• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 5: Team Select. (Edited)

[The Badlands, Hive Mind Castle, Third-person POV.]

Chrysalis sat on her throne as she let out a contented sigh. It was good to be back where she belonged. Being worshiped and pampered by her subjects. Her time spent galavanting with Goku and his friends was purely out of necessity and nothing more. Now that she had returned, she needed to reevaluate her goals. The Z fighters are here on Equis. Chrysalis knows that for certain, and she also knew that they would be searching for their companion as well as the Dragonballs. She needed to act fast if she wants to keep her advantage. Right now, all of the drones were kneeled before her, awaiting her orders.

"My dear subjects. First. I would like to say that's it's good to be back," The drones all clapped at their queen's words. Chrysalis smiled for a moment before she raised her hand and to silence them. "Next, I would like to introduce you all to my little companion Dende," She said as she gestured to the little Namekian.

"My queen, what is he?"

"DO NOT SPEAK OUT OF TURN! IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION, THEN RAISE YOUR HAND!" The steely gaze from the queen caused that drone to shrink down and break eye contact. Chrysalis huffed at this. Apparently, Thoraxes' influence was still lingering inside her drones; Chrysalis summarized that she would have to iron that out later. "As for your question, this is Dende. Formally, the Guardian of the Earth. But now, he serves directly under me. Which is quite fortuitous for us since he has already provided the means for the Changelings to dominate the world!"

A drone raised its hand for a question. Chrysalis nodded toward it, and it spoke. "M-my queen, how did this colt do that?"

Chrysalis smirked as she lit up her horn. There was a flash, and the Dragonball appeared in her palm. She held it up before the crowded throne room. The changelings all marveled at as Chrysalis spoke again. "This is a Dragonball, my subjects. It is an object of immense power that can grant any wish I desire. There are seven in total, and they are currently split up across the globe. With these mystical orbs, we can finally cement our place as the dominant species on this planet!"

"But how will we find them?" A drone asked. But it realized it posed a question without raising its hands and clamped its mouth shut with its hands. All the other drones gave it a wide berth as Chrysalis had a look of irritation on her face. Faster than any of them could blink, a blast shot out of her hand and detonated on that drone on contact. His smoldering remains fell to the ground as the other drones stared into its now lifeless eyes.

"I believe I made myself clear on how to ask a question properly!" The Queen looked around the room to see if anyone else got the message. The changelings regarded her with fear and trepidation but otherwise gave the nod in understanding. Satisfied that the drones got her point, Chrysalis horn glowed again, and a circle device appeared floated in front of her. "This piece of technology is known as the Dragon Radar. It can find these orbs from any location across the globe. We will use it to collect each of them before any of our opposition,"

Another drone raised its hand. "What opposition? If these Dragonballs came from another world, then who else knows about them?"

"Aw, who indeed. It would seem as though my former colleagues have followed me from their lost world. And make no mistake, they have most likely informed the ponies about the Dragonballs. It is why we must stay ahead of them and gather these balls first. Of course, they are compelling, and you won't stand a chance against them at your small level of strength. Luckily for you, my drones. I have taken their knowledge for my own, and I shall hand it all to ten worthy drones to act as my new enforcers,"

Chrysalis then closed her eyes and accessed the hive mind to find her candidates. The task was over quickly, and the ten enforcers she has chosen stepped forward. She then proceeded to graft all the knowledge she has gained to accessing Ki energy. The techniques she has learned and seen. How best to counter them and how each of the Z fighters acted. Thanks to the Changeling's unique and malleable physiology, they did not have to train for an excessive amount of time to learn this information. They can just alter their forms to meet the physical requirements. Chrysalis was no fool, however. She made sure to strengthen her control over these enforcers to get any ideas about betraying her. The process was complete, and her ten enforcers opened their eyes with renewed power and understanding. The enforcers briefly flared their auras to get a taste of their new powers before it died out. They knelt before Chrysalis as they awaited her orders.

"Perfect. Now we can begin. First, take the Dragon radar and start your search. Do not tell anyone apart from your fellow drones what you are seeking. We do not want the populous to catch wind of such powerful artifacts. Use the link to stay in contact with me and any drones in the area. I will make more warriors, such as yourselves later. Remember to mask your new Ki signatures. Our enemies will be able to sense you if you exert too much power or if you are not in disguise. As for myself, I have my mission to complete. I discovered the most delightful little ability that I wish to test out. Go now, for the glory of the Changelings and your Queen!!!"

"ALL HAIL QUEEN CHRYSALIS!!!" The drones said as the enforcers march out of the castle. Chrysalis smiled wickedly as her horn ignited again. Green flames coated her form as she put her changeling magic to work. The flames slowly rose from her feet as her appearance morphed into a man wearing an orange Gi with blond hair. 'His' bluish-green eyes held a glint of maliciousness as 'he' made his way out the Hive Mind Castle.

"Let's see if we can cause a little trouble for you and your friends, Son Goku," With that said, Chrysalis took to the skies to enact her latest plan.

[Castle Friendship.]

Confusion seemed to be the common theme amongst the gathered heroes. An image of Planet Equis was on display, with four dots flashing over the various kingdoms. Bulma tapped her chin as she stared intently at the map as she tried to come up with some explanation.

"Ok. So we know that four of the seven Dragonballs are in these different regions. But what we don't know is where are the missing two. It's possible that Chrysalis already has one of the Dragonballs in her possession and she discovered a way to hide it,"

"If that's the case, then how did she found one so quickly?" Shining Armor asked. "It was only a few hours since the black sky event today,"

Goku furrowed his brows as he thought of a reply. "She might have gotten a Dragonball before they dispersed across the globe. I did the same thing when I had to get the four-star Dragonball to save me the trouble of looking for it again,"

"Then it sounds like each side has one Dragonball for now," Krillin said.

"Yes, but she probably sensed our landing here," Master Roshi gathered.

"She may have the radar with her, but remember that this is an entirely new world with its dangers. She won't have an easy time, especially if she wants to keep a low profile," Bulma said.

"The best way to go about this would be to split up and try to gather them all at once," Yamcha provided.

"Base on these landmasses. Each of the Dragonballs now resides within a neighboring country," Twilight said as she listed off each of the nations. "New Equland, Saddle Arabia, Minos the Minotaur Kingdom, and Zebra. I'll send a letter to each of the rulers informing them of our situation,"

"I would advise against that course of action," 16 spoke up as everyone turned their attention to him. "If you inform the rulers of these countries about the Dragonballs, then it's probable that they too will search for them for their reasons. The result will undoubtedly cause undue strain on our mission if we have to contend against multiple adversaries at once. It will be as Discord's earlier assessment suggests; pure pandemonium!" An unpleasant shiver went down the Equestrian spines as they saw the logic in 16's words.

Discord crossed his arms and harrumphed indignantly. "Way to kill the fun..."

Hardly deterred, Twilight insisted. "But if we notify them and explain the importance of your mission, then they'd have to help!"

"I am afraid he is right, Princess Twilight," Ember interjected. "If it is true that the Dragonballs can grant any desire, then even the most honorable ruler would seek them out. It might not be purely out of evil intentions, but these orbs entice too much temptation. Can you say wholeheartedly that none of these rulers would use them for their purpose? Can any of you say that you would resist abusing their power?" Twilight went silent as she thought about Ember's proposal. While no one said anything, they also couldn't deny that they did desire the Dragonballs to make a reality quickly.

Rainbow shook her head vehemently at this. "Now hold on! None of us would turn on our friends like that!"

"Yeah! Goku said Dragonball is crucial to saving their world. If we used them for ourselves, then we'd be the ones destroying it!" Scootaloo said in full support of her older sister. The rest of the ponies and dragon agreed as well. All save for a particular chaos bringer.

"Now, let's not be rash with our decisions. I happen to require a new window wiper for my home and--"

"Discord! Are you seriously going to doom a whole world for a window wiper?" Fluttershy said with disbelief. Her trademark stare in full effect.

"But it's an interdimensional window wiper that cost a bundle to ship to this plane. It guarantees clean and spotless windows for 100 years," Discord whined, but Fluttershy was unmoved. "Fine! I'll just borrow yours again..."

"Then, is it agreed that we would remain silent about the Dragonballs?" Celestia asked. The rest of the room's occupants nodded in acknowledgment. "Very well. However, we still face several issues. Everypony knows about the Black sky event, and it will be suspicious of people of your appearances just arrive out of the blue. This map only displays what kingdoms the Dragonballs landed. It does not give us their locations in exact details,"

"The princess is correct. We will be hard-pressed to find such tiny yet magnificent orbs in places that will often be crowded and hazardous," Rarity commented.

"Hehe, but that's half the fun! It'll be a big scavenger hunt," Pinkie said as she pulled a magnifying glass out of her mane. "We'll search high and low. Turning over every nook and cranny," She said this as she looked around the room in various, such as staring intently at the ground. Popping in between Gohan and the fillies. Searching under Piccolo's headwear before finally watching baby Trunks who giggled in amusement.

"Perhaps we could say that we came to the country to solve a friendship problem?" Starlight offered. However, Vegeta's eyes twitched at this.

"We can't just up and lie like that," Applejack said in disapproval.

"Oh, um, I don't think it's a lie since Goku is our friend, and he needs our help," Fluttershy said. Applejack thought about for a moment before she nodded to her friend.

"Ok, that solves our reason for being there. But what about finding the Dragonballs. This map doesn't give away any landmarks," Twilight said.

"Not to worry. My grandfather left us with a means of finding them," F.Trunks said.

"Oh, that's right. It's a part of the surprise my dad wanted you all to have," Bulma said as she pulled out a small case from her pocket. She opened it up to reveal several different capsules that were all numbered. She chooses one, pressed the button on top, and threw it to the ground. A small explosion rang out, and a poof of smoke that concealed a round object. Flurry Heart's curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to get a closer look. The smoke cleared, and the young princess stared in awe as a red lens was staring back at her. The lens zoomed in and out as its body opened up. A pair of arms and legs spurted its sides.

The Equestrians were shocked into disbelief at the familiar sight of Goku's metal companion. "Guru version 2.0 at your service. Guru, Guru."

"GURU!?" The ponies exclaimed in shock while Ember looked confused.

"What in Equis name is this?" Ember asked.

"I am a Guru. Developed by Dr. Briefs of the capsule corporation. It is nice to meet you,"

"But wait, I thought Guru couldn't express himself as we can. And why is he called version 2.0?" Cadence reminded.

"After your talk about Guru's lack of sentience, my father work tirelessly to give Guru a purpose beyond taking orders. Now he can respond and think for himself. Although he still says his name twice now and again," Bulma said.

"That all well and good, but how is the little tin can suppose to help us find the Dragonballs?" Yamcha asked.

Guru turned around to show a green grid pattern attached to his back. The Z fighter's save for Bulma, gasped while the equestrians looked confused. "No way is that the Dragon radar?" Gohan asked.

"That's right. I had the foresight to build and install another Dragon radar inside of Guru here in case something ever happen to the previous one," Bulma said.

"Remarkable... I am glad the good doctor took heed of our words. We hold the advantage now that we are aware of the Dragonballs locations," Luna said.

"I can offer my services as well. I may not be able to bring these beautiful chaos bringers here directly, but I can guide us to them once we're close enough," Discord said. "Besides, it has been a while since I've been to other countries,"

"The Dragonballs have been projecting a stronger signal since they landed here. If you can sense the energy the Dragon balls are putting off, then perhaps I can do the same," Piccolo said as he walked in front of the five-star Dragonball. He closes his eyes to concentrate until his antenna started to twitch. He opened his eyes as a small smirk adorned his face. "As I thought, I'm able to tap into the energy the Dragonball is giving off thanks to my merger with Kami. Now we can split up into three groups and leave the fourth location untouched,"

"I get ya. Chrysalis needs all seven Dragonballs for her plans. If she sees one open or knows we hold most of them, she will be forced to make a play and try to steal them from us. That's when we can make our move," Tien said as Piccolo nodded.

"We can keep our Dragonball inside the ship for safekeeping. But we need to put some security measures in place first. We don't want to be fooled a second time from a changeling in disguise," F.Trunks said.

"That means I have to stay behind and watch over the ship," Bulma said.

"I'll stay behind and guard Bulma and the Dragonball we have now," Gohan said. This news seemed to make the fillies jubilant.

"I'll stay as well. These old bones of mine can't take all this excitement," Master Roshi said.

"I got it. All we have to do is raise our power level at the entrance. And since the changelings can't mimic Ki energy or give off a signature when they're in disguise, there will be no way for them to get the drop on us," Goku said.

"It looks like we have everything figured out. So all that's left is to see who pairs up with who and where do that group goes?" Shining Armor said.

"Zebra where Zebras are originally from, and that place has a lot of jungles, right?" Goku asked as the others nodded. "Then Krillin and I will take Guru there. I was practically born in that terrain," Goku said.

"I will go with you, as well. I've been dying to travel to Zebra. They recently developed a new alchemic formula. But they haven't gone public with it yet. We should also bring along Zecora. That place is her homeland after all, and she'll be our best guide,"

"Oh, I want to come along as well. I would like to see all the exotic animals. But, um, who will stay and tend to my animal friends at my cottage. Angel gets grumpy without his midday snack. Beary massage therapy is today and chirpy, and his flock of birds will go thirsty," Fluttershy said with increasing panic. !6 turned his attention to the timid pegasus.

"I will watch over them," He said. Fluttershy had flinched at his stoic gaze before she considered his offer. 16 was intimidating being the Tallest of the group of visitors. He even matched Princess Celestia at eye level. But she also remembered how that sparrow came to him without a second thought and how gentle he was with it.

"Ok, thank you, I show you to my cottage before we leave if that's alright with you?"

"That is acceptable,"

"I'll back up the egghead and the big guy. Besides, this will be just like Daring Do and the Forest of Gaia. Oh, I hope the Dragonball wound up inside one," Rainbow Dash said with unbridled glee.

"Ember and I should head to Saddle Arabia. Being dragons lets us withstand the heat better than others. If that's fine with you," Spike asked while Ember just shrugs.

"It'll be a nice change of scenery," She said.

"Very well, Piccolo, Yamcha, and Tien will go with you two. Their techniques should be useful there," Master Roshi said.

"I always wanted to visit New Equland. Specifically, Prance. The most proper, prestigious, and glamorous place in the world. Trunks, we simply must go there. It will be Trey magnificent,"

"O-oh, uh, well, I don't mind..." F.Trunks muttered.

"Whoa, there partners. Don't think I'm not coming along. Somepony's got to keep Rares on track," Applejack said.

"I'll head there too," Starlight said.

"Me three," Pinkie exclaimed in a burst of confetti.

"Perfect. I've meaning to visit a friend there," Discord said.

"Um, Father, what about you? Are you joining us?" F.Trunks asked.

"Hardly. I'd rather be cursed to wear that repugnant pink shirt for all entirety than travel to the most pompous place on this planet. Present company not excluded," Vegeta taunted. Most of the Equestrians wore sour faces at this.

"Say Goku. I've meant to ask; why your mane all blond and spiky. And How did you change your eye color?" Applebloom inquired. This question got the attention of the equestrian.

"Oh, That's because I'm a Super Saiyan right now. So is Gohan," He said.

"Ok... But I don't see what's so special about it?" Cadence said. Vegeta because irritated at this.

"That's because you're too ignorant recognize greatness when you see," He said, earning a glare from the princess of the night and Shining armor. "That form is the pinnacle of Saiyan potential. A legendary transformation that pushes a Saiyans ability to extraordinary heights,"

"I get it. It's like earning your Cutie Mark," Diamond Tiara said.

"It is nothing so childish and foolish!" Vegeta replied hotly, causing Diamond to flinch. "The Super Saiyans of legend is a strong warrior race. To achieve this form is to step into the ranks of greatness!" The lunar goddess finally had enough and marched right up to the Saiyan Prince's face. They glare at each other as Luna spoke.

"Enough! I shall not allow you to disrespect my subjects in such a manner. All you have done since you have arrived is taunt and insult us. You carry yourself as a warrior and a prince and brag your heritage. However, I see that you have not ascended to the rank Sir Goku and Young Gohan has achieved. You personify all that plagues the nobility of all worlds; egotism, superiority complexes, and a worthless, misguided sense of pride!"

Vegeta was unfazed throughout most of that rant. But the blow to his pride caused him to drop the smug smile on his face. The other occupants could feel the tension rising as Vegeta went to respond. "Pride? And what would a frilly little Princess such as yourself know of pride? You spend your days sipping tea and wondering when the next time a birthday party will start--"

"--Oh, speaking of parties, I gotta plan your 'Welcome to Equis/Let's go on a scavenger hunt' party. Be right back!" Pinkie interrupted as she popped out of existence, leaving everyone bewildered at her sudden disappearance.

"Hey, where she--"

"I'm back! I left my party cannon at Sugar Cube Corner," Pinkie said as she popped back in the room behind Yamcha, causing to jump into Tien's arms. She then presses down on the button that causes the cannon to fire. One moment the room was clear, and the next party streamer and decorations were everywhere the eye could see. Each of the room's occupants had, somehow, had party hats atop their heads. A big cheerful smile was present on Pinkies face while everyone looked on with confusion.

"I have to admit she's good..." Discord said incredulously.

"Hmph, well, that didn't take too long, did it?" Vegeta asked sarcastically. Luna's muzzle turned bright red in anger. "And as for my heritage, Kakarot may be the first, in order, become a Super Saiyan. But by no means does he surpass me in stature!"

"So you can become a Super Saiyan too? How is it done? Can you show us right now?" Twilight said with a quill and feather as she wrote down everything Vegeta said. She summoned her Scouter and waited eagerly for the Saiyan Prince to proceed. Vegeta saw this and smirked at the Lavender Princess.

"If you insist..." Vegeta then bent his knees slightly and clenched his arms close to his midsection. The Scouter lit to life as it got a reading on Vegeta's steadily growing power. The castle walls began to groan and quake under the mounting pressure. Spider web cracks started to spread from beneath Vegeta's feet. Vegeta's hair flashes a golden color as electricity danced around his form. All the while, the Scout beeping grew frantic and unstable.

"VEGETA,, WAIT!!!" Bulma tried to warn, but it fell on death ears.

"HAAAAAAA-YAH!!!" Vegeta bellowed as a golden aura burst out from him. His hair had instantly turned gold, and his eyes a shade of blueish-green. The party hat on top of his head burned to ashes. The Scouter could not withstand the sheer magnitude of the Super Saiyan transformation. Neither could the party decorations or the windows of the castle as a whole. All lay in ruin before Vegeta's awesome power. Thankfully, Celestia placed everyone in the room behind a barrier to prevent them from harm. Although, even her shield had cracked over it. Vegeta's aura flared with high intensity as he looked at the room conditions with a satisfied smile. Especially the shocked faces of the Equestrians. "So, I take it you're impressed?" He said rhetorically.

"Y-you...Y-you broke the Scouter!?" Twilight stuttered out in disbelief.

"I did you a favor. That was just a worthless, outdated piece of scrap metal. A skilled warrior can easily fool its readings and exploit your confusion,"

"He-he ruined my decorations," Pinkie said in a sad tone as tears threatened to spill.

"WAS THAT TRULY NECESSARY!? YOU NEARLY BROUGHT DOWN THE CASTLE ON OUR HEADS. NEVER MIND ENDANGERING THE FOALS IN THIS ROOM!!!" Celestia roared in the RVC. Her patience finally spent while everyone slowly recovered.

"What? She's the one that wanted a demonstration. I just merely humored her. And besides, I held back considerably~," Vegeta mocked as, once again, several weapons raised on him.

"Vegeta, that's enough! If you're done being a jerk, then go and wait in the ship or get lost until we find the Dragonballs!" Bulma berated angrily. Vegeta scoffs and returns to his base form. He turns around to exit the castle, but before sending one last smug grin to the Princess of the Night. Luna stifled a grunt as her posture stiffened up. She was only able to relax once the Prince had left.

'Such...such power!' She thought as she steadies her breathing.

"What do you possibly see in that jerk!?" Cadence demanded.

Bulma sighs before she went over, took baby Trunks from the Alicorn of Love. "Vegeta is a complicated man. He puts on a tough guy act and keeps others at arm's length. He's still getting used to interacting with people outside the battlefield. He may seem-- insensitive, but he does care about us. Vegeta just has a hard time showing it,"

"Well, somepony needs to teach him a lesson in respect!" Shining Armor said with a scowl. He was not happy with that little stunt for putting his daughter at risk.

"Don't worry; you get used to him after a while. You just have to be patient," Goku added.

"I'm sorry about your castle Princess," F.Trunks said.

"Don't worry about it too much. It's nothing magic can't fix," Twilight said almost ruefully.

"But you gotta admit, that was Awesome! Vegeta's power went through the roof! How do I become a Super Saiyan?" Scootaloo said excitedly.

"Sorry, Scootaloo, only someone with Saiyan blood can become a Super Saiyan," Goku said as Scootaloo excitement fell. "But to answer your question. To become a Super Saiyan, you must be in extreme emotional distress. The power comes in response to need, not desire. You have to create that need,"

"So, what was your transformation like?" Starlight asked.

"I'll have to explain later. We wasted enough time here. If we hurry, we might find a Dragonball before the day is out,"

"But what about the party?" Pinkie said with a pout.

"Hey, we can add 'Congratulations on finding the Dragonballs' to it," Gohan suggested. Pinkie had a thoughtful expression before she smiled and nodded.

"Alright, I'll bring Zecora here. Then we can bring her up to speed and head out," He said as he places two fingers on his forehead.

"Um, Goku? What are you doing--" Twilight asked. But before she could continue, Goku vanished before their very eyes. Moments later, Goku reappeared with a very confused Zecora in tow. The Zebra shaman takes a few seconds to gather herself before she looks at the stunned faces of the room.

"H-how can this be? What has just happened to me!?"

"What was that...?" Twilight asked in a shaky voice. "Y-you were here. Then you left and now your back with Zecora-- HOW!?"

"Hehe, Instant Transmission. It's the only way to travel!" Goku replied with his trademark grin.

[??? POV.]

The cloaked figure rematerialized in a small, dimly lit cellar. Within the cellar was a single table and chair with a lantern resting on top os the table. There was a large wine barrel against the wall. The room itself was rather run-down and had cobwebs in every corner. The cloaked being did not mind the decorum, however. No, the glowing orange sphere had the being's attention. The cloak shuffled about as the being pulls out a small gemstone. The mysterious figure brought close to his concealed face as it became active.

"The key is within our grasp. Come to the meeting place at once," The cloaked figure said as it took the lantern in its grasp and walked over to the wine barrel. The cloaked being grabbed the faucet and turned it 30 degrees upward to the left. The wine barrel then shifted to the side. A staircase was revealed, leading deeper underground. The cloaked being began to descend the stairs with the lantern in tow.

A dull light emitted from it as the being made his way to a normal looking door. The figure opened the door and walked inside. This new room was a stark contrast to the bland wine cellar upstairs. An eerie red glow lit up the room. A large pentagram sat on the floor, with four staffs standing on each point of the star. Above the cloaked figure was two steel chains that kept a cage suspended in the air. The strange being felt a disturbance in the air. There was a bright flash, and the being turns around to see others garbed in cloaks. They stood in various sizes. The one in the middle was the tallest and the most slender. The one on the left came up to the middle being's shoulder. However, this one was wider. The last one on the right was just a foot shorter than them being on the left. But this one was broad, indicating bulging muscles under the cloak. All three of the new arrivals towered over the cloaked being who just came up to their waist.

"Alright, ya, brat. We're here. What's so important that you had to interrupt my gathering for the offering," The hulking figure said in an annoyed tone.

"It is always a pleasure conversing with you, Raam,"

"Now, now boys play nice unless you want a spanking~," The tall figure said seductively with a feminine tone.

*BLECH* "I was in the middle of my lunch," The wide-character whined while the other two regarded him in disgust.

"Siren, Pudge. Please do me a favor and shut your traps!" Raam barked out. Siren scoffs at him while Pudge burps again.

"Can we ditch these cloaks? I'm starting to get hot..." Pudge whined again.

"By all means, then give your offerings while I present the key to our salvation," The cloaked figure said.

"Salvation this'" and 'Key that.' Are we ever going to see results!?" Raam said as his cloak fell to the ground. The being under the cloak revealed himself to be a centaur with a very muscular frame. He wore a black sleeveless shirt that melded with his pectorals and abdomen. His fur was dark brown, and his mane was jet black. He had a scar running horizontally across his nose. His eyes were dark, and he had red pupils. Finally, his horns resembled that of a male mountain goat.

"Honey, you gotta loosen up. If all you do is a frown, you'll get wrinkles before old age sets in," Siren said. Despite the tone of voice, Siren was a tall and quite slender male. His body was a toothpick compared to Raam. He wore a bright silver muscle shirt that matched his white fur. His long, perfectly trimmed blond mane draped over his shoulder. Three rings rested on his ears and a matching nose ring. His eyes were black with silver pupils. His horns stood straight up and filed to razor points.

"Whew, it was getting hot under that thing..." Pudge said in relief. Everything about him was portly and rotund. His muscle white shirt barely held together as his potbelly pushed it to its limits. His fur was blue and glistening with sweat. His horns were more like short stubs that one could hardly consider intimidating. His head was completely devoid of any follicle of hair.

The three centaurs stood before the staff in the pentagram and placed their hands on it. Their horns glowed as magic fed into it. The pentagram glowed an eerie color as the upper portion of the circle filled up before dying down. Raam gritted his jagged teeth at this.

"Bah! It's barely at five percent!"

"Aww... Now we have to go and collect more magic," Pudge complained.

"It is disconcerting, hmm. And what did you bring to the table, dear?" Siren asked as the cloaked figure revealed the Dragonball to his cohorts. They marveled at the ball before he places it in the middle of the pentagram. It glowed once more as it drew power from the Three Star Dragonball. Everyone gasped as the circle filled up twice as much and continued at a slow and steady pace. The cloak being eyes went wide at this surprising development.

"Twenty percent and rising. This ball truly is the answer we have been searching for all this time!"

"Hmm, careful dear, you sound joyous right now," Siren said with a coyly smile.

"Where did you find this, and how can we get more?" Raam demanded, however, the cloaked figure looked in his direction with contempt projecting from his yellow pupils. Raam recoiled a bit and took a step back.

"I know not where this orb originated, but we must find more! We will be able to save all that we lost,"

"Umm, about that, is the vessel guy still alive?" Pudge asked as everyone looked at the cage above them.

"He will perform his task and pay for his sins against us! Now we should--"


An explosion rock the room as the occupants tried to steady themselves. "That came from street level!" Siren stated. Everyone channeled their magic and teleported back to the wine cellar. They opened the front door to find many of the minotaurs running and screaming in mass hysteria. Another explosion caught their attention, and a being clad in orange and blue clothing hovering in the sky.

"Whose, that guy?" Pudge asked.

"Not that I mind, but why is he attacking the city?" Raam asked.

"Oh, he is quite fetching. I feel like I've seen him somewhere before. What do you say, Junior?" Siren said to the cloaked figure.

"This cannot be a coincidence... Whoever that is must be tied to the orb we found!" The figure muttered just loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Are you sure?" Pudge asked as the cloaked figure pulled down his hood. He exposed his dark crimson fur and white mane to the world. His black and yellow eyes stayed trained on the creature in the air. His features were much younger than all his companions put together.

"I am positive!" Junior said with a malicious grin.

Author's Note:

April Fools. Check the blogs:trollestia:

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