• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Renegade: Metal Head Combat

It didn't take Jak and Pinkie long to find a zoomer to borrow, as the one they had been using had been grabbed by someone else while they were inside the saloon talking with their friends, and begin the short journey towards Haven Forest. As they traveled to their destination Pinkie looked at all of the Krimzon Guard cruisers that were moving through the air, which made her wonder if they were gathering for the threat in the forest or if her adopted father was preparing for total war with the Underground. She was sure that the Baron was up to something, as she could have sworn that she noticed several new colored cruisers moving with the older models, though she only hoped that their business in Haven Forest went by quickly so they could stop whatever was going to happen next.

She let out a sigh as they turned a corner and moved through the farm area of the city, though it really didn't take them too long to reach the door she and Jak needed to go through. Once they reached the ramp in front of the door Jak parked the zoomer and they began their ascent, to which they patiently waited for the security door to open so they could walk into the Precursor Ruins that were near the forest. The moment the door was open they used the warp gate to reach the upper level they needed to head up to, to which they climbed into the small platform that would take them to their true destination and prepared themselves for whatever was waiting for them.

When they arrived at the entrance of Haven Forest they expected to be greeted by one of the Neo Metal Heads, be it Stalker or one of the ones they hadn't met, but instead what they found was a raging battle between combat style Metal Heads, with yellow Skull Gems, and quicker Metal Heads that had blue Skull Gems.

Jak pulled out his Morph Gun and fired upon the Metal Heads that bared the yellow Skull Gems, making sure to fire when there was an opening, though he personally found it odd that the Metal Heads he was aiding were nodding their appreciation to him as he aided them. It was clear that their enemies were supposed to be stealth types, in addition to combat types, but the Neo Metal Heads apparently could see where their enemies were and helped Jak in finding where they were hiding. He actually thought it was a little unfair for their enemies, because they had no doubt came here to scout out the area and then report back to their master, but instead they were engaged in battle with the superior breed of Metal Head that their master had created... and, with him added to the mix, the yellow gem Metal Heads were severely outclassed at the moment.

That was before he even factored Pinkie and Raven into the mix, as Pinkie was approaching the enemy Metal Heads that were hiding in the shadows and carved them up with her scythe, indicating that she wasn't playing around at the moment... while at the same time Raven had shifted into his hybrid form and tore into the enemies that were foolish enough to approach him.

In time the two groups, both Jak's and the Neo Metal Heads, had routed the enemies that were in front of the entrance of Haven Forest, to which they moved on to the area where the large tree was located and continued their assault on the enemies that were attacking the forest. It was clear that the enemy Metal Heads didn't stand a chance, as they got cut down whenever they revealed themselves, though in time the group removed all of the enemies that were in the entire area. With all of their enemies taken care of, and the Neo Metal Heads were sure that there weren't any enemies left for them to fight, Jak and Pinkie sheathed their weapons as Raven landed nearby... though he carried with him an arm of the last opponent he had taken out, indicating that he was hungry and that he was claiming what was his.

As Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie waited for someone to tell them what should be happening next, however, one of the shield baring Metal Heads came towards where they were standing, to which they noticed that the gun wasn't purely attached to the creature's hand... as it appeared that both the gun and the shield could be stored away in the blue stones in the middle of its hands. They also noticed that this one seemed to be dressed up in actual clothing, though it was all clothing designed to make it look like a scientist of some kind. As the trio watched the Neo Metal Head approach them, however, they discovered that the creature was more interested in Raven... who looked up from the limb he was tearing into and observed the creature that was walking towards him.

"Most interesting," the Metal Head commented, to which he lifted his left hand up and touched Raven's back, almost as if he was studying the Eco flow inside Raven's body, before placing the other hand on Raven's head, "Stalker told me that you might not remember us, despite the fact that you clearly remember how to shift between your three forms, but I can tell that living under that Eco Dome has had some effects on your body."

"I take it you are Vex?" Raven asked, though before he spoke he made sure to swallow what had been in his mouth, as he didn't want to seem rude to the Metal Heads he apparently had been the leader for before he had sacrificed himself to save the new clutch his father had made... if he chose to believe Stalker's story.

"That is correct." the Metal Head, Vex, replied, to which he nodded his head as he pulled his hands away from Raven and pulled out a notepad from the bag he was carrying, "I am a Centurion Class Metal Head, which is the type that has their entire left hand consumed by their weapon and a shield on their right hand, but the Leader of the original Hive modified me to be this way. In fact every Metal Head in our hive has been modified from their original form, as you have no doubt seen with Stalker and the others that fought beside you today."

"So how do we fix Raven?" Daxter asked, causing Jak and Pinkie to glance over at him for a few seconds, "What? I'm not a huge fan of Metal Heads, but after finding out that we actually have some as allies I would actually like to meet who Raven used to be... the Raven that defied his father, broke the other modified Metal Heads out of their holding areas, and escaped with the intent to gather their power so they could beat the main hive."

"Fixing the problem that the Eco Dome has created isn't as easy as you would believe," Vex stated, causing the group to raise their eyebrows for a few seconds, though Pinkie had been expecting that there would be some trouble in restoring her friend to his former glory, "Either Raven leaves Haven City for the same number of years that he spent under the dome, which I can tell that he won't do considering that both of our groups are at war with the main hive, or someone destroys the Eco Dome... which would leave the entire city vulnerable to the main hive."

"That sounds like something that his father would want to do," Pinkie said, letting out a sigh as the group turned towards her, though at the same time she noticed that Vex was nodding his head in understanding, "Think about it, the Metal Head leader wants to get inside the city, so he can search for something of immense power, no doubt the Precursor Stone, and the only thing that's stopping him and his army from actually getting inside the city is the Eco Dome. I can almost guarantee that he'll try to take the Eco Dome out, so we have to be careful and make sure that it stays intact until we take our enemy out."

"Well, there's not much I can actually do for you at the moment," Vex commented, though at the same time he reached into his pack and pulled out a vial, which he handed over to Pinkie, "That vial contains a mixture of herbs and Eco that should, when drank a little at time, hopefully help Raven combat the effects of the Eco Dome. It may or may not help him regain his memories, based on how long he's been living under the Eco Dome, but it is better than nothing... and we'll be searching for additional methods to completely restore his memories."

Pinkie nodded and stashed the vial in her own pack, though once that was done Stalker emerged from the shadows and called for their forces to retreat to their hidden base. As the other members of the Neo Metal Heads gathered their belongings and started to depart from the forest, however, Stalker apologized for not being able to help Raven more than they had, before she followed her family and departed from the area. Once that was done Pinkie looked at their communicator and noticed that Torn wanted them for some reason, to which she and Jak started to head to the entrance of the area.

The moment they passed through the security gate, and reentered Haven City, they climbed into a zoomer and headed towards the Underground hideout.

When the group arrived at the location of the Underground's hideout, and were sure that none of their enemies knew that they were in the dead end area that the hideout was located in, they carefully opened the door and headed inside. They found Torn walking around the table, occasionally looking at something that he had placed on it, though once they crossed the threshold he turned towards them. It was clear that he had been trying to reach them for a few minutes, before Pinkie had discovered his transmission, but if he was annoyed with them he wasn't showing it, which meant that he was either learning to hide his emotions better or there was something more important going on at the moment.

"The Baron's coming down pretty hard." Torn commented, indicating that he wasn't going to talk about them ignoring his message, which must have meant that he had decided that they had been doing something equally important as what he was going to ask of them, "Whatever the lot of you have been up to lately has really upset him."

"Oh trust me," Daxter said, though he flashed Torn a smile, indicating that there was more they could do for the Underground in this war they were in, "we're just getting started. There's so much more we can do towards the person that imprisoned and tortured Jak for two whole years... while at the same time breaking Pinkie's innocent reality."

"Right." Torn stated, stretching the word for a few seconds, as if he didn't want to remember what the Baron had done towards Pinkie, before he turned back to Jak, "Anyway, the Baron's brought in new Krimzon 'Hellcat' Cruisers, making the streets more dangerous for the Underground... we've already lost five men since they we loosed upon the streets, and that's not including the members the guard has already killed so far."

"And you need someone to take them out before they kill more people?" Jak asked, because he was sure that these Hellcat Cruisers might have killed innocent people while hunting down members of the Underground, to which Torn nodded to him for a moment, "Perfect. We get to make the streets safer for everyone and, at the same time, we get to destroy some of the Baron's dangerous new toys. I just have one question; how many Hellcat Cruisers are there?"

"All my scouts indicate that there are five of them," Torn replied, to which he smiled as Jak and Pinkie started heading towards the stairs that would take them outside the hideout, "This will send the Baron a message that he won't be able to ignore... and give us some breathing room."

Jak and Pinkie decided that, considering that there were five enemies for them to deal with, that this would be a good time to separate from each other, though the first Hellcat Cruiser happened to be near the area that was in front of the Underground's entrance. They grinned as Jak pulled out his gun and started firing at the cruiser, causing it to focus on him for the moment, though that allowed Pinkie to approach the cruiser from below and use her Dark Eco abilities to an interesting effect. What she did was gather some of the Dark Eco that had been gathering inside her body, from killing all the enemy Metal Heads, and toss the small cluster into the area near the cruiser's engines... to which the flames caused the Dark Eco to expand as a cluster of Dark Eco crystals erupted all around the cruiser and brought it to the ground.

Jak and Daxter stared at the ruined cruiser, which was on fire and covered in Dark Eco crystals, and almost felt sorry for the guards that had been riding in the vehicle... though they shook their heads and separated from Pinkie, allowing her and Raven to hunt down some of the remaining cruisers.

Pinkie grabbed one of the nearby zoomers and headed into the Industrial area of the city, where she found one of the cruisers hanging around the area that was in front of the entrance to the sewers. It was clear that they weren't expecting her to be there, as it appeared that Jak was attacking a cruiser near the Water Slums thanks to what she heard on the communicators that the guards were carrying. It opened a perfect hole for her to exploit, as all she really did was repeat the same process she had used against the first cruiser, to which she formed another small cluster of Dark Eco and tossed it into the cruiser... though she backed away before the reaction happened and the cruiser went down in flames.

It also didn't take her long to find her second target, as the Hellcat Cruiser flew into the area following the destruction of the one Pinkie had targeted, though she waited for the transmission to kick in from the other guards as she followed her target for a few moments. When the fifth cruiser called in and said that Jak was attacking it, however, Pinkie grinned as she concentrated her mind and tossed another cluster of Dark Eco into the cruiser's engines... to which she and Raven watched as it was engulfed in flames before going down. With the deed done, and all of her targets taken care of, she turned the zoomer around and headed back to the hideout, where she found Jak waiting for her.

It was then that Torn briefly came out of the hideout and told them that Pecker, and by extent Onin, wanted to see them when it was convenient, to which the group hopped back into the zoomer that they had borrowed and headed back to the Bazaar... though when they arrived they found Kor speaking with the pair.

"Expecting that little boy to save us is folly!" Kor angrily proclaimed, to which he tapped the base of his staff against the ground a few times, indicating that the Shadow must have told him something that he either didn't agree with or didn't like in some manner, "At his age, he's no match for the Metal Head leader."

Pecker, apparently having heard the same thing multiple times since Kor showed up at the hut, was pleased to see that the people he had called for had finally arrived, to which he smiled at the group as they walked through the hut's opening... which, in turn, made Kor turn around and notice that Jak, Daxter, Pinkie, and Raven had arrived.

"Oh, Jak... we were just talking about Samos's plan." Kor commented, as if he wanted the group to know what they had been talking about, though the group had already guessed that fact before they had even walked into the hut.

"Onin says your voice sounds very familiar," Pecker spoke up, though at the same time Onin focused her gaze on Kor, almost as if she was trying to remember who the man was, "I bet you golden oldies go way back, huh?"

Jak and Pinkie glanced at each other as they noted how Kor flinched back from Onin's gaze, indicating that he definitely had something to hide and didn't want his secret revealed to anyone. Before either of them could consider what they were seeing, however, Pecker decided that it was time to start a different conversation, which was the reason why Jak and Pinkie had come here to begin with.

"Onin has noticed, without anyone telling her, that you have already collected two of the three pieces of Mar's ancient seal." Pecker said, to which both Jak and Pinkie nodded, as they had expected the old lady to have determined that they had been successful so far, though it appeared that there was some explanation they needed to hear first, "Each piece of the seal was positioned in such a way to test you, in order for you to energize them so they can open the door. One was positioned in an area where you could test your strength against the Krimzon Guard, while the second tested your skills against the dangers of the mine. Now, Onin wishes to test your mind... and hopefully reveal the third and final piece of the seal."

Onin called upon her Eco powers once more and started weaving patterns into the air, where Jak could see that she had weaved together plenty of purple squares, red circles, green triangles, and blue x's. Jak could feel his own energy reacting to whatever Onin was doing, to which he focused his mind and started following the patterns that the elderly lady was weaving in front of him. Before long he was able to predict the exact symbols she was weaving, even when the intensity of the symbols increased, though it all came to an end when the third piece of Mar appeared before them... to which it fused together with the two he was already carrying and created the Seal of Mar.

"Behold!" Pecker proclaimed, a grin appearing on his face as Jak took hold of the ancient relic that had been separated into three pieces, only to be restored by the effort that Jak and Pinkie had put into recovering the pieces, "The Seal of Mar is now complete. Onin says the three artifacts you retrieved from the mountain temple are relics from an ancient Light Tower... though I can tell you that old songs tell of how this Light Tower once shined down on the actual site of Mar's tomb. I would sing you one of those songs, just so you could understand what I'm talking about, but Onin tells me that I shouldn't hinder you more than she already has. So instead I will tell you what you need to do; You must take the three artifacts to Mar's Gate... only then will the Light Tower rise, and reveal the Tomb."

Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie grinned at each other as they realized that they were on step closer to finding the Precursor Stone and securing it before it fell into the hands of either the Baron or the Metal Head leader... though at the same time Raven couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as Kor walked away from the hut. He knew that the old man was carrying a dark secret, if what they saw when Onin glared him was any indication, and that made him wonder what the secret was... despite the fact that he was sure that the secret was one that should be left alone.

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