• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 19: The Cost of Asylum! (Edited)

Author's Note:

We are winding down the Chrysalis arc. This chapter would've been out sooner, but I got sick( I hate the winter months...) Anyway, season six finale always irritated me with how everyone, including Celestia and Luna, got captured with zero explanation or struggle. So I will be coming up with a more believable method to their imprisonment in the coming chapters.

[The Hive Castle - Third Person POV.]

"This way Luna! We must hurry!" Celestia cried. Rips and scoff marks draped over her perfect dress.

"We are at a disadvantage sister! Chrysalis holds more knowledge on this structure than either of us!" Luna reminded. Her clothing was showing equal signs of damage.

"We mustn't quit Luna!"

"I said nothing of yielding, merely that our foe has us in a bind!"

The clopping of rapid hoof steps echoed throughout the interior. A pair of labored pants was drowned out by the sound of insect-like hissing going off from every corner. "Look, sister; an exit!" Luna called out. A pathway that was clear of hostiles lay just ahead of the royals as the diarchy rushed over to freedom only to have it denied as the doorway closed in on itself. "Is there no end to this madness!?" As if to answer her question, the soft clicking of heels was honing in on their position. Several figures gingerly made their way to the royal sisters. Celestia scowled deeply at the unconscious form of Cadence and the severely battered appearance of Shining Armor, dragged along the castle floor by the collars of their clothing by one of their hated adversaries.

"Chrysalis!" Celestia hissed through gritted teeth.

"You were expecting the dearly dethroned 'king?'" She mocked as she unceremoniously dropped her captives. "You always were slow on the uptake Celestia. It's a wonder you managed to rule a kingdom at all," She taunted as she looked at Luna next. "At least little Wuna is here by your side for once," Luna frown at that remark. "Not that either of you will be fine for much longer~!" Chrysalis ignited her horn as she leveled her palm at the two disheveled princesses. They watch in horror as an offensive spell barreled towards them.


[Eariler - Celestia's POV.]

I've often found a certain serenity to traveling by chariot. A quiet trip to any destination to help ease the burden of the ruling is always welcoming. However, I doubt I can achieve that same tranquil comfort given the current state of affairs. Once again, Chrysalis has proven to be a cunning adversary with her acquisition of the Dragonballs. We were careless in underestimating her. I can only hope that Thorax can assist in finding her.

"Is everything alright auntie?" Cadence asked. Shining Armor opted to sit outside the chariot.

"I am Cadence. I'm just reflecting on the latest plight we're facing,"

"Do you believe he can provide a means to locate Chrysalis?" Luna asked, joining the conversation.

"It stands to reason that he should since that his pact was formerly under Chrysalises leadership. I am sure they have a way to detect wayward or rouge changelings," Celestia said.

"Your Highnesses. We are coming up to the Hive Castle now," A guard pony said. The chariot rocked briefly as it touchdown in front of the Hive castle. Shining Armor opens the chariot for us as I notice the castle doors parting to make way for this land's regent. Thorax had a pleasant smile adorning his features as he walked up to us with two of his guards. He gave me a slight bow of respect while returned the gesture.

"Greetings everypony. I hope the trip wasn't too rough. It always seems hotter here in the badlands,"

"Our trip was fine King Thorax. The magically controlled temperature inside the chariots makes all the difference," Cadence said.

"I will see if I can do something to rectify the heat in the area soon," I said joyfully. At least this interaction is off to a good start.

"If you do not mind King Thorax, we have much business to discuss," Luna said curtly. I sent a disapproving gaze to my sisters' way. I realize tensions are high with the return of Chrysalis, but we must remain civil. Shining Armor was no better as he regarded the changelings with high suspicion.

"O-oh, no problem. Right, this way," Thorax lead us into his castle, and I must admit, the changeling takes on interior design is quite-- Unique. The overall color scheme that decorated the halls were different shades of dark green. The lightening held a dark ambiance not unlike what one would find in a humid swamp or forest. The corridors were slightly compact, leaving little space between us and the walls, yet still wide enough to have two single file lines. The building structure itself was also quite puzzling as we reached what I assumed was a dead end only for the walls to retract in the form of a circle. There were even some guards walking in and out through the walls.

"The way these walls open and close seems a bit disorientating," Cadence said.

"I can see the benefit of them. An intruder will have a hard time navigating the halls if they have no idea where to go," Shining Armor commented.

"Oh yes, anything that's not a changeling would be hard press finding their way around," Thorax replied, although there was a hint of smug in his voice. We exited another wall to find a lavishing dining room. A maid was waiting for us with a pot of tea. We all took our seats as the mareling was gracious enough to pour us all a cup. Thorax sat at the far end of the table. "We can speak here enjoying some refreshments. I guess you're here to talk about Chrysalis. Has she been giving you that much trouble?"

"Unfortunately so, we were hoping you have found a way to track her," Luna said.

"I'm sorry to say, but our search is proving somewhat difficult. Usually, a changeling hive can sense where any of there members are at all times even if they have gone rogue or if they're apart of a rival pact. It all has to do with the hive mind. When a rivals faction encroaching on another factions territory, we can tell what their intentions from the different wavelength of their link,"

"So how is it that you have been having a hard time finding Chrysalis?" Cadence asked as she took a sip of her tea. A small smile appeared on Thorax lips as he saw this.

"Well, there are a few exceptions. For example, we can only tell when another changeling of a different hive is near due to proximity. So they have to be within a certain range. Chrysalis knows this all too well. And she has taken steps to avoid us as much as possible,"

"That does seem like something she would if Chrysalis remained on Equis. But we know that she allowed us to believe she was dead after our last encounter. She spent all this time sapping the love from another species to regain her strength. So if we take this into account, I'm sure she would try to take back what she lost," Shining Armor stated as he took a sip of his tea.

"Yes, I can see that happening. Queen Chrysalis isn't the type to hide when she has the power to take what she wants,"

I arched a brow at the way Thorax addressed Chrysalis by her former title. "Then it is safe to assume that Chrysalis would attack given that she has had five years to stockpile her magic due to manipulating the heart of another,"

"That's right. But then again, it would still be a risky move," Thorax pauses as he took a drink from his cup. "She must be pretty preoccupied with whatever it is that requires her attention. Otherwise, She would've attacked by now. Punishments came swiftly for those that defied Queen Chrysalis,"

This time Luna sent the king a bemused gaze. "What were the other ways that cowardly bug can avoid our notice?" She asked.

There was a subtle twitch of the brow at Luna's jib. "Well... since all the changelings have undergone a metamorphosis, we fundamentally change from what we were before. From our bodies to our hive mind. I can tell you believed that we could find our queen since we are a part of her pact, correct?" We nodded in response as Cadence took another sip. "And that would've been the case if Queen Chrysalis had undergone the same change as we have, but since she did not, she is virtually invisible to us. Like a wolf hiding among sheep,"

"An interesting analogy. Are there any other ways to find the ex-queen? Maybe from her magical signature?" I inquired. I also couldn't help but notice his slight annoyance my jab at our mutual foe. Nor could I ignore how he looked at my untouched brew of tea.

Thorax had a puzzled look on his face before speaking. "That may be possible... But I wouldn't bank on it. Queen Chrysalis was presumed dead for five years now. Any magical trail she might've left is long gone now,"

"Indeed. But fortunately, we still have the wand Chrysalis used in the battle with my sister. We can use that as a means to tracking Chrysalis," Luna said.

The twitch in Thorax's eye did not go unnoticed. "That's great. Wonderful! Do you have her weapon with you now?"

"No. It is back in Canterlot. But I can bring it here now if you like," I said. I closed my eyes in concentration and called forth my magic. However, after a few moments, my horn did not ignite. My entourage looked at me in confusion as I tried again with more effort. But just as before, I could not even draw upon a tinge of my magical prowess. Luna took note and immediately became concerned as Thorax calmly drank his tea.

"Sister, what is the matter?" I didn't respond. I tried once more and failed again. Panic began to set into my being. I could tell there was nothing wrong with me, I could even still feel my magic humming inside of my body, yet I cannot access it.

I looked over to my sister, my niece and her husband before finally settling on Thorax who had a look of mild amusement. Shining Armor instantly stood up with his hand clutching the hilt of his sword. "What's going on here!?"

"I haven't the faintest idea. Perhaps all the stress is getting to you, Celestia. Drink some tea. It is - *Hmm~* Delightful," Thorax said in an unusually snide tone, something that is most unlike him. Luna tried to summon her magic only to receive the same result as me.

"I cannot access my magic! Something is blocking it!!!" Luna states in disbelief. My eyes narrowed on King Thorax. We're in a grave situation, and he was acting very nonchalant. I was about to reprimand him when I heard a loud thud to my left. Everyone turned their heads to the source of the sound to find Cadence face down on the table. Her teacup's contents spilled everywhere as she weakly faces us.

"A-auntie..." She slurred as she passed out moments later.


"Aw, I was wondering when that would take effect," Thorax said, gaining our attention. Shining Armor wasted little time drawing his blade and leveled it with Thoraxes head.

"I knew you couldn't be..." Shining trailed off as he stumbled on his hooves. He closes his eyes while clutching his head. He was slow to get back to a standing position as Luna spoke.

"You fiend! You realigned yourself with the tyrant queen! You have just thrown away all you have strived for these past few years!!!"

Thorax threw his head back in mocking laughter. And yet, the strange thing was, his voice changed in pitch. "You are giving me far too much credit princess. After all, your earlier assessment about Queen Chrysalis taking back her throne was correct..." He said in an all too familiar voice as green flames erupted from his body. Chrysalis revealed herself to us all as I sneered at her.

"How long...?" I spat out.

"Oh, the very moment I arrived back to this planet. You cannot imagine how vexing it was to find my changeling mutilated by your insufferable idealism with the oaf of a ruler spitting out your propaganda! So after some 'gentle' persuasion, Thorax stepped down, and I rule my kind again,"

"More like their back under your thrall...!" Shining armor grunted out.

"Meh semantics, but I doubt a pony would understand,"

"Why isn't our magic responding!?" I demanded.

Chrysalis arched a brow in confusion before a sly smirk appeared. "Oh~ Thorax didn't inform you of the Hive castle special properties? He's smarter than I gave him credit. This castle negates all magic except those wielded by changelings!" Horror etched itself on all our faces at this revelation. "Now to discuss important matters; I highly recommend to consume the drinks my servants had so painstakingly prepared for you all. It's nothing harmful. Just something that will give you all a much-needed rest,"

Shining Armor bared his sword as he leaped across the table and brought its edge down on Chrysalis. Chrysalis had a nonplussed gaze at the attempt and halted the weapon with the tip of her finger. Shining's eyes widened in shock as Chrysalis brought her free hand to his face. She tucked her index finger inside her thumb and flicked his forehead under the base of his horn. The result was immediate. Shining Armor, former captain of the solar guard and prince of the Crystal Empire, was flung across the room and crashed into the wall. A crater formed upon impact as Shining Armor crumbled to the ground and laid there unconscious. My sister and I rushed to his aid only for a pair of changeling guards to thwart us.

"Anymore hapless heroics you want to employ? No? Then I suggest you drink your tea and stop wasting your time!" The walls began to open up, and more changeling entered the dining room. We quickly found all available exits barred off save for an opening directly behind us with fewer guards in the way. My sister and I shared a look as I glanced back to my niece and nephew in law. A ping of guilt swept over my heart at the thought of abandoning them, but we must escape from here and warn the others.

Without missing a beat, my sister and I charged at the changeling guards blocking our way. They must've expected us to surrender since we took them by complete surprise. I swiftly relieved the changeling of its board sword and kicked him off to the side. Typically, a kick like that would've shattered some ribs, but I found that most of my Earth pony strength has waned considerably, and all I managed to do was stun my assailant. Luna managed to disarm a pair of daggers from her foe and proceeded to dive it into the changelings back leg before kicking him away. We were now armed, but still vastly outnumbered.

"Oh dear. It seems you are choosing the hard way. Uh~ Why can't things ever be simple?" Chrysalis asked in mock dismay.

"Save your theatrics swine!!!" Luna spat venomously. She primed both daggers, ready to engage when I saw the door closing behind us. Weighing our options, I decided to grab her arm and run through the passage before it closed off. Little did I know, I was merely setting up a game of cat and mouse that I fear we already lost.

[New Equland - Third Person POV.]

Queen Creampuff walked through her palace with a purpose. She was wearing one of her more elegant dresses in preparation for her agenda for today. However, her focus was shifting between her impending travel arrangments and the constant prattling of her servant. The queen massaged her temples in irritation as her assistant went on and on about negative impact her departure will entail. "Surely you must see the inconvenience of traveling to Equestria at this juncture of time!"

"As you know Stewart, the castle came under attack several days ago. We believed the one responsible was dead but has somehow miraculously returned. The royal sisters of Equestria have known about this, and instead of a warning, they send their enforcers to a foreign kingdom to discreetly handle the issue. Then there is the matter of what the changelings were after,"

Stewart furrowed his brow as he answered. "The Orb of Light?"

"Indeed. What mysteries did that artifact honestly hold? Why did both parties want it so badly? You can't tell you aren't the least bit curious," Creampuff asked as she and a group of four guards walked through her palace to her private Zepplin.

"I will admit that it is puzzling. But I must insist--"

"Stewart! I have made up my mind on the subject. I am going to Equestria, and I will have the answers I seek. The Black Sky event, the Orb of Light, the arrival of Equestrian and Changeling forces, Discord! None of these occurrences are mere coincidence. Have you sent a letter to notify my coming?"

"Yes, your majesty..." Stewart said, sounding a bit subdued.

Creampuff patted his head as she boarded her aircraft. "Good. Now I shall take my leave. Do be sure not to make a mess of things while I am away," With that said, Queen Creampuff boarded her zeppelin and departed for Equestria.

The ship's captain approaches her as she looked over the horizon. "Ma'am, it should take us three days time to reach Equestrian airspace,"

"Thank you, captain. I am eager to await the royal sisters' explanation for recent events. And if they intend on dancing around the issue, then I shall merely do everything in my power to ruin their day,"

[Hive castle - Celestia's POV.]

"This day fell to ruin faster than I was hoping..." I muttered as I found myself holding off more changelings with Luna at my side. I could tell from their lack of armor that these drones were mere civilians sent to stall us. Avoid lethal blows was proving far more taxing than I anticipated. But it wasn't their fault. No, the blame lies squarely on Chrysalis shoulder for forcing them like this. Of course, that did not make the mounting guilt of striking an innocent any better. I dodged a lunge from a mareling and slammed the hilt of my blade down on her neck. The moment she fell, I spun on my hooves and threw a punch at a male changelings' muzzle. I winced in pain from punching the hard surface of the chitin.

Luna was faring about as well as I was with her opponents. She mainly resorted to striking her attackers with shallow cuts. A changeling tried to blast her with magic. But thankfully, she saw it coming and tosses one of her daggers at the offender's horn. The butt of the blade canceled out the spell as she rushed forward, grabbed the insectoids arm and flip it to the ground while retrieving her weapon. A guard tried to bring down his sword upon her, but I intercepted it with my blade, allowing Luna to kick him away. Our enemies backed off a bit, allowing us some breathing room.

"We must leave this place sister!" Luna asserted.

"I know Luna, but every path we have taken has to lead to either a dead end or more enemies to face,"

"There must be some way to freedom!"

"There most certainly is a way out..." Chrysalis sickeningly smug voice seem to come from every direction. "Not that I would ever merely let you find it after the crimes you're committing. Assaulting my innocent subjects? Have you no shame!"

"Any pain we inflict on them is a direct result of you forcing our hand! I promise you this, Chrysalis; you will not escape your reckoning a second time!!!"

"Oh my! Such empty threats from a powerless mare. However, if you are so eager to make me pay, then why do you flee?" I gritted my teeth as I saw another wall open and the shadows of more hostile forces incoming.

"Sister, this way!" Luna called out as we jumped through a passageway.

[Mintos - Throne room - Third Person POV.]

Cloven Hoof stood on the balcony of his castle with a solemn expression ever-present on his face. The kingdom and citizenry were still in shambles. The relief effort he appointed has had some varying success. The relocation of the populace for temporary housing has gone swimmingly. But Cloven Hoof could plainly see that morale was at an all-time low and despair was thick in the air. A semblance of peace has returned for a moment, but not without cost. Cloven Hoof could see it in his people. The whisper and civil unrest made it too apparent; his subjects were angry. The sound of hoof steps broke the king from his musing. He didn't have to look back to know it was Mary Horn. Cloven Hoof spoke in a definite and firm tone.


"My liege. all the citizens are accounted in their temporary homes. However, now that the immediate threat has passed, they have become restless. Many of the bulls and cows are calling for an answer to the attack," Mary Horn said.

"Have you gathered everyone for an assembly? I am going to make a formal address to the public before we leave for Equestria,"

"Yes, sire. But some of your generals express concerns. They are worried that the Equestrian royalty will see us as invaders. We do not want to risk a war with them,"

Cloven Hoof snorted in irritation. "Walk with me," He ordered as they left. Mary quietly studied her king as they made their way outside the castle's doors.

"My liege... You are not well. I don't think you should accompany the strike force to Equestria. You need time to grieve like everyone else,"

"I lost everything when that monster attacked us. This pain I'm feeling is more than just wounded pride. My father always said that a king suffers for his subjects. I will not begin my reign hiding away like a coward! You say Equestria doesn't want a war? Well, who struck first!? Who spilled the blood of Bulls, Cows, calves, and heifers!? If the ponies are innocent, then no harm will come to them! All I want is Son Goku!" The two bovines stepped outside in front of a large crowd. Steel Grip and Bronze Saber stood on opposite sides of a podium as Cloven Hoof looked over the gathered masses. Silent murmurs of confusion went off in the absence of King Iron Hoof.

"As you know, Mintos came under attack a few short days ago. We suffered casualties. My father among them..." Gasps of horror rang out at the reveal. Before the crowd could go into a frenzy, Cloven Hoof continued. "I do not know why this attack happened, but I do know who is responsible. Son Goku. He is hiding in Equestria among the ponies! I will find him and defend the honor of all Minotaurs by bringing his carcass back for a funeral pyre!!!" Cheers erupted at Cloven Hoof's promise. He turns to his advisor while still speaking loud enough for the crowd to hear. "Ready our airships! We leave now!"

As the group began to leave, Mary Horn spoke up. "I've sent a letter to the princess stating you are seeking an audience with them," Cloven Hoof looked incensed, but Mary continued. "There is nothing there that will give away your intentions. The fact remains that you do not want to appear to be the invading aggressor. This action will only serve to aid Son Goku if the Equestrians attack us,"

Cloven Hool felt his rage subside as he nodded. "My father chose his advisor well,"

As the crowd continued to voice their approval, four figures in the background watched on in rumination. "The little calf has some iron horns. I like it,"

"Anything involving violence would get you excited Raam,"

"Shut up Siren! You emasculate cow!"

"Both of you be quiet. This development is what we need. Pudge. Go back to the hideout and bring the orb back with you. Siren, convince those guards to let us aboard that ship,"

*BLECH* "You think I can get a quick snack Junior?" The deadpan glare was all the answer Pudge needed. "...Sorry..."

"Hmm? Why bring the orb sweetie?" Siren asked.

"I don't want to leave it unprotected. More importantly, I believe we can use to find other orbs like it," Junior explained.

"Alright, I'll get us on that ship,"

"Finally some real action! Let's hope the carnage will be just as good in pony land as it was here!" Raam exclaimed.

"Indeed," Junior said.

[Hive Castle - Present Time - Celestia POV.]


I felt myself being propelled by an unrelenting force. The explosion continued to ring throughout my sensitive ears. I tried to stand back up, but my whole body felt disoriented. Luna was no better. I managed to find her through the blurry spots in my eyes. She was twitching and dry heaving a few feet away from me. It was quite the unique and vexing circumstance to be this weak and vulnerable. Both of us stagger to our hooves once we heard the sound of multiple hoof steps closing in on our position. With some effort, I managed to clear my vision as my gaze land on Chrysalis who was still lugging around Cadence and Shining Armor like some hard-won trophy.

"This little game was quite entertaining. But alas, all good things must come to an end. Are you both ready to surrender?"

I was racking my brain for any solution. A glint caught my attention, and my eyes fell on my peytral. An accessory of my regalia that matches my crown that serves a dual purpose. I was hesitant to remove it. Not only for the consequences of drawing upon my hidden power but would it even work? My choice was made for me as Luna readied her daggers and charged ahead. Oh, sister. I love you dearly. But why must you be so headstrong!? Luna manages two swipes of her weapons that Chrysalis easily avoided. She grabs her by the throat and dangles her in the air. Luna dropped the daggers in response and tried to free herself. Unfortunately, her diminished strength was yielding no results. My worried gaze fell on Luna's panicked expression as I made my choice. Standing up defiantly, I grasped my peytral and ripped it from my neckline. For the first time since we started this chase, Chrysalis lost her confident visage. Her body tensed up as She glared at me.

I returned the sentiment before a horrible realization made itself known. The seconds trickled away, and yet, I didn't transform. The ever-present flow of solar energy that surrounded at all times was now gone. The Hive Castle ability to block off all forms magic other than Changelings held true. Our last hope to shift the odds in our favor had failed spectacularly. I closed my eyes in a futile attempt to block out the mocking laughter. It grew in volume as I gritted my teeth. Chrysalis strode up to me with renewed confidence while Luna feebly struggles in her grip. She lifted my muzzle with her free hand - her touch was enough to make me wretch - until our eyes met. No words were needed to convey my feelings toward this repulsive being before me. Chrysalis seemed to agree with me as her hand shot to my throat and hoisted me up beside Luna. We both did our best to free ourselves, but it was a losing battle. The need for air became dire with each passing second as Chrysalis steadily increased her grip. I began to get tunnel vision while my thoughts began to fade. The last thing either of us saw before my sister and I blacked out was the smiling, self-assured expression of our captor.

[Chrysalis POV.]

I must admit that I enjoy the feeling of crushing a windpipe in my hands. It is very cathartic. Especially when it's the throat of the one that bested me before. "The score is now 2-1 Celestia. Then again, I've always been your better," Of course, it was a gamble to allow her to remove her necklace. If the spell around the Hive castle failed, then I doubt I could match Celestia full power even with my magical reserves. "But it was worth it to see that look of utter defeat on your faces, wasn't it?"


"Right. I must stop gloating when my opponents are unconscious. Now what to do?" I pondered this for a while. Naturally, the next step would be to encase my prey in pods and feed on their love. But that method is inefficient with what will soon be in my possession. Speaking of which, I used the link to contact my little spy, and I received the most delightful news.

"My queen, Gohan, and the fillies have found another Dragonball in the Everfree forest. I have secured it in our ship,"

"Excellent Bulma!" Everything was far too perfect. But I mustn't get ahead of myself. Goku and the others still present a problem, as well as the elements. They'll be on guard now more than ever. I will need to tip the odds in my favor by stripping away their forces one by one. The humans and the ponies will be easy enough to trap. I'll use their little security measure against them. But I'll have to get creative with the Saiyans and Piccolo. My elites already brought the plant I requested. Even if it fails to control them, it should give me plenty of time to find the last Dragonball and summon Shenron again.

"Standby Bulma. The time has come to cement my victory!"

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