• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Midnight Chats (Edited by RB, CC, GT4 And TS)

"So, all you needed to do was take a picture of me mingling with you to leak to the nobles. That way, they stop trying to find out what happened to me," Blueblood summarized after Thorax was finished speaking.

"Precisely," Thorax said with a nod. "But we can't take the picture now. With how you look, it would appear that we beat you up for a deal, or something."

"Well, no, not really. It all depends on the context," Blueblood mused, looking at both him and Celestia. "Look, from what I’ve gathered, my past self was, in short, a sociopath. So if I really was like that, then that means that meeting with changelings would be more than just searching for allies and ignoring the ones that I had. It would be a way of entertaining myself."

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked.

"This is how I imagine my story will have to go: the meeting would go as planned, just like you told me, but this wouldn't be about helping them enter into noble society. It will be about them crawling at my hooves, seeing who can be the most useful to me. Then I would let the others beg as much as they want, only to refuse their petitions, leaving only a few to serve me as my pawns."

Thorax blinked and his jaw dropped slightly. "...That sounds horrible!"

"And in-character," Celestia admitted in shame. "Since puberty, I don't recall Blueblood having any kind of real friends, just ‘assets’ and ‘contacts’ to do whatever he needed, whenever he needed it."

"And that is what we need to do to keep making Equestria believe that was what happened, so we can spread rumours of me finding new pieces to use,” Blueblood added. “Maybe just deliver a 'leaked' list of options to the public with some of the names crossed out, indicating that they 'didn't make the cut'." He looked down at his injuries. "And that will be the moment that my wounds come into play."

"What do you have in mind, nephew?" Celestia asked, her interest thoroughly piqued.

Before Blueblood could answer, Red Heart entered the room. "Excuse me, Your Highnesses?"

When their attention was all on her, she cleared her throat and continued, "Visiting hours are over. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to ask you both to leave."

"I understand, Nurse Redheart, but can't you give us a few more minutes? This is rather important," Celestia pleaded.

The nurse shook her head. "I’m sorry, but rules are rules, and the prince needs his rest. Tomorrow morning he can be discharged, but for now, he needs to remain here in observation."

"But…" Celestia began to protest.

"Auntie, it’s ok, I can tell you tomorrow,” Blueblood assured her. “Although...it might actually be better if I don't tell you everything at once."

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "What? Why?"

"Don't take it personally, auntie, but it’ll help a lot if your surprise is more genuine with my story, and well..." He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "I was told that your acting skills...need some work."

"Are you saying I can’t act? Who told--?" Celestia paused mid-sentence and her eyes narrowed in suspicion. She then turned and glared out the window at the moon in the sky. "Luna..." She hissed as Redheart lightly pushed both her and Thorax out of the room, the latter taking the changeling necklace with him.

"Get well soon, Blueblood,” Thorax said, waving as he left. “We’ll come for you first thing in the morning."

Blueblood waved back. “See you there,” he called after them, chuckling as Redheart had to pull Celestia back from re-entering the room. He then stifled a yawn and laid his head back against the pillow to get some sleep.

In the waiting room

"We need to tell her, Twilight," Applejack said once everypony was sitting in a circle. Rarity had, by this time, recovered once more and was in a less faint-y mood, and was currently scowling. Spike still kept the magazine fan ready, just in case.

"I agree, but do you think this is the right time?” Twilight argued. “I mean, you saw how she reacted with what happened this morning, Faust only knows what she will do if she finds out that at some point her nephew almost died, and that experience is probably what made him the way he is now."

“She still has the right to know, Twilight." Rainbow chimed in. "At least, I know that if something had happened to my mom or dad and you knew, I’d be peeved that you had just decided not to tell me."

“Language, Dashie!” Pinkie exclaimed. Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"I think I’d be very sad if something like that had happened to me, even if I would be sad when you told me,” said Fluttershy. “At the very least, I’d be happy knowing I can trust you...n-not that I don’t trust you, Twilight..."

"Yeah, Twilight! Besides, it’s Princess Celestia we’re talking about, I'm sure she can handle it just fine," Pinkie agreed with a cheerful nod.

Twilight noticed that Rarity had been unusually quiet since they started talking. "Rarity? Do you have anything to--?"

"I believe,” Rarity interrupted coldly, turning up her snout. “That I have already said all I wanted to say, and that you all know my feelings about this situation. I have nothing more to add."

"Rarity, please, I know you had a horrible night with him, but like Starlight said, it was just one night. She and Discord have done way worse things and we forgave them,” Twilight implored. She then glanced at Starlight and added, “No offense."

Starlight held up her hoof and smiled. "None taken. Besides, it’s a valid point. Tell me Rarity, if you accepted me, why can't you accept an apology from him?"

"Because even when being evil, you and Discord were still better than him," Rarity snapped. Breathing deeply, she closed her eyes and said, "Let me rephrase that. When Discord was on the loose, he just did what he always does: make chaos. That is all he knows, and all he is. For Celestia’s sake, don't you remember what Fluttershy once told us? If he doesn't perform acts of chaos, he could quite literally fade away."

"Oh, I remember that day,” Fluttershy shivered. “It was really scary, thinking that he was gone forever."

"And as for you Starlight,” Rarity continued, pointing at her. “Yes, you did all of those horrible things, but even when brainwashing us, you never once looked down on us."

“I destroyed the world,” Starlight deadpanned. “In several timelines.”

"True, you did destroy the world several times. Yes, you wanted to break up our friendship. However, you never considered us lower than you, or not even worth your time. That 'prince'," Rarity said, practically spitting the word, "Is no better than Tirek, Sombra, or Chrysalis! No, scratch that, those three had actual power to back up their actions and claims! He is just a spoiled, full-grown brat that is never going to change, and the only thing he does is use others for his whims. He gets no sympathy from me."

Rainbow whistled. "Geez Rarity, that's a bit harsh, don't ya think?"

"He made me give him a piggyback ride the moment we met!" she yelled back, shivering in disgust. "And what's more, he made me pay for his food! He is still the same bratty, snooty colt as before."

"Uh, Rarity?” Spike spoke up, and immediately wished he hadn’t, but it was too late now. “No offense, but in both cases you were the one refusing to take 'no' for an answer."

She glared at him, and he shrank back. She then turned her snout up again and declared in indignation, "That may be. However, if he really had a near death experience, I say he got precisely what he deserves, and if he really wants my forgiveness, he’ll have to do better than that."

Twilight sighed. "Please, at least give him a chance, Rarity. He really has changed."

"We shall see," Rarity said, her tone one of finality. She spun around in her seat and crossed her forelegs with a huff.

Starlight coughed into a hoof. "Ahem, well, if we can get back to the subject at hoof, I might have another point to add. This near death experience might be the clue to his amnesia. I mean, we’ll definitely have to investigate further, but if we think of the side effects, perhaps we could find the reason he lost all his memories."

"I think I heard of something like that,” Twilight remarked. “It’s called a self-preservation coma, and it's mostly when the brain just...shuts down everything and puts the patient in a catatonic state in a last ditch effort to save their lives. Once the danger passes, it usually goes back to normal."

Starlight thought it over, but then remembered the incident at school. "I don't know, Twilight. There are some things in there that just don't add up."

"We can investigate that when the time comes,” Twilight conceded. “For now, we need to make a decision: would it really be wise to tell the princess?"

All of the girls nodded in solemn agreement. Then, after a surprised double-take, they realized that Rarity was nodding alongside them. She met their stares with one of her own, and she frowned. "What?” she grumbled. “As much as I despise him, if it serves to give the princess peace of mind, I say it's for the best. I’m not doing this for him."

"Then I guess it’s decided,” Twilight said. “Once she comes back, we’ll tell her."

"Tell me what?" Celestia asked as she and Thorax walked in.

Most of the girls jumped in surprise, and Spike rolled his eyes. “Saw that coming,” he quipped.

"Princess Celestia,” Twilight greeted. “How is Blueblood doing?"

"He’s fine, just tired, so he’s going to spend the night here,” Celestia answered. “Tomorrow morning we’ll be picking him up. I must apologize for monopolizing the visiting hours."

"Don't worry none, princess, ya needed to talk with him,” said Applejack. “And speakin’ about talkin’...we need to discuss somethin' with ya." She nudged Twilight lightly. "Go ahead Twilight, tell her."

Twilight sighed and approached her former mentor. "Princess, there’s something you need to know about Blueblood."

At Jet Set and Upper Crust’s mansion

In a mansion set high above much of Canterlot, a gathering was taking place in Jet Set’s office, with a veritable who’s-who of nobles looking at a map of Equestria with keen interest. A unicorn stallion with gray fur and a black mane crossed out another city on the map before leaning back in his chair and sighing. "Another failure," he said in disappointment. "He isn't in Las Pegasus either.”

"Say, Jet Set honey," a unicorn mare with light pink fur and a red wine mane and tail spoke up, catching everypony’s attention. "Don't you think that perhaps we’re looking at this all wrong? Who's to say our princely friend isn't just out having a private fling with some of his maids?"

"Oh please, Scarlet Lips," Sharp Shot chided. "Do you really think someone as elitist as him would go after a lowly, common maid? No matter how beautiful a mare is, we all know Blueblood only goes for noblemares. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing but."

"Oooh, maybe the princess of another nation then?" Scarlet Lips suggested with excitement. "That would certainly be a delicious piece of gossip, with a twist at the end! The brave prince, having to fight off the pretender dragon to win the hoof of the gorgeous princess." She swooned, and fell back into the pillows of the couch she sat on.

Sharp Shot rolled his eyes. “You idiot, dragons may be brutish thugs, but they aren’t so stupid as to kidnap princesses. Besides, their new Dragon Lord actually has a brain, and she’s allied with us.”

“Let me dreeeeeam!” Scarlet Lips whined.

"Moving on, what options do we have left?" Jet Set asked Sharp Shot as they and the rest of the nobles continued to look at the map. "Appleloosa, Manehattan, and...Ponyville."

The nobles glanced at one another before breaking their practiced masks of unreadability and roared in laughter. "Oh sure, Ponyville, like he would be caught dead in that monster-infested dump!" Upper Crust joked, crossing out Ponyville’s name without a second thought.

“You might as well cross out Appleoosa too,” Jet Set added. “That dust bowl only has home-grown hicks and apple-obsessed mules.” Upper Crust nodded and scratched out Appleoosa as well.

"So that only leaves Manehattan, then. You have contacts there, right Fort Nox?" Jet Set asked, turning towards a large earth pony stallion with a formal suit and fedora who was eating a carrot stick.

Fort Nox swallowed a piece of his carrot and replied, "Yeah, I got some of my sources dere, but dat place is pretty big. It’ll take some time before I can get back to yous."

"How long?"

He shrugged. "Let's say four days, tops. Dere’s always a meetin’ here and dere popping up in the city, and it can be confusin’ just keepin’ track of things."

"That’s acceptable," Sharp Shot said with a grin. "Now, does everyone know what to do once we find him?" They all nodded.

"Oooh, I wanna keep him allll for myself," Scarlet Lips sighed, fluttering her bedroom eyes. Sharp Shot groaned and face-hoofed.

"I’d be more dan happy just to be in control of his pocket book," Fort Nox rumbled.

"And we’ll be taking care of his status," Upper Crust said with a sinister grin.

Sharp Shot nodded. "Perfect, then it’s decided. We’ll keep on the lookout for further movements and, just in case, one of us should go to Appleloosa and see if he shows up there."

"Why would he even be dere?" Fort Nox asked with a raised eyebrow. “Remember what Jet said?”

"That’s where I would go if I wanted to do something in secret and seclusion, dusty and worthless as it may be," Sharp Shot explained. ​"He was already a moron when it came to being subtle, and now that he has no brains at all...who knows?"

Fort Nox shrugged. "Heh, well den, can't argue with dat logic."

"Sharp Shot, sweetie, you haven't told us what you would like to take from this little enterprise of ours," Scarlet Lips said, rolling onto her back on the couch and staring at him with half-lidded eyes. "It’s not proper to leave a lady in suspense. Please, you gave it enough build up, just tell us what’s on that wonderfully handsome head of yours."

Sharp Shot scooted away from her. "First off, somepony get this gold-digging trollop away from me.”

Said “trollop” playfully stuck her tongue out at him and winked.

“And secondly, to answer your question,” Sharp Shot continued. “Let's just say that with his influence I have some plans for the Wonderbolts."

"Oooh, is some old war hero wishing to have his position back on the team?" Scarlet Lips teased.

"Coming back? Please, my plans are hardly so minor. I have big plans. Plans your pea brain couldn’t even fathom."

"You don't say? Well now, you’ve just piqued my interest; tell me more," Scarlet baited him.

Sharp Shot chuckled and walked away from the group. "Come now, Scarlet, that just wouldn't be wise. Besides, what is it that you always say when you write those romance novels of yours? Always leave them…” He paused, turning his head and smirking at her. “...wanting."

She let out a huff in exasperation and rolled onto her belly once more with a pout. "Oh, you tease."

"Well, I suppose that’s that for the meeting for now," Jet Set concluded, rolling up the map and hiding it in his desk. "We shall continue as soon as Fort tells us what he finds."

Fort Nox nodded and slipped off his chair, walking over to the door. "Yous can count on me; my ponies always find their target."

"Sleep well, you two. Ta-ta!" Scarlet got up and left the room with a less-than-subtle sway in her shapely hips, which caught Jet Set’s attention.

Upper Crust jabbed him in the ribs with an indignant hoof. "Jet!"

"What? Don't go and say that she didn't do that on purpose," he defended himself. This, he would find out later, was the worst possible thing to say to his wife.

Unbeknownst to them, a Night Guard had discreetly been spying on them the whole time from the shadows outside the window, and sighed in disappointment and disgust as the nobles left their meeting.

Bunch of jackals...better report this to the commander.

In the dream realm

In a calm field of grass, where there was only a single tree rising for miles, the prince admired the stars of the night sky, feeling the cool breeze of the wind on his fur while resting under the tree. Having a peaceful dream for once was a nice change of pace, he decided as he closed his eyes. Before long, however, he felt he was no longer alone, as soft hoofsteps slowly approached him.

The prince sighed and opened his eyes, seeing Princess Luna sitting in front of him with a neutral expression. "Princess Luna," he greeted cordially.

"Nephew," she greeted him back, keeping to her emotionless stare.

"Let me guess, you already know what happened, right?" Blueblood asked, already knowing the answer.

The princess nodded. "I was informed of it, yes."

"Are you here to reprimand me too?" he asked. "Princess Celestia already--"

Luna stopped him by lifting her hoof. "I'm not here to say what has already been said. I'm not angry, nephew, just disappointed. And hurt," she said before breaking eye contact, looking away in sorrow.

"Princess, I'm sorry. What happened to the prince...this was the safest route I could take,” Blueblood tried to explain. “I didn't know where I could possibly find a hydra, let alone sneak into their den and just--"

"Blueblood, stop!" Luna screamed, staring at him with tears in her eyes. "Please, nephew, just...stop this. This quest of yours, the lies, the schemes, the self-degradation, all of this! It has to stop…please stop treating me and Celestia like we aren’t family."

“But princess, I’m…” Blueblood began.

“No.” Her expression turned to anger and she pointed at herself. "A different soul or not, you are still my nephew and I'm your aunt, so even if you don't believe it, just forget formalities and address me as such."

The prince raised a hoof, then looked away in shame. All he could feel was intense guilt, and it was stopping him. "I…I want to," he whispered, lowering his limp hoof. "But I can't."

"Why? Why is it so hard for you to just accept that you have a second chance, that you can start again? Just like you promised your father."

"Because doing it like this would mean condemning another soul!" he shouted back.

"And I told you, there is no soul that you are oppressing!" she retorted, spreading her wings wide.


She folded back her wings and sighed, "All these talks we have, all these nice dreams I gave you...I didn't just do it to help you feel at peace, nephew. I heard your story and I believe you; trust me when I say I do. But if you really thought that another soul was trapped in here, I was going to help you find him, and that is what I did. From top to bottom I searched, yet I couldn't find anything, not a single piece of Blueblood’s soul was amiss. I managed to recollect all of your memories, maybe even awaken some past experiences along the way." She gave a small snort of amusement and smiled sadly at him.

Blueblood’s eyes widened, realization dawning in his mind. "The flip in the school...that was you? But…that was before we talked."

Luna nodded, "I might have been too busy to talk face-to-face back then, but at the very least I could help ease the pain on your mind," she explained, tapping her own head. "And that is what I did, I apologize for startling you back there."

"It…it doesn't matter; doing so saved me from some injury," he said before shaking his head. "No, we’re getting away from the point. Pri…Luna, are you sure? I mean, this is the dream realm, maybe it’s just my mind. Yeah...perhaps you have to enter another one, yeah that’s it. Just need to get out, check the entrance and find the other…"

"Blueblood, listen to me!" Luna grabbed both of his cheeks with her hooves. "Any option that you’re thinking of, I already did. I have lived for countless millennia. Tartarus, I wrote the book on how to approach this situation, possession, and dreams alike! If I couldn't find anything, it’s because there isn't anything to find."

She let him go. "Your past self is gone for good. You might have started as a ghost, or awoke as a former life, or maybe you were some kind of dream. I don’t know, and frankly, I don’t care anymore. I don't know how it happened, but it doesn't change a single thing." She put a hoof on his chest, over his heart. "This life, this body you reside in, and this family are yours, nephew, now and forever. So please, just accept it and let’s live together as the family we were always meant to be." She put her hoof back and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I…" The prince gazed at her and then at his hoof, which began to tremble. "I want to do it, but...I can't."

Luna could feel her heart break as those words left his lips. She closed her eyes and bent her head downward so as to not reveal her tears to him. Even her mane seemed to lose some of its starlit luster. "Do you truly hate us that much...?" she whispered.

Blueblood immediately went into damage control mode. "Of course not! Luna, what you’ve given me, even if short, has to be one of the best experiences I have ever had. I don't want that to end."

"Then what’s stopping you from letting it continue?"

"The potion,” Blueblood sighed. “I want to be loved by you, princess. I really want to just let it go. But, if I don't at the very least confirm it, if I don't at least try it once, I would never be able to live with myself knowing that maybe another pony is trapped in his own body and I just took over his life."

The princess sighed and lifted her head up once more. "If you complete this task, can I have your word that you will end this quest?"

The prince nodded. "It’s the only thing I ask: one final confirmation."

Luna sighed and spread her wings. "Then so be it."

She ignited her horn, and before the prince realized what was happening, he awoke again. This time, however, the Princess of the Night was waiting for him in the room with a golem made of stone in the shape of a human, and a vial with some purple substance in it.

"For your mental health, and because I'm worried you would continue to put yourself in danger if I don't, let’s give you that final confirmation you crave," she said, levitating the potion towards him

Blueblood stared at the vial, perplexed and amazed. "How?" he asked, looking at Luna in surprise.

"I kept my distance, believing that you wanted to gather the materials alone, and later on, you would just ask for help for the most difficult ones," she explained in a stern tone. "You only needed to ask me once, and I would have gladly brought them all to you. I have a whole cabinet full of ingredients ready for nearly anything, for pony’s sake!"

The prince felt his face flush, and he gave a lopsided, sheepish grin. "Okay, now I just feel stupid."

"As you should,” Luna chided. “Did you ever think about where you would even put your soul afterwards?" She pointed at the golem, and when no answer was forthcoming, she continued, "Without a soul jar to contain your soul when you performed the spell, you would have been lost forever. This is the last time I ever let you practice arcane magic without express supervision from a trained professional.”

The prince nodded and lifted his hoof to grab the vial, but the princess retracted the potion and narrowed her eyes at him. "And I mean it, nephew; this is the final time. You’ll have your confirmation, and once you are satisfied, I don't want to hear any more talks about you being a possession, do you hear me? You will accept things as they are and let yourself be a part of this family."

"Will do, Pr…"


"…Uh, I mean A-aunt Luna."

She sighed, giving him the potion. "We’ll work on that later. For now, let’s put an end to this."

After a nod, the prince downed the contents of the vial as fast as he could, almost gagging from the flavor more than once, until it was empty. After he was done, he gasped for some air and gagged.

"Ugh, pah! God, that really tasted like crap," he muttered as he looked at the glass. "Soooo, how long until it takes effect?"

There was no reply.

“Auntie?” He turned to face Luna, only to see that she was frozen in place, and that she and everything else in the room had taken on a monochromatic black and white hue, including himself.

He also noticed that he was no longer injured, and that his entire body looked almost foggy.

Okay, not long at all. And this is definitely weird.

He tried to stand up and walk to the golem, thinking it would just phase through him as if he was a ghost, yet Blueblood discovered his body was still solid and couldn’t enter the puppet.

"~That's not going to wooork!~" a female voice echoed in the distance in a sing-song manner before ending in a giggle, scaring the daylights out of the prince.

He looked up, discovering that there was suddenly no roof, only an endless darkness connected by four walls that just kept extending until being swallowed by it.

"Who's there? What’s going on?" The prince looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. His only answer was more eerie giggles.

The giggling continued as a hooded figure emerged from the shadows in the distance, far away from the prince’s gaze.

"Next chapter will feature me!" The creature said looking behind her.

Author's Note:

I apologies for the sudden four wall breaking at the end, if it was too sudden. Do not worry I'm intending to explain in the next chapter

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