (BS, RB AND KTK )

The tension was palpable among the royal sisters as they watched from a distance. They could see Blueblood spending some alone time with his god-aunt Tempo. Who, after placing a bouquet of white carnations on the graves of Blueblood's parents and sharing a couple of stories about them with the prince, politely asked the sisters for a moment alone with him, telling them that there were a couple of things she wanted to discuss with him alone. Naturally, Celestia was opposed to the idea, but after some coaching from Luna, she reluctantly agreed and gave the two of them a moment to talk.

Time seemed to have slowed to a crawl as Celestia kept watching Tempo like a hawk as she spoke with her nephew. She could feel the mare taunting her somewhat as she occasionally looked back at her with a smirk and even going so far as to place her right wing on the Prince's back for support as they kept chatting. It was an act that was in Celestia's mind, only reserved to her, Luna and Cadence.

Oh no, she didn't!

"I am sure that that is enough time those two have had," Celestia proclaimed and started to march forward until Luna placed her hoof in front of her, halting her sister's advance.

"Come on, Celly, just let those two have their moment. There is a lifetime of catching up between them," Luna argues in pity. "Regardless of the history that you two might share, Crossfire Tempo has the right to be a part of Blueblood's life, just as you and I do."

Celestia could only grumble and look to the side in frustration. "I don't know if she still deserves that privilege."

"Seriously, Tia, what happened between you two? What caused you to have such little faith towards that mare?" Luna questioned the perplexity of her sister's behavior.

"Because that mare became all that I have learned to despise in the noble class," Celestia was quick to answer before sighing in shame and lowering her head in disappointment. "That mare was once one of the greatest captains the Wonderbolts ever had. A pegasus of action that wouldn't think twice about getting her hooves dirty and was the perfect example of a teammate. But after her accident, she changed to the point that I couldn't recognize the mare I once knew, and my nephews trusted with the lives of their offspring. At first, I blamed myself for the change, but then..."

She trailed off as she looked at Luna, who brought her hoof to her face, "You pampered her while recovering, didn't you?"

"This one wasn't my fault! The mare couldn't even move, for pony's sake, Luna! So I hired a couple of nurses and ONE butler to assist in her recovery. I didn't go overboard, I swear. Sure, I was concerned and let her stay in the palace, and I made sure that Blueblood visited her as often as possible. But that was it; she never was treated any differently than other injured subjects." Celestia defended herself before continuing. "I might have even been a tad bit more strict in her recovery sessions and made sure she didn't skip any of them."

Luna looked at her with a raised eyebrow, not wholly believing her sister but was willing to give her a chance to explain herself. "Go on."

"Everything was going well right until her flying lessons started. According to her trainer, she was in perfect condition and ready to fly again, but each time she tried, her wings went stiff and refused to move. Like some sort of defense mechanism when trying to lift off, revealing that her mind was not completely healed from the accident."

"I see. That must have been a terrible experience for her," Luna commented, bringing her right hoof to her chin in thought.

"That's the thing. I'm not sure she even realized or cared about her situation. Sure, she told me how frustrated she was being grounded, but when the doctor told her, Tempo took the news rather well, calmly even. It was like a part of her didn't care about flying anymore, and she didn't even make an effort to seek professional help to fix it. Each time I tried to encourage her or even asked why she didn't want to look into the problem, she only replied by telling me, 'I'd rather not do it.'" Celestia recalled the event getting more emotional by the second. "Poor Spitfire, when Tempo announced her early retirement, I swear I saw that little filly's heart break in two. The old Tempo was her hero, and she saw her crash and burn."

"A sorrowful story indeed," Luna nodded in agreement.

"After that, you can start blaming me for getting my hooves in her life a little bit. She was still Blueblood's guardian and was currently unemployed, so I extended my invitation to live in the palace even more and even offered her a sum of bits for her to start again when she felt ready. Having her help raising Blueblood was more than welcome."

Luna's eyes widened in realization. "Sister, you are not saying…?"

Her fears were only confirmed when Celestia merely nodded. "Just like Blueblood, she slowly started to make ridiculous requests and use him as a tool to obtain them. She didn't have much power to order ponies around, but her god-nephew did. She took full advantage of that fact. She practically taught him how to behave around others."

"And molded him into the narcissistic manipulating brat we knew." Luna whispered, looking at the mare in question. "She is the one that created that monster. That is the root of your anger toward her, no, it is more than just that, you are concerned that she might try to repeat it, am I right?"

"That is only half of the issue, sister, but yes, it is a big chunk of the problem. Part of me is happy that her time in exile has humbled her somewhat, and so far, she hasn't been demanding anything and only seems set on earning my forgiveness. Though, after what she did to make me exile her…that would take more time."

"What did she do?" Luna asked now intrigued by the story, but once again before Celestia could explain, the mare in question approached the two with a sigh before looking at Celestia. "Blue asked me if you could talk with him in private for a moment or two."

"Just me?" Celestia asked, pointing at herself as Tempo nodded. "He said something about feeling in another body and said that you could help while Princess Luna and I chat a little," she explained before looking at the mare in question. "Which I think it's a good idea, as my god-child told me, this is an opportunity for us to get to know each other better and I don't think we have had the pleasure of meeting yet, Princess Luna."

"It is a perfectly valid point," Luna nodded in agreement. "And I have a couple of questions I have meaning to ask since I was informed of your connection with our family. Mainly how did you and Bluebloods parents meet in the first place?"

"Isn't that ironic? Blueblood asked me the same thing, earlier." She then glared at Celestia. "One might think his supposed Grand Aunt would have tried to help a family member remember as much of his past as possible, but I imagine talking about his parent's circle of friends was simply too low on the list," she spat at Celestia with a voice full of venom. Even Luna was impressed by the bravery of the mare, pointing out her sister's age.

She is brave I will give her that

Luna mentally praised her before stopping Celestia from turning Tempo into ashes by placing her hoof on Celestia's shoulder. "Just go to our nephew, sister. I will take it from here," Luna instructed her, pointing at Blueblood with her head while he kept staring at the graves.

Celestia only sighed to calm down before nodding. "Not that you would ever believe me, but I truly intended to introduce you two, maybe not immediately but eventually. I would have done that," she defended herself before leaving.

"Forgive me if I find that hard to believe, Princess." Tempo retorted as she kept glaring at Celestia. At that moment, Luna could practically taste the resentment both mares were feeling toward each other as Celestia approached her nephew while Tempo turned to regard her with a calm smile. As the ruler of the night considered the mare before her, while she was willing to listen and give her a chance, Luna was ready to stay alert and weigh all of her actions in case the mare in question may have any ulterior motives.

Once Celestia reached Blueblood, her maternal alarms started to flare. She could detect the signs of fatigue and fear in Blueblood. It was clear that he didn't have a peaceful rest the night before. At first, she laughed it off, thinking it mere stress of seeing his parents, but now she was sure that it was more than just that. Something else was bothering and happening to Blueblood, and her concern slowly grew as a result.

Rather than voice her presence outright, the princess decided instead to simply sit next to Blueblood and look at the graves herself, which consisted of two simple marble plates with a steel plaque on top wherein a gold inscription was etched. Here lies Royal Treatment/ Formal Attire, friends, husband/wife, loving parents, and beloved members of the royal family.

It was just as she had instructed for their funeral. A single tear ran down her left cheek as she paid her respects to them in silence, remembering the scar that their departure left on her heart.

"Do you miss them?" Blueblood asked while keeping his gaze on his parents.

"Always. I know full well that they are resting in peace with the rest of my family, and despite being gone, their spirits keep watch over us. Though, there are days where I look at the stars and think about what a shame it is that Equestria will never be able to taste Royal's special royal strawberry tarts ever again," Celestia said with a small smile, earning a low chuckle from the Prince.

"My dad knew how to cook?"

"When you are a food critic for so long, you pick up a thing or two, nephew. Just as how Formal Attire knew her way around a needle and could easily give Rarity a run for her bits making dresses, as well as giving her opinion," Celestia replied finally looking at Blueblood, "I dare to say, if she was still around, Rarity might have done everything in her power to become her apprentice. She was just that skillful at her job. Oh, the stories I could tell you of how many times she convinced me to be the model of her latest creations." she recalled with fondness as she extended her wing and covered Blueblood back in an improvised blanket. "I still wonder how she did it," she confessed in honest surprise.

"They were prideful, arrogant, and loved to talk about themselves for hours, but all there gloating was well earned and always had as much advice as criticism. A bit of an annoyance at times, but their hearts were always in the right place, and I loved them all the same."

"They sound like incredible ponies, with flaws sure, but very passionate about their jobs," Blueblood said, smiling in pride as he tried to hide his unease, yet Celestia saw right through that and wouldn't allow it.

"What is in your mind, dear?" she asked with a voice of concern, making it clear that it would be pointless for Blueblood to lie, so with a sigh, he dropped the act and simply told the truth.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure myself. Right now, my head is a swirl of mixed feelings and conflicting thoughts. At peace for getting to meet my parents, happy to obtain an incredible family, thankful for hearing so many stories about them…" the Prince recalled with a smile for a moment before turning that expression into sadness "…; guilty for taking over his life, determined to prove myself worthy of being their son and a prince, fearful of what I did and I might do to the kingdom," he confessed lowering his head before raising it in determination.

"But if I truly want to be Blueblood, I need to do this. I need to come clean and pay my respects to them…to his parents," Blueblood said the last part in a whisper. "I need to apologize, and promise them that…God, I don't even know where to start!" he brought his right hoof to his face in frustration.

"It's ok, Nephew, there's no need to force yourself," Celestia nuzzles his side in an attempt to soothe his worries as the Prince tried to calm himself. "Just take a deep breath and speak from your heart," she coach him with a warm smile. "I told you before, and I will tell you as many times as you need to hear it. Royal and Formal would have loved to have you in their lives, and I'm sure that if they were here, they would be grateful that you continue their legacy and that of their son." She ended by cleaning some tears forming in his eyes.

"Thanks, Auntie," Blueblood nodded and sniffed once before looking at her. "I needed that."

"Anytime, and if you still need more time, I will understand completely. Luna and I will be there when you are ready."

"It's ok, auntie. I'm ready now," he claimed before turning his attention back at the graves. Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, the Prince prepared himself before speaking to them. "Mom, Dad, I know that this conversation might sound a bit weird…because it is. Me having a human soul, I'm not entirely sure if we are family or not, not to mention that the original Blueblood…is gone forever. And no one will ever know it." the Prince confessed in shame as he felt Celestia's hoof on his shoulder, giving him the strength to continue.

"I can't change what happened or do anything about it, regarding where he ended up. But I can and will honor his memory and continue his legacy as if it was my own. This is in no way an excuse or request for taking over his life, but rather, it's my way of thanking him for letting me have a second chance at life. So, with the princess as my witness, I promise you that I will ensure that the name Blueblood will not end up as infamous in the books of history," Blueblood solemnly swore at the graves of his parents before stepping back.

"Are you feeling better?" Celestia asked him in concern, placing a wing on his back.

"Not really," Blueblood answered, letting go of a breath he was holding while keeping his head low before raising it and looking at her with bags under his eyes and a weak smile. "But it's a start. At the very least, I said my peace and paid my respects. Do you think it will be enough for them?" he asked, turning his attention to the graves, Celestia sensing his worries and fatigue.

"I'm sure they will," Celestia replied with a warm smile. "And who knows? Perhaps my nephew will manage to weasel his way out of Tartarus and into his mother's hooves."

That last comment caught the Prince by surprise as he looked back at her. "Is that even possible?"

"Others have managed to escape before, and if I knew Blueblood…the original Blueblood, I mean, its that he was incredibly crafty and clever in the face of adversity. It's a real shame he used those gifts to avoid responsibility. But on the other hoof, if any pony could be able to outwit demons and monsters and find a way out, it's him. Not to mention that he will not be alone in his endeavor," Celestia added, pointing at Formal Attire's grave. "Never underestimate the willpower of a doting mother, dear. Never."

"Tartarus hath no fury like a concerned mother?" He asked with a chuckle and a raised eyebrow.

"Precisely." The princess nodded. "Hopefully that helps ease your concerns."

"It does a little actually, but it will still take time before the guilt goes away completely." Blueblood then sighed and started to walk back to the group, but stops when he notices his aunt had not moved. "Are you coming, Auntie?"

"Just a second, there is something I would like to tell them as well," She says before addressing the grave.

"Despite what happened, I just wanted to tell you that I care and will continue to love and protect your son as if he was my own. And whoever did this to your son, I will seek them, I will find them, and I will make them regret the day that they ever thought about hurting my family." Celestia said, shedding another tear before turning around and joining Blueblood.

"Thank you."

Both royals froze as they just barely perceived an audible female whisper behind them, yet when they look at the graves, there was nothing there.

"A-Auntie, tell me that you also…"

"...Some things are better left alone, dear," Celestia interrupted him as she pushed Blueblood forward. "Let us just not think about it too much,"

After that, they both returned to Luna and Tempo, who were in the middle of a conversation, or rather, some kind of interview where Luna kept asking questions for the pegasus to answer.

"…afterwards we sort of just kept in contact with one another and soon our chats stopped becoming random subjects and topics to pass the time. Eventually, we became close friends." Tempo ended her story with a smile.

"I see, who would have thought that everything was started by a business proposition to increase the popularity of a restaurant," Luna mentioned with honest fascination. However, Celestia could see that Tempo hadn't won her over just yet, and Luna was still on guard with the mare.

"Heh, just like Twily always says, friendship can bloom at any moment, in any place," Blueblood voiced their presence with a smile as the two mares looked back at them.

"Ah, Bluey, dear! How did it go? Were you able to say your piece to your parents?" Tempo asked with a raised eyebrow, quickly approaching him until Celestia got in between them.

"He did, and all it took was a bit of encouragement from a caring aunt," Celestia tells her with a forced smile, something that Tempo soon copied as both mares kept chuckling at one another.

"Isn't it that right? How fortunate for my nephew to have such a wise and knowledgeable member in the family," Tempo replied as they kept laughing at one another rather forcefully. At the same time, Blueblood snuck away to approach Luna and whisper in her ear.

"And that is exactly why I didn't want to leave those two alone," he confessed.

"Nephew, why in the name of all my stars did you invite Crossfire Tempo if you knew that it would lead to this?" Luna whispered back at him.

"Because Aunt Tempo is part of the family too, and it's not fair, excluding her just because of something that happened between her and aunt Celestia. Don't we all deserve a second chance? We of all people should know about that. Right, Aunt Luna?"

"Oh, nephew, are you sure you know what you are doing?" Luna voiced her concern, surprising Blueblood.

"What are you implying?" Blueblood questioned her with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean that I applaud your intentions and your willingness to give her a chance, but this might not be a good idea. I know my sister better than anyone else, and I know that there are very few ponies that have earned her spite. If that mare is one of them, then bridges burnt might be beyond repairable."

"So, you're saying that you are taking Aunt Celestia's side?" Blueblood questions her as his anger starts to rise. Celestia and Tempo's discussion prevented either of them from noticing the two.

"I'm not taking any sides, nephew, what I'm telling you is to be careful."

"Be careful. So even now, you still don't trust me?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, we trust you. Dear, it's Tempo, the one we still don't know if we trust or not," Luna defended herself.

"Then why don't you put a tracking spell on her too?" Blueblood sarcastically replied, taking Luna by surprise.

"You thought that I wouldn't question how the royal guards managed to spot me without any doubt and prepared the teleportation so quickly despite my face being covered? I let it slide because I convinced myself that you did it because of love. Now I'm wondering if that tracker was from an issue of trust," Blueblood questioned her with a glare before holding his head in pain.

Luna tried to help when he momentarily lost his balance, but he refused her aid and kept glaring at her. "You know, before you start judging and taking others for grated, you should consider their feelings and give them a chance to defend themselves. We wouldn't want a repeat of the…" Blueblood stopped himself the moment he saw Luna's expression and of how she was on the verge of tears, forcing him to question himself and look down in shame and thought. "What am I saying?"

"Nephew, what is happening to you?" Luna asked in worry.

"I'm sorry Aunty I don't know what came over me I'm just…so tired," he confessed, holding his face not in pain but rather in fatigue. "There is so much on my mind, and I'm so stressed." Once he was done rubbing his temples, he looks back at her. "Just give her a chance, auntie. She has been kind to me. I don't want to split my family now," he begged her more calmly. “Plus…what I did in Manehattan, all those kingpins I defeated. I’m praying that this is just me been paranoid, but if a member of his family or group seek my revenge well…Aunt Tempo doesn’t have my cousins magic, or a castle and army to protect herself, she would be the obvious choice to get to me, and if anyone would dare…I-I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself”

"…ok," Luna finally relinquished after sighing in defeat. "For you, I will give her a chance," she replied with a smile.

"And that is all I ask of you." Blueblood nodded with a weak smile before looking back at the two arguing mares. "We'd better stop them if we want to save the rest of our day off, right? The day is young, and there are still a lot of things I want us to talk about. Like what is that Nightmare Night thing I keep hearing about in the castle nowdays?" Blueblood wonders as he goes to break the bickering mares apart.

Luna looked at him in concern as she felt the dreadful yet familiar feelings of anger and resentment emanate from her nephew.

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