• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Precursor: Final Battle

Once Pinkie and Jak were sure that Samos and the other three Sages would be alright, as they were still recovering from what Gol and Maia had done to them, they joined Daxter on the elevator, pressed the button in the middle of the platform, and rode up the tunnel they were in until they could see the sky again. When they arrived at the top, and the elevator came to a stop, the trio noticed that the area around them was mostly just a flat surface, until they noticed the large Precursor Door sitting behind them, but they paid no attention to it as they looked around for their target. They quickly noticed the Precursor Robot hovering over a large Precursor structure that had to be the Dark Eco Silo, the same one that Gol and Maia were in the process of opening if the Blue Eco beam coming from the robot was any indicator.

Oddly enough there were plenty of boxes laying around, with enough Green Eco to heal any wounds the two of them had picked up along the way, though as they did that Daxter looked out at the scene before them. He stared at the silo as Gol and Maia worked on it, slowly tearing their way through all the safeguards and whatnot that the Precursor's put in place before their disappearance. Daxter hated listening to Samos talk, as it was almost always focused on the beings that had built the planet, but he also knew that the Green Sage had a point... letting the two insane Dark Eco Sages unlock the silo would spell the end of the world. As much as he wanted to return to his previous form, and life a normal life, he knew that the correct course of action was to take out the robot and stop the silo from being opened.

Daxter was also sure that the Precursors would have left some way to safely study the Dark Eco without running the risk of destroying the entire planet, yet he didn't see anything that could help them try and talk some sense into their opponents.

"Alright, let's do this," Jak said, to which Daxter returned to his perch on Jak's left shoulder, before the trio walked onto the platform in front of them and powered it up with the Blue Eco that Jak and Pinkie had collected, where they began their descent towards the silo.

"You're too late!" Gol stated, his voice echoing out from the robot, though it was increased a tiny bit to make him sound louder than what he actually was, "Soon the Dark Eco will be all ours... and then we can begin the re-creation of the world!"

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Pinkie shouted back, just as she and Jak jumped off the platform they were on and landed on the top of the silo, though they landed between the edge of it and the edge of what would soon be an open pit of Dark Eco if they didn't stop Gol and Maia.

As she and Jak looked for a way to damage the robot, or distract it from its deadly mission, Daxter pointed out a few clusters of Yellow Eco hanging around them, to which the two of them picked them up. With the Eco coursing through their bodies the two pulled down their goggles and aimed at the robot's head, exactly where the Blue Eco beam was coming from, and opened fire until that part of the robot exploded and forced their opponent backwards. Gol and Maia moved the robot around so that its face was more lined up with the top of the silo, so they could shake the robot's hand at them, before they loosed what appeared to be a bomb of some kind at the top of the silo.

Jak and Pinkie barely had enough time to grab some nearby Blue Eco, from a vent that opened for a few seconds, and launch themselves into the air to avoid being hurt, though as they landed they noticed that the silo was starting to open... though it was only by a tiny amount at the moment.

Once they had landed on the top of the silo again they noticed the robot firing Green Eco shots into the Dark Eco, to which several Dark Eco creatures, covered in spikes, jumped out of the silo and charged at them. Jak and Pinkie gathered some more of the Yellow Eco that appeared around them, while ducking and weaving to avoid the punches of the creatures that were trying to hit them, though they quickly discovered that the fireballs could kill the creatures in one shot. After about twenty creatures had been slain in combat, and all the Yellow Eco clusters had been exhausted, the silo continued to open as the robot fired another bomb at them, forcing them to reuse the Blue Eco vent and launch themselves into the air once more.

The third part of the fight happened to be one where Gol and Maia lifted the right arm of the robot and fired five Red Eco charges at them, which detonated and loosed a wave of energy at them, forcing them to jump over the five waves before they were hurt. The moment following the waves being discharged, and before the robot could fire another volley at them, the two of them picked up more of the Yellow Eco that was laying around them, not even bothering to note that it appeared when they needed it and disappeared when they didn't. With the ability to fire fireballs coursing through their bodies they opened fire on the right hand of the robot, swiftly bringing ruin to it as they forced Gol and Maia backwards.

After launching themselves, and avoiding the next bomb, Jak and Pinkie separated from each other for a moment and forced the robot to choose between them as it fired a large fireball at Jak, though it missed him and flew off into the distance. Whoever wasn't being targeted by the left arm of the robot launched several fireballs at the arm, though when it was their turn to be targeted they dodged to the best of their ability as the other sibling opened fire. Within a minute of using that tactic the second arm of the robot was blown to pieces, causing both Gol and Maia to scream in rage over the fact that they were being stopped from their experiments.

That was swiftly followed by the tops of the four towers glowing with one of the four Eco colors, though they each loosed a beam of energy that collided above the Dark Eco pit, forming some sort of silvery colored Eco.

"Light Eco?!" the heard Gol exclaim, naming the mysterious colored glob of energy that was floating in the air, while at the same time making them wonder what this type of Eco did, "It does exist!"

"They must not be allowed to get it!" Maia added, though that was followed by the robot launching several bombs towards the top of the silo, indicating that they were planning on blowing everything apart to get what they wanted.

That was when Jak stopped at the edge of the Dark Eco pit and beckoned Pinkie over as he cupped his hands, indicating that he was going to launch her up at the massive glop. Pinkie grinned as she ran at her brother, let her foot land in the middle of his hands, and launched herself into the air, to which she easily passed through the silvery colored Eco and landed on the other side. Despite the fact that she managed to take all of it into her body, causing her to be amazed by what she was feeling, the four beams continued to create more, allowing Jak to grab several smaller clusters for himself before the two of them stood in front of the robot.

"So, what ability does this give us?" Jak asked, though he knew that the best way to figure that out would be to simply hold his hand out and see what happened.

"I don't know, but I have an idea," Pinkie said, bringing her hands to the right side of her body, where she gathered all of the Light Eco into a sphere of pure energy.

Jak had no idea what Pinkie was doing, as he had never seen Eco used in such a fashion, but he had learned to trust his sister when she did something unusual, so he used his own Light Eco and obliterated the bombs that Gol and Maia were firing at them. A few seconds later Pinkie leveled her hands with the center of the robot and loosed the Light Eco in one swift motion, though the energy surged at her target and blew a hole in the robot's chest. Jak stared at the large hole in the robot's chest, surprised that the Light Eco could cause so much damage, before the arms, legs, and head of the robot were blown clear off the body and landed all over the area around the silo.

The head, however, came straight at the nearly open silo, though apparently the Light Eco blast had done more than they thought, because Jak and Pinkie could hear Gol and Maia screaming while they tried to open the hatch they had used to enter the head to begin with. That was followed by the head of the robot sinking into the Dark Eco and the silo slamming shut a few seconds later, sealing the fate of the two Dark Eco beings forever. With the world saved, and the last of the Light Eco fading from their bodies, Jak and Pinkie sat down on the top of the silo and smiled at each other, while at the same time Daxter moaned that he had lost his chance to restore his old form.

All Jak and Pinkie wanted to do now was rest and recover from their ordeal, though they knew that the Sages would arrive soon and they would receive whatever praise they had for them.

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