• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Clearing The Air (Edited By BS)

After calming down enough with a butterfly treatment, the prince was ready to talk with the mares again, so resuming their original plan, they found a reasonably secluded section in the garden. After ensuring that there wasn't anyone nearby, the group formed a circle and started the inevitable conversation.

"Ok, then who wants to go first?" Cadence asked the group as it was some session, and AJ raised her hoof

"I will start" She then looked at Blueblood. "Partner, what can I say that I didn't already confess while that varmit was messing with my head?"

"AJ, whatever you felt back then was Desire forcing her will on you." Blueblood tried to console her, but she only shook her head.

"Na, partner, it wasn't her. Sure she manipulated me into confessing it, but I truly meant every word I said back then. Before I met you, I knew next to nothing about colt friends, relationships, or all that mushy stuff Rarity's familiar with."

"Hey!" Rarity exclaimed in discontent, but Cadence calmed her down.

"Let her speak her mind, Rarity." Cadence intercepted before looking at AJ. "And now that she no longer is manipulating your emotions, how do you feel, Applejack?"

"Much better, like I'm complete somehow. Don't worry, partner. You don't need to give me an answer or anything. I want to get that off my chest. Yes, I find you attractive. Yes, I would like the idea of us dating but not now, and not like this." She tapped the floor. "The last thing I want is ruining our friendship when we have barely got to know each other with this." She looked at Blueblood with concern.

"So will it be ok if we don't do anything about this, don't put any labels on it, and just let things happen naturally?" She extended her hoof at Blueblood. "I promise there will be no strings attached. I don't want to make things awkward because of what Desire did."

"Sounds good to me as long as we can put at the very least one label on us," He gripped her hoof and completed the gesture. "Friends."

AJ laughed and nodded. "Deal" She shook his hoof and separated before AJ took a deep breath. "Wow, talk about a huge load lifted from my shoulders there. Thank you, partner."

Cadence nodded and smiled, pleased by the development, before looking at the other mares. "Who wants to go next?"

"Oh, me, me next" Pinkie bounced and lifted her hoof, making Cadence chuckle.

"Ok, Pinkie go ahead, tell us how you feel?"

"Super-duper happy, actually." She replied immediately with a big grin before adopting a more calm and serene smile while looking at Blueblood. "Even more since you gave me that hug, Bluey."

"A…hug?" Blueblood repeated with a raised eyebrow as Pinkie nodded rapidly.

"Oh yeah, you are an incredible hugger Bluey, I had lots of fun baking with you, but when you hugged me goodbye, it felt different but in a good way. Like one of my Pinkies senses, it was tingly, but it was from the inside, and it was here" She brought her forehooves to her chest. "Don't worry, silly! We don't need to start dating or anything. I don't even know how to make a date yet!" She confessed with a shrug.

"That…that's okay, Pinkie," The Prince managed to reply, still not entirely sure he was following her logic. "So…like Applejack, you would prefer it if we didn't think too hard about what happened and…."

"Oh yeah! I think we are all thinking about it." She looked at the rest of the group. "Right, girls?"

Rarity nodded immediately, but Fluttershy looked away in thought for a moment before nodding with a small smile. The motion didn't escape Cadence's gaze, who regarded the pegasus with intrigue before a smile of her own started to form.

"Yeah, let's be all friends and think about what happens after another one of our adventures!" Pinkie brought everyone into a group hug.

"Works for me, sugarcube."

"Agreed, darling, I believe it's for the best, and Applejack beat me to it. We might not have started on the best hoof, but I want us to start again and won't let this adventure ruin something before it even begins." Rarity pointed out as they ended the hug.

"Agreed" Blueblood nodded once as they broke the hug.

"Ah, but that bit of Blueblood and me sleeping together?" Rarity reminded the group with a big blush, "One: It was literal. We fell asleep on my couch and spooned a little subconsciously! That is all that happened, so don't go around thinking otherwise." She started with finality pointing at everyone. "And two: We will NOT speak about it again, got it?" She demanded, and everyone nodded as Pinkie made a Pinkie promise.

"I'm glad that this was resolved so easily. I was worried that things would tense between us for a while there." Blueblood let out a sigh of relief before looking at Pinkie, still confused. "From a hug? That affected you so much?"

Pinkie nodded once more. "It sure did! You made me feel like a real mare." The way she said that last part sounded almost like she was singing. The prince remained confused but decided to only shrug and chalk it up to Pinkie having fun.

After that exchange, Cadence looked at the last remaining mare "Fluttershy, is there anything else you would like to add?"

"Well, I agree that he can give pretty nice hugs, Princess."

"He sure can, but that is not what I meant, Flutters."

"I know," Fluttershy confessed before sighing in shame and looking down, "But I'm not sure how to say this in words."

The eyes of the princess of love twinkled in anticipation as Blueblood looked at the pegasus in surprise before taking a step closer. "Fluttershy?"

He was about to take another step, but she lifted one wing in front of him and shook her head, asking him not to come closer. "Blueblood, what happened with Desire? the things I said, when our minds merged…everything was happening so fast, it was scary, confusing, and somehow liberating." She tried to explain, shaking her head once more. "By Celestia, I don't know how to explain it, but somehow that experience made me feel more comfortable, and…may be more confident in expressing myself?"

"It's okay, Fluttershy. As Applejack said, we can take this one step at a time and stay friends for now. No need to overthink this and try to solve it right away." Blueblood offered

"Yeah, Fluttershy! Don't overthink it. Let's just have fun and laugh it off." Pinkie suggested flopping onto Blueblood's back, yet the pegasus shook her head.

"I wish it were that simple, but we all know this…." She points at all of them "…will not be enough." She then focused on Blueblood "And you are still dodging the real issue, deciding just to agree or suggesting what we want to hear instead of telling us what is in your mind."

"What? Wha-What are you talking about, Fluttershy? I'm fully onboard with Applejack's plan?"

"Are you?" She gave him a deadpan expression and raised an eyebrow. "Or are you just relieved that she offered a way to put off the real issue?"

The prince froze, letting the mares know that Fluttershy hit the nail on the head. Fluttershy sighed in disappointment. "That is what I thought and was afraid of too."

"Darling, is there something you wanted to tell us?" Rarity look at Blueblood in surprise.

"Yeah, we already had our turn, but Fluttershy's right. We almost forgot to ask what was in your mind…hey, you nodded and agreed with AJ right away, ducking that conversation, come to think of it." Pinkie exclaimed in realization

"No, I didn't!" Blueblood quickly defended himself, "I loved it the moment I heard it, and well…I was glad I wasn't losing terrific friends. I had this speech ready and everything about how I find you all attractive not only because of your looks but also your personalities, how I'm still conflicted somehow, how I don't know how to start, and…."

"Enough, Blueblood!" Fluttershy cut him off before he could continue, "You are doing it again. You're trying to convince yourself that you don't matter, and it would be better if you only go with the flow no matter what we decide. I know you are not doing it on purpose, but that is exactly what is happening here." She pointed accusingly at him with a stern yet sorrowful gaze

"I… I'm sabotaging myself?" He looked down in self-reflection, questioning if he was truly doing that. He didn't need to look to see how Fluttershy nodded and approached him.

"All of us have plenty to talk about, and I can't thank you enough for your effort. Putting all of us and our feelings before yours, but I can't accept it if it costs your say in the matter, and that is why, before us, I think you and Cadence need to talk first, just the two of you."

"I…y-yeah," Blueblood finally agreed without looking her in the eye as he closed his eyes. "By the stars, I have no idea what the hell is going on with me, but I…I need to talk about this with Cadence." Blueblood finally looks up at his cousin, who smiles calmly at him. "Do you have any idea what is happening?"

"Oh, I have a theory or two" Cadence rolled her eyes cryptically, looking away with a smile.

Fluttershy grabbed his chin and brought him back to look at her. " I hope this helps a little" She got closer to his ear and once more left him speechless with one single whispered sentence. "You don't need to say anything or rush to any answer. Know this. I have feelings for you, Blueblood, genuine and honest feelings of affection. I'm sure now. Nothing would make me happier than being a part of your herd. But only if and when you are ready to start one. Listen to your heart, and don't be afraid to follow it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with loving more than one mare or any other creature. I would never dream of getting in the way of true love and happiness."

Taking a step back, Fluttershy smiled calmly at the now bright red prince as she chuckled a little.

"Blueblood turned into Big Mac!" Pinkie exclaimed in complete shock.

"Oh, my," Rarity, despite not hearing it, knew that whatever Fluttershy said was intense, forcing her to fan herself as she had some heat in her cheeks.

"Fluttershy, what in tarnation did you just say?!" AJ demanded, shocked at what happened.

"Something I hope helps put his mind in order." She nuzzles the side of the prince's face. "No matter what you decide, I will always be your friend. All I ask you is, please don't jump to any rash decisions. You might regret it later on." She warned him and let him go before marching away. "Let go, girls. Blueblood needs a moment with Cadence now."

She didn't wait for a reply and kept marching as the other mares soon followed when Cadence nodded and motioned for them to leave to have a moment with her cousin. AJ glances between the Princess, Fluttershy, and the still blushing Blueblood before galloping after Fluttershy. "No, seriously, Fluttershy, what did you tell him?!"

"Cadence," Blueblood finally found his voice once more as Cadence giggled a little and placed a wing over his back to help him relax.

"Yes, cousin?"

"I think I have several dozen million questions I need to discuss with you."

"That's perfectly understandable, Blueblood." She nodded and nudged him to follow. "Let's go for a walk. That always helps me clear my thoughts."

He nodded a couple of times and followed quickly behind.

Meanwhile, in the middle of an uncharted frozen tundra.

Making her way inside an igloo, Commander Hurricane removed the hood from her face and tossed some dry logs into an improvised chimney, keeping the fire going before looking at two unicorn mares draped in matching thick sweaters exactly like the pegasus was wearing, still resting peacefully inside giant petal bulbs that sprung up overnight, wrapping them both up. The sword marks are still present as Hurricane sighed and prodded the minor scratches she managed to make.

Poking her head outside their refuge, she noticed how a storm was approaching in the distance and, after checking their rations, concluded that she officially ran out of time and was out of options, save one. Taking one last glance at the two mares, Hurricane huffed in frustration and pulled out a crystal ball from her backpack to make a call.

Please, old gods, tell me I'm just paranoid here. Tell me nothing has happened to my shooting star.

Thankfully, familiar ponies managed to pick her up her call, only for her to confirm her suspicions.

"Hurricane?" The mares ask worryingly.

"Hey Platinum, Pudding, sorry for calling so suddenly, but…."

"Thank the old gods. You are okay. Please tell me your companions are conscious." The princess asked, making Hurricane pause and sigh in defeat, moving to the side so Platinum could see the state of the two royal guards.

"Oh…so it even reached you then," Platinum commented after grappling with their situation, before moving to the side and allowing the commander to see outside the hallways of the castle where ponies were in the same predicament.

"You as well, eh?" Pudding admitted and let them see how the same thing was happening in the dragon kingdom.

"What the heck is going on?!" Hurricane turned back. "One moment, I'm well on my way to reaching the ruins while tagging along with these two. The next, I wake up with them inside a floral arrangement. Sunny and Moony stop doing their jobs! And now you are saying this is happening worldwide?! Who did this?! Please tell me our kids are with you."

To her increasing dread, Platinum shook her head. "I'm sorry, Hurricane, I don't understand it completely either, but it appears that Celly and Lulu got trapped by yet another sibling of Lady D."

"Yep, saw it happening and everything," Pudding confirmed. "While collecting more history books, I saw one pony with a goofy smile laying in the ground moments before a puff of pollen swirled around him and put him to sleep before a giant flower ate him."

"Great, just great," Hurricane replied sarcastically. "And I was so close to reaching Alicornia."

"You're almost there? Hurricane, what's stopping you? If we excuse them for being trapped, you have a mission to finish." Platinum reminded her.

"Yeah, I know it sucks, but Dede is counting on us. We gave her our world," Pudding adds.

"Look at them, you two!" She pointed at the two guards. "I'm close, but I'm still one day away from the ruins, and we are in the middle of nowhere with a storm coming and no landmarks. If I leave, these two will be buried alive in snow, and it will take me weeks to find the igloo again IF I'm lucky. I might as well kill them right now if I do that."

They all sighed in frustration. "By the stars, if only we had one golem." Pudding lamented moments before all of their eyes widened when they saw the image of Hurricane shake, and she felt a rumble from outside her shelter.

Acting quickly, she ducked outside.

"What is happening? Hurricane, are you ok?" Platinum tries to look past the entrance.

"Sweet merciful gods," The two hear Hurricane yell from outside

"Don't leave us in suspense, hurry, what was that rumble?" Pudding tried and failed to do the same as Platinum. Moments later, Hurricane re-entered with a big grin. "Girls, you are not gonna a believe this."

"What? What would we not believe?" Pudding repeated, curious as Hurricane took the crystal ball and moved outside once more. A looming equine figure stood over them, blocking the sun.

"It's a golem! A real one! Wow, I didn't think there was one that big," Pudding exclaimed in excitement.

"But how? That is impossible! As I recall, the last one was deactivated after fulfilling King Cosmos' final order. How can one still be moving?" Platinum whispered in shock

"Don't know, don't care right now." Hurricane turned the ball around. "Looks like we got ourselves a new toy, girls. And this one would speed things along quite nicely." She showed them a tablet made of stone and metal with ancient ruins etched on its surface. "Keep me posted if you find something else about this global nap time, ok? The last thing I want is to give those two soldiers inside a heart attack."

"Will do" Platinum nods once. "Until then, take care out there and be careful."

"The castle is almost complete too," Pudding mentioned. "Looks like Equestria will find out about Princess Terra soon."

As the storm finally fell upon the commander and her companions, the ground trembles at the march of a massive equine golem whose stomach opens and collects the improvised shelter pulling everyone to safety before standing up once more, leaving a giant hole in the ground and starting marching away toward the ruins of what once was a thriving civilization.

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