• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Exile: New Information

Once the marauders had been taken out, the Precursor Prism gifted to them by Seem, and there was nothing else to do in the Wasteland at the moment, Jak and Pinkie headed back towards Spargus and returned the Dune Hopper that Jak had checked out to reach the marauder stronghold. Some of the citizens wanted them to stick around and tell them of their battle against the marauders, especially with a dragon on their side, but Jak insisted that they would give them the full story when they next returned to the city. As they walked over to the transport, however, Pinkie insisted that she and Raven would fly next to the transport... to which the citizens of Spargus watched as the transport was accompanied by a dragon as they headed back towards Haven City.

When they arrived in Haven City, and Jak climbed out of the transport, Pinkie jumped onto the ground and let Raven transform back into his ottsel form, giving him the opportunity to rest as they got a pair of zoomers and headed back into the Metal Head side of the city. Thanks to the Neo Metal Heads holding the line the siblings didn't have to worry about being stopped by their enemies, to which they rapidly made their way towards the door that would take them to Haven Forest, where the pillars were waiting for them. As they walked into the area, however, they both noticed that there was a stone statue, in the shape of a head, sticking out of the ground, though something told Pinkie that this was a mission she would have to sit out.

As it turned out when Jak hit the nose of the statue a set of rings appeared in front of him, to which he used the jet-board to chase after the set of rings that phased into existence, following a predetermined path that someone, no doubt the Precursors, had designed for something that had four of the five required artifacts.

Pinkie, Daxter, and Raven watched as Jak maneuvered around the entire forest, chasing the various rings that came out of the five stone statues that were scattered around the area, each one of them shattering when the predetermined course was complete and raising one of the five pillars that surrounded the main one... until Jak finally reached the end of the last one, and Pinkie noticed that the pillars created a set of steps for them to use to reach the top. Once the walkway was complete the siblings got back together and carefully climbed the steps that were in front of them, where they discovered some sort of telescope at the top... though as they approached it the four artifacts they had recovered floated out of their bags and surrounded the device.

"Approach the Astro-Viewer, time warriors." a voice said, one that the group recognized as one of the Precursors, though at the same time Jak stepped up to the device, "Behold, the seed of our destruction."

Jak stopped in front of the Astro-Viewer and closed one eye as he looked into the item, where he spotted some sort of space vehicle approaching the planet, which had to be the Day Star that seem was worried about. He then stepped aside and let Pinkie have a look at what the Day Star really was, while at the same time marveling how the Precursors were patiently waiting for them to see it before speaking again.

"We Precursors built many worlds across the universe, shaping them with Eco into something good." the Precursor spoke up, though at the same time Jak and Pinkie pulled themselves away from the device, "But we were foolish; the Dark Makers were once Precursors, but their exposure to Dark Eco changed them. They began twisting worlds, conquering life, and dark ages ensued. Now, the Dark Makers have found your world, and are coming to claim it for themselves."

"Well that could ruin your whole day!" Daxter exclaimed, though at the same time he wasn't joking, because these Dark Makers sounded horrible and wondered if Jak and Pinkie could even take on something that was as powerful as one of the Precursors.

"This one is much bigger than all of us." Jak commented, now understanding why Seem appeared to be terrified when she talked about the Day Star, while at the same time he was curious what the Precursors had in mind for stopping the ship from reaching their planet.

"There is but one hope left." the Precursor stated, to which Jak and Pinkie looked back into the Astro-Viewer and found some sort of device resting in what appeared to be the middle of the planet, if their suspicions were right, "You will find a planetary defense system hidden deep at the core of the planet. There is still a chance to save your world. I hope you are more successful than many planets, whose fate has already been closed."

The group waited for a few seconds, as they were curious if there was anything else that the Precursors wanted to tell them, but after some time it became apparent that there was nothing else they needed to know, to which they climbed back down to the lower area of the forest and headed towards the entrance.

"I heard what the Precursors said." their communicator said, to which they determined that Samos was already thinking about something, "This is as we feared. We must get into those catacombs before that ship reaches this planet."

Jak and Pinkie knew that anything Samos came up with wouldn't be much use to them if they couldn't break through the rest of the KG defenses, to which they headed back out into the Metal Head part of the city and made their way over to the Naughty Ottsel... where they found Torn and Jinx waiting for them.

"Jak, Pinkie, we may have a way to reach Freedom HQ." Torn said, to which he beckoned to his companion for a moment, indicating that the floor was his, "Jinx here has a plan."

"Long time no see. I think we've got a boomer of a plan here." Jinx commented, though at the same time the group did their best to ignore the smell of his smoke, which was hard considering that it was coming their way, "You know those nasty Blast Bots you see wandering around the city? Well, I captured one. Don't ask... I'll show you the scars later. I've rigged that baby with a remote control, and even more explosives than the standard package."

"Jak, the plan is to link into the remote and direct that Blast Bot into the KG area." Torn added, though at the same time he lifted a remote up from where it had been resting, indicating that the plan was ready to go and they needed a skilled driver to get the job done, "If you can get the Blast Bot close enough to the Freedom League border and blow it up, it should punch a hole in the defensive line there, and allow us to hook up with our comrades."

"Question," Pinkie commented, causing the group to turn towards her for a moment, because she was a little annoyed that everyone seemed to be ignoring one of the advantages that they had, "since there's only one defense barrier left, and an army of robots guarding it, why don't we ask Raven to fly the Blast Bot right into the barrier... essentially drop the bomb right on the barrier and blow it to pieces."

Torn and Jinx looked at each other for a few seconds, as they realized that they had missed something when they had put together this plan, before Jinx coughed and brought the attention to him for a moment.

"Well, truth be told, we hadn't thought of that," Jinx replied, though at the same time he glanced at the armored ottsel for a few seconds, as he was unsure of what to do, "Just be warned, if you drop that Blast Bot too soon we'll have wasted our one chance to get back to Freedom HQ."

Raven nodded as Jinx lead the way to the area that the modified Blast Bot was resting in, where he noticed that there was more than enough room for him to transform into his true form and leave this area without damaging the robot. A few moments later, when Jinx stepped back towards the door, Raven transformed into his true form and carefully lifted himself into the air. Once he was in the air he gently grabbed the top of the Blast Bot with his claws and used his wings to ascend further into the air, though once he passed the top of the buildings he turned towards the Industrial section of the city and flew towards where his target was located.

Raven mentally chuckled as he spotted several of the robots stared up at him and tried to target him, but it appeared that he was just out of range and they couldn't target him at all... though he smiled as he neared the barrier and dropped the Blast Bot into the middle of the structure, blowing the entire thing apart. Once the deed was done he turned around and headed back to the Naughty Ottsel, where he transformed back into his ottsel form and told the group the good news... while being pleased that he could help the war effort out so much.

"Great job!" Torn said, though while he was happy to have someone like Raven on their side he was a little ashamed that he hadn't considered asking for his assistance earlier, "We can link up with the northern front now. I'll get on the horn to HQ and give 'em the good news! Jak, Pinkie, these are for you."

Jak and Pinkie grinned as Torn handed them a pair of Peace Maker mods for their weapons, to which Jak quickly attached his to his Morph Gun and knew that when the opportunity presented itself he would use it against some of their enemies. Torn turned towards Pinkie as she surrounded her mod with her Dark Eco, to which it turned into a dark purple bead that appeared on her bracelet, though that was followed by her extending her hand towards one of the paintings that Krew had put up around the room and focused on the new bead. A few seconds later a sphere of energy, colored in the same colors of a Peace Maker shot, appeared in front of her hand and caused everyone else to step back for a few moments... though they only relaxed when she collapsed the sphere and absorbed the Eco once more.

"So how are we going to get to the HQ?" Raven asked, though at the same time he already knew that he could easily transport everyone there so they could save some time, especially since the Dark Makers were on their way to their planet.

"Just fly them there," Jinx commented, though his tone indicated that he had been hoping to have someone drive the modified Blast Bot into the barrier and seeing the explosion on the screen, before he departed from the building and left the others to their business.

Daxter agreed with Jinx's suggestion and was happy to find that Raven was more than willing to transform again, to which they watched as he morphed back into his true form, allowed Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie to climb on his back, and then took to the skies as he focused on their destination. As Raven flew over the city the group could hear that the people were cheering at them, meaning that the group was a symbol for morale at this point, but they were perfectly fine with that. Thanks to Raven they were able to reach the area that the Freedom HQ was located in, where Raven maneuvered himself into an open area and allowed the others to climb off his back... to which he transformed back into his ottsel form and they headed into the building, where they found the others waiting for them when they climbed off the elevator.

"Hello, fellow peeps and cronies!" Daxter exclaimed, to which he jumped off of Jak's shoulder and landed beside Pecker, who ignored him to the best of his ability, "That's right, the Daxternator is back in the building!"

"You did it!" Keira said, clapping her hands together, though whether she was talking about the knowledge they had acquired or breaking through the KG barriers the group was unsure of.

"It's about time the lot of you got here!" Samos stated, though the group was familiar with his tone and knew that he was referring to the Dark Maker ship, which they were all concerned about.

"I'm surprised that you got here so fast," Pecker commented, though at the same time Raven simply shifted into his hybrid form and raised a wing, to which Pecker sighed for a moment, "Right, transforming Neo Metal Head who's true form is that of a dragon... forgot about that."

"Great work, all of you." Ashelin spoke up, though at the same time she turned towards the group for a moment, knowing that they were a little sore about being banished, "Let me be the first to officially apologize for the city."

"Forget about it." Jak said, knowing that the citizens of the city weren't at fault for what had happened, because Veger was the one that had had orchestrated their banishment and it was the Count that he was after, especially after the destruction of the palace, "We've got our own reasons for wanting this war to be over."

"Well, what we know right now is there's a huge dark planet builder bearing down on us all." Samos said, though by the looks on everyone's faces Jak and Pinkie knew that he had already explained everything to them, "How much time we have, no one can guess. If it is rogue Precursor technology, then the only way to destroy it is with more Precursor technology, and that lies at the bottom of the catacombs."

"Also, the large number of Eco Crystals being moved about can mean only one thing," Keira stated, to which she noticed that the entire group knew where she was going with this train of thought, but were allowing her to speak what was on her mind, "someone is trying to awaken vast Precursor technology."

"I'm fairly sure that both Errol and Veger are behind the awakening of all this Precursor technology," Pinkie said, knowing that Errol had to be connected to the Dark Maker ship and that Veger had to be hunting for the weapon that they had seen in the Astro-Viewer.

Before anyone could say anything else, and discuss what they were going to do about the Dark Maker ship, the building shook for a moment, as if it had been struck by some sort of projectile, which caused the group to look at the computer table that was in the middle of the room.

"It looks like a large scale assault. Multiple targets inbound." Ashelin said, seeing at least three enemy ships coming towards the building they were in, to which she glanced over at Jak and Pinkie, "Jak, Pinkie, are you up for some action?"

"Of course," Pinkie replied, to which she accessed her powers and summoned her scythe, before she headed towards the elevator again, "Let's see what the KG are sending our way... and show them what they're fighting against."

She was eager to get a proper fight, as everything else had been too easy for her and she was looking for some excitement, though she was going to have to accept this assault as her excitement... to which she and Jak climbed into the elevator and headed down to the battleground, as things were about to get hectic once they stepped outside.

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