• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Precursor: Snowy Mountain

The first thing Jak and Pinkie did, or rather Pinkie considering it was her idea, was to back track over the bridge they had used to get to the Red Sage's hut, where she found a Scout Fly resting in a box. With it saved she quickly returned to where her brother was and they resumed their journey, though that was essentially them scouting through the volcanic crater and searching for anything they could use. They found another of the Scout Flies resting in front of another Precursor Oracle, which of course wanted one hundred and twenty orbs for one of its two Power Cells, before they bothered to go into the large hole in the side of the rock wall. It was rather easy to find a third Scout Fly as they moved through the large tunnel, and some more orbs to add to their collection, though at the end of the tunnel they spotted two people, dressed as miners, working on freeing a massive blue stone from where it was resting.

Or more accurately the taller of the two miners was currently working while she shorter of the pair watched what his partner was going, only to stop when the trio approached them.

"Hey, Gordy!" the taller of the pair said, looking at the trio before turning to his partner, who seemed annoyed about something at the moment, "Duh, I think we gots visitors!"

"Ya think, Willard?" the shorter of the pair, Gordy, replied, before turning back to the trio and trying to make them move along, "Howdy, strangers! Passin' through? Us too! Well, we gotta be movin' on! Nothin' to see here!"

"Uh, I thought you said this was a priceless gem worth..." Willard started to say, but it quickly became clear how his relationship with his partner was going.

"Willard!" Gordy shouted, clearly annoyed that his partner was about to reveal what they were working so hard to acquire, not that any of the trio wanted the massive gemstone.

"Actually, we want Power Cells, not gems." Daxter clarified, to which Jak and Pinkie nodded their heads for a moment, all so the two miners knew that he wasn't lying.

"We got 4 of 'em!" Willard said, holding his hands out in a manner that suggested that he was more than willing to hand them over without any sort of trade, "You want 'em?"

"What bird-brain here is trying to say is: We may have a few power cells laying around," Gordy interrupted, clearly wanting to hang onto the Power Cells that they had until they could trade them for something else, "and we might be willing to part with them for... 90 orbs each!"

"That sounds fair." Jak said, to which he turned towards Pinkie, who was keeping track of how many orbs they had at the moment and how many they could spare, though she nodded and indicated with two fingers, "We'll take two of them off your hands."

Gordy glared at his partner for a moment, as if it was his fault that the trio wanted to buy their Power Cells, but he made no comment as he collected the one hundred and eighty orbs from Jak, to which he handed two of the four Power Cells that they had to Pinkie. With the new Cells in hand they overheard that Keira had fixed the gondola, allowing them to head up to the Snowy Mountain and see if they could find any more Power Cells up there. With the trade done the trio made their way out of the tunnel, but before they got very far Daxter tapped Jak and had him turn back towards the miners, as if he had something on his mind.

"Hey," Daxter shouted, causing the two miners to turn back towards him for a moment, "how do you two 'geniuses' expect to get that big gem outta here, anyway?"

"Well, smarty-pants, we got twleve more years of diggin' to figure that out!" Gordy replied, though his tone indicated that he was eager to get back to his mining, because when Willard mentioned his partner lending some help to the effort Gordy glared at him until the two of them returned to what they were doing before the trio had interrupted them.

With the gondola now apparently operational again, not that the trio had known it had been down when they arrived in the volcanic crater, they carefully climbed onto the machine and allowed it to carry them up to the entrance of Snowy Mountain. When they reached their destination they noticed a group of Lurkers, all of whom were wearing snow suits, standing around some sort of container that had a barrier of some kind around it. The trio took a moment to take out the Lurkers, though they managed to salvage the suits they were wearing for their own purposes, much to Daxter's annoyance that there wasn't one small enough for him to wear. Once the Lurkers were taken care of, and they were properly clothed now, Pinkie jumped over the barrier and touched the top of the container, to which the barrier shut off and the container sunk a little bit.

"So, who thinks that there's a Power Cell associate with those things?" Daxter commented, just as Jak and Pinkie rolled and jumped over the gap that was in front of them.

"I do," Pinkie and Jak said at the same time, much to their surprise, but they let a small chuckle as they moved forward, eager to see what else this place had to throw at them, though before they got very far Pinkie jumped back into the gap they had crossed before returning to her brother, holding one of the Scout Flies that had come to this area.

With the Scout Fly in hand they turned to the left of where they had landed, where they were going to have to walk up a small incline, dodge large balls of snow, and power down the containers that happened to be in their way. They were followed by some sort of ice creature that had spikes coming out of its body, but the moment its spikes went into its body both Pinkie and Jak slammed their fists into the new creature and took it out. At the top of the incline they found a Red Eco vent, which allowed them to empower their bodies, though before they could question why such a vent was necessary they spotted some Lurkers trying to break into a wall of ice and claim some Dark Eco containers that had been trapped inside it.

It was easy to take out the group of Lurkers, including the one that was carrying a shield to protect itself, though once their enemies had been taken out they made their way backwards and used one of the passageways to round a corner... where they spotted what appeared to be a large fort like area. They noticed that they could either choose to cross the bridge in front of them or make their way down around where they were currently standing, but after a few seconds they decided to climb down into the area below them, where they discovered the second Scout Fly box. The trio immediately spotted another open Eco vent resting near a set of ledges that they could jump over, so once they had Red Eco flowing through their bodies they made their way across the ledges and found another group of Lurkers trying to get at another couple of iced over Dark Eco containers.

When the second group of ice breaking Lurkers had been taken care of, and the Dark Eco containers safe for another day, they made their way back up to the iced over bridge, where they crossed over to the front of the fortress and decided what to do next. From what they could tell they could either go to the left, and cross over an iced over platform, or head to the right, where they would have to chose between two more paths. In the end it was an easy decision for them to head to the left, where they deactivated the barriers that were protecting the containers until they came to the bridge that would lead them to the moderate sized platform. They carefully crossed over the icy bridge, pushed the Lurkers off the edge with a simple push of their hands, and deactivated the containers before moving over another bridge that lead into another tunnel.

When they entered the tunnel, and powered the container that was in their way, they found a floating platform that took them to an area that had at least a few dozen small creatures that intended on swarming the trio. Oddly enough there was a Red Eco vent in front of them, so Jak and Pinkie ran through it before they charged through the large swarm of enemies that were in front of them, punching them into the ground or kicking them into the walls, before they reached a Power Cell that they added to their collection. Once they returned to the front of the fort like area they turned to the right and moved towards where the third Scout Fly was resting, though the moment they freed the fly from its box they rode two platforms up to another area for them to explore.

What they found at the top of the area were four more of the containers, quite a few Precursor Orbs, and, if they looked through the ice beneath their feet, a machine that looked like the Blue Eco switch that they had found in the Forbidden Forest. The two of them quickly powered down the containers, to which a Power Cell launched out of the final container and was collected by Pinkie, before accessing another Red Eco vent and making their way to a third group of Lurkers that were trying to grab another cluster of Dark Eco containers. With the Red Eco flowing through their bodies they put down the group of Lurkers and claimed the Power Cell that they happened to possess, which made the three of them smile for a moment. They then made their way towards the icy bridge that was near them, where they discovered the Flut Flut bird that they had saved, though considering it could only take one person Pinkie let Jak ride on the bird and see what he could find, while Pinkie went exploring.

She made her way back to where the third group of Lurkers they had dealt with were located, where she carefully made her way down the ledges that would have brought them to this area anyway, where she found the fourth Scout Fly and collected it. She then tripped the small critters that were in her way, throwing them off the side of the walkway she was on, before she found herself back at the location she and Jak had gone up. Since she knew where the Eco Switch was located, under the area the platforms took her to, she knew that the entrance had to be around her somewhere, but before she got too preoccupied in searching for the entrance she spotted some Precursor metal hiding behind some trees.

That allowed her to find a hidden passageway that involved her slowly moving passed several pistons and carefully timing her jumps onto moving platforms, though at the end she managed to reach the ancient Precursor machine, where she activated the device and grabbed the Power Cell that was floating above it. With the Yellow Eco vents released, according to Keira who spoke to her via the communicator, Pinkie returned to the front of the fortress... where she found that the gate was open and Jak was smiling at her.

"I found a Power Cell while riding the Flut Flut around," Jak said, before pointing a thumb back at the open gate, "and managed to find a switch that opened the gate. What did you find?"

"The ancient Precursor device that unlocks all Yellow Eco vents," Pinkie replied, though that was followed by her pulling out the Power Cell she had claimed, "as well as this little guy. So, shall we head in and see what else we can find?"

Jak nodded and the trio walked into the fortress, where they found three locked Precursor wells that no doubt held some orbs for them to claim, but they did climb up the structure in the middle of the fort and found the fifth Scout Fly at the top. Jak grabbed the cloud of Blue Eco that they found at the top of the wooden structure and quickly made his way to the bottom, to which he and Pinkie collected all of the orbs that he ended up releasing. The two of them then moved around the wall of the fortress, where they used the icy platforms and spinning poles to move themselves until they were on the building that was directly across from the open gate... where they found the sixth Scout Fly waiting for them.

They continued through the rest of the fortress, collecting the rest of the orbs and putting down the rest of the Lurkers, before they reached the location of another Power Cell, which they claimed as they made their way outside the fort.

With nothing else to do, and no real idea of what they might have missed, Jak and Pinkie made their way back to the gondola that had brought them up here, though when they reached the path that took them to the first group of Lurkers that were going after the Dark Eco containers Pinkie noticed an opening that they had ignored. She jumped into the area that they hadn't explored and found a Yellow Eco vent open for them to use, which she used to throw fireballs at the various locked boxes that were further along the path... as well as revealing the seventh Scout Fly. She also, accidentally she mentally added, blew apart a metallic box that contained a power Cell, so she managed to claim two at the same time before she returned to her brother.

Now that they were sure that they were done with the Snowy Mountain, and had claimed every Precursor Orb and Power Cell, they climbed back onto the gondola and headed back into the volcanic crater, where they would move into the Spider Cave and claim whatever Power Cells that they could find... before making their way towards Gol and Maia's citadel.

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