• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,821 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 22: Miscalculation! (Edited)

Author's Note:

Whoa! It's finally complete. The Chrysalis arc comes to a close next chapter.

[Beyond the Badlands - South of Equestria - Third Person POV.]

The first thing Goku noticed when they reappeared from the teleportation spell was that the surrounding area was incredibly humid. "Oh man! Who turned up the heat in this place, I'm burning up! It's almost as bad as the time I jumped into the everlasting flames of Aria cooking pot!"

"I don't even want to question what you are talking about," Vegeta commented.

"Really? It's a pretty interesting story about my wedding day," A grumble of irritation was all the response the Saiyan prince gave.

"Why exactly have you brought us in the middle of the desert?" Trunks asked.

Thorax pulled out the geode and pointed to the city in the distance. "We're heading to that community,"

"Aw yes, Kludgetown, this community is a den of lawlessness. A perfect place for Chrysalis to seek refuge," Celestia informed.

"So she's a rat hiding among rats? That description fits her perfectly," Vegeta jibbed.

"Even so, we should be careful not to involve any of the citizens if we can avoid it," Trunks stated.

"Then let's get moving," Goku said. The group reached the city in no time at all as they trekked through the busy streets. Kludgetown mostly appeared to be a massive market district with a verity of different vendors and inhabitants. Goku stared intently at what resembled a shark man. While his planet had its share of rare creatures, this encounter was the first time he's seen a literal fish out of the water. The shark-man in question took notice of Goku's wondering eyes and scoffed.

"You looking for something buddy!"

"Oh, uh, nothing. I'm just taking in the scenery," Goku said as he laughs sheepishly. The shark-man gives Goku the once over before his eyes fell on his boots.

"Hey, how much for the boots?"

"My boots? But I'm not selling--"

"I'll give you twenty bits!" The shark-man pressed as he loomed over Goku who put his hands up in a placating gesture.

Meanwhile, Trunks was having problems of his own with the locals. "Look, uh..." he paused as he regarded the large tortoise female, "Ma'am. I just grew my hair out. I'm not a woman!"

"Lies! You want to keep your beauty techniques for yourself! It's always you uppity foreigners that flaunt your good looks around to make others feel bad about themselves!" She then reaches into her shell and pulls out a pair of scissors. However, the amount of rust covering the blades told Trunks that the tool was well past its expiration date. "I'll just cut off your locks and learn your secrets that way!"

Trunks took several steps back at this declaration. "There's no need for that ma'am. My hair isn't that special. Really!"

Meanwhile, Vegeta grumbles in annoyance as more and more of the cities residents begin to swarm them. The noticed the royal sister having troubles of their own. Apparently, the locals were so captivated by their horns and flowing manes that even they were little put-off by the display. Soon enough, the citizens of Kludgetown had managed to box in our heroes completely. Sadly for the town goers, Vegeta's patience was at an end. "Enough!!!" Vegeta amplified his shout by transforming. The greedy merchants all backed off in fear at the display. "If you're all so interested in bartering with us, how about this; I'll wager you a first class ticket to the otherworld for the simple price of your lives!!!" The threat had the intended effect as the citizens fled.

Off in the background, a feline with orange fur and a red blazer winces at Vegeta's declaration. "Uhuh, those cats are too rich for my blood," He said as he quickly got out of dodge.

"Aw, Vegeta. You didn't have to go that far!" Goku chided.


"Well, at least it clears the way," Trunks said. "What's the status of Chrysalis' location?"

"Hmm... No! I don't don't believe it!" Thorax exclaimed in shock as he gazes upon the geode.

"What is it? Is Chrysalis near us?" Trunks asked, taking a battle stance.

"It says she's..."

"--Right behind you?" Everyone whipped around to see Chrysalis in all her glory. She wore a confident smile as she strode up to the group with zero hesitation. "I must say that I am touched you all came all the way from Earth just to see me~,"

"Believe me when I say that the feeling isn't mutual!" Trunks spat. Chrysalis places her hand over her heart in a feigned offense.

"Oh, you wound me Trunks,"

"Spare us the theatrics fiend!" Luna commanded.

"I must say that I'm disappointed. You spend all this time hiding in your barrow hole, only to reveal yourself now. You are either very confident or extremely foolish. Oh well, it saves me the trouble of reducing this place to a smoldering ash bed," Vegeta stated as he flares his Super Saiyan aura.

"It's funny you should mention pride, Vegeta. I seem to recall that you had to scrap what was left of it off the ground after Cell was done warming up!"

Vegeta didn't spare a single moment as he darted after the insolent bug. Chrysalis smirks at the prince while Vegeta cocks back his arm and thrust it forward. Chrysalis teleported away just in time for Vegeta to leave a crater from the impact of his fist. She reappeared a few feet from Vegeta's position, placing a hand on her hips, as she uses her finger to beckon the Saiyan prince over to her. Snarling, Vegeta took her invitation. However, instead of facing him like Vegeta was hoping for, Chrysalis leaps back onto one of the buildings. Vegeta was undeterred by her cowardly actions and continued in his pursuit while sending a volley of Ki blasts at his foe. Chrysalis leaped from building to building as each of Vegeta's attacks missed their intended target and destroyed the housing complexes. Trunks took notice of this as the chase went deeper into crowded areas.

"Father wait! We have to be careful with our attacks! There are civilians all around--"

"Silence boy! In case you forgot, these people are the scum of society. Therefore, if they get themselves blown up, then it's their problem! The bug is my only concern!" Vegeta retorted hotly.

"We need to evacuate this place before things start to heat up!" Goku said. However, he was baffled by what he heard next.

"It is of little consequence! We must stay the course if we are to prevail against Queen Chrysalis," Luna said.

"Luna is correct. We cannot allow her to slip away!" Celestia enforced. Goku and Trunks shared a wary glance with each other as they followed the group. Chrysalis manages to duck behind a building as Vegeta came close. However, the moment he caught up, Chrysalis was nowhere to be seen.

"What!?" Vegeta exclaimed while looking around. "Coward! Stand and face me!"

"Where did she go?" Goku asked. Thorax took out the geode again and notified the group.

"She is still within the city! We--"


Whatever, Thorax was about to say was cut short after an explosion erupted on his back. He fell to the ground and laid unconscious while the others traced the attack back to Chrysalis who had worked her way behind them. "I didn't even sense her until it was too late!" Trunks said.

Goku flew down and checked on Thorax. However, Chrysalis reappeared a few meters from him and fired a Ki blast. Luckily, Trunks appears in the pathway of the attack and swats it away. Moments later, two beams of solar and lunar magic descended upon Chrysalis, who in turn, teleports to safety. The royal sisters' combined attack punched a sizeable hole through multiple buildings before clearing the area. Before Goku or Trunks could chastise the others for their careless actions, Chrysalis' mocking cackle sounded off. Her voice seems to be able to drown out the screams of panic as she mocked them.

"Amazing! The world's strongest warriors all banded together in a united front. And they are still powerless to stop me!"

"I'll show you who is powerless!!!" Vegeta snarled. He raises his hand high above his head and gathers his energy. A blue sphere quickly forms as he aims it at the place where Chrysalis' voice is emanating. However, Goku flickers in front of the Saiyan Prince and grabs his wrist.

"That's enough, Vegeta. If you focus that much power, it will destroy this entire town!" Goku stated firmly.

"You better let go of me Kakarot!"

"Wait, Father! She's just baiting us again! Something not right here!" Trunks interjected. "So far, Chrysalis is using hit and run tactics on us. She hasn't been too keen on a straight up fight--"

Vegeta snatches his arm away from Goku as he responded. "That's because she knows she's inferior to us. Or, at the very least, inferior to me,"

"Then why confront us at all!? Why not run away? Have you noticed that she reappears as quickly as she leaves, almost like she's in multiple places at once,"

"She could be using the multi-form technique! No, that's not right. I couldn't feel any energy from her until she attacked, and she didn't seem weaker," Goku said thoughtfully.

Even Vegeta had to admit that what was happening right now was foolhardy. He gritted his teeth when came to the conclusion that made sense. "She's stalling us!"

"Eh? Why would she be Stalling?" Goku asked.

"You might be right, father! It's the only explanation that fits," Trunks agreed. Suddenly, the sound of slow clapping caught our hero's attention. They whipped around to find Thorax standing side by side with Chrysalis along with the royal sisters, much to their disbelief. Chrysalis' condescending clap died down as she spoke.

"Very good you two. You figured it out. Although I was hoping to continue our cat and mouse game a little further, alas, all good thing must come to an end,"

"Celestia, Luna! Get back!!!" Goku said urgently. Goku's confusion grew when neither of the princesses made a move toward them. "Um, guys?"

"...There is no need. We are where we should be, Saiyan!" Celestia said, her tone was monotonous.

"...Our glorious queen demands your head to christen her new stature as Empress of Equis!" Luna stated as she levels her scythe toward the Saiyan trio.

Vegeta chuckled at this proclamation. "Jumping ship to the winning side, eh? I can't say I am too surprised given your poultry power levels. But, I must say that your 'empress' has high aspirations of herself. Too bad I will crush those ambition and anyone else who gets in my way to dust!!!"

"But why!? I don't get it! Why side with Chrysalis after-- Hold on..." Trunks noticed a distinct flash of green over the princesses pupils. "They're being controlled!!!"

"Right again! You're good at stating the obvious, Trunks!" Chrysalis mocked.

"Hey, you said that they were stalling us right?" Goku said, not taking his eyes off the enemy.

"What of it, Kakarot?" Vegeta said in a testy tone.

"What exactly are they trying to keep us from getting to anyway?" As if to provide an answer, the skies above instantly turned black. All three Saiyans eyes shot open at the massive Ki signature filling the atmosphere. "N-no way!!! Is that Shenron!? I know he has great power, but I never felt anything like this!!!"

"So that's it! While we're wasting time here, Chrysalis' flunkies must found the last Dragonball. That would mean Piccolo and the others are in trouble!" Trunks said.

"We'll have to worry about Piccolo and the others later. We have to stop them from making a wish!!!" Goku said. He was about to use Instant Transmission until Thorax fires an offensive spell at their feet. Our heroes shielded themselves as Thorax spoke.

"I would advise against that. None of you are going anywhere!"

"Hmph! You think you have the means to stop us?" Vegeta chuckles at the absurdity of the changeling's gall.

"Yes... " Chrysalis answered as nine more clones of her appeared behind her. Then, Thorax and all the Chrysalis' present alit with green flames as their bodies morphed to their original forms. Trunks immediately recognized the other changelings as the ones that blindsided him back in New Equland. However, the appearance of a new changeling warrior was unexpected. "We have the means and the numbers. But if any of you still wish to leave, then do so. But you will condemn the citizens of this town to a cruel fate!"

"As if we care! The Dragonballs are only the objective. Besides, anyone that dies can just be brought back if we are feeling generous," Vegeta said.

Goku looked up at the sky and felt Shenrons energy for a long time before a small smile adorns his face. "You might have a point Vegeta, but we won't be letting anyone die here!"

"Huh? Why is that? Not that I'm on board with just running away," Trunks asked.

"I can't fully explain it right now. But something feels slightly off with Shenrons Ki. I don't think they summoned him yet. I'm betting Shenron is still waiting to be summoned. Which means we have to finish up things here before we greet him!" Goku took his battle stance while turning Super Saiyan. He smirks at the enemies in front of him, itching to get things started. "I know it's not exactly accurate, but I'm looking forward to our rematch Princess!" The two opposing group stares each other down before they shot up into the air. The citizens of Kludgetown were now privy to front row seats of a battle like no other.

[Moments earlier - Badlands - Outskirts of the Hive Castle.]

"The Hive Castle I presume?" Piccolo asked as he and the other Z fighters gathered on the edge of a cliff. "What kind of surprises does Chrysalis have in store for us?"

"The Hive Castle doesn't have any complicated traps. It does have walls that open and close in on themselves. Anything that's not a changeling won't be able to traverse it safely without getting lost. But by then, a patrol will have surely found you," Thorax explained.

"Anything else we should be aware of?" Tien asked.

"Only changeling magic works within this vicinity,"

"Are we sure that anyone is in there? I'm not picking up ay Ki signatures?" Master Roshi said.

"My scanners are not detecting anything as well. But logic dictates that this fortress will be the only place Chrysalis can set the terms of any encounter. But those of us that underwent training and are not native to this planet, will not be affected by the castle defensive," 16 informs.

"Yeah, it's a good thing most of us don't use magic!" Scootaloo beamed.

Discord scoffs as he stood in front of the group. "Please! If there is one constant chaos magic has, it's that it doesn't adhere to any rules of the realm," Discord snaps his talon and a pig wearing armor pops into existence. Discord was once again wearing the form-fitting Saiyan armor. The scheme was completely different, however. Instead of blue form-fitting tights, they were now the same shade of yellow as Fluttershy's fur. The armor itself was brown and bore an emblem of Fluttershy's head with Discord's name inside a speech bubble that read 'Yay, Discord!!!' for all to see. "Don't worry Fluttershy. I will free you from the vile clutches of the changeling horde. Oh, uh, no offense,"

"It's ok?" Thorax said hesitantly. Discord narrows his eyes as he reeved the pigs' ears like a motorcycle and sped off to the castle. He didn't make it five meters before he fell hard onto the ground while the pig and his armor vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Huh, I guess even chaos magic is not immune to the laws of the universe," Krillin jibbed.

"I told you. Only changeling magic will work here!" Thorax insisted.

"Then the only option we have is to walk willing inside where Chrysalis has a trap waiting for us," Starlight said. An uneasy silence filled the Z warriors with uncertainty. "Well... no time like the present,"

"Fear me, Starlight! No changeling trickery shall get the best of the Great and Powerful Trixie!!!"

The rest of the Z fighters looked at the azure mare incredulously until Yamcha muttered under his breath. "Wow, she's pretty ego-driven,"

Unfortunately for Yamcha, a pony ear is almost as sensitive as a Namekian, and Trixie was able to hear that little jab at her. "Trixie would not if she were you considering you are a love-struck stooge who doesn't know he is out of his league!"


"Oh, that's right! You can't face Chrysalis if your love is still making her stronger," Thorax stated as his antlers glowed. A lime green outline coated Yamcha's form before it forms a shield. "That spell will prevent Chrysalis from feeding off your love. Sorry things didn't work out,"

Yamcha absentmindedly rubs the arm Chrysalis broke as he responded meekly. "...Thanks..."

The Z fighters made to the Hive Castle grounds unimpeded. However, our heroes soon met with resistance in the form of the entire changeling pact waiting at the entrance. Chrysalis was standing on a balcony overlooking everything with the same self-gratified smile on her features. Dende was standing beside her, but he was unresponsive to any of the Z fighters calls.

Piccolo snarled when he noticed Gohan, Bulma, and Flurry Heart were missing. "Where are they!?"

"Where is who? You'll have to be more specific Mr. Piccolo," Chrysalis said cheekily. "If you are talking about Gohan, he's currently undergoing some 're-education' at the moment. As for Flurry Heart, well, that is none of your concern. Or at least it won't be for much longer,"

"What do you mean by that!?" Starlight demanded, her aura burning brightly.

Chrysalis said nothing, instead, opting to allow Dende to pull out her latest acquisition. "Because of this! I finally have the tools necessary for a bold new changeling regime! I merely came out here to take one last look at you all to commit to memory," Her gaze fell on Yamcha who flinched in response. "Oh good, you're awake. Come along boy toy,"

"W-what?" Yamcha stuttered.

Krillin became incensed at the sheer audacity of Chrysalis addressing his friend. "Do you think toying with someone's emotion is a game!? Yamcha's not going anywhere near you!!!"

Chrysalis rolls her eyes and continues. "Oh, Yamcha~. I'm sorry I was so rough with you earlier, but it had to be done to secure our future. Come along now, I will need a royal concubine, and you can have anything you desire~," She waves her hand over her body to emphasize her point.

Yamcha's entire body was trembling fiercely at Chrysalis' proposal. Her good looks and seductive allure outclassed anything Bulma did while they dated each other. 'Even if she was stringing me along, she still picked me in the end! A babe like her can have anyone she wanted. That counts for something right?' Several thoughts swirled in Yamcha's head, and all of them pointed to taking Chrysalis offer. None of the other Z fighters could believe it when Yamcha took a step toward her. He hesitated before stopping, however, as a recent memory surfaced. The memory of the fillies who had their siblings taken from them by the very woman Yamcha loved adamantly. In the face of overwhelming temptation, Yamcha stood tall and spoke with convict and resolution. "No!"

Silence fell over the area as everyone looked at Yamcha in shock. Chrysalis blinked twice at what she just heard. "Did you say 'no' to me?"

Yamcha nearly caved at the tone Chrysalis was using. It was not unlike a disapproving parent who just had their child talk back to them. "I won't sell out my friends or forsake the Earth and this planet just to be with you! You may be the hottest thing on both worlds on the outside, but on the inside, you're cold, ruthless, and shallow. I, Yamcha, former desert wolf bandit, the student of the Kame Senin Ryu martial art style and major league baseball player, am done being your boy toy!!!"

"Way to go Yamcha!" Krillin cheered.

"I knew you had it in you!" Tien added.

"You've matured a lot on this battlefield of love, Yamcha. I'm proud of you," Master Roshi praised.

"Hehe, thanks guys," Yamcha gushed.

Hardly moved by the comradery, Chrysalis responded. "Hmm, now try saying that without the spell blocking out your love," All the cheering stopped at that. "If you don't want to be with the empress of this planet, then it's your loss," The nonchalant tone and indifferent reaction of Chrysalis' retort shattered the resolve Yacham worked up to say those words. Even when he did the dumping, he still felt out of control. "Now that we settled that little annoyance, my drones here will keep you nice and occupied while I realize my destiny!!!"

"Not so fast!" Scootaloo shouted. She flares her aura and shoots toward the balcony. The spunky pegasus filly was barely a few inches from her target before Chrysalis horn lit up. The changeling queen held up her hand in a flicking posture and extended her index finger. Scootaloo was push back to the ground where three changelings attempted to attack her. They leaped into the air as they pounced from three different angles. Scootaloo braces for the inevitable dogpile, but it never came. Instead, she heard Yamcha shout a war cry.

"Tornado Wolf Claw!" Yamcha spun around like a miniature twister and sucked in all three attackers at once. He then thrust both of his arms in a downward swipe, sending the changeling crashing the dirt, as he struck a pose with a confident smirk. "Heh, how was that?"

Scootaloo sprang up on her hands and launched herself to Yamcha's position. Yamcha saw this duck down in time for Scootaloo to sail past him and slam both her hooves against two changelings' jawline. She flips back to Yamcha's side who was dumbfounded by the display. "It was a bit too flashy, but it worked I guess," She said with a smirk of her own as more drones begin to advance.

"I, bu-- What?"

Yamcha felt an arm on his shoulder and turned to see Tien smiling at him. "Don't get too absorbed in yourself, buddy. Otherwise, these young ones will leave you in the dust,"

Yamcha groans as each of the Z fighters were engaged in battle. He took one last glance up to the castle balcony just in time to see Chrysalis turn away with Dende following behind her. He lets out a sigh as he spoke in a whisper. "Well, better to love and lost than never to love at all..."

Meanwhile, Thorax sat on the ground in a meditative position as Piccolo covers him. "I'm all for strengthening the mind, but is now the best time!?" He said.

"I think I can break Chrysalis hold on my subjects. Chrysalis doesn't have total control of them, and she's not bothering to stop me. But, please be gentle with them. It's not their fault!" Thorax insisted.

"Don't hurt them he says..." Piccolo muttered. He turns him to the two ponies and spirit of chaos. "Listen, you three need to get inside that castle. Find Gohan, and he'll take care of Chrysalis!"

"Trixie does not agree with this plan!" The show mare shrieked.

"Would you prefer Chrysalis ruling your world!?"

Trixie grumbles as Starlight spoke. "How are we going to get to the castle, much less navigate the inside, without a guide or magic?"

"Hey, kid!" Piccolo called out. Scootaloo was in the middle of introducing her fist with a changelings muzzle when she heard him. She flickers over in an instant and Piccolo gave her the rundown. "You're playing escort. Take these three to the castle, try and find Gohan and the others!"

"You got it!" Scootaloo said, but then she frowns when she sees the army of drones blocking their way. "Um, how do we get past them?"

"I will clear way," The massive form of 16 said as he walks up to the horde of insectoids. He bends his knee's slightly before he took off in a mad charge. Many of the changelings tried to halt his advancement. But 16 was undeterred by their efforts. Soon there was a clear path to the Hive Castle while the sound of groan changelings filled the area. "You may proceed. Time is of the essence!" The group shook off their shock and rushed through the doors before their enemies could recuperate.

[Inside the Hive Castle.]

"How is my future general progressing, Bulma?" Chrysalis asked. She was standing in front of a pod with Gohan inside it. The flora was on top with two thick tubes attached. A pathogen was feeding directly inside, forcing Gohan to breathe in the contents. Chrysalis had both his arms and legs restrained in her jell. The tensile strength and elasticity of the substance make the bonds nigh impossible to break free from without outside intervention. Not that Gohan didn't try. The youngest Saiyan warrior was currently thrashing back and forth while stretching his gooey bindings.

"...Not well, your majesty. We've already administered the hypnotic plant as you instructed, but Gohan has yet to show any sign of being subdued. In fact, if it wasn't for the relaxing agent native to the flora, Gohan could free himself easily,"

Chrysalis sucks her teeth at Gohan's resilient. "Double the dosage. I want him in my thrall before nightfall!"

Bulma flinches back at the request. "My queen. While the plants do render the recipient vulnerable to hypnosis, it has some unintended and possibly detrimental side effects,"

"Oh? You believe I would retrieve something that would harm me and my ambitions? I am well aware of the effects the plant has on others. But I will humor you. Please tell me your findings,"

Bulma was hesitant to respond. "The side effects will cause extreme mood swings. It adversely tampers with negative emotions like anger, hatred, and rage. I've seen Gohan's temperament before. I think we should--"

"--Ah!" Chrysalis reprimanded as she held up her index finger to silence her. "There you go thinking again. We've talked about this Bulma. Perhaps I should be stricter with my orders!" Chrysalis felt a rush of excitement flow down her spine at witnessing Bulma cower. "I know about Gohan's temper tantrum's - I've seen some of them myself! - And I can confidently say that it a non-issue. One with from Shenron can dispell any and all troubles that I come across. Now up the dosage! I have an appointment with Shenron,"

Chrysalis was about to walk away until Bulma reminded her of something critical. "My queen, what about the alicorn Flurry Heart?"

"You mean that wayward filly that managed to awake earlier than I expected and is now running through an unfamiliar setting with no idea how to navigate it or escape? Yes, what about her?"

Chrysalis let the rhetorical question hang in the air as she left the room. She walked through her halls with a purpose as she found a stair leading to the roof. It was getting harder and harder for Chrysalis to contain her excitement. So much time and effort have gone into this one glorious moment where all her dreams were about to come true. She reached the roof of the castle, and soon enough, a wide grin adorns her face. Dende was standing in front of the six Dragonballs while holding the seventh. Chrysalis gave him the order to prepare for the summon and await her arrival. She closes the distance between and slowly takes the Dragonball from his hands. All the sounds around her tunes out. The ongoing battle in front of her castle. Dende's marionette stature. The odd sensation of the Hive castle tremoring beneath her hooves. The sound of her breathing. All that matters is the Dragonballs and her wishes.

She places the final Dragonball with the others. She watches on with rapted attention as the orbs glowed brighter than they ever did on Earth. The skies above took on a black hue that would make Luna and Nightmare Moon jealous. Chrysalis spread her arms wide as her voice boomed across the vicinity. But before she begins the process, an acute migraine made the changeling queen clutch her head. Chrysalis sucks her teeth as she looks off in the direction were Goku's group was currently occupying. "I knew it was too good to be true...! You disappoint me Pharynx. You must have known I would now of any rebellious thoughts through the hIve link," Chrysalis horn lit up, and she held out her hand. Her aura wraps around her palm as a vicious smirk graces her muzzle. She closes her palm tightly, and the migraine vanished. Chrysalis flicks her mane while releasing a satisfied sigh. "Now then..." She said as she turns back to the Dragonballs. "Eternal Dragon!!! By your name, I summon you forth to grant my wish! SHENRON!!!!!!!!!!"

[High above Kludgetown.]

Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta ascended higher and higher into the air. Across from them was the two royal sisters, now revealed to be brainwashed servants, the changelings that Trunks fought in New Equland. And a new changeling no one has seen before. They level with each other as they continued to rise until Luna made the first move. She tried to cleave Vegeta in two with Retribution, but the Saiyan prince tilts his body back and slams both of his feet into her abdomen, launching her away as he gave chase. The mysterious general brought his sword and swung it down on Trunks. Trunks caught the blade between his palms, but the momentum pushes the Saiyan teen downward as the other changelings pursued them.

Goku and Celestia remained in their airspace as the two collided. Goku's forearm strained against Celestia's blade. Using his Ki to make his limb as durable as Celestia weapon, Goku flings his arm out and thrust his fist into Celestia's breastplate. The armor dents under the impact as the solar alicorn reels in pain. Goku twists his body to send a roundhouse kick straight into Celestia's stomach, flinging the princess out of Kludgetown and back into the desert. Goku flickers over the crash site. He surveys the bellowing smokescreen until a light erupts from it in the form of a solar beam. Goku swats the attack away. But Celestia uses the distraction to shot off the ground and attempt to impale him with her trident. Goku stopped it when it was mere inches from his faces. He brought his free arm down on the weapon and shattered it into several pieces. Celestia retaliates by using her sword to launch a series slash attacks at the Saiyan from Earth. However, Goku dodges all of them with minimal effort. Goku sees an opening and sends his fist straight into the blade, destroying that weapon as well, and leaving Celestia unarmed.

Goku begins his offensive as he rains down a barrage of punches and kicks. This assault continues for a solid minute before Goku pushes the princess of the day back with a shockwave. Celestia could barely keep herself aloft thanks to the damage Goku inflicted. The armor had multiple dents and scuff marks. The left arm guard and right leg grieve were missing. Celestia herself wasn't faring any better. Her mane was disheveled and matted. A streak of blood drips from the corner of her lip. And she was unable to open one of her eyes due to the swelling. The petrol around Celestia's neck was the only thing that survived the onslaught. Celestia tries to catch her breath as she glares at her adversary. Goku, in turn, frowns at her and shakes his head. The sight of the green pupils reminded Goku that this isn't the rematch he wanted. Not with the solar princess acting as a toy soldier.

"Celestia! You've got to break Chrysalis' hold on you! You're stronger than this! If you keep fighting me, not only will you get her, but you will lose everything!!!" Goku urged.

It took a moment for Celestia to reply. "Everything belongs to Queen Chrysalis. This world. My subjects. My kingdom. And..." She pauses as she reached for the jewelry around her neck. "...My life!!!" Celestia yanks the petrol away, and her entire body emanates a bright light. Goku instantly notices Celestia power rise considerably. Even with his aura protecting him, Goku could feel the temperature reaching uncomfortable levels. The blind luminescence dies down. And Goku recoils at the sight of Celestia's transformation. All of Celestia's wounds healed rapidly. Her fur took on a crimson red hue, and her mane shimmer in a blazing azure color. Supernova illuminated the skies once again.

"Hehe, I knew you were hiding something special. I guess I better go all out!" Goku exclaimed. He hunched over and released a mighty shout as his aura flared more intensely than ever. "This will be a good match!" Without a moment to waste, the two powered warriors clashed again.

Meanwhile, Vegeta and Luna were involved in a firefight. Magic and Ki blasts lit up the airspace. Vegeta was hurling a volley of Ki in rapid succession. Luna, in response, countered him by firing many ice shards with each swing of her scythe. But despite the lunar goddess best efforts, Vegeta's attack won out. And Princess Luna had to switch to defense. Vegeta increased his output as he taunted her. "What's the matter? Can't handle a fight with a real warrior!?"

He vanishes above Luna's shield and brings down his elbow. "Begone!!!" The impact propels the princess of the night into the ground, but Vegeta didn't relent. He appears in front of her again. Luna's shield sustained massive damage from the last hit. The next one shattered it completely. Vegeta lunged forward with his right leg outstretched as far as it could go. His momentum broke through Luna's barrier and carried them both far out through the desert. Vegeta kicks off of Luna, causing her to skid across the sand, and form a mile-long trench before finally coming to a halt. Vegeta flickers at the end of the newly created ditch with a triumphant smirk. Luna emerges using her scythe as a walking stick. The was in shambles from head to hoof. The breastplate and lower abdomen were gone, leaving the chainmail exposed. Clumps of sand littered her fur as blood dripped from her nostrils and both corners of her muzzle.

"I must say that a good look for you. You might be setting a new trend in the field of battle scars!"

"You are foolish as you are an arrogant monkey. You cannot hope to defy my queen!"

"Hmph! If you are weak enough to allow yourself to be ruled by another, then I can hardly call you a member of royalty, let alone a warrior. Perhaps you can reveal that power you've been hiding, or do you need your queen's permission?"

Luna's eyes briefly widen before she raised her hand. If she were of sound mind, then she would've questioned how Vegeta knew the one thing she hid so well from anyone. But, alas, all of her thought processing went to serving and protecting her queen. A ball of magic formed in her hands as it expanded over her entire body. Moments later, the dome broke down to reveal a different alicorn all to together. Luna's fur was jet black, and her mane resembles a bright constellation of stars. New armor replaced the damage as Luna's scythe radiated an aura of its own. Vegeta couldn't tell if the chill he felt creep down his spine was from the lowered temperature or the piercing glare coming Luna's turquoise and reptilian-like eyes. Nightmare Moon returns to haunt dreams once again.

"Well then..." Vegeta said as his aura blared outward as if to challenge the cold with its burning passion. "Let's get started!"

"Prepare for your worse nightmare!!!" Nightmare primed her scythe as Vegeta level his palm.

Trunks took a quick glance at the explosion that went off from his father's position. However, he couldn't ponder what was happening for long as the duel wielding changeling attacked with reckless abandon. Trunks' hand shoot out and grabs hold of the changeling's wrist. "So do you have a name or are you just another mindless puppet?"

"Pharynx. A member of the warrior class, leader of the elite guard and general to Chrysalis forces,"

"The name's Trunks,"


Pharynx breaks away from Trunks' gasp. The general teleports away as the other elite members rush him down. Trunks jump away, leaping from the roofs of Kludgetown. Five of the elite was breathing down his neck. However, this played to Trunks' hand. Trunks pivot on his foot and face his pursuers. He charges two Ki blasts and fires. None of the changelings were able to react as they found themselves engulfed in a massive dome of plasma. They all fell to the ground unconscious as Trunks went on the move. Pharynx gritted his teeth as half of his forces was just cut down. He coordinated the remaining five into groups of two and gave chase. Two of the changelings appeared in front of Trunks' path. They tried to launch offensive magic. However, Trunks ducks underneath both of the beams and perform a double clothesline, knocking both of the elites on the ground hard.

But before Trunks could finish them off, Pharynx rushes forward, attempting to decapitate the Saiyan teen. Trunks back off and notices something strange. Rather than press his attack, Pharynx kneels down and checks on his two comrades. They regroup with the others while Trunks and pharynx continue their stare off. "You seem protective of a bunch of mindless drones.

Pharynx took offense to that. "The hive mind doesn't make us slaves! It connects all! When one ling is in trouble, the rest knows and respond! It is our bond! A bond I will always serve and protect the hive!"

"Can you say the same for Chrysalis?"

"...She is our queen. She always does what's best for the hive..."

"Really? You don't sound sure of yourself. I'm betting you were better off! In all the time she spent on Earth, what have you and the Hive been doing!?" Pharynx became very quiet at this line of questioning. "Was things that bad!? Was there discrimination or oppression!? Your new leader must have failed miserably if you all turned on him so quick!"

This time Pharynx snarled. "Don't bad mouth my brother!!!" Trunks recoiled at the edge in Pharynx tone and Pharynx cursed himself for revealing so much. Moments later, he charges Trunks again, using his blades to throw feints in between strikes. Trunks held a look of confusion as he dodges the attacks. Many mix emotions were running through Pharynx features. Suddenly, in the midst of his frenzy, the changeling general went on a rant. "The hive was stronger before! We were fearsome and unmatched!"

Trunks slam his knee into Pharynx stomach, knocking the wind out of him. The elite responded and launched a coordinated attack. Trunks slip past a jab and land an elbow strike to one of the elites ribs. Then, Trunks connects with a hook to the changeling hissing at him from the right. An elite tried to jump him from behind, but Trunks launches balances on one arm and sends a mule kick into the changeling's muzzle. The final two elites sought a combined assault again, but ultimately it proved fruitless. Keeping his balance, Trunks spins his lower body, granting a leg swipe from the elite on his right. His heel continued on its path and struck the last enemy on the jawline. Trunks flip back up to a vertical position just as Pharynx recovered. "Based on how Chrysalis operates, your kind relied on deception and sabotage that was carried out with ruthless efficiency. Everyone feared you. Everyone labeled you the enemy. Is that what you wanted for the hive? Is that why you betrayed your brother!?"

"My brother was never a strong warrior. I always had to save from bullies back in when we were hatchlings. When Chrysalis disappeared, the hive was without a leader, and he went off on his own. He came back - Undergone a metamorphosis - and brought us all together. The love that came with him was..." Pharynx pauses. A look of deep contemplation written all over his face. "Not that it mattered. Our queen came back and dethroned him without breaking a sweat. Chrysalis proved her way was the best way. Our leader has to be strong. A mighty leader means a prosperous hive,"

Trunks grunted in response. "So it the 'Might makes right' philosophy, is it? Even if you have to be slaves to be prosperous? I can tell you this much; you're wrong about Chrysalis. You will always live in a constant state of fear. A slave to her whims. That's not the future you want!!!"

"...No, it isn't,"

Trunks found himself taken aback by that admittance. "Then why-"

"I want to see who is right. Who is best for the Hive. That's why I helped my brother escape. He probably met up with your with the rest of your pact by now," Pharynx horn glowed intensely. His aura enveloped his swords and melded them to together. This new weapon was twice the length of Pharynx previous ones. It shone with two different colors of magic, one side blue while the other was green, as Pharynx got into position.

"You share the same ideals as my brother. So I will test them with this blade that Chrysalis bestowed upon me!"

"Haa!!!!" Trunks tensed his body as his muscle bulged out. Pharynx narrows his eyes as Trunks body mass put most minotaurs to shame. "Well, I'm waiting!"

Without further delay, Pharynx darted to the teenage Saiyan. He leaps into the air and swings his blade down to Trunks' neck. Trunks didn't flinch as the edge touched his skin. Pharynx eyes widened in shock when sparks began to fly out. He expected his weapon to cut clean through. What he didn't account for was the insane durability of Trunks' new form. The massive muscle proved to be too much, and it was the blade that broke in two, not Trunks. Pharynx was so baffled by what just occurred that he never felt Trunks bury his fist into his abdomen and launch him high into the air. Nor did he feel the sudden impact of something slamming him back down to the ground. Pain racked his entire body as he cracks one eye open to see that Trunks was no longer bulky. Green eyes met blue as neither warrior uttered a word.

Silence continues to reign between before Trunks offers his hand. "Did I make a believer out of you yet or do you want to keep going?"

Pharynx shook his head and took Trunks's hand. "No... Thorax did do a lot for the Hive, more so than Chrysalis ever did. For the first time in a millennium, changelings can walk with the other species without fear. The love my brother found taste sweeter, and I can feel something else from it, but I can't describe very well.

"Hope," Trunks said with a small smile.

"Hope, huh?" Trunks went to reply when a dome of corona energy went off in this distance. Both fighters eyes shot up at the display. "That came from Celestia!? The queen wasn't lying about her true power..."

"How do we break the mind control!? Hurry!!!"

"...Right, you need to-to..." Pharynx staggered back and forth as he clutches his head. His body started violently tremble as blood poured from his eyes and nostril. He wasn't the only as the rest of the elite changeling exhibited the same symptoms. Pharynx instantly knew what was happening. "C-chrysalis...! She's a-attacking us!!!!!"

"What!? Where!?"

"INSIDE!!!!" The tremors grew worse as one by one all the elite changelings began foaming at the mouth before they laid still on the ground. Pharynx fared no better. His eyes became bloodshot while he raises a shaky arm to trunks in a pleading gesture. "P-please...! - *Hack* - save the Hive! S-save my-my..." Pharynx said nothing else after that. He remained motionless for a time before he collapsed to the ground. Trunks found himself speechless. A solemn expression dominated on his face as he walks over to each changeling. The look of lifeless was nothing new to the teenage Saiyan. However, that didn't take away the sting he felt when he recalled how this world was so different from his time. More so than the Earth itself. He carefully closed each of their eyelids and sped off to try and stop the fighting between Goku, his father, and the royal sisters.

[Inside the Hive castle - Scootaloo's POV.]

"Trixie requires your assistance - Ahh! - Please!!!" Trixie hollered. She, Starlight, and Discord had their backs against the wall while two changelings closed in on them.

"I'm a little busy right now!" I said. Geez, that mare is whiney. I chucked one of the drones into another group while playing bodyguard for those that can't fight. But I need to finish up. I knew moving through this wonky castle would be tough, but I didn't think we'd got ambushed by like fifty changelings after only five steps. They were easy enough to handle. A few vanishes, a punch here, a buck there, and, presto, no more enemies. I flickered over to the changelings harassing my friends and floated up to their heads. What happened was the best reenactment of a move Daring Do use in Daring Do and the misty lake. I put my hands on each side of their heads and bashed them together. I wiped my hands together and looked at everyone. "Come on, let's get going,"

"Good job Scootaloo. I'm sorry we can't be of more help," Starlight lamented.

"Yes, yes, you've done a fine job at inflicting pain to a bunch of puppets," Discord snarked. I had to admit that I forgot about that. "Maybe you could use those senses of yours to avoid confrontations like these.

"She is proving more using than you Mr. 'Spirit of Chaos'," Trixie shot back. They both went muzzle to muzzle before Starlight got in between them.

"Not to get on your case Scootaloo, but slipping past these guys would help a great deal," Starlight agreed with Discord.

"I'm trying, but this place is making hard to sense Ki energy. I bet that's why we didn't know they had Rainbow Dash and the others all this time. It's walking through pudding!" The shifting walls didn't help either. Watching them open and close all the time was getting super annoying! But then I felt something coming from a path to our left. One of the closing doors leads to a hallway. The others tried to get my attention, but I was too focused on the door. Then, I saw Flurry Heart. She ran past the hole without looking back. I figured out why when a couple of the changelings were in hot pursuit. "It's Flurry Heart!! Let's go!!!"

We ran through the doorway, well, the others ran, I flew like my tail was on fire, and caught up in no time. The drones had Flurry boxed in against the wall. I was about to plow my way through them when something crazy happened. Flurry Heart had this stern face on her muzzle, and it looked like she was trying to channel her magic. I thought that she'd forgotten about the anti-magic ring on her horn. But she wasn't gathering magic. Flurry was focusing Ki on her horn. Then I heard her speak for the first time, and boy wasn't it a doozy! "Makankosanppo!!!" It was that Piccolo guy's signature move! I heard they ran into trouble in Saddle Arabia, and he had to use it. I didn't think Flurry would be this talented, not that I'm jealous or anything. But she didn't have the best control. The attack bounced off the wall and struck each of the drones that were chasing her. I still couldn't believe what happened. But, hey, all the drones were taking a nap, so that a plus. I tried to reach out to her, but Flurry just hit my hand away.

"Flurry, It's me!" She shook her head and stuck her tongue out at me as her horn started to glow again.

"Scootaloo, she might think we're changelings trying to trick her," Starlight reasoned.

"Urgh! How do we prove we're not!!!" I shout as I threw my hand up. Discord grabbed one of my hand and pointed to Piccolo's kanji. Now don't get confused. The castle was hotter than Tartarus. That's why my cheeks got flushed. I wasn't embarrassed or anything. Anyway, I went up to flurry and show her the Kanji and said the password. Flurry still had a scared look on her face, but Starlight gave her the best smile I've ever seen, and it seemed to have worked. I guess she's still in that mushy stuff phase.

"Great, now we need to find the others," Starlight said.

"No need Starlight. The Great and Powerful Trixie has found the location of one of our comrades using her spectacular perspective prowess--" Trixie proclaimed.

I sensed a familiar power level above us and shouted out. "Spike!!!" I flew up to the pod encasing him. I ripped it open and let all that gooey slime fall out. There was a nasty splat when Spike hit the floor, but at least it was enough to wake him up.

"Aw... W-what?" He looked around and saw me. I was little confused on why he started shaking me like Pinkie Pie after her tenth sugar smoothie, but I could make out what he was saying. "Scootaloo! Chrysalis capture the Princesses, Twilight, and the girls were all captured!"

"We know little drake. Why do you think we're here. Somepony's got to save your scaly backside," Discord taunted.

"Can you sense where the others are? I'm not having much luck," I said.

Spike closed his eyes to focus, but sadly he shook his head. "It's weird. I know they're here, but it's like they're in multiple places at once. Let me try something else..." We just stared at Spike while he made these weird faces.

"Trixie feels we should cover our muzzles,"

"Shh!" Starlight reprimanded.

After looking like he was about to use the bathroom in his pants, Spike opened his eyes. "I found Ember. She's with the girls and the princesses. I can lead us there,"

"Alright! Let's-"


"Whoa, boy. That can't be good..." Discord said.

"T-that was Gohan! What's going on? His power is going crazy!" I said.

"Ok, listen; I'll go recuse Twilight and the others. You go get Gohan!" Spike said as he ran off.

I nodded, and we followed the source of Gohan's Ki to another room. It reminded of my time under Sombra's care. So I didn't waste any time rushing inside. Bulma was there, the brainwashed Bulma, and she was freaking out about something. But I didn't care about that. I pinned her to the wall and glare at her. I must've done an excellent job because she was beyond scared. "No! Let me go! I have to stop the process before it's too late!!!"

"You're not turning my friend into a drone!!!"

"Scootaloo, look!!!" Starlight called out.

Everyone filled the room, and all of us turned back to the pod. Gohan was thrashing harder than ever. I could see his mane flash from yellow to green and his Ki was going haywire. Finally, Gohan threw his head back and screamed at the top of his lungs. Then his power shot out of the pod and slammed all of us into the wall. My head felt like I had ten brain freezes going on at once. I looked around and saw that everyone was groaning while Bulma was knocked out. I looked back toward Gohan, but he was completely different. I didn't think his mane could get spikier. But instead of being yellow, it was a lime green color. His top Gi was gone, exposing his chest. I might've spent longer staring at it than I should've, but when I got to his eyes, a pit formed in my stomach. His eyes were blank. They weren't black. They weren't blueish-green. They were white. I was afraid that whatever they did made him blind. But then he looked straight at me. And I don't know why but I felt the urge to run away.



I slowly stood up and tried again. "Gohan!"

"..." But again, Gohan said nothing. That is until he threw his head back and gave a roaring Dragon a run for its bits. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!" His a green dome of Ki covered his whole body before he bursts through the ceiling. I heard hoof steps behind me and turned to see Spike with Rainbow, the girls, Shining Armor and Cadence. Flurry Heart instantly ran to her parents who embraced her lovingly. Spike and Ember came up to me while the rest helped up Discord, Bulma, Starlight, and Trixie.

"What happened here?" Ember asked.

"Was that Gohan?" Spike added.

"I-I don't know..."

[Within the same timeframe - Desert Plain - Third Person POV.]

Vegeta dodges out of the way as Nightmare Moon brings down retribution in an overhead strike. Although it missed, the attack froze the very air around them. Undeterred, Vegeta thrust opens an open palm. He fires a concentrated Ki Blast that Nightmare moon froze solid with her scythe. However, Vegeta barrels through the giant ice ball and tackles Luna into the ground. A dust cloud forms the impact. And from the cloud, four ice pillars shoot out from Nightmare's and Vegeta's position. They all converge and crush the Saiyan prince as Nightmare Moon teleports away. There was a lull in the battle until all the pillars shatter from Vegeta's shockwave. However, Nightmare took each shard and launched them all at Vegeta. The Saiyan princes saw this and flared his aura. He darts up from the ground while weaving between the shards. A knee buries itself into Nightmare's stomach so hard that Vegeta split her in half.

Vegeta was momentarily surprised as he did not apply that much force. That is until the two halves of Nightmare Moonlooses their color and become perfect ice clones. The remain shards of ice also merge into more clones; all of them poised to assault the Prince of Saiyans. "Hehe, It looks like I'll have plenty of ice cubes for my drinks when this is over," All the clones attacked at once while the real Nightmare was nowhere in sight. Vegeta evades to the left destroy a clone with a straight punch to the muzzle. He then sends a roundhouse kick toward a clone coming in from his right flank that cut through a copies weapon and their body. One after another, Vegeta destroys each of Nightmare Moon's doppelgangers with the greatest of ease. Unfortunately, Vegeta lowers his guard and allows the real Nightmare Moon to strike. Just as he eliminates another clone, Nightmare Moon appears in front of him and brings down her scythe. Vegeta had enough sense to block it. However, the moment the blade of Retribution made contact with his forearm, it froze over.

Before he could respond, Vegeta felt a sharp pain erupt from his left shoulder as one of the clones bit down on it. That portion of Vegeta's body became encased in ice as well, followed by both of his legs courtesy of two slashes delivered to his thighs by Nightmare herself. A final strike craved a cut across Vegeta's armor. Vegeta couldn't move as thick ice ensnares everything from the neck down. "In your arrogance, you tried to weather a cold front. Most unwise," Nightmare stated as Vegeta grunted in irritation. Nightmare along with her clone put some distance between her and the prince. She raises Retribution above her head. The scythe began to pull the very air within itself, as well as Nightmare's clones. Vegeta could see his breath as the wind picked. Retribution released a ghostly wail the likes Vegeta has never heard before. The Prince of Saiyans realized that playtime was over. Vegeta notices a golden light coming from the distance, as well as a familiar Ki signature.

Before long, Trunks entered the and spotted Vegeta in his precarious position. "Father!!!"

Vegeta scoffs at his concern. "Mind your own business, boy! Haaaa!!!" Vegeta broke free of his ice prison as his Ki flares outward. His muscle expanded to twice their normal mass as he stared into the whirling winds above him. "I must admit, you surprise me, Princess. But there is one thing you should never do when you're up against a Saiyan..." Vegeta bent to one and placed his left hand on the back of his right. Moments later, a purple orb forms on the outside his right palm. "Never underestimate their power!!!"

Nightmare snorted in response wand release all the weather magic she conjured. "Ice Age!!!"

"Galick Gun, FIRE!!!"

The two attacks with explosive fury. The electricity danced around the contact point. For a second, it appeared as if the mare in the moon's attack would freeze over Vegeta's. Sadly for the dark alicorn, the Galick Gun proved its superiority. Vegeta's attack ripped through Nightmare's and swallowed the Queen of the Night whole. The beam continued until the ice began to gather inside. Vegeta stops feeding his beam and carefully observes the clutter of frost hovering in the air. Many cracks started to form before Nightmare Moon burst from her self-imposed prison. And yet, the alicorn before the prince wasn't the nightmare. Instead, it was Princess Luna. Exhaustion plagued Luna's as she barely sends a glare at the smirking prince. Finally, her fatigue won out, and she fell toward the ground. Trunks intercepted her and gently held her in his arms.

"She's ok. She just expended all her energy," Trunks said. Then, an explosion went off just a few kilometers. "What in the world!?"

"Seems like Kakarot is dragging his feet. Oh well, their fight might prove to be entertaining," Vegeta sped off toward Goku's position with Trunks close behind.

"Uh, father!!!" Trunks look back down at the resting Luna and sighs. "This is going to be a long day..."

Goku stood firm as Supernova raced across the sand and bashed her fist against his forearm. The heat she generated was hot enough to crystallize the ground and morph it into a glass surface. Goku grimaced from the singing upon his skin. He didn't know how much his defenses would hold as Supernova began to rain down a barrage of punches. Finally, she rears back her right arm and thrust it forward. Goku brings up both arms to block while the impact pushes him away by several feet. The Saiyan from Earth retaliates by connecting with a volley of Ki Blasts. However, the sheer intensity of the heat Supernova generated acted as a shield for Goku's attack to collide against harmlessly. The two adversaries charged each other again. Goku's golden aura bashed against Supernova's, sending out a heat wave in all directions. They constant slammed into each other in rapid succession until Goku broke through and scored a punch against Supernova's muzzle.

The impact pushes the blazing alicorn back. Supernova wipes away the small trickle of blood while Goku hisses at the burning sensation on his knuckles. "Geez, not only does she feel hotter, but punching is like punching a mountain!" Goku's attention snaps back to the Princess of the day as her power spiked up. Supernova heat field expanded as she charged forward. She brought her fist down upon Goku who jumps back to avoid it. However, a massive explosion followed soon after. Goku braces himself as he stood at the edge of a smoldering crater. Supernova stood up from the center, a blank look adoring her features, as three particles formed around her head. Three miniature suns obit around her as she teleports away. Goku could barely follow her movements while he prepared an instant transmission. The Supernova materialized, Goku vanished from sight and reappeared behind the solar alicorn. He connects with a kick to Supernova's side. However, Supernova grabs Goku by his boot and smashes him against one of the suns. Goku bounces off the hot ball of plasma only to ricochet off the second and third.

By this time Vegeta and Trunks arrive on the scene. "Oh no! He's in trouble!!!" Trunks exclaimed in worry.

"I think Kakarot is perfecting his imitation of a ping pong ball," Vegeta joked.

"We need to help! I don't like this heat she generating!"

"Use your eyes! Kakarots' barely gotten started,"

Sure enough, Vegeta was correct as Goku realign himself to strike the orb with his fist. It detonated in his face, but Goku was unharmed. He spins around to split the second in half with a chop, followed grabbing the final one and crushing it in his palms. Three more suns begin to form, but Goku reacted quickly. He uses instant transmission to started flickering around Supernova to confuse her. Miniature stars couldn't keep up as Goku appears above Supernova with his signature attack charging within his hands, "Haa!!!" Supernova tried to use her star to defend, but the Kamehameha rips straight through them and buries the princess of the day into the desert floor. A dome of blue Ki envelops the impact zone as Goku halts his assault. All three Saiyans observes the ditch for any sign of movement. Suddenly, multiple beams of the solar magic shot of the ground before Supernova emerges. She flys up and positions herself so that the sun is at her back.

"Amazing, her power jumped up again, and it's not stopping," Goku muttered before he notices Vegeta, Trunks, and an unconscious Luna. "Hey Trunks, Vegeta. When did you two get here? What's up with Luna?"

"Focus on your opponent you idiot! Something's happening!" Vegeta scolded. They turned back to see Supernova hugging her sides in anguish. Beams of light started to exit out of her body and small cracks spread across her muzzle. "It seems her body can't handle whatever power she's receiving,"

"How did Celestia get like that?" Trunks asked.

"I don't fully understand it, but when she removed the necklace she always wears, she changed into this form," Goku informs.

"S-seal..." Everyone turned their attention to Luna who was tapping at her petrol. She weakly spoke as she explained the significance of her sister's regalia. "I-it blocks... - Solar magic - Her connection t-to the sun,"

"I think I get it. The jewelry acts as a suppressor. If she gets too much solar magic into herself..." Trunks railed off as Luna finished for him.


"Great, where is the blasted thing!?" Vegeta shouted. A blinding light drew their attention as a sphere of plasma shrouded the day goddess form. It steadily grew toward our heroes as the increasing heat made it difficult to breathe. "Does she intend to burn us all out!?"

Luna raises her hand as her aura activated. Celestia's petrol pulsed with Luna's magic, acting as a signal. "T-there...!" She pointed to the regalia half buried in the sand. Goku flickered down to it and picked it up.

"Alright, here we go!" Goku said as he shot off into the sphere. The heat was unbearable the moment he made contact with the field. In response to this, Goku increased his Ki to booster his aura for further protection. Even with the extra safety measure, Goku's orange Gi started to burn away. It also didn't help that the closer Goku got, the more intense Celestia made the heat. Sensing that Celestia's magic was going critical, Goku focuses his Ki to his feet and fires another Kamehameha. The additional was enough to tackle Supernova out of the heat dome as she grunted in pain. Before she could recover, Goku fixed her petrol to her neck. The regalia emitted a white light that washes over Supernova. Moments later, Celestia is back in her original form. Much like Luna, the princess of the day fatigue racked her entire body. Goku slung her arm over his shoulder and landed with the others. "Easy there, Celestia,"

"G-Goku...?" Celestia gasps out.

"S-sister!" Luna said. She pushes herself out of Trunks' arm and embraces her sister.

"I am fine, Luna," She nuzzles against her as she looks back to the Saiyan trio. "Thank you all for stopping me. You've no idea the grave disaster you just averted,"

"I wish I could say it's all over with, but we need to move. Gohan's facing against Chrysalis right now!" Goku said urgently.

"Isn't that a good thing? Gohan should be able to handle her," Trunks stated.

Goku shakes his head in disagreement. "No, something wrong! I felt his Ki acting wildly. We need to get there now!!!" Goku prepares to use instant transmission as everyone, save for Vegeta, holds onto him.

Vegeta scoffs as he hangs on to Goku's shoulder. "It's just one problem after another," After which, our heroes vanished to the source of the disturbance.

[The Hive Castle - Rooftop.]

"Eternal Dragon! By your name, I summon you forth to grant my wish! SHENRON!!!" Chrysalis announced as loud as possible. She wanted those fighting in front of her castle to hear. She wanted the whole world to listen to her declaration of victory. So enamored by the thought of her every desire going uncontested that it took a moment for Chrysalis to realize nothing was happening. She opened her eyes and blinked once, twice, and then a third time. "Shenron! I summon you to grant my wish!!!" She said again, and again, Shenron did not appear. Panic started to fill inside as she snapped her attention to Dende. "You! Fix it now! Make the Dragon come out!!!"

"...Yes, my queen..." Dende drawled. He approaches the Dragonballs and bends down to them. But then, another surprise happened. The Dragonballs produced an elected discharge that zapped Dende and threw he back. Chrysalis felt the feedback and grabs her head. Dende was groaning on the floor as he sat up and clutch his head. "Aw... w-what? Where am I!?"

Chrysalis eyes shot open. She turns back to the Dragonballs in abject horror. "The balls destroyed my control over his mind!? How!? I--" Instantly Chrysalis recalled the conversation she had with Shenron the moment they returned to Equis. How the planet was strangely affecting the Dragonballs. She dismissed it at first, but now Shenron's sudden defiance made sense. "If the Dragonballs are mystical in nature, and Equis has more magic than the Earth ever will, then bringing the Dragonballs here would empower them!!!"

"Yeah, that sounds about right!" Chrysalis stiffen up as she turned to Piccolo and the other Z warriors standing guard over Dende. "Thanks to your blunder, Shenron has more of a say when it comes to who summons him. I would imagine that he wouldn't grant the desire of a person that kidnapped him and brainwashed his creator. It might interest you to know that each of the Dragonball was imbuing whoever possessed them with more power. Perhaps you should've been more focused on that," Chrysalis snarled at Piccolo's smirking face. However, she listened carefully to his explanation and tried to make a move to the Dragonballs. However, that was when Thorax teleported in front of them.

"It's over Chrysalis. The changelings are free once again. You've lost!!!"

"Fine!" She spat as her aura blazed like wildfire. "I see my mistake was not executing you all when I had the chance. Allow me to correct that!!!"

As the Z fighters prepare for battle, the entire castle shook haphazardly. "Whoa! What's going on here!?" Krillin said.

"You all feel that...!" Master Roshi pointed out.

"Yeah, i-it's Gohan, but..." Yamcha started to say, but he lost his footing.

Moments later, something broke its way the roof and shot up to the sky. Everyone turned to see Gohan as he stared into open place. They were taken aback by his new appearance as the young Saiyan looks back down at the group, or more specifically, at Chrysalis. His expressionless face morphed into a visage of pure rage. Gohan's power fluctuated out of him in the form of a green sphere as here charges at the Changeling queen. Scootaloo emerges from the hole along with Spike. Tears stained her eyes at the sight of her friend roaring like a mad demon as the world trembled from his immense power.



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