• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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BONUS Chapter: DBMLP Abridged!

[Everfree Forst - Third Person POV/]

"Vegeta! We didn't come all the way to this world so you can camp out in the forest!!!" Bulma chided. The moment Vegeta stormed off upon landing threw Bulma in a fit of rage. She stormed off into the Everfree forest. Despite everyone's insistence against it, Bulma showed no fear for whatever may be lurking in the shadows. Now Goku and the others sat on the sidelines while Bulma attempted to reason with her husband.

"Hmph. I see no need to partake in a pointless treasure hunt!"

"Funny, considering it was a pointless treasure that brought you to the Earth in the first place!"

"Are certain its wise to remind of my original goal for immortality? I might be tempted to try again," Bulma gritted her teeth at his smug tone. "I am starting to think that the bug woman had the right idea. Why should I waste efforts finding the Dragonballs when all of you can do the work for me? Then it just a matter of disposing of you all when you least expect it,"

Bulma scoffs as she shot Vegeta a sly smile. "Who knew the great 'Prince of all Saiyans' was a coward!"

Vegeta frowns at that remark. "You better watch your tone!"

"And you better can that rotten attitude!"

"Um, should we stop this?" Yamcha asked.

"Be my guest Yamcha," Tien stated.

Piccolo covered his eyes with his hand as he let out an exasperated sigh. "There are better things we could be doing with our time!"

"Is this how martial courtship between heterosexual beings handle disputes??" Dende asked. Due to his race being the most peaceful in the universe, there has never been any infighting or arguments during his upbringing. Therefore Dende is often rendered confused at the prospects of Earthling couplings.

"Only if they are named Vegeta and Bulma," Master Roshi quipped.

"Mother. Father. This forest isn't the best place to-"

"Stay out of this Trunks/boy!!!" Bulma and Vegeta yelled, causing Trunks to shy away.

A growl caught everyone's attention as Goku clutches his stomach. "Do you guys think we can hurry this along. I'm famished!" Goku whined.

"Pinkie Pie did say she wanted to throw us a welcome back party. We can head to this Sugarcube corner place now if you want," Gohan offered.

"I will relocate to the vicinity of Fluttershy's cottage. She required the aid of me with tending to her animals," 16 droned out.

"URGH! Fine! If everyone is content with this behavior, then be my guest!!!" With that last shrill cry, Bulma storms off back to Ponyville. Vegeta scoffs and does the same in the opposite direction. The remaining Z fighters shrug and left for the town as well. However, all of them were blissfully unaware of the patch of blue flowers they were standing in the whole time.

[The Next Day - Fluttershy's Cottage.]

"Thank you so much for your help 16. You have a knack for tending to the critters," Fluttershy praised.

A pleased smile graces the buttercream pegasus as several birds flocked to the android. "The animals here are a little responsive than the ones on Earth. Especially the birds," 16 said as he held out his finger so that the birds could perch themselves on it.

"Oh yes. Bird watching is a fun activity. When did you start?"

"It was during my travels with Androids 17 and 18 on our mission to kill Son Goku. I propose the idea and they supported it,"

Fluttershy flinched at that and gave 16 an uneasy smile. She walks up to past the massive android on the shoulder. "It's ok, 16. That life is behind you now. Besides, you and Goku are friends now,"

Fluttershy's assumption quickly died when she saw 16's deadpan expression. "Our collaboration is merely temporary until the time of Cell's defeat. Killing Son Goku is more than a directive in my programming," A soft smile graces Android 16's features. "It is something that I cannot accurately put into words..."

Hesitantly, Fluttershy spoke up. "Well, maybe it's for the best-"

"So I wrote a song about it!" 16 exclaimed, cutting Fluttershy off. "I shall sing it for you!"

(I can't find the full version!)

Fluttershy was at a loss for words after 16's song. "Um..."

"I understand by your silence that my words have moved you,"

"Oh. Oh! It was - um - very passionate and sweet? But let's move away from hurting others and talk about other hobbies?"

"I have also written a book. It is designated: A Thousand ways to Kill Son Goku!!!"

Fluttershy grew pale at the cover art. It displays a miniature version of 16 holding the severed head of Goku while giving the reader a thumbs up. In the background was another human who was giving 16 praise for his graphic actions. The bloody icing on the gory imagery was the caption bubble hovering over the human's mouth that read 'Yeah, F**K Goku!!' As the timid pegasus tried to hold back her lunch, 16 opens the book. "I shall recite some of the methods I would use to eliminate Son Goku. I hope it inspires you also seek out and destroy your target," 16 glances down at the book, unaware of Fluttershy's pleading gestures to stop, and read allowed. "Chapter one: Dismemberment!"

[Ponyville - Market Place.]

"Man, this place is every kindergartner schoolgirl's paradise," Krillin said. The trio of humans casually strolled through the marketplace as the ponies went about their daily routines.

"Now hold on there, Krillin. You can't just assume only girls would like this place. There might be some boys that would like stuff like this," Yamcha argued.

"Yeah, and we're walking with one right now. I would say I never pegged you for a weebo, but I'm not surprised if you are," Tien goaded.

"Hey, we shouldn't be ridiculed because something we like is geared toward children!!!" Yamcha yelled indignantly. The area became eerily silent as Yamcha choked on his words. Beads of sweat dripped from Yamcha's brow at his unintentional slip.

"Wow," Krillin said.

"That explains so much," Tien said with a smug tone. "I can't believe your one of those guys that enjoy that kind of hobby. The next thing you're going to say is that you write mediocre fanfiction on a website based around a children cartoon," Tien noted the shifty-eyed look and sheepish expression Yamcha was displaying. "Wow,"

"O-Oh yeah! Well, if I'm such a weeb then why did I have this smoking hot changeling as a girlfriend for the better part of five years!!!" Yamcha spat back.

"You mean the same girl who used you as a food source and stole the Dragonballs thus forcing us to come here in the first place? I'm pretty sure that's a negative against you," Krillin stated.

"I'm surprised you can count what you and Crystal had as a relationship," Tien added.

"S-say what you want but I scored loads of times in our relationship. When was the last time you been in one, huh? How is Launch doing these days? Or did Chaoztu scare her off?" Yamcha fired at his three-eyed friend.

"Oh!" Krillin and the spectators cooed.

"That was low, but then again, I never got dumped twice," Another round of cheering went off, this time for Tien. "I also never been a bottom in any relationship. So how many times you were on top?"

Yamcha flinched at another critical hit. "Hehe, a lot more than I care to admit especially that one time with the strap-on..."

The only sound left in the marketplace was the wind blowing overhead. "...And on that note, let's talk about something else," Krillin said as he crosses his arms. "Have you guys been feeling off?"

"No. Can you be more specific?"

"I feel completely mortified if that's what you mean," Yamcha said dejectedly.

"No. No. It feels like everything is warped or altered, like we're going about the usual stuff we do, but just handling them differently. Hmm..." Unbeknownst to our trio, a certain wall-eyed pegasus was struggling to stay afloat while her burlap sack weighed her down. It was all for naught as a bowling ball slip from her bag and plummetted toward the unsuspecting humans. "Ah, I'm probably just imagining things,"


The sound of emitting from the bowling ball as it collided with Krillin's cranium was deafening. Krillin himself stood stock still with his mouth agape. A trained groaned escaped his lips as he fell over and onto the ground. At that same time, Discord appeared beside our heroes holding a sign that displayed a black outline of Krillin's form. The silhouette had a bandage on the left side of its head. Below it was a counter that had the number 57 on it. A ding went off after Krillin had faceplanted, thus earning the two conscious warriors attention.

"Discord? Why do you have that sign?" Yamcha asked.

The Spirit of Chaos shrugs as he spoke. "It just seemed appropriate for the moment,"

"You know, in a weird way, I think you're right," Tien added.

Yamcha kneels down as he fishes a senzu bean out of his Gi. "I'll take this one. I've always wanted to say this!" Yamcha leaps up and cocks back his hand as he tosses the bean. "Hey, Krillin! Senzu Bean!!!" The bean bounces harmless off of Krillin's head as he remained unresponsive to anything.

[Canterlot Castle.]

Piccolo sat in a meditative position, floating above one of the spire tips of the nation's capital. He opens his eyes as he takes in the scenery. He gazes wondered to the many cities in the distance. The vibrant colors seem to dance along his vision. The sky was so much clearer than it was on the Earth, and the Namekian warrior could saw he could hear music coming from one of the towns.

"Geez, who turn up the color tint?" A voice said.

"I'm more worried about contracting diabetes via air inhalation," Another voice bemoaned.

"Wait, do we even breathe air?"

"The same said about our eating habits. Truthfully, it always felt like we drew nutrients from the world around us,"

"You mean like photosynthesis? Does that mean we are plant and slug people?"

"Well. we do reproduce asexually so--"

"Alright, can you two shut up!" Piccolo shouted internally. "First off, we are not slugs or plants despite some evidence to the contrary. Second, we can eat food-- occasionally. Third, why are you both even talking? Weren't you suppose to be absorbed into my subconscious or something to that effect?"

"Oh! Now he remembers we exist! Hello, Piccolo, it's us, Nail and Kami. You know, the two Namekians that gave up their corporeal forms so that you can get stronger. We've been inside you this whole time,"

"Should I bring up how suggestive that sounded near the end or-" Piccolo started, but Kami cut him off.

"But, apparently, our sacrifice ultimately amount to nothing as anyone below the level of Super Saiyan is still leagues above us,"

"Now that's debatable. We handled Cell pretty well--"

"Until he used Goku's move while you stood there like a deer in headlights,"

"Seriously. Why would you stand there? You had at least 30 seconds to attack or - as you like to scream at Gohan - dodge!!!"

"Perhaps then you wouldn't have so many people grabbing you from behind,"

"Ok, can we stop talking about people grabbing me from behind!?" Piccolo shouted. His patience at having his shortcomings picked apart finally at an end. Unfortunately, Piccolo screamed out that last sentence outwardly instead of internally, thus gaining the attention to some patrolling guards. They all shot Piccolo incredulous looks while the Namekian warrior grumbles in frustration.

"Well, now that the ponies in the nation's capital think you're a catcher, how about we visit the quaint little town for Pinkie's victory party!" Piccolo didn't respond as he took to the skies in the direction of Ponyville.

[Ponyville - Sugarcube Corner.]

*GASP* "Gohan, look, it's a gingerbread house!" Goku exclaimed. "It looks delicious!!"

"Dad. I know it looks appetizing, but it's not an actual gingerbread house. The stylistic structure of this establishment is clearly a design choice," Gohan explained.

Goku stares blankly at Gohan for a time as they stood outside the restaurant. "Hehe, silly Gohan. Of course, they made it that way. Otherwise, who would want to eat a regular house?"

Gohan lets out a deep, exasperated sigh. "Sure dad. But before you ruin the molars in your mouth on this pastry house, I want to ask if you are familiar with the story of Hansel and Grettal?"


"The story goes about two twins, a boy and girl, that go gallivanting into the woods without supervision-"

"So they went in the woods with plain old regular vision!? That just silly,"

Another sigh escapes Gohan's lips. "No, dad. They went into the woods without any adults with them. They discovered a house made of gingerbread, much like this one. The twins, lead by the compulsion to fill their stomach, devoured all the treats and parts of the house itself. But the owner of the said establishment was against the idea of two greedy eating her home. So as punishment, she feeds them more treats until they were nice and fat. Then, she baked them inside her oven," Goku's mouth fell agape at the terrible fate the twins suffered. "The moral of the story: Don't eat gingerbread house!"

"Whoah. Thanks, Gohan!" Gohan sighs in relief as he made his way inside until his father spoke again. "I'll just beat up the owner of this gingerbread house so I can eat all the treats in peace!"

"You know what dad, go for it," Gohan said in a flat tone. He left his smirking father behind as he walks inside. Everyone was there already. Spike, Ember, Tien, Krillin, 16, and Yamcha were playing pin the tail on the pony. Master Roshi, Bulma, F. Trunks and B. Trunks were talking with the girls. And Piccolo was mediating off in a corner. The fillies were all on the dance floor with Dende. They all saw him and beamed broadly at the teenage Saiyan's arrival.

The massive android stood stock still with the tail in hand as he frowns at the drawing. "You know what would make this activity more enjoyable?"

"No, what?' Yamcha asked.

"If it was a picture of Son Goku instead of a pony!"

"What would we call the game then?" Spike asked.

"Stab Son Goku in the heart!"

"Sounds more exciting than this version," Ember agreed.

"Haha, good 16. But what would be the fun in stabbing Goku in the face?"

"You should read chapter 12 of my book. It is quite engaging,"

"Gohan, ya made it," Applebloom said, being the first to reach the Saiyan teen before the others joined her.

"Yeah, time to bust a hoof!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"I can show you a slow dance if you want, Gohan," Sweetie blushed.

"Well, Diamond and I know the dance craze they grown-ups use at clubs!" Silver Spoon asserted.

"Yeah, we can sugar rump bump like any grown-up-"

"YOU BEST STEP OFF MY MAN, YOU STANKS!!!" Dende's sudden outburst was enough to cut Diamond Tiara off and gain the attention of everyone in the room. Noticing this, Earth's guardian chuckles sheepishly. "I mean thanks, let's step up to the dance floor, man!" Dende's eyes darted to everyone present.

"Hehe, geez, calm down little green. I know parties are wild, but this one is party tame," Krillin said.

Dende's eyes narrowed at the tiny man. "My name is Dende!"

"Haha, whatever you say little green. I'm going to go and get the big green to join us,"

Dende seethed quickly to himself before pulling Gohan with him. The fillies were all huddle up together after the display. "You girls saw that?" Scootaloo asked.

"Yeah. What the hay was up with that?" Applebloom asked.

"We better keep an eye on him. He's acting funny," Diamond Tiara said in a low tone.

"Come to think of it, aren't they all acting weird?" Silver Spoon asked.

"We need to keep an eye on them," Sweetie Belle said.

The fillies all shared a nod as they joined Gohan and Dende. Meanwhile, the girls were sat at a table keeping Bulma, F. Trunks, and Master Roshi company. "You are just adorable. Yes, you are, yes you are!!" Rarity cooed as B. Trunks reached for her horn.

"He is, isn't he?" Fluttershy added as she tickled that boy with her wingtips.

"You know what's better than one baby..." Pinkie came up with her hands behind her back. She smiles broadly at B. Trunks as she brings out the cake twins. "A baby and two foals!!!"

A grumble from Master Roshi gained everyone's attention. "Wonderful. You've brought more infants..."

"Of course silly. This way B. Trunks will make friends now so F. Trunks will have them later,"

"Under normal circumstances, I'd agree. But multiverse theory is a--," F. Trunks said.

"Trunks!!!" Bulma cut in before her son could finish.

"What's wrong with the foals playing together?" Applejack asked.

"There is some legal obligation that I am supposed to inform others about when I'm near children..." Master Roshi said. Then he perked up when he realized something. "But that was on Earth! It's a free game here!" The ponies all looked at Master Roshi dubiously before turning their attention back to the infants. Pumpkin Cake was happily nuzzling against B. Trunks while pound Cake was playing with his toes.

"Hehe, barely a year old and already a lady killer," Bulma said as they watch the infants interact with one another.

"Yes, he is quite easy on the eyes~," Rarity said to F.Trunks with a flutter of her eyelashes. The future teen in question awkwardly drank his cup.

"Oh, I know. If I was that kind of woman then we'd be having inbreds babies~," The tone and sultry looks from his mother was enough to make F. Trunks spit out his drank in horror.

"Did you make a pass at me?" F. Trunks exclaimed.

"Well, duh!," Bulma said nonchalantly.


"Whoa, Nelly!!!" Applejack said indignation. "That right there ain't proper even as a joke!!!"

"Oh my!!!" Fluttershy squeaked while hiding behind her mane.

"Ms. Bulma!! That's completely uncouth!!" Rarity abolished.

"Hey, It's not my fault if Vegeta genetics got along mine like peanut butter and chocolate," Bulma said dismissively.

F. Trunks eyes went wide at that. "Is that why you used called me your little peanut butter cup?"

"Oh! That sounds yummy!!" Pinkie said, missing the abject horror plastered on the time traveler's face.

"What do you see in Vegeta anyway?" Starlight asked.

"It is a valid question. From the little interactions we've had with Vegeta, he can be abrasive!" Twilight said tentatively.

"Well, love is complicated. He is a short, stubborn, powerful person who's desperate for recognition. As a female scientist in her early thirties, I can identify with that. Speaking of which what are the rates for home owning on this planet? I got a couple of colleagues that would love a matrical society like this!" Bulma said.

"I still can't understand how you can hook up with a jerk like him!?" Rainbow said.

"He's not that bad. I mean, sure, I don't know him very well. We shared one night of passion after he came back from Earth--"

Sensing where this was going, F. Trunks spoke up "Mom, you--"

"Unfortunately, he didn't know what protection meant--"

"We don't need to know this--"

"But after that first time, I just thought 'In for a penny, in for a pounding!'"


"And I definitely was~,"

All the merriment in the room cut off as both incarnations of Trunks began screaming at the top of their lungs. The elements all stared at Bulma in disbelief while Master Roshi went into hysterical laughter. "This parties certainly picking up,"

"Discovering you're a product of a one night stand would do that to you,"

"I am having a hard time which one of them gave the other pity sex," Piccolo said.

"Pity sex, huh? Don't worry about a thing. It happens to the best of us," Krillin said. Piccolo slowly turns his head and glare at the Earthling. "Although I am pretty sure it mostly happens to Yamcha. Anyway, come and join us Big Green!"

Piccolo kept his gaze on Krillin as he went back to the others. "It could be worse. He could think that you bat for the other team like the guard ponies in Canterlot,"

"More like the entirety of Canterlot given how nobles like to spread rumors,"

"Speaking of which, are we going to address all the blatant horse puns? They're a bit much,"

"I'm certain it was more of a spur of the moment thing,"

"Ok, reign it in you two!" Piccolo said. He then proceeds to slap his hand over his eyes at the unintentional pun.

"Ha. Good one!"


"Say Dende? I think the others want a turn now," Gohan pointed out. He and Dende were currently performing a slow dance as the Earth guardian sent him a dreamy stare, much to the fillies chargin.

"Shh. Don't ruin the moment. It's just you and me now," Dende said softly. Suddenly, Dende found himself pushed aside by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Hey, Gohan. We want to show you our dance," Diamond said, sending a smug smirk to Dende.

"Oh-ho-oo, you did not just go there you little thot!" Dende hissed. Once again, the attention was drawn to the youngest members of the party.

"Easy there, little green," Krillin said. As the tiny man casually strolled over to his friend, Dende took a bottle of apple cider and broke it over Krillin's right cheek. He then aimed the shattered bottle in his face.

"My name is Dende! Dende!!! Say it! SAY MY NAME!!!"

"Dende. Dende. Dende!!!"

"No-- Super Kami Dende!!!" The Earth's guardian said as he tilts his head back with a pleased look on his face. The elements quickly intervened by swarming Dende who thrashed in their grasp.

"Well, this party is escalating into a full-scale riot," Tien said.

"I wouldn't say that. It looks like the worst is over," Yamcha said optimistically.

Tien turns to Yamcha to send him the flattest stare he could muster. "Dude, seriously?"

Not a moment later, Goku comes barging in the front door with a mare draped over his shoulder. Upon closer inspection, it was revealed to be Mrs. Cake. There were several scuff marks coving her clothes and a large bump on the back of her head. "Hey, son! I found the witch of the gingerbread house!" Goku said cheerfully.

"MRS. CAKE!!!" The ponies yelled.

"Dad! What are you doing!?" Gohan said in small voice.

"Well, this mare caught me taking a bite out of the gingerbread house and offered me something better to eat. I almost said yes, but then I remembered your story. So I figured 'she must be the witch!' Then I zipped behind her and bopped her on the head. I was expecting more of a fight though, hmm. Aw well, no need to look a gift horse in the mouth," Goku was oblivious to the way the ponies blanched at that. He set Mrs. Cake down as she was regaining consciousness.

"Ah! What's- What's happening? Why does my head hurt?" Mrs. Cake groaned.

"I'm asking the questions here! Where's the real gingerbread house!? This one is obviously a fake!!!"

"Goku! Are you loco in the coco!?" Pinkie asked in an angry tone.

"The only loco is right there. Now give us your coco!!!" Mrs. Cake flinches back in fright at Goku's demand.

"Goku. You're acting plum crazy!!" Applejack reprimanded.

"Where the hay did you even get the idea that Mrs. Cake is a witch?" Spike asked. Goku points to his son who suddenly became the center of attention. Gohan cautiously retreated from all the scathing glares sent his way.

"All of you acting strange!" Rainbow asserted.

"That's just ridiculous," Bulma stated.

"Yeah, I feel perfectly fine," Yamcha added.

"Goku, you know misses Cake. She's isn't a witch!" Spike said.

"That's just what she wants you to think," Goku said.

"Dende smashed a bottle against the little one's head, then, waves it around like a dagger. I realize you all like fighting, but that is a bit much," Ember said.

"You want some too, iguana? I fillet your scaly as-"

Dende started before Gohan cuts him off. "As strange as Dende's action are, It's an overstatement to claim that something is amiss with us,"

"Yeah, if there was something wrong with us then Vegeta would be acting nuts. But no one has seen him because avoiding others like the plague is apart of the status quo,"

"Do you all hear that screaming?" Piccolo asked.

"What scream--"


Everyone shielded themselves as an object burst through the ceiling. As the smoke cleared away, a familiar silhouette walks toward the others/ Vegeta returned from the Everfree. However, much like the other Z warriors, there was something different about him. His pupils were beady and shifting from left to right while the sclera was red. A foam was seeping from the corners of his mouth as he took slow threatening threats to the occupants of Sugarcube Corner.

"Ok, maybe there is something wrong here," F. Trunks said cautiously.

"I am here for them!!!" Vegeta said in a shaky and deranged voice.

[Everfree Forest - A few minutes earlier.]

Vegeta stood over the forest canopy glaring off into the distance. His sights landed on the castle resting on the mountain side. "Look at them; going about their sad little lives entitled lives like they are the center of the universe. Listening to empty promises of mommy and daddy about how the world is their overstuffed oyster," Vegeta point his hand toward the castle and gathers his Ki. A sinister smile plastered on his face as he continued. "But wait, those promises didn't include the strongest fighter in the universe, did they? Pew. Pew. Pew!" He fired each blast with an accompanying sound effect. Thankfully, they all sailed past Canterlot without incident. "Boom! Aaah! We're under attack! It's Vegeta, the Saiyan Prince! We can't possibly stand up to a Saiyan of his stature! He's-"

"So is this little scenario your version of telling yourself you are pretty in front of the mirror?" A voice uttered. A voice Vegeta knew quite well. A voice that should long dead and out of his memory.


"Hey, I'm not judging. A little positive reinforcement goes a long way for one's self-esteem and apparent inferiority complexes,"

"No, no, no!!!"

A transparent being appeared before the Saiyan prince. His entire body was pale while his feet was a mere wisp. He had very distinguishing features from his bald head and Saiyan body armor, to the Scouter over his right eye. Their eyes met as the being smirk at Vegeta. "Vegeta. Vegeeee-ta! I'm haunting you!"

"No, no, no, no, no! F**************K!!!!!" Vegeta hollered at the top of his lungs.

"Uh, is this a bad time?"

"Goddammit, Nappa! Why? How!?"

"I was in the neighbor and decided to say hello,"

"Well howdy-dowdy-f**kin-do! Even if I believed a word of that dribble - which I don't - I'm pretty certain ghost don't exist!"

"You are on a planet full of pastel, fairy tale, magical talking ponies. We're kinda stretching the boundary of realism as is. Plus, when has death been a problem for any of us. Short answer; it hasn't,"

Vegeta went to retort died in his throat when he realized Nappa made a good point. "Wait. You just made a good point. I must be in hell..."

"Don't you mean Tartarus?"

"Alright. I'm going to close my eyes, and when I open them, you be gone- And you're still here!"

"Oh come on, Vegeta. This world is a land of magic, friendship, and nifty theme songs!"

Vegeta backs away in fear from the singing apparition. "It's like all nightmares fused into one, cloned itself, f**cked the clone, and had a child whose first words was that song!!!"

"Hey, I'm all for constructive criticism, but that was lowbrow,"

"How do I make this nightmare end!?!?!"

"Hey, Vegeta, you remember our trip to Earth? How about the bug planet? Oh! Or our time in prison and how I sold you for a smoke,"

Vegeta hunches over while clutching the side of his head, desperately trying to block out Nappa's voice, when he suddenly had an epiphany!!! "Wait! Earth? The Dragonballs!!!" Vegeta rocket to the sky toward Ponyville, and to the Dragonballs.

"Oh. Oh! Remember when I killed that one guy who created the Dragonballs. What a twist!"


[Present time.]

"Um, what are you here for, if you don't mind me asking?" Fluttershy asked.

"Dragon-balls! I-need-the-Dragonballs! Give them to me. I need my wish! He must be vanquished!!!!" Vegeta said in the same manic tone.

Everyone quirks a brow at that. "Who is 'he'?" Tien asked.

Vegeta's head suddenly snaps to Tien. "SHUT UP, GHOST OF NAPPA!!!"

Tien's features went deadpan as he responded. "Oh, him...!"


"Hey!" G. Nappa said indignantly.

"Who is he talking too?" Scootaloo asked.

"Dragonballs. Hands-now-please," Vegeta said as he held out his hand.

"Who the hay is Nappa?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, just the guy Vegeta killed back on Earth. It was pretty intense," Krillin informs.

"Regardless, Vegeta, the Dragonballs are staying under lock and key. You can file your little episode to the make a wish foundation," Bulma said.

This denial only made things worse as Vegeta's eyes went fully bloodshot. "No..."

"Is that normal, darlings?" Rarity asked.

"No...!" Vegeta says again. A single trickle of blood traveled from his right eye. He took slow threatening steps to the group.

"Father?" F. Trunks asked cautiously. He placed himself between his mother and younger self. The Z warriors did the same with ponies and children.

"Should we start panicking? I feel like we should be panicking!" Yamcha shrieked.

"OH! We can have a 'Panic attack' party!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"You might want to make that party a-wake considering our funeral will follow after it," Tien stated.

Before anything else could happen, Android 16 appeared behind Vegeta. He raises his fist and brings it down on his head. Normally, Vegeta would've been more on guard. But his current mental state dulled his senses, making it easy to subdue him. Vegeta crumbled to the ground in a heap. "Any chance you can hit him again for good measure?" Tien said with a smirk.

Gohan notices a blue flower drop from Vegeta's boots and inspects it. "What a peculiar plant,"

"Gohan! Put that flower down!! It's poison joke!!!" Twilight exclaimed, capturing the flower in a magic bubble.

Goku gasps out in horror. "You mean it kills you with jokes!? But I love to laugh! Quick! Nobody tells a joke!!!"

"No! It's a flower that takes your best attributes and flips them on its head! That explains why all of our acting different,"

"Different, how?" Bulma asked.

"Ya fancied your kin!!!" Applejack abolished.

"Master Roshi is a lecturer!" Rarity said in disgust.

"Tien is a jerk and Yamcha is lamer than before!" Scootaloo said.

"Goku is, well, goofy," Spike said carefully, not wanting to upset his mentor.

Ember scoffs at her mate's sensitivity. "He's an idiot!"

"16 wants to do terrible things to somepony here," Fluttershy whispered.

"Dende's homicidal and possessive!" Starlight stated.

"Well, Kamiccolo seems fine," Goku said. That name earned an annoyed grunt from the Namekian warrior.

"What? I don't get top billing? I fused with him first, you know!"

"Oh, yes. Out of all of us, 'Nail' is totally fine," Dende said sarcastically.

"Bailout. He's onto us!!!"

"Perhaps you should pretend to be mute,"

"In any case, there's a treatment at the spa. Let's head there now," Twilight said.

[Ponyville Spa.]

"Hey dad, quit it, haha," Gohan chuckled.

"Hehe, you got to be quicker than that Gohan!" Goku teased. The two Saiyan warriors were in the middle of splash fight in the bathhouse. Twilight explained the situation to the spy sisters, and they agreed to provide the treatment right away. Bulma went first, followed by Vegeta and Trunks, then Piccolo and Dende, and finally Krillin, Master Roshi, Tien, and Yamcha. Goku and Gohan were the last to receive the treat. "Man, this bath is amazing, but we should join the others,"

"Yeah," The two Saiyans finished up and draped a towel over their waist. They stepped outside into the waiting room where everyone was conversing.

"H-hey Gohan," Scootaloo said with a blush. All the fillies were eyeing Gohan's well-developed muscles. "You feeling better?"

"Yep. That bath helped a lot. Is everyone else feeling better?" Gohan asked.

"Sure, kid. I'm not one for pampering, but the bath did rid me of two raging migraines," Piccolo said.

A downtrodden Dende approached Gohan and bowed his head. "I want to apologize for my behavior. That was completely unbecoming of me,"

"Don't worry, Dende. It's behind us now," Gohan said.

"I still can't believe a flower can cause such a personality shift. Do you think we can gather some samples for study?" Bulma asked.

"Oh! Can I help? It never occurred to me to study the poison joke. One interaction of the plant was enough for me. But its definitely an avenue we need to explore!" Twilight squealed in delight.

"At least things are back to normal," Master Roshi said.

"Hey, Where did Vegeta go anyway?" Krillin asked.

"Women! What have you done to my armor!?" Vegeta shouted. Everyone turned to see Vegeta arguing with one of the spa sisters.

"We are sorry sir, but your army hasn't returned from the wash yet. Part of the bath includes a free wash of all the patrons clothing,"

"Well, that generous of you. Now, what am I suppose to wear!?"

The spa pony pulled a pink and yellow outfit that Vegeta knew all too well. "Your wife was kind enough to provide a spare outfit for you to wear,"

Vegeta turns back to the others with annoyance adorning his face. His eyes locked on to Bulma's mischievous smirk as he held out the pink Badman shirt with yellow pants. A horrible shriek that leads up to a thud happen moments later. Everyone turned to see that Rarity has passed out at the mere sight of Vegeta's attire. A burst of boisterous laughter escapes Goku's mouth. "You know what they say Vegeta; The clothes really do make the man," Vegeta's snarling visage did not stim the chorus of merriment that erupted soon after.

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