• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

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The A,B,C’s Of Emotions (RB And BS )

"Love. Hope. Empathy. Courage. These are the four pillars that have protected the Crystal Empire from the forces of evil, from Grogar to Sombra." Cadence said, dramatically demonstrating each emotion to her class by shining her body in different colors as she listed them, starting with pink, then blue, then indigo and ending with green.

"For millennia, we attributed this power to our beloved crystal heart as the protector of our kingdom since the very first princess took the crown. Though nowadays, we know that as mighty and powerful as the heart is. It's true function is and has always been to serve as an extension and focus for the latent power that we crystal ponies, can express. This is done by converting said emotions into energy and constructs limited only by our imagination. We can guide and even share these powers with others with the help of our crystals," she ended the sentence by tapping the golden necklace she was currently wearing. Its base showed a heart divided into four pieces, each one having the corresponding color of the emotions the Princess just listed.

All of Cadences students were also wearing copies of the same necklace, and among the students was Stellar, and Amber, who were silently taking notes of everything being said with the professionalism only a royal guard could hope to have.

"But contrary to what you might be thinking right now, the act of converting your emotions into energy requires more than being in touch with them all of the time. Just like a river in the middle of a forest will be tainted by leaves, branches, insects, and other objects, in our natural state, our emotions too are tainted, in constant turmoil, and often, violent movement. We can even express multiple emotions simultaneously, and if you try to convert them in their raw state, it would result in just a couple of sparks at best," she continued, going into her teacher mode. "The first thing to learn when manifesting your emotions is to clear your mind and reach into your heart to control yourself and aim for just the emotion you wish to express."

One of her current students, a stallion with white fur, raised his hoof, hoping to ask a question. He, like the royal guards, wished to understand more about the emotional spectrum for his reasons.

"Yes, Mr. Sharp Shot?" Cadence inquired.

"Is there no way to project two emotions simultaneously? Like love and hope or courage and hope?" he asked, honestly earning the attention of everyone in the class who were intrigued by the answer as well. This also earned a chuckle from Cadence.

"Somepony is eager to practice the advanced spells I see," she said with a smirk. "Patience, Sharp Shot, we will come to that later on. But before we can begin with the lessons on dual emotions, you must first determine which of the four spectrums I listed is your primordial feeling," Cadence explained as best as she could before revealing a large crystal ball on her desk which was previously hidden underneath a velvet cover. "This crystal ball was made with some shards from the first crystal heart of the kingdom, and because of that, it has properties that can show what kind of feeling rules over one pony. Are you someone courageous? Maybe hopeful? Perhaps a pony full of empathy? Or maybe…" She placed her hoof on top of the crystal and in seconds, it started to shine with blinding a pink light, forcing the students to shield their eyes from the intensity "…your heart has lots of love to give," when she removed her hoof the light died down, and everyone could look at her again.

"As I just demonstrated, I want all of you to place your hoof on top of the crystal while I take notes on the color it shines. Depending on the result, we will divide the class and start your lessons on meditation and focus appropriate with each one of them. So if you please, make an orderly line and step right up," Cadence said, levitating a parchment and feather and moving to the side so her students could approach and start to see which emotions are appropriate for them.

Doing as instructed, a line quickly formed, and the first pony, a crystal pony filly of no more than ten, soon approached the crystal. It started to shine a sickly green, which Cadence quickly wrote down "The green light of courage; yours is the will to overcome great fear and willing to stand your ground even if afraid," Cadence announced in happiness. "That is an emotion that speaks volumes of your bravery and tells that you would do anything to protect your beliefs and your friends."

"That's right, Princess!" the filly confirmed eagerly. "I will fight the bad guys, just like you did!" she hoof-pumps the air in determination-making Cadence chuckle at the adorable scene.

"I'm sure you will sweetie, but you must never forget not to lose focus and remember the difference between determination and foolishness, alright?"

"I promise, Princess."

"Ok, now since your emotion is green, your lessons will continue on the royal training grounds. Don't worry. We are not going to treat you like a soldier or anything like that. It's just that courage can be explained and learned more easily if you had plenty of space to work with," Cadence said before pointing at a corner. "For now, why don't you wait there for the rest of your future companions so you can all go there?"

"Ok, Princess," the filly obediently complied, and soon another crystal pony, a colt of twelve shyly approached the crystal.

"It ok little one, the crystal is not going to bite you, I promise," the Princess encouraged him, yet the colt simply averted his eyes before looking behind him.

"Do we need to show everypony what emotion we have, Princess?" he asked with some heat on his cheeks.

"Oh, sweetie, there is no shame in expressing yourself. Part of the objective of this school is giving you the strength to be proud of what you are, and the tools to create great things," she encouraged him while raising her wings before getting a bit closer to him to whisper. "But I also know that each of us expresses ourselves at our own time, would you like me to shield your results for now? You don't even need to go into a group right away, just follow your results as soon as everyone else is sorted. Will that be ok with you?"

The colt nodded, and soon, the Princess covered them with a transparent bubble that made them invisible for the rest, giving the horse the privacy he wanted as he touched the crystal. Immediately afterward, an intense indigo light shone from it. "The indigo light of empathy, yours is the emotion of concern for your friends and mercy to all," Cadence whispered to the colt, moved by the emotion. "It's an incredibly beautiful emotion, being capable of having compassion to give, and such a strong showing at that."

"Princess..." the colt was unable to make eye contact with her due to the embarrassment of the compliment.

"Oh, alright, I'll stop now, and as I promised, you don't need to form a group right away, just wait at your desk until another indigo light appears, then join them when you are ready. Your training ground will be the animal shelter."

"We're going to work with puppies!?" the colt asked, getting more excited, which earned a smile from Cadence.

"Indeed," her smile soon dropped. "Some pets there spend days, even weeks without anyone taking second glances at them, or are too aggressive to let anyone approach. Of course, we will never let you near the most aggressive ones right away, but the truth of the matter is that they deserve and need some compassion and affection, do you think you could do that for me, dear?"

The colt nodded, happier now. "You can count on me, princess," he placed his hoof on his chest before moving on. To the surprise of the Princess, instead of going to take a seat, he went into another corner before nodding at her.

There you are, I knew you had it you

After nodding as well, she passed to the next student, none other than Sharp Shot, who, after giving her a short bow, placed his hoof on the crystal, which immediately shined a bright pink, much to the surprise of Cadence. "Mr. Sharp Shot, you've been holding out on me, haven't you?" she asked with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

In response, he only shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "What can I say, your highness? A pony must love what he does. And I'm a fanatic for the archery sport!"

"I can tell as much," Cadence nodded with a smile. "Love is an emotion that has so many different expressions and whose power is said to be that which can conquer all. Yours is an emotion of passion and full devotion to your heart. So much so that I advise caution when using it. It can easily blind you if not careful."

"Literally or metaphorically?" Sharp asked with a hint of concern.

"Metaphorically," Cadence confirmed with some heat on her checks. "Let's just say one time, while experimenting with the emotion, I ended up acting like a cat on catnip. Couldn't stop hugging everything I saw." She confessed with some embarrassment.

"Must have been a very awkward experience," Sharp commented at her tale as Cadence only nodded. "Oh, you can be sure of that, but don't worry, my husband, the incredibly resourceful stallion that he is. Manage to contain the situation like a professional, and clear the air almost immediately, so other than some apologies and explanation with our staff who was on duty that day, nothing bad happened. And it served as a lesson not to underestimate the power of love."

Cadence finished getting more even red on her cheeks. "Anyway, since your emotion is love, it could be reasoned that as the Princess of Love, I will look after your lessons," she points at herself. "We'll work first in the castle. But as we progress, we will be moving locations. And that goes for everyone. The determined location I tell you is a starting point, not a fixed one," she announced.

"And I will eagerly await our lessons, your highness," he gives her a courteous bow before going into another corner and to allow for the selection to continue.

One by one, the rest of the students took turns to determine their emotions, and groups start to form with blue being the only one yet to appear. Until finally, Amber and Stellar were left as the only ones to find their emotions. Looking at one another, the two nodded and approached the table, ready to see what color awaited. The moment Stellar touched the orb, the entire room was bathed in an intense red light, which frightened everyone. And when she moved away and let Amber do the same, the same result happened, catching Sharp Shot's attention.

"Princess, what does the red mean?" the filly who had gone first asked, raising her hoof, but rather than answer Cadence only sighed and looked to both of the guards.

"Stellar, Amber, would you mind waiting outside the room while I finish the class?"

"As you wish, your highness," Amber nodded, and both were excused from the room, so Cadence continued her lesson.

After that was done, everyone headed to their designated 'classroom,' with another professor covering for Cadence's class. The Princess called for the guards again while sitting behind her desk, with two chairs in front of her.

"Close the door," she instructed Stellar the moment they entered, she did as told before they both took a seat. With a sigh, the Princess shook her head in disappointment. "I going to be blunt with you both. When Shining Armor told me that you wanted to take some courses in our school. I had my reservations." she looked back at them with pity. "From the stories he has told me, the implication of being a Celestial Centurion most likely implies that becoming desensitized was inevitable. Part of me thought you wouldn't be able to express any emotion whatsoever after what you have experienced."

She then looked at the orb. "Now I see that what I was imagining is nothing compared to what I just saw." she looked back at them with disappointment. "I'm not going to scold you from being angry, it is a legitimate and valid emotion to have, and after what happened in the Masquerade, I more than understand; goodness, I was in attendance that night, seeing what happened. Instead, I'm going to ask why neither of you have been using the facilities my husband told you to use when you entered?"

"Your highness with all due respect, there is no time for Stellar and I to put a halt on our training while a maniac is running free in the world." Amber answered. "The faster we learn how the emotion spectrum works, the faster the…"

"…you would repeat what happen in Canterlot!" Cadence snapped back before Amber could finish, before pinching the bridge of her nose. "This is exactly why I wanted the anger spectrum banned from the school."

"Princess, you can't do that, rejecting anger is like rejecting your horn; it is a part of yourself!"

"A part that makes us aggressive, blind, and beyond reasoning," Cadence pressed on. "Do not press my patience nor forget your position, soldier," Cadence finally said, dropping any form of honorific and looking at them with a glare. "I'm fully aware that anger is a part of us; there is nothing wrong in expressing it when the situation requires, but what you are implying is teaching kids to be angry. CHILDREN for pony's sake Amber, do I need to tell you why that's the worst idea imaginable?"

"No, ma'am," Amber responded as both she and Steller looked down in shame. Cadence only sighs and stood up before approaching the two.

"Listen, no pony is blaming you for what you did that night. You were just one more victim of that assassin. I, more than anyone, can comprehend that. But what this anger is doing to you... It's forcing you to endure pain. It poisons you, plain and simple. If you wish to capture that criminal, fine by me, you have my blessing. If you want to learn about the emotional spectrum to counter his magic, my school and its doors are always open. Though if you expect to gain my help, it will be under my rules and my conditions. Am I crystal clear?"

"Yes, your highness," Amber answered as Stellar simply nodded.

"Look, I understand that this is difficult, I'm still angry for a lot of the things that happened that night, but you don't see me letting that emotion rule me, right?" she said with a quick smile. "And you know why? Because I didn't let my pride get the better of me, and I sought the help that I needed," she levitated a piece of paper and a feather and wrote down a direction and a name. "This is the name of a professional who had even helped my aunt Celestia in the past. If you truly wish to continue at my school, I beg of you, seek him out, and talk about your problems. Let go of your anger, and we will try the test again. Ok?"

"But the criminal…"

"The finest soldiers in Equestria are scouring the lands for him; if they can track down the likes of Discord, I'm sure they will know if he steps hoof on Equestrian soil again. Please, nothing good will come from rushing things. Just take it one step at a time. Show me that you don't let your pride control you either, let me see the mares my husband admires so much truly shine before my eyes."

The guards looked at one another before sighing in defeat and taking the paper. "We will, your highness, for the safety of our crown, for the pride of the Celestials... and for our fans."

"Good. I will let this hiccup pass this time but it better not repeat itself, remember our motto; 'No fear, no anger, would enter this room,'" Cadence reminded them as they nodded

"We will keep that in mind, your Highness."

"Good, you are dismissed for the rest of the day then." Both mares were preparing to leave while Cadence checked some papers on her desk. "Also, just so you know, if you wish to counter the emotion of anger, you would need the spectrum of hope…keep that it in mind," she tells them without looking up, causing both mares to stop from a moment before resuming their march.

"Thank you, princess Mi A…thank you Cadence," Amber finally thanked her, dropping the honorific as they take their leave, and both took a glance at the letter the Princess had given them.

"Dr. Wolf? Have you ever heard of him?" Amber asked her partner, but she only shook her head. "Well, he must be good if even the Princess of Love recommended him." She sighed and looked down, "I can't believe we are going through this mess again just to catch a criminal."

Amber confessed, not looking forward to their visit with a psychologist until Stellar placed her hoof on her shoulder and smile.

"Yeah, I know, for the prince, right?"

Her friend nodded and removed her hoof

"For the prince, it is then, just doesn't expect me to do the talking, this is on you now Star" She half-joked, earning a light shove from her friend as they both shared some laughs while heading to their rooms.

Stellar, took the paper to memorize the directions, which to their luck wasn't too far from the castle. Such was their concentration that neither noticed the silhouette of a stallion watching them from afar.

Hmmm, now this might be promising. The pony thought out loud before retreating into the shadows.

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