• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Precursor: Sentinel Beach

Jak, Daxter, and Pinkie took a few minutes to grab a light meal, just some fruit and some strips of Yakow meat, before they walked out of the village and approached the path that would take them to Sentinel Beach. Of course Daxter questioned them as they left the village, as they had completed several tasks while they were in the Forbidden Jungle and wondered why they weren't grabbing their rewards just yet.

"Do you really want our uncle to boast to the Mayor that we traded with him first?" Jak asked, keeping his eyes on the lamps that Samos had pointed out when describing the path they would need to take to reach his Eco Collectors, "It would be in our best interests to gather all of the Precursor Orbs we can, from the Forbidden Jungle, Sentinel Beach, and even Misty Island, so we can trade with everyone at the same time. Of course everyone refers to the Mayor, our uncle, and the Precursor Oracle that we spoke with, which will give us four more Power Cells to add to the ones we already collected."

"Oh... I see," Daxter said, scratching the back of his head as he rode on Jak's shoulder, as the thought hadn't actually crossed his mind until his best friend had brought it up.

"Don't worry Daxter, once we're done with our adventure we'll come back and take a day off." Pinkie said, noticing that a day off was what Daxter wanted at the moment, despite the fact that they had barely started their adventure, "Though for now we should focus on finding the Scout Flies and unclog Samos' collectors... and see if we can't find any other Power Cells and orbs to add to our collection."

Jak nodded and together the trio crossed over to where the beach was located and almost immediately found a Scout Fly, though its box was trapped around eleven more normal boxes that contained small bits of Green Eco. Instead of riding the waterwheel up to the upper level of the beach, and seeing what was up there, the three of them rounded the corner and found that some Lurkers had set up a cannon on the top of a structure... and were currently bombing the beach at the same time. As they crossed the beach they noticed that there was a bunch of metallic boxes that were scattered about the place, though when Jak tried to break them he found that they were too strong for his fists at the moment.

Pinkie, seeing that the cannon was firing bags of explosives, which exploded after a few seconds of being on the ground, she jumped onto one of the boxes and taunted the Lurkers that were using the cannon. Jak moved out of the way and watched as one of the bags landed on the box Pinkie was standing on, though she moved out of the way before it exploded, revealing a few orbs for them to grab. She repeated the process with the other boxes, making sure to get them all before gathering the orbs, though while she did that she noticed that there was a loose Power Cell nearby, which was grabbed by a pelican that had been flying nearby... though it had used its mouth to do so.

Once all of the boxes had been opened, and they had grabbed all of the orbs, Pinkie and Jak followed the pelican until it landed on a nearby rock formation in the middle of the water, though before they got into the water it seemed like Daxter had an idea.

"You want us to hit the bird?" Jak asked, making sure that he had heard his friend correctly, though based on the direction the pelican was facing it seemed the Power Cell could go flying anywhere.

"Yeah, and Pinkie should be up near the cliff so she can see where the Power Cell lands," Daxter replied, though his eyes were resting on the water in front of them, where he spotted several orbs that were hanging below the water, "Wouldn't want that pelican to grab it again... and accidentally swallow it whole."

Jak and Pinkie looked at each other for a moment, wondering what to think about the fact that Daxter was actually putting forward a valid point, before they separated from each other. Pinkie made her way to the area near the cliff, though as she jumped up the rocky steps she noticed a Power Cell being guarded by a blue creature that lived in the sand. She glanced in the direction of where her brother was, to which she discovered that he was still moving towards the pelican, so she let out a quick sigh and jumped down near the creature. Before the sand serpent knew that she was there she moved around the area of its home and grabbed the Power Cell, though as it rose from the sand she jumped over its head and moved up the steps that she had been walking up a few seconds ago.

Once she was in front of the cliff, and could see some of the ancient Precursor statues that Samos had pointed out many times in the past, she turned towards where Jak was standing and waved her hands... to which Jak slammed his fist into the pelican's side and forced it to spit out the Power Cell. Pinkie watched as the important artifact flew through the air and came her way, to which she moved around for a few seconds before jumping up and snatching the Power Cell before it could hit the ground. The moment she had the cell in her hand she showed it to Jak and Daxter, though that was followed by the two of them cheering before Daxter pointed Jak at the orbs that happened to be under the water.

Pinkie let out another sigh as she looked around the rest of the beach and found the set of lamps that Samos had told them about, to which she decided to follow it while Jak was busy gathering the rest of the orbs Daxter had pointed out. She found what she assumed was a Lurker pup or something, as it looked like a Lurker that walked on all fours and barked like a dog, and she tried to get it to stop following her. When it bit her leg, however, she slammed it into the ground and forced it to let go of her, though before it could limp away she kicked it off the area she had been walking on and made her way towards the Eco Collectors, doing her best to ignore the pain in her leg... and ignore the blood that was definitely dripping down her leg.

Once she had reached the Eco Collectors, and dealt with the other Lurker pup that was hanging near them, she wrapped her hands around the rock that was clogging it and pulled it out, though once the rock was removed she made sure that it was out of the way so this didn't happen again in the future. She then turned her attention to the remaining four Eco Collectors and repeated the process a few more times, clearing each of them in the same manner as the first one before they were all clear... though once the final one was cleared a Power Cell erupted from the Green Eco and landed near her. She smiled and grabbed the artifact, glad that she had actually gotten one of them for her hard work, though that was followed by her reaching into the Green Eco and allowing its healing properties to heal her leg up.

Pinkie looked around to see if Keira's machine was around her, so that she could hear Samos thank her for unclogging the machines, but then she remembered that the device was with Jak, so she let out a small sigh before she made her way towards the structure that the cannon was resting on. As she dropped down onto the beach she spotted Jak jumping through the air, thanks to some Blue Eco launch pads, which was quickly followed by him landing on the structure the cannon was on. She immediately headed towards the Eco Vent that was resting near the launch pad, though before she could climb into it she noticed that the cannon had been silenced, telling her that her brother must have finished off whoever had been controlling it.

She shook her head and walked over to the three ancient structures that were sitting in front of her, though when she spotted a group of birds hanging out in front of one of them she recalled Daxter saying, at one point during a previous visit to the beach, that it would be fun to scare the birds and see what they did. Pinkie had never understood what was so fun about scaring a bunch of birds, and even Samos had scolded Daxter for thinking such a thing, though she shrugged and stepped near the group of birds, where they went flying towards the middle structure. She then let out a sigh as she climbed to the top of the nearest structure, where she found a Scout Fly, though she also checked the back and found some more orbs for her to gather.

With that done she moved to the second structure, to which the birds moved towards the last one, though she found a lone Power Cell at the top of it. With yet another cell added to her collection she made her way to the final structure, once again chasing off the birds that had moved there, though at the top she collected a few more orbs and turned around... where she watched as the birds caused the cliff above the Precursor statues to shake for a moment and dislodge a piece of earth, which struck the ground in front of the statues.

"Wow," she heard Daxter shout, to which she found that her brother and friend were actually standing near the final structure, "Those birds just caused an avalanche... no wonder Samos told us never to bother them. Want to go see what they revealed?"

Jak and Pinkie grinned as they rode the waterwheel to the area that Pinkie had been in before, pausing to grab the two Scout Flies that she hadn't seen earlier, before making their way to the statues. Once they reached their destination they grabbed the Power Cell that was sitting there, which must have been knocked loose during the avalanche, though they used the new ledge to reach the Flut Flut egg that the birdwatcher had asked them to move for her. Along the way they collected some more orbs and another Scout Fly, giving them six at the moment, though when they reached the egg they gently touched it and pushed it with all their strength.

Not a few seconds later the egg fell off the cliff that it had been resting on and hit the ground below them, where they heard the sound of the shell cracking... and then heard the birdwatcher call up to them. Jak and Pinkie looked at each other, wondering if the creature inside the egg was okay, before they gently climbed down the cliff they were on and approached the old lady.

"Oh my, I hope the poor dear is okay," the birdwatcher said, turning to the trio as they walked up to her, to which she reached into her pouch and pulled out a Power Cell, "Here's a Power Cell for your valor."

That was quickly followed by the top of the egg breaking open and the Flut Flut, which was a rather large bird that had a round head with two very large eyes, a combination of both a beak and a mouth, two relatively small feathered arms that the group assumed the bird used for gliding, hooved feet, and a large feathered tail. The creature looked at Daxter and uttered the word 'mama' twice, though the second one was followed by it touching Daxter with its beak and the birdwatcher explaining that the chick thought that he was its mother. That only upset Daxter and made him attempt to explain that he wasn't the creature's mother, though at the same time both Jak and Pinkie chuckled as the old lady promised to take the Flut Flut to Samos... leaving them with the Power Cell they had been given.

Once they were done with their laughs, and Daxter had gotten over the Flut Flut's name calling, they gathered what appeared to be the last of the Precursor Orbs in the area and the last Scout Fly, where they napped the last Power Cell. With everything gathered from the beach, and they made a quick sweep to be sure that they had gathered everything, they returned to the village so they could trade their orbs to the Mayor and their uncle.

The Mayor expressed his gratitude for them restoring the village's power, which the villagers would thank him for in the end, and the 'sizeable' contribution to his reelection, to which he ended up giving them the two Power Cells that he had promised them. Their uncle was also grateful for the orbs that they exchanged with him, where he told them to put the Cell to good use before wishing them well by saying goodbye several times in a row.

"So, do we head to Misty Island and risk further mutations to the two of you, or even myself," Daxter said, as the trio stood on the bridge between Samos' hut and the village, "or should we go to Fire Canyon and move on with our adventure?"

"It should be obvious where we're going next," Jak replied, beckoning to the speed boat that was resting in the small dock at the moment, "We go to Misty Island, gather every Precursor Orb and Power Cell that we find there, collect the Sculptor's muse, and then return with some extra Power Cells in case Keira discovers that we actually needed more."

"Whatever... I'll endure being short and fuzzy for a little while longer," Daxter commented, crossing his arms as the trio made their way to the speed boat, not liking that his friends were focusing more on the adventure instead of fixing him.

"At least we get to see how fast the boat actually is," Pinkie said, a hop appearing in her walk for a moment, "besides, its not like there's anything left on the island that we have to worry about."

Daxter let out a moan, as if Pinkie had doomed them to a horrible fate when they reached Misty Island, though he made no comment as they climbed into the boat and made their way to their next destination... where they could disrupt whatever Lurker operations happened to be taking place while gathering whatever they could find, which would please Samos to no end once they returned.

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