• Published 3rd Jul 2018
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The Humble Prince - Lighting Ace

A man wakes up to find he's inhabiting the body of a cartoon horse who wasn't exactly Mister Popular, judging from how shocked the locals are when he says things like 'please' and 'thank you'.

  • ...

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Honor And Chances (RB And BS)

"Cadets! That is no way to address royalty! On the ground and give me fifty wing push-ups!" the Sergeant quickly reproached the twin bat ponies as they just kept staring at the prince with the same smirk on their faces. They didn't even seem to hear their superior until they dropped to the floor and started performing the assigned exercise using their wings, a feat that caught the prince off guard.

Can their wings support all of their body weight?

"My deepest of apologies, your highness," The Sergeant soon lowered his head in front of Blueblood. "These two cadets are our most recent recruits on the royal guard. Even though their aptitude and acuity scores were the highest that we have seen in years, their manners when addressing their superiors are still a work in progress." The Sergeant explained, slowly turning his head to glare at the cadets who kept doing their push-ups at a breakneck pace, not showing any signs of fatigue. Blueblood swore that the one with green eyes was half asleep as she continued working out.

"It …it's OK. I'm still learning about formalities and code of conduct too." Blueblood said, dismissing the incident. "So you don't need to be so formal with me all the time," he said with a smile.

"And we appreciate the sentiment, your highness," the mare with blue eyes replied once she and her sister were done with their push-ups.

"You runts just focus on your exercises!" The Sergeant roared in anger, before looking at the prince, "so sorry, your highness."

"It…It OK, nothing wrong with letting your subordinates speak their minds as long as they respect the chain in command, right? Yes, you two are correct though, I might have phrased it a bit differently, but I am indeed on the lookout for some capable guards to stay close by to me. It's just a temporary job, but unfortunately, the ponies I'm seeking are required to fill certain…ahem! Conditions," he says with some heat forming on his cheeks.

"Oh yeah, rule forty-seven, right? The one that stipulates the need for having some form of security by your side at all times, that need to be mares, in perfect health and…"

"…Yeah! That is the one," Blueblood stopped the Sergeant, not wanting to hear the rest of the rule. "A friend of mine suggested me to come here to look for options. She even told me that she had some guards in mind already that could work,

"Well, your friend seems like a pretty smart pony you highness, all of my cadets are of the finest and more capable pegasi and thestrals Equestria has ever seen,"

Thestrals? The prince look at the Sergeant with a raised eyebrow. Is that the name of the race of the bat ponies?

"Lightning fast reflexes, eyes on the sky, and none of that spinning and rolling around in the clouds that those Wonderbolt clowns are so proud of," he said, pointing at various cadets before circling the air with his hoof, in an irritated manner.

OK, I feel like I just walked into a minefield, better not talk much about it.

"No offense, your highness, I'm sure the unicorn squad is more than capable of serving as a royal guard. Their horns could be useful in restraining an attacker, but when it comes time to protect somepony, seconds can be the difference between life or death" He continued boasting with pride.

"So what do you say we rally the troops, and then worry about which mares haven't been mount…"

"THANK YOU, Sergeant!" Blueblood stopped him before he could finish that crude comment. "T-that will not be necessary. My friend already recommended me to two single mares, and if they accept, has indicated that they could be excellent bodyguards."

The Sergeant laughed and patted his back. "Sir, you are looking for security, not a date, and unless they have another job, they will take the request."

"Maybe, but since they will be following me around, I'd rather avoid future tension with them. If they enjoy their job, their performance will improve," Blueblood argued back.

"Ha! Always looking to make everyone smile. Are you sure you are not the element of laughter, your highness?" he half-joked as he poked Blueblood's chest with his walking stick. "Anyway, which mares did your friends suggest? I will gather them immediately."

"She told me that their names were Daga and Garra," Blueblood answered, making the sergeant pause as he slowly turned his head in the direction of the twins who he just dressed down, both having finished their push-ups and their ears flicked, signaling that they heard their names just now. "Are these them?" The prince asked.

"Sir! Yes, sir!" They both stood at attention, alerting the prince. "And we accept sir, it will be our honor," the mare with blue mane added as they both bowed to Blueblood.

"Oh! Well…thank you two, it will be just temporary, but let's try to get along," the prince smiled at the two mares before getting confused. "Ah, can I ask you which one is which?"

"Wait!" the Sergeant called out to voice his opinion before looking at the prince. "Are you sure you are OK with the twins your highness?" he asked in worry, "As I said, they're still wet behind the ears. Of course, both are top of their class, and I see a lot of potential in them, but neither has had any field experience. Please reconsider, I'm sure I must have some veterans that have no partners or at the very least, are divorced or widows. That can serve much better." He offered diplomatically to the prince.

Blueblood weighed his options before answering, "Maybe, but I'm not exactly looking for permanent replacement either Sergeant, this is just a temporary position. Just think about it, this could be a good opportunity for them," Blueblood commented, "I don't exactly go rushing toward danger…OFTEN," he amended his statement after taking note of the neutral expression of the Sergeant. "And their job will not be something that big either, just following me around. What better way to get their hooves dirty, in a safe manner, than by giving them a try? Besides, with my lessons, chances are that I will be in the castle throughout the time of their service. So, there's not much danger to worry about, and by example, they can learn good manners from other guards as they protect me," Blueblood continued. "Plus they seem eager to try, why not give them at least one opportunity? And if they get too relaxed or cocky, I will do what I can to straighten them out." He offered with a smile.

"OK, if you really will be alright with a couple of rookies..." the Sergeant sighed before glaring at the twins. "Listen well you green fangs, this is probably the most important mission you will receive during your pathetic lives, so you better not embarrass the uniform. You two are now assigned to be the prince's protection detail, guarding the prince's life from now on until relieved, which means he doesn't even sneeze without you being there ready with a handkerchief. If anything happens to him on your watch I will personally impale your wings against a wall like bugs and leave you as examples to all rookies that act like smart ass's with me, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!"

"SIR! YES, SIR!" They both saluted before approaching the prince and placing themselves on either side of him.

"Good," the Sergeant nodded in approval "I will start on the transfer paperwork then, have a nice day, your highness," he turned around and addressed the other cadets. "ALRIGHT, ROOKIES! THAT IS ENOUGH, HIT THE SHOWERS!" he ordered before leaving. The prince heard a collection of sighs in relief and soon after seeing the most of the bat ponies and pegasi slowly making their way out of the tower. Eventually, leaving only him, his guards, and what the prince assumed were the veterans who only wanted to train some more.

"Sir?" The mare with green mane asked Blueblood.


"I just wanted to say that we have become big fans of yours since you flawlessly cleaned up Manehattan, and showing the true power of the night."

The prince chuckled at the compliment and scratched the back of his head "Oh it was nothing really, the citizens are the real heroes there. I wouldn't have even been there if not for their help."

"There is no need to be so modest your highness, you were spectacular back there, and I loved the way you transformed into a pony of shadows, do you think, perhaps you could show us…"

The other twin cleared her throat and silenced her sister before looking at the prince. "I'm sorry, your highness. Daga can get excited when meeting celebrities" She apologized with an embarrassed smile.

Celebrity? Me? The prince looked at them, confused. As Garra continued

"Do you mind if Daga and I freshen up as well before we start? We were also training not too long ago," the mare asked him while pulling her sister away.

"Oh! Sure! Sure! Go ahead. I have to go see my aunt about the news anyway, come and meet me in the throne room once you are ready," the prince nodded.

"Thank you, your highness; we will not take long. Let's go, fangirl!" Garra chided her sister as they took their leave, Daga complaining all the way.

"But…but, the prince! At least let me ask for an autograph!"

Well, at least I think she and Pinkie might get along rather quickly.

Meanwhile on the train heading to the crystal empire

Amber sighed as she kept looking through the window as snow passed by. "The crystal Empire shouldn't be too far away now, any minute we will reach it."

She said before looking at her friend, who nodded at the statement. "Have you ever been to this place?"

Stellar shook her head no.

"Yeah, me neither, I've heard stories of a crystal changing colors according to a pony's mood and the famous Crystal Heart having some degree of healing properties to whoever approaches it. It will be interesting to see how much of that is true, right?" She said, trying to cheer up on their silent ride. Stellar smiled, appreciating the gesture.

"Hey! Is this a mission or a vacation trip?" the voice of Hurricane interrupted the two as they both saw her enter the cabin carrying a bag of junk food with her. Both mares were understandably impressed when they found Hurricane herself at the entrance of the train station, waiting for the two with her bags packed. After Amber told her that they were heading to the Crystal Empire, she didn't say a single word before boarding the train, essentially inviting herself on to their trip. "Don't you mares start to go soft on me now. I was under the impression this was a trip to get tougher, not go around playing tourist," Hurricane remarked, sitting next to Stellar and pulling a liquorish string from her bag using her wing before eating it. "So enough with the gloomy face and the attempts to lighten the mood, would you? If you are going to do something, do it right," she smiled at the two before tossing them a bag of cookies each.

"Here, I will do the talking while you two fill your guts."

"Thanks, Commander," Amber nodded before opening one of the bags before staring at her and then sighing. "Miss Hurricane…why did you come along?" she finally asked, incapable of keeping silent by her sudden, but not unwelcome intrusion.

"Ugh! Finally! I have been waiting for hours for either of you to ask me that!" Hurricane exclaimed with a roll of her eyes and throwing her hooves in the air. "I was beginning to fear you two were just a couple of sheep."

"Commander," Amber responded, hardening her gaze.

"Hold your horses, I'm getting there," Hurricane replied before sighing. "I know how you are feeling, you know?" she said in sorrow as she looks at Amber. "The humiliation, the guilt, and the fear that you made a rookie mistake that almost cost some civilian's life. That assassin did a number on you, didn't he?" she inquired in an understanding tone. Catching Amber off guard.

"How do you…?"

"…Oh please," Hurricane interrupted her with a shake of her head, "You are talking with the mare that had once lead armies to victory from the frontlines. Do you seriously think I don't know when one of my soldiers had a vendetta on their minds? I can tell by just seeing their eyes, and yours couldn't be more transparent. Those are the eyes of a mare that will hunt a bastard to Tartarus if you need to."

She then looked at Stellar. "And you're not the only one with that idea. You are good at keeping it to yourself, Mute, but you can't fool me. You are angry at him, too, right?" Hurricane said, and hardening her gaze, Stellar nodded.

"Yeah, I can tell. There is a plan in that head of yours. There are things you wish to do once you get your hooves on that assassin. Things I won't dare to say," Hurricane confirmed as Stellar merely nodded slightly as her gaze hardened even more.

"So, you came to a stop us then?" Amber questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Stop you? By the stars no. As I said, I understand and have seen it before, and I know there's no stopping you from this road you are taking," she replied. "I'm just tagging along."

"Why?" Amber asks in confusion.

"Because that road can get pretty dark and finding your way back from that can be a pain in the flank without a guide," Hurricane warned the two as the train came to a stop. "Know this, there will be a line soon enough, and once you cross it, …there is no turning back. I will try my hardest to prevent you two from doing that," she promised as the conductor announced their arrival, and Hurricane stood up

"Plus, I haven't seen the Empire in more than a thousand years, and I want to see what has changed since Penumbra ruled the place. I wonder how that kid of hers did as a king?" She asked in wonder. "What was his name again? Somber…Solace…Soloist? I know it started with an S" she tries to remember as she left the cabin, making Amber and Stellar's eyes widen with the revelation, the two shared a look

"Should…should we tell her?" Amber asked her friend, worryingly.

That night back in Canterlot

Garra and Daga vowed solemnly to both princesses as Celestia and Luna reviewed their credentials with a critical eye. Earlier that day, Blueblood told Celestia about the news and how he had found suitable, temporary replacements for Amber and Stellar. Though, Celestia remained silent on the decision and asked him to wait for Luna so they could both review the candidates carefully before agreeing to let the twins act as his bodyguards. So when the time came, and after Princess Luna finished raising the moon. The prince and his prospective guards arrive to see his aunts and hear their thoughts and opinions.

"So, are your minds at ease now?" Blueblood finally spoke up, unable to take the tense silence any longer. "Their scores speak for themselves, and the Sergeant himself told me that they have a lot of potential. Perhaps enough to be considered for the Celestial Centurions. What else needs to be discussed? They are perfect for the job," Blueblood stated with a smile.

"Blueblood, it's not that we don't get your point. Their portfolios are impressive indeed, and I am proud of you wanted to take on this task, but it just…" Celestia tried to find the right words while looking at him with a hint of awkwardness.

"…neither of them have any real-life experience yet," Luna finished, taking a step forward. "I'm sorry, Nephew, but we can't simply assign recruits to the protection of our family. It's just too risky, and your well being is too important to us, the job being temporary or not," she answered with finality before addressing the twins. "Miss Garra, Miss Daga, we appreciate your willingness to take up this position, but I'm afraid we will have to decline."

"With all due respect, your highness," Garra took a step forward, "Don't you think that this decision seems a bit premature? My sister and I only wish to serve the crown; haven't we earned the right for a chance to prove ourselves worthy of protecting your nephew?"

"This is not for discussion, Private Garra," Luna reproached with a glare. "Our answer is no."

"And will that be OK with you, your highness?" Daga asked, looking at Blueblood.

"Well…I," Blueblood started to say something, but Celestia cut him off and put her wing on his back. "We speak for him, and as my sister told you, our answer stands. Still, we appreciate your efforts, and we will gladly search for an appropriate assignment for you two." Celestia responded with a smile.

"Excuse me?" Blueblood separated from Celestia and looked at her with some irritation, "You speak for me? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Sweetie, please don't take it the wrong way, but this is an important task. We are just worried about your safety," Celestia responded.

"But not interested in my opinion?" Blueblood pointed out, his anger was starting to rise.

"Of course, we want your opinion," Celestia answered slowly.

"Then why I can't speak for myself?" he started to back away and approached the twins. "And why can't they have the chance to serve as my bodyguards?"

"Nephew, we just told you, they have no field experience. It takes more than good grades and an overachieving disposition."

"…seems to have been enough for Twilight," he muttered in anger, which caught Celestia's attention. "What was that young man?"

"You heard me!" He snapped back, "Was Twilight' experienced in the field' when you sent her to Ponyville? Was Aunt Luna 'experienced' when she entered her first dream? Were you on the first day as Princess?" he asked rhetorically.

"Blueblood, this is entirely different."


"Because I had a backup plan in case anything had happened," Celestia answered.

"And you think I don't?"

That surprised all the mares.

"You do?" They all asked at the same time as he nodded.

"I had a lot of time to think while I was in exile. There are a lot of things I wanted to do once I came back home," he put his right hoof on Celestia's chest. "Please Auntie, just like you gave me a chance, like you gave Twilight an opportunity, like how you managed to give Aunt Luna and Discord a chance to prove themselves, let me prove to you that I have this under control, please," he pleaded as Luna looked at both at him and Celestia with a wary gaze.

After a long pause, Celestia eventually sighed and closed her eyes. "One chance," she relented, much to the surprise of Luna.

"What?!" Luna took a breath to voice her displeasure when Celestia raised her hoof to stop her from doing so.

"Two weeks, with only allowances to walk IN and NEAR the castle grounds where guards can see you at all times; a trial period to prove to me that they can be capable guards…and then they can keep the job as temporary bodyguards," she laid the conditions out with a neutral expression.

"Thank you, aunt Celestia! You are the best!" Blueblood was about to hug her, but she glared at him, still displeased by how things went.

"ONE chance, Blueblood, just one. If they prove me right, you will be grounded for a month," she warned him.

"What?! But that…"

"Want it to be two?"

…is a strong yet fair and kind deal, one which I am happy to accept with no further alterations being necessary." Blueblood gulped under his aunt's glare, but not as much as the twins once Celestia looked at them this time with a smile. "And I believe you two understand the importance of this assignment and conduct yourselves with all the professionalism and dedication the royal guard is known for, am I correct in this assumption?"

"Yes, your highness!" They quickly replied with a salute, and Blueblood internally applauded their commitment on not stuttering or even sweating under the hard gaze of Celestia. "Good. In that case, I'm grateful for you looking after my nephew."

"Well…with everything now settled, I think we should be going, thanks again aunties, I love you!" Blueblood told them quickly and tried to leave the room as fast as he can without running, escaping the tension in the room.

"Tia!" Luna glared at her sister.

"Don't say it, Lulu, I know."

"Then why did you agree to this?! Tia, we are talking about the safety of our nephew, will you be OK letting recruits looking after him?"

"Of course not…but as much as I hate to admit it, Blueblood raised a good point. By not giving those mares a chance, I would have been a hypocrite. They have a great deal of potential, and saying no would have been mostly me being a paranoid and overprotective aunt," she then smiled as she looked at her sister. "As you said, we can't just keep protecting Blueblood. We should put more faith in his judgment of their character. And who knows? Maybe we are just worrying over nothing here."

Luna sighed but also nodded. "I suppose you are right. Every pony deserves a chance to prove themselves, and I know that better than anyone. Besides," she smiled at the idea, "Having bat ponies guarding the crown could help boost their image in the eyes of the general public."

"Also true." Celestia nodded with a smile, and Luna did the same as they kept quiet for a while.

"…you are still going to spy on them from time to time, aren't you?"

"Like a hawk."

"Yep, that is what I thought." They both shared a laugh between the two before departing to perform their duties for the night, neither of them aware that their peace soon would be broken, heralded by the arrival of an ornate silver chariot entering the borders of Equestria escorted by a platoon of humanoid cat soldiers.

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