• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,877 Views, 5,481 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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To My Dear Aunts (RB and BS)

As another day in Canterlot came to a close, Princess Celestia kept admiring the horizon in sadness. Her sister Luna stood at her side during the whole process; no words were needed as they gazed at one another. Celestia waited in expectation, yet with a heavy heart, as her sibling quietly shook her head. Their nephew had yet to be found, and the stress of the situation had taken its toll on the monarch of the night as bags began to form under her eyes, ones matched only by her sisters.

Closing her eyes, Celestia took a moment to lament what was happening as painful flashbacks from the past swirled about in her mind. Only this time, fear was mixed into her worries. As hard and difficult as the banishment of her sister was, Celestia knew that she would eventually return. She wouldn't die, and she knew where Luna was at all times. But now with someone as mortal like Blueblood, truly banished into the unknown, it was anyone’s guess if he was safe or even alive and the idea of his demise was slowly worming its way into the back of her mind.

The sudden touch of her sister’s hoof against her chest brought Celestia back to reality, as she saw the same pained look on Luna, who she tried her best to remain strong and smile in an attempt to comfort her sibling. Of the two, Luna could always maintain her composure better.

"Do not lose faith, sister. We will find him." Her voice was clear and calm, yet the sharp eyes of Celestia saw right through the charade. Luna was starting to fear the worst as well. She couldn't blame her in the slightest though, it was one thing to disappear for weeks without a trace. It was an entirely different matter to be dodging the Princess of the night in the dream realm for the same amount of time.

Celestia smiles and nodded at her sister. Even if it was unlikely, she decided to throw away logic, at least for now, and hold on to hope.

"I know we will sister, I'm just worried. It has only been two weeks, but it is still unsettling. Not even our best spies or trackers could elude the need to rest. How could he possibly have achieved this? If it wasn't that, then maybe he…"

"Don't even say it!" Luna stopped her before Celestia could say anything else. Her words tinged with a hint of desperation. "He is alive Tia! Do you hear me?! Alive! Th…there are ways, methods for one to elude dreams. My realm is composed only of dreams and not the act of sleeping itself. He simply manages to rest without dreaming. From his condition, it is more than likely. Our soldiers managed to drive the assassin all the way to the badlands, and even if he escapes into that desolate place, his return will be detected the moment he touches Equestria soil again. Our nephew is alive and well. And. We. WILL. Find. Him." Luna repeats with a fiery determination, before heading to the balcony and extending her wings.

"Now rest my sister, leave the night to me, as you patrol the dream realm."

Moved by her words, Celestia found new vigor and nodded to her sister. "May the stars be with you sister."

"And with you, and don't forget to contact me if you see him in the dream realm, Tia I mean it. If you keep me from this, I will never forgive you."

"I would never do that Lulu," Celestia confirmed to her, as Luna took flight and headed to the skies.

Once gone, Celestia let out a sigh and let her head down as she sluggishly made her way to her bed. A bed that had seen so many tears in the past days, and she was starting to fear they were far from over as one single drop left her eyes while she was closing them.

Please, I'm begging you, if you are there, give us a signal, please Blueblood. Come back home.

When her little prayer finished, the princess got to bed and pulled the covers over, sleep soon claiming her. Once more she dove into the realm of dreams and started her arduous task of searching for her nephew. Usually, Luna would be the one searching in the domain of slumbers, but for the sake of preserving their energy and increasing their chances, the sisters decided to take turns and explore the land while awake and the world of dreams while they slumbered. It was a hard task and something that was draining their energy since it meant giving up an opportunity to rest, but they were determined and willing to make the sacrifice.

Once inside, Celestia didn't waste a moment before she began looking. Once more she started the search for her nephew, praying to find even the slightest hint, the barest signal, a beacon of hope. Any sign of life that she could detect and follow.

At first, like all other attempts, nothing seemed to respond.

Suddenly the princess gasped, and her eyes widened when out in the distance, something reacted. It was faint at first but grew when she focused her magic toward it. The princess got the confirmation she was looking for; a dream was forming, one she was more than familiar. Her nephew was finally dreaming, and she just found him.

Not wasting time. Celestia poured all of her energy and dashed toward the signal like a rocket, all the while calling for her sister as fast as possible. There was no time for subtlety or decorum; she had found her nephew and Equestria would be damned if she would let anything get in her way this time.

She was about to enter into his dream when a surprised and slightly scared. Luna grabbed her sister by her tail to halt her advances, confusing Celestia in the process.

"Luna, what are you doing?!" Celestia turns to her sister in anger as she let her go once they came to a halt.

"Preventing you from ruining our chance to recover our nephew!" She scowls back.


"What is the first rule when entering another pony’s dream?" Luna demands her sister for an answer.

"Lulu, what is the point of all…"

"What IS the first rule?" Luna repeats herself, and once calmed down Celestia understood what her sister was going for.

"Always approach it slowly and with caution." Celestia finally answered.

"Or?" Luna pressed on.

"…or you will risk either turning the dream into a nightmare. Scare the dreamer out of his or her slumber, or torpedo them into a dream inside a dream." Celestia finishes before sighing. "I'm so sorry sister, I just…"

"I understand sister," Luna interrupts her, "I want to see him very badly too, but this is the dream realm, and we must always be careful with every step we take." She smiled at her before looking back at the entrance of Blueblood's dream. "Now let try this again SLOWLY!" Luna remarked giving her sister a small glare.

"I will be a careful sister, I promise," Celestia confirmed, following her sister's example as they walked inside.

"Oh, one more thing," Luna mentioned as she finally entered. "This is the first time you have visited our dear nephew's dream so I should warn you, as you recall his mind is now that of a human, therefore his dreams might look a bit different than what you are used to seeing."

Celestia chuckled at that "I think I can handle it, Lulu." Celestia told her with confidence as they both found themselves at the entrance of a desolate and ruined Canterlot castle. Immediately the sisters could feel a sense of dread and guilt surrounding the place as they exchanged worried glances.

Using her magic, Luna managed to detect Blueblood and took the lead. "This way, our nephew is inside the castle."

Celestia nodded and followed behind, casting furtive glances all around the place. Spiderwebs, signs of battle, burnt out paintings and broken glass adorned the palace as they kept walking.

"What do you think this means sister?" Celestia asked walking faster, so she was next to her sister. "A nightmare?"

"Unlikely, I can detect fear but its not the type of a pony wishing to escape danger. Rather, it more like a future you fear might happen because of your actions." Luna explained.

"So this is something Blueblood fears might happen?" Celestia asks as her sister nods in affirmation.

"Why would he think that?"

"Because after my fight with Fort Knox, the relationship our family had with the citizens of Canterlot started to crack like brittle glass." The voice of Blueblood echos out through the hallways, surprising both sisters as they hear him up ahead. Rushing towards the source, the princesses enter the throne room where they beheld an empty seat being watched over by a mysterious hooded bipedal creature; Celestia immediately recognizing the individual. He sighs and confirms that it was really her nephew.

"Now I know that it was something silly and paranoid of me to think, but for a while, I really thought that because of me all of Canterlot was breaking apart, and I needed to fix it some…"

Blueblood started to turn, only to be tackle-hugged by a distressed Celestia who openly wept as she nuzzles his face. "Oh Blueblood, my baby! My sweet Blueblood. Thank the stars you are ok!" She wailed as she continued to cry and nuzzle him vigorously.

After recovering from the initial shock, Blueblood smiled and put his hand behind her head. "I missed you too auntie." The moment his hand touched her, Celestia flinched and took a step back, not expecting the sensation, and finally looking at her nephew who's body had a bipedal shape. His snout, horn, tail, and fur was still there, But his body seemed to have the form of a minotaur, with equine hooves. He was wearing a simple pair of blue colored jeans and white formal shirt. His claws seemed and felt softer than any other natural weapon she had seen or had the misfortune of experiencing the pain of.

"B…Blueblood?" Celestia questioned in surprise while looking at the weird creature.

The ex-prince was surprised by her reaction for a moment until he understood the reason why, and chuckled a little "Yeah, I suppose that was to be expected." He tells with a nod.

"Told you that his dreams were different." Luna snarked at her sister with a knowing smirk as she approached Blueblood and helped him stand. Deciding to change into her human form while at it, but leaving her wings this time. "It fills me with joy to see you well, nephew," Luna tells him before bringing him in for a hug, one he reciprocated soon after.

"Likewise," Blueblood replied fondly before looking at her with some sadness. "I'm sorry for making you two worry, for so long."

"There will be time for that later, nephew. For now..." Luna look at the ex-prince up and down. "I'm more intrigued by your new form, it has a... marked difference from your usual human appearance," Luna asked, intrigued by this change.

"Yeah, I'm curious about that form myself," Celestia added, equally intrigued.

"Well, ever since I left Canterlot, I have been doing some soul searching, and I've gained some perspective on a lot of a lot of things, especially the question of, who am I, really?" He tells them as he circles around the room and stops in front of two mirrors, one showing a human silhouette and the other a pony one. "Am I really a pony now? Am I still human? Am I neither or both? Those were the questions that I kept asking myself." Blueblood looked at his hand before looking back at his aunts with a smile. "Finally I found my answer and I came to terms with it. I'm neither human or pony…what I am, is Blueblood. A fusion of the human and equine world. Something new and better that embodies both worlds" He places his palm over his chest. "What you see in front of you, is who I'm really am, and to be perfectly honest with you, I like it."

"I see, you clearly put a lot of thought into that decision," Luna remarks with a calm smile, "I'm just happy to see you finally making peace with yourself."

"Thanks, auntie." He then looks at Celestia with some worry. "I know that this is a lot to take in, so I will understand if you wish me to change into my pony form and…"

Celestia stopped him with a quick shake of her head "Not at all dear, as long as you are happy. I'm ok with whatever form you take because I know that no matter what, you will always be my sweet little nephew. In fact…" Celestia looks at his body with some curiosity "…I would be lying if I say that I'm not slightly intrigued by the concept of being on two legs, do you mind if I try it?"

"Well I have no problem with it, but are you sure you want to? Really, I don't mind if you prefer staying in your original form. The important thing is to be comfortable with what you really…"

"Nonsense! I might be slightly old, but you are never too old to try new things." Celestia proclaimed before using her magic to change into a bipedal form of herself. Blueblood’s eyes went comically wide in alarm when he took stock of the distinct lack of certain garments appearing on her person.

"Aunt Luna, please tell me that she knows about the slight issue with clothes," He calls out, averting his gaze and covering the side of his eyes with his hand.

"Oh my gosh! Celestia wait!" Luna cries out in fear and rushes to her sister, tackling her in the process and conjuring a toga and her royal regalia.

"Luna what are you doing?!" Celestia squawks in alarm by the sudden attack from her sister.

"Apologies Tia, but if you really want to adopt our nephew's appearance, there are a couple of rules you need to follow. And clothes at all times is the very first one!" Luna explained while she gets to work in covering her sister.

"Wait, Luna stop! Luna! For ponies sake Luna! I can dress myself!"

Once the dust settled, Luna stood up and sighed in relief as she admires her handiwork. "There, that is better." She admits, crossing her arms.

Looking back again Blueblood took a moment to admire his two aunt's new forms. Just like him, they too now looked like a humanoid equine version of themselves. Luna most likely followed her sister ’s example during the whole kerfluffle. They were both wearing the same togas Luna used when she talked with him in his dreams for the first time. But in her case, she even went one step further in making hers blue and filled with her stars.

"Are clothes really that necessary?" Celestia asks, slightly irked by what her sister did and inspecting her attire, making Blueblood chuckle as he approached the two.

"Unfortunately, it is auntie," He informs her while offering his hand to help her stand up, which she accepted. "Nothing personal, it’s just that in my world, being naked in public is frowned on by society except in certain zones and communities." He explained with a smile.

"Really? Why?"

"It, kind of a long story and I prefer to explain it some other time," Blueblood admits with some degree of embarrassment.

"Well regardless, I must admit that this form is indeed quite intriguing," Celestia tells admiring her body. Though her examination came to a halt once she sees her hands. "The addition of these strange appendages at the end of my forelimbs are, what I can only assume are claws. Though their existence baffles me with their purpose. They are too soft to be used as weapons, too small to aid in digging or breaking hard ground or stone, and I'm assuming too fragile to act as some kind of defense mechanism" She then look back at him. "Yet, I can perceive some latent potential in them that I can't simply see at first glance. Once we go back home, you will have to explain in detail what mysteries these claws hide." Celestia tells him in excitement.

"Go back?" The ex-prince ask his aunts with a raised eyebrow, before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, aunties but I can't go back just yet." He tells them in sadness.

"Of course you can!" Luna approached him and grabbed his hands. "Nephew, the duel you participated in has no power over you whatsoever. Jet Set and Upper Crust cheated by tampering with your weapon in order to gain an unfair advantage, they demanded retribution without any grounds to stand on. They claimed to be of high enough rank to issue the challenge in the first place, which they most certainly are not, and lastly, the conducted a duel without the consent or witness of a royal figure or a chief in command. Therefore their demands and accusations are void and incapable of holding any sort of weight in the eyes of the law. There is no need for you to relinquish your title and remain in this self-appointed exile, You can come back home." She brings their hands to her chest. "To us." She tells him with hopefully smile.

"To your family," Celestia adds, grabbing his hands as well and looking at Blueblood with her own hopeful smile.

For a moment Blueblood considered their offer and was tempted to accept it, yet the words of Platinum keep ringing on his head and reminding him of what was going on with the kingdom and what needed to be done, so with a heavy heart and a deep sigh the ex-prince quickly looked down in sadness. "If only were that easy." He whispers mostly to himself as he lets go of their hands and looks up to them both.

"I'm…so sorry Aunties, I'm really am, I really wish that I could go back home. I miss you a lot, I'm distraught over what is going on in Canterlot right now, and about Pinkie and Fluttershy, especially for dragging them into this mess. But I simply can't go back yet."

"But why?" Luna asks in confused by that reaction.

"I know what is happening." He tells them conjuring the newspaper he read in the morning. "I'm aware of the lockdown, and know the real reason behind it." He tells them both with a severe expression.

"Blueblood what are you talking about?" Celestia asks.

"Please don't." He shakes his head and then taps his temple knowingly. "Don't forget the type of mind I possess. I might not know much about Equestria, but if there is something I excelled at, It's knowing how the market works and seeing when one is in the middle of a crisis. As it stands currently, my returning would only be the equivalent of pouring blood on a sea full of sharks, and I'm telling you, you do not need that because I can smell the blood from here."

Luna could only sigh and look down in shame. "…It's just like you said." Luna finally admits surprising Celestia. "Luna!"

"As Fort Knox warned us, the Equestrian economy has been brought to a screeching halt due to his nefarious actions." She then looked at him, still confused. "But, what does any of this has to do with your exile nephew? If this is because you arrested that pony…"

Blueblood stops her by raising his hand. "It not just that Aunties." He answered, making the royal siblings even more confused as they wait for him to elaborate. "Ever since I left the castle I have been wondering what it means to be a prince, and what can I do to be a pony worthy of the title and not follow my predecessor's footsteps? Jet Set and Upper Crust might not have anything on me. But their words have some truth behind them. I haven't earned my title yet, and for me to continue using it, or recover it like this doesn't seem fair." He tells in shame. "It makes me feel like I will be nothing more than a joke at best, and fake at worst."

"Sweetie, there is absolutely nothing for you to prove,” Celestia tells him. "You are more than worthy of your title."

"Am I really?" He questions himself, "The moment I wake up, I only search for answers refusing any help and end up in the hospital for it, then when I try to live as I want my decisions brought tension and fractured relationships between the crown and its citizens, and when I tried to fix it, I end up making everything worse, by acting without thinking!" He yells as he punches a wall with frustration using his right fist "I'm sorry Aunts, but I can't afford to screw things up, even more, I just can't, so that is why and until I truly earn my title, I can't simply return home. This is something I simply need to do." He looks out of the window where the city was showing. "I don't know how, but I can feel it, our kingdom…it’s bleeding, even as we speak, and that is something I just can't ignore."

"But how long will all of this take?" Celestia asked in worry. To her slight relief, her nephew smiles at her in determination. "One month, just give me one month, and I swear, I will return and will fix all my past sins."

"And are you certain you can fix the problem in just a month?" Luna questions him with a raised eyebrow.

He nods at that, "I know so, and know that I have finally figured out who I am. I'm ready to face this head on, and I now have the tools to solve it." He then approaches Celestia who still seems distressed. "Don't be sad auntie, I will return, I promise. Just think of this as one of the tests you gave Twilight in the past, but with me."

"But Blueblood…it simply is too soon, too sudden I…I don't even know where you are!" She tried to protest, as Blueblood held her hand. "Please auntie, trust me. Let me fix this one problem. Let me show you my determination!"

Luna smiled and put her hand on his shoulder "If you are sure you can handle this, then you have our support dear nephew." She tells him with a calm smile, surprising Celestia.

"Lulu! You can't!"

"He's not a colt Celestia!" She shoots back. "We can't force him to stay in the castle all his life, and there are lessons in life you simply have to let your loved ones go and hope for the best, just like you did Twilight. I think our nephew has earned the right to, at the very least, try." She argues.

Celestia wanted to retort, but unable to find any counters finally settled to nodding in defeat and sighing before approaching Blueblood with teary eyes. "No matter what you do, or how long you go, remember this. You will always be our precious little prince." She tells him as she joins their foreheads, being careful with their horns and closing her eyes. "Always." She whispers as a tear slips out of her eye and down her cheek.

The ex-prince remained quiet as he closed his eyes too, appreciating the moment “Love you mom” The ex-prince whisper to her, before saying their farewells as he slowly started to wake up. "Oh and please release Jet Set and Upper Crust, I know they broke the law but trust me. They will get what is coming to them. I simply need them free for just a little while." He pleads with his aunts with some embarrassment.

"Now Blueblood, that is asking for too…" Luna comments but Celestia interrupts her with a smile.

"Consider it done, best of luck sweetie." She waves to him in goodbye as Blueblood vanishes and returns to the world of waking.

Luna looks at her sister with a raised eyebrow and then gave her a knowing smile. "You are going to send a platoon of soldiers to look after him, aren’t you?"

"Just the volunteers that were already searching in the first place." Celestia smiled.

"They will need the tracking spell I put on him while we hugged goodbye," Luna adds with a smile of her own, surprising Celestia. "Hey, just because I am not the best at expressing it, doesn't mean I don't care. It was simply a small precaution."

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