• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Jak and Daxter: Children of Eco - Blackdrag-rose

Pinkie and Jak grow up together, and with Daxter's help they work to save the world from the dark forces that seek to do it harm.

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Renegade: Prison Break

When Jak, Daxter, Raven, and Pinkamena left the Tomb of Mar, after discovering that the Baron had captured their comrades and rode the ancient elevator back up to the surface, Jak made sure that the coast was clear before they made their exit. They noticed that the zoomer that they had been using the entire time, to get from place to place, had been captured by the Krimzon Guard, to which Jak simply commandeered another zoomer that could seat two people and returned to where Pinkamena was standing. Once the two groups were back together again, and were sitting in their seats, Jak turned the zoomer away from the Palace and flew into the dock area of the city, though at the same time he told his sister that this was to prevent them from being found so quickly.

His understanding was that the Baron would likely have guards posted in the immediate area around the entrance in a few minutes, so it was best if they left the area and went around the rest of the city before they returned to Torn, who was likely going to be pissed at them for allowing the Baron to leave with the Precursor Stone.

Even with the detour they managed to make it to the Underground hideout without pissing off any of the Krimson Guards or raising the alarm, though Jak made sure that the coast was clear before they flew into the dead end that the hideout was located in. He guessed that the guards likely didn't care about finding their hideout, because if the Baron knew where to find the various members of the Underground, based on what he told them when they assaulted the Palace, he likely knew where to find the main hideout and was biding his time. Jak didn't like the fact that the Baron might have been waiting for them to uncover the Precursor Stone before making his move... though he kept his thoughts to himself as he and Pinkamena entered the hideout, where they found Torn pacing around the table once more.

"How did the Baron know that we were so close to making a move for the Stone?" Jak inquired, though his voice stopped Torn in his tracks, indicating that he was shocked to find that they hadn't been taken as well, "We barely knew that we were close to making a move for the Precursor Stone."

"I would think the answer is obvious at this point." Pinkamena said, to which she raised her right arm up and used her left hand to dig around for something, to which she pulled out a small circular device that had been placed in her clothing, where she smashed it under her boot, "The Baron said that it was my fault that members of the Underground had died in the past, so it only makes sense that he used the information that the now destroyed tracker was giving him... though personally I wish I had noticed it sooner."

"Another reason is because the Baron threatened to kill Ashelin for spying on him," Torn commented, noticing the flash of pure anger that raced across Pinkamena's face, though at the same time he knew that it was best if he didn't ask what the Baron did to her this time around, "I gave him some leads to ensure her safety, because she's technically the next one in line to rule the city if something happens to the young boy, and then he guessed at where the Stone was being held... and you know the rest. I sure wasn't expecting the Light Tower to become active and destroy the Baron's precious statue, nor did I expect that he would capture the Shadow and some of our friends."

"Not to mention that he got his hands on the Precursor Stone." Daxter said, though at the same time he glared at Torn, but even if he was pissed at the man he knew that his heart was in the right place, "Though something tells me that you already have a plan to get into the Fortress and rescue them... and that something tells me that I, personally, won't like whatever plan you have come up with."

"Normally what I'm about to suggest would be considered a suicide mission by anyone else, but I have seen what you are capable of and know that you'll survive this," Torn replied, to which he moved towards the stairs that lead down to their hideout and glanced outside, as if he was expecting something, but kept some of his attention on the group, "I am going to go find Vin and see if he can't open the door to the Fortress, though once it's open I'll send a signal through the communicator to let you know that its time to head in. Once all of you are inside I would suggest that you quickly make your way to the holding area, where I have the feeling Jak was rescued from in the beginning, and Vin should have the warp gate open for you guys to make your escape. Then, once everyone is accounted for, we'll begin planning our assault against the Baron, so we can take back the Precursor Stone before he does something terrible to it."

Before the group could say anything, and tell Torn that it was better to wait for now and plan a more complete plan of attack, Torn walked out of the hideout and left them to their own devices. Pinkamena, on the other hand, spied several guns that were like the one that Torn was holding, to which she walked over to them and grinned as she picked one of them up and studied it. She opened herself to the Dark Eco inside her body for a few seconds and wrapped it around the small Morph Gun, darkening the color until it was almost black colored, while at the same time twisting the inner workings so that the weapon worked off of Dark Eco capsules... which she fashioned out of the same Eco that had tainted the weapon.

Once she was satisfied with the results she repeated the same process with a second weapon, to which she had two of the same tainted weapons, before she slipped them into holders that popped in and out of the shadows around her... though the instant that was done she beckoned for Jak to follow her and started to make her way towards the Fortress.

It took an hour for Torn to get Vin to open the Fortress' main door, as when Pinkamena approached the door she considered using her new powers to smash it down, but Jak had convinced her to wait. His argument was that if they waited for the door to open for them, and give the Krimzon Guard time to gather their forces, she would have a more exciting fight with them. Jak hated thinking about how Pinkamena was going to slaughter everyone inside the Fortress, as that was what he assumed she was going to do, but he waited to see what she was truly going to do... even if that meant making sure that she didn't barge into the building and cause chaos before Vin was ready.

When the door was unlocked, and Torn gave them the go ahead to go inside, Pinkamena and Jak immediately moved inside the building, though they soon discovered that the passage they had gone through earlier, when they were destroying the ammunition stockpile, had collapsed since their last visit and that the electric fence was gone as well. As they walked passed the deactivated electric fence, however, Pinkamena and Jak peered into the hallway in front of them, to which they discovered that a large number of Krimzon Guards, all wearing yellow colored armor this time, were patrolling the area they needed to pass through. After staring at their enemies for a few seconds the group pulled back out of sight, allowing them a chance to create a plan of attack... one that would allow them to deal with everyone that was standing in their way.

Before they actually started putting together a plan, however, Pinkamena pulled out the pair of tainted guns she had created earlier and walked forward, to which she glared at Jak, indicating that he and Daxter should stay put, before she walked out into the open and gained the attention of every Krimzon Guard that was in the passageway.

"Hey guys, how's your health plan?" Pinkamena asked, though at the same time Raven decided that being on her shoulder was going to be dangerous, so while she moved forward Raven jumped to the ground and returned to the others as he watched what was going to happy.

Several of the Krimzon Guards, those that didn't know her very well, raised their weapons and aimed at Pinkamena, to which they fired at her and caused her to stagger for a moment, worrying Jak that his sister had gotten hit somewhere vital. That was soon followed by Pinkamena chuckling as she raised herself back to her full height and looked at the damage that the guards had done to her, because there wasn't much done to her except for some scorch marks in her clothing. The fact that she hadn't taken any damage, and was chuckling because of it, caused some of the Krimzon Guards to stare at her, as they were sure that she had lost her mind... and yet they were waiting for her to make a move.

"Apparently it's great!" Pinkamena declared, finishing the statement she had said a few moments ago, to which she started to spin around as she loosed shots from the pair of tainted guns.

Jak watched as Pinkamena used the tainted guns and shot every guard that was in the area around her, sometimes purposely missing a vital area so she could shoot them again. It was like he was watching someone else fight, just like what happened when he transformed into his own Dark Form, yet at the same time this version of his sister reveled in killing everyone that opposed her. Jak also noticed that it didn't matter if she immediately killed her opponents or not, because each guard received at least three shots to the chest before they fell to the floor and stopped moving. Once all of the guards were dead, and she was sure of that, Pinkamena beckoned to the group and started pressing buttons that she had passed, apparently deactivating an electric fence that was in their way.

Normally Jak would have been fine with wasting the Baron's guards, mostly for payback because of what happened to him while he was in the Fortress being tortured and their mistreatment of the citizens that called the city home, but this version of Pinkie, this Pinkamena, was a monster that was vastly different from his own Dark Form... and he didn't know how to feel about what he was seeing.

Once they were at the deactivated electric fence Jak noticed four rotating turrets that were resting along the path they needed to take, though thanks to the seemingly endless pit that was in front of them he guessed what was coming next. Pinkamena's grin remained on her face as she slipped one of her tainted guns into its holder and snapped her fingers, to which tendrils of darkness emerged from the pit and wrapped around the turrets, where she crushed them until they weren't functional anymore. With that done she also used the darkness to extend a bridge for her and Jak to use, though as they walked across both Daxter and Raven stared at Pinkamena, as they were shocked by what she could do.

The next area they had to walk through was just jumping into a small passage that allowed them to circle around to next part of the path that would take them to the holding area. They came upon two turrets that were guarding a grind rail, though this time Pinkamena allowed Jak to use the jetboard and cross over to the other side, to which she simply used the shadows to move over to where he was standing. As the two of them moved through the next area of the Fortress, however, they were attacked by the Krimzon Guard from two fronts, as there were some in front of them and there was a large number in the area above them. As Jak shot at the guards in front of them, and made sure that the way was clear, Pinkamena pulled her tainted guns out and fired at the enemies on the level above them, where she continued to smile as they all collapsed on the floor.

With their enemies taken care of they moved passed another set of turrets and approached the door that was in front of them, though as they walked through the small room it brought them to they ignored the pit that was spewing small little robots and walked through the second door... to which they walked right into the same area that Jak had been tortured in, before being rescued. As the two of them approached the cells, however, the doors started to open before their eyes, indicating that Vin and Torn had been watching them and had deactivated the locks the moment they were in the chamber they were in.

"Tess?!" Daxter exclaimed, noticing who was trapped in one of the cells, though at the same time he had to wonder why she had been captured, as she hadn't been with them when they entered the Tomb of Mar.

"Samos?" Jak asked, spotting this timeline's version of the Green Sage standing in the middle of a cell, while at the same time ignoring what Daxter and Tess were doing, "Are you alright?"

"What took you so long? I added six rings to my trunk waiting for the lot of you to get me outta here!" a voice said, to which the Samos that Jak, Pinkie, and Daxter knew came into view, though at the same time he walked out of the cell he and his counterpart had been locked in and looked at the people he had been raising, "Great Yakow horns! What happened to you Jak? And what happened to Pinkie?"

"Actually, it's Pinkamena now," Pinkamena commented, though at the same time she held her tainted guns out, as if she was expecting something to happen before they could leave the Fortress.

"Wait a minute! You're you!" Daxter exclaimed, to which he jumped out of Tess' arms and pointed at the two Samos', as if he was trying to grasp what he was seeing in front of him, "I mean the other you! I mean... you know what I mean."

"Yes, it appears I have an older time twin." the Shadow said, to which he glanced over at the version of himself that he had been forced to share a cell with, though at the same time he could understand why some of the guards had mentioned that they had thought he had been dead all this time, when in reality he had been alive, "Great grass grubs. I can't believe what a cranky old log I've become!"

"Two Samos the Sages?!" Daxter stated, his mind finally catching up to what he was seeing, to which he ran over to Jak and hid behind his leg, "Aaack, Jak, they're multiplying!"

"We need to find the kid, pronto!" Samos said, indicating that he had no idea that the Underground had already located Mar's ancient Light Tower, used the artifacts to locate the Tomb, and and lost the Precursor Stone.

"What are you talking about, old growth?" the Shadow demanded, though his tone told Jak and Pinkamena that he was about to tell his older self what he knew about the situation, while at the same time telling them that he wanted an update as to what happened with the Stone, "The kid already opened the tomb. Our top priority should be to disrupt the Baron's forces!"

"Oh, look who thinks they sprouted." Samos growled, to which he turned on his younger self, though he already knew that he couldn't do anything to him, least he effect the timelines more than they had already done, "If you were half as wise as I am, you'd know that the proper cause of action is to find the kid!"

"Listen, you old dried up leaf. I run this outfit, and I say we go after the Baron's forces." the Shadow replied, though it quickly became clear that he was thinking about swinging at his older counterpart, as it would have no effect on him.

"Do we have to separate you two?" Daxter asked, as he had taken it upon himself to jump between the two of them and rested his paws on both of them, separating them to the best of his ability.

While Jak was fine with watching the two Samos' bicker back and forth, and getting it out of their systems so they could focus on the task of finding the Precursor Stone, he noticed the one thing that they were waiting for. Apparently Torn and Vin had been watching them, as the moment that Daxter mentioned separating the two Samos' the warp gate became active, temporarily linking them to wherever Torn wanted them to go.

"Vin's activating the warp gate." Jak said, beckoning to the warp gate for a moment, to which he watched as the two Samos' nodded their understanding and backed away from each other, "We need to get out of here now!"

Jak charged at the warp gate and jumped through it, to which the two Samos' followed after him almost immediately, as they trusted him more than they trusted themselves. Tess, Daxter, and Raven soon followed after them, leaving Pinkamena behind for a few seconds so she could make sure that the guards didn't come bursting in at the wrong moment. Once she was sure that all of their friends were out of the Fortress, and that the warp gate was still open for her to use, she aimed her tainted guns at the machine that had infected her brother with all the Dark Eco that was in his body, and inside her own body, before she loosed a shot at the machine.

The Dark Eco shot reacted with the Eco that had been left inside the machine, tearing it apart and setting the ceiling on fire as parts of it started to explode. It was mostly so the Baron couldn't create any more Dark Warriors, like her and Jak, though once the job was done she turned towards the warp gate and leapt it through it, where she appeared in the Power Station. Vin closed the connection and started to relax, though at the same time Pinkamena knew that it was only a matter of time until she and Jak were back in the fight against the Baron... and she was looking forward to inflicting some damage to his operations in the future.

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