• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Precursor: Lost Precursor City

Pinkie rested for about thirty minutes, where she stared up at the sky and the flaming boulders that the giant monster was throwing into the water around the village, before finally deciding that it was time to move on. As much as she wanted to spend a few hours relaxing from using the zoomer in the Precursor Basin, and maybe crack some jokes with Daxter, she also knew that they needed to move fast if they wanted to stop the Lurkers from doing whatever it was they were doing. She knew that Samos thought that the Lurkers were gathering Precursor artifacts for some unknown master, for the same unknown purpose he spoke about every so often, which was why he told her and Jak to stop any Lurker operations that they came across.

"You sure that your ready to go Pinkie?" Jak asked, as he was concerned that Pinkie was pushing herself too much, as if she had something to prove to both him and Samos the Sage.

"We've got to stop the Lurkers from pulling up some Precursor artifact in the swamp," Pinkie replied, recalling what Samos had mentioned in passing before the three of them had left the Blue Sage's hut, "not to mention we've got to power the Blue Sage's machine and defeat that massive creature that's attacking the village. Then there's the matter of getting to the Red Sage's hut and figuring out what needs to be done there before we reach the Yellow Sage... and then we rinse and repeat until we reach the end of our adventure. I'd say that thirty minutes is more than enough time to spend resting at the moment."

"Alright, if you say that your fine to move on then I won't argue with you," Jak said, pulling himself from the stool that he had been sitting on the entire time, pausing for a few seconds for Daxter to jump onto his shoulder before they walked towards the planks that would take them to the underwater city.

"As long as we don't find anymore of that Dark Eco I'm fine with exploring an ancient forgotten city," Daxter commented, staring at the city in front of them as Pinkie and Jak made their way towards the front entrance.

Jak and Pinkie carefully jumped across the wooden planks that had been sitting between the village and the city's entrance, avoiding touching the water and attracting one of the Lurker Sharks, but eventually they reached their destination and jumped up onto the platform that had a large blue button in the middle of it. Jak pressed his foot against the button and the platform sunk into the tunnel that would take them into the city, where they were able to see that it was a little larger than what they were expecting. Once the platform came to a stop they approached a door and let it open, to which they discovered a short hallway with some electrified coils on either side of them and electrified water under the walkway they were on.

The room they entered happened to be a decent sized room that had moving platforms, a few Blue Eco clouds waiting to be picked up and used to open a nearby container, and a flying Lurker that inflated itself when it came near them, only to deflate after a few seconds. They then spotted a Scout Fly box sitting on the lower platforms beneath the room's entrance, one that happened to be guarded by a pair of Lurkers that had a smaller one sitting on the other one's back, to which they rode one of the platforms down to where they had spotted the Scout Fly. When the two of them approached the pair of Lurkers Jak slammed his fist into the chest of the main one, forcing the partner off of his back, to which Pinkie kicked that one into the electrified water and Jak pushed his foe in a similar fashion.

With their enemies taken out, and the Scout Fly freed from its box, they quickly gathered all of the Precursor Orbs that were scattered around the room before making their way towards the tunnel that would take them deeper into the city. That brought them to a really small room that had some interesting Blue Eco platforms, as one moved around the one that either of them stepped on, though they quickly understood that these platforms would allow them to move around the city a lot quicker. There was a trapped Scout Fly that they freed and a Lurker that they took out, which was followed by them jumping over some of the electrified coils they had seen at the beginning of the city.

The next room they entered was much larger than the first one they had passed through, as there were several pipes leading to various locations, at least three Scout Flies scattered throughout the entire area, a fair number of orbs laying around for someone to take, and even a Power Cell that was trapped in a glass container.

"Hold up, I want to test something," Pinkie said, causing Jak to stop before he jumped onto the pair of Blue Eco platforms, which was followed by her jumping on one and causing the other to move.

Pinkie carefully maneuvered the two platforms until she was near the three glass containers they had spotted from the entrance, though once she reached her destination she jumped off of them and turned to face them. She waited a few seconds, wondering if they were going to move or if they were going to stay where she had left them, but when she was about ready to tell Jak to find another way over to where she was one of the platforms moved. She watched as the two platforms returned to where Jak and Daxter were waiting, to which Jak jumped on them and quickly made his way to where she was standing.

"Is that what you were hoping would happen?" Jak asked, though at the same time he was staring at the three glass containers while he was trying to figure out how to get the Scout Flies and the Power Cell.

"Something like that," Pinkie replied, jumping onto the platforms before they could move and quickly made her way towards a dark blue colored platform, "Try the button on the right and see what happens."

Jak stared at her for a moment, wondering if she had lost her mind or if she was on to something, before letting out a sigh and pressing the button that she had specified, to which the Scout Fly inside the glass container in front of him was snatched by some sort of Eco transfer... and ended up where Pinkie was standing, where she grabbed the now free robot.

"Smart thinking Pinkie," Daxter commented, as it was unusual that Pinkie actually figured something out before Jak did, before rubbing his hands as he looked at the two remaining containers, "Now then, let's do the green one and get that Scout Fly."

Pinkie made her way over to the end point of the green pipe, which was followed by Jak pressing the button and releasing the second trapped Scout Fly, which was once again snagged by Pinkie the moment it arrived. The end of the red pipe, they soon discovered, was behind a series of jumps that took them closer to the entrance they had originally entered the room from, to which Pinkie carefully made her way over all of the jumps until she reached the end of the path. The moment she reached her destination Jak pressed the button and released the Power Cell, which Pinkie grabbed the instant it appeared, before she made her way back to where her brother was standing, pausing for a moment to collect another Scout Fly that she had passed in order to get into position.

They then spent a few minutes gathering the remaining Precursor Orbs, and the third Scout Fly, in the room before they made their way towards the opening that would allow them to move forward, where they found two rings of moving platforms that were following a circular pattern... which happened to be moving around a platform that rested above a pit of Dark Eco.

"I was joking!" Daxter declared, annoyed that his earlier statement had actually been true, though he patted Jak for a moment as he readied himself for what was coming, "Be careful Jak."

Jak, who noticed that some of the platforms were moving in a way that dumped whatever was on them into the Dark Eco below them, carefully made his way to the middle ring and performed a series of jumps between the two rings in order to get all of the orbs that were in front of them. With that done he moved to the platform in the middle of the rings and claimed the Power Cell that was waiting there, before making his way into the room that was in front of them. Once he was out of the way Pinkie carefully made her way across as well, mimicking what she had seen her brother do, before the two of them were together once more.

The new room they entered had another type of Lurker for them to fight, one that specified in spinning around and using some sort of bladed weapon to cut whoever they were fighting, but they quickly discovered that by jumping over their heads and diving at the Lurkers they could take them out without hurting themselves. They then discovered that they had to choose between two different rooms to head towards, but it was rather simple for them to pick the room on the right of the entrance, as it appeared that it was a dead end no matter what they found inside the room.

What they found was a strange number of floating platforms that were arrayed around a door of some kind, but the moment they jumped on one of them they discovered that the platform would light up, only to deactivate when jumped on again. The two of them carefully made their way around the group of square platforms, going in two opposite directions so they could best the puzzle a lot faster. By the time they managed to get all of the platforms in a glowing state, which had taken a few minutes of thought to do so, the door opened and revealed a Power Cell, which Pinkie grabbed before they made their way to the previous room they had been in.

The second room they could have chosen from had a pair of Lurkers waiting for them, which were pushed back into the electrified water behind them, though before they moved forward they spotted a nearby Power Cell. Pinkie pressed the nearby button into the ground and Jak jumped up the platforms until he reached the area the Power Cell was on, to which he grabbed it before making his way back to Pinkie. Once they were together again they walked towards the ramp area in front of them and slid their way down towards whatever was at the end of the tunnel they were in. Jak and Pinkie made sure to hit all of the metallic boxes that were inside the tunnel, somehow breaking them with their speed and nothing else, before they reached the end of the path.

It was then that they found a Precursor structure of some kind, one that they guessed was an elevator or something, along with several orb like terminals that appeared to be powered by Blue Eco, which would be easy to deal with thanks to the Blue Eco vent that was in front of them. While Jak took the Blue Eco into his body and activated the terminals, in order to activate the vessel in front of them, Pinkie jumped through the air and took out the Lurkers that were in the room with them. Once all of the terminals were activated the vessel's door opened, to which they entered it and rode it towards the surface, which would please the Blue Sage when he returned to the village.

Once they reached the surface Keira opened the communicator and told them what they had done, as if they weren't aware of the fact that they had brought a piece of the ruins to the surface, but they quickly rode it back down to the ancient city so they could finish the rest of their exploration. They moved through a small tunnel and climbed up some steam lids that allowed them to recover the last Scout Fly of the area, to which Jak grabbed the Power Cell before he and Pinkie rode down a second ramp like tunnel. They dodged the Dark Eco boxes and the electrified coils that were in their way, as well as collecting all of the orbs that were scattered in front of them, before they reached their next destination.

All three of them were surprised to find that their end point was at the edge of a large pit of Dark Eco, which made Daxter shudder as he looked at all the darkness below them, though the moment Jak carefully jumped on the button in the middle of the Eco it sunk a bit and the Dark Eco started to rise.

"JAK! PINKIE! RUN!" Daxter shouted, just as the two of them accessed a nearby Blue Eco vent and started making their way around the long cylinder passageway that they found themselves in, "The Dark Eco is rising!"

Despite the fact that Daxter was afraid of the Dark Eco that was following them, and kept screaming every time he turned to look at its progress, Jak and Pinkie managed to reach the top of the chamber they were in, where they used a Blue Eco jump pad to escape from the Dark Eco... where they landed in a small room that closed behind them. They found a Power Cell in the room they had landed in, as well as the fact that the room happened to be above the first ramp section they had rode down, which they actually used for a second time to reach the structure they had left behind. Pinkie insisted on picking up the Power Cell they had left on top of the vessel, which took all of ten seconds for her to collect, before they rode back to the surface.

The moment they returned to the surface they swam back to the area they had been resting in earlier that afternoon and decided to take another break, before they spoke to the warrior and rebuilt the walkway that would allow them to access the nearby swamp.

"And then we'll deal with that creature that's throwing boulders at the village," Jak promised, because Daxter had started to rage at the waste of time they were committing by resting again, but he shut his mouth and waited like the last time.

Pinkie smiled as she glanced over the water and stared at the entrance of the swamp, knowing that they would be doing the world some good by stopping the Lurkers... and whoever their mysterious leaders were.

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