• Published 3rd Jul 2018
  • 44,873 Views, 5,480 Comments

The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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Dear Prince Blueblood (Edited By BS)

In his room, Blueblood sat on the side of his bed and sighed. His brain was about to explode as he couldn't think of a solution to his predicament. So many things kept being dumped in his lap, each and every one demanding his attention, and he had no idea what to do now.

Expelling a loud, exhausted sigh, he looked up and hit his back against his bed in frustration until something fell on the side of his head. Startled, he looked around and saw that it was the same backpack he carried all over Ponyville during his sleepovers. As he recovered from the slight startle, memories of his aunt flooded his mind. How much did she go overboard in packing everything for his trip? Most of which he did not need, and how his Aunt Luna saved his life by packing his weapons? Even if her intention was merely for them to be used as a display.

Chuckling to himself, he shook his head and approached the bag. "I don't suppose you have something to fix this mess, right?" He chuckled half heartedly as he started to open it.


Startled once more, he tossed the item away and took a step back, staring at it until a knock on the door behind him told him where that voice came from and how his luggage didn't just come to life.

"Are you okay? Sorry for coming by so soon. I know you told us to be patient, but I wanted to make sure you'd be okay, and when Sparrow told me you were here. I got worried." The Prince could hear the concern in Applejack's voice from the other side and could almost picture her putting her hoof on the door. "Can I come in?"

With a tired sigh, he readied himself before smiling and opening the door. "Sure thing, AJ." Once he saw her, the Prince could see the worry plastered all over her face as he tilted his head. "But what about Candy? I thought she wanted to speak with all of you."

His confusion only grew when she shivered a little "Don't remind me, for the princess of Love, that mare can get a bit scary."

"Did something happen?"

"Let's just say you might as well start calling her big sister from now on." That was all she said as she walked inside. Blueblood was about to ask another question before he stopped and pondered on the idea, before nodding and smiling again, liking what he had come up with.

"But let's not get sidetracked. Right now, I only want to know how you are doing. Is everything okay? Many things seem to have suddenly fallen onto your back, partner."

He sighed in exhaustion. "I wish I could tell you everything is fine, but knowing you, that would be pointless, right?" He smiled weakly at her

"Eeyup," She confirmed while he returned to his bed and sat down once more, "I was afraid things would end up like this. Just dealing with us took a lot out of you. I can't imagine what it would be like to add the whole mess the world is in on top of that." She sat next to him with a worried expression.

"That would be an understatement. Each problem on its own is bad enough, but now with how they keep appearing? The sky, the world, the elements, the crown, my love life, my family drama, heck! I bet any second now a guard is going to march through that door and beg me to move the sky! Sure, why not? My plate is just cracking under the weight. Let's fill it up even more and..." He started hyperventilating until AJ, thinking quickly, brought him close into a hug.

"Hey, hey! Breath, partner, breath, focus on me, just in me. The chores can wait. Just think of my voice right now." She instructed and hummed a minor tune to help him relax and stop quivering. Her actions seemed to do the trick, and he slowly calmed down, letting go of the tears he was holding back.

"Applejack, my entire world is crumbling in front of my eyes. I'm at my limit, and I am just done dealing with one world-ending problem after another. For crying out loud! I'm about to crack here."

"I know, sugar cube, I know. I'm here for you. We will figure something out together. For now, just let it go." She closed her eyes and started rocking the two, their movements knocking down the backpack and letting its contents spill out on the floor, but neither of them cared. For now, the Prince was solely focused on her voice as Applejack did what she could to calm his nerves and try to reason with him.

After what felt like an eternity, the Prince's tears finally stopped, and he sniffed, clearing his eyes while chuckling. "I must look pretty pathetic right now." He broke the hug they were in and looked her in the eyes. "First day on the job and I'm a total mess by noon. I bet if Twilight was in my horseshoes she..."

"...would be in the exact position you are in right now." Applejack interrupted him immediately, catching him off guard.

"Oh sure, we all have had our fair share of solving world-ending problems. This isn't even the first time the sky has been all messed up. But I sure as heck know that Twilight has never had to deal with, like, eight crises simultaneously." She cleaned the tears from his face. "So I say you are already doing a better job keeping it together." She started to chuckle and looked around. "If Twilight had to deal with what you are going through, this room would be filled to the brim with scrolls, charts, ink bottles, and feathers as she furiously wrote down all her ideas to devise a plan."

That helped him calm down, and they shared a small laugh. "Yeah, that sounds a lot like Twilight." Closing his eyes, he leaned against his bed and sighed in exhaustion, "I just wish there would be some kind of instructions or advice on how to deal with multiple crises simultaneously."

"Heh, if only the apple orchard could farm and sell themselves, right?" AJ cracked a joke to lighten the mood. "Then we all could be as fat as we wanted."

Snorting, Blueblood glanced at her, smirking until he rolled his eyes. "Okay, I get it. There is never an excuse to look for shortcuts or be lazy."

"Nor to overwork yourself to the bone." Applejack placed one of her forehoofs over his shoulder and sat next to him. "Believe me. I learned that the hard way. Sometimes you need to know when to call it quits and realize you need help."

"You Applejack? the cowgirl champion of multiple rodeos? Ponyville's self-appointed handyman? Ms. I never back down from a challenge? You know when to call it quits?"

"Hey, come on, sugar cube!" She gave him a light jab on the arm. "I'm not THAT stubborn either." They both laughed for a moment, and the Prince breathed for what he thought was the first time in a while.

"Thanks, AJ. I really needed that"

"Anytime, partner" She then took notice of something poking out of the Prince's backpack. "Hey, what's that?"

Turning around, Blueblood found an envelope which he picked up, and read the front "Is a letter from aunt Celly, addressed to me?"

"She must have packed it when you weren't looking. What does it say?" AJ asked, curious as Blueblood opened it and started reading its contents.

Dear Blueblood.

I know this must be kind of weird. I decided to write a letter even though we would only be apart for a couple of weeks, but I ask you, please, allow this old mare this little hobby of hers, and let me share this little something with you...

As he read, Blueblood could almost picture his aunt writing this letter. The same night they finished packing, after she was done tucking him in on his bed, maybe even doing it in the same room as she watched over him before resuming.

...Ever since you came into my life, things in the castle have regained a certain glow, a sort of joy that I, in my foulness and tunnel vision, allowed to die long ago, and which cost me the life of yet another family member.

The trembling in the writing at the end of the sentence gave the Prince all the clues he needed to know how hard it was for her to write that down.

The sad ordeal gave me the shock I needed. And not only reminded me to appreciate what I still have but also made me realize your latent potential. I still recall our first encounter like it was only yesterday. You were so scared, vulnerable, and innocent in a new world. And now here you are, asserting yourself as a true Prince, carrying Canterlot's legacy with the pride only a son could have. Filling me with pride and closing a hole in my heart that I genuinely believe would always be there.

AJ chuckled at that section and looked at Blueblood. "Wow, you managed to leave a good impression on the princess' partner."

He joined in the laugh and nodded, "We both did, and frankly, I wouldn't have it any other way." He stared at the letter serenely, picturing his aunt's face in it. "My aunts are the best."

AJ allowed him a little moment before resuming, "What else does it say?"

"Let's see" He shook it once, and they resumed.

Seeing you turn from an innocent lost soul into the strong, independent, and chivalrous knight before my eyes has given me all the proof I need to take this decision. Not only are you family, but the entirety of Equestria could use someone like you leading it, and even when Twilight was chosen to wear the crown, I can't think of anyone more qualified to help her rule Equestria than you.

They both had to pause and re-read the last sentence to make sure she actually put it, their eyes widening in surprise.

"What does that mean? She wants you to rule Equestria too? Kinda like she and Princess Luna are doing?"

"No, I don't think that is what she meant" Blueblood shook his head as they continued to read.

That is why, after talking it over with Luna and having discussed it and approved by the royal council. I have decided to grant you the title of Plenipotentiary Ruler once you return home. A title that hasn't seen the light of day in over a century, but you have proven to be more than worthy of bringing it back.

Consider this your reward for all you have done and achieved. I know you can handle such an important responsibility, and remember, no matter what happens, Your family loves you and will always be there for you.

Sincerely, your dear Aunt Celestia.

The Prince was left cold once he finished the letter, while AJ could only blink in confusion while tilting her head.

"Plenypo...polite...." She shook her head before giving up trying to repeat it and turned to Blueblood. "What the hay is that title supposed to be?"

"It's a diplomatic title, perhaps the greatest of them all."

That caught her attention. "Really? How so?"

"Princess Platinum told me about them while I was in exile. A Plenipotentiary is a kind of like a substitute ruler. They are the go-to ambassador for international meetings and can continue to act when the ruler can't assist, due to other obligations, illness, or another meeting happening elsewhere. They can even rule if the previous ruler dies without announcing a successor or having a next in line. They have the full power of independent action on behalf of the rulers outside the country. It is basically the ultimate expression of trust a ruler can grant anyone. This title means that she..."

He shook a little and fought back the tears "...that she trusts me enough to place the kingdom's safety in my hooves. They didn't know, and still, they gave me their blessing to rule before I even knew it." He hugged the letter and started to weep. "They trust me with the nation's safety, and I am just hiding in my room, not knowing what to do."

"Hey, hey!" AJ stopped him before he could continue the pity party. "None of that here, partner! Sure, the Princess gave you the huge task of taking over the whole farm, but that means she truly believes you can handle it. And you know what, I believe her, you helped Canterlot. You looked for ways to improve the lives of everyone you meet. You established a new society to help the other kingdoms evolve and improve for Celestia's sake!" she grabbed his shoulders and made him stand up, dusting off his shoulders and wiping away his tears. "Trust me, you. Are. Natural at this of being a prince " She marked each word by poking him in the chest. "So don't go crumbling on me now, you hear me?"

Her pep talk helped him relax somehow, and after sighing, he nodded and smiled. "Heh, if only things could be as easy as handling one farm, right?"

"Hey, don't go underestimating us either. Controlling a farm ain't easy. There's plowing the fields, farming the apples, feeding the animals, loading your products, selling your products, and that is just the morning."

"Wow, sounds titanic, and you do all that on a daily basis?"

"Eeyup, so don't go selling us short. It's not a nation, but it sure as heck is one huge load of work we do each day. Good thing we all in our family pull our weight and do our part. I don't think even the princesses with all of her magic could manage running an entire farm all by themselves."

"Yeah, that would be ridiculous," Blueblood laughed briefly before his eyes widened in realization. "Wait a minute."

"What is it, partner?" AJ tilts her head in confusion.

"That last part, what was it again? The thing, about your family?" He asked while looking around the room until he found a blank parchment and a pen.

"What? That we all pull our weight?"

"Yeah!" He suddenly pointed at her, saying, "That one, how exactly did you do it?"

Startled and taken aback, she took a step back. "Ah, we... know each other's strengths and weaknesses and divide our chores accordingly. We would never put Applebloom on apple-bucking or Big Mac on storing apples. One is too weak and the other too strong for each job."

"Dividing work," He repeated to himself as he started to write furiously on the parchment. "And using each other's strengths, cover ground, so if I treat this like a whole problem instead of multiple ones..." He started to ramble on.

"Okay, partner, you are starting to freak me out with your Twilight impression right now. What the hay is on your mind n...?"

The Prince interrupted out of the blue with wide eyes

"That is it!" Applejack, you are a genius!" Out of nowhere, Blueblood brought her into a bear hug and kissed her full on the lips before rushing out of the room.

"Ah, what? Wait, where are you going!?" AJ asked after she managed to recover from the spin and the kiss and gave chase.

"To gather everyone and assign jobs, it's time to divide and conquer!" Blueblood answered excitedly as he galloped to look for the other princes and princesses. "Thank you so much. You just gave me the answer I needed!"

"Ah, you are welcome?" Applejack managed to respond pretty much in the dark on what exactly happened and still recovering from the sudden kiss, which caused her to smile and blush a little after the initial surprise.

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