• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Prelude: Dreams

Pinkie walked beside the dream fog that always surrounded her dream world, occasionally poking it with her finger to see if she could get a reaction out of it. Some nights when she slept she was left to her own devices, where her dreams were peaceful and she didn't have to worry about monsters trying to eat her. Then there were nights where she appeared in this area, which she had come to call the Waiting Room, as she spent most of her time waiting for something to happen. She had long since stopped calling items she had seen into existence here, mainly due to the fact that they never helped to pass the time and usually disappeared shortly after she called on them. The only things that bothered to stay for an extended amount of time were the fragments of her mind that resembled her brother Jak, or their best friends Daxter and Keira.

After a few seconds she stopped moving as she heard something growl near where she was standing, to which a twisted creature, one that was made of both metal and flesh with a shining stone in its forehead, materialized out of the fog and charged at her. Pinkie ducked to the left, away from the fog, as the beast leapt at her, though as she hit the ground she rolled back onto her feet and started running in the opposite direction of the unusual creature. As she ran she noticed that the landscape around her changed into that of a depressing city, one that had high buildings and an even higher wall, though not a few seconds later she was running through an alleyway as she left the creature to eat her dust.

The two things she absolutely disliked about her dreams were the fact that she kept dreaming about this depressing city, even when she was in a good mood before falling asleep it would come to her, and the creatures that occasionally hunted her. She guessed that she should have considered herself lucky that she wasn't a small animal or something, otherwise she was sure that the creature would have gotten her a long time ago. She knew that she would awaken if the creature got her, it actually happened twice in the past, but she preferred not being tired in the morning, as being caught made it almost impossible to fall back asleep.

A few seconds later she came to a stop and listened for any noises that would tell her what was happening, but for the first time in forever the world she had found herself in was quiet. Pinkie looked around as the world around her changed shape once more, shifting into what she assumed was a throne room of some kind, though while no one actually sat on the throne she spotted two young kids playing together. The kid on the left was definitely male, though he was a human with sharply pointed ears, bright blue eyes, and greenish-yellow hair... but Pinkie knew that this was Jak, only reduced to what she assumed was a six year old. The remaining kid was definitely a younger version of herself, as she also happened to be a human with sharply pointed ears, though while she shared Jak's light blue eyes her hair was pink colored... and seemed a bit more fluffy than her brother's hair.

Pinkie never understood why her dreams showed her this throne room, when she was four years old and Jak was six years old, but she knew that there had to be a reason for it. She had asked Samos, the Sage of Green Eco that she, Jak, and Keira lived with about the dreams once, though he had told her to put them in the back of her mind and that, if a certain dream repeated itself, then she could see if she could decipher whatever the dream was trying to tell her.

The kids looked in her direction for a moment and Pinkie looked at the door that they were looking at, because behind that door she could just barely make out two people arguing. The first time this dream had happened she thought the visions of her and Jak could actually see her, but she quickly learned that she had only freaked out because she had been standing in front of the door that had caught their attention. She turned her attention back to the kids for a moment and watched as another figure, a girl who was maybe ten years older than both her and Jak, entered the room and took them somewhere else... though try as she might Pinkie had never been able to figure out who the mysterious girl was, mostly because she seemed to be surrounded by shadows.

The scene shifted to her, Jak, and some sort of dog like creature running through the streets, just like she had been doing earlier, before colliding with a green skinned man, who hid them all in the shadows until whatever had been pursuing them was gone. Pinkie could never get a decent look at the man, which always led her to believe that whatever she was being shown was obscured by something, but she did hear the man mention something about him and his friends watching over her and Jak. The voice was enough for both of the youngsters to settle down and go with the man, though where they ended up was never shown to Pinkie as the fog swirled again.

The next thing Pinkie knew she was staring out of the eyes of her younger self, though this time she was looking at a trio, two humans and a creature that appeared to be a cross between an otter and a weasel, who had emerged from a sinister looking building. The two humans appeared to be ready for a fight, if their clothing was anything to judge them by, though the odd thing Pinkie always noticed was that one of them looked like an older version of Jak, but knew that such a thing was impossible. The other human almost looked like an older version of herself, though she looked like all of the joy and happiness in the world had been stripped from her, as there appeared to be no joy in her eyes and her hair was pulled straight down.

Even if this was her dreams messing with her, and none of this had ever happened, Pinkie still found it a little depressing that she could even look like that... even if it was just her mind messing with her.

There were other scenes that didn't stay focused for very long; such as her younger self and young Jak laughing at something, or when they were in some sort of scary cave, or even when they were riding some sort of machine into a blinding light. That last one was always the weirdest, because the man that had saved them in an earlier vision was there again, riding in the machine and disappearing into the light with the two of them.

Pinkie, a voice said, to which Pinkie found herself back in the empty dream she had been in earlier, though she had to wonder where the voice was coming from, Pinkie...

"Pinkie, its time to get up!" Samos said, shaking the sleeping girl awake, though he was amazed it had taken him as long as it had to have any affect on her sleeping form.

Pinkie let out groan as she sat up and stretched her stiff arms, though as her eyes opened she smiled as she took in her caretaker's form, glad that she was no longer dreaming. Samos had a round body with a wrinkled face, though while he had thin limbs he chose to wear high platform wooden shoes, which came with a wooden staff that he carried with him at all times. He also happened to have a long white beard and mustache, unusually shaped glasses, in the sense that the left lens was larger than the right lens, and had a log held fast to his head by the last of his white hair.

This was Samos, though people often called him by one of two titles; the Green Sage, or the Sage of Green Eco, the powerful substance that helped make the world prosper. From what she remembered of he studies Green Eco had the ability to restore energy, while at the same time allowed Samos, the sage who was studying it, to communicate with nature itself. She vaguely remembered that there were other colors as well, but at the moment she shook her head and finally focused on her caretaker, because she knew that something had to be wrong if he had been shaking her.

"Is something wrong Samos?" Pinkie asked, though as she looked around the small room she shared with Jak she could tell that her brother had to be awake at this point.

"No... only the fact that your fifteen minutes behind Jak in getting up today," Samos replied, though he let out a sigh, as he already knew what must have happened, "Which dream did you have this time?"

"Ugh... I think all of them this time," Pinkie answered, because she was sure that she had seen every single dream she had told Samos about in the last nine years.

"And what have you learned from these dreams?" Samos asked, though Pinkie knew that this was his way to telling her that they were just dreams and that she shouldn't let them bother her like they did.

"To have fun with Jak and Daxter!" Pinkie declared, a smile appearing on her face as she remembered that Daxter was supposed to have something interesting planned out for today, though one look at Samos' face told her that she had forgotten something, "And leave the deciphering of dreams to you and the other Sages?"

"That's correct," Samos replied, to which he used his staff to point at the doorway, "Now run along and join your brother. It seems that Daxter has another of his 'amazing' adventures planned for today. Just remember the rules; stay out of trouble, as best you can anyway, and don't go to Misty Island."

"Okie dokie lokie!" Pinkie said, to which she got off her bed and made her way towards the doorway, before turning around and throwing her arms around Samos for a moment, "See you when we get back."

Samos nodded his head once, which was usually what he did when she did something like this to him, though Pinkie only smiled as she pulled away and left the hut behind. She jumped down onto the log bridge that connected Samos' hut to the rest of Sandover Village, which was actually a small town that had been built on some small islands, though the occasional trees made it possible for some people to swing around if they didn't want to walk, but Pinkie knew that she and Jak were the only ones that bothered to do it. There were a few stairs and bridges scattered around the small village, but at the moment the villagers seemed content to leave things as they were.

She decided to head towards the Forbidden Forest, where one could go if they had Samos' permission, but stopped short as she spotted her brother standing on the fisherman's pier, though standing beside him was their best friend. Daxter was just like them, in the sense that he was a human that had sharply pointed ears, though his hair was red and yellowish-orange colored, almost like the color of fire, and he had two overlong front teeth that stuck out over his lower lip, which didn't interfere with his speech. He was even the same age as Jak, who was fifteen at moment, so that meant that Pinkie was the youngest member of the trio, as she was only thirteen years old. Daxter was generally the one that came up with the crazy ideas for their adventures, which either resulted in one of the villagers getting mad at them or them receiving a lecture from Samos.

"Hey guys," Pinkie said, causing the two boys to turn in her direction for a moment, to which she spotted them standing near the boat that the local fisherman used every now and then, "Are we going fishing today?"

"Not exactly," Jak replied, letting out a sigh as he pointed at Daxter, "He wants to go to Misty Island and explore it for a few minutes... says he thinks that there might be something there that will make the entire effort worthwhile."

"Hey, I know you've been dying to explore the island as well," Daxter fired back, though at the same time he climbed into the boat and took a seat at the front of the vessel, "besides, Samos has told us to avoid the island about a hundred times..."

"Actually, its more like one thousand and forty times," Pinkie cut in, rubbing the back of her head as both Jak and Daxter looked at her, "Sorry, I started counting how many times he's told us that about five years ago... or was it six years ago?"

"Point is, he's told us to stay away from the island one too many times," Daxter finished, not even bothering to ask why Pinkie had counted how many times Samos had told them that line, "I say its time we go see what's special about the island and see why he doesn't want us to go there... and Jak actually agrees with me this time."

"Only because we're going to be there for ten minutes tops," Jak stated, shaking his head as he climbed into the boat as well, before turning to Pinkie, "then, once we're done with the island, we'll go to the beach and relax for the rest of the day."

Pinkie cast a look back up at Samos' hut, imagining the sage looking down at them to see what they were doing before they left the village, but she didn't see anyone up at the windows at the moment. She wondered if Samos was meditating or studying the eco that he had inside the hut, though after a few seconds she let out a sigh and climbed into the boat as well. She knew that this was a terrible idea, likely the worst one that Daxter had ever come up with in the years they had known him, but she wanted to make sure that they didn't overstay their welcome when they reached their destination.

She had the feeling that this was going to be the beginning of something big, though at the same time she worried that something bad was going to happen when they reached the island.

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