• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 26: The Return!!!"

[Desert Village - Critical Condition Tent - Third Person POV.]

The battle had ended, and Centaurs victory over the Ashen Scorpion spared the village a grim fate. However, it was not without heavy losses. A third of the force that went out to impede the threat was laid to rest. Their bodies couldn't even be brought back for a proper burial. Not that they could since all the volunteers needed to bring the wounded back to receive first aid. However, for Tirek and Scorpan, they would not gain the help they desperately required.

"What do you mean there is no more room!?" Tirek shouted. A centaur with a red cross band held his hands up in a placating gesture as he replied.

"I am sorry sir. But we have our hands full at the moment. There was another influx of patient afflicted by the illness, and so our hands are tied. I'm very sorry,"

Tirek snarled at this. "We have critically wounded from the battle with the Ashen Scorpion. They need medical attention immediately!!!"

The doctor sighs in defeat as he opened the tarp to the tent. "I will try and find someone who's available, but I wouldn't count my blessings if I were you,"

Tirek felt on a hand on his shoulder and glanced at Illana. "Are you both alright? The losses we severed today was great, but your father..." She paused, unable to find the right words of comfort.

"Our father is-"

Scorpan started, but Tirek finished for him. "-Is a strong bull. The injury he suffered is nothing of consequence,"

"Indeed. Father will prevail over this challenge," Scorpan supported.

Illana stepped forward and grabbed Tirek and Scorpan by their necks. She pulled them close to her and rested her head on the sides of their temples. Tirek went rigid while Scorpan shifted about uncomfortably. "I am afraid I owe you two an apology. I overheard what your father said before the arachnid encounter. He is undoubtedly a traditionist. But I believe he will be quite surprised at our efforts,"

Tirek and Scorpan glanced at each other. "I sincerely doubt that will be his viewpoint given his standpoint about magi," Scorpan started as he gestures to his staff. "He will not be pleased to know I continued my studies..."

"Has father ever been happy with anything recently?" Tirek remarked in half-hearted jovial tone. "We should see how he fares,"

"If I can offer some piece of mind.." Illana started as she broke her embrace with a kiss on Tireks' and Scorpan's cheeks. "You two performed admirably,"

The trio went ventured to where the injured was resting. Because of the medical tents were full, most of the volunteers were lying on cots outside. Many of the gargoyle's and centaurs sported severe burns from the poison. Others sadly succumbed to their wounds and had to be covered with a white sheet. Tirek maintained a visage of complete stoicism while Scorpan's features briefly shifted from a blank stare to a forlorn frown. However, Illana was far more expressive. She knelt down next to a cot that concealed a body of her comrade. Tirek and Scorpan watched on silently as she hovered her palm over the bodies face. She waved her hand left and right before tapping the forehead. She muttered something in a low tone that was barely audible. However, what little Tirek and Scorpan could interpret sounded sweet thanks to the softness of her voice. Illana stood back up and made her way to Burks' cot with his sons close behind her. Two physicians were there looking Burk over. However, their expression did not bear good news.

"What is father's condition?" Tirek asked.

"He will live. However, his arm is nothing more than a puddle of flesh, and I am afraid that we could not save his left eye. The poison also damaged some nerve ending traveling down his forelegs. He will suffer through involuntary muscle spasm as well as a noticeable limp," The doctor stated with a grimace.

Junior became shocked at his grandfather's state. "He fell into a coma? Surely the doctors of that era were not this ignorant?"

"Sadly, yes, our knowledge on most medical condition was severely lacking. Often, when a citizen fell in a similar condition, they are given a week-long grace period to recover on their own," The present Scorpan explained.

"And those that don't are considered a hindrance, thus, they are no longer worth anything, correct?" Scorpan remained silent. "How was it done?"

"Exile," Scorpan said bluntly. "Typically, those under the conditions as father was would be exiled from the village. Any citizen that lost limbs, be it an arm or leg, would meet the same fate. Although, the village does provide direction towards other civilizations for the limbless ones. The vegetative patients are merely placed far away from the village and forgotten with the sands,"

"So this was to be grandfather's fate,"

"Not exactly,"

"Has he awoken since our return?" Past Scoran asked.

"Yes, he has. But not in the usual way," The doctor said.

"How so?"

"That is something of a mystery. See for yourselves..." Tirek and Scorpan gazed at their father. They instantly notice that Burk was awake. Although, his gaze was focused straight up into the sky. "His scarred and the damaged pupil is unsettling in and of itself. But the patient is completely nonresponsive. Nothing I have done so far has yielded any reaction,"

Scorpan leaned down and called out to Burk. "Father? Can you hear me?"


"It is I, father, your son Scorpan!"


Worry began to form on the brothers' features as Tirek pulled his father up by his shoulders. "Father! Speak to us!" When Burk didn't respond, Tirek insisted harder. "Father!!! Say something! You are a strong bull! You always were! This condition will not best you!!!"


Snarling, Tirek got in his father's face and glared into his eyes. "Was it all a lie then?! Was all your teaching based on falsehood?! All show and no substance? Did the 'discipline' we endured up to this point was just a means for you--"


Tirek relented after Scorpan cut him off. Tirek gently lowers his father back to the cot and walks off to get some much-needed space. Illana looks concerned as she glances between Scorpan and Tirek's retreating form before asking her question. "Will he recover?"

"It is hard to say. Our medical knowledge has no barrings for this type of affliction," The medical personnel stated.

"I could see if my books hold any information about father's well-being," Scorpan said. "In the meantime, are we allowed to take him home?"

"Yes, you may. Truthfully, I was going to request as such. We need the cot for other patients,"

"Then we shall go without further delay," Scorpan reached down and hooked his father left arm and began to lift. Illana quickly did the same with his right arm, much to Scorpan's surprise. "You do not have to aid us further,"

Illana ignored him and helped Burk to a vertical base. "I realize this, but I am giving you my aid anyway. Will your brother be alright? He seemed distressed. I mean he should be feeling that way. His father is a walking statue," Illana gawked at her choice of words. "Oh! Forgive me! I was not trying to be insensitive!"

Scorpan let out a small chuckle as they began walking to Tirek. "I can tend to father. Please go check on my brother,"

With a nod, Illana released her hold on Burk and caught up to Tirek. The bull walked in a slow pace toward his home as Illana caught. Tirek was starting to get used to her presence as a sweet fragrance radiated from her. He glances toward, and she greets him with a soft smile that sent a feeling over his chest that he opted to disregard for the time being. With a sigh, Tirek broke the silence. "Father instilled his value of strength on us," He started, knowing that his companion had questions. "Day in and day out, my brother and I trained to be strong. There was no room for any limitations of any kind," His home was in view as Scorpan guided Burk inside. "Now he is in this state,"

Illana eyed Tirek carefully as she replied. "I hope I am not trampling on your upbring when I say this, but your father is wrong!" Tirek stops and glares at her. Unphased, Illana continues. "It is impossible for us - living beings - not to have weaknesses. If they didn't exist then how can we improve? Then there is the issue of what accounts for weakness. Are you weak because you laugh? Are you soft because you care and love for your brother?" Illana pauses as she entwines her fingers with Tireks'. "Are you lacking in strength if you share your love with another?"

Tirek's eyed at that. "...L-Love? Share!?!?..."

This reaction caused Illana to recoil in embarrassment. "N-no, no! You are misinterpreting my words!!!" She said frantically. "You do not have to share your love with me. Not that you are unattractive, because you are very appealing in my eyes!" Illana started to stutter and fumble her words. "Of course, I don't mean you should court me. There are plenty of other cows more suitable. Oh! I am doing it again!"

Tirek blinked twice as he shook off the feeling of blood rushing to his cheeks. He searched for any flaws in her logic but found there was none. Illana's words rang true within him. "I do not know..." Now it was Tirek turn to correct himself. "I do not know what accounts for weakness, only that I should not have any,"

Illana frowned a bit before asking her next question. Then answer this: What do you feel for your father and is it considered weakness?"

Tirek opened and closed his mouth a few times. But before he could respond, Scorpan called out to him. "Brother, help me prepare food for father," Tirek turns to see his brother and father standing close behind himself and Illana. "You would honor us to join in Lady Illana,"

Illana gently patted his Tirek, snapping out of his bewilderment. "You do not have to give your answer now. It is just something to ruminate," She said before turning to Scorpan. "I thank you, but I would not want to impose. I doubt you can spare the rations with a forth stomach to fill,"

Tirek saw Illana turn to leave, and his body reacted. His hand reached out and grasped her hand. "We are not strangers to a full table," Tirek felt the heat returning to his cheeks as he continued. "Please join us," He said quickly.

Illana smile as her cheeks began to blush. "I would be honored,"

The memory began to fade out as Present Scorpan chuckles. "That invitation was the first of many. Since that day, Illana was already apart of the family. And she practically took over the kitchen when it came to cooking. Neither my brother or I was adept at the culinary arts. Look here,"

An image appeared with Scorpan, and Tirek covered in globs of food while Illana fixed them both an unamused glare. The kitchen was a mess with stains covering the counter top and sink as well as smoke blooming from burnt quarry they prepared for dinner that night. The two went to speak, but Illana silences them with her palm. She uttered two words that gave room for no back talk or arguments. "Never again!!!" With that simple command, Illana brought a broom, mop, and hand towels and gave them to her two friends. Reluctantly, the two brothers began cleaning while Illana tended to dinner.

Junior muzzle curved slightly upwards until he noticed something or someone missing. "Where has grandfather gone?"

Scorpan mood fell all at once at the mention of his father's name. "Well, the week-long grace period ended shortly before this memory. We debated long and hard about father's fate. Eventually, Illana came up with a solution. Tirek and I carried two bags full of rocks on a stretcher in place of our father while Illana took him to a secluded part of the village,"

"You went against grandfather's teachings!' Junior pointed out. Scorpan nodded, not bothering to feign ignorance. "Why? I would expect as much from you, but my father would not be so kind. From what I have witnessed, he idolizes grandfather even if you could consider him harsh. Father would allow grandfathers exile because grandfather would have deemed so himself!"

"It was Illana that swayed the both of us," Junior's eyes widened in shock. "She never liked methods our village would take to preserve our traditions. It was not an easy task, but her exact words were "Our numbers dwindle every day. Whether it is the harsh environment, the home we've chosen, the mysterious disease or even our very culture. It feels as if our lives is not our own. I hate it! The first two is out of our control, but we can save your father!!!" Her words touched us. Tirek especially. So we hid our father and cared for him as much as we could afford. During that time Illana and Tirek grew closer and closer. However, on the day my brother finally profused his love for her, it was the same day we lost our father..."

Junior felt trepidation swell within him, but he did not show it as the memory played. It was dark out as Past Scorpan was walking behind his brother and Illana who was carrying a bag of nourishment for Burk. They went to the secluded part of the community where the disease contamination began. Scorpan's deductions had proven it to be a mere coincidence since it could've happened anywhere. But thanks to the self-preservation nature of the village inhabitants, it made for the perfect hiding place. Illana was sorting through the food while Tirek was slowing in his stride. He matched his speed with his brother as he spoke.

"What can I do for you brother?" Scorpan said with a knowing smirk.

"What should I say to her? I will admit that I lack in these endeavors..."

"Hmm..." Scorpan said as he scratched his chin. "I have the solution!"


"You must listen to me carefully, brother,"


"To win her affections, you must go over to her complement her,"

Tirek's face fell as he frowned at his brother. "That's it!?" He shouted, gaining Illana attention. The two brothers waved her off as they reached the hideout.

"Yes, start slow and talk with her. Then let the rest flow naturally,"

Tirek sighs in annoyance before walking back to Illana. He walked up to her, stood up straight, and glared into her eyes. "Your mane is adequate today," A loud slap went off from behind that was followed by a groan.

Illana shot Tirek a quizzical look before replying. "Thank you?" There was an awkward silence as Scorpan coughed into his hand. "Let us go inside. Burk must be hungry," Junior let out an annoyed growl at his fathers' attempt at courting as Present Scorpan chuckles. The trio ventured inside the building to find a small campfire, pale of water with a sponge inside, and finally a comfortable bed with a lump that was covered by a blanket. "Mr. Burk. We've brought you your supper,"

"Illana did not expect him to reply, but she was just polite," Present Scorpan stated.

"...There is something wrong with that blanket," Junior noticed. "It should be rising and falling to indicate grandfather's breathing,"

"You are correct. This moment is when we discovered father's ruse,"

Juniors turned to Scorpan, confused by his words as the memory continued. It happened the moment everyone was inside. Illana made her way to the bed while Tirek was close behind. However, Scorpan did not make it two steps before a blunt object collided with his head, forcing to hit the floor with a hard thud. The image became blurry as Tirek wiped around only to share the same fate. Illana quickly spun around, dropping the food, just for a figure to wrap their hand around her neck and wrestle her down to the ground. Sounds of struggle and strained gasps of breath echoed without the mindscape. Scorpan's vision cleared somewhat, and he could make out Illana trying desperately to free herself. Luckily, she was not as defenseless as her attacker believed. Illana slips a knife she keeps hidden behind her shirt and stabs it into her attacker's abdomen, breaking his grip. By this time, Scorpan and Tirek have gotten back to their hooves and rushed the intruder.

Scorpan's vision cleared up. Unfortunately, the night sky concealed the identity of the attacker. Tirek let out a bellow as he and Scorpan attempted to tackle their assailant. However, they stopped when their aggressor hurled his weapon at them. The same one used to disable them temporarily was in actuality a log from the fire pit. The distraction left Tirek, and Scorpan vulnerable as two hooves buried themselves into their chests, knocking them back to the ground. A grunt came from the intruder as he pulled the knife from his stomach and stalked toward Illana who was rubbing her throat while grasps for air. She would get no reprieve as she felt a weight crash down on her lower ribcage. The attacker repeatedly raised his forelegs to vicious stomp on her body. Once satisfied with the damage, the unknown rouge grabs hold of Illana's mane and toss her across the room. Tirek was back up while Scorpan started to stir. The bulls' eyes widen in shock as he saw the glint of the knife caught his attention. Time slowed down as the blade began its descent. And at that moment, Tirek felt a rush of power swell within all four of his legs. With speeds no centaur has ever display, Tirek primed his horns and gored Illana would-be murder. A wide smirk adorned Tirek's lips when he heard a scream of pain as he heaved up and thew the attacker to the floor. In an instant, Tirek was upon his enemy, raining punch after punch to his face.

"You dare try to hurt her! I will make your death slow and agonizing!!!" Tirek bellowed. Soon the sound of heavy meaty thuds filled the room as Tirek was unrelenting in his assault. Finally, after the several minutes, he paused as the light of the moon revealed the attacker's features. That sense of righteous vindication fell as Burk stared up back at his son who stared back in abject horror.

"Grandfather!?" Junior whispered out in shock. P, Scorpan merely closed his eyes in solemn reflection.

"F-Father!?!? But that's- Hmn!!" Tirek got and ran to the cot. He swiftly pulled back the blanket to reveal a pile of rocks organized to his shape. A startling realization shocked everyone in the room as Tirek numbly walked back to his groaning father while an equally shellshocked Scorpan tends to Illana. Tirek fell to his knees, staring blankly into Burk's beaten form, as he spoke in a shaky voice. "Y-You planned this!?" Despite his mangled appearance, a smile made its way on his muzzle. It was the first sign of emotion Burk displayed since their mother died. His hand shot out and pulled Tireks' head to his mouth. Scorpan couldn't catch what Burk said, but the effect it had on his brother was an excellent indicator of something terrifying. Burk released his son as his arm fell limply to the side while he exhaled his last breath.

The memory ended abruptly as Junior's horn lit up and held Scorpan in his magical grasp. "Explain this!!!" He demanded in a cold tone.

Calmly, Scorpan responded. "As you saw, Burk staged an attack on us with Illana being his primary target. Although I cannot say for certain if he would've killed Tirek and me next To this day, I often wondered how much father's condition was simply him pretending or did he go mad on that night,"

"Why do you still refer to him as a father after that!?" Junior could not mask the disgust in his voice after the murder attempt upon his mother.

"Tirek and I refer to him by that moniker in an ironic sense from then on," Junior could scarcely believe that harshness coming from his former uncle. It was a bit unsettling. "There was nothing familial remaining in that centaur,"

"...What did he say to Father? There had to be a reason for this madness!!!" Junior asked, releasing his hold and changing the subject.

"I do not know. Tirek never spoke of the incident again. All he said after we gathered ourselves was to bury our father in an unmarked grave behind the hideout. Illana brought up that the funeral we held was dishonorable since he was not supposed to be within the village at all. And Tirek responded that it was only fitting and left it at that. However, it was there that Tirek professed his love for her,"

Another memory manifested with Tirek gently cradling Illana's hands. He spoke openly and without any trepidation or nervousness. "I nearly lost you today. And all I could think about was what a coward I've been toward you this whole time. I will not make that mistake again. Please remain by my side. Not as a fellow warrior or comrade, but as my partner,"

The shock was evident on both Illana and Scorpan's features at Tirek's sudden proposal. However, that surprise gave way to happiness as Illana agreed. "Yes, I would love too!" The memory faded again with Tirek and Illana sharing a kiss.

"From there, they began their relationship. Tirek and Illana courted for six months and married by the end of the year. Illana was a picture of happiness while Tirek even manages to smile more in public. However, Tirek's happiness often had an air of smugness to it. He made a habit of visiting our father's grave, smirking down at the patch of earth. It was cause for worry, but I never confronted him about it. The three of us were happy, and that was enough," Scorpan then looks down at his nephew with a smile as he reaches out to him. "Then, a year later, you were born,"

Junior grabs hold of his uncle's wrist before it reached him and firmly brought it down, thus reminding Scorpan on where the two stood, and causing the elder gargoyle you sigh. "There is something you failed to mention; when grandfather tried to murder mother, father tapped into his magic. Something that he should not have been able to accomplish at that time,"

"Ah yes, you could say that the situation provided the right stimulation for him to perform that feat. Of course, it also accelerated his deterioration. However, my research about the plague finally bore fruit just as he was beginning to show the symptoms,"

A new memory started with Scorpan drawing a runic circle with Tirek resting at the center of it on a bed. Illana and their son were nowhere in sight as per Tireks' on instruction. The proud bull did not want to burden his family with his plight.

"You are certain Illana should not be here? It is only right that she is by your side..."

A sharp intake of breath sounded off. "What's this? Grand Sorcerer Scorpan is upset his magic will fail!? Indeed, it is the end of days!" Tirek said with a weary chuckle. "I am almost tempted to call this off just to brag about it,"

Scorpan snorted at this. "Well perhaps I misjudged the situation if you are still able to be so snide," He shook his head as his staff levitated over his brother and the rune began to glow. "My solution will work. You will live brother! I have not spent years toiling of anatomy books for nothing," Moments later, the circle began to glow. Tirek's body became enveloped in the same light. Then, the flash died down as Tirek settled back on the bed. Moving quickly, Scorpan summoned a sphere of magic over his palm and stood over his brother. "Brother. Look at this," Tirek's eyes weakly fluttered open as they landed on the orb. "Focus on the sphere. Feel its energy radiating and draw it within yourself. Hurry!"

Tirek complied, seeing as there was nothing else to do. He was understandably confused on what exactly to do, but then he felt a familiar growl in his stomach. Tirek had not eaten much when he fell ill despite Illana best efforts. And for some reason, the orb of mana in front of him was quite appealing. So he opened his mouth, and at that moment, Scorpan's magic flowed into his stomach. Instantly, Tirek felt a change. The splotches on his fur began to mend. His muscles slowly rejuvenated to their original state, and he no longer felt like weak. Tirek got off the bed as the magic fully integrated inside his body.

"Brother. You have done it!" Tirek exclaimed. However, in his excitement, a magical aura formed around his horn and flung the bed across the room.

Scorpan was aghast by this new development. "Intriguing..." He said as the memory ended.

"Honestly, I had no idea how well the procedure would go, only a general understanding," Present Scorpan said. Junior had a look that urged him to continue. "The problem was the two half of our body and the magic within not circulating correctly. My solution was to create an artificial mana core to help stabilize the imbalance. Thanks to my findings, a centaur could wield magic much like the other species of this world. However, the focal point needed to be replenished every so often from a magical source. I was sustaining Tirek for a time with my magic until I was able to fix that small issue. But it was a momentous feat of spell craftsmanship,"

"You must be proud," Junior said.

Scorpan's features fell when he spoke next. "It is also the source of my greatest shame. After I performed the spell on both you and Illana, I began preparing to appeal to the council to do the same to the citizens. However, my request included reconnecting with the pony civilization. They were still at war with the crystal tyrant, but the council refused to get involved with pony affairs. They have not forgotten the Ashen Scorpion incident. But misplaced vanity would not save the centaurs for extinction. Sadly, I never got the chance,"

Scorpan waved his staff and an image of Scorpan and Tirek surrounded by a group of marauders of varying pony tribes. They were black armor outfitted with spikes along the shoulder guard and leg greaves. The helmets sported an unruly black mane while the visor emitted a green-tinted glow. Two small curved horns rested at the center of the mask, signaling who master it is they serve. And the respirator over the muzzle gave a chilling raspy growl with each breath they took. These were King Sombra's scouting party. They were sent back to the desert when it was discovered a community resided there. Scorpan and Tirek were the ones to incept them during another hunt. Thus they engaged in battle.

Tirek was trying to over power an earth pony scavenger as they wrestled over his spear. Meanwhile, Scorpan was busy handling the two flyers and unicorn ponies. The gargoyle was struggling however, as each time he tried to mount an offensive against one party, the other would intervine. One of the pegasi swoops down and slices his shoulder in passing. Scorpan yelps in pain and took his eyes off the unicorn that fired an offensive spell into his chest. Scorpan hit the ground hard as his enemies began to converge on him. Tirek was still fending the earth pny when he saw his brother fall. Unfortunely, he looked away from his foe. The scouter saw this an unsheathed a knife and dugg it into Tirek's side. The bull liet go of his spear and clutched the foreign object. Sadly, this action gave his attacker the opportunity to tackle him to the ground as he began to strangle him. Tirek tried to pry his offender off of him, but his wound coupled with his rapidly delepeting oxygen made the task grueling.

"You and your people will serve as excellent fodder for Sombra's army," The pony spoke. Their intention made abundantly clear. More slaves for Sombra meant more pawns to aid him in his war effort.

Tirek snarled as best as he could. He glare into the mask as his option dwendled by the second. However, it was then that Tirek thought of something that would save them. He open his maw as his eyes and horns glowed with a magcial aura. A moment later, the earth pony gasped as his magic flowed into Tirek's mouth. This action alerted the other scavengers as Tirek drained the pony of every ounce of magic he had. Wasting little time, Tirek turned to the rest of their as they advanced toward him. With a wave of his hand, Tirek encased them all in his aura and dragged them over to him. He opened his mouth again sucked away their magic as well. When it was over, the deser village would be enslavers fell to the ground and laid there motionlessly. Tirek found something strange happening to his body. He grew several inches taller as his muscles expanded. Power surge through him like never before while Scorpan watches on in disbelief. The wounded gargoyle returned to a standing position and made his way to his brother. Once beside him, Scorpan was awe now that Tirek was a head size taller than he was.

"Brother.. What is happening? Are you well?"

Tirek panted heavily as he stared into his hands. He opened and closes them as he settled down, a smirk creeping its way on his features as he responded. "Yes, I am well brother..." He clenches his fist tightly, feeling his newfound power coursing through his being. "Very well indeed!"

Present Scorpan shook his head as he dispels the memory. "From that day forth, Tirek had changed. He had tasted power, real power, for the first time and he loved it. Of course, he was a novice compared to any of the ponies, so he asked me to help hone his abilities. Tirek told me that those scavengers were the first of many, and he needed to protect our home. I was skeptical at first. But something was amiss with the formula I crafted. It surpassed my orginal expectations. I did not know what I created until it was far too late to intervine,"

"..." Junior said nothing opting to quietly absorb all this information. One of his key strength came from this traitor, and it was little more than an accident.

"But i had no time to ponder went went astray for Tirek's predication came true and more of those Sombra's legion came for us. They were easily dispatched, and Tirek gain more power. The citizens became enbolden by his continual success at repelling their attacks. However, Illana would always question his wellbeing. Tirek was far more arogant and succetible to bouts of aggresion. When we confronted him about his behavior; we would get the same answer, which he was fine and not concern ourselves. Eventually, he was the one to propose my idea of reestablishing relations with the Equestrian government. This time, the council approved. Tirek's newfound popularity turned out to be a godsend for gainng support. it wasn't until later that I - or should I say Illana - discovered his true intentions,"

Slowly, a realization crept in deep within the young bull. "...What are you saying!?"

"Illana was shrewd. She knew that, for all of Tirek's assurances, something was horribly wrong. One can not pull the wool over their bethroved. So Tirek confided in her that he aimed to meet with the only rulers, Celestia and Luna, to plead our case. In reality, he would steal their magic, and cement himself as ruler of all the lands. Illana was distraught. The meeting was happening, and there was no time decline. That is when I wrote a letter to Starswirl the breaded. Originally, we only wanted--"

"Silence yourself!" Junior stated, cut him off He glare at Scorpan coldly, a grim look in his eye. "You speak slander of Mother! She is not a traitor like you!!!"

"Perhaps it is best to show you..."

As Scorpan prepared another memory, Junior had enough. "No, I have seen enough!!!" His eyes glowed as cracks began to form around the pair. The mindscape shattered away like glass, and the two were back in the basement. "This endeavor has proven fruitless. Nothing but a stalling tactic devised by a desparate traitor. I have humored your trival exploits for longer than nessercary. It is time to begin!!!" Juniors' horns glow as the staff floated in the air as a gold sphere of light emitted from it. The Dragonballs followed suit, spinning in place around the staff, and amplifying the ritual power. A small smirk adorns Junior's features as he turned to Scorpan. "Fret not 'Uncle.' You will still live. Father is merely taking the reigns from this day forth. You will remain in the back carriage of the depths of his mind,"

Scorpan was silent before bowing his head in acceptance. It felt the magic take hold of his being and his conciousness slipping away into the background. However, before he would succomb to the spell, Scorpan imparted his final words. "I know you are still curious. Much details have been tightly guard from you. When you question Tirek as we both know you will, ask him this: 'Where is your mother?' If there is hesitance in his voice or he says that she is dead, then you should note those are only lies,"

Junior's eyes widened as Scorpan's form was utterly overshadowed by a blinding light. The next thing he heard was the door to the basement breaking down followed by the rapid sound of footsteps. He turned around to see three of Son Goku's friends taking a combat stance. "Hey there, sorry to bust up your little party, but you have something that belongs to us!!!"

Junior turned to face his unwelcomed guests and offered them a small smirk. "You are too late,"

Before anyone could even move, a raging bellow of a fury and wrath sounded off followed by an explosion of raw power. "RAAAAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!"

[Outside the Basement - The Kingdom of Minos - A few minutes eariler.]

In a flash, Z warriors and The equestrians landed in the heart of the minotaur Kingdom. The sight that greeted them was less than ideal. "Goodness! What happened here!?" Rarity exclaimed.

"This destruction. It has Chrysalis foul odor reeking of it!" Luna stated with disgust.

"Tch. No use in whining about it. We got to move now!" Piccolo stated.

"Should we split up?" Krillin asked.

"I don't think we need too," Scootaloo said as she points straight ahead. "I can feel those centaurs energy in that direction. They're all in the same spot,"

Celestia's horn lit with magic as a dome surrounded our heroes. "Everyone stay within the dome. It will mask our presence from the citizen. We do not have time for a formal visit, though I doubt the kingdom is in a welcoming mood,"

Our heroes began their trek through the ruins of Minos. It was not long before they started to see the inhabitants along the way. Most of the girls turned away from the sight of despair and misery. "How could she do this? Was her desires worth all this pain!?" Twilight asked with tears threatening to spill.

"Tsk. The world's a better place without that parasite," Trunks spat, clenching his fist in anger.

Yamcha stopped for a moment before shaking his head. His gaze landed a mother clutching her crying doe as she held on to a picture of their family. It was too much to bare for the desert wolf. "Yeah..." He said solemnly.

"We're almost there guys," Goku said.

Unbeknownst to our heroes, the trio of Siren, Raam, and Pudge was watching their every move atop one of the destroyed buildings. "Oh? It seems our little friends are trying to stay incongito," Siren pointed out.

*BURP* "That sounds tasty," Pudge said, smacking his lips.

"Grr. Siren means they are trying to hide," Raam growled as the three lit up their horns. "Let's give them the welcoming committee," They held out their palms as magic gathered into an orb. A moment later, their attacks sail througthe h air and collided with Celestia's shield. It shattered like glass instantly, revealing our heroes to the populous. Before they could recover, however, Siren spoke as his voice echoed throughout the vincity.


"What the hay is he talking about!?" Rainbow asked.

"Guys! We're exposed!" Gohan shouted.

Siren smirked as the residents of Minos began to take notice to the group's sudden apperance. Some were confused as to why there was ponies and dragons just standing there. While others were beginning to recongize the spiky haired indivual standing in the front. "OUR HOME! OUR LIVES! YOU CAME AND RUINED IT. NOW YOU WANT TO FINSIH THE JOB! DOES YOUR EVIL KNOW NO BOUNDS, SON GOKU!!!!"

"Oh no!" Celestia whispered. A horrible feeling of dread runing down our heroes spine.

The area went dead silent as murmurs erupted. Wide spread pandomium ensued the more the people of Minos took in Goku's features. Bulls, Cows, cafts and does alike were running in multiple directions, trying to save themselves. Twilight saw this and flew into the air to try and calm them down. "Please listen to me! It wasn't Goku that ravaged your home!"


"Hey, that guys right!!"

"You took everything from us!"

"I knew ponies were no good!!!!"

"I'm going to avenge my family!!!"

Vegeta let out a chuckle as the masses fear and panic erroded into hatetred and rage. "I will give them this; they know how to lead the crattle,"

"I fail to see the joke in this situation!" Krillin stated as the minotaurs quickly surrounded our heroes.

"What do we do? We can't risk hurting them!" Gohan said.

"Goku, can't you teleport us extactly to the Dragonballs? One of those centaurs must be with them?" Ember suggested while taking a defensive stance.

Goku tried zeroing in on missing centaurs Ki, but a stray rock hit him on the temple. Starlight put up a shield as the flash mob began pelting it with anything they could find. "Aah! you might want to hurry Goku!!!"

"It's no good! The Ki signature feels warped and broken up. Not to mention this mob isn't making concerating easy!" Goku explined as another object slammed into the shield.

"HIDING IN THAT SHIELD WON'T SAVE YOU!!!" Raam bellowed. He jumps down behind the crowd and digs his front hoof into the ground. the citizens saw this and parted ways, giving him a clear path to the barrier. He charged forward as Starlight's horn intensified, bracing for impact. The collison rippled around her barrier, causing the mare to wince and spider web cracks to form, but Starlight held fast. "Good. Make this fun for me!"

Raam's demostration inspired the others to do the same as several bulls began bashing their heads against the dome. "I can't hold this for long!!!" Starlight strained.

"I got an idea. Tien, think you can help me with this one?" Krillin asked. Tien nodded in under standing and stood beside him. "Alright, on three, drop the shield and cover your eyes!" Starlight nodded as the bashing continued, wincing with each hit.


Raam backed up for another charge.


His horns glowed as he aimed his head down and darted forward.

"THREE!!!" In an instant, the shield drop with barely a few fee of space between Raam and our heroes. Krillin and Tien position their fingers by their temples. "Solar Flare!!!" A bright light flared from the two humans, blind all those around them.

Raam stopped in his tracks as did the rest of the minotaurs. Their attackers groan in pain as our heroes began to move. "Shake a leg sugarcubes," Applejack said.

Our heroes continued to run until they fpund themselves standing in front of a rundown building. "This is it. I can sense the Dragonballs somewhere below us," Dende said. However, just when theyabout to go inside, the Sons of Tirek reappeared, barring their path.

"An impressive light show. Do you take reserations darlings?" Siren cooed.

"Well I can fit you in for next Tuesday, but it will cost extra for traveling distance," Pinkie quips.

"Will there be cake?" Pudge asked as his allies gave him a dubious look.

Vegeta snarled as he lundged with his fist cocked back. He thrust it forward only for Pudge's sweat to intercept it. The fist glide across his moist surface while Vegeta became annoyed. Raam tried to impale him from his blindside just to be stopped by a blast of confetti. The bull looked confused as Pinkie giggle at his goofy exterior. Piccolo coiled his arm around the calf, constricting his movements. Spike moved in and spewed out his emerald flames, drying up his persparation, and allow Vegeta to score a knock out blow. Siren sighed as his companions were easily dispatched. The Z warriors and Equestrian took notice of his lack of guard and address it.

"You know, as far as minions go, I would give you guys an six," Scootaloo taunted.

"Ouch, you wound me deary," Siren said in mock indignation.

"Your allies are restrained. Do not think of trying to delay us further," Luna commanded.

"I wouldn't dream of it your highness-"

"Coward!" Raam butted in, struggling to free himself.

"-But I like to play to my strength and avoid messing my mane over trival things such as fiticuffs," Siren empassized his point by flicking his silvery hair.

"I can understand the settiment," Rarity commented, earning a glare from the other elements. "But your outfit leaves much in the way for improvement,"

Siren frowned heavily at that remark before his smirk came back. "Besides, you all seem to have a prior engagment with those good sermareatins over yonder,"

The group turned behind to see more of the anrgy dentizens decsending upon them. "Dammit. He stalled us!" Piccolo exclaimed.

"Why can't fight a whole country!" Gohan stated with urgency.

Vegeta, however, was fed up with their interferring. "Weaklings should mind their affairs!" The prince waved his hand and sent out a gust of wind that blow the opposition back much to everyone's dismay. Howeve, to his surprise, the minotaurs continue to charge ahead.

"Everyone try and restrain them as best you can. Those with magic bind their movements!" 16 stated.

He ran forward with his arms spread wide and stopped a charge of stampeding minotaurs. They quickly circled him and began beating away at him. Thankfully, he was far stronger and being an android meant he wouldn't be damaged by their efforts. Twilight, Starlight, Celestia and Luna horns glowed simotaneously. Their combined efforts immobilized the majority of the minotaurs, leaving a few stranglers still approarching. Gohan and Scootaloo were providing support for Fluttershy who was freezing several younger members of the herd with her stare. Applejack brought out her lasso and began to strung up three other bulls as Rainbow and Rarity helped to secure them. Pinkie Pie resort to using her party cannon, firing sticky glubs of cake batter that slowed down the minotaurs considerably. Piccolo used a stare much like Fluttershy to shalt more of the advancing civilans. Goku and Trunks relunctantly followed Vegeta's example and sent out shockwave's to those that got to close. Spike and Ember were skyward as they flew un a circle while raining down a protective layer of fire our their friends. Meanwhile, Krillin Tien and Yamcha made their way to the building.

"Quick, let's get inside and get those Dragonballs!" Krillin said.

"What about him?" Yamcha asked, gesturing to Siren who was idly looking over his nails.

"Oh, don't mind me dearies. I am sure Junor has had plently of time to finish up,"

This remark caused alarm to raise within the three humans. "Let's hurry," Tien said as they ran inside.

"Princess! They just keep coming. At this rate, the military personel is bound to notice," Twilight exclaimed.

"And who knows what their leader is doing right now!" Starlight grunted out.

"Have faith you two. We have come to far to give in to doubt,"

"Verily sister. We shall triumpth in this endeavor! Tirek will not walk these plains again!!!" Luna asserted.

It was at that moment, the ground started to quake. The anrgy mob stop to brace themselves as our heroes looked back toward the house. The termors grew worse by the second and soon the citizens wised upand retreated. Suddenly a pillar of red light erupted from the ground up, blowing apart the building in the process. The skies took on a dark hue, as if to signal the coming of the apoclaspe. Concern flashed on the Z figthers faces on the well being of Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien. However, those feelings became mute as a figure ascended within the pillar of light. As his body became less lunimicent, the Equestrian looked upon their old foe in confusion and horror. He wasn't a centaur as they were expecting as he only had two legs. He wore a hooded cloak that left his torso excposed. The dragonballs chained around his neck like prayer beads. Two large demonic wings flared out as it glare back at our heroes with all the malice in the world. Siren, Raam, and Pudge all bowed in referance to their master's return as Junior look up from the destroyed basement with a near mad grin. The one that nearly defeated friendship. The deceiver of Discord and the devourer of magic has returned once again. Tirek threw his head back and allowed his new power to explode out of himself with tremendous force while across the heavens.

"He he, welcome back Father," Junior announced.


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