• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 16: Reminiscing. Part 4 (Edited)

[Planet Earth - 5 years ago - Aftermath of the battle, third person POV.]

"Well, did you boys enjoy your naps?" Crystalline said sardonically. Krillin had just finished distributing the senzu beans to their fallen comrade as they wondered what to do next.

"They don't look too happy," Thorax noted.

"Would you be ecstatic after having your proverbial butt handed to you?" Chrysalis said.

"Oh yeah, I slept like a rock. Nothing like suffocation to rejuvenate the body," Tien responded sarcastically.

"I can't believe you two did nothing to stop them!" Piccolo berated. Krillin recoils at the scold while Crystalline scoffs.

"What do you suppose we do to them? It was two against three. And yet just one of them was easily able to decorate the ground with your carcasses!" Crystalline spat. Piccolo and Vegeta growled at this.

"I hate to say it, but somehow, the androids are stronger than they are in my time!" Trunks said as he sheathes his broken sword. Everyone was startled by that declaration.

"So what do we do now?" Krillin asked.

"Our priority now is to regroup and rethink our approach. We've met with too many unknowns, and we grossly underestimated our enemies strength," Piccolo stated. Trunks turned his gaze down to the ground, feeling responsible. "Krillin. I think it's best to move Goku to another location. There's no doubt in my mind that the androids know where he lives. Be sure to take Chi Chi as well,"

"I got it! We can take them to Master Roshi. It's a private island out in the middle of the ocean," Krillin said.

"That's good. Even if the androids might have information about Kame house, it is the last place to look. We can mount a defense there," Tien said.

"Then it's agreed. Go to Goku's house and move everyone there to Master Roshi's island!" Piccolo ordered.

"Tsk!" Vegeta grunted as he flared his aura and shot off into parts unknown.

"He seems to be taking his loss rather hard..." Thorax observed.

"The fault is his own. He believed himself to be untouchable just because he was a Super Saiyan. 18 did the world a service in giving that egomaniac a reality check!" Chrysalis ranted.

"Now if somepony would do the same to you-- ACK!!"

"Mind your tongue mutt,"

"Off into the sunset, he goes," Crystalline said.

"Leave him be, for now, you and I need to see someone," Piccolo said.

A forced smile made its way to Crystal's face at this request. "I'd love too, but I've been away from my beloved for far too long. And my skills would be better applied guarding Goku,"

"Perhaps. But I have a hunch you'll be a greater asset on the field rather than the sidelines. Besides, this visit may beneficial for the both of us," He said, peaking Crystalline's interest. "We'll reconvene as we return from the Lookout," Piccolo and Crystalline activated their aura's and took off in the sky.

"The Lookout, eh? Yamcha mentioned something about this place. He said it's where the Guardian of the Earth resides. The one who is known as Kami,"

"That's correct,"

"And what do you hope to gain from this visit? If he is the Earth's guardian then what has he been doing this whole time? Resting on his laurels as the world crumbles from the myriad of threats to it? Perhaps he is just a coward" Piccolo let out an irritated snarl that sent a shiver down Crystalline's being.

"Well that was uncalled for," Thorax chided.

"Puh! It's no less true. But Kami and Piccolo share a unique bond as you will soon discover," Chrysalis retorted.

"Hmph. You are right at some points. And I have my issues with that old fool as well. But there is no denying his wisdom and insight. So keep that mouth shut and be respectful. Who knows, you just might learn something,"

"I thought you said Kami was too old to defend the Earth. Why was seeing him more important than finding the androids?" Scootaloo asked.

"That's a good question, Scootaloo. How about you fill them in Kamiccolo?" Goku said with a cheeky grin.

"Kamiccolo?" Spike asked. "Is that your real name?"

"No, it isn't. It's just Piccolo!" Piccolo replied tersely, shooting a glare at Goku who grinned wider in response. "The reason Goku insist on calling me that is because of my union with Kami,"

"What union?" Luna asked.

"The union between Kami and Piccolo himself, creating the first ever Super Namekian!" Krillin proclaims.

"Namekians possess the ability to merge with one another in times of distress. One Namekian acts as the recipient as the other is assimilates into their being. This union significantly increase the recipients' power. The only downside is that once the merger bonds with the receiver, they can never again become separate beings. It is strictly a last resort,"

"So if I'm am following this correctly, you fused with Kami to become more powerful to face the androids. But now Kami is forever a part of you," Shining Armor summed up.

"It's a steep price, one that either of us wanted to avoid, the situation on Earth forced our hand,"

"But what of the androids? Was it wise to simply leave them to do as they please?" Celestia asked.

"There was nothing we could do since we couldn't track them. Things only got worse when strange occurrences started happening," F. Trunks said.

"How could things possibly get worse than they already are?" Ember asked.

"There were reports of towns entire population disappearing without a trace. The only indication of people being there was the clothes littering the streets," Bulma informs.

"Nothing left but their clothes? Could the people be moved somehow, like a mass teleportation?" Twilight asked while scribbling notes.

"It was no teleportation that did this. A resident of a small town contact about one of our vehicles abandoned in the forest. The vehicle was Trunks' time machine," The ponies and dragons gasp at that. Bulma took this time to pull out the capsule that housed the device. She pressed the button on top and threw it to the ground. A loud poof later and F. Trunks' time-traveling vehicle stood in the middle of the ship.

Twilight and Starlight instantly zoomed toward the hardware to get a better look. "Astonishing...! Have I mentioned how much I adore those capsules!" Twilight said excitedly.

"Yes, but this machine certainly has seen better days. Look at the build-up in moss and state of decay. It must have been in the woods for years," Starlight observed.

"And what about the dome? Look at the way the glass melted. Something must've forced it's way out. But what and why?" Twilight asked.

"I guess this dohickey is what the varmint Cell used to muck things up," Applejack said, surprising the two ponies by the time machine.

"That's right. This time vehicle is the one that Cell used from an alternate timeline to travel back into the past four years before I did. Cell himself told me that he had to revert to his larva stage to fit inside," F. Trunks said.

"We found this empty shell of a giant Cada just a few feet away from the machine," Gohan added. Bulma then produces a picture of the insect in question.

"Ewwww!!!!" The fillies said in disgust.

"Well, there goes my appetite for the week..." Shining Armor said.

"Ah! how horrid!!!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Come now everypony. It's just a simple Cada, but a lot bigger. It looks harmless," Fluttershy said in a soothing tone.

"Believe me when I tell you that Cell was everything but harmless," Piccolo said with a snort. "Which brings me back to the Lookout,"

[The Lookout.]

"We've been flying for some time now. How much longer till we reach the Lookout?" Crystalline said dryly.

"It's right up ahead," Piccolo replied. Before the two warriors was a massive structure that floated in the air. From an outside perspective, the platform resembled a spinning top. Piccolo and Crystalline landed on top of the lookout. Crystalline surveyed the area with mild interest. A two entire line of trees travels up to a temple-like entrance.

"This is a fascinating place. It would be the perfect place for the Changeling good sessions!" Thorax said.

Chrysalis shot Thorax a bemused look. "Surely you are joking. You reduced my Changeling to group therapy meetings and feeling circles?" She preps her hand to tug on the leash again. "What further degradation of my drones have you wrought!?"

"Tsk. There is nothing wrong with talking out our fee-- ACK!!!"

"I see I still have much to do,"

"This is a nice little sanctuary you have here, but where is this Kami you mentioned?"

"I am right here madam. Although I have technically been with you this entire time," A voice called out. The duo turns to the entrance of the Lookout to see an elderly Namekian with a staff came walking to them with a portly man at his side. The Namekian wore white ropes that only showed his feet with an equally long blue cape flowing in the wind. The person behind had a skin tone blacker than the dead of night with bright red lips and seemingly unblinking eyes. He wore a red vest with white baggy pants and a turban upon his head. For some reason, Crystalline found the portly man to be a bit unnerving. "It is kind of you to visit Piccolo. But who is this fine woman you brought?"

"Crystalline. A pleasure for you, I'm sure,"

"She is very alluring. Too bad it is misplaced," The Portly man said. Crystalline blanched at that.

"Kami, Mr. Popo. It's been a while," Piccolo said.

"I assume this visit isn't just a casual hello," Kami said.

Piccolo nods in response. "You know why I'm here. The situation is dire down below. It's time for us to become whole once again,"

"Hmm... I gathered as much. However, the androids are not sufficient to cause us to merge. There is a new development happening on ground level. I want to mitigate the issue before I come to a decision,"

Piccolo frowns at this. "You can't be serious! You want to stand here and watch as things play out!?"

"My decision is final! I want to be certain before we proceed any further. I shouldn't have to remind you of what's at stake!"

Crystalline looks between the two as she spoke. "So does either of you feel like explain what is going on right now?"

"It is nothing relevant at the moment madam,"

"Yeah, just sit tight. In fact, Mr. Popo, do you mind showing our friend the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. She could get in a few practice sessions while we wait," Piccolo turn walked a few paces away from everyone and got into a meditative stance. "Take all the time you need Kami, but I'm not leaving unless we're one person!"

Crystalline quirks a brow at the sound of this mysterious chamber. "Oh dear! Are you sure this is wise? The Time Chamber is not for everyone!"

"I'm inclined to agree, Mr. Popo. This decision seems rash. I would hate to cause any untold hardships to your new friend Piccolo,"

"All the more reason you should make up your mind faster. Besides, I know Crystal can handle it..." Piccolo then looks directly at Crystalline. A smug smirk was gracing his features. "...Right?"

"This Hyperbolic Time Chamber seems dangerous," Thorax said with a hint of nervousness.

"All the horrors of Tartarus couldn't compare to that forsaken room!!!!" Chrysalis spat.

Crystalline felt her brows twitch at the tone of Piccolo's voice. "Obviously I can handle some dinky room. After all, I saved you from the good Doctor after you found yourself compromised. Lead the way, portly man!" With a dejected sigh, Mr. Popo did as instructed and lead Crystalline further into the Lookout. They came to an average looking door in the middle of the hallway.

"Here it is, now, I recommend you try and keep your composure once you are inside. Stepping into the Time Chamber is a daunting task for those new to it," Mr. Popo advised.

"If you are quite finished with the dramatics, I would like to see the inside of this room today!" Crystalline replied tersely. Mr. Popo nodded in response and opened up the door. What Crystalline saw shocked her beyond belief. IThe room of devoid of anything save for pure whiteness. Breathlessly, Crystalline spoke. "There nothing here...!"

"And yet you can still see everything before you. The Hyperbolic Time Chamber holds many mysteries. Follow me please," Mr. Popo lead Crystalline to another door that held several pots and cooking materials. "There is enough food here to last for an entire year. We make sure to restock it after each use,"

"A year's worth of edibles? Who would stay in this blankness for a year? What would be the purpose?"

"Why training of course. There is also a bed and bath available for you. But before you walk off this platform, know this: The space in front of you expands infinitely. I strongly recommend you do not travel more than 20 feet away from the door. If you do, then there is a chance you will never return!"

"How...!? I mean-- Does such a place truly exist!?" Thorax asked.

"Not on this plane of reality. The Time Chamber is like a pocket dimension, completely governed by rules of its own," Chrysalis stated.

"Does it truly stretch on to infinity?"

"How should I know? I was not foolish enough to try it!"

Crystalline walks to the edge of the tiles as she stares into the blank void. Mr. Popo took this time to leave, but not before giving one last warning. "I will be taking my leave. I will return once Kami has made his decision. Be sure to mind that first step," With that said, Mr. Popo walks through the door and closes it behind him.

"This place must be some joke! How can anyone expect to gain any training here?" Crystal scoffs. She took one step off the tiled floor and instantly regretted it. Her entire body fell forward to the ground. She barely manages to catch herself as her arms trembled under exertion from the pressure pulling her down. "W-what!?" Crystalline gritted her teeth as she drags herself back to the tiled surface. The effect pulling her down went away as she stood up panting while staring at the pure white surface before her. Once her breathing was under control, Crystalline walks back to the edge. She tentatively places one foot on the tile, and she immediately felt gravity pulling her forward again. But this time, she was better prepared. Crystalline caught herself with her other foot and took several steps away from the tiled platform. After fighting the pressure pulling her body down, Crystalline accumulated to the gravity and was able to stand upright.

"Increased gravity?" Thorax asked.

"One of the many irritating aspects of that infuriate place!" Chrysalis spat out.

"I can see how that can train one's body. But I guess there's more to it than just that,"

After straightening her collecting herself, Crystalline smirks as she spoke. "Ha...! If a little extra weight pulling me down is all this room has to offer than this will be a waste of time-- What?!" Crystalline's gloating was cut off as ice started to encase her feet at an alarming rate. She clenched her teeth as Crystalline struggled to get free. Her horror increases the faster the ice grew. It was already past her ankles and steadily moving to her knees. Inspiration flashed in her eyes while the ice made its way to her upper thighs. She flares her aura, breaking her would-be icy tomb, and shot off to the skies.

This action turned out to be a mistake, however. Thunder and lighting cackled around her. Panic filled her features as a bolt of lightning barrels toward her. Crystalline barely manages to dodge with rapid movement. But more bolts attempted to strike her down. Just when her confidence was starting to grow, a violent tornado appears. The high current of winds pulls her deep within the confines of the natural disaster. Try as she might, Crystalline was powerless while trapped inside the whirling vortex. She slammed down hard into the ground, gasping for breath as her back bounces harshly against the surface. She turns on her belly, trying to catch her breath, only to realize where she was lying. However, instead of freezing over again, a blazing fire shrouded her form. She shrieked and howled in agony. Just when she began to think she was going to die, the flames fizzled out, leaving her body burned severely. Crystal fell to the ground moments later wholly unconscious.

"You seem to be having trouble,"

Crystalline let out a groan as she woke up. Her body felt wake from her recent ordeal. Her vision was blurry as she focused on a shadowy figure. Once her her sight cleared, she quickly found the energy to back away from the familiar sight of the Solar Diarch; Princess Celestia. "Did you truly believe you could escape your punishment by traveling to a new world!"

"No! You can't be here!!! I know for a fact that you cannot leave Equis!!!"

The Sun Goddess eyes narrowed while Crystalline stood on her feet. "I see that even now you continue to toy with the hearts of others by assuming their forms. I will shed away your deceitful practices and bring about your retribution!!!" With a wave of her hand, Celestia blew away the charred remains of Crystalline's flawless skin and revealed the silky smooth surface of Chrysalis chitin.

"Do not presume me helpless Celestia. I have become stronger here than you could ever fathom!!!" Chrysalis flares her aura again, this time it's a dark green instead of white, as she thrust out her palms. On the one hand, she primed a Ki blast. While on the other, she focused her magic. She fires the two orbs at the sun princess. The two attacks met, and there was a violent chain reaction from the two opposing energies. The resulting explosion swallowed Celestia's form. A smug grin made its way to Chrysalis lips. "Fool! You should've known better than to re-challenge me!!!"

"I can claim the same thing! You have forgotten how powerful I am!" In an instant, the detonation of Chrysalis attack collapse into itself, reveal Celestia in a form Chrysalis is all too familiar. A newfound panic filled Chrysalis' being at the sight of the bright blue fur, fiery orange mane, and blazing yellow yellows. "This time, the only thing left of you will be the soot-covered outline on the ground...!" Supernova growled. And much like their previous battle, a dome of burning hot solar energy barrel towards her. Horror plastered itself onto the Changeling queen's face as the unrelenting heat consumed her.

"...Wake up..."

Chrysalis wails in pain as she could feel her chitin cracking and peeling off.

"...Wake Up...!"

Her prosthetic arm melted into molten slag around her bone.

"WAKE UP!!!"

"Aaaaah!!!!" Crystalline screeched as she shat up panting with sweat dripping down her brow. She gave herself the once over to find that her fair skin unharmed. She took in her surroundings and discovered that she was outside the Time Chamber with Mr. Popo tending to her.

"Thank Goodness. You were out for quite some time,"

"Wha-- How did I get out here? What happened--" She quickly bit her lip as she regained her mental faculties. She did not want to start name dropping and give herself away.

"As I said before; the Time Chamber holds many mysteries, but its primary function is to train those that enter it. Both physically and spiritually. Anything you may have seen, felt, heard, and experienced was all an illusion made to test you. I found you passed out when it came time to retrieve you,"

"That's absurd!!! How long was I in that room!?"

"Approximately 5 hours, yet it has only been 5 minutes on this side of the door,"

Crystalline pales at that. "...How...?"

"Time moves differently within the confines of the Time Chamber. One minute out here equals one hour in there. One hour equates to one day, and one day..."

"...Becomes a year in that room...!" She finished, her shocked expression morphing into a deep frown. "He knew!!!!"

"I-I don't know whether to be impressed or scared of this information..." Thorax said in a low voice. "That place seems like it could drive anyone insane,"

"Yes. Only fools would even set foot in there. I had some words to exchange for a certain Namek!" Chrysalis growled out.

Crystalline bolted up and made a beeline for Piccolo. She quickly went her way to the outside of the Lookout. There, she saw Kami and Piccolo standing near the edge with Piccolo's hand resting on Kami's chest. She was about to say something. When all of a sudden Kami began yelling at the top of his lungs as a bright aura shrouded his form. There was a flash of white light before everything settled to normal. Piccolo stood alone as he looks himself over. Crystalline was confused at Kami's sudden disappearance. She turned to Mr. Popo for answers who was fighting back the tears.

"...Oh, Kami..."

"W-what happened!? Where is Kami?"

"Kami's right here. And yet, he is not who I am now. I am the Namek that has long since forgotten his true name. Come, we have to go," Without another word, Piccolo flares his aura and flew off the Lookout. Crystalline stood dumbfounded as she slowly nods her head in agreement and takes off behind him.

"Is Kami still present within you?" Twilight asked as she feverishly scribbled down notes. "Is there a way to talk to him?"

"At the moment, Kami is still present within my conscious mind. However, he cannot speak or interact with anyone. I'm doing that for him already. So he experiences everything I do. Eventually, he will assimilate into my subconscious, and it will just be me in charge. This caveat is why Namekians only fused as a last resort. We are essentially giving up our individuality for a more powerful being," Piccolo explained.

"It seems so sad you two had to fuse. It like Kami willingly decided to be a prisoner," Starlight said gloomily.

"Yes and no. We were originally one being until Kami separated his darker half to become Earth's guardian. We would not have fused if the situation did not demand it. Once our union was complete, I gained Kami's knowledge and learned what gave him unease. Therefore, Crystalline and I went to Ginger Town, where the source of the disappearances revealed itself,"

"By source, I assume you mean Cell?" Celestia asked.

Piccolo nods in response. "Yes, we confronted Cell and saw his handy work firsthand. He has a tail with a stinger at the end of it. He uses it to pierce the flesh of his victims where he proceeds to suck the bio extract into his being. Which is then used to power himself,"

"What is Bio extract?" Diamond Tara asked.

Twilight and Starlight both grimaced at the implications. "It a scientific term for the composition of every living organism body. All your bodies nutrients, cells, blood, muscle tissue, etc. Anything that would be vital to giving you a physical form," Twilight explained.

"And if Cell stinger operates like a tick that sucks blood then he uses that Bio extracts to feed himself," Starlight added in a delicate tone.

"So, wait, he drinks people!?" Spike asked in a quivering tone. The ponies all looked green in the face as Piccolo, Starlight, and Twilight confirm this.

"Indeed. The process is not for the faint of heart. I saw a man dissolve away into nothing right before my eyes. And believe me when I say it is excruciating," Piccolo said.

"A vile monster in every sense of the word!" Luna seethed.

"You should be thankful that Dr. Gero only outfitted Cell with such a feature. Had 17, 18 and I required such needs for our power source, then your claims of those two being monster would be accurate," 16 said. F. Trunks frown but bit back a remark. 16 had a point. The casualties would've been much worse than they already are right now.

"And he did this to an entire town? Those poor people...!" Cadence said as she hugs Flurry Heart tightly.

"What about the Earth? Is Cell still-- drinking the humans?" Shining Armor asked in concern.

"No. Cell succeeded in his original mission and absorbed the two androids, making himself complete. He no longer needs to kill anyone since he is in full power. He's content for the moment anyway..." F. Trunks said grimly.

"I don't get it! If you knew Cell was dangerous then why you let him get away?" Rainbow asked.

Piccolo ignores the accusing air in her tone and responded. "Cell is far more crafty than any of us gave him credit,"

"So do you care to explain what happened to Kami or why you seem so different?" Crystalline asked. Piccolo said nothing. "Fine. Then perhaps I should air some grievances about that living hell you subjected me too!"

"I thought you would appreciate it. But I suppose it was too much too soon. Only those with a strong mental fortitude can handle staying in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for extended periods of time," Piccolo said as Crystalline growls at him. "We're coming up to the disturbance now. Stay focused,"

The two warriors landed in the center of Ginger Town and instantly found the most disturbing sight. The town was eerily silent; not even the birds were chirping. As they walked the streets, a common theme made itself know. Clothing of all shapes and sizes littered the streets. "Hmm... This town has an odd way of discarding dirty clothes. That or they saw you and became so scared that they leaped out of their clothes in terror,"

"Funny, but something is wrong here. There isn't a single hint of anyone being here. It's like a ghost town,"

"It's mindboggling. What could've happened?" Thorax asked.

"...Cell... The one that is known as Cell happened!" Chrysalis answered with a tinge of nervousness.

Thorax saw that same tremble Chrysalis had when she was in the presence of Frieza. Only much worse than it was before. "Is there anything unique about him that makes him so deadly?"

"..." The silence was all the reply Thorax got from the renewed queen.

"Do you feel that?" Piccolo asked. He focuses his sights on the alleyway a few feet from their position.

"Unfortunately..." Crystalline said, staring just as intensely at the alley.

Soon, several loud and unnatural thuds echoed throughout the vicinity. Along with what sounded like groaning. The noises grew louder as it got to the pair. Finally, a silhouette shuffles out of the shadows. Crystalline recoils in disgust at the appearance of bizarre creature. It was not unlike the standard Cada bug she has seen from time to time. However, it towered over both her and Piccolo. Its skin was two shades of green, and it had a long tail with a sharp stinger at the end of it. It was dragging along an overweight man in a beige suit as it stops a few feet in front of the duo. Its cold calculated slitted eyes study them silently as the portly man stirs.

"You two, please help me!!!" The man said as he attempted to crawl away. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of money. "I can pay you very well. Just please save me from this mon-- AH!!!" That final plea will forever be the nameless man's last words as the creature flicks its tail and pierces his spine. Then, to the greatest of horrors to both fighters, the portly man began to dissolve into nothingness. All the remain of him was a beige suit and a stack of money flowing into the wind.

"Greetings," The creature spoke. Its voice was scratchy and sinister with a small hiss empathizing the 'S.'

"W-what kind of monster is this that thing!?" Thorax said in a trembling voice.

"...The worst kind..." Chrysalis replied in a soft tone.

"W-what did you do?" Crystalline asked cautiously.

"Hmm, why bother explaining when you can experience it for yourself m'lady," Crystalline blanches at that.

"I wouldn't count on that if I were you," Piccolo said as he took an aggressive step forward.

"Ah, Piccolo, I didn't think I'd meet you here. But I'm glad all the same,"

"You know me?"

"Hmm, intimately,"

"Ahh~ Your very first crush!" Crystalline joked. The creature chuckled at this.

Piccolo chose to ignore that little jib. "Since you are so familiar with me then you must know that I'm here on business!"

"Always start to the point. I admire that warrior spirit of yours. It will be a great pleasure absorbing you, Piccolo!"

Piccolo took a stance as he smirked at the creature. "You keep using that name, but I'm afraid you're mistaken, so allow me to introduce myself!!!" Suddenly, Piccolo power shot up exponentially as the ground caved in under pressure. The monster looked surprised as he was pushed back due to the force Piccolo was exhorting. Crystalline was also taken aback by the sudden display and found her mouth agape.

"Where did this power come from!?"

With a confident smirk, Piccolo spoke. "The Piccolo you know is gone. I am the Namek, and unfortunately for you, you're history!!!"

Far from being intimidated, Piccolo's opponent spoke with unbridled glee. "Your power is astounding! You will make an excellent meal!"

"Tch!" Crystal sucks in her teeth at being ignored and belittled again. She flares her aura as well and forms a crater of her own. The creature looks genuinely shocked at her power. "I've been told by my darling little boy toy that I am an excellent cook. So I will be happy to give you a full course meal in pain!"

"Oh? Well now, I do believe I am for quite the treat,"

"Hmph! Is that so? You know, it's a good thing you absorbed all the people in this town! Now I can fight unabated without harming any innocents. So let's start off your meal with this little appetizer!!!" Piccolo said as he extended his hand toward the creature. Yellow particles began to gather as the creature looks on with interest. The blast erupted out Piccolo's hand in a widespread radius. Everything in front of him was instantly gone. However, despite the ferocity of the attack, the creature was able to guard against it at the last second. Crystalline stares in awe at the destruction while the monster pulls itself out the rubble.

"He just destroyed the city!!!" Thorax said.

"Yes, for all the good it did him," Chrysalis said nonchalantly.

"B-but that seems like such a waste!"

"Then it is a good thing it's a ghost town,"

As the monster got up, Crystalline took her chance. She darted towards the creature as it quickly sprang to its feet. It throws a left jab that forces Crystalline to flip over it. She contorts her body in midair to deliver a roundhouse. But the insectoid like monster blocks it with his tail. Said tail coils around Crystalline's leg and slammed her to the ground. It poised itself to pierce her body, and would have succeeded had Piccolo not intervened. He slams his foot into the creature's face as Crystalline recovers.

"Stay back. I'll handle this!" Piccolo commanded.

However, the green-haired woman snarl at the order. "Do not issue me commands!!!" She leaps back up and gave chase to the monster as it retreated with Piccolo close behind. Crystalline fires several Ki blast the forces the beast to deflect. Piccolo comes up behind it and connects with a straight kick to its back, fling it far ahead he reappears in its pathway along with Crystalline. However, the creatures stop itself while hovering in the air. Then, shots off into the sky. It smirks as it places two fingers onto the center of its forehead. The two appendages cackled with power as Piccolo's eyes widen at the familiar sight.

"Makankosappo!!!" It called out as it pointed its fingers at the pair and fired an orange Ki blast that drilled its way toward them.

"What the--" Crystalline gasped out as Piccolo growled. He raised his left arm and deflected the attack into a nearby building which in turn drilled a sizable hole through before exploding.

Piccolo stares a the beast in shock as it landed. "That was my technique! How...?" Instead of answering, the creature lunges forward at the two and launches a flurry of attacks that push them back. The fighting went to the skies as the three continued to exchange strikes. Piccolo scores a punch to the face that gives Crystalline an opening. She connects with a dropkick that knocks it down to toward the ground. Piccolo flies past the creature and sends it back up only for Crystal to launch him into the dirt. Despite their teamwork, the beast rose to its feet no worse for wear. The two warriors stare down their enemy as Crystalline spoke.

"Have you had your fill bug or would you like a second helping?" The beast merely stares at her without answering.

"Careful. This thing is a lot stronger than I gave it credit for--" Piccolo started but was cut off.

"--Why thank you,"

"I wouldn't let that go to my head if I was you. It's only a matter of time before we end you!"

"Hmm, yes, it does look that way doesn't. It is a shame I couldn't reach my full power in this city~"

"So you absorb others, not just to feed yourself, but to grow stronger!?" Crystalline said in shock.

"...Monster...! Who are you!? What kind of a twisted mind would think to send you here in the time machine!? Answer Me!!!"

The creature looked genuinely shocked at that before another smile adorns its face. "I came here under my own accord. I had to regress to my lava state to fit inside it. It was pretty ingenious wouldn't you say. But enough about me, you seem well informed. But there is so much more to me than meets the eye, Piccolo. We've barely scratched the surface of my power...." It said as it cupped its palms together and took a stance. "...Allow me to educate you both!"

Piccolo and Crystalline's eyes widened in horror. "That's the--"

"Kamehame-HA!!!!" A beam of destruction shot out of its hands. Piccolo was stunned while Crystalline scarcely puts up a shield around them. The blast connected with the barrier and detonated, destroying the remnants of Ginger Town. Piccolo appears in the air while surveying the damage. He found Crystalline face down on the ground covered in scuff marks from the blast. He was about to check on her that is until the creature flickers behind him and puts him in a hold. "Don't try to struggle! It's over! Now both you and that woman will be apart of me!!!" The creature coiled its stinger and aimed it at Piccolo's chest. The Namek saw this and averted the strike enough to hit his arm instead of his torso. A sickening pulsing sound went off as Piccolo could feel his arm withering away. His screams of anguish were enough to wake Crystalline from her impromptu nap.

She groans as she looks around and found both Piccolo at the mercy of the creature. Gritting her teeth, she flickers to their position and raises her mechanical arm above her head. The prosthetic limb began to vibrate as she brought her hand down in a chopping motion. In on fell swoop, Crystalline severs the tail puncturing Piccolo's arm, allowing him to get free as it wailed in agony. The two landed on the ground as Piccolo clutches his right arm. It was utterly shriveled up and a pale lime green color. It didn't take a genius to know that his arm was now useless.

"By the makers..." Thorax said breathlessly at Piccolo's arm.

The creature landed in front of the two as heavy pants left its mouth. It brought its severed tail to its face and examined the stump before glaring at the smug expression Crystalline was giving off. The expression fell when the creature smirked, much to the duo's confusion. It hunched over and began to scream out in exertion. Its veins became visible as its tail twitched violently before a new one grew out of the stump, stupifying Crystalline and Piccolo.

"That. Was. Unpleasant!!!"


"I must admit, woman. You are proving to be quite the nuisance. But the result will be the same. You are both weakened. Face it you two. Time's up!"

Crystalline was about to retort, but Piccolo beat her to it. "Alright, you win. We surrender...!"

"What!?!? You are just going to surrender to this monster?"

"What!? he is just going to surrender to that monster?" Thorax and Crystalline said in unison.

"Tsk. Quit your barking! If there is one good thing about Piccolo, it is his crafty intellect. Just watch!" Chrysalis barked out.

"It is clear that we are no match for you. I can't fight without my arm and Crystal took too much damage from that wave. We have no choice but to concede...!" Piccolo said with a pained expression.

Crystalline, however, was not happy. "If you think I am just--" Piccolo cut off her tirade by contacting her telepathically.

'Relax. I'm not giving up. I just need to buy time, and maybe get some info from our friend here. Just play along!'

'You are overstepping your bounds slug man!' Crystalline glares at Piccolo before slumping her shoulders in defeat. This action got a chuckle from the monster.

"Very good. You both realize the futility of your resistance. But do not despair, you both will be apart of something truly glorious!"

"And what do you mean by that?"

"You will become apart of perfection!!!"

"...Alright... But before we submit to you, I ask that you grant my final request and answer this; who are you?"

The creature straightens up as he laughs again. "Very well. Since you are dying to know, I suppose there is no harm in telling you. My name is Cell. I am an android," Both fighters paled at that revelation.

"You're an android!?"

"Do I hear five androids Trunks?!"

"Ouch. But you are correct. You see, to create the single most potent fighting organism, Dr. Gero devised a way to infuse the cells of the mightest of warriors into one. And then cultivate those cells into a singular invincible entity. The good doctor was ambitious, but the project super exceeded his lifespan. So he programmed his computer to continue his work while focuses on more immediate concerns. That machine worked tirelessly to combine the cells of the greatest of warriors to ever walk the Earth. From the likes of Goku, his friends, you, the Saiyans, Nappa, and Vegeta. The incorporation of Frieza and his father cells was most fortuitous thanks to their appearance on the Earth. Of course, Trunks cells was left out due there being sufficient amount of Saiyan DNA,"

Horror gripped Crystalline as she hesitantly asked a question. "And what about me?"

Cell gave her a look as he crossed his arms. "What about you? There was no further need to add human DNA when compared to the likes of Frieza and the Saiyans. You are an oddity, and you have surprising strength. But, ultimately, your cells weren't worthy enough to add to the process,!" Crystalline felt her teeth breaking from how hard she clenched them. "Don't feel bad. You will make a decent snack~"

"That's a relief. I can't imagine how much more damage that thing could do if Cell had Changeling DNA," Thorax said.

"I wouldn't want my cells rutting around inside that abomination anyway!" Chrysalis said hotly.

"That would explain how you knew how to perform the Kamehameha wave. You inherited from Goku's cells. So it's a safe bet to assume you have all techniques and abilities,"

"Hmm, that's correct,"

"How did that mad fool even acquire these cells?"

"Another stroke of ingenuity by Dr. Gero. A collector, comparable to a conventional house fly, was built to gather the genetic materials during each of the battles you and the others held. It is here even now, just waiting for an opportunity to gather more ingredients," Cell gestures to the tiny glint behind him. Both fighters gasp as they caught a glimpse of the device response to Cell creation. Without hesitation, Piccolo fires a blast that incinerates the machine. This action merely made Cell laugh. "A pointless gesture. The computer has more than enough Cells for my completion back at the lab,"

"But we destroyed that lab in its entirety. There was nothing left!!!"

"Expect for the underground bunker where the computer resides," Crystalline sucks in her teeth. it was a gross oversight on their part. "It will continue its work undisturbed for the 24 years. By then I will be complete. Now, I believe the time for talking is over..."

"J-just wait! Answer us this; why did you come to our time?" Crystalline asked, taking the lead on stalling for time.

"Questions all around. Fine, I will answer this. You see, it is engraved into my programming to achieve my final evolution by absorbing Androids 17 & 18. I cannot attain my perfect form of humans alone. It is only with their power added onto my own that will propel me into the marvelous state of perfection I seek. Sadly, in my timeline, Trunks had managed to defeat both the androids. Thus, depriving of my perfect form. But when one door closes, another one opens. I discovered that Trunks possessed a time machine to travel back and forth through time. So I disposed of him and utilized it for my needs. Even more fortunate, Trunks had already set the machine for this moment in time. Allowing to travel here with a push of a button. I can only assume Trunks wanted to relay the good news of the androids defeat. Instead, he granted me the tools I needed. Ironic don't you think?"

"But what would be the point of coming back to this time if you already were the strongest in your time!?"

"I am merely following my destiny as we all do. That and I possess the same drive to become stronger as Vegeta and Frieza would. Once complete, my power will be without equal! Now I believe I have satisfied your curiosity. It is time to join me on my journey to ultimate perfection!!!"

Crystalline's felt panic rise as she desperately turns to Piccolo for a solution. Piccolo, in turn, smirks at both of them as he spoke. "Yes, I believe it is time to put an end to you and your plans...!" With a grunt of effort, Piccolo tore off his useless limb, hunched over, regrew a new one with a commanding shout. "Thanks for the information. Now I'll make sure your ambition dies along with you!!!"

Cell growled at the newly restored Piccolo. "You dare make a fool of me!?"

"Hmph. Of course, it befits the role of a creature such as you,"

"Whoa! Hardcore. So you pretended to give to buy enough time to grow your arm back!" Scootaloo chirped. Piccolo sends her a smirk in response.

"An ingenious strategy, feigning surrender to gain insight on your enemy. I would love to challenge you in a game of witts," Luna praised.

"Aw, Drake. I'd pay bits to see the look on his face," Spike said.

"It was a smart move. But since you said earlier, that Cell achieved the goal. I'm assuming that monster escaped," Ember reminded.

"I am curious about the regeneration you both share. Does it operate like lizards? How many times can you do it?" Twilight said as she bombarded Piccolo with question upon question.

"Well, I could always give you a live demonstration..." Piccolo said with an almost sinister grin.

"YES!!!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"NO!!!" Rarity denied, already green in the face.

"Still. It's so creepy that Cell came from you all. It almost like you are that monster's parents!" Cadence stated.

"Thankfully, he's no son of mine!" Goku said firmly, gaining a nod from Gohan.

"I have to say that from a purely scientific standpoint, Cell is quite the technological achievement. The creation of a sentient being like him would be impossible for magic users at this junction of time. The practical applications for modern-day conventions seem limitless if we applied what Dr. Gero for the benefit of others. It such a shame he's wasted for evil purposes..." Twilight pouted.

"Regardless of how wasteful it seems, Cell present a threat to everyone. And with our cells inside him, He is extremely formidable as well strategic," Piccolo said.

"Yeah, he gave us all the slip, and with my technique no less!" Tien said.

"We all arrived on the scene when we felt Cells power along with the ki signatures that already composed his being. Realizing he might lose, he blinded us with the Solar Flare and ran off. He also concealed his power level so we couldn't track him," Krillin said.

"We were reduced to watching the news for any reports on him and the Androids while guarding Goku. We, uh, didn't always stop Cell in time..." Yamcha admitted shamefully.

"I am sure you all did the best you could given the circumstances," Celestia assures.

"As it turned out, the androids found my island where we were housing Goku," Master Roshi said.

"Oh no! Then they completed their dastardly plot to hurt Sonny!" Pinkie shouted. Everyone gave her strange look as she noticed. "What?"

"Nope. I recovered from the heart disease and set out to become stronger than a Super Saiyan. So Gohan, Trunks, Vegeta, and I went to the Lookout to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber," Goku informs. Pinkie sighed in relief as the others rolled their eyes. B. Trunks and Flurry Heart giggled at Pinkie's antics.

"But that meant dealing with the androids on the island. The plan was simple; destroy 17 & 18 to prevent Cell from gaining his perfect form. Or at least it sounded simple," Piccolo said.

"Can Goku come out and play?" 17 asked as he knocks on the door of Kame house. Androids 16 & 18 were flanking his sides.

"Oh no! They're here!" Krillin said.

"Well, it's not like we weren't expecting this eventually. I'm just glad Goku's away right now," Tien said.

"But that just means they'll try and pry Goku's location from us!!!" Yamcha said worriedly. Crystalline was there along with Piccolo as she gave Yamcha a peck on the cheek and walked to the door.

"Crystalline! What are you doing?" Master Roshi said with urgency.


"I have a score to settle for the blonde. Don't worry sweetie. I'll be back in time for our nightly arobacs~"

"You're not the only one!" Piccolo said as they both stepped outside.

"Sorry to disappoint you three, but Goku's not in at the moment. So you'll have to settle for us,"

"You seem confident. Why are you so eager to face the androids after what happened last time?" Thorax asked.

"Because there were a time and a place for such actions. That, and I wanted to teach that blonde blow-up doll some respect!" Chrysalis said.

"Hey 18, your playmates back," 17 said.

"Funny, I hardly recognized her without her face in the pavement," 18 said.

"If you have business with Goku then I'm afraid you won't find him here!" Piccolo said firmly.

"Well, if you would kindly direct us to him then we'll be in our way. 16 has been getting rather anxious to meet him," 17 said.

"And if we refuse?" Piccolo challenged, already knowing the answer.

"I strongly recommend complying with our request. Otherwise, you will know how persuasive we can be when it comes to things that we want,"

"Then it looks like we're at an impasse. So how about this; we take this little spat and hash things out on that island over yonder," Crystalline suggest.

17 & 18 shared a glance before they smirked. "Fine by us. This time you get to see what the dirt tastes like along with pavement," 18 jibes. The party of five flew over to the small island. Once landed, 17 & 18 along with Crystalline and Piccolo faced off with each other. 16 sat on a large boulder as admired the birds dancing around his fingers.

"You two realize this is pointless, right? Just give the info we need, and we'll be on our merry way," 17 offered.

"Fat chance!" Piccolo said as he reached for his turban and threw it off to the side along with his protective weights.

"You seem to be a glutton for punishment. Really. Just give up. You can't win!!!"

"First, things first. I want those two out of this fight!" 17 chuckles as he rolls up his selves.

"Don't worry. 16 and 18 will just be spectators. It will just be you and me--"

"Which leaves little miss barbie doll to me," Crystalline interrupted. She turns her sights on 18 as she wags her finger at her. "So how about we get reacquainted 'little girl!"

18 scoffs as she faces Crystal. "Fine by me. I love to teach you some more manners,"

"You better know what you're doing,"

"If either of us can destroy one of them, then Cell won't be an issue. just don't pull a repeat performance from the rocky road,"

"Hmph!" Piccolo widens his posture as his muscles tensed. Several veins appeared on his arms and forehead as he ignited his aura. 16 turns around as he studies Piccolo intently. He quickly deduced something was amiss.

"Something is wrong! My scanners are indicating that this Namek is not Piccolo!" 16 stated with urgency.

"What? Then who is he?" 17 asked, turning to 16 and taking his eyes off of his enemy.

Piccolo chose to strike at that moment and charges 17 with a devastating barrage. The android had no time to react as Piccolo pushes him further away. Meanwhile, 18 and Crystalline continue their staring contest. Both of them smiling at the other. "Well? Aren't you going to put on a show and scream for us?"

"Please, I'm not as dramatic as the boys over there. So I'm just going to beat you to a pulp," Crystalline lunges forward and throws a punch for 18's face. The android leans her to the left to dodge. Crystalline saw this and twist her body so that her elbow would connect. However, 18 blocks with it with her palm. 18 takes her limb and puts Crystalline in an armlock. Crystal grunt in pain as 18 tightens the hold. Thankfully, she escapes by flipping over 18 and reversing the hold. Crystalline sports a wide grin as 18 grunts from the pressure. "May, how the tables have turned~"

"We'll see!" 18 says as she takes her free hand and forms a Ki blast. She brought to Crystalline face and shot at point-blank range. Crystalline no choice but to release her opponent to evade. 18 then rush her with a flurry of blows while Crystal was off balance. This assault continues for a few seconds before 18 launches Crystalline into a boulder in the background. A cloud of smoke billows from Crystalline's impact. 18 flicks her hair and smiles at her handy work. "Hmm, I thought she last longer-- Ugh!?" 18 grunted as she was no longer able to move. A constricting force took hold of her body. 18 turn her gaze back to where Crystalline lay and saw a two green dots staring back at her. She felt a tug and found herself pulled into the smoke cloud. A moment later, 16 feels her face contort to the shape of a fist kissing her cheek. Whatever force was barring her movements vanished as she flew through the air and skidded on the ground.

Crystalline emerges from her position, a soft green outline flickering brief on her form, as 18 glares at her while rubbing her cheek. "Oh, that looked like it hurt~"

"I see, you're using magic to enhance your strength," Thorax said.

"I've had five years of worth of Yamcha's love to bolster my power and reserves. My strength could easily outmatch Vegeta as a Super Saiyan at that time. At least until recently, but I would have recycled little miss barbie doll if it wasn't for forces beyond my control," Chrysalis said.

"What do you mean?"

"Watch, and you'll find out. Honestly, what's the point of asking 20 question when you will get the answer shortly!"

18 stood up as she stares down Crystalline with mild bemusement. That green outline seemed to have faded away, and the force that gripped was gone. "You seem to be full of surprises. Care to explain?"

"Sorry. I don't give away all my secrets on the first date," 18 scoffs, and she flickers behind Crystalline. She tried to strike the back of her head. That is until that force halted her movements again. Crystalline whips around and scores a roundhouse kick that sends 18 flying. She follows up by pelting the android with several punches and kicks. 18 grew irritated with her apparent helplessness and flexed her power. This action breaks Crystalline's telekinetic hold on her. With a smirk, 18 grabs hold of Crystalline's fist.18 retaliates by launching her fist into Crystalline's face. The green-haired woman pauses as 18 held her arm there. She sends the android a frown while the green outline from before shimmers. 18 quirks a brow at this before Crystalline grabs her wrist and pulls her fist away.

The two broke away from each other before charging again at full speed. Each of their strikes sent massive shock waves throughout the island. 18 throws a straight kick that Crystalline blocks with a forearm. She crouches down and sweeps 18's leg. The android, in turn, jumps up and thrust her foot down on Crystal who rolls out of the way, balances on the one hand, while shifting her body to bring her foot into 18's face. Undeterred, 18 slams her knee into her opponent's stomach as both fighters recovered and took the fight to the skies. More shockwaves erupted as the two continues to exchange attacks. Their movements became blurs, gaining more ferocity with each clash. 18 and Crystalline reappear with the android sending Crystal soaring through the air. She stops herself as a few pants leave her breath, whereas a devilish smirk adorns 18's face.

"You seem wore out. That little shield of yours must be taxing," 18 said.

"Hardly. I just can't stand the smell of that shady perfume your wearing. Or does your natural odor resembles that of skunks?" 18 sends her a flat stare before she flickered over to Crystalline position and began raining down a series of punches that Crystal had no choice but to block.

"Do you think it was wise to antagonize her?" Thorax commented.

"How could I resist? It was so fun to get a rise out of her," Chrysalis said with a small amount of glee. Thorax shakes his head in disapproval.

Crystalline continued to defend against 18's assault until she caught something in the corner of her eye. She ducks under 18's punch, grabs her arm and begins to spin in place. Crystalline lets go of the android, sending spirling directly into 17 who was focusing his attention on Piccolo. The two looked at each other in confusion as Piccolo charges a Ki blast in each hand. He fires several of them in multiple directions except for the one the androids were residing. 17 laughs at the display of poor marksmanship.

"Your aim could use some work!"

"And you could use some corrective eye surgery," Piccolo countered.

17 looked confused until 18 yelled out. "17!!!" 17 turns to his sister's urgent call only to spy several Ki orbs surrounding their position, cutting off any chance of escape. The androids felt alarmed flash on their faces while a smirk adorns Piccolos.

"Hellzone Grenade!!!" He called out as all the blast struck the pair simultaneously. A giant smoke cloud filled the air as Crystalline lands near Piccolo.

"I want to ask if that was enough to stop them, but I assume that is not the case," Thorax said.

"For once, you are correct," Chrysalis said.

"To be honest, I can't help but feel that this entire fight is pointless. Yes, Trunks said the androids in the future were horrible. But so far, they haven't done anything as predicted would. In fact, it sort feels like you and the other warriors are the aggressors here,"

Chrysalis sent Thorax a steely glare as she spoke. "I don't care one bit about Trunks' future. I don't care about Goku and the others. And I don't care about the androids or the Earth!"

Thorax just stares back with an unreadable expression. "Then why are you fighting so hard against them? It would be easy to change into someone else and slip away,"

"I..." Chrysalis paused for a moment while she thought of a response. "...It suited my needs at the time. I couldn't trust these fools with a task of saving the world. If you want something done right then, you must do it yourself,"

"I thought you didn't care," Chrysalis eyes widened at that and gave a sharp tug on the leash again. "ACK!"

"...Be silent and observe...!" She growled.

"You must be joking. I doubt Chrysalis was only interested in anything other than keeping herself alive," Tien said.

"But you have to believe that she may have changed somewhat. I don't see any other reason as to why she would help for as long as she did," Starlight argued.

"She makes a good argument. Chrysalis could've become any person she wanted, and no one would be none the wiser. She even could've put herself in a position of power quite easily if she wanted," Twilight added, supporting her protege. Shining Armor and Cadence made a snort at that statement, causing Twilight to wince and her ears to flatten against her head. "Hehe... no offense,"

"It's fine, I guess... But I think your wrong Twily. Chrysalis did put herself in a position of power," Shining said.

Cadence nodded and went to elaborate. "By getting close to Yamcha, she got closer to the Dragonballs. With a single wish, she can have anything she could think of having,"

"It stands to reason that with such tremendous opposition on the Earth, Chrysalis choose to return to Equis believing her conquest might be easier here," Luna stated.

"Maybe-- I mean it is possible that Cell might've gotten to her more than we thought. You all saw how shaken up she was when Cell absorbed Android 18," Yamcha said.

"Do you believe that for certain or are you hoping to gain back your fake mate?" Ember teased as Yamcha's face turned bright red.


"Regardless. Perhaps Chrysalis was on our side for a time, and it became too much for her. Perhaps she was just playing us all along. The only person that knows her intentions is Chrysalis herself. And until we confront her, all we have is speculation," Master Roshi said sagely.

"So... What happened with the fight?" Scootaloo asked, trying and failing to suppress her enthusiasm.

Piccolo smirked at the pegasus filly. "The fighting reached a deadlock, and we were at our limit. However, there was one gross oversite we missed. We were putting out too much energy. While it is difficult to track the androids since they do not have Ki signatures, we do, and someone did find us,"

Scootaloo gulped as everyone caught on to what Piccolo was implying. "...Cell...?"

Piccolo nodded in response. "We led that monster right to us. What's worse is that in between the time he escaped us, Cell had another opportunity to gain power from absorbing others. He became far stronger than I could've imagined and none of my moves were useful. I regret to say that he made short work of me, leaving Chrysalis to face him,"

"That was when I took the initiative and combated Cell myself," 16 said, surprising everyone.

"You fought Cell!?" Rainbow exclaimed in excitement.

"Yes, along with Crystalline or Chrysalis as you call her,"

"Tsk! Damnit!!!" Crystalline swore as Cell tosses Piccolo into the water surrounding the island.

"And thus the spider descends onto the flies caught in its web. I really must thank you both for leading me here to my dear brethren," Cell said in gratitude. Crystalline took a fighting stance while the three androids looked on in confusion. Cell chuckles in amusement. "Come now, my dear. Don't be a fool like Piccolo and throw your life away as well. I am feeling generous at the moment, so I'm going to let you live. There will be no need to seek out any more humans. I have everything I need right before me~."

"You mind explaining just what the heck is this thing?" 18 asked.

"Wait, they don't know him!?" Thorax asked.

"The excellent Doctor kept many little secrets. I'm not surprised given how disobedient his toys turn out. This reason why mind control should always be employed when dealing with minions. The less independence they have, the less likely they'll betray you," Chrysalis smiles maliciously at Thorax sudden nervousness. "Something I plan to correct~."

"It's a monster that wants to eat you. Which part of that did you miss?"

"Don't listen to her 18. She doesn't understand. None of them can comprehend our bond. Everything has been leading to this moment. Don' you see, 17 & 18? We will finally realize the true potential Dr. Gero has laid out for us. So my siblings-- Why don't you come with me, and you will be in a world of truly pure perfection~," Cell opened his arms wide in a welcoming gesture that sent chills up everyone's spines.

17 scoffs at this. "So you're a remnant of Dr. Gero's science project? Now I know how to answer your little proposal," 17 said as he lunged at the creature before them.

"No STOP!!!" But her warning came too late. 17 throws a punch aimed at Cell's head. However, the android misses wildly with his attack, allowing Cell to weaves pass him and slam his fist into 17's stomach. The android crumbled soon after as Cell began a relentless assault. It became apparent that Cell's power far eclipsed 17' own. Crystalline found herself stuck. She knew letting Cell gain his perfect form would spell doom for her. But would she far any better? In an instant, a fight or flight response decided for her.

"It is time to join perfection hahaha--" A well-placed kick cut Cell's victory off as 17 was free once again. Cell growled as Crystalline stood defiantly against him. "You are trying my patience!" He slowly stalks toward her, but stops when he sees Crystal's expression morph into a smirk.

"Allow me to give my thanks to you. With Piccolo out of the way, I can tap into the deeper recesses of my power!" For a brief moment, Crystalline's eyes turned into slits as a bright green circle appears in the center of her forehead.

"W-what!?" Thorax asked.

"It's common sense, oaf. I've been holding back to keep my disguise. If I called upon more magic, then those fools would begin to question me. But, with Piccolo currently indisposed and the others far enough away, I was free to summon more of my magical might," Chrysalis said.

(The circle represents her horn, but it's green, not blue.)

"What? Quit stalling human. I know you can't exert any more power,"

Suddenly, a dome of green of magical energy covers Crystalline's form. Everyone was taken aback by the strange energy Crystalline was displaying. None more than Cell as he has never sensed anything like it. The monstrous android didn't have time to dwell on it as 16 walked up beside Crystalline.

"I will be participating in this fight as well," 16 said a matter of factly.

"Suit yourself, but you may just become a casualty," Crystalline said as the dome dies down, and the green outline encases her form again.

"You are only delaying the inevitable,"

Author's Note:

Enjoy everyone Happy Thanksgiving. Next part will be the last one.

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