• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Renegade: New Information

Once Pinkie was feeling better, which was hard to tell considering that her hair hadn't regained it's poofy nature, she and Jak, along with their ottsel friends, left Keira in her workshop and headed outside the arena. It was there that they discovered that, by looking at the communicator that Daxter had muted earlier, they could meet with Onin in the Bazaar or head into the Slums. Apparently their was a message from Brutter, which was why they were being directed towards the Slums, but they decided not to open it at the moment, not until they had discovered whatever Onin wanted to tell them, as all four of them were sure that the blind seer had something important to tell them.

The moment they decided to seek out Onin and the information she needed to give them, Jak powered up the zoomer they had used to reach the stadium, let Pinkie climb in beside him, and then got underway towards their destination. It didn't take them long to reach the location of Onin's hut, though when they arrived they found that the Shadow was waiting beside her, which meant that this was definitely something important they needed to know about.

"The birdbrain and I were just talking about you," the Shadow commented, though he waited for the group to enter the hut before he said anything, while at the same time annoying Pecker at the mention of calling him 'birdbrain', "Onin is very proud of what all of you have done."

"What we did?" Jak asked, as he was slightly confused by the Shadow's comment, as he wasn't certain if the old seer was referring to what they were doing at the moment, what they had done in the past, or something they were going to do in the near future.

"What you did... what you do... its all the same." Pecker interpreted, though his tone indicated that he wasn't about to share which time period Onin was referring to, not that the group was actually interested in that information at the moment, as they had come here for something more important.

"Will you stop with the Deja Voodoo stuff?" Daxter demanded, though while the tone of his voice could be mistaken for angry, he just wanted to get this visit over with so they could begin searching for whatever Onin wanted them to find this time, "It's creepy!"

"Onin says you must find the Tomb of Mar," the Shadow explained, causing the group to raise their eyebrows for a moment, because they all knew about the legendary figure that had created the city and the Eco Dome that protected the citizens from the Metal Heads.

"Even now," Pecker began, translating everything that Onin was signing at the moment, though the group kept their mouths shut as they waited to hear everything she wanted to tell them, "Baron Praxus seeks the tomb, but only... arrrk! The one true heir of Mar can open the Tomb's seal."

"We believe the young boy is the key to Mar's Tomb." the Shadow added, explaining another reason behind why he, and by extent the Underground, had been so keen on keeping the young pair of children safe.

"The prophecies say the true heir of Mar must face the ancient Oracle." Pecker said, to which he really got into what Onin was saying, because he started moving his wings around while he revealed what the young boy was going to have to do in the future, "He alone must circumvent the cunning tests of manhood. He alone must wield the Precursor Stone, thereby unleashing... Geez, louise, fossil lady! Stop with the snotty mystic talk already! You know that it hurts my lips!"

"Forgive me for asking, but why is Mar's tomb so important?" Pinkie asked, because while she knew that Mar had been behind the founding of the city, and responsible for the Eco Dome, she had no idea why the tomb was so important.

"The fabled Precursor Stone is fabled to sleep within the Tomb, stupid." Pecker replied, which caused Jak, Daxter, and Raven to glare at the bird, because in Pinkie's current state there was no telling whether she was going to snap and kill him or simply stare him down, "I added the 'stupid' part. The Precursor Stone contains vast Eco energies. It can be used for great good... or great eeeevil! I just love saying that last part!"

"The Baron wants the Precursor Stone for himself to rule the world." the Shadow further explained, as he didn't like most of what Pecker said, especially when he didn't seem to care about Pinkie's current condition regarding her adoptive father, "But he is playing with forces he does not understand."

"Okay Pecker, how do I get this Precursor Stone?" Jak asked, because if the bird was going to tell off his sister, and reveal that the artifact was hidden inside a tomb they couldn't locate, he figured that they knew how to get to the keys that would help them find the tomb.

"First, you must go to the Dig and find the Lurker totem." the Shadow answered, apparently interrupting Pecker before he could say anything that might annoy Pinkie further, which was a wise decision on his part, "Onin and I learned that a piece to the Seal of Mar is contained within its ancient carvings. You must find all three pieces of the seal to open Mar's gate into the canyon."

With the information received, and Pinkie's anger kept in check, Jak led the way out of the hut and got them underway so they could return to the port, climb into the train, and then fly to where the Dig was located so they could begin their search for the Lurker totem. While they rode on their zoomer Jak considered opening the message from Brutter and seeing what the Lurker wanted from them, but then he decided that now wasn't the time and that he would check it when they returned with the first piece of the seal. Fortunately the Krimzon Guard didn't bother them as they made their way towards the train, to which Jak carefully parked it where it wouldn't annoy anyone and followed Pinkie to the train... where they climbed into the vehicle and moved towards their next destination.

When they arrived at the Dig, which was really easy to reach with the train, they found that the exterior of the site was the same size and that the elevator was in working order, though the scorpion Metal Heads were waiting for them the moment they climbed off the platform. Jak took point and blasted at the enemies that were in front of them with his Morph Gun, switching between the three mods the weapon had when a different enemy showed up, while Pinkie stayed behind him and blasted at the enemies that were just out of her brother's reach. When they entered the main cavern, where the massive drill had been located, they were shocked to discover the Lurker village they had missed the last time they had been here.

They quickly reached a pipe that Jak could use the jetboard on, though while he rode down the pipe Pinkie simply walked down the hill and climbed up onto the platform her brother had been heading towards.

Once the two of them were back together they moved towards the next area of that they needed to pass through and found it crawling with all sorts of Metal Heads, though at the same time they discovered that there were some switches that appeared like the type they could press and change something in their environment. Pinkie walked forward and went around a corner, to which she discovered one of the switches was resting near the entrance of the area, though when she walked onto it she heard the sound of something rising in the area. That told her that they were on the right track, to which she returned to her brother and they got moving once more, where Jak started firing shots at the Metal Heads that happened to be in their way.

Raven, who shifted into his hybrid form, flew around the area, spotted the remaining four switches that they needed to press, and returned to them so he could show them were they needed to go, which worked out in their favor. The second switch happened to be near the first one, though they had to take out one of the Eco bomb throwing type Metal Heads to get at it, while the third required that they lower some boxes for a few seconds before they were able to touch it. From there they circled around the small tunnel that they were in and found the fourth switch they needed to press, to which they climbed up to a higher position on the platforms they were on... to which Jak used the jetboard to process further and waited for Pinkie to do the same, only she had Raven grab the item in his hybrid form so she could move forward as well.

They found the fifth and final switch inside a building near where the grind rail took them, though when they touched it they heard the final shift in the environment happen, to which they headed back up to the top of the platform they had landed on and used a Lurker balloon to reach the next area they needed to head to. Once they reached the next area they discovered that the item they had been changing was a wooden pillar of sorts, which allowed them to climb up to a higher area... one that had a large amount of lava that was slowly eating into the hardened rocks that had fallen into the molten liquid, which told them that they needed to hurry before their path was lost.

Jak and Pinkie carefully used the rocks to make their way to the Lurker buildings, where they were allowed to use the balloons that were in front of them to move between the platforms and make their way towards the item they had come for. It didn't take them long to reach an area that they could climb further up and discovered that they had to dodge some large spheres with spikes sticking out of them, but they were able to pass through the obstacle without hurting themselves... though for a reward they were able to reach the totem they had been looking for.

"Allow me," Raven said, to which he flew up to where the orange piece of Mar's seal was located and pried it from its resting place, which caused the topmost part to fall down and land on Daxter, making it look like he had a wooden fish head until Jak pried it off.

With the piece of Mar's seal in hand Jak and Pinkie walked around the platform that the totem was on and found a warp gate hidden behind one of the buildings, to which they jumped through it and headed back to Haven City.

When they returned to the city, in the Power Station no less, Jak decided to open the message that Brutter had left for them, to which they discovered that the Lurker had, somehow, known that they might be looking for the fragments of Mar's seal and had apparently found one that he was willing to give to them. Once they understood that the piece of the seal was the reason behind the Lurker contacting them, and that there might be some enemies trying to find the very fragments they were searching for, Jak and Pinkie left the station and grabbed a zoomer. The instant they had a ride Jak got them underway and headed towards the Slums, where they could begin their search for the Lurker's house.

It wasn't too hard for them to locate the house in question, not with the glowing fragment they were looking for hanging on the door of Brutter's house... though the instant Jak took the seal piece they heard the sound of zoomers arriving behind them, to which they discovered that the Krimzon Guard intended to ambush them. As Jak raised his gun to defend himself, however, Pinkie stepped forward and swung her arm, commanding her scythe to phase into existence as she used her shadow abilities to flash above the cruiser above them and cleave it in half with the Dark Eco she was starting to use more frequently. Once the cruiser was removed Pinkie moved onto the enemies that were standing in front of her, dodging their attacks and using her weapon to ruin those that opposed her.

While Pinkie made her way out of the Slums, and left a path of dead Krimzon Guards behind her, Jak silently walked behind her and took out any guards that dared to attack them from behind... though once they reached the exit Pinkie sent her weapon away and climbed into a zoomer, to which they took off before more reinforcements arrived. What they did next was head to the saloon, where they could relax and let the Krimzon Guard cool down before they went and did anything else... though at the same time some of their friends gathered around them and Daxter started bragging about the amount of Metal Heads he had taken out.

In the end Jak, Pinkie, Daxter, and Raven received a mission to take out some 'Metal Heads' that had appeared in Haven Forest, though they had the feeling that their friends from the Neo Hive had purposely revealed themselves so they could have a conversation... which all of them were eager to have. They told Sig that they would look into what he had discovered and left the saloon thirty minutes later, though they knew that something big was going to happen when they reached the ancient forest.

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