• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,821 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 11: Beating the Heat! (Edited)

Author's Note:

Oh my Gosh, it's done. Thanks for being so patient guys. I promise the next one won't take a damn month to come out.

[Saddle Arabia - Docking Bay.]

The Lightning Flash slowly made its way into the docking area. From the deck of the ship, our heroes got a full view of the landscape. Soft, warm, shifting sand was all that greeted. A vast ocean of the sedimentary mineral stretched as far as the eyes could perceive. Yamcha holds out both of his arms and closes his eyes. A smirk appeared on his face as he inhaled the desert air.

"There is nothing like the smell of desert air to make a guy feel at home," Yamcha said as a wave of nostalgia hit him. "And just check this place out. There aren't too many of these kingdoms back home,"

(Best example I could find. Please ignore the beams.)

"Let's keep our eyes on the prize. We are not here for sightseeing," Ember replied hotly.

"I agree. The Dragonball is somewhere in the district. However, I am sensing a lot of interference," Piccolo said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Spike asked.

"I'm not certain. Something feels out of place here. Almost as if this country is lacking something important," Piccolo said.

Spike was about to ask for more detail, but then Flurry Heart flew by them. She looked at the view with a childlike curiosity. Spike also noticed that Flurry was sweating more than she should. "Hey, Flurry. You ok?" The young alicorn merely smiles and nods. Spike still looked worried and decided to keep an eye on her.

"Time to get moving," Piccolo said.

"Hang on. We can't let anyone see Flurry Heart. An alicorn princess will draw too much attention to us," Spike pointed out.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Tien asked.

"I have an idea. Come here little one," Piccolo said as Flurry stood before him. He took two fingers and produced a small orb of light. He pointed his fingertips at the young princess and enveloped her in a glow. Moments later, Flurry Hearts entire outfit morphed into that of Piccolos. However, the long white cape completely covered her wings. "There. The top is made out of foam so as not to put any strain on her. Everyone will just assume her she's a unicorn now," Flurry Heart looked over her new attire with keen interest. She fluttered her wings and was happy to find out that they had plenty of breathing room without being noticeable. Flurry Heart decided to show her gratitude by smile at the Namekian before mimicking his trademark stone face expression.

"First Gohan and now Flurry Heart. It seems that kids are just drawn to you, huh Piccolo?" Yamcha stated.

"That is impressive. Is there anything Ki energy can't do?" Ember asked.

"Actually. I was using magic just now," Piccolo corrected much to Ember's confusion. "Now we can move on,"

As our heroes begin their mission, a single figure lurking in the background watches the new arrivals leave the area. The being was a mare of Saddle Arabian origin. She wore a sleeveless blue shirt with dark gray pants. A head wrap concealed her face from the populace. She turned around and made her way into the city ahead. She ducked behind a building and found a sewage entrance. She removes the cover and drops down inside. The passageway was just what one would expect; dark, dank, and permeating with the foulest scent known to any race on the planet.

"Whoever thought to utilize the sewers for our operations should be fed to the land snakes," The mare grumbled. She made her way through the various corridors until she reached a dead-end. Walking up to the wall, she places her on a crack. The mare applies pressure and the crack sinks into the wall. Several locking mechanisms go off until the entire wall opens up. Behind it lies a hidden room with a few occupants. They all turned toward the door as she entered.

"What brings you here?"

"I got some information for the boss,"

"Well, Tidbit. Please share with the rest of the class," One of the other's in the room joked.

"Sorry, bosses ears only. All you need to know is that it will put us on top,"

There was a moment of silence as a stallion came up to Tidbit with a crystal in hand. She took the glass while everyone left the room. She threw the gem onto the floor where it began to emit a soft glow. A few seconds, an image appears from the gem. It displayed a Griffin with an eye patch, idly analyzing a single bit, and sitting at a table with a goblet on it.

"What is it? You know I don't like my downtime interrupted," The Griffin's voice was posh and carried a bored tone.

"I'm sorry sir Gol Break, but I think you should know about this,"

"Get on with it. The last operation was such a bother,"

"Some new arrivals enter Saddle Arabia not too long ago and-"

"And you brought this to my attention because..."

Tidbit had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. "Because they are unlike any species I've ever seen! Two hairless apes and a green walking slug that can perform magic!"

This revelation peeked Gol Break's interest. "Two apes and a slug? That does sound mildly interesting, but if that's is all there is to them then I fail to see any importance to this call," He said with disinterest as he drank from the goblet.

"Here's where it gets better, sir: they have an alicorn princess with them. A filly to be more accurate," The spit-take Gol Break unleashed was of epic proportions.

"An alicorn you say? Hmm... That is great news - most excellent indeed - even better than acquiring the Aquamarine. Relations between Equestria and Saddle Arabia will collapse should anything happen to our esteemed princess,"

"What do you want us to do sir?"

"Isn't that obvious? Gather the desert raiders and capture the princess. The sultan will pay a hefty price for her safe return. Along with submitting to my demands for the restitution of the Aquamarine crystal! I expect to see that filly in my headquarters before the day is out!" With that said, the image projecting from the gemstone cut off. Tidbit retrieved the gem and walked outside to relay their new orders.

[Streets of Saddle Arabia]

Piccolo calmly leads his party as best he could given his current circumstances. From the moment our heroes left the docking area, they have been receiving dubious looks from the native citizens. With him being more eye-catching than even Tien's appearance, he was victim to most of the gawking. His sensitive Namekian hearing consistently burned from all the hushed whispers whenever they passed by a group of pedestrians.

"Look at those strangers,"

"Are they from the western hemisphere?"

"I didn't know slugs could wear clothes,"

Piccolo grumbled through his teeth. "I don't see why it's such a big deal. Some of these equines are green just like me..."

"Yes, but nopony ever saw anything you or the others. At least they're not making a scene," Spike said. Piccolo huffs in response as he continued walking. Flurry Heart tugs on his cape to gain his attention. When Piccolo looked down, a bright smile was there to greet him, thus lifting his mood a bit.

"I think it's refreshing to have ponies wary of something other than us dragons," Ember jibed.

"So how much further Piccolo?" Yamcha asked.

"The Dragonball is close by now. It's just around this corner," Piccolo replied.

"Excuse me. Hold travelers. A moment of your time," Our heroes turned around to the voice calling them. They saw an elderly stallion approach them with a colt carrying a chest.

"Can we help you, sir?" Tien asked.

"You most certainly can, my beautiful three-eyed hairless minotaur. You see, my grandson and couldn't help but notice that your group is lacking the appropriate provision for your time here in Saddle Arabia," The older stallion snapped his fingers, and the colt opened up the chest. Inside it was multiple bottles of water. "Low and behold: the finest, purest, drinkable vials of water you will ever find in this great country,"

"Um... what's so special about water?" Spike asked incredulously.

"Everything my dear reptilian friend. Just look at our selection..." He said as the colt held up the different bottles of water. "Here's Spring stream. Pine Lake. Raging waterfall--"

"These are just water in different containers," Ember pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I like the sound of Pine Lake," Yamcha offered.

Everyone just stared blankly at him before Piccolo went to speak. "Listen, we appreciate the offer, but we'll have to decline. We don't plan on an extended stay. Besides, none of us have money in the first place. Good day," As the group made their leave, Tidbit followed close behind them. However, another merchant approached our heroes looking to sell his wares.

"Hey, how's it going? I see you bumped into Pane Mirror. He has a thing for fancy glass containers. But I know that doesn't tickle your fancy. What you and your group needs are this..." The merchant pony opens up his cloak to reveal several canteens. "These containers are best suited for all your needs. They even magically preserve your liquid, keeping it fresh and soothing. I'll give you a good price if you act now,"

Our heroes each had a mixed reaction to the pony in front of them. Yamcha seemed interested in what the merchant was selling. Tien coughed into his fist. Piccolo narrows his eyes in annoyance while Ember seemed indifferent about everything. Spike tilted his head in confusion at the apparent demand for water until his gaze fell on Flurry Heart. She was sporting flush cheeks and appeared to be exhausted. Concerned, he gently rubs her head, earning a soft smile from the filly, and walks up to the merchant pony.

"Hey, I'll take one canteen," Spike said as he pulled out a small bag of bits. The merchant pony took it eagerly and went about his business. Spike kneels in front of Flurry and offers her some water. "Here you go, Flurry. We got to keep you hydrated," Flurry Heart smiles back at the Drake and gulps down a mouthful of water.

"That might have been a bad call," Yamcha stated.

"Why is that?"

"Buying the canteen I mean. Now that everyone knows we have money to burn, we're liable to get swarmed. Desert communities like these are cut-off from the rest of the world. Resources are hard to acquire. So the local populace squeezes you out of whatever they can get. Which also makes this location easy picking bandits and such,"

"Speaking from experience there, Yamcha?" Tien questioned.

"Well, I wasn't the desert wolf bandit for my dashing good looks," Yamcha said as he wiggled his eyebrow at the group. Ember snorted flames from her nostrils in response. Yamcha gulped nervously before continuing. "A-anyway, we're just lucky that guy didn't try to roll us just now,"

"This place does seem to have an odd obsession with water. Being that this country is in the desert, you would think they would be more reserved about parting with it," Ember pointed out.

"That's a mystery for the representatives of this land. Our concern is the Dragonball. It shouldn't be too much further ahead," Piccolo said as their group began to move again. Nearby, Tidbit shuffled her through the crowd as she overheard her targets conversation.

"Dragonball? What the hay is that?"

[Some time later...]

"Unbelievable..." Piccolo groaned. Yamcha's prediction was right on the money as many ponies, civilians and merchant alike, surrounded our heroes trying to barter their items for monetary gain. Multiple hands were waving in their faces as the Saddle Arabians sought to gain their attention.

"Our here please!"

"A moment of your time!"

"I have the finest wares you will ever find in this country!"

"No, I do!"

"Emerald. Perhaps we should just char broil these miscreants. It would save us the hassle of dealing with them," Ember suggested through their bond.

"Azure, you know that will land us in hot water. Just bear with it a little longer," Spike replied.

Unbeknownst to the group, Tidbit took this opportunity to sneak closer. Under the guise of another merchant, the desert raider set her sights on Flurry Heart. She maneuvered behind the young alicorn. I got you now, you little payday," She whispered. Just before she could make the grab, Spike hoisted Flurry Heart up onto his shoulders.

"Stay close Flurry. I don't know what Cadence will do to me if I lost you in this crowd," Spike said resulting in Tidbit to suck her teeth in frustration. Ember had all she could stand from the persistence of the merchant ponies. So she reared back and let out a roar. This action had the desired effect and sent everyone running.

"Aw, much better," She said, satisfied with herself.

"Very efficient," Tien complimented.

"The Dragonball is up ahead, but it looks like we're going to be dealing with another crowd," Piccolo stated.

Our heroes continued until they stumbled upon a large gathering. Piccolo walked toward the mass of bodies. The crowd parted ways for him, too shocked by his appearance to do otherwise, and allowed him entry to the front. Ther others were, of course, confused as to why Piccolo went forth to this particular crowd. They followed him and discovered the reason. There, right in front of them, was the Two-star Dragonball. It was resting a pillow, surrounded by other items. The merchant was a pudgy stallion that was running the stand.

"Hello, hello to you my friends. I am Slippery Palms. Who would like to test their skills of observation and win a spectacular prize?"

"There's the Dragonball," Tien said as a pony from the crowd stepped up to Slippery. The pudgy stallion put a single bit on the table he had set up. He then took three cups and covered one over the bit while he set the other two cups next to it.

"The name of the game is known as Shells. All you have to do is find the bit under these three cups. Then you can have your selection of any of the prizes behind me. All I ask is that you offer something in return,"

"I offer my Grandma's topaz necklace. I want that gold scorpion trophy!" The pony.

"Oh boy. Here comes the first victim," Yamcha said.

"You're already counting the guy out?" Spike asked.

"These kinda games are designed so that the challenger will lose and get swindled," He explains as Slippery began moving the cups. He shifted the cups at a considerable speed that the layman would have trouble following. He stopped and gestured for the pony to pick where he hid the bit. Feeling confident, the challenger pointed at the cup on the right side of the middle one. Slippery lifted the cup on the left to show where the bit resided. The challenge was not expecting that outcome.

"But that's impossible! I never lost track of the cup!"

"Sorry, but rules are rules," The sly smirk on the pudgy stallion's face did not go unnoticed to our heroes.

"I see, this whole slots game is just a front to scam other's out of their valuables, but how did he move the bit?" Ember questioned.

"My guess is that he's got two more hidden bits on the table under each cups. That way, all he has to do is pick a different cup other than the victim selected," Yamcha shrugged. "It's a pretty typical game on Earth. One which I'm a master of at that. So sit back and relax while I make this the easiest catch ever!" Yamcha then boldly marched up to the Shell table. He reached into his Gi and pulled out a medallion with a wolf's paw print in the center.

"Oh. We seem to have one exotic entourage with us today. I take you want to try your luck?"

"Heh. There won't be any luck involve when I win that Dragonball from you," The other's groaned at Yamcha's slip.

"A Dragonball? You mean this golden orb?"

"Uh, yes, That is the name I'm going to give it when I - uh - win..."

'Nice save there buddy,' Tien groaned internally.

"...Very well. Step up to the plate!" The stallion started to spin the cups a little faster than before. But Yamcha was wise to Slippery's trick. It didn't matter which cup he picked because there is a ball under each cup.

'You won't fool me. I'll expose you for the fraud that you are in front of everyone!' Slippery finally stop shifting the cups and gestured for Yamcha to chose. Yamcha instantly picked the middle cup. Slippery Palm chuckled and revealed the bit was under the first cup.

"Aw, another loss. Sorry son but them's the breaks," Slippery held out his hand as he waited for Yamcha to give him his medallion. Instead, Yamcha just smirked at him while twirling it in his hand. "Come on now son. You bet the jewelry and lost. This game only works if we both keep our word. It helps maintain the integrity,"

"That's funny considering you're a cheater!" Several gasps rang out from that proclamation. Yamcha quickly lifted all the cups to back his claim. "Aha! See that everyone? There were three balls instead of just one! Hahahaha... Huh?" Slippery gave Yamcha the blankest stare he could just as both of them stare at the table with only a single ball resting on top of it.

"If you are done making a fool out of yourself, please hand me My new medallion or should we get the guards involve?" Without another word, a stupefied Yamcha gave up his possession and, dejectedly, made his way back to our heroes.

"How...?" Was all the Yamcha was able to stutter out.

"Maybe you're not as good as you believed," Ember said with a shrug.

"Who else wishes to test their luck?" Slippery said.

Spike narrows his eyes and sent the pudgy pony a dubious look. "Let me try. Ember, can I borrow the Bloodstone specter?"

"Spike, the Specter is not something I can just gamble away at my leisure. If you lose other dragons will know and descend upon this country to take it back," Ember warned. Spike gently cradles her hand and smiles softly at her with pleading eyes. Ember huffs and turns away from him with slightly tinted cheeks. She gives him the specter carefully while Spike hand Flurry Heart to her.

"Trust me. That Dragonball is as good as ours," He said as he walks up to the table. "I would like a turn,"

"And what do you have to offer?" Slippery asked.

"This," He said as he presented the Specter. The stallion's eyes bulged out as he laid eyes on the gem resting a top the specter.

"Excellent. Let's have another go," Just like before; Slippery Palm shuffled the cups containing the bit. Spike leaned in with his hands on the table. His draconic eyes followed the cups by a significant intensity. The shuffling came to a stop, and the pudgy stallion eagerly awaits Spike's choice. Spike pointed to the first one on the left. Slippery smiled smugly at the Drake and lifted up the cup in the middle.

"So sorry my friend but I'll be taking that staff,"

"Hehe, check again,"

"Look son I-- What?!" Slippery looked down and saw that the cup he lifted was empty. He quickly picked up Spike's cup and felt real horror grip his being. The bit was there right where Spike choose. Slippery mouth mimicked that of a fish. "That's not-- How did?! What did you do?!?!"

Spike's grin could not have been any wider if he tried. "I didn't do anything expect to honor the integrity of the game and made the correct choice. I'll take that gold ball with the star on it now," Slippery Palm grumbled as he reluctantly gave Spike the Dragonball. Spike's grin somehow grew wider as he just stared at the Dragonball. He just stared at his prize for a while, admiring its beauty, as he rejoins the group. For the briefest of moments, the young Drakes eyes flash an amber color.

"Nice one Spike. How'd ya do it?" Yamcha asked.

"Oh, I just used my Ki to keep the bit in place. That's why I had my hands on the table. He must've had a unicorn somewhere close by to teleport the bit so that most customers would lose,"



The world began to fade out, leaving only the spectacular ball and Spike himself.


Spike barely heard a voice calling out to him. "Yeah?" He responded without taking his eyes off of the Dragonball.

"There's something wrong with Flurry Heart!" Ember cried out.

"Oh, I'm sure she's fine--" Spike quickly shook out of his trance and looked towards Flurry Heart. The young filly laid in Ember's arms. She was breathing very heavily, and her cheeks were bright red. Spike slid across the ground and picked her up. "She got a high fever! She might be having a heat-stroke! We need to get to the nearest hospital now!!!"

"Excuse me. There's a hospital one mile northeastward from here," One of the citizens said. Spike took off into the air, ignoring the startled cries of those around him, and flew toward the hospital. Ember followed suit with Tien, Yamcha, and Piccolo as well.

Tidbit mouth found the ground along with the rest of those watching. The mare shook herself out of stupor and ran away from the crowd. Once Tidbit found a quiet spot away from any eavesdroppers, Tidbit pulled out the transmitting gem from before. The gem projected an image. This time, however, there were figures instead of just one.

"We might have a problem,"

[General Hospital - Examination room.]

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T HELP HER!?" Spike roared at the doctor. Flurry was laying down on the table. The young alicorn's symptoms remained unchanged from the time Spike got her to the hospital. It was easy enough to see a doctor right away once Spike revealed that she was an alicorn princess. This reveal, of course, leads to many questions by the staff, but Piccolo and the other's quickly quelled their desire for answers. Now Spike was doing all he can to avoid strangling the doctor cowering before him.

"L-like I said Mr dragon, sir, this is a general hospital. Any medication we have won't be enough to help an alicorn. You'll have to take her to see Sultan Shifting Sands. Please don't eat me," Spike threw his hands up in exasperation as he gingerly collected Flurry Heart and rejoined the others.

Spike groaned as he listened to Flurry Heart's whimpering. "I should've paid better attention..." He said ruefully.

Ember rested a comforting claw on his shoulders. "I think this caught us all off guard. But even alicorn foals hardly seem this fragile. What do you suppose caused this?"

"Flurry Heart lives in the Crystal Empire where it's typically cold. The Crystal Heart keeps the temperature moderate for everyone's safety,"

"So coming to a place that has no such control over the temperature wasn't the best thing for someone so used to cold environments," Piccolo summarized. Spike nodded in acknowledgment. "That doesn't matter now. We have to go and see the Sultan. We can't risk her condition deteriorating,"

"Wow, Piccolo. I didn't think you get so attached so fast. Did the adorable pony melt away at your warrior's heart?" Yamcha teased. But Piccolo shot him a glare that promised retribution should he continue his antics. "Um... Next stop Sultan's Palace.

"Smartest idea I've heard all day," Tien commented.

[Sultan's Palace - Main Entrance.]

The Sultan's home was a massive structure. From the air, our heroes could see that It towered over the smaller buildings. Multiple pillars with pointed domes stood proudly for all to see. A large finely crafted staircase leads directly to the main chamber where the Sultan no doubt resided. The walkways were brimming with the Sultan's royal guard. Patrols were carried out at regular intervals. Security was certainly not lacking for the royalty of this region.

"Security looks to be on high alert. Something must've happened here," Tien said.

"No kidding," Yamcha said.

"This situation might work for us. If we land right at the main stairway that should get the Sultan's attention," Ember said.

"Then let's do it. Flurry is getting worse," Spike said as he cradled the filly tighter.

Our heroes soon landed on top of the stairway. Immediately upon touchdown, Saddle Arabian guards confronted them. Piccolo, Tien, and Yamcha formed a line between themselves and the defenders covering the stairs. Spike and Ember tensed up as more potential threats filled the airspace around them. Our heroes have been fully boxed in from all sides. Then, the large doors opened up. Two ponies descended the stairs. First was the stallion with a light brown coat and black mane. He was wearing a long green robe with a red slash that held gold pattern trimming. He also wore a red and gold headwear signifying his importance.

Beside him was a marshmallow white mare that wore a purple gown with a stylish red cape and slash. The mare also wore a large headdress that resembled a semi-cycle. Seven rubies ran across the upper portion of the headwear along with two sapphire gems. One in the center of the crown and one hold her cape in place. It was clear that these two were Sultan Shifting Sands and Snake Charmer. The two rulers kept a neutral look as they regard our heroes.

(They're the two ponies on the bottom right corner under Cadence.)

"When my guards reported strange flying beings approaching the palace grounds, I had thought them mad," Shifting Sands spoke with authority. "I can see that they were indeed correct. Your party is quite strange,"

"What is your business here?" Snake Charmer demanded. "Lying will not bold well for you, and if you are with the desert raiders then punishment will be shift,"

Ember scoffed at their tones and boldly took to the air. She stayed at eye level as she held out the Bloodstone Specter. The jewel on top of the specter glowed a bright red as she spoke. "I am Dragonlord Ember. I have come seeking an audience with the two of you. I have a friend that is in need of medical treatment!"

"An honor to meet you Dragonlord. However, surely you know that there are proper protocols for requesting an asylum with foreign royalties other than appearing on our doorstep unannounced," Snake Charmer said in an unamused tone. Spike chose this moment to fly beside his mate.

"Please, we need your help! I'm Spike Solarous of Equestria, and this is Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire. We were visiting when she fell ill with heat stroke, and only the doctors here can help her!"

Both the Saddle Arabian rulers eyes widened at that. "Did you say Princess Flurry Heart of the Empire and your Celestia adoptive son?" Snake Charmer asked to which Spike nodded. He showed the two rulers Flurry Heart, and despite her weakened condition, the crystal princess still managed a sweet smile. "Very well. Come with us,"

The two ruler turned around and went back up the stairs. Ember and Spike landed and followed after them. "Well, as far as first impressions go, I'd that was ok," Yamcha stated.

[Inside the Sultan's Palace.]

"Bring the royal physician to the throne room immediately! Tell him to bring the elixir," Shifting Sands said to his guards. The guards saluted and went on their way.

The Dragons, along with the two Earthling, Namekian, and Equestrian stood within the throne room awaiting the doctor. All throne rooms seem to have the common theme of a long carpet stretching to the throne. Heavily depicted stain glass windows, and a ceiling ornament. The rulers of Aaddle Arabia carefully analyze the newcomer's to their kingdom. Tien and Yamcha admired the picture the windows display. The Dragonlord stood next to Spike who was holding Flurry Heart. The young Drakes eyes went from the filly to the doors of the throne room. Piccolo sat down in a meditative stance. However, his eyes would glance up at the ruler from time to time. The silence was palpable until the doors open.

"Sorry sorry for the delay your majesties. I had trouble finding the correct vial of elixir," The doctor said as he walked over to Flurry Heart. "This is not the first case of Equestrians falling ill from traveling here. Even royal sisters felt queasy the first time they visited. Here, drink this vial. It will cure her symptoms and help aculeate to the environment," Spike took the bottle and gently places against Flurry's muzzle she proceeds to drink it. Instantaneously, Flurry Heart's features perks up and she shoots out of Spike's arms and soars around the room with renewed vigor.

"Alright! Thank you, doctor," Spike said happily.

"All part of the job. Now I must take my leave. Good everypony," With that said the doctor left the throne. The silence came back in full force before Shifting Sands stood up.

"Now that the young princess is feeling better. I would like to know why two Royals and four aliens are in my kingdom!?" The Earthlings and the Namekian raised an eyebrow at that.

"Don't appear so shocked. We met Son Goku at the Gala and attended the first E.A.T tournament. It's easy to tell that you all came from his planet," Snake Charmer said with a smirk.

"Be that as it may, we're not obligated to tell you why we are here. Your help is appreciated, and this is goodbye," Piccolo said as he stood up and made for the door. Flurry Heart took her spot back on his shoulder guards. The Royals look affronted by the rude remark. Tien and Yamcha exchange nervous glances at each other. Spike facepalmed while Ember smiled at the scene.

Shifting Sands snapped his fingers, and the doors burst open with Saddle Arabian guards filling the throne. They took an offensive stance, barring our heroes exit. "As rulers of Saddle Arabia, it is our duty to know all the happens within our kingdom. It is as my husband said, we simply cannot ignore why such prominent figures appeared in our nation without our knowledge," Snake Charmer stated.

"Whoa, easy there. No need for the guards. Our friend Piccolo was just kidding around," Yamcha chuckled sheepishly.

"We did not come here to cause any hardship. It was just supposed to be a quick visit, and then we would've left. We had to get here for obvious reasons," Tien said as he gestured to Flurry Heart.

"And what is it you came here for that warranted such secrecy?" Shifting Sands asked. Although, his tone suggested that his patience had run out.

Spike sighed and reluctantly showed the One-star Dragonball. "We came here as part of a friendship mission with our friends from Earth. This orb is called a Dragonball, and it's essential to my mentor's world," He elaborated and hoped he did not have to go into further detail. The two rulers spoke in private before they turned back to the Z fighters.

"I can tell there is more to your story than you're letting on," Shifting Sands said while Spike flinched. "However, My wife and I are willing to let that slide provided you help us as we have helped you,"

"Fair enough. What do you need?" Piccolo asked.

"We've had trouble with a group of bandits called the desert raiders. They prove themselves quite the nuisance in recent weeks by raiding our supplies and harassing our ships. However, their latest caper has left us in dire straits,"

"They have stolen the Aquamarine. A mystical gemstone Princess Celestia gave to us as a sign of peace," Snake Charmer said.

"Hey, I remember that. The jewel is supposed to summon water via rain cloud. You wouldn't even need a pegasus," Spike said.

"Indeed, so you can tell how important such an artifact is for those who live in the desert. The leader, Gol Beak, wants to rule Saddle Arabia himself and he will not return the gemstone until we step down,"

"Then all we have to do is find him and get the gemstone back. Simple enough," Yamcha said.

"We know that they have an outpost southeast of the kingdom. However, we are unable to pinpoint it. Every time we get close, Gol Beak forces drive us away," Snake Charmer said.

"How were they able to steal this gemstone in the first place? If it is so important why wasn't better defended?" Ember asked.

"Could it be possible that you have a spy in your midst?" Tien suggested. But before they could respond, the sound of clapping rang out. The group turns around to see a Griffin casually walking by the guards.

"GOL BEAK!!!" Shifting Sands and Snake Charmer said in alarm.

"The one and only. Greetings everypony and, uh, every-being. I am the illustrious leader of the Desert Raiders,"

"You have a lot of gall revealing yourself to us in this manner. But it makes things much easier for us. Guards seize him!" Snake Charmer ordered. However, none of the guards made a move against him. In fact, all of them had their weapons trained on our heroes.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Shifting Sands screeched.

"Oh, come now. It is not that hard to figure out that I have some of your guards on my payroll. You see, like me, they want a change in management. Don't worry though; this is not a hostile takeover. I'd much prefer the two of you surrender the kingdom to me 'willingly' instead of by force,"

"Then why are you here?" Tien demanded. Gol Beak spares him a glance.

"I am here for two things. The first is to see the newcomers to this exceptional nation. And so far I'm unimpressed. The next is to escort the cute little alicorn princess to my desert compound. We have all the provision to make her feel safe and comfortable,"

Spike barred his fangs and took an aggressive step forward. "I'd like to see you try!" Gol Beak noticed the Dragonball still clenched in Spike's hand.

"Hmm, that's a lovely treasure you have there. I believe I will take that as well. Alright, gentle stallions. Time to earn your dues," The guards roared in response and rushed forward. Shifting Sands stood in front of his wife protectively.

Piccolo watched the approaching enemies with disinterest. "Hey, kid. You better go someplace safe. I'd hate to stain your Gi with their bodily fluids," Flurry Heart tilted her head in confusion, but obey Piccolo's request. The little filly flew close to the ceiling as Piccolo calmly walks to the horde of guards.

Right as a spear neared him, Piccolo caught it in his hand. He then proceeded to crush it into debris. This action halted Gol Beak advancing party. Everyone stared in shock at the immense strength of the foreigner. But the Namekian warrior was far from done. In an instant, Piccolo vanished from sight and reappeared in front of Gol Beak. He paused for a moment to let his action sink. Once Gol Beak snapped out of his stupor, the Grillin yelled and jumped back in fright. The Desert Raider leader was about to order his minions to attack again when he heard multiple thuds sound off. Gol Beak looked around in horror as one by one each of his paid off guards fell to the ground unconscious.


"Oh man, Piccolo, you could've saved a few of them for us," Yamcha whined.

"But it was smooth and efficient work," Tien completed.

"Extraordinary..." Snake Charmer said in disbelief. Her husband merely nodded dumbly in agreement.

'Hmm, perhaps Tidbit had a point about these strangers,' Gol Beak pondered as he thought back to their second conversation.


"So you are sure that they'll take the alicorn to the Sultan's Palace?" Gol Beak asked, his image display in front of many of his subordinates.

"Yes, the treatment there is the only thing capable of curing an alicorn. But you must heed what I said about the strangers--"

"--Excellent. I'll gather our guard contingent. It's high time I speak with the Royals about the state of affairs. Be sure to have the airships ready for departure at my signal,"

"Yes sir, but I have a bad feeling about these foreigners,"

"Tidbit, you are paid to act, not to think. Now have everypony ready!" He said as he cut communications.

*Sigh* "This will not end well..."

[Present time.]

Gol Beak had little time to continue his ruminations as Piccolo gripped him by his shirt and tossed him in the center of the throne room. Gol Beak found himself thrown to the preverbal wolves. The rest o our heroes and the Saddle Arabians rulers glared down at him. Strangely, he remained completely calm as Shifting Sands stood in front of him.

"I will grant you leniency if you name all of your accomplices and return the Aquamarine jewel!"

"You speak as if you have me under your hooves," Gol Beak said as he shifted a bit back and forth. It reflected light that bounced off the windows.

"I'll have you hanging from the gallows if you do not cooperate!"

"It would be wise if you surrendered. Your sad little show of force has failed you," Ember stated.

"Aw, and that my dear reptile is why you have a plan B," The moment he said that several of the stained glass windows shattered as small spherical objects clattered against the floor. Moments later, a thick plume of smoke poured out of each of them. The smoke quickly filled the room, causing everyone present to enter a coughing fit.

*Cough cough* "What's with this smoke!? It's burning my eyes!" Yamcha strained out.

"GUH!!!" A voice cried out as someone fell to the ground.

"Spike!!!" Ember cried out.

"Enough of this! HA!!!" Tien roared out as he thrust his palm and sent out a burst of Ki. The smoke cleared as everyone recovered.

Ember ran over to Spike who was clenching his stomach. With a grunt, he stood back on his feet. "He took the Dragonball!!!"

"That's not all, Flurry's missing too!!!" Yamcha said with alarm.

Piccolo ran over to one of the broken windows to see an airship much like the one they arrived in, flying away from the palace. Over the rail, Piccolo saw Gol Beak admiring the Dragonball in one hand and holding a struggling alicorn filly in the another. Piccolo could faintly make out an inhibitor ring at the base of her horn. Gol Beak sent one last wave goodbye as their airship fled. The Namekian sucked in his teeth as he removed his turban and should guard. The floor cracked under the weight of his training while Piccolo cracks his neck along with his knuckles.

"What are doing?" Snake Charmer asked.

"Isn't that obvious?" Piccolo said as a white aura enveloped his body. Without warning, Piccolo shot out of the throne room in hot pursuit of the Desert Raiders.

"Looks the kid gloves are off," Tien said as he ignited his aura and quickly followed after Piccolo.

"Yeah! It's time I show these Desert Bandits what the Wolf Bandit can do!" Yamcha said as he followed Tien's example.

"It's time to move Spike!" Ember said as flew out as well.

"Don't worry; we'll get the gemstone back!" Spike burst out of the window, leaving the two bewildered rules behind. His expression morphed into a furious snarl as he caught up with the others. "No one takes from me!!!"

[Aboard the Desert Raiders Airship.]

Gol Beak couldn't stop smiling after his successful operation back at the palace. 'Oh, how I wish I could've seen their faces~,' He thought. He glances back at the Dragonball. Frankly, he has never come across such a marvelous treasure. It was so unique as well. Nothing on Equis could even compare. "Maybe I'll have a plaque commission in my study,"

"Sir," Gol Beak broke away from his thoughts to see one of his lackey's approaching. He had a tight grip on the young alicorn who in turn tried to send him a stern glare. "Where do you want our guest?"

"Place in the room next to my quarters. Our little filly won't make a fuss with that suppressor ring on her horn. Make sure a guard is with her though. She's our ticket to supremacy over Equestria. Isn't that right?" Flurry responded by biting at the claw rubbing her cheek affectionately. Gol Beak Flinched away and snorted the filly.

"Sir, sir!"

"What is it now Tidbit?" Gol Beak said with a groan.

Tidbit hands over her telescope to Gol Beak. A clear sound of nervousness was laced on her every word. "You might want to take a look,"

Gol Beak pinched his beak and decided to humor her. He took the telescope and began looking around. "Care to explain to me why I am looking at empty..." His voice died in his throat as he saw four familiar faces making a beeline to his airship. "I-impossible..."

"What are your orders, sir?"


The crewmembers frantically tried to respond as they armed the airship cannons to fire. All the available unicorns conjured massive fireballs and hurled them at our heroes. Piccolo was the first to act. His eyes lit up with power and disposed of the cannonballs before they ever reach them. Next, the Namekian made a chopping motion with his arm and split the fireball in two where it harmless bypassed the group.

'Hmm, by now, they should realize that their meager attacks are useless against us. Time to make squirm!' Piccolo thought as he vanished from sight.

"Looks like Piccolo got impatient and started the fun without us," Yamcha said.

"Let's get in there before he takes them all out," Tien said as they both flickered toward the ship.

"Hey Ember, how about we take out their balloons. They can't escape if they can't fly," Spike offered.

"I don't see why we get the grunt work, but I suppose eliminating all delusions of escape will break their spirits," Ember replied with a sinister grin. The two dragons opened up their maws and gathered their flames to render the enemy airship immobile. Back on the ship, the Desert Raiders were in full-blown panic mode.

"They just took out all our offensive!!!"

"What the buck are they?"

"Oh, sweet Faust! Game over, mates! GAME OVER!!!"

"Grow a spine you witless hatchlings! We are the Desert Raiders! We bow to no one! Bring me the filly! They won't attack if we use her as a bargaining chip!" Gol Beak ordered.

"You know, you guys make for pretty lousy bandits," The Desert Raider commander's blood ran cold at the sound of Yamcha's voice. He turned around to find the two Humans and the Namekian standing in the middle of his airship. "You should've cut your losses back at the palace. But I guess it was just bad luck that you stole from us," He finished as he took his fighting stance. Tien follows suit as well. Expect for Piccolo who, once again, walked calmly to Gol Beak.

Gol Beak's feather puffed out as he ran to the crew member holding Flurry Heart and took her from him. "Well, what are you oafs waiting for, an invitation? We have the number's, and we still own the skies. Attack!" Just as he said, two explosions rang out. The airship started a slow descent toward the ground. At the same time, Tien and Yamcha flickered from sight and began to take out all of the crew members one at a time until they all were laid out on the deck of the airship.



Tidbit took one look at Piccolo who spare her a brief but intense glance and decided on a major career choice. "Sir. I feel now is a good time to give you my two weeks notice," She said as she jumps on top of the railing. "I have enjoyed my time here, but I must seek other opportunities. Goodbye!" With that said, Tidbit jumps off the airship and adorns a body glider. As Gol Beak fumed at this latest development, he pulled out a six-barrel flintlock. He placed the cold hard steel against Flurry Heart's temple as Piccolo hardened his glare.

"Stay Back! One more move and this filly will earn her unique talent in decomposing!!!"

The threat was enough to get Piccolo to stop his advance. "Not even you are that foolish!" He said with venom in his tone.

A manic smile appeared on Gol Beak's features as he spoke. "The desert is a cruel mistress. But I have survived it. Just as I will survive you!!!"

Piccolo said nothing until a confident smile appeared on his face. "But can you survive a crash landing?"

Gol Beak arched an eyebrow right before the airship hit the ground. The sudden impact jolted the ship and caused Gol Beak to lose balance. This moment was all that Piccolo needed. He instantly closed the gap and grabbed Flurry Heart from Gol Beak's claw. He took his free arm launch the Griffin off the ship with a shockwave. Gol Beak tumbled across the hot sand as the Dragonball, and the Aquamarine fell from his person. Gol Beak clutches his head and shakily stood to his paws. He realized that his precious items were gone and he searched for them. He quickly scooped up the Dragonball and tried for the aquamarine. However, four thuds sounded off on his left side.

"They just don't make airships as they used too," Spike snarked. Piccolo removed the inhibitor ring from Flurry's horn, allowing the filly to hover in the air with a stern pout aim right at the Desert Raider.

"All of you back off! He's mine," Piccolo said.

"No, NO! I refuse to let my ambition end here! I will-- Huh?" Gol Beak stops his tirade as the Dragonball began to glow brightly in his claw. He felt a surge of power travel up his arm. "I see-- This is why this ball is so precious to you. It grants you power. Incredible power!!!" Without a moment hesitation, Gol Beak unhinges his jaw and swallows the one star Dragonball whole. Our heroes gasp in shock as the Griffin body violently convulsed. His upper body twitched in awkward angles as his muscles flexed and bulged to ridiculous proportions. His shirt ripped apart under the strain while his height and weight expanded. What was once an average 6'2 tall Griffin was now a hulking 8-foot tall behemoth.

"Guys, He's roiding out!" Yamcha exclaimed.

"Since when could the Dragonballs do this?!" Tien asked.

"Since they came to a planet with more mystical energy than the Earth. But I had no idea the effects would be this drastic!" Piccolo said in a foreboding tone.

"Not that it matters! All you have done is just made yourself a bigger target!" Ember said as she rushes the bulky Griffin.

She launched a roundhouse kick that connects to Gol Beak's temple. She smirks at the solid blow. However, that smile faded away as Gol Beak just stood there unfazed. Snarling, Ember backs off and launches a series of punches into her opponent's abdomen. But the result was the same, Gol Beak hardly flinched. He raised his large claw and made a fist. Gol Beak then proceeded to slam it toward the Dragonlord. Ember eyes widened as she backflips away from the blow. The impact blew the sand away from the Griffin.

Gol Beak inspected the sizable crater under his paw with a joyful glee. "YES!!!" He said in a deep voice. "This strength and power! How I have long for it!!! Come on. Your band of misfits. Test your might against this splendid physique!"

"Don't get cocky! Wolf Fang Fist!!!" Yamcha called out as he charges forward with his signature combination. He attacked from multiple angles, scoring blow after blow, only for Gol Beak to grab his arm and slam him hard into the ground. He then tosses him back to our heroes. "Uuh... Good thing the sand broke my fall," he said with a slurred voice.

"Try this...!" Tien said as he pointed a finger toward Gol Beak. "Dodan Ray!!!" A golden beam shot from Tien's fingertip and barreled toward Gol Beak. The Desert Raider eyes widened in panic as he tried to use his wings to dodge. But his new body made flying impossible. So Gol Beak sought to block the attack to the best of his ability. The beam struck, and a massive explosion ensued.

"Did that get him?" Spike asks as he slowly lowers his guard.

"It's not over till we see a body!" Ember said. And sure enough the cloud of sand dissipated and Gol Beak stood there with his arms crossed against his body defensively. The attack left scorch marks all across his hulking, but Gol Beak has yet to be defeated.

Grunting, the Griffin went to speak. "You all have the most unusual abilities. In fact, they give me an idea..." He eluded as he sucks in the air around. His body bloated up like a blimp before he thrust his head forward and released a deafening shriek. Our heroes leaped into the air to avoid the sound wave attack that dug a trench in the sand.

Piccolo decided to act and tried his hand against Gol Beak. He tensed all of his muscles and caused himself to expand. He was now a foot taller and a few inches wider. The Namekian charges and reared his fist back. Gol Beak smirked with confidence and met his attack head on.

"You short-sighted ignoramus! Can't you see I am invincible!" The Griffin said as he launched his fist into Piccolos. He expected to see the Namek blown away or his entire arm broken. Instead, Piccolo held fast and pushed the Griffin back with his punch. He slides across the battlefield. But Piccolo did not let up. He flickered to his position and started raining down blows. Gol Beak was sweating as the damage the Griffin was taking began to mount up. He swung his left arm out wild to throw Piccolo off. The Namekian easily dodged it. However, Gol Beak clapped his claws together and produced another shockwave. Piccolo defends, but the attack pushes him back. Piccolo rejoins the group as they came up with a plan.

"He's not what I'd call a fighter. Luckily for him, the added power boost from the Dragonball is making up for his shortcomings. We need to remove it," Piccolo said.

"Agreed. This fight is getting annoying!" Ember growled.

"Come guys. He's an amateur at best," Yamcha said.

"Then perhaps you would like another shot one on one," Yamcha gulped at Ember's suggestion.

"Our attacks can deal damage to him. We just need to keep him off-balance," Tien said.

"We should coordinate our attacks instead of just attacking one at a time. Ember and I are the best duos. We'll create an opening then you guys follow up. Of course, we still have to get the Dragonball," Spike reminded.

"Hmph! Leave that part to me. I have just the thing," Piccolo said as he put his forefinger and his middle finger on his temple. In the background, Flurry Heart watches the battle with concern. The longer fight drags on, the more angsty she got. A twinkle went off in her peripheral vision. The young princess looked around to find the aquamarine gemstone. Quickly and quietly, the little alicorn

Spike and Ember launched themselves at Gol Beak. But instead of attacking, the two dragons flickered all around him. Gol Beak swung his muscular arms in a futile attempt to land a blow. Ember appeared behind him and kicked him in his hamstrings, causing the Griffin to fall to one knee. Spike came up next and launched his knee into the back of Gol Beak head. This action made the Desert Raider faceplant in the sand. Enraged, Gol Beak got back up to all fours. However, Yamcha came in, This time with Ki enhancing his attack, and dropped kicked the side of his cranium. Gol Beak tumbled back to the ground before he managed to stop himself.

Rage filled his entire being as he got up and rushed the trio. He went for a wide punch but was blocked again as Tien appeared in front of him, caught his arm while dipping his body, and used his foot to trip his paw. Gol Beaks momentum causes him to flip onto the ground with a dull thud. The commander slowly sat up and watched in horror as his opponents flickered all around him. Finally fed up, the hulking avian raised his arms high above his head and brought them dome hard. A burst of sand and air pressure shot up like a geyser. Our heroes got some distance before the attack landed. Gol Beak tried to pierce through the cloud of smoke to see if he succeeded in wiping his enemies out. His eyes fell on a most peculiar sight.

Princess Flurry Heart was in the air holding the Aquamarine in her tiny hands. Gol Beak anger and frustration reached a boiling point. "You! You sniveling little pony menace! Never have I been so wrong about any of my operations. I should've thrown you in the smallest cage imaginable. But since I now have this power, you're useless to me is at an end!" The Griffin flexed his claws and made a swipe motion toward the alicorn princess.

Fear gripped Flurry as the air morphed into blades with the intent of slicing her to ribbons. Piccolo saw this and cut off his attack. He flickered to her position and pushed her of the way. Flurry Heart slowly regained her faculties and smiled when she realized Piccolo saved her again. However, the little alicorn noticed a pain expression hidden behind his stoic demeanor. The Namek descended to the ground, making sure to keep his left side out of view.

"You ok kid?" Piccolo asked, and Flurry slowly nodded.

"My, how noble of you. Although, it didn't come without cost. Feeling a little short-handed at the moment, are we?" Gol Beak taunted. Spike and Ember gasp in horror at the state of Namekian companion. Green blood stains the sandy landscape as the majority of Piccolo's arm was cut off.

"PICCOLO!!!" Spike hollered.

"We're coming!!!" Ember said. The two dragons went to aid their friend, but they were both stopped by the humans in their party. "What are you two doing!? He needs help!"

"No, we'll just get in his way," Tien said.

"Trust us. Piccolo's been in this situation before, and I'm sure he's hopping mad right now. Let him handle this fight from here," Yamcha said.

"Ha! Even your so-called comrades have left you at my mercy. Any last words you would like to say slug!" Gol Beak said as he tensed his claws for another attack.

Piccolo gaze was focused squarely on Griffin's stomach. He could feel the Dragonball's power radiating which provided for the perfect target. He glanced up to the little surprise he left and shot Gol Beak a smirk. "Yes, just one - Makankosappo!!!"

The Desert Raider commander arched an eyebrow in confusion. "What in Tartarus is that -- GUH!!!" The Griffin's word died in his throat as another beam collided with his stomach. Through a pained grunt, Gol Beak looked up to see the arm he cut off was firing a continuous attack that drilled into his abdomen. Flurry Heart found herself mesmerized by the gold beam with a spiral coattail He tried his best to endure, but he could feel his muscle beginning to tear apart. Just when he was about to gain a new orifice, the beam died off, and the severed limb fell to the ground.

"Tsk. Not enough power to sustain it," Piccolo grumbled. The Dragonball energy flared again as it began to heal his adversary at a snail's pace.

"Hahahaha! Y-your last gambit and it failed you. I told you, you putrid slug, I am Gol Beak, and I reign in these parts. Not the moronic reptiles, hairless apes, or those sad, pathetic, skittish little horses called ponies-- AARGH...!"

Everyone gasped out at the new scene before them. Princess Flurry Heart, daughter of the Alicorn of love, had her head embedded deeply into the lower torso of the Desert Raider commander. Gol Beak body went stiff, completely frozen in pain, as he watched the filly back off. Her impression of Piccolo's stoic face was in full force. He went to say something, but all that came out was a gurgle. His stomach churned as gunk and bile shot up to his throat. He lurched forward and regurgitated his lunch as well as the Dragonball. The avians body shrank back to normal. He swayed back and forth until he collapsed on the ground completely knocked out. Flurry Heart brightly smiles as she threw out two peace signs.

"Hehe, well I'll be," Piccolo chuckled as he took this time to regenerate his arm while Flurry Heart was celebrating her victory. The other's quickly joined by his side.

"Hah, see, I told you guys that filly's a monster," Yamcha said.

"She's got the makings of a real warrior," Tien commented.

"It was unexpected. But I approve nonetheless," Ember said with a smirk.

"I know, but I can't say Cadence will feel the same," Spike said before he realized something. "Piccolo, are you ok!? Where's your arm!? Maybe we can reattach it,"

"What are you talking about, kid? My arm is fine," Piccolo said as he shows them his new arm. He couldn't hide the smile on his face at their bewildered expressions. "Nameks possess regenerative abilities. As long as my head is intact, I can regrow as many limbs as I want. Keep it quiet though. I was trying not to worry the kid over there. I did not want her to see something as graphic as a severed limb,"

Spike nodded in understanding. "Good call. Hey, Flurry. Where is the Aquamarine? We need to head back," Flurry perked up and patted herself down. She panicked when she could not find the jewel. She got another glint from the corner and rushed over to it. Once she was there, Flurry Heart fell to her knees and started crying. Everyone saw this and came to her side.

"What's wrong Flurry Heart?" The alicorn filly points a shaky finger at the remains of the aquamarine gemstone.

"Gol Beaks last attack must have shattered it," Piccolo deduced.

"Then what do we do? We can't show up at the Sultan's Palace without it! This gem was their only means of getting water!" Yamcha exclaimed.

"Actually. I might have the answer," Spike said.

[A few mintues later - Sultans's garden.]

Our Heroes returned to the Palace with Gol Beak tow. The rulers were overjoyed to know that the Desert Raider threat was now completely neutralized and their leader captured. It would not take long to weed out any stragglers still lurking around in the shadows. Unfortunately, the new about the Aquamarine being destroyed nearly sent them into a frenzy. Thankfully, Spike was able to convince them to follow him outside into the gardens.

"Sir Spike. May I ask what we are doing out here?" Shifting Sands asked.

"Yes, you said you had something to replace the Aquamarine," Snake Charmer said.

"That's right," Spike said as he pulled out the Bansho Fan. "This is a magical fan given to me by my master Goku. Now, if you swing it once like this..." Spike proceeds to turn the Bansho, and a gust of wind followed after it. "It produces a burst of wind. However, if you swing two times in quick secession..." He waves the fan twice, and storm clouds appeared in the skies. What happened next was a miracle for all of Saddle Arabia to see. Rain fell into the kingdom. The citizen could scarcely believe their eyes before they ran out with buckets and bottles as they tried to collect as much water as they could. Fillies and Colts started splashing in the puddles made by the water.

"This is breathtaking..." Snake Charmer said.

"And this fan can do this after two waves?" Shifting Sand asked for clarity to which Spike nodded. "Astonishing! How much you want for it!?"

Spike merely shook his head tosses the fan over to the Sultan. "Not a single bit," he smiled.

Ember elbowed him his side eyes she approaches the rulers. "Truthfully, we would appreciate it if you keep our visit here quiet and perhaps set up diplomatic relation with the Dragonlands on a later date,"

Neither rulers hesitated for a moment. "Consider it done!" They both said.

[Back aboard the Lightning Flash.]


"Welp, we did guys. We found the Dragonball. We saved a Kingdom. Hehe, just like the good old days," Yamcha said.

"It was an experience. I'm going below deck to see if any of these crewmen improved during our time out," Tien said.

"Oh, I am not missing this. Just as long as it's just us this time," Yamch gulped as he spared a glance at Flurry Heart who was playing with Piccolo's antenna again while he meditated.

"We're going to the mess hall. I'm feeling a bit peckish after today's events," Ember said.

"We'll join you guys later," Spike said as all for of them went below deck.

Piccolo calmly sat as Flurry continued her ministrations. Once he was sure everyone left the top floor, he opened his eyes and gazed upon the filly. "That was kind of reckless attacking Gol Beak like that," Flurry Heart ears splayed against her head at the scolding until she felt a gentle patting on her head. She looked at Piccolo's smiling face as he back his hand down. "You remind me of another child who has that kind of bravery. You did the right thing kid," The alicorn princess squealed with joy as she flew around in a circle before she landed next to Piccolo. She crossed her legs and got into the same meditative stance as Piccolo. The two smiled at each as they enjoyed the journey home in peace.

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