• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Renegade: Payback

Once Jak, Daxter, Pinkamena, and Raven emerged in the Power Station, and regrouped after their attack on the Fortress, Torn informed them that the Shadow and Samos had gone back to their hideout, where they were planning on creating a plan to stop the Baron in his tracks. Tess, on the other hand, had gone back to the Hip Hog with all haste, so that Krew wouldn't notice her absence or punish her too harshly if he had noticed her missing, much to Daxter's annoyance. Instead of heading out immediately, and maybe pissing off the Krimzon Guards with their mere presence, the group decided to wait in the Power Station for a few minutes, which actually annoyed Pinkamena a little bit... until Jak promised her that he was sure that Torn would have a mission for them, one that likely involved them killing something.

It appeared that the promise of killing the Krimzon Guard and enemy Metal Heads was the way to get Pinkamena's attention, which only made Jak worry about his sister, but at the moment it seemed that she was willing to listen and stay put... though after a few minutes Jak said that it was time to leave, to which they departed from the Power Station. They took one of the two person seater zoomers that were beneath the Power Station and headed out of the district they were in, where they headed back to the Slums and made their way towards the hideout. Once again Jak noticed that none of the guards seemed interested in attacking them, which meant that they were likely waiting for the orders to attack them this time around, though that only worried him more than it should have done.

When they actually entered the Underground's hideout, however, they found that both versions of Samos were discussing something important with each other, though when Samos noticed them walking into the room both he and the Shadow stopped their discussion and turned towards them.

"The Baron is still up to his old tricks." Samos said, immediately telling Jak and Pinkamena that something important was happening at the moment, whether that something being an assault or something else entirely.

"The Underground got word that several Krimzon Blast Bots are zeroing in on the hideout here." the Shadow stated, though Jak, Daxter, Pinkamena, and Raven knew why the robots had the ability to zero in on their hideout, which annoyed Pinkamena for not noticing the tracker much sooner.

"They're armored bombs which seek out targets." Samos explained, knowing that now wasn't the time to hold back the information he knew, not when it could mean the difference between life and death, while at the same time telling the group a little about their targets, "If any of those Blast Bots reach this place, we're dead."

"Ah, what are you worried about, old man?" the Shadow said, reviving the conversation the two of them had been going through while they were in the Fortress, which slightly annoyed the group for a moment or two, "You're almost dead anyway."

"Well, if you'd taken better care of yourself, I wouldn't be in the state I am now!" Samos declared, telling the Shadow that he wasn't pleased with how he was treating his own body, while at the same time causing Daxter to bring his palm to his face for a few seconds.

"Jak, Pinkie, we need the two of you to take out those Blast Bots before they reach the hideout." the Shadow stated, returning to the original conversation that they had been having with the group, pleasing Jak and Pinkamena a little bit, "They have proximity defenses, so do be careful."

"Good hunting!" Samos and the Shadow said, causing the group to raise an eyebrow at them for a few seconds, before they sighed and walked out of the hideout.

Jak walked over to the zoomer that they had taken and noticed that there were some crates sitting next to it, which he had ignored when they had arrived at the hideout, though he was pleased to find a decent amount of ammunition resting in all of them. Pinkamena, on the other hand, stood by the zoomer and closed her eyes, to which she started to feel the presence of the robots that were approaching the hideout, finding that there were three of them approaching their exact location. Fortunately all three of them were coming from different directions, making it easier for her to find them and deliver their locations to Jak, who was shocked when he heard that she had found their targets.

"The Dark Eco has actually given you some interesting powers," Jak commented, not really knowing what to make of Pinkamena's abilities, as she was completely different from who she had been before the Baron stuck his sword in her chest, "though let's go take care of those Blast Bots."

Pinkamena directed Jak towards the Water Slums, where one of the Blast Bots happened to be making it's way through the area, though she did tell him that she and Raven would take care of the two that were approaching from the Industrial district they had been in a few minutes ago. She didn't even bother to take a zoomer from one of the civilians that was flying around the area in front of the hideout, to which she and Raven simply walked into the district that her targets were in. She found the first one in a matter of seconds, as it was walking towards the entrance she had walked through and was blasting down the civilians that were trying to get away from it... which annoyed Pinkamena so much that, instead of drawing her tainted guns, she reached for her sword and drew it out of its sheath.

She charged at the Blast Bot and dropped down as she slid under the body of the machine, though at the same time she swung her Eco Blade at one of the machine's legs before she appeared on the other side of it and turned around. She grinned as the leg she had cut into separated into two halves, effectively removing one of the Blast Bot's legs and decreasing the speed it could travel at, though it was still moving towards the hideout. Pinkamena ducked back under the machine and swung her weapon at the bottom of it, cutting into the wires and frames that were keeping the other legs attached to her target... where her smile grew as the remaining three legs separated into a small number of pieces and caused the main body to collapse on the ground.

Pinkamena then stabbed the power source with her Eco Blade and allowed the Dark Eco to surge into the machine's body, to which she pulled back and watched the main body of the Blast Bot explode... though before she cheered she focused on the second one in the area, which happened to be approaching her exact location. It didn't take her long to repeat the process with the second Blast Bot, removing it from existence, though once that was done she sheathed her weapon and headed back to the hideout.

Jak returned to the hideout a few minutes after Pinkamena arrived, where he told her about all of the trouble his Blast Bot gave him, as it was escorted by a large group of Krimzon Guard, but he managed to take it out. He also told her that he believed that it was time to see if Krew had anything for them to do this time, as he was sure that the Underground could defend themselves for a few hours without needing their assistance. Pinkamena agreed to this and hopped into the zoomer that Jak was riding, to which they got underway and returned to the Hip Hog... though upon entering the building they found that Krew was sleeping, and that Sig was beckoning them over the moment he noticed them.

"You guys are alright, and since the boss is out of it right now, I'm going to give it to you straight." Sig said, keeping his voice down so that Krew didn't hear them talking, though the group nodded as he resumed talking, "I've been Krew's heavy for years, and I've done some things I'm not proud of, but this time, I think Krew's gotten himself, and us, into something really nasty. I'm thinking of getting out."

"Oh, Sig's beginning to like us, Jak!" Daxter exclaimed, immediately zeroing in on the good part of what Sig had said, to which he hopped onto the table and held his arms open to him, "Come here you bug lug! Hugs for everyone!"

"Knock it off! I think Krew's trying to..." Sig started to say, but when he noticed that Krew was starting to wake up, from Daxter's loud voice, he made a motion that told them to quiet down, "He's waking up."

"Relax. Watch me butter up bun boy." Daxter said, to which he prepared himself to do something stupid, though whether it was intention or not didn't seem to sit well with anyone, "Hey there, stuffed crust. How's it feel floating on top of the food chain? Ooh, Krew-meister! Have you been exercising? You're looking good! You are definitely, mm, living large! Mhm. And those legs! They're so uh, chiseled."

"I need you to escort three of my boys down into the sewers and visit that statue again." Krew said, his tone telling them that he either didn't approve of Daxter's tone or was preoccupied with what he was going to tell them to do, "I've heard that Mar's cheeky face might contain another secret, and I want you to see if the stories are true, eh! Make sure all three of my boys get to that statue, and they'll do all the rest, hmm?"

Jak and Pinkamena knew that he was planning on blowing the statue up, because they had seen the statue and knew that there was nothing on the exterior of it that would have been considered a secret. Destroying the statue seemed to be the only course of action that could have revealed a secret of any kind, though they both had the feeling that there might be some enemies down in the sewers. Considering that it had been some time since the last time they had been down there, however, they knew that their enemies might be larger in number... which meant that they had to be careful this time around.

The group quickly made their way to the sewers and rode the elevator down to the entrance, though once the door opened they found the men that Krew wanted them to escort to the statue... and, just like Jak and Pinkamena thought, all three of them were carrying explosives on their backs.

"Quiet, here comes pretty boy." one of the men said, though at the same time Pinkamena detected that he was the leader of the trio, if how he walked and talked was anything to go by, "And look at this, he's brought a pretty girl to help him out down here. Hey there sweetheart, the name's Jinx. Who might you be?"

"Pinkamena Diana Pie," Pinkamena replied, though while she knew that Praxis was technically her last name, thanks to the Baron, she felt that using Pie instead made her feel complete, "So Jinx, I take it you and your friends are ready to delve into the sewers and find the statue of Mar?"

"That we are baby," Jinx said, though it was clear, despite the fact that he was wearing something other his mouth to hide half of his face, that he was smiling at Pinkamena, "Come on boys. Let's get moving."

The group moved up the passage they were in and walked onto the elevator pad that had been revealed after Jak and Pinkamena had reduced the water level in the area, to which they rode down to the level that would allow them to begin their trek to the statue of Mar. A moment later and they walked off the platform, to which they followed the path in front of them as they rounded a corner and came to a room that was definitely wide enough for an ambush. It was then that Jak and Pinkamena got their first look at their newest enemy, as the Metal Heads they encountered walked on the ground and fired laser beams out of something on their head... though the two of them were able to take care of the first ambush that came their way.

They both had the feeling that there would be more of those Metal Heads in the near future, for the sewers anyway, so they kept their guard up as they progressed further.

Before they could actually go much farther they were stopped by an obstruction, a pile of rubble that had to have fallen during the flooding or when the water level had been lowered, but they were prepared for such a thing. Jinx walked up to the obstruction and placed an explosive charge in front of it, to which he and the others retreated to a safe distance before he blew the path wide open. The moment the way was clear Jak and Pinkamena led the group forward, though this time one of them stood in the front of the group and the other stood at the back... which proved to be a wise move, as the moment they walked out of the small passage they were attacked by more Metal Heads, from both directions.

The instant the ambush was taken care of, and they were sure of that fact, they all climbed onto the elevator pad in front of them and rode it down to the lowest level of the sewers, though upon their arrival they turned around the corner and walked through the passage that was open for them to take. About halfway through that passage they were attacked by another group of Metal Heads, two from each side, though Pinkamena and Jak were more than enough to take all of them out so they could continue progressing. As they started to round the next corner, however, Pinkamena had them stop as she noticed a number of Metal Heads moving into position in the chamber ahead of them... and the fact that three of their enemies were using their lasers to prevent them from moving forward.

"Let us deal with these guys," Pinkamena said, turning to Jinx for a moment, who nodded his understanding to what she wanted them to do, before she turned to Jak, "Let's go show those guys that we mean business."

Jak and Pinkamena advanced into the next chamber and opened fire on the Metal Heads that were in front of them, though at the same time they jumped over the lasers that they were firing at them. Oddly enough Pinkamena knew that there had to be more in this area, based on what she had seen anyway, but after a few seconds they took the six Metal Heads down, where it appeared that they had cleared the path. Daxter called back to the group that they were escorting and the entire group moved towards the next obstruction that was blocking their path, to which they repeated the process they had used against the last obstruction... though as the explosion opened the way Daxter noticed that there was a lot of Metal Heads on the ceiling.

As Jak leveled the Blaster with one of the Metal Heads, as it was hard to determine which one to target first, Pinkamena placed her hand against the floor for a moment and closed her eyes. The shadows beneath the Metal Heads rose up and literally pushed them off the walls, allowing them to fall to the ground and be gunned down by Jak and the trio that they were escorting to the statue. Pinkamena remained like that for a few minutes, making sure that she knocked each and every enemy to the ground, before she noticed that there were no more for them to worry about... to which she sighed for a moment and rose back until she was standing.

A few moments later they walked through the passage in front of them and spotted the statue they had been searching for, to which Jak and Pinkamena let the trio walk towards the state... where they started placing their explosives in certain spots of the stonework. Once the charges were ready, and both Jak and Pinkamena were out of the way, the trio moved up the passage that would take them out of the sewer and detonated the charge, blasting the statue to pieces. Jak was still annoyed about the fact that they came here to destroy the statue, despite the fact that they had determined that this was the plan the entire time, though he did look at the heart shaped relic that had been hidden inside the statue before Jinx picked it up.

With the relic, known as the Heart of Mar due to what Jinx told them, in hand the entire group returned to the surface level and exited the sewer... though before they went their separate ways, with the group promising to deliver the relic to Krew, Jinx tossed Pinkamena his number before he and his friends drove away. As Jak started to say something about the man, and why he didn't like her seeing him if they went down that path, they received a brief recorded message from the fat man himself. Apparently they had done a good enough job that he was rewarding them with something nice, to which they climbed into their zoomer and headed back to the gun course.

Upon their arrival they spotted a crate that contained two Peacemaker modifications, allowing them to attach them to their own Morph Guns and obtain the weapon that Sig used all the time... and they were eager to use them, to which walked out of the gun course and searched for the next mission that was available for them to take on.

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