• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 15: Reminiscing. Part 3 (Edited)

Author's Note:

Warning: There's a back and forth between Android 18 and Chrysalis that touches upon a particular subject of the exotic nature. I want to apologize if anyone is offended, but I feel like it's something the characters would say if they met.

[Planet Earth - 5 years ago, Metro-West City - Third Person POV.]

Metro-West City; a large, prosperous little town that is hidden away within the northern mountains. The population stems around ten million. The city was tranquil as the citizens went about their daily lives. They were blissfully unaware of the events that were going to unfold. Today was the fated day that marked the arrival of two deadly androids bent on destruction. The Z warriors stood on top of a mountain pass that overlooked the entire city. The time was 10: 30 a.m. Eight minutes until Trunks' warning was supposed to come true.

"Look at them down there," Crystalline said as she gazes at the city. "They have no idea about what's about to transpire,"

"That's why we're here. To prevent the loss of life from the androids," Goku reminded. Piccolo, Krillin, Gohan, and Tien all stood with her, watching for any sign of the androids.

"Say Crystalline. Where is Yamcha?" Gohan asked.

"Bulma needed him for something. They should be here before the allotted time. What about Vegeta? Will he be here or shall we expect his absence?"

"No one knows where he went? But he has been spending a lot of time over at Bulma's" Krillin said.

"Speaking of which..." Piccolo started as a hover vehicle touches down near them. Bulma and Yamcha step outside with a little bundle of joy in Bulma's arms. Piccolo's eyes widen at the infant, bearing a striking resemblance to the teenage Saiyan that visited them two years ago.

'So the boy was telling the truth...' Crystalline thought.

"Hey, guys, Sorry I'm a bit late," Yamcha said.

"No worries. There's still a few minutes left," Tien said.

"Um Bulma, are you sure it's safe to bring the baby?" Krillin hesitantly asked.

"Relax everyone. I don't plan on joining this adventure. I just wanted you all to meet my new son. I bet you'll never guess who's the father," Bulma chirped.

"Cleary it is Vegeta," Crystal spoke absentmindedly. Her eyes went wide when she realized her slip. So she spoke before anyone could retort. "The boy has the same features as him. Yamcha told me that you two were getting closer so this result was obvious,"

"Yamcha! I wanted to surprise everyone!" Bulma scolded.

"Hehe... sorry," Yamcha said meekly.

"Haha. Don't worry about it," Goku said as he bent down at the baby. "How's it going Trunks?"

Bulma looked confused at her eldest friend. "Goku... How did you know his name was Trunks?" She narrows her eyes at Goku who started to sweat. Piccolo sighed at Goku's carelessness while Crystalline pinches her nose in annoyance.

"Well, seeing as your family has an interest in undergarments as a way of nomenclature, it obvious that you would name him that," Crystalline explains. Bulma frowns but bites back a reply. There was an odd coincidence with her family's naming convention and underwear.

"Plus, the name just screams to me, you know? Hehe..." Goku added.

"So when can we expect your baby shower Crystal?" Bulma asked. Yamcha blushed while Crystalline remained nonplussed.

"And ruin this gorgeous figure?" She said as she flaunted her more curvaceous body. Piccolo grumbles while the other male shifted about uncomfortably. Save for Goku who just chuckles at the display.

"W-we decided to hold off on a child for now. With the trouble brewing, it would difficult to raise a child," Yamcha offered.

"Speaking of trouble..." Tien spoke up, getting everyone's attention. "What's going on down below? It's already 11:15!"

"I know. The androids should've attacked by now," Piccolo said, not liking this foreboding feeling growing in his gut.

"YO GUYS! UP HERE!!!" A new voice called out. Everyone turns their attention to a hovercar with an overweight samurai piloting it. "Korin thought you guys would need these beans," The man tosses the beans to Goku.

"Sweet! Thanks, Yajirobe," Krillin said.

"Are you going to stay and help us?" Gohan asked.

"Sorry kid. I learned my lesson from last time. You guys can handle it. But..." Yajirobe trailed off as he eyed Crystalline for the first time. "I'd be happy to escort the pretty lady to safety~,"

Crystalline sent Yajirobe the flattest look anyone has ever witnessed. "Hmm? Oh, you were speaking to me? Yamcha, dear, who is this chubby man? And why is he speaking to one outside of his league?" Yajirobe face froze in shock at the vicious rejection.

"Hey Yajirobe, there's an extra senzu bean here. I think you'll need it after that one," Krillin jibed.

Yajirobe snorted as he flew off. "You don't know what your missing lady!!!" Everyone broke out in laughter. Save for Piccolo who was growing more anxious as time passed.

"I don't like this. It's going on twenty minutes, and there's still no sign of the androids!"

"Maybe the kid got it wrong. I'm all for this being a false--"


A loud explosion cut Yamcha off. Up in the sky, amidst the fiery inferno, was the remains of a hover vehicle spiraling toward the ground. Krillin instantly leaped into action. "THAT WAS YAJIROBE'S CAR! I GOT HIM!!!" As Krillin went to save their fallen friend. Meanwhile, columns of smoke billowed from the city below. Screams of pain and terror echoed from every inch of Metro-West City. The once peaceful scenery had shifted into bedlam and chaos.

"W-what's happening...?" Bulma asked with a vacant look in her eyes.

Piccolo instantly deduced what the caused of this destruction was. "IT'S THE ANDROIDS!!! THEY'RE ATTACKING!!!"

"But how? I don't sense them at all!!!' Goku exclaimed. A chilling shiver ran down everyone spines as they grasp the implications.

"Perhaps... We can't sense them!" Crystalline voiced in a grim tone,

"Ok, that is scary...!" Scootaloo said with a shiver.

"An enemy you have no means of detecting! How is that even possible?" Twilight pondered.

"Androids are not technically alive from the general description. Our bodies move and operate through a series of wires and machinery. We have no natural energy source to find," 16 elaborated.

"I guess that makes sense," Ember said.

"If Y'all couldn't find them without sensing them then how did Ya?" Applejack asked.

"We had to fall back using our sight and hearing. It wasn't easy after being used to sensing energy for so long," Goku said.

"And by the time we caught them, it was too late," Yamcha said grimly.

"This is bad guys!" Krillin said as he helped Yajirobe to the ground. "What are we suppose to do?"

"We split up and find them the old fashion way. However, if you encounter them, do not engage. Raise your power level and call any of us to help!" Piccolo ordered as he flew down to the city. Gohan, Krillin, and Tien soon followed.

"Here Bulma, you take the senzu beans. I'll come back if we need them," Goku said as he flew down as well.

"Be careful down there babe," Yamcha said.

Crystalline gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Naturally dearest," With that said, the couple joined the others and began their search.

Each of the Z warriors took a different section of the city during their search. What was unnerving, however, was the fact that the town had gone quiet despite the recent attack. It was as if nothing happened at all. The Z warriors ran up and down the streets looking for anyone even remotely suspicious. They used various methods of searching to their advantage. Piccolo hovered in the air as he scans the ground streets. Gohan, Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien all ran through the streets. And Crystalline perches herself on a rooftop. So far, there was no sign of the androids, but that wouldn;t last forever.

"It's trying to find a needle in a haystack!" Yamcha said as he sprinted down the road. He stops next to a sidewalk and turns his head side to side. Yamcha was about to move on when he felt a presence behind him. He whips around to find two oddly dressed men. One was a senior citizen with his frizzy white reaching the back of his shoulders. The other was a portly man with the same skin tone as Chiaotzu. They both stared at him with unblinking eyes that Yamcha found creepy. Seeing as he tried everything else, he decided to talk to the two strangers. "Hey there fellas. I don't suppose you two seen any nefarious looking characters running around. My friends and I are looking for them. They're responsible for the attacks earlier,"

"..." Neither of the two men replied.

"Ok... Just get inside where it's safe,"

Yamcha turned to leave until the senior man spoke. "Forgive us, but did you say your friends are looking for 'nefarious characters?'"

"Yeah! Did you see them? Any information you can give me will be helpful,"

"And is one of your friends Son Goku?" The old ignored Yamcha's questioning and took a step forward.

Hesitantly, Yamcha answered. "Yeah...?"

"It would appear they were expecting us," The portly man said.

"Interesting. I wonder how did our targets know we would be here?" The senior pondered.

Yamcha became confused at the conversation they were having. But also, he couldn't shake the rising sense of danger building in the atmosphere. It was at this time that the man noticed an insignia on the overly sizeable top hat resting on the old man's head. It was in the shape of a red ribbon with two Rs inside it. Yamcha's eyes slammed open as a realization donned on him.

"GUYS!!! THE ANDROIDS ARE HERE-- UHMP!?" Yamcha cry came too late as the older man grasped his jaw and silenced him. He grips the elder's forearm as he effortlessly lifted Yamcha off the ground.

"We shall start with you designation Yamcha. Your energy will be put to use for a greater cause," Yamcha fruitlessly struggled as he tried to pry open the androids grip. Suddenly, he began to feel weaker.

'W-what's going on!? My energy is leaving my body!!!" Yamcha stared in the cold, calculating eyes of the elder android as more and more of his Ki was drained away. He watched in horror as the android lifted his arm and, ever so slowly, pierced his body. Yamcha's screams of agony fell on deaf ears as the android painstakingly ran him through. The man's grip on the offending wrist loosened and his arms hanged dangled helplessly against Yamcha's sides. A dull, vacant look was present in his eyes.

"Oh, you poor thing!" Fluttershy sniffled. The rest of the Equestrians gave Yamcha looks of sympathy.

"I am so sorry that happen to you darling," Rarity wailed.

"So did you die again?" Spike asked.

"SPIKE!!!" The ponies scolded.

"What? It's a legitimate question," Ember said nonchalantly. She would feel bad if Yamcha had indeed died, but he didn't.

"Haha, not. But I came pretty close. I honestly can't say I'll ever forget that day. With the Saibamen, it was quick. One bright flash, one loud boom, and poof, I was at the check-in station in the otherworld. But with the android, I was forced to stare into his cold eyes. Like the act of killing meant nothing to him,"

"We're sorry we weren't quick enough Yamcha," Gohan said solemnly.

"What are you talking about, Gohan? You guys saved my butt with the senzu bean. So no worries," Yamcha said with a shrug.

"Wait. If you had a hole in your chest then how could you eat a senzu bean?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Oh, well, I think he missed my throat. Anyway..."

The Z warrior eyes all widened in surprise as they felt someone's life force slipping away. Everyone converges to the source, and complete shock greeted them. Yamcha had found the androids. Unfortunately, they located him as well. "YAMCHA!!!" Krillin called out.

Crystalline gritted her teeth. Not in anger or sorrow, but in aggravation. 'Really! You couldn't last five minutes. What a worthless toy!!!' "Let. Him. Go!"

The android turns his attention to the woman that addressed and regarded her with little interest. "Hmm, there are no records of this woman in my database. What are your thoughts 19?"

"I believe she is of no consequence, android 20,"

Crystalline sneered at the two machines for taking her lightly. She took a threatening step forward as her green eyes glowed with power. "Let! Him! Go!!!" 19 also took a step forward in a challenging manner.

"Don't bother 19. That woman is not our target, and this one has outlived his usefulness," Android said as he chucks Yamcha's corpse to the Z warriors. Gohan and Krillin went to check while the others kept their eyes on the androids.

"This isn't good! Yamcha's barely holding on!" Gohan stated.

"You take Yamcha and give him a senzu fast! We'll deal with the androids," Goku ordered. Gohan and Krillin nodded in acknowledgment and hoisted Yamcha away.

"A waste of resources on your part. But I am curious as to how you knew we were coming here," Android 20 said.

"That's none of your concern androids!" Piccolo spat.

"Very well. We can always prie the information from you,"

Goku held up his hand in a halting gesture. "If it's a fight you want then fine! However, let's take out of the city!" Goku demanded.

"He appears to want to avoid further casualties," 19 observed.

"Yes, a foolish sentiment!" Android 20 eyes glowed red as he prepared to attack. The Z fighters tensed up and readied themselves. However, Android 20 turns his head sharply and fires a laser at an oncoming truck. The beams blow out the front tire and cause the vehicle to crash into a gas station, result in a massive explosion. Goku watches on in horror before his features morph into anger. Android 20 primed for another attack, but Goku was ready this time. He launches a punch that connects with the androids cheek. Thus, slamming it to the ground and knocking the killer machine to the cement surface. 19 was about to retaliate, but Crystalline trapped him in her telekinetic hold. She discovered during her stay on the planet that the Earth had magic in small quantities. So she was free to use her magic without drawing suspicion to herself.

"I'll show you "no consequence!'" She then pulls 19 towards her, pivots her body, and slams her knee into his face. 19 barely braces himself as he skips across the ground. He gets back to an upright position as he rubs the scuff mark from his cheek. Android 20 returns to a standing form as well. The blow dealt by Goku dislodged the cranial cover on his head. Thus, revealing a brain protected by a glass dome. The Z warriors all cringed the unsightly organ.

"It would seem our objective is very adamant about leaving the area. What say you 20?" Android 19 asked.

Android 20 finished reattaching his head as he spoke. "It makes no difference where Son Goku expires so long as he does,"

"Trust me; you'll get everything that's coming to you!" Goku said as he shot off into the sky. The other Z fighters followed suit along with the androids as they left Metro-West City.

Meanwhile, Krillin and Gohan were able to get Yamcha back to Bulma in time. They fed him a senzu bean, and he instantly healed up. The man then began to explain just what had happened to him. "Thank you, guys. Another second later and--" He shook his head before he spoke with urgency. "Listen! We have to warn the others and Crystal! Those androids can steal our energy!!!"

"What!? B-but how?" Gohan asked.

"I don't know, but I could feel my energy leaving my body before he stabbed me!"

"We got to hurry then! Bulma, you get Yajirobe out of here!" Krillin said.

"No argument here!" Yajirobe said eagerly.

"I saw my dad and the others fly out of the city. They must be moving the fight somewhere else. Let's go!" The trio flew off to rejoin their friends and warn them.

Elsewhere Goku and the other's led the two androids far into the wastelands. The concert jungle shifted into the rocky fields. Android 20 noticed that they have been flying for some time now and abruptly stops. 19 followed suit moments later. "That's far enough. We have covered sufficient distance. This location is adequate," With that said, both androids zoomed down below with the Z warriors close behind. The two groups stared each other down as the wind blew. "Now that there are no more distractions. It is time to complete our mission,"

"You mean where you want to kill Goku for the destruction of the Red Ribbon Army?" Crystalline smiled at the perplexed look in the android's eyes. "You know, for a scientist, Dr. Gero was a fool! All of that time and effort wasted on a petty grudge!" The irony of her statement did not escape Crystalline's mind. Android 20's eye gave the slightest twitch at that remark.

"You all seem well informed about us. But it makes no difference, Dr. Gero has spent years collecting data on all your fighting abilities. You cannot win!" He then turns his attention to Crystalline. "And you, mystery woman, will perish for your insolence,"

Instead of being cowed, Goku sent a confident smirk at his opponents. "You might think you know everything there is about me, but really, you're not even close...!"

"Hmm?" Android 20 grunted out as he arched a brow.

"Your calculations; did they predict that Goku would be a Super Saiyan?" Piccolo asked.

"Super Saiyan?"

"Uh-YAAAAAH!" Goku grunted as he flexed his power. The muscles in his chest, arms, and legs all bulged out. His eyes shifted to a greenish blue hue as his hair spiky hair stood straight up. With a flash of golden aura, Goku releases a mighty bellow as he transformed into a Super Saiyan. Dust and debris blew away from Goku as his clothes flutter under his power. The Androids maintained a neutral standpoint as they studied this new development. Piccolo kept his eyes centered on them. Tien stares at Goku in awe as he gets to experience the full power of a super Saiyan up close.

Crystalline smiles at the androids, fully confident in their odds for the coming fight. Although a beat of sweat did drip from the woman's brow at the pressure, Goku was expelling. 'I am certainly glad I am not facing this monster!'

"Piccolo, Tien, Crystalline. You three stay out of this. It looks they only want me, and that's who they'll get!!!" Goku stated as his aura intensifies. However, Piccolo notices a drop of sweat drip down the side of Goku's head. Was it nervousness or something else entirely?

"Aw yeah! Super Saiyan time!" Rainbow exclaimed. Scootaloo joins her in a fist bump.

"Indeed, Dr. Gero's data only accounted for Goku's time on Earth. Becoming a Super Saiyan would throw off any variable or strategy they came up with to use against you, Goku," Twilight said.

"I bet those androids regretted picking fights after that!" Silver Spoon said.

"It is an impressive transform," Celestia said. Despite the pleasant attitude coming from her subjects, the solar diarch notice the grim expression on the Z warriors faces. "Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah... I didn't have the best time fighting the androids, even as a Super Saiyan. In fact, you could say I lost. Except it was more like I fought a battle against myself and lost..." Goku stated. The equestrians and dragons became confused at this declaration.

"You lost against yourself? Did you fight a clone?" Pinkie asked.

"It went like this..."

"This is the most unexpected development indeed..." Android 20 stated.

"There is no registration of this technique in my files 20," 19 said.

"Nor mine 19. But my sensor indicates that there is no cause for concern. You may proceed as planned. A demonstration of the futility of this transformation and our power will prove our superiority,"

"Alright, have it your way. But I wouldn't bank on it if I was you!" Goku said as he crouches down and charges Android 19.

Back with Krillin, Gohan, and Yamcha. The trio zeroed in on Goku's influx of power. They quickly made their way to them as they discussed what they learned. "That's some awesome power Goku's putting out. It's a good thing too. Otherwise, we would have a hard time finding them," Krillin said.

"Crystalline nailed that one on the head. I swear if those pile of scrap metal harm a hair on her head...!" Yamcha seethed.

"I'm sure she's fine Yamcha. Besides, we're getting closer!" Gohan said.

Goku's battle with Android 19 quickly went airborne. He connects with an uppercut that blows past 19's guard. Then, Goku follows up with a straight jab to the gullet. 19 tries to launch a jab, but Goku connects with a high kick to his chin. 19 groan before attempting to grab a Goku. Goku slips to the left and slams his knee into 19's stomach, followed by an elbow to the portly androids nose. Gokuu then peppers his adversary with multiple punches and kicks. He brings his palms together for an overhead strike and thrust it into 19's face. The android backs off to recuperate, but Goku flickers around the area. Down below at ground level, the Z fighter marvel at the spectacle.

"Wow... Goku's amazing! That android hasn't even touched him yet!" Tien exclaimed.

"Yes, he seems to be doing quite well. It won't be much longer until he recycle's that scrap heap!" Crystalline said.

Piccolo watches the fight intently as Goku continues to dominate. "...Maybe..."

Goku stops his assault to catch his breath. He was panting heavily despite having the advantage. Android 19 patiently waited until Goku resumes the battle. He hits the android with a knee to the face, followed by a kick to the stomach. He begins to rain down a series of blows again. 19 manages to break his flurry and tried to launch one of his own. But Goku expertly dodges all his attacks. Goku scores a devasting punch into 19's stomach as he attacks with more intensity. Meanwhile, Gohan, Yamcha, and Krillin arrive on the scene.

"Crystal! Babe! Are you ok? They didn't hurt you did they?" Yamcha asked with concern.

'Oh, great... He survived,' "I am fine Yamcha. Can't say the same for the machine though," Crystalline gestured to the battle.

"Oh man! Has the whole fight been like this?" Krillin asked as he watches Goku lay into the android.

"Yep. There's no need to worry. Goku's got this fight in the bag," Tien said with confidence.

"...Yeah, it looks like it..." Gohan said, although his tone carried an air of unease.

"You're right to be worried Gohan," Piccolo said. "Something's is off. Goku's maxed out for some reason. He's been on the offensive this whole time, yet the android doesn't appear to be wavering. He might need our help!"

"Hey, that's just paranoia talking," Tien stated.

"Obviously. How can Goku lose a fight when he is in control?" Crystalline rhetorically asked.

"No. At the rate Goku's going, he's going to burn out! Then the android will counterattack!" Piccolo warned.

"Did the android touch my dad at any point? Yamcha said he felt weaker when the android grabbed him," Gohan said.

"What!?" Piccolo asked.

"That's right! I felt my Ki leaving my body the longer that android held onto me. Goku would know if it happened to him," Yamcha explained. Up in the air, Goku delivers a devasting kick that crashes the android to the ground. The other cheered at what appeared to be the decisive blow. Unfortunately, 19 got back up with only scuff marks adorning his body. Fed up, Goku clasps his hands together to use his signature move.

"Kamehame-Ha!!!"The beam bares down 19 with incredible force. This moment was what killer machine was preparing for since the fight started. With an almost jubilant glee, 19 extends his hand upwards. The attack collided with his palm, and much to the horror of everyone present, absorbed into his body.

"H-he absorb his attack...!?" Crystalline said in disbelief.

"You see! It's true! They can steal our energy!!!" Yamcha exclaimed, adding to the shock the Z warriors felt.


Panting, Goku clutches his chest as he looks on bafflement. "You got to be kidding me...!" The others watch on with mounting concern as Goku looked positively drained.

"Look at him. He's completely winded. How did that thing take so much power!?" Crystalline asked. 'It makes my ability to gather live look like child's play!'

"No, it something else that's sapping his strength," Piccolo offered.

Now recharged, 19 begins his retaliation. This time, the portly android is far more efficient. He dodges a one-two combo by Goku and slams his knee into his stomach. Goku responded with an elbow to 19's face, but it was ineffective. 19 launches another blow to Goku's midsection causing him to stagger. He then raised his arms up and brought them upon Goku's back. Goku recovers before he hits the ground. Frustration took over again. And Goku primed another Kamehameha despite his friends' warnings. Sadly, the attack fizzled out, and the Saiyan warrior felt even more exhausted. To everyone's surprise, Goku retreated and landed on the ground to catch his breath. His breathing was rough and labored as he desperately clutches his chest. Gohan saw this and finally put the pieces together.


"That makes no sense! The virus was supposed to afflict him much earlier than this!!!" Crystalline reminded.

"Yes, but somehow, Trunks visit has altered the course of history!" Piccolo said.

"This is horrible...! I-I feel like I'm dying!" Goku said in a strained tone.

"Goku, here catch; Senzu Bean!!!" Krillin shouted as he tosses a bean to Goku.

"Thank goodness for Korin,"

Android 20 just grin maliciously at the scene. "We are well aware of the restorative properties of the Senzu bean. The beans magic may be working, but we won't give you time to recover!"

Android 19 steps forward and fires twin laser out of his eyes. Goku barely manages to evade. But the android was already on top of him. Goku took to the skies again, however, 19 flickers in front of him. He connected with a hook to Goku's jaw. Then shoulder tackles him in his back, followed by another overhead strike. Goku felt like a ping-pong before 19 slams him into the ground on his backside. The damage he sustains, coupled with the heart virus, was too much to hold the Super Saiyan form. Goku reverted to his base form, making him that much more vulnerable. 19 crashes on top of Goku and pins his arms down with his feet. He then grabs hold of his throat and begins to steal his energy.

"The heart virus easily one of my most painful experience in my life. It felt like someone was reaching into my body and crushing my heart. Everything I did only seemed to make it worse," Goku explains.

"But not even a heart virus can stop you!" Scootaloo stated firmly. Goku ruffles her mane in response.

"Um, Goku, that virus isn't contagious right?" Starlight asked nervously.

"Nah. Trunks cure took care of it," There were multiple sighs of relief at that.

"Still, those androids sound vicious," Shining Armor said.

"I can't imagine having to fight something specifically made to kill you..." Cadence uttered softly.

"So how did you get out of the situation Goku?" Spike asked.

"Believe it or not, but Vegeta saved me," Goku said, much to the shock of everyone.

"Are you certain? He doesn't seem like the type to lend his help without gaining something in return," Ember said incredulously.

"It's true. Vegeta did give us his brand of 'help,'" Piccolo said.

19 turns to the Z warriors with a sinister smile on his face as Goku's power courses through his circuits. The situation was becoming dire as Goku's futile struggling slowly died down. Anxiousness was plastered on the Z fighter's faces as Goku grew weaker against the androids efforts. "Enough of this! We need to help him now! " Crystalline shouted. Our heroes dashed over to help only for Android 20 appears right in front of them, blocking their path.

"That is far enough. Unless one of is foolish enough to try and get past me!"

"Sorry pal, but there are no fools here!" Piccolo tried to lunge forward. But 20 reacted accordingly. "Gah!!!" Two beams struck Piccolo's upper torso, causing to fall to the ground. Gohan and the others landed near him as they were unable to save Goku.

Android 20 sneered at the group as he felt victory within reach. "Aw yes. Soon the Great Son Goku will die and you all along with him. Dr. Gero greatest ambition finally realized,"

Goku's arms flew to his side as his strength left him. Death was all but guaranteed as 19 continued to laugh. However, the androids victory celebration came to an abrupt halt in the form a white boot crashing into 19's face. This action causes the portly android to lose his grip on Goku's throat. 19 was slow to get up, a boot print embedded on his left cheek, as he gazes on his assailant. The androids and the Z fighters were dumbfounded at their new arrival. Goku's savior was none other than Prince Vegeta.

"You won't be killing Kakarot today. Destiny has reserved that honor for me," Vegeta proclaimed.

"That's who it was!!!" Piccolo exclaimed as his eyes shot open. Android 20 looked perturb by the fact that Piccolo was still alive.

"What do you mean?" Gohan asked.

"It was Vegeta. He was the one that shot at me. The Android got a shot in, but only due to Vegeta's interference,"

"Hmph. Nice of the Prince to help us in our time of need," Crystalline said sarcastically.

"You are a fool Karakrot. You should've taken that warning about the heart virus more seriously. You should've known that transforming into a Super Saiyan would only make it worse," Vegeta crosses his arms as he continued. "I'm going to deal these androids now. But once that is taken care of, you're next, got it?" Goku groans in response. "Good," With that said, Vegeta kicks Goku over to the other as Piccolo catches him.

"Goku!" Krillin yelled in alarm.

"He's in bad shape!" Tien stated.

"He's barely hanging on by a thread!" Yamcha added.

"Then get him out of here already!" Crystalline barked.

"She's right! Yamcha, take Goku and give him that heart medicine. You better take a swig of that stuff as well. There's a chance the disease may be viral," Piccolo ordered. Yamcha complies as he hoisted Goku on his shoulder.

"Coming Crystalline?" Yamcha asked. Before she could respond, Piccolo spoke.

"No! She stays here. We need all the capable fighters we can get," Crystalline didn't if she should be angry that Piccolo just spoke for her or happy that he recognized her talents.

Yamcha wanted to protest, but Crystalline reluctantly agreed. "I hate to say it. These androids could use a lesson in respect. Go on boy toy. I'll be fine,"

19 prepared to give chase, but 2- stops him. "Let them go 19. They pose us no threat. You have done quite well 19. It is clear that Goku is no match for us. We can finish him at our leisure. For now, we shall entertain ourselves by destroying all of Goku's weakling friends!" The z warriors all tensed up at that. "This is going to be very enjoyable!"

"Guys... Maybe we should fall back," Krillin said.

"What!? Why?" Gohan demanded.

"Think about it; that guy from the future said that we all perish in a battle except for you. So why should we let that happen? It doesn't make sense! There are some minor differences, but the stage does seem set for us to die!!!"

"No way! If we leave, then these will go on another killing spree like before. Is that what you want?" Krillin grimaced as he remains silent. The truth of Gohan's words weighed heavily on his conscience.

"There is a chance that it might not happen like that guy said it would. There are some differences. Goku being alive is a major one!" Piccolo said as he turns to Crystalline. "There was also no mention of you dying in the future. You could be our ace in the hole. So I say we pretend like we never heard that prophecy!"

"I thank you for recognizing my attributes. But, you know, I could always leave and save myself. That could be why I'm not mentioned~," Crystalline teased. Her tone was sweet and calculating. Piccolo sends her a mild glare while she smiles in response. "Just some food for thought. But you won't have to worry. I'll be here to hold your hands,"

19 stood in attention as he bows to 20. "I will finish Vegeta now, yes?"

"You are very greedy 19. You already gorge yourself on Goku's energy to increase your power, have you not? Very well. You may have Vegeta, but the rest are mine understand?" 19 smiled with glee as he turns to Vegeta and adopts a fighting stance.

The Saiyan prince smiles at the display. "I was watching your battle with Kakarot. So I've seen your energy-absorbing technique. Oh well, if I cannot blast you away then I'll just have to pound you into a pulp, that's all!"

"You've seen some of my moves. But I know all of your moves Vegeta. Yes, Dr. Gero studied you very thoroughly," 19 stated with a flick of his earring.

"Oh, is that a fact? Then why were you so surprised when Kakarot turn into a Super Saiyan? I'll tell you why; because your database doesn't cover the battles, we had in space. Your bonehead creator picked a fine chapter to emit from your memory banks!"

"Oh?" 19 asked with a smirk.

"That's right my friend. Let me ask you; does a machine like yourself ever experience fear!?" Vegeta grunted as his body tenses up. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth while veins protruded from the side of his head. His entire body trembles with exertion as his spiky black hair flash yellow. His pupils flickered from greenish-blue to black again while the ground craved in from under him. The onlookers found themselves dumbfounded by this unprecedented turn of events.

"You got to be kidding me!" Krillin shouted.

A look of horror etched its way on Android 20 face. "...Not him too!!!"

"AAAAH!!!" Vegeta's power explodes outward as 19 stumbles back from the force. The caves in further as Vegeta transformation reached its zenith point. "RAAAA-RAAA-UAAAAAAGH!!!" A bright light shone from the Saiyan prince that blinded everyone around him.

"Whoa. I guess we know who joined the Super Saiyan club. He is on our side isn't he?" Gohan said with a hint of worry.

"Of all the people to gain such power, it had to be him!" Crystalline mutters. Vegeta stood tall with a proud look on his face. His golden aura flared with intensity as he began to walk out of the crater.

"Ok, I'm confused. I thought you had to be like Goku to become a Super Saiyan!? Goku's so calm and detached and pure-hearted. But I guess those aren't considered prerequisites!!!" Krillin ranted.

"I'm afraid not. There's more than one way to reach the goal!" Vegeta explains as he came to a stop. "Yes, to each his own. My motivation was very different from Kakarot's. My motivation was to be the best! To be the mightest Saiyan alive as I always have been-- Until Kakarot came into the picture that is!!!" Vegeta's eyes twitched with repressed anger. "Kakarot's success was like a demon in my head. How could he be a Super Saiyan when I, the prince of all Saiyans, could not!? The intensity of my training was maddening! At 450 times normal gravity, an average training game became a desperate struggle for survival! Even the simplest of moves required every ounce of willpower I had. I wasn't sure how long I could sustain the effort without breaking in two. It seemed like the only thing holding my body together was my one desire-- To be better than Kakarot! At times I thought I was losing my mind. Why couldn't I obtain what Kakarot had obtained? It didn't make sense! It was infuriating, and it was my fury that kept me alive!"

"Unbelievable...!" Crystalline uttered as Vegeta continued.

"I decided to continue my training in the solitude of space where I would be unhindered by the distractions of the Earth. And when a violent electrical storm erupted in the skies of the planet I was on, I welcomed it. It seemed fitting like it was an outward manifestation of the storm that was raging inside of me! Then the meteors started coming down. But I was determined to survive and to protect my ship from destruction! It was my only way out. My ticket off of that nightmarish heap of rubble! I thought I had everything under control. But then, the mother of all meteors came crashing down to claim my ship and my life!!!" Everyone could just stand stupified atVegeta's tale.

"Normally, it would've been child's play to blow up that rock. But after training under 450 times normal gravity for so long, it took everything I had and more!!! I managed to destroy it, but the force of the explosion sent me crashing to the ground. I emerged from a pile of rubble battered, bloodied, and wounded. Then something just snapped. Something burst open inside of me. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care about being better than Kakarot! I didn't care about becoming a Super Saiyan!! I didn't care if I lived!!! I didn't care about anything!!!!!! And then it happened..."

"I-impossible...!" Crystalline stammered out. 'No creature could live through such an ordeal!'

Vegeta's eyes fell on hers, and he delighted in seeing her expression. "Yes, that is how it happened. That's how I became a Super Saiyan! The sleeper has awakened! I am the Prince of all Saiyans once again!!!" Vegeta declares.

"450 times normal gravity..." Twilight muttered in a dazed state. She kept repeating that same sentence for a while now after hearing Vegeta's Super Saiyan origins.

"Drake! Intense, I need to step up my training!" Spike said.

"I-it's not all that impressive. I could do that..." Ember stated. Although, her tone suggested otherwise.

"Is that all you two derived from that tale!? Vegeta practically killed himself to transform! That's just absurd!" Rarity said dramatically.

"I got to give the guy credit. I can't think of one pony that pushes themselves that hard," Rainbow said.

"Indeed. The prince has far greater conviction than I thought," Luna said with respect.

"That or insanity!" Shining Armor stated.

"And all for the sake of being better than somepony else," cadence added.

"I'm so glad earning cutie marks isn't that tough," Scootaloo said with a shiver.

"I know I wouldn't try half the crazy things he did," Applebloom said.

"So wait, he became a Super Saiyan because he stopped caring about becoming a Super Saiyan?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"One often achieves their goal when they stop trying to achieve it," Celestia sagely said.

"Is that how it was for you Gohan?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Not really, becoming a Super Saiyan was different for all of us," Gohan said.

"I know my transformation wasn't enjoyable..." F.Trunks muttered. Pinkie brought the teen into a hug that managed to lift his spirits.

"Oh, this is delightful! You Saiyans are wonderous creatures!" Discord cheered.

"Regardless, the story is far from over," Piccolo said.

"You will find that, just like Goku, your transformation is tantamount to a waste of energy. Please demonstrate 19," Android 20 said a matter of factly.

19 smirks as he fires his eyes at Vegeta. They attack made a 90 degree turn straight down and drew up a dust cloud. 19 uses the distraction to burst from the ground and fire his laser again. This time, they made contact. There was another detonation that drew up a dust cloud, covering Vegeta's form. The fog dissipated to reveal Vegeta unharmed. 19 manically laugh's as he charges in his right arm cocked back. Vegeta just stans there as the android connects with a punch aimed at his face. Vegeta recoils while the Z warriors gasp in shock. But 19 was far from done. He pleated Vegeta's front with a flurry of left and right hooks until he ended with a headbutt. The blow manages to stagger the Saiyan prince a bit, but he remains standing. The satisfied looks on the androids faces fell when Vegeta slowly gazes back at 19 with a smirk on his face.

"Just as I thought, you're nothing!" 19 had a look of confusion at this declaration. "Silly robot! Do you honestly think you have a chance against a Super Saiyan like me!? Your brain must be malfunctioning. Fresh out of the factory with no warranty, and already broken. Such a pity!"

Crystalline felt chills run up her spine at Vegeta words, as did the rest of the Z fighters. The vicious cruelty was almost palpable from where she was standing. "I'm having trouble deciding who's the danger here," She said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Vegeta takes two steps toward 19 before he firmly plants his foot into the androids stomach. And for the first time since the encounter with the androids, 19 let out a shout of pure agony. Vegeta follows up with an elbow strike and a kick to the face that sends 19 barreling into the dirt. The blows knock away the head casing on 19's cranium, reveal a brain comprise of circuits and machinery.

"Man-- Vegeta!!!" Tien gasps out. Android couldn't believe this turn of events.

Vegeta calmly walks up to the android as he lay motions on the ground. He proceeds to taunt it, causing 19 to attempt a sneak, that Vegeta dodges easily. He slams two of his feet into 19 thus launching skyward where Vegeta gives chase. They hover in the air until 19 launches a barrage of strikes that Vegeta dodges. The Saiyan prince counters by punch 19's face, resulting in his mouth and nose to bleed. "Seems you sprung an oil leak. What a bad deal, and such a fragile unit!" Vegeta continued to mock. He lands a double palm strike that blasted 19 into the ground, nearly crushing the Z fighters in the process. A sizeable crater laid in wake after Vegeta's attack. 19 was half buried into the ground as Vegeta landed in front of him. "Despicable! What a useless machine!"

It was at that moment, 19 sprung to life and took hold of Vegeta wrists. "Haha,! Oh yes! I have you now, and soon, I will have all your energy!" Android 20 grinned deliciously now that 19 shifted the tide back in their favor.

"Oh Noooo!!!" Krillin shouted in protest.

"That arrogant fool...!" Crystalline sneered

"Do not try to resist, yes, it is useless! Until I have your energy, I will never let you go!" 19 boasted.

"Never huh? Well, since I'm not going anywhere. I might as well get a workout going..." Vegeta said as he hoisted himself up and plants both of his feet on 19's cheeks. He began to push against the androids grip as 19 struggled to keep his grip. "Well, so far I'm impressed. You're very true to your word! But never can be a long time android! And you already look like you're under a lot of pressure! You still think you can hang on long enough to steal my energy?"

"I. Will. Never. Let. You. Go!!!" 19 grunted out.

Vegeta chuckles in response. "Yes, that's the spirit android. NEVER SAY DIE!" With one last push, Vegeta breaks 19's hold, taking the hands of the machine with him. Everyone gasps out in horror as 19 fell to the ground looking at his newly amputated hands. Fresh oil sputter from the damage as Vegeta inspects the androids severed hands. "So this is the device that allows you to steal our energy," He said as he gazes upon a bright red node in the middle of 19's palm. He looks back at 19 who was staring at Vegeta with a crippling fear. "What's the matter? You started this little game, and now you don't want to play anymore? You were having so much fun earlier when you were sucking the life out of Kakarot!!!" Vegeta took several menacing steps toward 19 who trembled like a frightened child. "So it's true after all. Androids do experience fear!"

That did it. 19 couldn't take anymore. The android found itself thoroughly outclassed, and 19 knew it. It scampered up out of the crater and ran pas his colleague. He sprinted as much as his leg could carry as he desperately tried to escape. Vegeta didn't let him get far. He flew out of the crater and hovered in the sky. He spotted the retreating android easy enough and prepared to finish him. Android 20 shouted in disapproval. "ENOUGH!!!"

"Don't be absurd! It's enough because you're losing! You've come here to destroy us!!! Fool! You got to finish what you started!" Android 20 was cowed into silence as Vegeta flares his aura. He extended his right arm toward 19 and gathered his Ki. "Time has run out for you android...!"

The Z fighter watches on in amazement at Vegeta rising power level. "What maddening reserves of strength!!!" Crystalline stated.

"Here it comes! A little going away present for you! Big Bang Attack!!!" Vegeta fires a giant ball of Ki at 19 that engulf the androids entire form. The explosion was immense. And all that remained of Android 19 was a severed head. With a self-satisfied grin, Vegeta spoke. "I only wish there was a scrapyard around so we can give him a proper burial!"

"I'm having trouble deciding how I feel about what we just heard..." Starlight groans as she rubbed her temples.

"I don't think we should think too hard about it. Veget had a point. These mean cyborgs wanted to hurt everyone. If they spread joy instead of misery than we could've had a big party," Pinkie said.

"I suppose you're right darling. But Vegeta didn't have to be so callous about it," Rarity huffed.

"My mood becomes sour at the sound of Vegeta's grab for power," Zecora said.

"But at least there was only one android to handle now," Silver Spoon.

"Actually. Things only got more complicated..." F.Trunks stated.

"How so if you don't mind me asking?" Fluttershy asked.

"After Vegeta beat the first android, the other one tried to escape. It was difficult trying to track something with no Ki signature," Gohan explained.

"It was only after the android ambushed me that we found him," Piccolo said.

"How did you escape?" Shining Armor asked.

"As strange as this is going to sound, Chrysalis saved Piccolo," Gohan stated. The equestrians stared at the boy in disbelief.

"But why?" Cadence asked

"Probably to save her skin. the androids were a threat to all of at the time," Krillin summarised.

"Or maybe she did care and wanted to help?" Yamcha offered.

"Seriously?" Applebloom said flatly.

"It could be a possibility. Five years growing close to us might have changed Chrysalis somewhat," Master Roshi said.

"Doubtful. We would not find ourselves in this predicament if that were true," Luna said.

"Despite her motives, Chrysalis took the fight to the android," Tien stated.

"You insipid woman!!!" Android 20 snarled. His careful planning to steal energy from the z fighters to confront Vegeta was now foiled.

"What? I just wanted to join in on the fun you two were having~," Crystalline said innocently. Piccolo was panting heavily after having some of his energy stolen. Gohan tended to his needs as the other Z fighter showed up and cut off Android 20 escape.

"About time you started proving useful," Vegeta said in a snide tone.

"Krillin, give me a senzu bean!" Piccolo stated. Krillin complies and gives Piccolo. The Namekian warrior eats the bean quckly. Once he swallowed, Piccolo began to strip away his training gear. He geared himself for battle. However, a halting gesture from Crystalline gave him pause. "What are you doing?"

"I know your feeling miffed about this walking appliance getting the better of you. But you are not the only one with a grudge...!" Crystalline turns her attention to the android in question. "You tried to break something that wasn't yours, so now you will answer to me!" Everyone knew she was referring to Yamcha.

Android 20 features relaxed a bit. "You surprise me, madam. After everything you have witnessed, you still believe you can offer me strife? And here I deduced that you held a monochrome of intelligence,"

Crystalline said nothing. Instead, she merely smiles sweetly at Android 20 as she flickers in front of him. She raises her hand, and in one quick motion, slaps android 20 into a rock pillar. The android pulls himself free, stunned at that sudden display of strength. He looks back at Crystalline who was already hovering next to his right side. 20 turns around only to receive a backhand that sends him crashing through the same rock pillar. On the other face of the destroyed rock formation, Android 20 barely got his bearings before Crystalline slams into the ground below. She idly checks her nails as 20 pulls himself out of the rubble.

"What is happening? ! My scanners can't make heads or tails of this mystery woman. A mere human should not be capable of these feats!!!"

"Come now. I'm hardly warming up~," Crystalline teased.

Snarling in frustration, Android 20 lunges at Crystalline. The woman gave a brief yawn as android 20 sent a barrage of strikes. But, try as he might, the machine couldn't lay a hand on Crystalline. She allowed the futile android efforts to continue before she bashes her knee against his stomach. She then follows up with a chop to the back of the neck. This attack sent the killer cyborg flying back into the floor once again.

"Amazing..." Tien said in awe.

"Whoa, I didn't think she'd be this good!!!" Krillin added.

"Hmph!" Vegeta said.

"She's got him on the ropes," Gohan proclaimed.

"It appears so, but let's not celebrate too soon..." Piccolo stated.

Elsewhere, Trunks floated high above Metro-west City as he surveyed the damage. So far everything went as he predicted and the android struck the population below. "At least the city is still standing. That tells me everyone was able to prevent a greater catastrophe. I better catch up with them," He summoned his aura and took off in the direction where he felt the other Z fighters energy. Along the way, Trunks spotted something that caused a chill to run down his spine. He landed in the rocky fields, standing over the remains of an android's corpse, in complete bewilderment. A rising panic took hold as he fixated his gaze on the severed head.

"No...! How can this be? How much has history change!?" A loud explosion caught his attention. Trunks turned his head to a dust cloud in the distance. "The battle must still be going on! I got to see this for myself!!!" With that said. Trunks leaped into the air and soared to the battlefield.

Meanwhile, Crystalline's one-sided battle against Android 20 raged on. She sent 20 ricocheting off of two rock columns as a giant dust cloud blanketed the area. She had a bored expression on her features as she waits for the machine to resurface. "Honestly. I think that boy oversold you walking tin men. That or he's a lot weaker than I gave him credit for," Just then, the dust cloud shot out toward Crystalline. Android 20 pops out with his hand extended as the debris shrouded their forms.

"Aah! Did he get her?" Gohan asked. The smoke clears to reveal Crystalline gripping the androids right arm while said android had a tight grip on her forearm. "Uh! They got each other!!!" Everyone looks on in alarm as they saw the victorious smirk on 20's face.

"Hehe, the outcome was never stacked in your favor madam. I will have your energy, and then I can deal with the others!!!" Android 20 gloated.

"Careless woman! Now I have to clean up your mess," Vegeta said as he readied to intervene. Or at least he would have if Crystalline hadn't begun laughing.

"Oh, I am sorry. But that self-assured face your making is too much to bare!" Crystalline cackled, confusing everyone present. "On another note, I didn't think Androids could be so bold as to grab at a beauty such as myself~,"

"What are you babbling about, woman!? I have you in my grasp! And your energy is mine for the taking!!!" Android 20 reminded.

"Do you now? I suppose I would be worried if the arm in your gasp was real!" For a brief moment, the cloaking image morphs from a fair tan skin to smooth metal. A daunting realization hit Android 20 in full force. "I'm surprised you didn't notice,"


Crystalline's smile grew wider as she giggles with malicious glee. "Now then, I don't believe I permitted you to touch my person. It's time to teach you some manners!!!" Crystal brought her free arm down in a chopping motion, completely severing the arm gripping her prosthetic limb, and forcing the killer cyborg to let go. Before 20 could react, Crystal flickers behind him and connects with a roundhouse kick that blasted him into the terrain.

"This is it...! We did it, you guys! The future is changing!!!" Gohan exclaimed in excitement.

"Sure looks like it!" Tien said.

"Oh man! We're going to live!!!" Krillin shouted in joy.

Android 20 was slow to pick himself back up. He stares at the Z warriors with fear and trepidation. "I don't understand! I planned for every contingency. How could there still be such unaccounted variables!? None of this should be happening!?!?! I left nothing to chance!!!!!"

"Confused? It's simple; we receive word about your arrival in advance, and we prepared it," Crystalline announced with a grin.

"My understanding is that the battle we're now fighting ended with the defeat of the others and myself by two androids originally. But, now history has changed!!! Either your not as powerful as we've been lead to believe. Or we are stronger than you precious data could calculate for!!!!" Piccolo added with a smirk of his own.

"N-no...!" Android 20 grunted out.

"Quit toying with the thing and end it already!" Vegeta said impatiently.

"Hush up blondie. I want to savor this..." Crystalline said. Just as she went to finish the android menace for good, Trunks came onto the scene. He took one glance at the Android and trembled in terror at the implications.

"Hey there! You're just in time. We about got things wrapped up here," Tien said.

"...Nononono- NO!!!" Trunks uttered in horror.

"Trunks? Why are you back in this time?" Piccolo asked. Vegeta recoiled in shock at that name.

"Um... What's wrong? We're about to win! Shouldn't you be happy?" Krillin asked.

"How!? How could history have altered to this extent!?" Trunk said through gritted teeth.

"You are not making any sense!" Crystalline said in an irritated tone.

"Spit it out already boy! Wasn't your mission to alter history so that the Androids no longer threat in the future!" Vegeta recalled.

"No, not like this-- This thing isn't the Android! It can't be one of them!!!" Trunks insisted. The other Z fighter became thunderstruck.

"What!? You said that two Androids would appear on this day to destroy the world. These are the Androids we've been fighting this entire time!!!" Crystalline argued.

"No, it's not. Nothings changed in the future! History has drastically transformed into something unrecognizable. Whatever that thing is, it is not the same android from my timeline!!!" Trunks elaborated.

"Wait! What did he say?" Krillin said in surprise.

"What is going on here?" Tien added.

"If what you say is true then who have we been battling!?!?!" Piccolo utters. Very cautiously, the Z fighters gazed about Android 20 with a stupefied expression.

*Gasp* "Dun Dun DUUUUUN!!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed in dramatic fashion.

"I know! What a plot twist!!!" Discord said as he scarfs down a handful of popcorn.

"That is so freaky..." Scootaloo said.

"So that entire time, you all been fighting a radically different pair of Androids!?" Twilight asked as she jotted down notes.

"That's correct," Piccolo confirms.

"How does something like this transpire?" Luna asked.

"Trunks told us during our mission that some varmint named Cell messed with the past something fierce before he ever got going," Applejack explained.

"Cell? As in a microorganism that makes up our bodies?" Twilight asked.

"It more of a namesake since the cells of Earth's mightiest warriors comprises him. Dr. Gero had more secrets in that lab than anyone could account for," F. Trunks informed.

"We also found out that Android 20 was in actuality Dr. Gero himself," Bulma revealed, shocking the equestrians. "I recognized him when I came onto the scene. I also remembered that he had a secret laboratory hidden in the mountains,"

"Hold on! How did he put his brain inside the body of a robot with killing himself?" Ember asked.

"He took his brain out and put it into an android's body," Bulma answers with an amused expression. Ember growled at this. "I'm kidding. Most likely, he preprogrammed some machines to operate on himself after he built his android body,"

Ember huffs at the snide remark. "And why is it a big deal if the androids were different?"

"Tampering with the timeline caused a butterfly effect," F. Trunks said.

"What's that, darling?" Rarity asked.

"The butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on the Initial condition in which a small change in one state of a Nonlinear deterministic system can result in vast differences in a later state," Android 16 informs. The Equestrians and Ember all blinked at that before they shifted their attention to Twilight for a translation.

"What he means is this: small causes can have larger effects. By changing the most minute detail in the past, significantly alters the future,"

"That also means that the possibility of meeting the correct androids was still there," Starlight finished.

"It wasn't a possibility...! We encountered them when we finally located Dr. Gero's lab..." F. Trunks grimly said.

"Hey look, here it is!" Krillin shouted. He leads the Z warriors along with Trunks to an unnatural hole planted in a mountainside. They all landed inside the rock formation to find a massive steel door blocking their path. Gohan had elected to take Bulma, Baby Trunks and Yajirobe home himself.

"This is it. I can hear voices inside!" Krillin said. Although, the door muffled the voices and our heroes couldn't hear them. "Sounds like there are more people inside, and they're disagreeing,"

"Or, we're too late," Crystalline pointed out.

"Then I say we introduce ourselves. Allow me to knock..." Vegeta held his palm out and an orb of Ki forms. He then thrust his attack toward the door, causing the rest of our heroes to panic. The blast collided with the door and blew them down. Inside the room was the most technologically advanced equipment on Earth. But what caught our heroes attention was Dr. Gero standing next two strangers.

"Hmm, a young man with black hair. And a young blonde woman, not unattractive. I assume these are the androids from your timeline?" Vegeta asked.

"That's them," Trunks replied.

"There they are. 17, 18 these are the interlopers that have been a thorn in my side! They threaten everything we've worked hard to achieve! I order you both to dispose of them at once!!!" Dr. Gero command. The Z warriors geared themselves for a fight. However, the two new androids made no moves against them. Instead, Android 18 moves to another containment unit with a figure inside.

"Hey 17, there's another android within this storage unit. Who is he, doctor?"

"No! Stay away from that container. Android 16 is a defective model!" Dr. Gero stated.

"There's another Android!?" Trunks exclaimed.

"There seems to be a lot of hardware that you overlooked. So I'm pretty sure this is three androids you missed. Do I hear four," Crystalline said in a snide tone.

"It looks pretty stuffy in there 18. Why don't you open it up? Let our new friend can get some fresh air?" Android 17 suggested. As 18 begins the process, Dr. Gero whips around in a fury at their disobedience.

"FOR THE LAST TIME, DO NOT RELEASE HIM!!!" Unfortunately for the doctor, 17 struck while he was distracted, and pierces his lower back. The Z fighter all gasp at the vicious display. All save for Trunks he grunted in anger. "What have you done...? D-don't you know; I gave you life! And I can take it away--" Dr. Gero barely finished that sentence before 17 kicks his head clear off his shoulders. His disembodied head rolls all the way to the Z fighters as they watch on in shock. "That's it! Now I am angry!!!"

Crystalline blinked at that head for a few seconds. "He's still talking..." Before anyone could form a response, 17 jumps over to them and squashes Dr. Gero like a bug under his boot. He smiles deviously at the Z warriors as he sizes them. He flicks his wrist in a 'come-hither' gesture.

"I-I think he wants you Vegeta," Krillin stuttered.

"Hey, you with the shiny head, come here," 17 corrected.

"What! No way!!!"

"Go on, you fool, face him!" Vegeta demanded.

"Don't worry Krillin. I got your back!" Tien said firmly. However, despite the reassurances, Krillin was very hesitant to take the android up on its offer. Crystalline saw this and rolls her eyes. Boldly, Crystalline stands in front of 17. The woman held a full head over both of the cyborgs as they inspected one another.

With a smirk, 17 spoke. "Well, you're a big one. And in more than one way,"

Crystalline returns the smirk. "Why thank you. I can't say the same for your friend though. But I guess Dr. Gero could only spring for quantity, not "quality," She said by putting extra emphasis on her chest. 17 laugh's at this while 18 frowns. He turns around and rejoins 18.

They stood in front of the containment unit as they shared a glance. "Open the chamber,"

This action proved to be Trunks' breaking point. "IF THEY SET THAT ANDROID FREE IT WILL BE THE END OF ALL OF US!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Piccolo and Vegeta gasp out in shock as Trunks turns Super Saiyan and clasp his hands together in front of him. An energy blast erupted from his palms and barrels into the lab where the entire mountain structure exploded. A thick cloud of smoke bloomed in the wake of Trunks' attack. The Z fighters hover in the air as they watch for any sign of the Androids.

After a few moments, Vegeta was the first to speak. "Bad move! What you go and do that for?"

"What do you mean?" Trunks asked.

"Look there," The others follow Vegeta sight to find the android utterly unscathed by Trunks attack.

"No way! How can anything survive that!? That was my most intense blast!" Trunks said vehemently.

"I am starting to notice a trend here," Crystalline uttered. In the distance, the Z warriors watched helplessly as the 17 and 18 release Android 16.

"Oh, no! They went and released him!!!" Krillin said in alarm.

"And now we have to deal with three of them...!" Tien grimly said.

"Hmph. Never send a boy to do a man's job!" Vegeta mocked. However, all three androids took off in the opposite direction. "What the-- What nerve! They think they ignore me?" Instantly, Vegeta transformed and went to give chase. But instead, Trunks barred his path.

"No! Listen, we have to wait for Goku. With the androids active and this new mystery one, we need all the power we can throw at them!!!"

Vegeta scoffs at this. "Don't presume to issue orders to me boy! So far, your predictions about the androids have been wrong at every turn. I see no reason to fear them. But more importantly..." Vegeta then got into Trunks face and issued him a hard glare. "I wait for no one. Especially Kakarot!!!" With that said, Vegeta flew off in the same direction as the Androids.

"We need to go after him. Super Saiyan or not, he's outnumbered," Piccolo said as he flares his aura. Krillin, Trunks, and Tien followed suit as they followed Vegeta. Crystalline was slow to respond but eventually caught up while she grumbles.

"Leave it to the pigheaded, prideful fool to complicate the matter..."

"So what were they like?" Sweetie Belle asked the great Android. 16 looks at her for elaboration. "!7 and 18. What were they like?"

"Sweetie Belle was it? We already covered that they were monsters," F. Trunks reminded.

"That statement is misinformed," 16 said as he moves closer to the group. "Androids 17 and 18 were not monsters,"

F. Trunks shot up and glared at 16 as he released some of his power. "How the hell can you say that!? Over a third of the population in my was wipe out by those two!!! There's only a pocket full of humans left!!!" Those who hadn't heard F.Trunks' tale gasped out in horror.

"You are drawing your opinions about 17 and 18 from their counterparts in your time. The 17 and 18 of the present were vastly different from the ones in the future. I believe it is a safe assessment to claim that 17 and 18 were still determining what they sought in life beyond Dr. Gero's programming,"

"And how many people died in their journey of self-discovery? The news reports covered much of your trip through the countryside! If Cell hadn't come along what's was to stop them killing more people till they had their fill. Or fulfilling their mission in killing Goku. I don't recall you saying that you renounced trying to kill him, merely that it was a moot point because Goku's is far stronger now!"

"...Trunks..." Rarity called out. F. Trunks noticed that his power was fluctuating and everyone save for the Z fighters backed away from him. With an exasperated sigh, F. Trunks calmed down and motions to leave the ship for some air. He sent one last disparaging look at 16 as he steps outside.

"Well that happened," Discord said with a slip of his drink. Ignoring the lethal glares he received.

"Perhaps I have touched upon a traumatizing issue," 16 said.

"None of us can truly understand what he went through in his time. The wound is still very fresh. But I believe Trunks will open himself up when he is ready," Celestia said.

"Affirmative," 16 then turns his gaze back to Sweetie Belle. "But, to answer, the earlier inquiry in regards to what my companions were like personality wise. 17 and 18 were-- cool by my standards. Despite any precognitions. We did not actively seek to hurt others. Except for Son Goku,"

Sweetie Belle chuckles nervously at that. "...Um, ok,"

"Just so we're clear; if anyone in your group interferes with their fight, then I'll be forced to step in myself," 17 said a matter of factly. Z fighters manage to catch up with the Androids by following Vegeta's Ki signature. He and Android 18 were fighting on a rocky terrain as they watched from an elevated roadway. After laying down the ground rules, 17 returns to 16 side on the far end of the road. The Z fighter's reluctantly agreed to his terms and watched the battle progress with trepidation.

18 charges Vegeta and scores a left that sends him skyward. Vegeta recovers and counters with a headbutt to her midsection. He then follows up with a double hand strike to her back that plows in the landscape. Far from finished, Vegeta charges a blast and launches at 18. The android in question had just enough time to look up as the attack engulfs her form in a loud detonation. Vegeta dashes into to smoke and lands a few feet in front of 18. Her clothes were in ruins, and scuff marks covered her form. But she was otherwise unharmed. Vegeta chuckles at her current state of being.

"What's wrong? You look a bit ruffled," Vegeta taunted.

"Yes, well, looks aren't everything. You fight very well for such a little man. Even if you are a Saiyan," 18 said as she threw down her ruined jacket.

"Of course, there are very few that are willing to train as hard as I have to gain this power,"

18 casually swipes her hair behind her right ear. "...And it's still not enough! How sad, to work so hard for so little!"

"Sad for you!!!" Vegeta lunges forward with a knee that 18 guards against with her forearm. The two begin a furious exchange as dust and debris flew everywhere. Vegeta struck with intensity on every blow while 18 defends.

"That fool has no idea what he got himself into accepting this fight," Crystalline said.

"What do you mean? He's pushing her back!" Trunks argued.

"And wasting his energy while she waits him out," Crystalline counters.

"She right. Every move Vegeta makes takes more of his stamina. He'll burn out, and the android will counter-attack," Piccolo confirms.

Vegeta throws a chop that 18 quickly blocks. She counters with a swipe of the leg that forces Vegeta to back off. 18 keeps up the pressure though as she throws a left jab. Vegeta evades it well enough, but he couldn't avoid the forearm strike that followed. vegeta stumbles back as he gritted his teeth. He darts forward and throws another punch that 18 effortlessly catches in her palm. Vegeta throws another blow with his free hand only to meet the same result. 18 pulls him and plants her knee into Vegeta's gut.

Then she follows up with a hook to the Saiyan's princes cheek. She wraps up with a straight kick to his torso that pushes Vegeta back and slams him into a boulder. Vegeta's confident visage was slowly giving way to doubt as 18 strides up to him. Undeterred, he flares his aura and tries to land a flying kick. But 18 leaps out of the way and connects with a cross kick to his chin. The strike manages to stagger the prince long enough for 18 to swoop in on his right side and buries a roundhouse into his arm. There was a sickening crack as Vegeta's arm bends at an unnatural angle. His dead limb dangles in the air as he takes a few steps away from the android before he fell to his knee's and release a wail of pure agony.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Trunks shout in disbelief.

"You truly are a fool Vegeta..." Crystalline seethed as panic started to rise.

"FATHER!!!" Trunks shouted as he grips his swords and dons his Super Saiyan form. He rushes in to aid his father despite 17 earlier warnings about interfering. He swings his blade as 18 notices his approach. There was a loud clank, and the sound of glass shattering as Trunks' brave sword broke against the android's arm. He looks on in horror at his ruin weapon, unaware of 17 rushing in after him. The android cups his hands and strikes Trunks into the back of his head. As Trunks fell to the ground, Piccolo and Tien joined the fray, leaving Krillin and Crystalline behind.

"Tsk! What was that old saying? 'Fools rushes in' I believe!" Crystalline said.

"U-uh, guys... Don't you think you're too hasty," Krillin uttered, but no one could hear him.

"Aren't you going to help the others?" She asked as she gestures down below. Piccolo was grounded from a vicious blow to his side by 17. That android in particular currently had Tien in a choke hold while Trunks began to stir. However, 18 tosses Vegeta into the young Saiyan just as he got to his feet. The blow knocks him unconscious as his Super Saiyan forms shut down. Vegeta tries one last sneak attack that 18 stops with little effort. She walks up to his prone form and presses her foot down on his other arm until there was a debilitating crunch. Vegeta passes out with another wail of pain. "From the looks of things, they might need it,"

"A-a re you crazy? They'll tear me apart! What about you!? You handled Dr. Gero just fine!"

"Yes, and he was just one android. Now there's three. You expect a delicate flower such as myself to face them alone?"

"...No, but-- Oh man! Not good...!" As 17 and 18 surveyed the carnage left in their wake, Krillin's eyes drifted to Android 16. "What's up with him? Why isn't he fighting and what's up with the birds?"

"Does it matter!? Dr. Gero said he was defective! Besides, we have more pressing concerns!"

"M-maybe if we're quiet, they'll forget about us!" No sooner did Krillin say that was when 17 and 18 set their sights on the duo.

"Any other brilliant suggestions? Maybe if you try quacking like a duck, they'll think your a wild animal,"

"...Quack..." 17 and 18 landed in front of the pair as they stared each other down.

"You look scared. Just relax, you are not the one we're looking for, okay? We want Goku!" 17 said.

"Speak for yourself..." 18 Trailed off as she walks to Crystalline and stood face to face with her. "What was that about quality over quantity? I think your friends down there can attest to my skills,"

"Yes, you've certainly proven you can take on multiple partners all at once," Crystalline shot back with a smirk, leaving that innuendo hanging in the air.

17 chuckles as 18's hand shot out and grope her chest area. Crystalline eyes shot open, and her breathing hitched. "I think that is your department with udders like these!"

Crystalline batts her hand away and glare at 18 before a smile appears. "Jealous? I'm sure your local hardware store can give you an upgrade-- UGH!!!" Crystalline words died in her throat as knee imbeds he knee into her stomach. She fell to her knees as she clutches her stomach.

"I hated when hussies get uppity. They're better off using their mouth's for more practical services than talking,"

Crystalline glare intensifies as she spoke in a strained voice. "You... Bit--" 18 caught her off by placing her foot on her head and forcing her down to the pavement.

"So vulgar~. But I'm not one for dirty talk. I like to get down to busy!" 18 said as she grinds her heel into Crystalline's skull.

"H-hey...! That's enough! Leave her alone!!!" Krillin commanded. But the blush on his face made it a moot point.

"Hey, what do you know? The little one can speak," 17 said.

18 removes her foot from Crystal and stands in front of Krillin. She leans in with an enticing look in her eyes. "Something you want to add?"

"I, um, I-I - Uh! - You see...!"

"Seems this one is at a loss for words. Come on, let's go find Goku!" 17 said as the two walks away from Krillin and Crystalline to rejoin 16.

Krillin helps his friend up as he checks on her. "You okay?"

Crystalline scoffs and pushes him away while rubbing her stomach. "Peachy!" She replied as she burns a hole into the blonde hair android with her eyes.

Krillin shifted his gaze between Crystal and the androids before he runs up to them. "Wait! You can't go after Goku! He's sick! He hasn't done anything to you!!!"

"16 was programmed to kill Goku, and that's what we are going to do!" 17 stated firmly.

"But why!? You killed Dr. Gero yourself!"

"Yes, I haven't forgotten about that. But this, friend, is a game,"

Crystalline scoffs while Krillin looks aghast. "A game!? It's just a game to you!?"

"That's right, yes, and finding Goku is apart of that game. that's why we did not ask you where he is, takes the fun out of it,"

"NO!!! Stop this! I beg of you, please!!! Don't go after Goku! You don't have to do this!!!" There was a brief silence before 16 spoke.

"No! I am programmed to destroy Son Goku!"

"There you go, pal. Now if you excuse us, we have work to do..." 17 said. "Stop worrying about Goku and take care of your other Friends. They look like they could use some senzu beans,"

18 took this time to walk up to Krillin and plant a kiss on his cheek. "Good luck~," She then looks back at Crystalline who was still scowling at her. "Bye bimbo," With that said, the trio of androids flew off into the distance.

Krillin was dumbstruck at what just transpired. So fixated was Krillin in the warmth of 18's lips on his cheek that he never noticed Crystalline storming up behind him.



"Quit daydreaming casanova! We have to scrap the others off of the dirt!!!" Crystalline barked, tone laced with venom.

"I don't believe you," Ember said flatly.

"I can't believe you!" Starlight scolded.

"It's true. Android 18 kissed my cheek before they ran off!" Krillin insisted. "And it's not like I could've stopped her from doing it!"

"How bold darling~. Flirting with the enemy like that, it's so scandalous! Were you hoping to win her over with the power of love?" Rarity teased.

"Uh, Hey! I never said I liked her!!!" Krillin denied.

"I don't know about that. I can feel some strong emotions emanating from you everytime someone says 18's name~," Cadence joined in on the teasing.

"You and I are just suckers for the bad girls, huh little buddy?" Yamcha tacked on, furthering Krillin's embarrassment.

"Apparently so considering the length's he went to protect from Cell," Bulma said.

Krillin blush was in full force before he turns away in shame. "Sorry I kinda froze when 17 and 18 attacked..."

"No one blames you Krillin. But I wonder why Chrysalis didn't help?" Goku asked.

"More than likely, she was gauging their power using us as Gemini pigs. I suspected that she was hiding her power from us, and that's why I took her with me in the hunt to Kami's lookout!" Piccolo said.

"You all keep mentioning Cell. Who is Cell exactly?" Shining Armor asked.

"Another android Trunks told us about, and the reason why the timeline is in shambles," Discord said.

"Geez! How many robots you guys had to deal with on that planet? " Rainbow asked.

"It does seem to be getting a might ridiculous," Applejack added.

"I know right! It's like you guys had a private invite only party and these androids keep crashing it!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"By my count, there were five initially, with Cell making a total of six," F. Trunks said as rejoins the group. He offers everyone an apologetic look that they accepted. "Crystalline was sure to let me know that,"

"Ok, and how bad was this Cell guy?" Scootaloo asked.

"Extremely bad!" Gohan said grimly.

[The Hive Castle.]

"What makes you say that? Between the three androids on the loose, how could things get much worse?" Thorax asked.

Chrysalis scoffs as she ignited her horn to fetch the new string of memories. "Let me put it to you like this; Cell makes the previous threats to that little dirtball look like foal's play. I dare say his strength and cunning outweigh's any changeling that came before me,"

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