• Published 2nd Mar 2017
  • 8,821 Views, 997 Comments

Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 29: I summon you forth to grant my wish, Shenron!!!"

Author's Note:

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays guys. This chapter marks the end of the main story. But there are still some bonus chapters coming up, so look forward to them.

[Tartarus - Cells of the Condemned.]

"Here it is; the Cells of the Condemned. My body is not far. Let us hurry. I detest this wretched place!" Tirek said as he and Junior stood at the entrance of his old prison.

Junior turned his head back and forth, scanning the area. "I was expecting some form of a guardian, but there is nothing here,"

Tirek was about to respond when two sudden thuds went off behind them. "Cerberus! That despicable mutt!" Tirek spat in scolding contempt.

The beast of Tartarus stood twelve feet. It held a visage of ferocity as all three heads growled at the two intruders. It dug its paws into the soil and released a howl. Tirek stood unimpressed at the display as the multi-headed canine charged at them. Junior took a defensive stance only for Tirek to wave him off and hold out his staff. The moment Cerberus was close enough, Tirek's staff glowed brightly. Cerberus stopped in its tracks, six pairs of eyes focused on the light Tirek was conjuring. A smirk adorns his features as Tirek waved the light back and forth while the canine followed it. Tirek walked up to Cerberus with no fear, having placed his jailer in a trance. He brought his left hand up and slammed it into the cheek of the head over the right shoulder. Cerberus whines in pain before Tirek follows up with an offensive spell to the dogs' sternum, launching the guardian away from their position.

"Heel mutt! I will put you down later!" Tirek promised. A moment later, the three Dragonballs reappeared around Tirek's neck. "Finally,"

"The Dragonballs?" Junior asked in confusion. "Why have they returned without Pudge, Siren, and Raam?"

"Do not ask pointless questions, my son. You understand what the orbs return signifies; they have failed!"

Junior's eyes widened at that declaration. "Then we must assist them! They-"

"-Are weaklings that failed to live up to our expectations! Besides, there is nothing left to save. I will not waste my effort saving disappointments. They knew the risks, and I will gladly end them myself should they be alive!"

Junior's features were stoic as usual, but on the inside, he was seething. "What about their loyalty to you and *your* cause! They followed me because they wanted your acceptance! They believed that through you, their dreams would come to fortition!"

"As they should have! It is important not to lose sight of what drives us. Love. Justice. Reverence," Tirek paused as he stood in front of his son. The harsh glare was enough to make the young bull flinch. "But the moment you or anyone else put your desire before my own. Those desires will become dust in the wind!"

Junior's body trembled for a brief moment before he found his voice again. "Your will is my own, father,"

"Good," Tirek said as he continued walking. Junior remained rooted in place until Tirek spoke again. "My words are not a threat. It is merely the truth,"

Junior fell silent as he was unable to refute his father's words. "How close are we to your body?"

"It lies just on this platform,"

With nothing left to say, the two centaurs trekked up the narrow path to Tirek's former prison. Tirek and Junior stood before his cell. Or at least to Tirek, a cage. One that his jailers saw fit to place him in forever. Tirek gazed upon his body with a look of contempt and rage. "Look at this my son. Look at what the so-called bearers of harmony have reduced me too. This feeble, weak body is how they deal with visionary such as myself. And they have the gall to call me a monster? Hypocrites!" Tirek encases the cage in his magic and throws off into the distance. He slowly approached his frail body and patted his head. "Prepare the ritual. I will not leave my body in such a sorry state a moment longer!!!"

Junior nodded and made some gestures with his hand as his horns glowed. The rune Junior prepared back in their hideout reappeared while Tirek gingerly places his body at the center of it. A wicked glee shone in the older bulls eyes as the Dragonballs flew from his neck and rotated around the pair. Tirek positioned himself over his body as he raised his stave. Just as he was about to ignite his magic, an arrow landed in front of his feet and broke his concentration. This sudden attack out both Junior and Tirek on high alert. They tracked the arrow's trajectory to find a lone individual concealed by the shadows. Tirek snarled at yet another interloper, that is until their assailant stepped forward to face them.

Both Tirek and Junior went through a range of emotions upon seeing their visitor. Junior felt genuine shock at the familiar centaur doe standing before them. His lips quivered uncontrollably while his mouth failed to form words. A pit formed in his stomach that brought about a sense of familiarity the young bull had not felt since he was a toddler. For Tirek, his reaction was the polar opposite. Unlike his son, who was trying and failing to suppress his emotions, Tirek remained stone-faced. There was a single twitch of a brow or a bearing of his teeth in frustration. Tirek simply stared at his long-term mate and bearer of his offspring with no emotion at all. Illana was of two mindsets herself. There was an unrelenting need to go over and embrace her progeny. She wanted to whisper sweet nothings into his ear and make up for the time she was not there for during his upbringing. Her motherly instinct demanded it. But, in the same token, her sense of duty was screaming at her to perform the task she and Scorpan set in motion. Tirek will consume all the world's magic unless he is stopped. All three centaurs were quiet. There was so much to say, yet no one was willing to speak first.

The silence became too much to bear for Junior as he steps forward. "Mother? How are you here?"

Illana bit her lip as she tried to remain focused. "A favor from the princesses. It is good to see again Junior. I've always dreamt of our reunion," She allows a small smile to grace her lips, one that made Junior stiffen up before her expression hardens to a frown. "But this encounter is not how I envisioned it,"

"Then why did you leave?! Why did you leave only to show up here of all places!?"

"It was not an easy decision, but one that I needed to make,"

"So breaking your vows to me was something that needed to happen?" Tirek finally spoke. "If so then you are not the doe I cared for if you ever were in the first place! Take heed, Junior. This creature in front of us is a prime example of weakness,"

"...You said that she was dead to the world!" Junior reminded. "You lied. Just as the traitor said you would,"

Tirek sent Junior a sharp glare in response. "What lie have I uttered? I already told you, son. She is of no concern to us for she is dead to the world!"

"Do not feign innocent Tirek! You know full well what you've done and this where its gotten you!" Illana gestures to his malnourished body. "Look at what your ambition brought upon our family! Look at where its lead you! I did not wish to go against you, but you gave me no choice. Please..." Illana walked up to him while placing a hand on his cheek. "In all this time, my heart still yearns for you. I want our family to be whole once more. Please!"

Tirek stared into his lover's eyes for a long time. He had forgotten how mesmerizing here eyes were, but he had no time for fantasies. "Do you know what my father said during his final minutes?" Illana and Junior quirked a brow at this. "He told me, with his final words, 'She is your weakness, and she will betray you!' I thought it was the ramblings of a mad fool suffering from his death throes, but I had a lot of time to absorb his words. He saw that you were a hindrance to me just as Mother was a burden to him. That's why he tried to kill you that night. He wanted to spare me the sorrow he felt when Mother died. For all his lesson of pride and strength, it all collapse when he found his significant other,"

Illana pulls away from Tirek hile watched on in shock. "Is that what you believe..." She spoke with a clear tone of hurt in her voice. "That I was robbing you of your precious pride and strength? Then why did you propose that very same day?"

For the first time since she confronted Tirek, the centaur wore a smile. The type of smile that filled her with dread. "I can't believe neither you or Scorpan figured it out yet. I hated my father for the longest time, so naturally, I wanted to spite him in some way or another. My marriage to you was the perfect way to do so," Illana mouth fell agape while Tirek's smile grew. "Does that hurt you? Good. Junior, begin the spell!!!"

"Do not mix our son into this, Tirek!" Illana spat, trying to mask the hurt in her voice.

Junior hesitated for a moment. Everything was spiraling out of control, and seeing the pained expression on his mother's face did not help at all. But he steeled himself and complied with his father's demanded. Illana stood by and watch as Tirek's eyes and mouth shone with a bright red light before shooting into his body. Instantly, his muscles filled out. The gout cheeks started to expand, and the strength in his legs returned, allowing him to stand. Tirek made a show of flexing his pectorals and biceps. Tirek clenches his hands as his eyes fell on Scorpan's body. His brother was barely conscious while he gasped for breath. In an unexpected delight, Scorpan's body became malnourished as his body was moments ago. Illana was quick to his side, concern etched all over her face as Tirek laughs at the display. Illana returns to her feet with a new resolve in her eyes as she draws another bow. Tirek smirks at this and spread his arms out wide. He made no effort to stop her as he went to speak again.

"A cute little bluff Illana, but we both know you will never release that bolt,"

"Are you sure of that, 'dear?'" Illana's retort was sharp as the arrow tip.

"Indeed, otherwise you would've done so when earlier instead of that warning shot,"

"Perhaps I am revealing my true nature to you as you've shown me!"

"Then, by all means, fire!"

"No! Mother! Just step aside," Junior stated. "Father is only doing what's best for us, the centaurs! We will no longer be weak under his rule!"

"Save your concerns, Junior, because we know Illana's heart, she will never fire!"


The bolt found its mark firmly embedded into Tirek's chest cavity. Junior looks on in disbelief as Illana glares at the older bull. Tirek's gaze switches from Illana to the arrow as he goes to remove it. Before he does, however, Illana reveals a gem that emitted a soft glow as she clenched it in her hands while the arrowhead inside of Tirek's chest reacted to it. Tirek began screaming in pain as a magical pulse went off inside him. His eyes went wide in recognition. "The plague!?! But how-"

"-Scorpan's Solution was only possible from his studies of the plague. Originally, Scorpan saw that you were too far gone, but I wanted to spare you such a fate. Your banishment was a result of my plea to Scorpan and the sisters. But now you must choose; your life or your ambition to rule over all things magic!"

Tirek gave a weak chuckle as junior looked confused at what to do. He struggles to his hooves while his horns began to glow. "You impressive me, Illana. A shame that you neglected one factor in your ultimatum, these wonderous orbs!!"

The Dragonballs pulsed with power as energy flowed into Tirek. Panic gripped Illana as Tirek grew in size. "It looks like its time for plan B girls!!!" The voice of Twilight rang out, causing Junior and Illana to whip around to find the bearers of the elements prime for their signature move.

"They are here as well?!" Junior shouted as he fires a magical blast at the girls.

"No, you don't!" Scootaloo yelled as she deflects the attack away. She was joined by Android 16, Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha as they acted as vanguards. The Rainbow wave hit its mark as a constant stream of prismatic colors rained down on Tirek's form. For a moment, it appeared as the elements worked just as before. But suddenly, things took a turn for the worst. Tirek's body continued to grow despite the girls doubling their efforts. The harmony wave persisted, but Tirek held out his palm to block it. Soon, the centaur's height grew to titanic proportions, at least twice the size he was when he stole all the magic of Equestria the first time.

"Is - uh - is that suppose to happen?" Yamcha asked nervously.

"No! The elements are supposed to seal him away!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Is the magic making him stronger somehow?" Tien asked.

"It is not their magic responsible for this change," 16 stated. "Look at his chest,"

Our heroes did as instructed and stare at the centaur's chest. All seven Dragonballs were implanted into his flesh as Tirek pushed back the elements power. "No way! The Dragonballs fused with his body!!!" Krillin exclaimed.

"Whatsmore, the energies admitting from the Dragonballs is shielding him from the others attack," 16 added.

Laughter escaped from Tirek's maw as he spoke. "Is there something the matter, Princess Twilight? I thought that within you was the most powerful magic of all!" A grimace formed on Twilight's and the girls' features. "Didn't you say the power of friendship would be my downfall? Puh! You can place as many captions as you wish, but every being in the world knows that power, in and of itself, is the driving force of the universe!!!"

Tirek fires an offensive spell from his palm that easily overpowers the Harmony wave. His spell struck the girls down head-on as they fell to the ground. The other Z warriors were quick to their aid as they writhed in pain. Twilight Sparkle, The Princess of Friendship, coughs and sputtered as she spoke weakly, her eyes wide with disbelief. "He. H-He beat our Rainbow Power!"

Tirek's laughter once again gained everyone's attention. "That's because I wield true power! With these orbs fueling my might, I will annihilate all your pathetic notions, and reign supreme as the strongest being in the universe!!!"

"You hear that, Vegeta?" A new voice filled the area as Tirek whipped around to find Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Trunks, Spike, and Ember hovering in the air, all ready for combat. "Sounds like this guy wants to challenge your claim about Saiyans being the strongest in the universe,"

"If you can even call this overgrown goat a decent challenge," Vegeta stated while Tirek snarled at the insult. "All of you clear out of the way! I'll handle this problem right here and now!!!"

Vegeta charges forward, firing multiple Ki blast into his face. Tirek gritted his teeth in annoyance, but instead of attacking Vegeta, he returns his attention to the bearers of the elements. While the offworlders were a nuisance, it was the ponies that's earned the full brunt of his wrath. Being his hooves up into the air, Tirek intended to squash them beneath his heel. The Z fighters saw this and went to intercept while those on the ground tried to flee. Goku flicker to the pathway of the right hoof. Gohan appeared next to his father as the two shared a nod. They both unleashed the Kamehameha wave simultaneously. The attack barely succeeds in diverting Tirek's stomp off in the opposite direction. This diversion did nothing to slow down the impact upon the ground, and the shockwave generated by it disrupted our other heroes escape. The left hoof was still on target as the Z fighters scrambled back into the skies. However, the sheer size of Tirek's hoof cast a large shadow over our heroes in every direction. Scootaloo saw their impending doom approaching and pulled out the Power Pole. She braced it against the ground and gave the command to extend it. The magical staff met with Tirek's hoof. It managed to stall the appendage descent. However, to the orange fur fillis horror, the power pole began to bend from the strain.

For a brief moment, Scootaloo thought the Power Pole - The mystical weapon said to be unbreakable by her master - would break. Thankfully, the staff held long enough for the Z warriors to gather the elements and form up around Goku who got everyone to safety with Instant Transmission. Our heroes reappeared some distance away just in time to witness Tirek apply more force to his hoof and fling the Power Pole to the wayside. Scootaloo watched with a somber expression as her precious gift sailed off. Her features turned fierce when her eyes landed on the centaur. Tirek's expression turned sour at the fact that the ponies escape. Vegeta was relentless. Which only served to anger the magic eater more. Tirek lunged his head at Vegeta, breaking through his assault, with his maw agape. Vegeta saw this and promptly vanishes to safety. He reappears on Tirek's left side. The Saiyan prince drives his fist into Tirek's cheek. Annoyed, Tirek attempt to swat Vegeta down only for the Saiyan prince to fly out of harm's way.

Vegeta flew in front of Tirek's face with his arms crossed and a confident smirk on his features. "What good is all that mass if you can't even touch me?" The Dragonballs glowed again as if to respond to Vegeta's taunt. A moment later, the massive fist of Tirek sent Vegeta crashing into the ground. Shaking the cobwebs off, Vegeta winces as he stood back up. "W-What?!" Tirek's hoof was closing in rapidly, prompting Vegeta to evade, only for Tirek to teleport behind him.

Tirek claps his palms together right on top of Vegeta before clenching them shut. "A worthless little nat like you is better off squashed!" Tirek spat as he began to squeeze his hands tighter, eliciting muffled screams of agony.

"Claws of the Emerald Dragon!!!"

Waves Ki projectiles flew pass Tirek's arms and sliced up his hand, forcing him to release Vegeta. Spike and Ember flew in to engage while Trunks caught Vegeta and steadied him. "Father, are you ok-- Oof!" A sharp elbow to the gut was Vegeta's answer.

"What do you think you're doing, huh? I require none of your help!"

"Get over yourself!" Scootaloo's voice called out as she came up with remaining Z fighters save for 16 who elected to safeguard the girls as they recovered. "He's too big for any one of us. We need to hit him together!"

Scootaloo words earned a grunt of frustration from the Prince of all Saiyan. But they proved to be true when Spike flew past them before righting himself. The young drake wipes the blood from his snout as he glares banefully at his enemy. Ember was doing her best to hold off Tirek. She alternated from launching beams out of her hands to spewing a steady stream of fire all across his body. Tirek, in response, swung his fist out and clipped Ember as she was making another pass. He took a sharp intake of breath before exhaling. The gust of wind was enough to snuff out Ember's flame and cause her to spin out uncontrollably. Spike came to her aid while the Z fighters attacked. The three Super Saiyans went for Tirek's head while Piccolo, Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin focused on his lower body. Piccolo fired his Special Beam into Tirek's abdomen only for it to have little effect. Krillin, Tien, Yamcha, and the two dragons focused their attention on his legs. Krillin's Destructo Disk manages to tear open Tirek's skin while Tien and Yamcha followed up. The combined force of the Dodan ray and Spirit Ball tore the centaurs' right hamstring asunder. Spike and Ember followed the hums example and used their Ki enhanced claws to shred the right hamstring apart. Tirek stumbled forward, barely catching himself while grunting in pain. The Dragonballs glowed again and already working to heal him. However, Tirek took his eyes away from Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks who were hovering a few metes away from his face. He looked up when he felt a light shine in the corner of his eyes. All three Super Saiyans were charging up for a combined attack as Tirek look on with a measure of concern.


"Final Flash!!!"

"Galick Gun!!!"

Three beams of blue, gold and purple formed together to create a spiral drill of Ki energy that impacted directly in Tirek's face. The detonation so was tremendous that Junior lost his balance. He teleports away to a safe distance long before the fight broke. However, he lost sight of his mother and went to find her. His search didn't last long as she found Illana with the ponies, 16, and Scorpan. 16 was silently observing the battle while standing guard. Illana appeared to be having a conversation with the girls who recovered from their initial damage. Casually, Junior strolled forward as the smoke from the Super Saiyan trio began to fade. Junior stood before the group who finally noticed his approach. The girls took defensive positions with 16 firmly standing between the young bull and the group. However, Illana walks up to him despite Twilight and the others protesting. Mother and son stared each other down until Illana rushes over and pulls Junior into a hug.

"...Mother..." Junior whispered.

"Shush, my little cafe. You are no enemy of mine," Illana said sweetly.

Juniors trembling hands reached up to Illana's forearms. "But you are an enemy of mine, mother," He pulled away from the embrace and shot a look of determination, one that faltered when he met the sullen eyes of his mother. "Y-you are a traitor! You've thrown your lot in with the ones that seek to oppress us and--"

"Are these your words or Tirek's?" Illana asked, silencing Junior's rant. "These ideals are all falsehoods. Tirek has done nothing but takes away your life. But it is not the end, my son. You can break free from him,"

"And what?" Junior bitterly spat. "Follow you and what you want from me? How is that any different!"

"I want you to have a choice! I know you've seen his cruelty. Do you believe you will be spared from it the moment you displease him?"

"Your mother is telling you the truth! Tirek is only concerned about himself, and he doesn't

"...It does not matter either way. Father will prevail, mother,"

"Fat chance of that happening considering he got blown to kingdom come," Rainbow stated smugly.

"No! That attack did not kill Tirek!!!" Android 16 said, putting the others on high alert.

The light from seven Dragonballs piece through the smoke as our heroes went on guard. Tirek releases a mighty roar that shook the very foundations of Tartarus. A terrible red light flared in his eyes as he threw his head back and opened his mouth. Magic gathered quickly before a scarlet beam shot forth into the sky. Everyone watches on with trepidation as the beam sailed higher and higher into the heavens until it exploded into itself. Five additional beams spawned from the detonation and descended upon our heroes. Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks were the first to fall. The attack collided with them and exploded on impact. The humans were next as they tried to evade by running underneath Tirek's body. However, the attack locked on to them and avoid Tirek entirely before finding its mark. Ember and Spike were able to catch the beam with their hands. But the force buried them into the surface floor, creating a massive crater. The trio of Scootaloo, Gohan and Piccolo tried to dodge by splitting up. But the attack focused on Scootaloo instead. Thus prompting Gohan and Piccolo to act as a shield while the beam consumed them. The last beam was barreling straight toward the ponies position. A sight that filled Junior with horror and bewilderment. Tirek committed many acts that would be downright heinous. But he would never harm his son. Junior was the exception despite how he treated Scorpan and his mother. Junior knew this as an irrefutable fact. So imagine Junior utter bafflement when the deadly mass of energy didn't stop or alter its course.

"INCOMING!!!" Applejack exclaimed.

"STARLIGHT!!!" Twilight asserted with her horn glowing.

"I GOT IT!!!" Starlight said with her horn alit.

"GET BEHIND ME!!!" 16 commanded as he pulls off his forearms. "HELLS FLASH!!!"

The last thing Junior saw as 16's attack met with Tirek's while Twilight and Starlight was erecting a shield was Illana throwing herself protectively over him. He heard her yell out to him as his world faded into darkness. "JUNIOR!!!"

A strangled gasp escaped Goku's lips as he awoke. He looks around to find Vegeta and Trunks was in a similar state of duress. "Vegeta, Trunks, you two ok?"

"Peachy," Trunks grunted out.

"Focus on the enemy, you clown!" Vegeta spat as all three returned to their feet.

Goku pointed at the centaur in question as he was moving away. "He's heading for Twilight and the girls! We need to move now!!!"

Vegeta scoffs at this before flaring his aura. "Completely useless!"

Goku and Trunks followed his example before Trunks brought up a pressing matter. "Wait. Do you think the others survived? I'm not picking up any Ki signatures. Not that it been easy since we got here,"

Trunks' statement formed a pit in his stomach as he closes his eyes in concentration. "I'm getting a lot of interference. It must be all that magic he blasted us with that's the cause,"

"DAD! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Gohan's voiced in desperation.

"That's Gohan! Let's go!!" Trunks said as he flew toward where Gohan's voice was coming from, with Goku close behind. Vegeta pressed onward, determined to end the conflict himself. "There they are-- Oh no!"

It did not take long to register the dire condition. Everyone save for Gohan, Spike, Ember, and Piccolo were on the ground. Gohan was slightly injured. He had little scratches adorning his shirt while his right pants leg had a hole over his knee. However, everyone was much worse. Both of Piccolo's arms were missing while only half of his Gi remained intact. Spike and Ember were both covered in burns. Ember clutched her limp right arm while Spike could not open his left eye and favored his right leg. Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha were no better. Tien was missing his left arm. Krillin twitches every so often from his burns. Yamcha laid in a bloody heap while mumbling incoherently. The worse of all was Scootaloo. All that remained of her feathers were her primaries. Several patches fur were missing along with half of her mane. Her face was heavily charred save for her left eye that had a lone tear trickling down her cheek. Goku clenched his fist to the point of bleeding at every pained, shallow breath she took.

"I-I'm sorry Goku... I tried my best to shield her," Piccolo grunted out with shame in his voice.

"She needs a Senzu Bean!!!" Gohan said urgently.

Goku digs into his poach as his expression turns grim. "There's only four left..."

"She can have mine. I'm not that hurt!" Gohan pleaded as Goku nods in response.

Goku gently lifts his pupils' head as he guides the Senzu Bean into Scootaloo's muzzle. He proceeds to rub her throat to add her in swallowing. Scootaloo flinches as the bean travels down her throat. Everyone waited with bated breath as nothing happens at first. After no signs of the orange fillies recovering, Gohan gritted his teeth as he slammed the ground with his fist. For a moment, Gohan's Ki fluctuated erratically again as his hair flashed green. That is until the beans healing properties took effect. Little by little, Scootaloo's injuries began to mend until she opens her eyes. Scootaloo sits up and looks around in confusion. That confusion morphs into a blush when Gohan embraces her.

"G-Gohan," Scootaloo stammered out.

"He just happy you're ok. You gave us a scare," Goku chuckled. Goku then begins handing out the remaining beans to Spike, Ember, and Piccolo.

"What about Krillin, Tien, and Yamcha?" Gohan asked,

"D-Don't worry, Goku. I'll keep them safe," Krillin said in a strained tone. He gave the others a thumbs up from his seated position while they nodded.

Goku returns the gestures. "Thanks, Krillin," With that said, the remaining Z warriors took in the air.

"Listen, I have a way we can take him down," Piccolo stated, gaining everyone's attention.

"Really, how?" Scootaloo asked.

"During your combined attack, the Dragonballs were doing everything they could to protect that monster. After the explosion, the Dragonballs were inert for a few seconds. That will be our window we have to settle this,"

"That's a tiny window of opportunity. We'll have to attack almost at the same time," Trunks deduced,"

"Will we have enough power?" Ember asked. "Our track record hasn't been the best,"

"Between you, me, Scootaloo, Gohan, and Piccolo? Yeah, we can take him down!" Spike said with confidence.

"Just be sure to aim for the Dragonballs and nowhere else," Piccolo added as Tirek's large form came into view.

Meanwhile, the magic devourer was not happy with the scene before him. The bearers of the elements were still alive. His earlier attack failed to do significant damage due to the androids interfering and the barrier currently protecting the ponies. He cast a curious glance when he saw spark flying from 16's battered form, but paid him no mind. He dreamed of moments like these where all his enemies lied at his mercy. The princess gave her best glare at the centaur. However, the tired look in her eyes dampened its impact. Her so-called friends were in similar states; trying to look intimidating yet too weak to muster any threat against him. His victory was just within reach, but what good is a victory if the opposing party doesn't admit defeat.

"Say it, princess!" Tirek commanded. Twilight shot him a bemused look before he continued. "Admit your defeat. You and your allies have failed. If you want a place in my new world then you will bow your head to me and admit that the magic of friendship is nothing before my might!!!"

Twilight and her friends were in disbelief at Tirek's demands. They all exchange glances before all eyes fell on Twilight. She looked deep into their eyes and into their very soul. Her response came clear as she turns back to Tirek. She stood on her hooves, her posture straight and dignified, and spoke with all the power of a Princess of Equestria. "No! That is the one thing I will never do because to admit something like that would be to betray my very being. My friends helped me through some of the toughest trials of my life. The lesson I learned and the love I've received are more precious to me than any amount of currency or title. I am Twilight Sparkle - The Princess of Friendship - and we will never yield!!"

"You tell him, egghead!" Rainbow cheered.

"Darn tootin'" Applejack added.

"Here, here," Rarity stated.

"That's right," Fluttershy said in a strong tone.

"Yeah, you big fat meanie," Pinkie said.

"We will always fight for friendship no matter the cost!" Starlight said firmly. All the girls were back on their hooves in full support of Twilight and their friendship.

Tirek had to admit that he gained a measure of respect for the pony princess. "Very well, then you shall all perish!!" Just as his horns alit with magic and build in his mouth, Junior's voice called for him.

"Father!" Tirek ceases his attack to look upon his son. He was cradling Illana's head in his arms while sending him a pleading look. "M-Mother is hurt!"


"Father, please! She saved me! You must--"

"Do you think this matters to me?" Tirek's sharp tone cut through Junior pleas like a blade to flesh. "I've already stated that she is dead to us. Why should that change due to her trivial actions,"

The girls all gasped at the way Tirek disregarded Junior's life. Junior stared wide-eyed at his father for a long time before he spoke again. "Do you honestly not care? I've followed you without question. I asked nothing of you, father. Do all my efforts not garner a reward?"

"No. You shall do as you are told to do, and be grateful for that honor!" Junior heart sank the more Tirek spoke. "If Scorpan's state is any indication of why I will never tolerate betrayal then the answer should be clear as day!"

For the first time in his whole life, Junior scowled at his father. "You betrayed them!"

Tirek's only response was to narrow his eyes as he raised his hoof near Junior and Illana. Then, he stomps down hard in front of them, causing the last members of his family to fly away from the shockwave. Twilight could scarcely believe anyone could be that cruel to their family. She leveled a baneful glare at Tirek as she spoke with venom. "There is no place in Tartarus fit for a monster like you!!!"

Tirek sends her a smirk as he resumes his attack. However, an explosion went off against his back. "I couldn't agree more!" Tirek whips around with a snarl on his features. The Saiyan prince shot him a smirk as he flared his aura. "So how about I send you straight to hell instead!!!"

Before the Saiyan prince could engage, Goku and the others arrived. In a flash of a moment, Goku flickered to Tirek's head to deliver a cross kick on his temple. Tirek reeled back in pain but had no time recover as Gohan and Scootaloo extend their legs and score a flying kick to his right cheek, forcing him to stumble to his left. Tirek whipped his head at the two insolent brats. He prepared to attack but found himself thwarted again as Trunks' Heat Dome Attack collided with his underbelly thus knocking the wind out of him. Tirek release an irritated growl as his attention shifted to the Saiyan from the future. That's when Spike, Ember, and Piccolo made their move. Piccolo's elastic arms wrapped around one horn while Spike and Ember grabbed the other. Tirek's head began to tilt forward before he catches himself with both hands against the ground. Vegeta, anger at the interfering, point his palm at the back of the centaurs head. "Big Bang Attack!!!" His attack met its target and aided knocking Tirek face first into the dirt.

Goku flickered to his position while charging his attack. "Let's end this! Vegeta! Trunks!!!"

"Right, Goku!!!" Trunks said, appearing next to Goku.

"Dammit, it all!!!" Vegeta exclaimed, following their example.

However, they weren't expecting Tirek to suddenly fire a beam from his horns. The surprise attack caught Goku off guard as the beam slams into him. Vegeta and Trunks had no choice but to break their attacks and dodge while the beam carried Goku off in the distance. Tirek rose to his full height while maintaining his attack. His head turned on a swivel as he tried to incinerate all in its path. His attention landed on the ponies again as the constant beam of death headed right toward them.
Thankfully, Gohan and Scootaloo appeared in front of the death beam.



The two attacks met, but Tirek was quickly gaining the edge. Piccolo saw this and landed next to them. "Light Grenade!!!" His attack combined with the young Z fighters and manage to slow Tirek down, if only marginally.

Spike and Ember land beside the trio and threw their heads back. Their wings flared out as Ki gathered inside of their mouths. The two dragons threw their heads forward. "Majestic Cyan Flame!!!" A light blue beam added to the Z fighters efforts in the bean struggle, actually managing to stall Tirek's efforts.

"I will end all of you!!" Tirek roared. The Dragonballs began to glow again thus increasing Tirek's power and fueling his attack. His beam started to push back the other while our heroes struggled to hold their ground.

"You cocky bastard!" Vegeta shout, hovering above the Z warriors on the ground. "Final Flash!!"

"Take this, Galick Gun!!!" Trunks hollered, joining his father in the air.

Back with the girls, the ponies stared in equal parts awe and fear. Tirek's death ray and the unified attack from our heroes were in a deadlock. Twilight worked her mind into overdrive, trying come up with a plan, any plan that would help. Then, she saw it. The Dragonballs were glowing with great intensity until they stopped momentarily. Determination filled her being as she faced her friends. "Come on, girls. We have to take our Rainbow forms again!"

"Not to be that guy, Twilight. But our Rainbow power didn't do squat!" Rainbow Dash remained.

"That's because Tirek wasn't as preoccupied as he is now!'

"If you all add your power into the mix then Tirek will overtax the Dragonballs!" Starlight said.

The girls all nodded in agreement as they joined hands. The magical power of the elements began to build inside as their Rainbow power resurfaced. "We'll stop Tirek and prove there is no great power than the magic of Friendship!!!" Twilight proclaimed.

"YEAH!!!" The rest of the girls said in unwavering support. They ascended to the skies, leaving Starlight behind.

"There's got to be something I can do..." Starlight pondered to herself. That was when she heard a groan not too far from her. She went to investigate and found a severely hurt Junior holding his mother tightly. Starlight had to resist the urge to comfort the young bull when their eyes and all she saw were tears streaming down his cheeks.

The elements appeared behind Tirek who hasn't noticed them yet. Their prismatic light shined brightly as the girls glared down at Tirek. "Tirek!" Twilight's voice echoed with power. "You mock the magic of friendship before, yet here we stand unified against you. Harmony Wave!!!" The elements power hit Tirek with all the force the girls could muster as Tirek screams in pain. His attack falters, allowing the Z warriors to gain the upper hand. Tirek regains his composure and shields himself. A sharp burning sensation swelled in the centaur's chest as the Dragonballs glowed brighter than ever. He releases a mighty bellow as the power struggle was dead even once again.

"Persistent bastard just won't quit!" Vegeta grunted.

"Neither will we, now focused!" Piccolo stated.

Scootaloo dropped to one knee while panting heavily. "I-I can't keep this up!"

"Hold on a little longer!" Gohan encouraged.

"It can't be much longer now! Something's going to give!!!" Trunks said.

Starlight looked at the battle with great concern. Her friends were giving everything they had to stop Tirek. But the centaur seemed to match their resolve. "They can't win, not against father, not as he is now..."

"I get wanting your father's approval, but there is such a thing as a horrible parent, and Tirek fits the bill!" junior turns his head away from her. "Instead of fighting for him, you should be fighting against him!"

"Become a traitor? Fight against father? Even if I entertained that idea for a moment, I couldn't match father,"

"I am not telling you to betray Tirek. I'm not expecting you to defeat him. I'm asking you to do whatever you can to save the one who matters to you more than Tirek!"

Junior stiffened at that as he stares at his mother. He gently lowers her to the ground and faces his father. He spares Starlight a glance before giving her a nod. With one last look upon his mother, Junior teleported away. Meanwhile, as the battle raged onward, Goku finished recovering from Tirek's attack. His Gi suffered some damage from the impact as only his blue shirt remained and two holes rest on top of his knees. He clutches his head as he tried to find his balance. A feat that proved difficult due to the constant shaking on the ground beneath his boots. In the distance, the battle continued. Tirek was in more pain than he could fathom. The burning sensation on his chest was starting to blister from the Dragonballs. The bearers impotent Harmony Wave was crawling away at his shield. To his front, his horns felt like fire pokers from the way they were overheating. He never had to channel this much power for so long. The fight seemed like it would last for an eternity. Despite this struggle, Tirek knew better. He could feel the two attacks waning. It wasn't a matter of power anymore. It would all boil down to who can endure more than the other. And no one other than Tirek himself can boost about endurance.

"You know, princess, perhaps there is value in your friendship!" Tirek said with a strained smile. "Now that you're all gathered in one location, it will be easier to destroy my enemies all at once rather than hunting you down one at a time. You will falter, and when you do, you will die-- ARGH!?!?!" A horrible throbbing feeling replaced the overheating sensation on his right horn. Tirek could feel cracks forming while something struck against his horn. To his horror, his channeling became weaker as the Z fighter were gaining in their beam struggle.


The sound of his sons' voice came as a surprise. Tirek glances to his right to find Junior attacking his horns. "Y-YOU DARE!?!?"

But before Tirek could do anything, another voice called out. "TIREK!!!" Everyone paused as Goku flickers into view directly in below the centaur. His signature attack primed and ready. However, instead of firing, Goku pulls his hand back with the focused Ki in it and spins around. He points the gathered Ki energy at towards the ground and blasts off like a rocket. Making the Ki infused hand into a fist, Goku aimed right for the seven Dragonballs. "No more! You're mine!" His outstretched, powered-up fist made contact with the Dragonballs as Tirek felt an agony unlike any before. "Dragon Fist!!!" Goku;s form took on the shape of a Dragon as it barrels towards the centaur. His attack hit the Dragonballs dead center as Tirek screamed in pain. A blinding light emitted from the golden orbs. All at once, Tirek's death ray and shield ceased while the unified attack and the Harmony wave collided with the magic devour. Tirek screams fade out as a blinding light consumed his form.

The light fades away except for an illuminated figure, prompting our heroes to return to normal. They slowly made their way to the highlighted being. However, the Z fighters from Earth gasped as the light reveal Tirek completely encased in stone. His visage was one of suffering a he appeared to be screaming. The Dragonballs remained the same until they flashed one last time and caused several cracks to spread out from the statue's chest. A moment later, the Statue of Tirek crumbles into dust before their very eyes. No one said anything as a soft wind blew the ashes away. "It is as you said, father; Dust in the wind!'' Junior quoted.

[Canterlot - Castle Gardens.]

The battle was finally over. Chrysalis and Tirek would no longer plague Equis again. Now all that was left was to pick up the pieces and mend the broken lives left in their wake. The four Princesses of Equestria along with Flurry Heart, the bearers of the elements, the Z fighters from Earth along with Bulma and Baby Trunks, the Crusaders and Sugar Lumps, and finally Junior with his mother and Scorpan all gathered around the Seven Dragonballs. Celestia holds a thoughtful expression after everything Twilight finished explaining.

"You mean to say that Tirek's statue crumbled into dust and you don't know the cause?"

"Well, I have several theories. But the most probable outcome would be that the conflicting energies between our Rainbow power and Ki energy were too much for Tirek's body to withstand," Twilight elaborated.

"A fitting end for one who let ambition drive him," Luna stated with no sympathy in her tone.

"It is a shame, but perhaps it is for the best," Celestia added.

"They will work, right?" Cadence asked tentatively. She held Flurry's hand tightly as she sent Twilight a pleading look. "This 'Eternal Dragon' can bring back the dead?" Cadence couldn't help but glance at the tarp covering Shining Armor and Master Roshi's body.

It was Dende who went to response to the Princesses inquiry. "I know it sounds farfetched but reviving the dead is well within Shenron's power,"

"Well, it certainly will be a sight to behold if it is true, darlings," Rarity said with a small amount of skepticism. "Oh! I didn't mean to sound insensitive. Do forgive me,"

"No worries Rarity," Goku said. "Oh! I almost forgot!" Goku vanished from view before reappearing with Daring Do and Zecora in tow. The sudden appearance of her favorite idol put Rainbow Dash in a tizzy.

Daring and Zecora clutch their head from the sudden transition. "How about you give a mare a little warning before you foalnap her!" Daring snapped, earning a sheepish chuckle from Goku.

"The words she speaks is true. You are lucky I am fond of you, Goku!" Zecora rhymed.

"Wonderful! The linguist is back," Vegeta grumble as B. Trunks giggles.

"Sorry about that, but I thought that you all should meet Shenron. You did help us out with finding the Dragonballs," Goku explained.

Instantly, Daring Do whips her head to the golden orbs. "Amazing... These are all seven Dragonballs?" The Adventurer asked breathlessly. She crouches down and extends her hands to them. The power the balls were radiating was almost scolding to the touch. "I've never seen any artifact react this way..."

"Ha. If you're impressed by that then what happens next will shatter your world," Piccolo stated. "Dende?"

The Earth's guardian nods in agreements as he turns to the Dragonballs. "ETERNAL DRAGON! BY YOUR NAME, I SUMMON YOU FORTH TO GRANT OUR WISH; SHENRON!!!!"

The balls pulsed with power as a familiar ping went off. A light soon engulfs them before a pillar shot out of them. The skies became shrouded in darkness as if it was nighttime. The Equestrians all stepped back in a panic when a giant dragons head peered down at them. The ponies went through various reaction ranging from excited to fearful. Spike and Ember assumed fighting stances. They were expecting a dragon to emerge, but not one like this. It took all of Spike and Ember's willpower not to either bow their heads in submission or challenge Shenron outright. Celestia was of two mindsets. The first was that she felt small for the first time in her life. There are many things that are taller than she is, but Shenron's sheer enormity shatters all expectations. Her second thought was how the ponies of the land was reacting. There was no hiding a Dragon of this magnitude, so she was sure there was panic in the streets. A fact made even worse when Shenron finally spoke.


"Whoo, Nelly! I think they heard that all the way in Appleloosa!" Applejack exclaimed while covering her ears.

"This dragon is Shenron?" Starlight whisper in disbelief. "I-It has to be a projection, right?" A look from all the Z fighters shattered that idea.

"M-my, he is a big one, darlings!" Rarity stated obviously.

"He is friendly, right?" Rainbow asked cautiously as to not upset a dragon that could swallow Canterlot whole.

"We're going to need a lot of cake for his welcome party! Pinkie Pie said.

Daring Do had no words to express. She merely sat on her haunches with her mouth agape. "None of my adventures even come close to this experience..." In the back of her mind, Daring Do was already working a feasible way to write Shenron into her next book.

"If this Shenron I did not meet in the flesh, I would surely call such a being a jest!" Zecora said in awe.

Twilight was absentmindedly scribbling notes on paper. However, her eyes never left Shenron's form. "Dragon-big-makes-no-sense!!!"

The fillies all shared the same expression as the gaze upon Shenron. "Whoa!!!"

Bulma couldn't help but giggle at this. "Yeah, its always a shocker the first time,"

Goku gently places a hand on his student's shoulder. "Easy there, Spike. Shenron's not the fighting type. He's pretty nice when you get to know him,"

"...Right..." Spike said slowly.

"Well, as long as he doesn't try anything!" Ember snarl as best she could.


"I suspected as much," Piccolo said. "You were aware this entire time, weren't you?" Piccolo asked.


Gohan instantly picked up on this revelation. "Does that mean you can grant more than three wishes?"


All the Z fighters were shocked at hearing this. "Is that your wish, Shenron?" Piccolo asked softly.


"I see that our friends have failed in their descriptions of you, Sir Shenron. Your wisdom is as vat as your size," Celestia praised.

"Indeed. An entity of your stature who only wishes to return home rather than rule through tyranny is a welcome change," Luna added.


Goku walked up to the eternal as he spoke loud and clearly. "Shenron. There were a lot of innocent people that suffered due to Chrysalis and Tirek's actions. My first two wishes are to bring back all the lives lost from the conflict and to heal everyone here!"


Shenron's crimson red eyes glowed as Cadence braced herself. Her eyes landed on the tarp of her husband's corpse. She could not stop the lingering doubt from surfacing. Despite the made a miraculous recovery from their normally crippling injuries, death was absolute. There was nothing short of necromancy that could bring her Shining Armor. It was a deadly and forbidden practice for a reason; one that she was dangerously considering these past few hours. Even Shenron was benevolent, there was no way bringing back the dead was something good. Yet, her heart skipped a beat. The cloth over Shining Armor and Master Roshi started to move until both of them rose up. They both wore an expression of bafflement at where they were. Shining Armor blinked several times before he found himself glomped by his wife, child, and sister while the rest of the ponies and dragons were busy reattaching their jaws.

"Cady? Twily? Flurry? What's going on?" Shining asked.

"You're back. My Shining Armor is back to me!!!" Cadence exclaimed.

"It shouldn't be possible, but you're honestly alive!" Twilight said.

"Wait, I was dead?" Shining asked in confusion.

"Of course, we were dead," Master Roshi stated. "We both arrived in the check-in station. But it seems like King Yemma had a special way of dealing with those that perish in this corner of the universe. It might also explain the memory loss,"

"What do you mean?" Goku asked.

Master Roshi merely shrugs. "I couldn't tell you. It was something very secretive," The old master's sunglasses fell on Gohan who was looking away in shame. He walks up to him and pats him on the head. Gohan expression change as he hugged Master Roshi.

"Wait. Where is Thorax? " Starlight asked. A moment later two orbs appeared in front of them. They both dissipated as King Thorax and King Cloven Hoof landed in the gardens. "Oh. Nevermind,"

"W-What? Where am I?" Cloven Hoof stated. His eyes landed on Goku as he shot to his hooves. "Murderer!!!" But before he could charge at the Saiyan warrior, Celestia and Luna's auras stops him.

"Calm yourself, Prince Cloven Hoof. You are in no danger," Celestia said.

"I will not heed your words, traitor! And I am King now due to his actions!!!" Cloven spat as he glare at the sun goddess.

Celestia sighs as she walks up to Shenron. "Sir Shenron. I wish for you to display the state of affairs for the changeling and minotaur kingdoms," It was at that moment that Cloven Hoof back peddled away from the great dragon hovering over him.

Thorax chuckled nervously as he laid eyes on Shenron. "S-Spike. Is - uh - he a friend of yours?"

Spike, who was still tensed at the sight of Shenron, shrugs at his friend. "I guess?"

"Although, 'friend' is a strong word!" Ember muttered.

Two screen appears above the group. One displayed Mino while the other display the Changeling castle in the Badlands. The two locations were still in a state of disarray. However, the citizens were all gathered together. Cloven Hoof could scarcely believe his eyes when the image of his father came into view. "W-What trickery is this? You dare sully my father further by displaying these lies?!"

"ARE YOU QUESTIONING MY POWER!?" The anger in Shenron's voice came as a surprise for the two Namekians. "THE IMAGES BEFORE YOU ARE NOT FALSEHOODS!"

"H-He is right. I can feel the link from my changelings that perished!" Thorax exclaimed. Cloven still wasn't convinced.

"Then let me speak with my father!" Cloven challenged. "If he is alive then it should be no problem!!!"

Shenrons eyes glowed again as he spoke. "YOU MAY SPEAK!!!"

Cloven Scoffs at this while Celestia and Luna release him. "Father! Are you well?" The skepticism was thick in Cloven's tone.

Iron Hoof looks around till his eyes fell on the screen. "Son? By the makers! Then what the citizens say is true! I died in battle, yet I have returned!"

Cloven flinched at his father's voice. Still, anyone could fake speech patterns. So a test was in order. "If you are my father and not an imposter or illusion, tell me something only you would know!"

Iron Hoof scratches his chin before a devilish smile adorns his features. "You like to go on midnight rendezvous with that maid every weekend when you think you are alone. You have my blessings, of course, I expect strong heirs soon enough!"

A blush worked its way on Cloven muzzle before his mouth fell agape. "I don't believe this. Father, you've truly returned to the land of the living!?"

Goku places his hand on his shoulder to gain his attention. "I think it would be better if you have this heart to heart with your father in private," Goku smirked at him before turning back to Shenron. "Oh yeah, hey Shenron, do you think you can give Cloven and Thorax a lift home. Oh! And could you repair the damages? They got pretty banged up during the fight,"


Cloven was left speechless at Goku's kindness. A light enveloped his form as he started to feel a pull sensation. "I tried to take your life and yet you show me this kindness?"

"Hey, that's all water under the bridge. But next time, let's have a friendly sparring match!"

Cloven Hoof closes his eyes as he chuckles. "Father was right about you. You are a strange one, Son Goku," With that said, Cloven teleported back to Minos.

"Thank for all you've done for the changelings as well. I can proudly inform them that Chrysalis will never harm us again," Thorax said with a bow before he vanished as well.

"So, is that everything?" Krillin asked.

"Hold on, I have a wish too," Gohan said as he walked up to Shenron. "A horrible tragedy happened in a village called Sunny Town. An innocent girl met a grim fate because of it. Shenron, could you please break the curse and set Ruby and her mother free?"

"You're talking about that weird zombie town?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Why would you want to help her?" Silver Spoon inquired.

"It wasn't her fault that Ruby did what she did. Sometimes, people stumble and lose their way. But that doesn't mean they're lost forever," Gohan explained. The Z fighter saves for Vegeta smile at Gohan's words.

"I guess your right. I know I wouldn't be nice if somepony did that to me," Scootaloo stated.


A gentle wind swept past our heroes at that moment. Gohan looks over to the direction of the wind to find two familiar ponies waving back at him. The Crusaders and the Sugar Lumps saw them two. Mitta held a smile of gratitude with tears in her eyes. Ruby was positively beaming at them as she held her mother's hand. Their spirits began to fade away, but not before Ruby and Mitta gave them one last goodbye. "See you later, friends,"

Bulma saw the children look off in distance. "Gohan, what are you waving at?" Instead of answering, Gohan and the fillies shared a knowing smile.

"Whoa, guys! That centaur kid is gone!!!" Yamcha exclaimed.

Everyone turned to where Junior was standing. Shenron healed Illana and Scorpan of their injuries. But both of them looked dejected. "Junior left the moment he saw us recover," Illana stated softly.

"Is your little runt going to be another problem?" Vegeta asked, his tone lacking any compassion or sympathy.

"Junior life is a road map of struggle. Currently, he is at odds with himself, and is no doubt seeking balance," Scorpan deduced. "In order to do this, he will most likely head somewhere that has familiarity,"

"We could always ask Shenron to bring him back," Tien reminded.

"It would be best if Scorpan and I go to him. Thank you for your assistance," Illana said as the two teleported away,

Fluttershy's eyes splayed against her head as she let out a couple of sniffles. "what's wrong Fluttershy?" Rainbow asked.

"Discord... Mr. Shenron didn't bring him back!" Fluttershy wailed. Her friends instantly went to comfort her.


All the ponies could only stare blankly at what Shenron just said. It was at this time Baby Trunks notices a bush starting to move away. It took no time at all for everyone to notice the foliage retreat. "Discord!"

The bush linches at the name before a sigh came from it. "That's me!" Discord said in a flat tone. He glares up at Shenron as he spoke. "Thanks for ruining the surprise! I had fireworks set up and everything!"

"Discord! We all thought you were dead! Did you fake your death so that you wouldn't help us!!!" Starlight voice the outrage the other was feeling.

"Urgh! Didn't any get the memo? I am the Spirit of chaos. You can't kill a concept or a force of nature. Whether you ponies like it or not, I'm an esstienal part of the balance needed in this world!"

"B-But we saw you get blown to bits!!!" Rainbow shouted.

"Yes, well, the little berserker over there certainly gave it the good college try and knock me for a loop. It took longer than I would've liked thanks to that pesky Ki energy clinging to me," Discord empathized his point by ringing out his fur while Ki energy fell to the ground. He also notices the glare coming from the fillies while a crestfallen Gohan turns away. wanting to avoid the wrath of five pre-teens, Discord snaps his finger to make a trophy appear. "This trophy is for you, Gohan. A reward for best Chaos maker. Congratulations, competition can be stiff this time of year,"

Gohan chuckles at Discord's antics. "Thanks, but are you sure I can't make it up to you?"

"Well..." Discord eyes Shenron with a devious smirk. "I wouldn't mind getting a wish or two-"

"Discord!!!" Fluttershy said with a stamp of her hoof!"

"What? I wasn't going to wish for you subjugation or anything," He said while throwing away a crown and specter. For some reason, Celestia and Luna were in clown outfits.

"Discord!" Fluttershy called out again. Only this time, he eyes zeroed in on the Dragon horse.

Discord visibly flinches at this. "Oh, fine!" He turns back to Gohan with a forced smile. "Thank you for the offer, but your continued friendship is enough," Discord then crosses his arms in a huff before Fluttershy pulls in into a hug.

The Z fighters and Equestrians gathered in front of Shenron as our heroes prepare for their departure. "Welp, time to head back home," Goku said.

"I don't know how I am going to translate all this into my next book," Daring Do said with a shake of her head. "I normally don't do spectator roles,"

"While we did not participate in all the fighting, the action was certainly exciting!" Zecora rhythmed.

"I can't believe the adventures over already," Scootaloo pouted.

"Its the journey that is important, however, "Master Roshi said in a wise tone.

"Despite the craziness, I wouldn't mind visiting the planet again," Bulma said. "Isn't that right Trunks?" Baby Trunks babbled in response.

"Yeah, it a pretty sweet vacation spot. Not to mention all the babes," Yamcha said.

"Babes?" Krillin asked incredulously.

"Now that I'm back on the market, they won't know won't know what hit them-- Oof!" Yamcha fell forward as a two-tone filly gave him a peace sign.

"Flurry Heart! I am so sorry! Flurry Heart gained a bit of a violent streak lately," Cadence apologized.

"Hmph. She will make a fine warrior," Piccolo praise, causing the filly to beam.

"Well, she is our daughter after all," Shining Armor added.

Dende walks over to the elder princesses and bows his head. "I am sorry for all the trouble. The Dragonballs were never meant to cause harm,"

"It is fine, young guardian. Such is the risk powerful artifacts often brings," Luna stated.

"But they can also bring good to everyone, and after seeing the power up close, those orbs a special," Celestia said.

Applejack gives 16 a hearty slap on his shoulder. "Thanks for the save back there partner. You're welcome back on the farm anytime!"

"It was of no issue," 16 said. "I hope to visit the animals again,"

"You are welcome to my cottage anytime you like," Fluttershy beamed.

"You know, I can't help notice that you're all conveniently forgetting about Cell while making these plans," Vegeta said.

"That's right! You were all dealing with a villain of your own. If there is any way can help, we'll be glad to assist!" Twilight said.

"Thanks for the offer, but we can handle things," F. Trunks declined. "The last thing we want is to give Cell another world to terrorize,"

"I'm sure a strapping young knight such as yourself will be able to best any foe," Rarity said with a flutter of her eyelashes, making Trunks blush.

"That reminds me. I have something for you, Twilight," Bulma said as she hands the purple alicorn a capsule. "My father and I are working on teleportation device to make travel here much easier. Inside this capsule has a prototype and a means for you communicate with us. We would like your input after the mess with Cell is over,"

Stars danced in Twilight's eyes at the prospect. "OH! I can't wait. There are numerous teleportation methods to discuss,"

"I have some notes that can be of use. I'm sure Sunburst can offer some insight on this project as well," Starlight said with an equal amount of enthusiasm.

As Twilight went off on a tangent, Pinkie was wailing as she clung to Goku. "What's up, Pinkie?" Spike asked.

"I just sad that I won't get to throw anyone a going away party!!!" Pinkie sobbed harder.

"Hmm, hey, how about a victory party when Goku and the others beat Cell. That will be an awesome story!"

"You better not skip out on the details neither!" Rainbow said while hovering over everyone.

Pinkie suddenly stops crying as she shoots Goku a smile. "Pinkie promise?"

Goku smiles right back and interlocks his Pinkie with hers. "Pinkie promise!"

Apple Bloom was glaring intently at the youngest warrior as the farewells were wrapping up. "I can't take it anymore!!!" She yelled, gaining everyone's attention. The apple filly marched up to Gohan with a purpose before she stood before him, keeping her glare. Gohan was about to ask what was wrong until Apple Bloom pulls him into a kiss, leaving the others stunned.

"Hey, no fair!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. She pushes Apple Bloom aside and locks her lips with Gohan as well.

"We're not letting you former blank flanks hog him to yourselves!" Diamond Tiara said as she and Silver Spoon shared a kiss with Gohan as well.

"Yeah, well, I'm the only one that got close to him, so I'm obviously the lead mare!" Scootaloo flickers to a dumbstruck Gohan and kisses him as well. By this point, Gohan was beet red. She broke the kiss as Gohan stumbles back to our heroes.

"Way to go, Casanova," Krillin teased.

Dende smiles as he turns back to Shenron. "Shenron. Takes us back to Earth!"


All the Equestrians and two dragons waved goodbye to our heroes. The Z fighters returned the gesture save for Vegeta who turns away from the affection. Goku sent them all a broad smile as he gives the two-fingered salute. A light encompasses the Eternal dragon and the Z warriors. In a flash, the Dragonballs shot up int the sky and off-world, leaving behind a twinkle for all to see.

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