• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Exile: Endgame

When Jak and Pinkie appeared on the other side of the portal, and Jak recognized the area as the one he had been smashing his way through earlier when he was connected to the ship thanks to the Astro-Viewer, they raised their weapons and opened fire on the enemies that warped into the area they were standing in. They expected a large group to be standing in their way, like ten or twenty Troopers, but what they got was five Troopers that immediately raised their shields, indicating that they were going to wait for the siblings to attack before they launched their own attack. Instead of allowing their opponents a chance to fight back, now that they had shown their hand, Jak and Pinkie refused to allow them a single chance to fight back. Jak stuck to using his gun this time around, figuring that there would be more opportunities to test out the abilities that the Precursor Elder unlocked inside of him... while Pinkie used her Eco abilities and stayed away from the Morph Gun entirely.

Pinkie spun the staff that had once been her sword and slammed it into the side of the Eco Shield that one of the Troopers had summoned, to which the Light Eco that she was channeling along the edge shattered the shield entirely, but she mentally grinned as she heard some of the bones in her target's body break. She found that not only could she channel one of the six Eco colors along the staff, like she could have done back when she was using her sword or scythe, but the power of her blows seemed stronger despite the fact that she wasn't channeling Red Eco at the moment.

It didn't take them long to finish off the enemies in the area around them and open the door that they needed to follow, though what they discovered in the next area of the ship was a rotating platform, made up of multiple gears, waiting for them. Since they had to jump from one platform to the next, and avoid getting shot in the process, Jak and Pinkie opened fire on the flying enemies that were in the air above them, though once the enemies were taken care of Jak made his way across the rotating platform. The moment he was on the other side he pulled out his gun and opened fire on the enemies that were shooting at Pinkie, who easily avoided their attacks like they were nothing, though once they were together again they assaulted the three Troopers that were in the small room they had discovered before moving down the pathway on their left.

At the end of the pathway they discovered more flying enemies, as well as several Troopers, gunning for them, though while Pinkie opened fire on everyone, by pointing the tip of her staff at her target and loosing a Yellow Eco blast, Jak carefully made his way through the series of spinning poles and platforms before landing and opening fire. Pinkie, noticing her brother had made his way through the small gauntlet that was in their way, did the same thing that Jak had done and quickly joined her brother. Once all of the enemies in the chamber they were in were taken care of, and the door was open, they walked through the open door and opened fire on the Troopers that happened to be waiting on the other side... before they came to a stop in front of a Light Eco vent.

Jak, understanding what needed to be done, transformed into his Light Flight form and made his way over the various platforms that were in front of him, while Pinkie stayed where the vent was located and shot down any enemies that dared to show themselves. Once Jak had reached the end of the obstacle course, and had Raven fly back to Pinkie in order to tell her so, Pinkie unfurled her wings and flew over to where her brother was standing. The moment they were back together they advanced down the corridor that was in front of them and opened fire on the enemy flyers that happened to be guarding the pathway in front of them. Fortunately there were only two groups of flyers blocking their path, though when they used their Light Flight forms to reach the platform across from them they had to open fire on the Troopers that formed before their eyes.

Once the area was clear the door in front of them opened and they discovered an elevator that could take them into the depths of the ship, or so they hoped, to which they walked forward and rode down to wherever their new destination happened to be... which happened to be a storage area that contained a fair number of massive spider like machines.

"If these nasty things ever wake up, the planet's finished." Daxter commented, though despite the fact that Jak and Pinkie were with him he felt terrified, especially since Errol was in command of all these machines.

"All of these Dark Makers at my command." Errol said, to which Jak and Pinkie noticed that Errol was standing on the walkway in front of them, though it appeared that he had just noticed their arrival, "Just think what I could do."

"We already know what you would do with these Dark Makers, Errol." Pinkie replied, to which she stepped away from her brother and approached the cyborg, where the only sound they heard was her staff touching the ground, "Errol, what happened to you? Back when I arrived in Haven City, from the past and not from whatever timeline or world I originally came from, you were never this evil and hateful towards everyone. What made you change?"

"Power!" Errol stated, though at the same time he turned towards Pinkie and grinned, or grinned as well as his mechanical face would allow him to, "The Baron gave me an important mission and I got a taste of the power that might one day be mine, if I applied myself towards whatever missions he gave me. I got addicted to the power and all the vices that came with my position, though every now and then I player the part of a caring officer in the military to get my way... such as convincing you that I was a friend, with the purpose of turning you into a weapon. If I had been the one to break you... oh, we could have toppled the Baron and lived as King and Queen of Haven with the Metal Heads working beneath our heels."

Pinkie could easily imagine the potential future that Errol was talking about, as it would have likely happened if she had gave into the darkness that had grown in her heart when the Baron shattered her innocent world. Instead of bringing light and a new hope to the people of Haven City, which the Underground had been working towards, she and Errol could have easily ushered in a world of darkness and misery. It was a future that she was happy to lock away and forget about, because thinking about misery made her a little depressed, but it made her want to fight for a better future at the same time, which was what she and Jak were fighting for at the moment.

"Very well then, Errol, I can see that there is no Light, no laughter, left in your eyes," Pinkie said, to which she tapped her staff against the floor for a few seconds, indicating that it was time for her and Jak to wage total war against Errol, "Jak and I will do everything in our power to stop you... and we have the Precursors backing us!"

Before Errol could say anything a beam of energy, made up Light Eco and Dark Eco, pierced the hull of the ship and tore through the other side, though Pinkie grinned as she noticed that the Leader of the trio had aimed at the core of the Dark Maker ship. Instead of sticking around Errol engaged his jetpack and flew over to one of the Dark Makers, to which the monstrous machine came to life as he dropped down to the planet below them. Pinkie, seeing Errol get away, dipped into her Light Eco again and flared her wings as the ground started to fall apart around them, to which she grabbed onto Jak and Daxter before flying towards the large warp gate that was located near where they were standing.

When they stepped through the warp gate, however, they appeared on the outskirts of Spargus and immediately glanced towards the sky, where they saw the Dark Maker hit the ground and rise up, to which Errol started his assault by targeting the city that their father ruled.

"Raven, get us into the air," Jak said, though not even a few seconds later Raven transformed into his dragon state, to which they took to the air and headed towards where the Dark Maker was walking.

It didn't take them long to reach where Errol was, though before they started their assault Pinkie pressed her left hand against Jak's back and empowered the Light Eco inside him, to which he jumped into the air and unfurled his wings, only to find that they supported him like Pinkie's did. A few seconds later Pinkie flew through the air and maneuvered around the top of the Dark Maker, though Jak decided to aim at the bottom, as there appeared to be some weak points that would weaken the entirety of the machine. Raven joined in the fun and loosed several blasts at the legs as well, targeting the ones on the other side of the Dark Maker, allowing them to deal with their targets while Pinkie flew around the top of the machine and focused on taking out Errol.

Errol, seeing that Pinkie was coming after him, fired blasts of concentrated Dark Eco and beams made out of the same thing at his target, though at the same time Pinkie used her natural abilities to move around the attacks that were coming her way and used the staff to drain the Dark Eco from the attacks as well. In the back of her mind she could hear her alter ego speaking, taking direct control of the Pinkie Sense in order to help her avoid the attacks that were coming at her by interpreting the signals that were coming in. She would have found it weird to have such a thing happen, her and Pinkamena working together, but it appeared that her alter ego didn't care much for Errol and wanted him as dead as the Baron was... to which Pinkie eventually went on the assault and used the Dark Eco she had taken from Errol to deliver powerful blasts to the machine, in the form of dark purple colored lightning.

When Jak and Raven dealt a punishing blow to the legs of the Dark Maker, forcefully making Errol eject the upper section of the machine into the air so he could avoid crashing, Pinkie was on top of it and slashed off one of the devices that were keeping the top of the machine floating in the air. As the machine crashed into the ground near Spargus' gate, however, Jak, Raven, and Pinkie landed on the platform that had been created when the top came to a stop, though as Errol started up an attack sequence they returned to the air and flew around the head of the machine. Since there were three of them flying around the area it made it impossible for Errol to hit any of them, as when he focused on one the other two swooped in and attacked the head... though after a few moments Pinkie got tired of that and moved into Errol's blind spot, where she gathered some Light Eco and Dark Eco into a single sphere.

The moment the weakness of the cockpit revealed itself, which was a Dark Eco container on the back of the moving head, Pinkie focused on the container and waited for a few seconds, allowing Errol to pause as he fired at Jak, though that movement proved to be his downfall as Pinkie fired her attack... causing the head, and the entirety of the upper section of the machine, to explode into a thousand pieces. With the deed done Jak and Pinkie returned to the ground outside the gate, where they watched as Raven joined them and transformed back into his ottsel form, though that was followed by them staring at the wreckage that had once been a Dark Maker machine.

Pinkie knew that the next order of business was for them to celebrate their victory over Errol and the Dark Makers, though even as that came to mind there were questions that only the leader of the Precursors could answer... though she silently hoped that he could answer them and enlighten her, instead of confusing her more than she already was.

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