• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,821 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 8: Voyage to New Equland. (Edited)

Author's Note:

Hey, guys. A new chapter is out. I was going to make it longer, but then I saw that it'd been three weeks since my last update. Sorry about that. Anyway please enjoy, like, and comment.

[The Minos Kingdom, Third Person POV.]

A dark atmosphere filled the air as droves of minotaurs of all ages move to their new appointed shelters. Families, neighbors, an entire community forced away from their homes and livelihoods as a result of the unprovoked and vicious attack against them. A minotaur cafe trips over himself as he cries for his parents that will never be able to comfort him again. A look of defeat and hopeless was a common theme among the populous as soldiers continue to shift through the many wreckages for survivors. Many minotaurs were heavily injured and broke to the nearest medical centers. Most cannot make it there under their power. However, others were carried out on a stretcher with a white sheet covering their dead and disfigured bodies.

Amidst the devastation and destruction, four centaurs stood on top of a building, watching the scene play out while columns of smoke billowed into the sky above them. "My, what an utterly depressing scenery we have here. Those weak and helpless faces. The way their eyes lost a lot of their luster. An endless amount of corpses that the soldiers kept digging up. It brings a tear to my eye that such glorious mayhem didn't come from our hand!" Siren said dejectedly.

"Bah! That creature merely beat us to the punch. When we free the master, this level of carnage will pale in comparison to the fury that he will unleash!" Raam stated.

"Did he have to blow up the food court? I'm starving..." Pudge whined.

"Siren. You said that creature was familiar to you. Can you remember exactly where you saw him?" Junior asked while his eyes stayed glued on the destroyed city. Siren scratches his chin before his eyes widened and he smacks his fist onto his palm.

"Oh yes, I remember now! He's that ambassador ape-like creature from another world that visited this world five years ago. It was all over the papers. I still remember the headlines too; "Life beyond the stars visits our homeland." Doesn't quite roll off the tongue but you get the point. He stayed in Equestria for about a year or so. I believe his name is Son Goku,"

*BLECH* "If he's friends with the ponies then why did he attack their allies?" Pudge asked.

"Good question..." Junior rebuttal. "Nevertheless, he can lead us to more of these orbs,"

"Then let's head to Equestria now and make him tell us where to find them. I'm brimming with pent up aggression. And I need something to hit!" Raam snarled.

"Calm yourself Raam. This 'Son Goku' has a power we're not equipped to deal with yet. Besides, take a look around you. We won't be the only ones that will come searching for him," Junior said.

"Uh, so what do we do?" Pudge asked.

Junior turns his sight to the king's palaces in the far off distance. "No doubt the newly crowned king will want to air some grievances to our hairless friend. I say we allow the two to collide and swoop in when he is in a weakened state. Equestria is a boon for magical energy. So we can add more to the offering as well,"

Siren dreamily sighs as he listens to junior's words. "Ruthless, just like his father~."

[The King's Palace, Throne Room.]

Cloven Hoof sat on his father's throne as he inspects the kings crown. Melancholy was written all over his face as Cloven Hoof reflected on the recent events that have befallen him and his people. His eyes peered over to the window where the columns of smoke continue to raise. The once calm blue sky was now tinted with red as if the skies above suffered injuries itself. His mind kept replaying the fight with the ape-like creature. How powerful he was. How he just brush him aside like a common house fly. How he punched a whole in his father's chest and treated the entire affair like a mundane chore.

"My father..." He muttered as a lone tear trickled down his cheek. The main door to the throne room opened up at that moment. Three minotaurs stepped inside. Two bulls and a cow. One of the bulls was in a standard military attire. The other was fully armored and prepared for battle while the cow was wearing a smart suit. They were King Iron Hoofs trusted advisors and friends. Cloven spared them a glance before rising from the throne. "...Bronze Saber, Steel Grip, Mary Horn. How goes the relief effort?"

"My liege. There are confirmed 245 injured and 15,321 casualties. Things are running smoothly despite what happened. Many of the civilians are taking the transition to safe houses with minimal resistance. And they are adjusting to their temporary homes pretty well--" Mary Horn went to continue, but Cloven Hoof cut her off.

"--What about moral? How are they mentally? Are you sure their cooperation is not just from the lasting effects of shock!?" Cloven emphasized. The bull in the military uniform went to speak.

"You are correct in your assumption, my liege. Right now, our brother's and sister are suffering from a delayed reaction. The nature of this attack took us all by surprise. I am sure that your subjects will expect some response once they have their wits about them. I recommend we prepare a speech about what we shall do," Steel Grip said.

"There is only one thing to do; retaliate!" The armored bull stated. "This unprovoked attack cannot be ignored. We need to gather our forces and show Son Goku what happens when he messes with the Minotaur Kingdom!" Bronze Saber said sternly.

"Son Goku? You mean the ambassador that visited Equestria? Why would he attack us like this!? M-my Father spoke highly of him!"

"Five years is a long time, my liege. Anyone can change in that time," Mary Horn said.

Cloven Hoof held a thoughtful expression as he clenched his fist. "I heard him say that he was 'getting back to his roots' that all the lives he destroyed here today were just a warning to those that would oppose him! Could he have taken over Equestria before coming here?"

"That or the Equestrians sent their attack dog to make themselves appear innocent! Those ponies always go around lording their small ideologies like they're our betters. I'd say we strike the traitors with our full might! Return the harm they caused us one hundred fold!" Bronze said.

"We don't know that, and we cannot jump to such conclusions or rash actions. We must handle the matter tactfully," Mary interjected.

"Regardless of whatever action we take, one thing is for certain; we will find Son Goku there in Equestria. What course of action should we make, my king?" Steel Grip asked.

"...We shall honor our dead as according to our traditions and customs. Bury my father among the great Warriors of Minos. When we have handled things here, send a recon unit to Equestria. I want to know where they stand with Son Goku. If he rules over them or if they are working in tandem," Cloven ordered. The three advisors nodded and were about to leave before cloven spoke up again. "And one last thing, I am not your King. Not until I undergone the anointment ceremony. But the ceremony will only take place when Son Goku's blood is painted all over the ground!!!"


A loud pop sounded off, and the Ponies, Humans, Drakes, Namekian, and Saiyan appeared in front of the courtyard of the castle. However, the effects of the teleportation spell caused some of their human companions to fall ill. "I-I, uh, I'm not feeling too good..." Yamcha said as his cheeks puffed out with bile filling inside.

"I feel like I took one of Goku's punches to the gut!" Tien said.

"Earthlings. Always so fragile!" Piccolo commented. Flurry giggled at his response and flew onto his shoulder pad. The two gazed into each other eyes, one smiling and the other stone-faced until Piccolo let the thinnest of smiles grace his features. That smile quickly faded when a sudden flash caught Piccolo's attention. He turned to its source to find Cadence holding a camera and waving a picture at him.

"Aw, she likes you~. Flurry doesn't just bond anypony like that. I bet you're excellent with foals," Piccolo merely grumbled while Flurry giggles again.

"I'm sorry for any unpleasantness you're currently suffering. Teleportation is always harder on nonmagical beings," Celestia said apologetically. "I have sent word to the docking area to prepare two of our fastest blips to take you all to your destinations,"

Spike's eyes widened at this. "You mean we're going to Wind Breaker and Lighting Flash! Two of the fastest airship in all of Equestria!?" He asked as Celestia nodded. "Awesome!"

"What's so impressive about airships when most of us can fly faster than it already?" Ember inquire. Spike looked aghast.

"Ember! These ships are legendary. The EUP used them to carrier vital supplies during the Dream Valley incursion. No matter how hard the enemy tried, they couldn't sink them because of the crew and the ships speed. That was almost 500 years ago, and they're still useful today!"

"Yet, as stated before, you are much faster and less bulky. I see no point in boarding these airships when our mission is supposed to be a secret,"

"Your words hold a certain truth, but you will draw more attention to yourselves if you flew to your objectives. Saddle Arabia and New Equland are popular tourist attractions. So nopony will question it when you arrive there via airship," Luna informed.

"Plus, it'll save us the energy we will need in case we run into Chrysalis again," F.Trunks said.

"The ships are already prepared for departure. Just follow us to the docking area," Shining Armor said.

[Docking Bay Area.]

(This is Lighting Flash)

"Everyone. It is my honor to present Lighting Flash and Wind Breaker," Celestia said.

"Oh wee. Take a gander at this," Applejack said as the group stared at the two airships.

"I must say that look rather impressive. I especially like Wind Breaker's design," Rarity commented.

"It's even cooler up close!" Spike gasped as the Royals laughed at his excitement while Ember rolled her eyes.

(This is Wind Breaker)

"Dips on Windbreaker!!" Pinkie said excitedly.

"It does appear rather aerodynamic," Starlight commented.

"Meh," Was all that Discord said. Two ponies then made their way to the group. One was a mare while the other was a stallion. Both of them wore matching sailor uniforms.

"Greetings you sorry land lubbers. I am Captain Cruise liner. I command Lightning Flash," The stallion said.

"And I'm his sister, Captain Starport. I govern over Windbreaker. We both understand that you all will be needing transportation,"

"We're just the pair of sailors to get the job done,"

Luna steps in front of the two captains. "We thank the both of you for heeding our call. Our companions here have a mission of the utmost importance and time is of the essence. You two must take these groups to Saddle Arabia and New Equland. You two may decide where you wish to go," The two captains winced at the names of their destinations. They glance at each other before engaging in a game of rock, paper, scissors. The game ended with Starport taking the win. Cruise Liner hung his head dejectedly while Starport fist pumps.

"Well, it looks like I'll be escorting my lucky passengers to New Equland," Starport said jubilantly.

Cruise Liner made no effort to hide the destain in his tone. "Aye, and I'll guide you through the hot, burning, donkey end of the planet, desert to Saddle Arabia..." "Cruise grumbled.

"I believe it's time we head back to our duties. Please notify us once you all make a safe return," Celestia said. The Royals bid their friends goodbye and entered the castle.

"We appreciate the two of you helping us," F.Trunks said.

"No problem handsome. Now let's get a move,"

"Wait! We need to pack. I shan't go to a country as eloquent as New Equland with only one pair of clothing!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Uh, Rares. We're not going on an extended vacation. We're just going to get the Dragonball and be back by supper time," Applejack stated.

"I can't spend even a single millisecond in New Equland as I am now!" An argument soon broke out between the two as the other's watched.

Ember rolled her eyes at the theatrics and walked toward Lighting Flash as Piccolo, Tien, and Yamcha quietly joined her. Spike saw this and quickly followed suit. "I honestly don't know what you saw in her,"

"Rarity can have bouts of a drama queen tendencies. But she'll come through for us,"

"I certainly hope so,"

"As entertaining as you're over dramatics is, Miss Rarity..." Discord said as he snapped his finger. Soon, many luggage appeared in front of them. Rarity immediately recognized some of the cases and rushed toward them. She let out a relieved sigh once she finished sorting through them. Rarity levitated her belongings and turned to her friends who were sending her incredulous looks.

"Well, darlings. Everything appears to be in order. I believe we dilly-dallied long enough. Off to New Equland!" Rarity proclaimed as she boarded Wind Breaker

"Figures," Applejack said as she took her bags to the airship.

"Whoo, boarding party. Let's go Gummy!" Pinkie squeaked as she hopped onto the ship with a green baby alligator hang from her tail.

Starlight teleported her personal effects on board when she noticed that Trunks was the only one without any luggage. "Discord, didn't you bring Trunk's clothing?"

"Don't worry about it," F.Trunks said as he pulled a case. "I have all the essentials in these capsules mom gave me,"

"Twilight wouldn't stop talking about those things. Can you show me how they work?"

"Sure thing. It'll be a great way to pass the time while on our journey,"

[Aboard the Wind Breaker]

With that said, the two joined the others aboard Wind Breaker. The captain set sail. And so began their travels. The voyage to New Equland was as calm as to be expected. But for Trunks, it proved to be absorbing. The captain stated to the group that it would only take a few hours to reach New Equland. During this time, Trunks decided to get to know his teammates better. He started with the strangest one of the bunch; Discord. The mismatched spirit of chaos chose to work on his tan. Although, the tanning mirror was facing the wrong end, yet the rays from the sun still shone on the lower half of Discord's body. Discord had glanced at the Saiyan teen before a wide grin spread across his muzzle.

"Hello, my young compatriot. What do I owe the pleasure?"

"I just thought we should get to know each better a little bit so we can operate more efficiently as a team. To be honest, I expected someone with the moniker of 'Lord of Chaos' to work against us,"

"Aw yes. It was not too long ago where I would've jumped at the chance to cause some mayhem. These little Dragonballs of yours has certainly ended the long wind streak of order. I just love it. Mass chaos across the globe and I don't have to lift a finger,"

"So what made you change?"

"My boy, chaos never changes at its core. I'm just taking on a different approach to it. The fact of the matter is, chaos and order go side by side, hand in hand. Two faces on a single bit," He demonstrated this by making a bit appear with his face on the one end and a goofy rendition of Celestia on the other. "One cannot exist without the other. No matter how Celly may wish to deny it, chaos and harmony need each other to form that perfect balance," Discord finished, but he noticed Trunks was sending him a skeptical look.

"So you just decided to go along with Celestia and become good?"

Discord let out a long drawn out sigh. "What is it with you mortals and your notions of right and wrong? If you must know, I change my ways for a dear friend of mine, Fluttershy. Who is away finding your magical orbs because she's wonderful like that. She showed me what it is meant to have to friendship is like despite those who were against it. Did you ever have anything like that?"

Trunks features turned solemn as he recalled his relationship with Gohan. "Yeah... My mentor. He was a great man. Taught me everything I know about martial arts. He was easily the strongest and bravest guy I ever met,"

Discord found his features softening. "What was his name?"


Discord blinks at what he heard. And he became confused at the smile Trunks was sending him before everything clicked. "Aw, right. You came from the future. Must have been awkward meeting the younger version of your dearest friend. Although, it does set up a little pranking opportunity. Would you like some suggestions? I can already see the younger Gohan straightening that spiky hair of his from his supposed future!"

"I might take you up on that. I better check on the others. Have fun sunbathing. I guess," Trunks left Discord and began walking around the ship. The Saiyan teen saw the crew members maintaining the ship and patrolling the upper deck. Trunks were so busy watching them that he failed to see a familiar pink pony walking in his pathway. They bumped into each other which caused Trunks to stumble back and grab his head. He heard a soft thumping sound and opened his eyes to see Pinkie on the ground, wincing, while rubbing her backside. "Sorry Pinkie," He said as he helped her up.

"Owie, I gotta pay more attention. Hey, Trunks!"

"Hey Pinkie. Where were you going?"

"I was just gathering everypony here for an 'Airship party.' How about you?"

"I wanted to get to know everyone better,"

"Aw, say no more..." Pinkie trailed off as she fished inside of her mane and pulled out a large scrapbook journal. "Here's everything me and my friend had done before Sonny came along. There are some extra tip bits about me. I would tell you myself, but I got to prepare the party. Applejack's with Rarity and Starlight is chatting with the captain. C'ya later,"

"Hold on! How did you pull this scrapbook out of your hair? Do you control chaos magic?" Pinkie just smiles broadly at Trunks instead of answering.

"Of course not silly,"

"Then how--" Then, right before Trunks eyes, Pinkie just disappeared with a loud popping sound. What's worse was that he didn't feel any Ki energy employed. Bewildered, Trunks wisely chalked it up what just happen to be a product of magic that he still doesn't fully understand. Right as he was walking away, however, he bumps into another familiar pony.

"Oh! There you are Trunks. Just the person we wanted to see," Rarity said as Applejack came up behind her.

"Howdy partner," Applejack said.

"Hey girls, what can I do for you," Trunks said.

"Well darling, I couldn't help but notice that you lack extra clothing for our trip. Now we may not be at the boutique, but I'm sure I can throw something together. As a reward, I would love to study the clothing you have on now,"

"Thanks for te offer, but I have spare clothing in my capsule," Trunks noted the puppy dog stare and lip quivering look Rarity gave, and begrudgingly relented. "...But you can take a look at my armor if you want,"

Rarity beamed at this. "That's great! Come along darling let's get your measurements,"

"Brace yourself for a lot of groping sugarcube," Applejack joked. Despite the farm mare's playfully tone, Trunks found himself in a room with his arms hung out as Rarity ran her his all over his fit form. Applejack sat on the side in a chair admiring the view while throwing ou the occasional wolf whistle. Oddly enough, the teenage Saiyan wore boxers instead of his namesake.

"I must say your mother is an expert in her craft. I can't make heads or tails of the material, but it's so durable yet functional. You could hardly tell its purpose is to act as armor. We simply must have a chat and exchange ideas,"

"Great so can I move now," Trunks meekly ask as he squirmed under the two mares longing gazes.

"Nonsense darling. I have to double check your measurements. That is why Applejack is here with us. It's always good to have a second opinion, and who better than the element of Honesty herself,"

"Don't worry sugar cube. I won't be too rough," Applejack said as she made grabbing motions with her hands. Trunks could swallow the lemon down as the two mares slowly approached him.

[Below Deck, at the Party.]

The party was in full swing as many of the crewmembers were in the middle of the floor dance without a care. Pinkie Pie somehow found a sound table and started providing music for everyone to dance too. Discord was on the dance floor with the others. Performing his interpretation of break dancing by literally breaking his body into different parts and having those same parts move rhythmically to the beat.

Trunks chose to sit on the sidelines. The Saiyan teen changed his clothes after his "fitting" with Applejack and Rarity. He now wore a black tank top with dark gray pants and yellow and gray boots. He also wore his favorite blue jacket zipped opened with the capsule corporation logo on the shoulders. There was also a red bandanna wrapped around his neck. However, his jacket sleeves were a bit worn out, so he tore them off making his coat into a sleeveless vest that showed off his well-toned and ripped arms. Rarity, as well as the other mares on board, had no objections to this fashion choice. Applejack, Rarity, and Starlight all sat with him as they conversed.

"I like your casually wear Trunks," Starlight complemented with a faint blush.

"Thanks, but I was hoping to be more inconspicuous for when we arrive in New Equland," Trunks replied.

"You certainly nailed the teenage rebel look well," Rarity said with a flutter of her eyelashes.

"Darn tooting. I bet you could hardly keep the fillies away from you back where you're from," Applejack added.

"I, uh, wouldn't exactly say that," Trunks said.

"That's been on my mind for some time now. What did you hope to gain from time traveling? I know when I tried it, things got way too hectic," Starlight asked.

"What do you mean by that?"

"...Well..." Starlight felt two hands grab onto hers. She looked to her friends who gave her a reassuring nod. "I used to be the leader of a little village called Our town. Although, I wasn't the head because of my dazzling charisma. I tricked the community into following my beliefs,"

"What were they?"

"My beliefs were Cutie Marks are no good for anypony. That we should all be equal, so nopony stands above the other. I even went so far as to take away the Cutie Marks my villagers earned using my magic. I thought that Cutie Marks cost me my one and only friend, so I made sure to lock them away. Ironically I still kept mine because I couldn't perform the spell without my Cutie Mark and magic. I guess that made me a hypocritic,"

"What changed?"

"The girls and I came to that little village for a friendship problem. We caught on to Starlight's little scam and set her right," Applejack interjected.

"Thanks, Applejack. After that, I wanted revenge on Twilight for destroying everything I built. I took an old time travel spell and perfected it so I can go back and destroy what she valued most her friendships. But every time we changed something in the past, the future would alter the Equestria we all knew. It got worse and worse until Equestria was just a barren wasteland. Only after I stopped and embraced friendship that time finally got back on track,"

"Then you became Twilight's star pupil in friendship. Quite the turn around for a pony that nearly wiped out life in Equestria," Rarity said. Starlight shot her and Applejack an unamused glare for their inputs.

"So what change for you?" Pinkie asked, startling the group with her sudden appearance.

"I would like to know how you mucked the future in your world as well," Discord said as he climbed out of Trunks breast pocket.

Trunks sighed at what was about to transpire. "I wish my time travel experience turned out as yours did. But the truth is that coming to this planet currently put my problems on hold. And right now-- Things are still looking as bleak as they ever did. It all started when the Goku of my timeline died of a fatal heart disease," The group gasps at that.

"But Goku is fit as a fiddle. Horseapples, he's fitter than a fiddle. There's no way hr could get sick like that!" Applejack shouted in disbelief.

"D-did you tell him?" Rarity asked carefully.

"No need to worry. That was one of the reasons why I traveled to the past. We found a cure and the heart virus is no longer an issue," Trunks said much to everyone's relief. "But the big reason I went back was that Dr. Gero created a pair of deadly androids bent on Goku's destruction and the domination of the world,"

"That's terrible!" Starlight exclaimed.

"Why would anypony want to hurt Sonny?" Pinkie asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah well, he got what was coming to him because the first thing the androids did was take his life. But it didn't stop there. The androids went on a mass killing spree after they killed all the Earth's defender's," Trunks stated.

"You mean everypony we met at the castle is..." Pinkie trailed off as she could bring herself to say the words. A slow nod from Trunks was all the confirmation they needed.

"Well, your future is pretty grim huh?" Discard said.


"Honestly, please try and have some tact! Our new visitors will soon meet an unfortunate end in the future," Rarity scolded.

"That why you went to the past to stop this horrible future..." Starlight murmured.

"That was the plan, but as you know, time traveling never goes the way you expect. It turns out I wasn't the only one that had the idea to travel back to the past. A new Android by the name of Cell went back four years before I did. His purpose was to absorb the androids that were terrorizing my time to achieve his perfect form. In doing that, he radically altered history,"

"Now hold on! How the hay he got to the past in the first place?" Applejack asked.

"That's the thing. Cell came from a parallel Earth where I defeated the Androids. He killed me and stole my time machine to travel back to Goku's time and accomplish his goals," Trunks said.

"Um, darling. If this Cell did that to you then how are you still with us?" Rarity asked delicately.

"Urgh! Let me explain it," Discord said as he conjured three strings front of the group. "Now parallel worlds are worlds that are much like ours with either remarkable similar or drastically different details. This green line represents Goku's world at his point in time. This Cell fellow is the yellow string, and our young friend is the blue one. Now the blue and green line was once intertwined with each other," Discord demonstrated this by tying the blue and green strings together. "That is until Cell went back in time and mucked things up. This action caused the blue and green strings to unravel," He illustrated this by having the yellow wrap itself into the conjoined lines. The blue and green disconnected creating three separate lines that formed a knot. "Now that Cell came into the past, he caused the timeline to split from the blue and green creating an alternate timeline. So no matter what Trunks does in the past, his world will remain unchanged,"

"But if your world stays the same no matter what you do then why are you still here in this time?" Starlight asked.

"Because any future without the threat of the Androids is worth fighting for in the end. You don't know what it's like always living fear. Consistently sleeping with one eye open and hiding like rats. I can't leave knowing that my world suffers like that. Too many people have died in the defensive for the little peace we still have to cling too. Besides, I've gotten a lot stronger thanks to my training here. Once we defeat Cell, I'll stop the Androids for good!" Trunks said with utter conviction. The Equestrians couldn't help but be touch by Trunks plight.

"I'm sure you will darling. I never heard of a goal nobler than yours," Rarity said.

"Yeah, those Androids won't know what hit them!" Pinkie added.

"You guys are the best," Trunks said in appreciation.


Discord's eyebrow began twitching as he sensed the Dragonball. "Ooh! Looks like that delightful

"I guess it's time to get focused. You can't save the future if the present is in danger," Starlight said.

"I'm sure it will be easy going on our end. This little scavenger hunt will be easier than finding a needle in a haystack," Applejack commented. The Equestrians and Trunks all stood up and headed to the upper deck. The brilliant country of New Equland coming up over the horizon provide a fantastic view for all on broad. However, those on the Wind Breaker weren't the only ones enjoying the beauty.

Ten figures were lagging behind the ship. "My queen the Dragon Radar has picked up a Dragonball in New Equland. But we can sense that one of the Saiyans is on broad along with the Elements, Starlight Glimmer, and Discord,"

"Excellent my elite warriors. Move at your discretion. Be discreet for now, but once you have the orb insight, let nothing stop you!" Chrysalis ordered telepathically.

"Your will guides us all," The elite warriors said in unison.

"That should go without saying," Chrysalis said as she broke out in a small chuckle.

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