• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,821 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 24: Who he was then! (Edited)

Author's Note:

Happy Father's day everyone.

[Hive Castle - Moments earlier - Third Person POV.]

Spike traversed through the expansive maze-like corridors of the Hive Castle for what seemed like hours. If it weren't for his bond with Ember, he would've gotten himself lost ages ago. "What is it with castles and complex hallway designs? This place is worse than Canterlot's infinite loop!" Spike shudders at that particular experience. He was lost in the halls of Canterlot for five hours until Celestia herself had to come and find him. But that was beside the current issue. Thankfully, our young drake was able to locate his mate along with his friends. He ran into a room where he found the girls suspended on the ceiling inside the same pods that held him. Spike flew up into the air and freed them all one by one. Ember was the first to rouse from her slumber.

"By my father's thick hide! What happened?"

"The short version: Chrysalis posed as Princess Celestia, drugged us with the meal she prepared and cocooned us in these pods," Spike explained.

"Urgh! How positively dreadful! It will take weeks to remove these stains!" Rarity whined as wipes away the sludge clinging to her outfit.

"Forget your clothes! No pony steals my awesome face and gets away with it!" Rainbow said.

Rarity gave Rainbow an innocent smile that sent shivers down everyone's spines. "I must still have this horrible substance in my ears, but what was that you said about my clothes dear?"

Rainbow felt herself sweating bullets under Rarity's scrutinizing glare. "Uh..."

"We don't have time for this girls! We've got to find the others!" Twilight said, taking control.

"I'm all for a plan, but how can we navigate these halls?" Shining Armor brought up.

"Maybe we can--" Cadence paused from her thought as everyone in the room felt a shudder run through their spines. We all turned their attention to the door where the sensation was emitting.

"Now I don't calm to be an expert on Ki, but even I felt that one," Applejack said nervously.

"It feels like Gohan's Ki signature. But something about is off balance," Twilight said.

"Come on; we have to hurry!" Pinkie stated in an unusually urgent tone.

It didn't the group long to find the others as the entered the room. Inside the room, our heroes saw Scootaloo rushing toward another pod while Bulma made to stop her. They barely made two steps before something erupted out of the said pod. Spike and Ember were the first to take a defensive stance. That is until they saw who it was that was being held captive. "...Gohan...?" Scootaloo asked in a tentative tone. Gohan was nonresponsive. Spike and Ember exchanged a look and spoke through their mental link.

'I do not like this!' Ember stated.

'I know. What did Chrysalis do to make his Ki go crazy like this?" Spike asked in a cautious tone. Their inner monologue did not last long when Gohan released a soul-shattering roar before bursting through the ceiling while clad in a green energy dome. The rest of group stood stupefied at what just transpired. Spike walked up to his fellow pupil as he spoke. "What's going on? What happened to Gohan?"

Confusion was all that met Spike's inquiry. "...I don't know..." Scootaloo said. The only sound that followed was Scoootaloo soaring through the makeshift hole Gohan made. The rest of the Equestrians followed suit as the exited the opening. Everyone spied Gohan hovering above the castle as he glared down the area with unbridled fury. Our heroes tracked his line of sight to the one responsible for all this strife; Chrysalis. Without warning, Gohan let loose with a guttural shout as he charges at the changeling queen amidst the others. However, the ponies saw that in his pursuit, Gohan paid little attention to innocent bystanders and attacked everything indiscriminately. The castle shook as Gohan's attacks, forcing everyone to move to safety.

"Come on girls! We have to ensure nopony is hurt down there. I don't think Gohan can distinguish between friend or enemy right now!" Twilight said as the others nodded. The elements teleport down to where the Z fighters to offer any aid they could. Ember was about to join them when she notices that Spike wasn't by her side. Instead, his attention fixated on something else.

"Spike?" The Dragonlord asked.

"Ember, look, it's all seven Dragonballs!" Spike said in awe. The light from the orbs reflected off his irises. "They're amazing..." Spike could feel his heart rate picking up. For a reason he couldn't explain, Spike felt the need to cradle each of the Dragonballs and never let them go.

Ember arched her nonexistent eyebrow at Spike enamored tone. "Yes, they are something, but we have to help the others,"


A voice, one that the young drake could faintly interpret, called out to him. He had almost tune everything out until Ember's words snapped him out of his trance. "NO!" Spike said more forcefully than he intended. "We should stay here,"

Ember shot her mate a dubious look. "Are you crazy? Gohan's going berserk, and you want to stay here!?"

"Hear me out; the last time we left the Dragonballs unattended, Chrysalis stole from right under our noses. We need to protect them in case she tries again!"

"Spike, Gohan is out of control. They will need all the power we can muster to contain him!"

"I'm not saying you're wrong, but we can't risk it. Goku must've felt Gohan's power by now, so there's no doubt he's on the way. If we leave the Dragonballs unguarded, and we lose them again, then we'll never save the Earth. Besides, Scootaloo is down there. Not to mention the girls, Shining and Cadence. Plus, the other warriors from Earth aren't exactly pushovers when it comes to fighting. They can handle this!"

Ember looked down as she was deep in thought after hearing that. Spike's reasoning was sound. Chrysalis could make off with the Dragonballs amidst all this chaos, but the idea of leaving her comrades to fend for themselves did not sit right with her. "I am not sure about this..."

The Dragonlord look back up to see that Spike didn't wait for her response. He was sitting on his knee with his arms outstretched over the Dragons. A gleeful smile adorning his muzzle as his palms inched closer and closer to the seven mystical orbs. Unbeknownst to his mate, the tiny voice Spike could barely make out was steadily becoming louder as his hands drew closer to the Dragonballs. "...Release-Release-Release!!!"

"...Release me..." Spike muttered, his hand was mere inches from the Four Star ball.

"Spike?" Ember looked on in concern as she could've sworn Spike's voice changed for a moment. But before she could do anything, a magical offensive spell collided with Spike and pushed him away. Spike manages to recover with a handspring and land beside Ember who locked eyes with his attackers. There, on the opposite side of the roof, were four cloaked figures. They removed their cloaks and revealed themselves to the drakes.

Spike's eyes went wide as he beheld the group. "They're centaurs...!?" Spike felt a sense of dread creep up on him as his eyes landed on one centaur in particular. "No way! Tirek!?"

Ember's own eyes snapped open in surprise. "I thought you said Tirek was in Tartarus!"

The Tirek look alike smirked at this. "Yes and no. Tirek is still a prisoner, but it will not be for much longer," He then turns his gaze to the Dragonballs. "These orbs will see to that,"

"I guess guarding the balls was a good call, Spike. So what's your gimmick?" Ember inquired much about the centaurs confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, you all work for Tirek, which would make you his henchmen, which would also mean each of you possess some gimmick that sets you apart,"

Spike hit his fist on top of his palm in realization. "Oh! I get what you're saying! You're the leader," He said as he pointed to the youngest centaur. "That's the pretty one, the short-tempered dumb one, and the last centaur is the one with the weird powers," Spike finished as he pointed out each of the centaurs presumed qualities.

However, the big centaur took offense to that. "Hey! You got some nerve classifying us like that! We aren't some comic book misfits! And if you must know I prefer the term handsome!"

"You have no talent for reading others, little drake. My powers are not weird in the slightest!"


Ember palm met her face while Spike just stared awkwardly at the three that responded to him. "Nevermind. You're all equally moronic!" Ember deadpanned.

"I WILL SHOW YOU WHO'S MORONIC!!!" Raam roared as he charges at Ember.

The Dragonlord scoffs at this and flickers in the bull's path. She holds out her and stops Raam's advance dead in its tracks. Raam gritted his teeth as his hooves scrapped against the roof of the castle. Sadly, he could not gain any traction while Ember looked on in a bored expression. She lifts up her left leg and drives her foot into Raam's abdomen, sending him spiraling toward the edge of the castle. However, the short-tempered centaur's body bounces back to the roof courtesy of a blue forcefield. Ember snarls as she sees the youngest centaur horns alit with magic.

"Nice save Junior," Siren praise.

"Siren, Pudge. Help Raam deal with the lizards. I will secure the orbs," Junior commanded.

*BLECH* "Duh, ok," Pudge said.

"Aw so bossy. Very well. I am just dying to get better acquainted with this strapping young Drake here," Siren said in a giddy tone. Pudge and Siren strolled over to Spike who took an aggressive stance with a vicious sneer on his face while Raam engaged Ember again.

"You bulls are going to pay!!!" Spike growled out. He lunged toward obese centaur. However, when Spike plunged his fist into Pudge's stomach, his strike merely glided off his opponent's fat. Spike recoils in disgust, and he examined his hand. A greasy substance coated his claw. "Ew! What is this!?"

*BLECH* "Sweat," Pudge said nonchalantly.

Upon hearing this, Spike shook his hand with renewed vigor. "Gross! That's complete-- Oaf!?" Spike's head is thrown back when Pudge's slimy punch connected with his muzzle. "Aw!!! It's in my nostrils!!!" Spike went to retaliate with a flurry of punches all over the centaur's body. Sadly, all of his attacks were proving ineffective as they kept slipping upon impact. Pudge produced so much sweat that it began to pool around his and Spike's feet, thus causing the drake to lose his footing and fall on the ground. Spike fail about, trying to stand back up, but to no avail. This predicament gave Pudge his opening as the flabby centaur reared up on his hind legs to stomp down on the drake. Spike saw this and fires a Ki blast from his palm to make a quick escape. The moment he landed, Spike unleashed a stream of his dragon fire on both centaurs.

"Oh dear..." Siren muttered as he threw up a shield to protect himself and Pudge from the roaring flames. Siren spoke clearly over the roar of said flames. "Excuse honey, but could you turn off these flames? I'm afraid all this heat will frazzle my luscious locks!" Spike oddly complied with his enemies request as Siren continued. "Thank you, dear. Now I realize we have conflicting goals, but you must agree that doesn't mean we should fight one another. In fact, I think you will find that our goals aren't that different at all,"

Spike arches a brow at this. He eyed the centaurs. "W-what are you saying?"

Siren glance over to Raam to see him struggling against the dragoness. "I would love to elaborate, but we won't make any headway if we keep fighting like this. How about you restrain your friend there for us?" Spike nodded in response as he moved toward his unsuspecting mate.

Meanwhile. Ember was dominating her fight against Raam. It was blatantly obvious that her opponent was undisciplined and unskilled by letting his anger drive his actions. Ember ducks underneath a hook and scores an uppercut, earning a grunt of pain from the bull. She follows up with a knee strike to the solar plexus before driving her elbow to the back of Raam's head. The centaur fell to the knee's of his forelegs as he glared up at Ember who looked unimpressed by his display. However, Raam's glare turns into a smirk when Spike traps Ember in a bearhug.

"Spike!?!? What are you doing!?"

"Hold up Ember. You can't hurt them," Spike said.

"Wha-- Wait!" Ember could feel it. A bizarre feeling of magic was encroaching on their bond. 'One of his opponents must've bewitched him,' She thought with a frown. Ember quickly flexes her Ki to break free of Spike's hold. She spun around and embraced him with a kiss. The Dragonlord pulled back and allowed their flames to intertwine. It was reminiscent to the moment their they became mated for life. Spike's eyes opened up with new clarity as he looked at Ember in confusion.

"Ember... Wha?"

"You fell under some spell, and I brought you back. Now we can-- Oof!!!"

Raam cut Ember off as he took advantage of their vulnerable state and shoulder tackled them both. Ember was quick to recover but felt something blindside her from behind. Spike went to help her, but Raam appeared before him and headbutted the drake, causing him to stumble back. Both drakes lunged at the centaur and threw out their fists only for Raam to catch both of them with ease. With a smirk, Raam slams both dragons into each other before letting them hit the ground. He rears up with his hind legs poised to crush their skulls beneath his hooves only for both Spike and ember to douse him in their fiery breath. Despite the combined assault, Raam's feet shot through the flames. Spike and Ember barely managed to catch Raam's hooves in the palm of their hands, but, even then, they felt their limbs shake from exertion. At that moment, Spike notices a faint glow radiating off of their adversary.

A smirk made its way on Raam muzzle as he spoke. "Hahahaha. It's about time. These pesky powers take a while to kick in but thank you for being so strong little lizards. I love the taste of real power! And I love it when my enemies struggle to fight back once I sapped away at their strength!!!"

"So all this time you've been stealing my energy!!!" Ember grunted out. She had to admit that she felt a little drained even though she's been the one dealing the damage.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now!" Spike said through gritted teeth before a smile appears on his face. "Good thing we're just warming up!"

Surprise flashed across Raam's face as two orbs grew out of Spike and Ember's hands. They shot out with tremendous velocity and pushed the centaur into the barrier above them. Raam crumpled to the ground as Spike and Ember returned to their feet just in time for Siren and Pudge to rejoin the fray. Raam was back on his hooves, and the three centaurs began to circle the two drakes like a pack of timber wolves. Spike informed Ember of the other two centaur's unusual abilities telepathically. The two dragons nodded at each as they ignited their aura's. Ember moved like lightning, clamping her claw around Siren's mouth and slamming on the ground with a thunderous smash. Pudge was too slow to react as the Dragonlord whipped her head around and spewed fire all over him. The heat from her flames dried up all the sweat from Pudge body as he wailed. Ember then torques her body, with Siren still in her grasp, and tosses him into his comrade.

Meanwhile, Spike grappled with Raam. Spike broke away from the hold, but Raam pursued him. He went for a massive hook only for Spike to dip in and pull his wrist forward while sticking his leg in between the centaurs forelegs, causing Raam to trip. Raam was quick to stand up and snorted at the drake. Raam went for a full charge with his horns ready to impale the young drake, but Spike remained calm. Using a slight variation of the maneuver he pulled moments ago, Spike grabs Raam by his horns and directs them down thus causing Raam to faceplant into the roof. Spike then leaps onto his back as Raam recovered. With a tight grip on the centaurs horns, Spike steered his opponent toward Ember. Ember saw this and cut off her flames that were keeping Pudge and Siren at bay. The two centaurs were confused as to why she stop until Raam came barreling into them as Spike jumped off and landed next to Ember. They looked over to the centaurs who were flailing about in a mangled pile of flesh with Pudge laying across Raam's back while Siren's head stuck inside the folds of his fat.

"Pudge! Get your sweaty flab off my back!!!" Raam shouted.

"You can't. Eh, Siren, a little help!" Pudge requested.

*Hmm-mmm!!!!!!* Came the muffled cry Siren within Pudge's belly.

Junior had to resist facepalming at the sorry display. However, the efforts of his teammates allotted him enough time to hold each of the Dragonballs in his magical aura. An idea began to form in his mind as the two drakes were preoccupied with his associates. The seven orbs emitted a bright light as Junior channeled his power through them. They swirled around in a circle while slowly gaining speed until the Dragonballs became a ring of Ki. Junior took aim and a devastating beam from the ring and detonated upon impact. The barrier junior previously set up shattered from the force of the explosion as Spike and Ember collided with the ground below. The other centaur that finally managed to free themselves looked on in shock at Junior's display of power.

[Present time.]

*BLECH* "Whoa..." Pudge said in awe.

"That would be the best way to describe what we just saw Pudgy" Siren commented.

"Haha. Now that is real power!!!" Raam praised.

Junior marveled at the Dragonballs for a time. "With these mystical orbs, we can do it...!" He mutters in wonder.

"Careful Junior, I believe you're starting to look happy," Siren teased.

"Yeah, you look like you're having fun," Pudge added.

"Fun isn't something one considers when righting a grievous error..." Junior replied as his lips shifted slightly upwards. "But this does put a smile on my face. Come with me," Pudge, Siren, and Raam follow join to the edge of the roof where they the two dragons fell. Down below, the Z fighters and the Equestrians converged around the drakes before following their glares back to the castle where the two groups locked eyes for the first time.

Goku steps forward and spoke in a firm tone. "Who are you!?"

"We are the Sons of Tirek, and we have come for salvation!!" Junior replied as murmurs of concern erupted from the ponies.

"Look, it's the Butcher of Minos," Raam chuckled. "We're big fans of your work!"

"What!?" Goku asked, utterly aghast.

"Don't be so modest Son Goku. That was a lovely display of strength at the Colosseum," Siren complemented.

"But that's not--"

A Ki blast flew past Goku and slammed into the shield Junior erected. Everyone turned to Spike who returned to his feet. "Give us back the Dragonballs!!!" He growled.

"Sorry we need them to free the boss," Pudge stated.

"I gathered as much. To think Tirek had any follows with his sad crusade against harmony! Well, we won't let you get succeed!!!" Twilight said sternly.

Junior's eyes hardened at that. "It was the agents of harmony that dealt the first blow and doomed our kind. I find it ironic that you ponies promote peace and unity, but then commit acts of genocide!"

It was safe to say that everyone's was taken aback by Junior's words. "What do you mean? Equestria has never bared arms against the centaurs!" Celestia said.

"Tsk. It doesn't make a bit of difference who you are and what you want. The fact remains that none of you will live past this day!" Vegeta promised as he powered up. "I won't let another sniveling group of cowards run off with the Dragonballs again!!!"

This time Siren responded. "Such hostility, especially when it was you that so graciously informed me of these balls in the first place," The Z warriors and Equestrians gasped out in shock at this revelation.

"What!? Father is that true?" Trunks asked in disbelief. Vegeta's only response was a frustrated grunt.

"You will find that we have no fear of you. Our battle will commence, but it will not be here. Come to Minos if you dare, and face your long overdue demise!!!" Junior said. The instant his horns glowed, Goku and the others tried to reach them. However, they were too late as the centaurs vanished from the roof, leaving our heroes empty-handed once again.

"RAAAH!!!" Spike shouted, venting his frustrations. The drake glared at Vegeta as he marches up to him. "Why would you tell them about the Dragonballs!?"

Vegeta glared right back at him. "You better watch your tone if you know what's good for, fool!" His glare then turned into a sly smirk. "Besides, I am not the one who let a group of flunkies best me in combat!"

Emerald flames dripped from Spike's maw as he looked ready to strike at Vegeta before Ember intervened. "Did you talk to the silver one?" She asked. Vegeta's only response was a grunt. "If you did then you all should know that each of those centaurs possesses a special ability. The silver one has the power to persuade anyone he talks too,"

"That could be problematic," Piccolo commented.

"Hardly, I will simply vaporize him before he can utter a syllable," Vegeta boasted.

"What about the others? What are their powers?" Tien asked.

"The fat one can use his sweat as a protective coating to deflect incoming attacks," Spike said, causing Rarity to gag. "But heat seems to beat that,"

"And the shortest centaur can somehow steal your strength away from any damage he receives and add to his own," Ember finished.

"I - Uh - I don't like how familiar that sounds..." Yamcha strutters nervously. Memories of their encounter with Dr. Gero resurfacing again.

"It's not all bad. I managed to beat that bovine without making contact. We have to attack indirectly," Spike elaborated.

"And what of the last centaur?" Luna asked.

"We didn't fight him directly. He just made the barrier and then blasted us when we were busy fighting the other three," Spike stated with a frown. "He used the Dragonballs to get the jump on us. Then ran away like cowards!"

Scootaloo floats up to her fellow pupil and rests her hand on his shoulder in a calming manner. "Don't let bother you. We know you two had them on the ropes. They just got lucky. Besides, we know they can't summon Sheron. They're probably just a bunch of thugs looking for revenge. We can take them no matter how strong the Dragonballs will make them!" Words of support and encouragement sounded off until Ember spoke up again.

"I don't think they want the Dragonballs for that reason alone. The lead said something earlier that's been bothering me,"

"What?" Scootaloo asked.

"He said that Tirek would be a prisoner no longer,"

The Equestrians paled at this. "...Those miscreants intend to free Tirek!!!" Luna gasped

"No! They can't do that. Our rainbow power is the most powerful magic in Equestria. The Sons of Tirek can't just override our banishment spell just like that!!!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Perhaps they've found some other means to do so and will use the Dragonballs to make it happen," Dende offered.

"We must head to Minos now and..." Celestia began, but at that moment, she remembered a very crucial and potentially detrimental fact about their destination. "...Oh no...!"

"What is it, Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked.

"We must go to Minos to stop Tirek's return..." Celestia said again in a distant tone. Her eyes fell on Goku who looked back in confusion. "That one centaur referred to you as 'The Butcher of Minos.' Now I see why they are not concerned with us knowing where they reside,"

"So what? They're just cocky like every other villain we faced. And it's not like the minotaurs hate us or anything," Rainbow shrugged.

"But the bovines do hate Kakarot," Vegeta announced. The elements turned to him in disbelief. "Especially after the bug queen destroyed their home while wearing his face. Then, they came here for a misguided attempt at revenge only to fail and lose their king in the process after their battle with Kakarot,"

The group went silent as Goku hung his head in shame. "Father... Is that true?" Gohan asked.

"I'm afraid it is, son. I get the feeling we won't be able to go there without expecting a fight on all sides," Goku said grimly.

"We have to try!!!" Everyone turned to Cadence who was still clutching Shining's corpse with Flurry Heart. "There's been enough suffering, and those Dragonballs are the only thing that can make it right!"

Flurry Heart flew up to Piccolo and tugged at his cape, her eyes brimming with tears as she spoke. "Please,"

Piccolo's started at the filly for a long time before he turns to Goku who nods in understanding. He placed two fingers against his forehead and held out his hand to everyone present. "What are we waiting?"

[Minos - Celluar - Junior's POV.]

I have not felt so elated since my upbringing during my days as a youngling. It was finally happening after nearly ten centuries. I am not ashamed to admit that I was smiling the whole to the hideout to complete the ritual. It would be the last time we have to hide under these cloaks as we opened the door containing the concealed cell hovering over the runic circle. "Raam, Pudge, Siren. Move to position and remove that tarp. I want the traitor to see what's about to happen!"

Raam's delight shone through as he did the honors. "Haha. You hear that outcast. Despite all your efforts, Lord Tirek will still win!" He pulled away the covering to reveal the battered and beaten form of our kinds greatest criminal: Tirek's younger brother Scorpan.

A weak groan escaped Scorpan's muzzle as he grasps the bars weakly. He blinks a few times to readjust to the light before his withered gaze fell on me. "J-Junior. My dear nephew--"

"--We have no family ties anymore Scorpan. You lost that right when you betrayed father and doomed the centaurs!" I replied harshly.

"You - *cough* - are mistaken. Our species was on the verge of collapse. I did what I did to preserve the little that remained. It was the only way...!"

I scoff at his half-hearted excuse. "Betraying my father and mother while trapping our kind with that offensive spell hardly resolved anything. You should've trusted Tirek!!!"

Stubbornly, Scorpan shook his head. "Tirek's solution would've only brought us to ruin just like the plague. At the very least, I gave the clan hope. The one thing we did not have in those dark times,"

"You will say anything to prolong your sorry life.,"

"I speak only the truth. If you are having trouble believing me, then review memories. You should know the spell since you were my most talented pupil. Use it and see who the real Tirek is underneath his silver tongue and half-truths,"

I glared at this sorry being before me. Scorpan had no idea the pain and strife he caused when mother fell ill and then became trapped for years at a time. But I am curious at what tale Scorpan's memories hold. So I decided to indulge him as the last request. "Very well. I will humor you, but I will not be swayed and follow your example,"

My horns glowed as I summoned Scorpan's scepter to my hands. He has proven himself to be a traitor and a brilliant spellcaster. The wand allows him to tap into his magical, thus only he can utilize it. But before I handed it to him, Raam had some concerns. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are you entertaining this tripe!? He could use his magic wand to escape!"

One disapproving glare from me stopped Raam's little rant as I spoke. "The rune under him is one of his design. It constantly drains away at one's magical prowess. He is helpless. Now perform the spell!"

"Alright, then what should we do?" Siren asked.

"Go and delay Goku and the others. This spell shouldn't take more than a few moments," I commanded.

Scorpan grabs his scepter while our eyes begin to glow. The world around us shifted into darkness devoid of anything save for the two of us until a light appeared in the distance. Then a myriad of memories flooded my vision as Scorpan narrated. "Life during the time of our youth was not for the faint of heart. Strength was pivotal to our survival,"

[Years ago - Badland Desert Village - Third Person POV.]

"Scorpan. Scorpan!" A voice of mother called out.

"I am here in my room mother!"

The scene played out before the two centaurs as a younger Scorpan, no older than a preteen, was busy working over an incantation. A female centaur came into the room smiling down at her offspring. "Grandmother," Junior noted.

"Yes, She is mine and Tirek's mother," Scorpan said.

"You are a gargoyle. Father was a centaur. You were adopted into the family," Junior summarised.

"As a favor from my late mother who died from the disease," Scorpan then turns away from the memory to address Junior directly. "You remember the illness that plagues our kin?"

Junior replied in a subdued tone. "Yes, I do. Mother contracted it shortly after you and Tirek left," They turned back to the memory. Scorpan's mother was talking to his younger version which seems very happy with his work.

"Look, mother, I've nearly got it," Y. Scorpan said. He finished his rune symbol as he places a wilted and dead daisy flower on the center of it. Scorpan collected his staff and pointed it at the plant. Moments later, the daisy flower sprang back to life. Scorpan became ecstatic at the results. "I did it! I did it, mother!"

"That's very impressive Scorpan. You've come far in your studies. I am sure that pony wizard would love to hear about this," Junior scoffs at this. He knew who the mother was referring too, and it made him no less convinced of Equestria guilt when they aided Scorpan in his betrayal.

"Do you think this is enough? I've been using this spell on various plants and animals. And this was the result," Y. Scorpan explained, gesturing to the revitalized flower.

A frown came to Scorpan's mother's face. "I'm afraid a normal healing spell will not work for the sickness," She then glances at his staff. "Plus, you cannot perform spells like the ponies can with your wand. Centaurs and Gargoyles are not as good as channel magic. Hence the need for your tool,"

Young Scorpan grumbles in response. "It's not a tool or a wand,"

Scorpan's mom gave a good-natured chuckle. "Come. Let's see go check on your brother,"

Scorpan and Junior followed the pair to the outside of the humble home. It was a modest house with four walls made of wood and straw. It was not as sturdy as a fortress, but it provided comfort for the harsh desert terrain. There were several homes just like Scorpan's, forming a community within the sandy wasteland. The sound of grunting can be heard coming from the back of the house. Junior arches a brow at the scene. A centaur nearly identical to himself was tossing around a sandbag with various other workout equipment. Junior wordlessly walks up to his mirror image and raises his hand to touch his cheek. His hand clipped through the intangible phantom as Scorpan's mom spoke.

"Tirek. How is your training coming along?"

Tirek tosses the sandbag across the yard. He faces his mother and sibling with a smile on his face. "Great mother. As the oldest first born, I have to be able to protect the family," He then walks to Scorpan with a smug grin while flexing his arms. "It's better than that silly magic you practice,"

Young Scorpan scoffs at this. "Ha. Bulging muscle can't bring back dead flowers!" The two younglings glare at each before they started to laugh and embraced one another in a hug.

"You silly cafes and your competitions," The mother playfully scolded. "I am proud of both the path's you have chosen,"

"Has father come back from his meeting?" Y. Tirek asked.

The smile on her mother's face quickly devolves into a blank expression. "He is still there, but, another ten citizens died from the sickness..."

Both of the children paled at this. "That the fifth grouping this week," Scorpan noted, being more informed about news thanks to his training.

A loud slam alerted the trio as another centaur came inside. Junior noted the similarities before adult Scorpan said a word. The centaur before was his grandfather, and the scowl on his features indicated that he wasn't in the best of moods. "Teera! Where are you!?" He bellowed. Teera sighed as she went back into the house. Scorpan and Tirek eyed each other before following after.

"I'm here Burk. How was-"

"Where is dinner!?" Burk demanded forcefully, cutting his wife off. "That is the one thing that I expect to see before anything else!"

Teera flinched at the harsh tone and made her way to the kitchen while Burk went to the dining room along with his sons. "Aw, Father's infamous temper. A trait Tirek and I come to loathe. I'm quite surprised you turned out differently," Scorpan addressed to Junior.

"Mother always said anger leads to mistakes, and I do not make mistakes," Junior replied curtly.

"Hmm," Was all Scorpan said.

The memory continued as Teera set the plates for everyone. A bowl of stew with a small Burk gazes at the little display with contempt. "What is this?"

"It was all that was available at the market. You know that the council ordered all foods to be screen before consumption--"


"It's the situation that we must deal with no matter how much our pride is wounded," Teera muttered.

"What was that!?" Burk asked tersely.

Tirek spoke up before things could escalate. "Worry not father. We are strong! We can overcome this illness!"

"Yes, and look..." Young Scorpan said as his staff appeared in his hand. With a flow of magic, the daisy flower appeared on the table. "I finished my charm and brought this daisy back to life. See," Scorpan held up the flower to his father. "I think the pony wizard will like my progress, and we can work on finding a cure for the sickness,"

Burk took the potted plant in his hand and examined it for a time. Young Scorpan was expecting words of praise. What he got was a harsh glare followed by Burk dropping the plant on the floor and stomping on it with his hooves. Teera gasped at the callous disregard for Young Scorpan's efforts. "What do you think you're doing!? Are you proud of that?" She gestured to Scorpan who sported a dejected look. Meanwhile, Tirek gazes between everyone present, unsure of what to do, but looking to act on a moments notice. Junior grunted from the cold exterior Burk was radiating upon his family.

Burk notices this walks up to Tirek. He grips him by the wrist and squeezes his bicep. The elder centaur repeats this process with his other arm before doing the same to Scorpan. Satisfied with his examination, he went to the back and brought out three spears. Burk threw them on the ground in front Tirek and Scorpan. "It is time the both of you did more to earn your keep," Burk said in a tone that left no room for argument. "And leave that ridiculous wand right here!"

"Burk! What are you thinking!?" Teera shrieked out.

"We're going to get some real food. A hunting party as a test to prove themselves," Burk replied.

"But they are far too young to hunt!!! You can't just--"

"I can and I will!!!" Burk stated harshly with a raised hand that cut off any protest Teera had left. "Now move," He said as he exited the home.

Before Tirek and Scorpan could follow, Teera pulled them both in a hug. "Watch out for each other ok? Promise me that!"

"We promise," Tirek and Scorpan said in unison. As they went to follow their father, neither Tirek or Scorpan notice the irregular, discolored blotch growing on the underside of Teera forearm.

The memory started to shift as the adult Scorpan spoke. "Times were harsh on all of us back then. Father wasn't always so quick to temper and violent outburst. We later discovered that two of the centaurs that died from the sickness were his friends. However, Burk was a prideful bull, and he saw their death's as weakness. Sadly, that type of thinking would come to be his undoing,"

"Didn't he and grandmother fell to the sickness like the others?: Junior asked.

"Indeed he did. Although, Our mother died from the ailment. Burk's passing was more graphic than I would've liked," Scorpan said in a subdued tone.

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