• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Renegade: Blowing Stuff Up

It didn't take Jak and Pinkie long to reach the location of the Underground's main hideout, though at the same time Raven and Daxter commented on how they didn't know the locations of the other hideouts, but Pinkie assumed that it was for the best in case the Baron caught any of their members. They already knew that the Baron had captured and killed several members of the Underground, as he had told them about that when they climbed up to his palace, so it stood to reason that he might stay his hand to get information from them. She and Jak knew that the Baron might have the locations of some of the other hideouts, but at the moment he didn't seem to be interested in attacking them, which meant that there might be something more going on that they weren't aware of.

When they arrived at the Underground hideout they found the Shadow standing near the back of the dead end, out in the open Pinkie noticed, though standing around him were the younger versions of herself and Jak... along with the strange crocadog that followed young Jak around.

"We came as fast as we could, or rather as fast as Krew would allow us," Jak commented, to which he noticed that the Shadow nodded his understanding, which was understandable considering how many times the Underground must have bartered with the fat man for information, "What else can we do to help out around here?"

"I want you boys to escort the kids over to Kor at the power station." the Shadow immediately replied, to which he beckoned to the two children for a few seconds, "He promised to watch over them, and I'm just too busy to baby-sit right now. Oh, and take the boy's crocadog with you!"

Jak noticed that the crocadog didn't like anyone besides the younger version of himself and Pinkie, though in the case of Pinkie it made sense, considering that she was able to befriend powerful monster like creatures. The only reason he knew that fact was because the dog was perfectly fine with the two children, but when the Shadow tried to touch it, and befriend it in some manner, the god growled at him for a few seconds.

"So what's their story?" Jak asked, though while he could piece the information together on his own, and he was sure that Pinkie already knew what was going on with the two children, he wanted to hear how the Shadow managed to find the two of them.

"I found them just wandering the streets." the Shadow explained, though as he said that he beckoned to the younger version of Jak for a few seconds, where they looked at the red symbol he was wearing around his neck, "But that amulet around the boy's neck means he may just be the lost heir to the city. If that's the case, and Torn and I are in agreement on that fact, then that means that the girl has to be the lost daughter of Baron Praxis, though we're in no hurry to return her to her father or make a deal concerning her... especially when the boy seems to enjoy having her around, as if they're brother and sister. Take the kids, and the crocadog, to the power station... though you should watch out for guard patrols and defend them at all costs."

Jak nodded and beckoned for the two kids to follow him, but instead of him leading the way the children actually followed the crocadog away from the Underground's hideout. Jak pulled out his gun and followed after them, though as he walked behind them he had to take some shots at the guards that were coming their way. Pinkie, on the other hand, extended her hand and called her weapon back into existence, but she used the Dark Eco inside her to mold the weapon back into her sword for the moment and created a second one that was made of shadows. Some guards noticed her fighting with the blades and ran away from the fight the moment she started wounding their comrades, which meant that their journey was much easier for them.

Of course the ease disappeared when they had to climb into a two seater zoomer, where the kids looked at Jak and Pinkie for a few seconds, to which Pinkie claimed a nearby zoomer so her younger self could ride with her while the young Jak rode with her brother. Once they were ready, and they got rid of the Krimzon Guards that were shooing at them, they moved into the Industrial Section of the city and maneuvered around any guards that tried to shoot them down. Despite the fact that they separated from each other, to make their enemies separate themselves, they managed to arrive at the ramp that went up to the Power Station, at the same time no less. As Jak and Pinkie climbed out of their zoomers they opened fire on the lucky guards that had managed to follow them to this location, and continued to guard the kids as they made their way up to the building... though once they reached the door they were happy to discover that the Krimzon Guards had given up on trying to find them.

Inside the Power Station they found Kor and Vin standing around, though while Vin appeared to be working on something important, like keeping up to date on the Eco Dome or something that was Eco related, Kor seemed to be studying the area for some reason... which made Jak and Pinkie raise their guards while they walked forward, as he only seemed to realize they were there the moment the door closed.

"Samos told us to bring the kids to you," Daxter stated, to which the little kids ran over to Kor, though while the young Jak lookalike seemed to receive a hand on the shoulder the younger version of Pinkie merely stood there.

"Thank you. I'll be sure to keep them close." Kor said, to which he looked down at the children for a moment, though when he tried to pet the crocadog, however, the dog growled at him and forced his hand backwards, "How sweet..."

Jak, seeing the motion in action, bent down and started to pet the strange dog, to which he and the others discovered that the creature didn't mind him at all. It made Jak wonder if the beast knew that he was infused with Dark Eco and was on their side, or if it knew that he was the grown up version of the kid that was standing near it, but at the moment that fact truly didn't matter.

"Interesting." Kor commented, watching what was happening with great interest, though at the same time he decided that the crocadog wasn't worth his time at the moment, "That insufferable mutt never liked anyone but the boy before."

"Pinkie and I have a way with certain animals," Jak said, knowing that he and Pinkie could apparently befriend some of the stranger creatures in the world, though Pinkie could one up him with the fact that she befriended the leader of the Neo Metal Heads.

"I hope we have enough Eco to keep the Metal Heads at bay." Kor told them, indicating that it was time to get to their task at hand and not talk about such things anymore, "During my travels in the deep Wasteland I saw some of the bigger ones. Awesome creatures."

"We saw a big one coming out of a rift once. He was uuuuuuugly!" Daxter stated, essentially ruining one of the secrets that Jak and Pinkie had been trying to keep from the rest of the Underground, because they were sure that most of them would think that they were insane if they told them how they had traveled to haven City.

"Hmmmmphh..." Kor replied, though he didn't sound impressed by what Daxter had said, which told Jak and Pinkie that there was something more going on here, though they weren't sure what that something was, "I have some valuable information for you. The Baron is conducting an excavation at the Dig. He is still looking for that ridiculous Tomb. Frankly, I don't believe it exists, but you might as well go out there and disrupt his operation just in case. Knock down all the scaffolding at the site. That should set him back. Here is an air train pass to get you out of there."

The younger version of Jak reached into a pocket and pulled out something that looked like the Security Passes they had acquired so far, to which he handed it over to Jak. With the Train Pass in hand, and the location of the actual train in hand, Jak and Pinkie left the Power Station and headed into the Port area, where they noticed that none of the guards tried to chase them down... which meant that they had forgotten what had happened earlier. They carefully made their way to the Port and found the train that they were supposed to take, to which they landed their zoomer in the area near the train and switched over to it. Once the two of them were in their seats, and both Daxter and Raven had a firm grasp on something, the pilot took off and closed the door behind them.

When the train arrived at its destination Jak and Pinkie climbed out of it the moment it landed, to which they discovered a large hole in the rock wall that was to their immediate left. From what they could tell the Baron had broken into some sort of natural cavern and had installed a large elevator, to which the two of them walked over to the platform and rode down to the level that the Baron's forces were working in. They walked forward for a few seconds, while keeping their weapons at the ready, though before they got very far they were spotted by some of the Krimzon Guards, though as they took their foes down one of them managed to run away and alert the others to the fact that they were under attack.

Instead of attacking the massive drill that was in the large cavern in front of them, which must have been brought in piece by piece and assembled by someone else, Jak and Pinkie separated from each other and attacked the guards that were guarding each tether that was keeping the drill in place. Those that were fighting Jak were lucky, as he resorted to using his Morph Gun mods to take out enemies, be they in front of him or far away from where he was standing, while making sure to use the jetboard to get around a little faster. Pinkie's foes, on the other hand, suffered as she swung her scythe at them, cutting both them and the floor beneath them every time she moved the weapon, though she blamed the damage on the Dark Eco that was coursing through her weapon and her body.

Once all of the enemies were taken care of Jak used his jetboard to disable the tethers on the upper levels of the scaffolding, while Pinkie ran around on the lower level and simply cut the rest of them to pieces... though once the last one was taken care of they regrouped in front of the entrance they had used and watched as the drill sped up to dangerous speeds, before it exploded and rained pieces down everywhere. The moment the drill was taken care of, and they were sure that they had completed their objective, Jak called it in and received some praise from Kor, though he also detected that Vin might have something else for them to do... if the random mumbling he heard was anything to go by.

With their current task taken care of Jak and Pinkie returned to the train and rode back to Haven City, where they climbed back into their zoomer and rode off for the Power Station... where they discovered that Vin was alone, which meant that Kor and the kids had left while they were gone.

"Jak, we've still got trouble at the Strip Mine. I think the Baron set me up." Vin commented, though at the same time he was checking and rechecking all of the dials that rested around the room, as if he was looking for something, "Actually... ah, ahh, I think everybody's trying to kill me!"

"Vin, we're on your side," Raven stated, knowing that this one man was scared of Metal Heads and didn't plan on revealing the secret to him, not unless Pinkie thought it was a good idea, "What's wrong?"

"You know those Eco wells the Baron had us drill?" Vin asked, to which the entire group nodded to him, as they had seen the six wells during their last visit to the Strip Mine area, "It seems that the Baron never intended to pipe them into the city grid. It doesn't make any sense! And the worst part is that open Eco wells will eventually attract more Metal Heads, which means that you have to close them off! Now, in preparation for the wells ever needing to be destroyed, we created these plasmite bombs, which pack enough power to do the trick. Just drop one bomb into each well and, well, the blast will do the rest."

"Daxter, don't touch those bombs," Raven warned, to which he quickly climbed off of Pinkie's shoulder and raced down to where Daxter was standing, where he slapped Daxter's hand and forced him to back away as Jak picked up the crate that was sitting near the warp gate.

"I wasn't planning on touching them," Daxter said, rubbing his hand for a few seconds, to which he sighed, as he couldn't glare at someone who could turn into a dragon and eat him if he really wanted, "I just wanted to see what they looked like before Jak used them... besides, knowing my luck I would have accidentally activated all of them and started the countdown until they exploded."

Raven, once he was sure that Daxter wasn't going to cause any harm, returned to his perch before Jak and Pinkie leapt through the warp gate and traveled to the Strip Mine. Once they arrived at their destination Jak handed Pinkie three of the plasmite bombs and went off in search of the three he was going to take out, where he used his jetboard to reach a decent height where he could drop them in. Pinkie, on the other hand, waited until Raven shifted into his hybrid form and handed one bomb over to him at a time, to which he would fly to one of the harder to reach wells and drop the bomb into it, before returning to Pinkie and picking up the second bomb.

Once all six of the wells had a bomb inside of them, and they were sure of that fact, the six plasmite bombs exploded a few seconds later and tore all of the Eco wells to pieces... to which Jak and Pinkie grinned as they returned to Haven City to see what else Vin had for them, though they waited for Raven to revert to his ottsel form before doing so.

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