• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,876 Views, 5,481 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Meeting Of The Heirs (Edited By Brave Stomp)

One month ago

Panting in exhaustion, the Prince had to take a knee as he tried to recover his energy, covered in sweat using his wooden sword for support, while Princess Luna wiped up some sweat from her forehead.

"Excellent nephew, you finally made me work up a sweat. Our lessons are certainly bearing fruit." She smiled with pride as he chuckled and put his sword away. "Closer and closer." The two made their way back to the castle, cleaning some sweat off, spent but happy for their session together.

"Auntie, can I ask you something?"

"What is it, nephew?"

"Well, it's a shot in the dark, but in my previous life, there was this…warrior that used swords and had a habit of naming certain attacks from them. Like a sort of…."

"…Personalized moves? Something exclusive to them?" Luna smirked, knowing where he was going with this.

"Y-Yeah, I suppose you could call it that. Does Equestria have something like that?"

"Well, it's not exclusive to sword fighting, but you could say that they exist. Just like your dusk form, as you like to call it, or the other spells you made, a personalized sword move is…or rather, was, fairly common in our kingdom."

"Do you have one auntie?"

"Oh, thousands, I'm very proud of my exploits in swordsmanship, so naturally, I spent the time and effort to name my favorite ones. Most of them are named after my stars or constellations, yet another extension of myself."

"Do you think I could see them one day?" That comment is enough to make the Princess pause and consider it for a moment.

"You know, since you've been such a good apprentice, I think you earned it, a small reward, but just one. Am I understood?"

"Really? Thank you, auntie, you are the coolest!" Blueblood couldn't hold in his excitement and hugged her, making Luna chuckle and bring her front hoof up over his back, returning the gesture. "Oh, I know I am nephew."

Ending the hug, the Princess urged him to stay back as she got some distance between the two. Summoning a hundred dummies and a long sword that shined with intense white light in its steel before turning around to address her nephew.

"Now, keep your eyes on me Blueblood, this one is one of my favorites." She smiled before schooling her expression and closing her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she took a defensive stance and turned her upper body slightly to the left, charging her attack as well as her horn.

"Divine Star Shower Slash!" She intoned before vanishing into thin air for a couple of seconds before the entire area between the Prince and her was utterly engulfed in a massive white light show. The ground trembled, and the Prince was left slack-jawed with how the sturdy dummies were reduced to fabric ribbons and splinters. He felt like an actual star shower was happening right in front of his face. By the time she was done, the entire area looked like a war zone, and Blueblood had to sit when she casually closed the distance between them, looking triumphant.

The loud whistle of the train awakened the Prince and let him know how Las Pegasus was growing near as he blinked a couple of times. The day was cold, and the sun was barely starting to rise over the horizon as he yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

'Why out of everything, did I recall that memory?' He pondered to himself for a moment before ultimately shrugging it off and deciding to change for the upcoming meeting, all while eyeing Rarity's gift with glee and anticipation. Searching for the appropriate ornament to include from his backpack, finding what he was looking for but also getting a surprise when he discovered Llamrai, Hengroen, and the silver crown Discord made for him alongside a note.

Curious, he gently put the swords and crown away and picked the note with his magic, finding it was Princess Luna who packed the extra items.

"Remember, power can be a force for good if used wisely, your sword's place is by your side, and no nephew of mine will be without the crown he earned. Wear them with pride."

Smiling at the note, Blueblood could not help but chuckle a little while eyeing the silver crown in front of him with some hesitation.

"Aw, screw it." He picked them up and changed, stopping for a moment to give himself a lookover in the full-body mirror in his private car. The Prince was pleased with his new look.

Always one to outdo herself, Rarity's creation was magnificent and elegant. The white and blue attire for him to wear combined perfectly with the silver of his crown and the black of his sword belts and scabbards. A blue cravat and removable cape made with the Ursa Major fur displayed the starry night within them, contrasting nicely with the golden epaulets and trimming running along the edges of his suit. The mantle also helped him feel like his aunts were watching over him, filling him with confidence as he inspected the whole thing with glee.

(Human Equivalent)

'Thank you so much, Rarity. I swear I will promote your shop and brand as much as possible.'

Stepping off of the train, the Prince was soon assaulted by a series of flashes going off in rapid succession as the press went bonkers over what was soon to be a whole lineup of Princes and Princesses from all over the world. All meeting for the first time in one place together.

As he practiced before, Blueblood smiled and waved at the audience while he made his way to the hotel/casino owned by Scarlet Lips and took notice of its unique appearance.

'The Rose Palace, huh, now I see why it has that name.'

The Prince chuckled internally as he handed over his baggage to one of the employees and marched forward on the red carpet toward a giant golden structure, shaped like a blooming red rose with pillars and ornaments surrounding it, as well as fountains and vines that only helped to add to the allure of a fantasy garden-themed hotel, where he couldn't be sure if the flora were indeed just decoration, gold, or actual plants.

Soon a second uproar caught his attention and made him stop and look to his right, watching how another royal just arrived. Skystar, the Princess of the hippogriffs, to be precise. She seemed to be enjoying the attention, as she had a giant grin on her face and was waving at the press with a friendly demeanor until she spotted Blueblood and waved at him. Much like her mother, Nova, the Princess was tall but not as much, her mane or what the Prince could only assume was her mane since it resembled long blue feathers, was styled to emulate a tidal wave, same with her tail. One prominent feather stuck out on her forehead, giving her a more tropical appearance which was only accented by the red flower on her left ear. The colorful shell and coral necklace she was wearing contrasted with her yellow baby fur and red and blue long dress, which hung off one shoulder, and some more coral jewelry graced her wings. In all, it projected the image of a Princess of the seas flawlessly. To the point that the Prince could almost hear the waves and feel the sands of a beautiful Hawaiian beach.

Before either of them could say or do anything else, the crowd continued to go wild. The Prince knew that if he wanted to keep things progressing smoothly, any pleasantries would have to wait until after they all were inside the hotel and away from the cheering crowds.

Once inside the place and in the V.I.P lounge, Blueblood and Skystar waited patiently while looking at the other arrivals making their entrance through the glass walls of the lounge. Blueblood allowed himself this small treat as the press kept announcing his guests of honor.

"Look! It's the Griffin Princess, Princess Hestia!" One paparazzi shouted as everyone aimed their cameras at the royal in question, clad head to toe in golden regalia and dressed elegantly and yet, neutrally. The griffin chick, half red-tailed hawk and half tigress, marched down the red carpet escorted by two of her guards whose features were obscured by their helmets. They wore silver armor and openly displayed wing-blades ready to be used at the first provocation.

While in the eyes of everyone she seemed dignified and collected, the Prince could tell right away how much she was holding in her contempt and wasn't particularly fond of all the attention that she was receiving, so much so that he could see her sigh of relief when the press turned their attention to the new arrival.

"And here comes the Abyssinian Princess Nefertiti!" Everypony saw the cat in question waving at the crowd calmly while wearing the finest Victorian ensemble of contrasting white and black, respectively.

"Behold the glory of the Abbissian style," Nefertiti proclaimed with pride.

"Heh, more dubious propaganda to what is essentially archaic and obsolete design." A voice interrupted Nefertiti, who looked back and, for an instant, glared at the arrival of the Princess of the Diamond Dogs. "Nothing but stepping stones waiting to be plowed under by the steady march of science!"

"It's Princess Sierra!" The press went wild as the wolf in question had no reservations about showing off her latest creation, all while smirking at the Abyssinian princes. She had a luscious and vibrant red fur with a white line running up the front of her neck and rising until it reached the underside of her mouth. She also had her Chesnut brown hair styled into a spiky medium-length cut. Most strikingly was the Princess's heterochromia, her eyes colored green and blue. She was garbed in an odd yet elegant ensemble that echoed the victorian style of Nefertiti, except hers was accented with metal, gears, leather pockets, and belts instead of jewelry. The skirt was shortened as well, showing her legs clad in netted leggings and boots. Finally, adorning her head, instead of a crown or circlet rested a hat with bronze googles pulled up to rest on the brim.

As they advanced, the Prince could see how they were glaring daggers at one another with forced smiles, trying to maintain the appearance of civility in front of the audience.

Heh, the Princess of the Diamond Canines, Princess Sierra. As I imagined, the rivalry between the Sif and the Abyssinian rulers seems to extend to their heirs. Good, I can use that to keep Nefi off-balance, but that claim just now, I wonder if Sierra just approved of advancement in general, or does she also indulge in invention?

Blueblood couldn't ponder for too long on the idea as the final two guests arrived, and unlike the rest, they stayed quiet as they advanced throw the carpet. Prince Triceps, the heir of the minotaurs. Dressed in grieves, and leather skirt with only a thick series of belts going winding up diagonally over his frame, capped with a shoulder pad to cover his bulky chest. Blue war paint in intricate patterns continued where the straps ended traveling up and over his face. A golden ring on one of his horns showed his royal status. Finally, a well-worn sheathed blade rested on his left hip.

Finally, next to him was Pharynx, the Prince of the changelings. Though shorter than his sibling, Thorax's older brother had a dark green shell and smaller horns. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to be wearing anything overly extravagant for the meeting besides a black vest.

And that is the last one, Prince Pharynx. According to Thorax, he is unlike the majority of his changeling subjects. With a short temper, he is quick to anger and prideful, especially when it comes to the militia and defending his people. I should be cautious around him. Blueblood took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Ok, everything is in place now. Let build some alliances.

Once everyone gathered in the same place, Blueblood didn't waste any time before receiving them with a practiced calm smile as they looked around the area.

"Greetings everyone," Blueblood inclined his head slightly in respect to his guests. " I am so glad you all could make it and hope you all had a safe journey." Rising his head, he addressed all who were now focused on him. Their reactions ranging from fascinated curiosity to ambivalent neutrality. "While it was true that there is a plan, that is for us to discuss later. I am sure you all have more than enough questions to ask me now. Why you and not the next in line or the current rulers being the most likely, but please, there will be plenty of time for those later."

"It sounds more like you are stalling for time!" Pharynx voiced his frustration. "I came here because you promised to show us your secrets, and my stupid brother told me to do it, not to vacation in some giant flower!"

"I agree with Pharynx," Hestia continued, "No offense Blueblood, this place looks nice and all, but I'm not too good with so much attention, and the last thing I want is to give more material to the paparazzi. So can we skip the pleasantries and get straight to what we came for? You can have the rest of the week doing whatever you want after I leave."

"Huh, and you call yourself royalty." Triceps interjected, raising an eyebrow at them with his arms crossed, earning a slight glare from both royals. "While I too don't exactly enjoy attending meetings turned circuses like this. All of this is, however, part of Prince Bluebloods customs and traditions, and you two are complaining like a couple of toddlers, easily scared by some light show, Pathetic."

"Care to repeat that? You overgrown hamburger!" Pharynx shouted, enraged by the Minotaur Prince's comment. Yet Triceps remained calm and smiled slightly, "Oh, are you that easy to anger too?"

Blueblood was about to intervene when Sierra placed herself between the two. "That is enough, you two, by the great Fenrir, is this what you want to do? Blow this one chance for us to stop been in our families' shadows."

That caught everyone's attention. "Pharynx, I've heard stories about how you initially rejected the idea of your transformation, and even now, you are not completely on board on how your brother is running things at the hive. More importantly, I have heard how your opinion rarely matters. Am I wrong?"

Pharynx looked away and mumbled in frustration, "Thorax has been getting very cozy, instilling pony culture and spitting on our roots."

"And Hestia, aren't you at the very least relieved that for once you are not just another piece of the puzzle with your parents and siblings looming over you?" Nefertiti stepped in as well, trying to deescalate the situation too.

Hestia looked away and sighed. "It's refreshing not being smothered for once, yeah."

"And Triceps, while I agree with you, there are better ways to phrase things. I know the bovine are a proud race of warriors, but everything does not have to be a fight."

The Prince rolled his eyes but nodded. "I will try to be more tactful with what I say. I apologize."

Prince Blueblood could only blink in surprise with how Nefertiti and Sierra expertly managed to avoid a confrontation between the races while smirking at one another in a taunting matter.

Both of them are masters in de-escalation and social manipulation. I should be careful around them. Still, this meeting might not be as tense as I imagined

Clearing his throat and stepping to the side to continue, Blueblood pointed towards the lobby and all the luxuries that it had to offer. "Anyway, back to what I was saying, and like Nefy and Sierra just said. I want to take this opportunity for all of us to relax and, at least for now, not think about the machinations of nations. And our positions as 'chest pieces' on the board of politics." That managed to earn a reaction as their expression turned somber. "That... exactly that. That mess of emotions you feel right now, I have it too, and I'm sick of it, aren't you too? Come on, guys. We have a whole week to get to know each other better after all. Why not enjoy the facilities that the owner of this hotel has offered to us?"

"I suppose, I mean mom sometimes is a bit stubborn when I suggest something, and hey it could be fun!" Skystar nodded and smiled at the prospect with the others as she took a liking to the idea.

"You're all right, of course. The idea of being just a pawn more than sucks. If it's as you say and we can pretend like that doesn't exist for a little while, I'm game." Hestia agreed as the rest quickly followed suit after thinking on it for a short time and found that they rather enjoyed the idea, Thanks to the princesses voicing the point of the proposal.

"I'm so glad to hear that" Looking back, the group saw the silhouette of a pony morphing into a bipedal form before stepping out of the shadows.

"Welcome, my esteemed guests" The distorted voice of Scarlet caught everyone's attention as she appeared at the top of the stairs with a flirtatious wink. Her body was slim and curved, similar to Nefertiti's shape. She wore a pair of black reading glasses, a formal white shirt with the top three buttons undone, revealing a hint of her black bra to everyone. A knee-length black skirt gave her a slight air of professionalism to her overall appearance as she easily held a clipboard in her hands.

Her bipedal appearance was more than enough to catch everyone by surprise, but what caught Blueblood's attention the most was her more draconian characteristics. Specifically, the vibrant green scales he saw on the front of her neck and side of her arms or the two small horns coming out of her mane, which was also much longer than he remembered.

Scarlet? Since when did you know how to use such an advanced spell? I can barely maintain that form for three minutes, and Twilight said she could only do it for half an hour tops, and yet…she is casting and holding it like it's nothing! No, there's more than that, those dragon features, Scarlet. Were you always hiding this much magic all along?

His line of thought was interrupted when she continued to speak.

"I'm so flattered to hear you all want to stay the week at this luxurious hotel; my name is Scarlet Lips, novel writer extraordinaire and owner of the Rose Palace..." She gave them an elegant curtsy, grabbing the edges of her dress and closing her eyes, "and your humble host for the remainder of your stay." Ending the gesture and opening her eyes once more, she looked directly at Blueblood with a calm but flirtatious smile.

The second their eyes met, the Prince found himself laying on a bed of roses with petals raining down on him as he was currently using Scarlet as a bed, in her underwear. At the same time, she caressed his face lovely and gave him a come hither as their lips were inches away from making contact. He suddenly felt the urge to move forward before snapping back to reality with a shock as he looked down, trying to make heads or tails on what he experienced.

What happened? Why did I suddenly get THAT image on my head? Swallowing the lump in his throat, He looked back up in time for Scarlet to continue, trying to calm his rising heart and praying the others hadn't noticed the heat in his cheeks.

"And please don't pay too much attention to my unusual appearance. I'm just in the midst of exploring a new point of view for my next book. Please, by all means! Enjoy all of our facilities. Naturally, you will all have the whole top floor to yourselves with private rooms, each fully equipped with all you might need. There is also a conference room for anything you may wish to discuss as a group. Not to mention our world-renowned casino at the lobby level, pools, Marble sculpted stairs, tournaments, and theaters to participate or view in. We also have several five-star restaurants and much more that our staff will be more than happy to inform, provide or explain to you."

Blueblood could see the other royal's eyes starting to light up, finding the prospect of staying in the hotel more enticing with each word spoken. It was almost as if Scarlet could read them like an open book with only a glance. It put him on edge. "Here are your room's key cards. Your luggage is being taken care of as we speak." She levitated seven hotel cards for her guests and curtsied again. "I will leave to your own devices to acclimate and relax. After exiting this room, there is an open bar at the end of the hallway to the left. Or you can press the button on the counter for service if you wish to order any drinks. Once again, I welcome you and sincerely wish that you all enjoy your stay here at the Rose Palace, where relaxation is guaranteed, and desires are granted." She shot one last glance at Blueblood, who cringed internally when he could swear he saw her winking at him at the last part of the sentence. "And don't worry about the media, our security is top of the line and ready to coordinate with your guards, so unless you don't mind or specifically request their presence, all of you would have the privacy you would want."

And with that, Scarlet left the group alone. Immediately after, Blueblood felt someone patting his back with a substantial amount of force. The pat was quickly followed by a robust laugh coming from Prince Triceps, "I got you all wrong, Prince Blood, I thought this was going to be a boring meeting of you talking your head off or coaxing us to kiss your flank, I never took you for the party kind of guy. Keep this up, and I might start demanding that we meet here more often."

"I'm glad to hear you are liking the idea Prince Triceps."

"Now! Let's see what I can get" He rubbed his palms and looked at the menu of drinks as the rest of the royals started to acclimate to the place, minus Blueblood, who kept looking to where Scarlet left, intrigued. A prickling sensation ghosted its way down his neck and back, nagging and refusing to go away.

Something is not right here. Scarlet, what are you plotting now?

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