• Published 2nd Mar 2017
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Dragonball MLP: World Tour! - ultrapoknee

The planet Earth faces a grave peril; the Dragonballs have disappeared, destroying the precious balance that holds the Earth in place. Now, Goku and the other Z fighters must travel back to planet Equis in order to retrieve them. Will they succeed?

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episode 7: Daring Do and the Temple of Gaia. (Edited)

[Camp Compound, Daring Do POV.]

'Another exceptional mess you've got yourself into this Daring...' I thought to myself. The Temple of Gaia; a crown jewel for the rarest of treasures in all of the Zebrican homeland. It is said to hold wealth beyond anypony's wildest dreams. Knowledge and wisdom that supersedes even the Diarchs of Equestria. With such value hidden inside those walls, it's a wonder why the native Zebra don't bar the temple from any outsiders. But then again, that wealth doesn't come without cost. That temple also holds the most heinous traps ever conceived by any living being on the planet. What enterprising archaeologist adventurer could resist.

Not me and certainly not Caballeron and Ahuizotl. I expected at least a run in with one of them. But never in my wildest imagination would I believe they would team up. I guess that's why they got the drop on me. I wish that village I found weren't so forthcoming with the temple's location. Now here I am at the mercy of my two greatest rivals. One thing is for certain; however, this will make a great addition to my book series.

"Ah, we meet again, Daring Do. Only this time, We're ahead of you," Caballeron rhyme. Everyone arched brow at the stallion. "*Ahem* Sorry, those Zebrica customs can be quite infectious, not that it matters. What is important is that I finally have right where I always wanted you..." He said as he backhanded me to the ground and pressed his hoof against my head. I winced at the pressure applied to my cranium. "...Ultimately at my mercy," I did know what's causing a bigger headache right now his gloating or his hoof.

I heard Ahuizotl snarl at the display. "We have wasted enough time. Let me deal with her before she came escape!"

"Oh no, I want to savor this. Besides, I've read how you usually deal with our guest here in those egocentric children books," He reads my books? That's flattering I guess?

"Remind me to find the impudent author after and feed her to my cats," I might be the only decent thing they've eaten since they came under your control snaggle tooth.

"I know she clearly embellishes a lot of detail in these capers. I'm nowhere near as incompetent as I'm sure you depict me as Daring Do,"

"Now now boys, you know I never pick favorites between you two. You're both equally terrible," I said. That remark caused the hoof against my skull to press down harder. I needed to stall for more time. "I am curious about something. Why capture the local wildlife?"

"Why for the profit of course. Exotic animals sell for a hefty price in the black market. And it's always good to have a plan B," Caballeron said smugly.

"Seems kind of greedy with all the wealth within the Temple,"

"She's stalling. I've had enough!" Ahuizotl as he pushed back Caballeron and hoisted me up by my shirt collar. I gritted my teeth and glare at him, but the look in his eyes unnerved me a bit. Just a bit though. "Time and again, I suffered defeat at your hands; made only worse by the publication of that infernal book series. This time, I will claim the treasure and be victorious!"

"You were always the world conquering type, Ahuizotl. Why settle for a measly payday?" I asked. I tried to work my way through these ropes on my wrist, but they were secured too tightly.

"There's so much more you don't know Daring Do. But unfortunately, I won't be telling you because this is the last time we will meet,"

"Aw, so what will it be this time? Lower me into a pit of snakes. Tie rocks to these ropes and dump me into a raging river?"

A sadistic grin formed on Ahuizotl muzzle that honestly sent a chill down my spine. "How about death in the form strangulation done by my paws~,"

Caballeron didn't seem as thrilled by this suggestion as I was. "Perhaps we should use her to clear away any traps we might encounter?"

"And give her the opportunity to escape? No!" He said as his paws found themselves around my throat. He even used his hand on his tail to keep my legs from thrashing. "I am leaving to chance. I will personally enjoy watching the life ebb away from your eyes Daring Do. I'm sure that author of yours can type out your obituary column," He wasn't kidding around here. I felt myself losing precious air by the second. My vision was growing blurry, and I couldn't do a thing to stop it. W-was this it? Is this adventure going to turn out to be my last crusade? I tried to struggle with all my might, but his grip was too firm. There's still so much of the world to explore. I can't...


I barely heard a voice yell out before a sudden force knocked out of Ahuizotl grasp. I felt my body propelled through the air as something caught me and lowered me to the ground. I fought to catch my breath and focus my tunnel vision to find out I was in the arms of the oddest creature I ever come asked.

"Hey there, you alright? It was looking kind of hairy for a moment there," He said. I blinked my eyes several times before my vocal ability returned.

"Who... What are you?"

"My names Goku, I'm a Saiyan from Earth,"

"A Saiyan? Earth? What the hay are you talking about?" I had said before I realized something. "Wait, where's Ahuizotl?"

"That big blue cat thing? Krillin took care of him," I heard a groan from behind us and saw Ahuizotl, lying on his back, and rubbing his cheek. There was also a little bald creature standing in front of us acting as a guard.

"It's not nice to treat a lady like that," Krillin said. Ahuizotl snarled, snapping his goons out of the stupor, and took defensive positions. They quickly surrounded us while Goku freed me.

"I don't know what you two are, but you have no right butting in!"

"When you make it a point to harm the innocent, then we make it our job to stop you," Goku said. There was something vaguely familiar about this creature, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out what.

"The chivalrous type are we? Hmm, well I suppose I can't fault that, but as my colleague has stated..." Caballeron then snapped his fingers, and all his goons pulled out an assortment of weaponry. Ahuizotl let out a roar, and several of his feline pets came out to greet us. These animals include a tiger, a sabertooth, a black panther, and a kitten for some reason. "You should not have stuck your mangled muzzles where it didn't belong. However, the two of you are unique. Far more exotic than anything we will find anywhere. I dare say the both of you together will net me a small fortune. Now then gentle colts, please secure my two investments,"

I sprang to my hooves and flared out my wings while taking an aggressive stance. "Thanks for the assist. Now get out of here!"

"This is just like the good old Red Ridden days huh, Goku?" Krillin said as Goku walked up to him.

"I'll say. These guys should make for a good warm up," A warm up? Are these two insane or something? The mob of ponies began to advance on us.

"What are you doing? Run before it's too late. They got us outnumbered 20 to 1!" My warnings fell on deaf ears as these two creatures just smiled at each other.

"Funny thing about that. These flunkies might have us outnumbered..." Krillin began.

"...But we got them outmatched!" Goku finished. The goon squad waited long enough and proceeded to charge us from all directions.

Then, out of nowhere, Goku and Krillin just-just vanished. I don't know how, but they disappeared and reappeared in front of two goons. They reared back their fists and thrust them forward. The impact sent the two of the henchponies sailing through the air. They crashed into one of the tents around us before falling unconscious. It was safe to safe that none of us were expecting that to happen. Practically every pony's muzzles hit the ground. Caballeron shook his head and rallied his stallions again.

"Don't stand there gawking. Attack, it was just a fluke!" Two henchponies rushed Goku after that. One was an earth pony armed with brass knuckles while the other was a pegasus wielding a machete ready to cut him down to size. I wanted to yell out, but Goku easily dodged a left hook to his face. He then slammed his knee into that ponies gut while his buddy tried to attack from behind. Goku took that same leg he a second ago to send a back kick into the downward slash of the machete. His hoof just snapped the blade in half and floored the Pegasus under his muzzle. Both ponies collapsed to the ground knocked out.

I turned my attention to Krillin to see him taking on three henchponies at once. One of them charges him with a pair of daggers. He manages two swipes at the little stallion, missing both attempts before Krillin jumps up and kick him across the campsite. The second goon held a mace poised for an overhead strike. But Krillin landed on the ground and slammed his elbow into his abdomen. The last pony didn't even have a chance to do anything with the spear he was using as Krillin chopped it in half and uppercut his assailant right into another advancing group causing them to topple to the ground like bowling pins. I could hardly believe my eyes. These two creatures were the most skilled fighter's I've even seen. Bodies were flying left and right as Goku and Krillin stood back to back.

"Just who are they?"

"We can't touch 'em!"

"M-maybe we should retreat..."

Ahuizotl didn't like what he was hearing. "COWARDS! There is only two of them. We'll show you worthless fools how to deal with troublemakers!" He then charged forward with his pack of feline pets behind him. He didn't get far. Goku and Krillin flickered from sight again and closed the distance between them and Ahuizotl. Krillin flickered back into view while performing a leg sweep on Ahuizotl. The momentum carried him right into the outstretched forearm of Goku. Ahuizotl muzzle hooked onto Goku's limb, and he spun around like a pinwheel before he flew high into the air. Ahuizotl landed right onto of Caballeron who was too stunned to get out of the way. Goku turned his attention to the cats and flickered to each of them one by one while delivering a good place chop to the necks.

I was so awestruck at how easily these two stallions handle Caballeron and Ahuizotl's forces that I didn't notice the last group of them converge on me from my blind side. Luckily for me, another pegasus crashed the party. "Hey save some for us!" the next thing I knew was one of the henchponies eating dirt courtesy of a rainbow maned acquaintance of mine. Rainbow Dash was here, and she wasn't alone. A zebra shaman came darting in. She placed a blow dart in her mouth and hit her mark against three other henchponies. The darts protrude out of their necks and instantly caused some paralysis. I recognized that yellow pegasus as she marches right up another trio of goons. She did not look happy and had a few choice words about the mistreatment of the animals here.

"How dare you! How dare you try and take these cute animals away from their homes. How would you like it if somepony came and put you in some dank, tiny cages? You should all be ashamed!" Once she was done tongue lashing them, the trio of goons ran away bawling their eyes out. I felt guilty myself when a caught a glimpse of her glare. The big surprise though happened when the remaining henchponies found themselves encase in a lavender aura. Then in a flash. All the animals were free, and all the henchponies took their place in the cages.

"Switch-swap spell. Pretty handy for convenience sake," The Princess of Friendship? This crusade was getting ridiculous. But either way, they helped me out of a jam.

"Welp, that take care of these guys," Goku said.

"I guess we can add pony poachers to the list of bad guys," Krillin stated. They must a lot of experience to be so confident.

"Aw yeah, we kick flank!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. She's as enthusiastic as ever.

"Well done everyone. I must admit, it was rather fun," The shaman spoke.

"I'm just glad the animals are safe," The yellow pony said as she pats the head of a meerkat. I didn't get a chance to speak with her last time.

"I guess that twice I owe you Rainbow. But we can catch up later. Let's tie up Caballeron and Ahuizotl before--" I turned my attention to the spot where they were beaten only to find them both long gone. "...Escape... Wonderful. They must've made a break for the Temple,"

"What a coincidence. We're heading there too," Goku said. Then a metal ball floated down the cliffside and hovered right next to him. It spurted arms and legs and started to talk-- Am I losing my mind?

"Guru, Guru. Dragonball 300 meters ahead. Suggest we move quickly to procure it,"

"Dragonball? What in Celestia's name is that? I never heard of such an artifact,"

"That's the reason why we are all here. And we're here to help our from Zecora complete her shaman training. We didn't get a chance to talk the last time we met. My name is Twilight Sparkle. That's Fluttershy. And you already know Rainbow Dash," Twilight said.

"I caught your names during the fight. Goku and Krillin correct?" I asked, and they nodded. "Although I know I heard the name Goku before,"

"He was the alien Ambassador that visited us five years ago. He also won the first tournament," Fluttershy informed me. Now it all clicked together.

"Amazing! A visitor behind the stars that joined in on my latest adventure!"

"I know! The next book is going to be awesome," Rainbow said. I couldn't help but agree with her. This installment of my series is shaping up nicely.

"We should get moving. I don't know what it is Ahuizotl and Caballeron are searching for in that temple, but it can't be good. But I hope you can tell me more about this Dragonball along the way,"

[Temple of Gaia.]

The journey to the temple was admittedly a tedious one. I have heard that a shaman that is near completion of their training must trek through the jungle terrain to better accumulate themselves to the spirit realm. This place contains a high amount of spiritual energy needed to help Zecora, so flying was a no go. The local wildlife thankfully we not hostile towards us as I was expecting. Saving them from captivity won them over. Fluttershy is especially happy to converse with each animal we came across. A lion, and it's two cubs tailed behind us the whole way without any hindrance to us. I took the time to ask about the importance of their artifact as we reached the Temple of Gaia.

"So there are seven Dragonballs, and when you collect all of them a magical dragon comes out, and he can grant any wish the summoners wants?"

"That's about the long and short of it," Krillin said.

"Something like that sounds too good to be true, not to mention dangerous. I hate to think what would happen if Ahuizotl got his paws on them,"

"We're glad you understand the importance of our mission, Daring Do. The longer those Dragonballs are here, the greater the threat they could pose to the world as a whole," Twilight said.

"But why are you only worried about him. Isn't that pony from earlier just as dangerous?" Goku asked.

"No, Caballeron would just use them for all the bits in the world. Ahuizotl would use them for conquest. He claims that his people ruled over the world even before Discord came into power. Which is why he only searches for legends that will help him restore his standing above all other's,"

"And there's a treasure in the Temple that will help him do that?" Rainbow asked.

"The Temple of Gaia is as old Discord himself. It contains far more than petty wealth. It may hold such a trinket, but rest assured, it is a well-kept secret," Zecora said.

*Whistle* "Well, by the looks of this place, I'd say it's got something hidden inside it," Goku stated as we gazed upon the Temple. It is magnificent. A marvel in craftsmanship, structural ingenuity, and construction. The entire Temple must have been at least fifty stories high.

"Alright everypony. We better be careful. We don't know how many traps there are or how far along Caballeron and Ahuizotl are. We have to be ready for anything,"

"Ha! I'd like to see any trap get the best of us," Rainbow boasted confidently. I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from saying 'famous last words.' At least she means well. We slowly entered the Temple with Goku, Krillin, and myself leading the pack. It was pitch black with the entrance acting as our light source. I saw Twilight lit up her horn to provide more light. But as soon as she did, a skull reacted to her magic. Its sockets glowed a bright red and two stone doors sealed the entrance faster than any of us could react. We found ourselves surrounded by complete darkness while Twilight acted as our new light source.

"Oh no, we're trapped!" Fluttershy said. I hope she's not claustrophobic.

"The Temple must have reacted to my magic. But why?" Twilight asked.

"The temple is where only zebras come through. Your magic will be little use to you," Zecora informed us.

"Don't worry; I'll just smash the doors," Goku said. I realized that he's a skilled fighter, but how the hay was he going to pull that off. That thought instantly died when I saw him raise his arm and gather that Ki energy I heard about all over Equestria. However, Zecora got in his way before he could fire.

"You must harm the Temple's infrastructure. To do so will cause us all to suffer. The Temple will collapse upon our heads which will leave must of us surely dead,"

"Heh... right, do not smash the doors," Goku said nervously. Just then, several torches resting on pillars lit up the room. The room was now fully illuminated, and another door was before us.

"So I guess we just head through this door?" Rainbow said.

"Hey Guru, how far is the Dragonball now?" Krillin asked.

"Guru, Guru. The Dragonball is currently 50 meters bellow us,"

"This temple must have a network of cave systems," Twilight stated.

"We don't have any more time to waste. I just wish I knew where Caballeron and Ahuizotl are in here," I walked up to the door and began to push it. It was surprisingly difficult to move. Goku came and gave me a hand, and we managed to pry it open. Inside was a large narrow corridor. One the wall was a depiction of many zebras brings the treasure to the temple as an offering. Other pictures showed the Zebras ascending to the rank of Shaman. The mural even had descriptions of outsiders that came seeking the treasure only to find their demise.

"Oh my, such loving paintings," Fluttershy said.

"I don't know. Some of these drawings..." Krillin began as he studied what looked like a pony falling into a pit of spikes. "...Are not very wholesome,"

"Hey Zecora, why is it no one stops any outsider's from entering this place?" Rainbow asked.

"The temple holds much value that my culture will not deny you. If your intentions are pure, then your safety is secured. If greed acts as your guidance, then your life will be silenced. Warding off traveler requires no need. The temple itself will handle the deed," She answered.

"R-right. We got it. Respect the temple and its contents,"

As we reached the end of the corridor, I caught a glimpse of movement from behind us. I quickly turned away just in time to see what looked like a tail slither into the room we just left. "Did anypony see that? There was something behind us,"

"No, and I don't sense anything either. In fact, I can barely get a read on those two thugs energy signatures while we're inside here. It feels like they're all over this place," Goku said.

"I think this weird temple is messing with our abilities," Krillin said.

"What did it look like?" Fluttershy asked.

"I just saw the tail end of it. Hopefully, it will leave us alone. Let's continue,"

We made it to the end of the hall where we found another door. When we entered the room, we were greeted by a vacant room. However, there was a podium with a stone book resting on it. Twilight walked up and read it. "The path before is one only a shaman can make. Be careful of every step you take because one misstep will be a grave mistake,' I believe this is a trial for Zecora to pass,"
Just then, the floors briefly lit up before several fishers of air pressure trailed along the entire floor. Soon the ground was divided up evenly into perfect squares.

"Huh, so now what?" Rainbow asked. I've encountered something like this before. There's only one correct path to the other side of the room. But stepping on the wrong tile will activate the trap. However, I only had to deal with this because my wing would somehow get injured; leaving with no choice but to solve it.

"The slabs have a pressure sensitive trigger on the surface. One row of plates is stable while the rest is hollow. If you step on the incorrect plate, then you'll most likely fall into a pit of spikes," I heard a distinctive yelp come from behind me, but chose to ignore it. "Thankfully, none of us are injured for once. We can probably just skip this trial altogether and fly those who can't fly over to the other door,"

"No," I heard Zecora say.

"What do you mean 'no'? If we can fly you over then you don't have to risk yourself," Krillin said.

"I appreciate the concern, but I must take my turn. The shamans of old completed this task alone. I must do this to atone. If I took the easy way, then my right as shaman will be taken away,"

"Alright right then Zecora. We'll let you perform this test," Twilight said.

"You'll have to be careful. There aren't identifying marks to give you a clue on the right path," Zecora nodded to us and took her position. The rest of us flew over to the other side and watched as she took a calming breath. She stares ground intently before she took a single step forward. The plate lit up, and we were all ready for the worst, but the slab didn't collapse under her hooves. Zecora slowly walks a straight path until she stops on her fifth tale. Then she turns to her left and continues from there. Every once in a while, Zecora would deviate from her path as the tiles glowed with her every step. It looked like she was drawing an illustration of some kind. Zecora finally finished and stood on the other side with us.

"What was that all about anyway? What did you do?" Rainbow asked. Twilight flew up to see the drawing Zecora left behind.

"What is that symbol suppose to mean?" Twilight asked. Zecora said nothing but shot us a knowing smirk.

"It is a message in a way. One that tells us to live in the present day," With that said, we pass through the doors. We found ourselves in another corridor with an open passageway at the end. I was starting to get antsy with the amount of luck we've been having thus far.

"I gotta say, for a temple filled with deadly traps, this has been far too easy," Krillin said. That little utterance of words caused me, Rainbow and Twilight to stop in our tracks. Even Zecora was sending a deadpan glare at the bald guy.

"Um, why did you stop you guys,?" Goku asked.

"Are you kidding!? Don't you know never to say something like that!" Rainbow screeched.

"She's right Krillin. In situations like this. Phrases like 'It's too quiet,' 'That was too easy,' and 'What could go wrong,' would invoke Martha's Law," Twilight informed.

"Don't you mean Murphy's law? Besides, Goku and I can handle any traps that come our way," He said as he took a step forward and activated a pressure plate. Suddenly, the walls opened up, and circular holes revealed themselves. It didn't take a genius to know what was about to happen next. And sure enough, both poisonous darts and arrow bolts shot out from the trap. Unfortunately, Twilight was too slow to react and received a dart in the neck. She collapsed to her knees as Goku flickered to her position.

"Everyone huddle together!" He said, and we complied. Goku then thrust his arms out and forms a barrier around us. Twilight's friends helped her to hooves while Goku carefully shielded us from danger as we reached the end. Fluttershy immediately started healing her.

"Oh my, just hold on Twilight,"

"I-I think I'm alright Fluttershy. I'm a little woozy, but I don't believe that poison affected me," Twilight said, but I wasn't convinced.

"Let me see that dart," Twilight nodded and hands over the projectile. It doesn't look like much, so I decide to take a whiff of it. My snout scrunches up as I recoiled. "The good news is that I encountered this substance before and it's not detrimental to your health. The bad news is that it's a potent nerve agent, so you won't be able to channel your magic," Twilight stared at me in disbelief as she tried to access her magic only for her horn to fizzle out. Rainbow shot Krillin an incredulous look.

"Gee, you sure handled that trap pretty well cueball,"

"B-but I--"

"It's ok Krillin. You didn't know that was going to happen. Let's move on," Twilight said reassuringly.

"Let's watch our step from here on out guys," Goku said as we all passed through the third door. This time, however, there were two doors on opposite ends of the room.

"Which one do we take?" Fluttershy asked.

"Guru, Guru. Dragonball detected 20 meters below beyond this door on the left side of the room,"

"I guess that answers that. And I can sense those two from earlier," Goku said. He must mean Caballeron and Ahuizotl. But, before anypony could move to the left, Zecora went to the door on the right. "Where are you going Zecora?"

"The path of the shaman is beyond this doorway. I fear for the time being that we must part ways," She said.

"I don't like the idea of you going alone while we're in here. So it's best to split up. Rainbow Dash, Krillin, you two go with Zecora. The rest of us will get the Dragonball and double back as soon as we can,"

[Krillin's group, Third Person POV.]

Zecora leads the way as Rainbow and Krillin quietly followed behind. Rainbow initial excitement started to dwindle as the group has yet to face anything that would truly test their skills. So, to pass the boredom, She struck up a conversation with Krillin. "I've meant to ask cueball; how when did you meet Goku anyway?"

Krillin groans at the nickname. "We met back when we were kids. Both of us the fiercest rival before the other's came along. We were the same height back then too,"

Rainbow bit her lip to suppress her giggles. "I guess you're still waiting on your growth spurt huh?"


"Your stature is small. That is true. However, we will not think less of you," Zecora said with a kind smile. Krillin group came across another large room. Stone statues of the village sentinels were lined up in a neat row, leading up to an elevated platform, with four items resting on it. A gold plated sword with sapphire gems embedded in the hilt. A black helmet with crimson red visors that had sharp teeth lining the bottom of it, a scroll that no doubt contained valuable knowledge, and finally an ordinary pot of soil with seeds gently laying on the surface.

"Oh, I know what happens next. Zecora has to choose the correct item. But then, as soon as she picks it up, a trap activates. So what do you think it will be? Is the room going to fill up with water slowly? Killer insects? Poisonous gas? The waiting is killing me!"

Krillin eyes the stone statues suspiciously as his expression hardens. "I think these statues are a good indicator. I'll keep watch over them,"

"Aw yeah, statue smashing. I'm down for that!" Rainbow bore a huge grin as she landed next to Krillin. They each took a fighting stance and waited for Zecora. The zebra in question nodded at their readiness and walked up to the items. She gives each of them the once over before she calmly picks up the pot of soil and seeds. Krillin and Rainbow tensed up as Zecora made her way back to them. They sat there; waiting for any signs of movement from the stone sculptures. They waited, and waited, and waited some more. After five minutes of nothing happening, Rainbow huffs in irritation. "AW COME ON!!!"

Zecora chuckles at her friends' flustered state. "Don't make such a fuss. The statues are no harm to us. Countless before me have taken this path. Never once did anypony's choice brought about the temple's wrath,"

"Aw... Can't we pick the wrong item anyway?" The deadpan stare for her two party members was all the answer she needed to that inquiry. "...Fine..."

"Hey don't worry. If I know Goku, I'm sure they've got into some trouble. We might be able to get in on the action if we--"


"--Stay right here and let that trouble come to us instead..." Krillin eyes focused on the entrance they came from as snarling started to echo. He winced at the sound of whatever footsteps were approaching. They were thick and weighted as two rough looking paws gripped the door frame. Next, a giant foot came into the room. The impact from its foot cracked the ground underneath it. Finally, it's entire body came through. It stood at nine feet tall and passed muscles that a minotaur would be jealous of if they saw the creature. It had black fur with a yellow underbelly. A large horn sat on top of its snout as it bears its jagged sharp teeth. It's tail swept across the ground with anticipation. Its eye was blood red as it stares at the party with unbridled hatred.

"W-what the hay is that!?" Rainbow squeaked out.

"My eyes must be deceiving me. We are in the presence of a Grabooni!" Zecora said with alarm. "The creature was likely being kept as a captive, and now it is free and active,"

"But why is it here after us? We freed it!" Rainbow reminded.

"It must've lumped us in with the other's, and now it wants payback. This thing must be what Daring Do saw," Krillin suggested. The beast then spread its arms out and released a deafening roar as it crouched down slightly and prepared to engage its prey. Krillin saw this and jumped to the center of the room to drawn its attention. "Alright big guy, I'll give you a fight. After all the bigger they are--"

The Grabooni lunged at its small prey with its gaping maw poised to bite Krillin in half. Krillin sidestepped the assault and went to counter. But the Grabooni was quicker than he expected and backhanded him into one of the statues. Krillin groaned as he got back to his feet. "--The harder they tend to hit..." Rainbow went up next as she flew in circles over the creature. The Grabooni tried to claw at her, but Rainbow was moving too fast for it to land a blow.

"What's the matter can't keep up?" She taunted. The Grabooni did not take kindly to that. It raised both of its arms and slammed them down hard into the ground. The force behind its attack was enough to generate a shock that blew Rainbow away. Meanwhile, Zecora tried desperately to shield the pot and soil. The Grabooni turned its attention to her and charged forward. Krillin intercepted it by drop kicking the side of its head. The beast skidded across the ground before it could get back to a standing position. It narrowed its eyes on Krillin as it picked up one of the statues and hurled it at him.

Krillin jumped out of the way only to have two more tossed at him. He went to brass himself, but to his surprise, Rainbow Dash flickers in front of him and destroys both of the statues with a great buck. Krillin stared at her in disbelief as she shot him a confident smirk. "You're not the only that can pull a vanishing act," Krillin shook his head and smirked back at her as they land on the ground.

"I've got an idea. Cover Zecora and shield your eyes!" Krillin said as he flickered in front of the Grabooni. The animal was confused at first but brushed it off and went to smash him. Krillin quickly brought two fingers to his temples and shouted out. "Solar Flare!!!" The Graooni could do nothing as its unprotected eyes took the full brunt of the Solar Flare technique. The creature wailed in pain as it stumbles around the room; haphazardly destroying everything in its path before it ran out the room. With the danger gone, Krillin, Zecora and Rainbow Dash took a much-needed reprieve. "Whew, I won't be going to the zoo anytime soon. Let's hope he doesn't come back,"

"Not unless he wants another flank kicking," Rainbow bragged as she turns to Zecora. "So how is this potted plant going to help you become a shaman?"

"While it may not look like much, this pot and soil will help me accomplish such. We must return to the friends to bring this quest to an end," The trio nodded to each other made their way back to the previous room to catch with Goku and the others.

[Goku's group, Daring Do's POV.]

We came across a staircase leading down to the lower levels of the temple. This path must lead to the treasury that many have sought after I found my mind drifting back to many things I've learned about during this adventure. It irks me to no end that I don't know what Caballeron and Ahuizotl are after. Well, Ahuizotl at least, Caballeron pretty much wants the treasure. My only solstice is the information about the Dragonball. I hope I get to see this Eternal Dragon in action. We reached the bottom of the level and what greeted us was a golden door with a skull and crossbones on it. There was an inscription on the door, most likely a warning. Twilight started to read aloud.

"Congratulations on getting to this point. Now you must about face and blow this joint. To steal from the temple is a grave offense that will mean immediate recompense. But if you still wish to continue then you answer this question without an issue. What happens when the unstable force meets the immovable object?"

"What is that suppose to mean Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"Guru, Guru. It is a question that requires an answer,"

"But this type of question is doesn't have a definitive answer," I said.

"No, it does. We just have to break the components of the two subjects it's asking us. Immovable object correlates to something that firmly planted wherever it resides; refusing to move for anything. Unstoppable force translates to something traveling unimpeded regardless of what's in its path. While they may have different definitions, these two statements share one sound quality, obstinacy. And so the answer to this question is that these two opposing forces must surrender," Twilight lectured.

Suddenly the golden doors slowly opened from the inside. We had walked into the room, and the sight before us made my jaw drop. There was an astronomical amount of gold, jewelry, and gemstones. Enough wealth to ensure a family line will never have to work for decades to come. A golden statue of a Zebra kneeling on the ground with his arms stretched out as if to offer something to the goddesses sat in the middle of all this wealth. In its hands was a green orb of some kind.

"Wow, I never saw this much money," Fluttershy said in awe.

"This much wealth may surpass the bits in the royal treasury," Twilight stated.

"I wonder how much this could buy at the all you can eat buffet back on Earth?" Goku pondered.

"Guru, Guru, Dragonball located. 5 meters ahead. Begining acquisition," I found myself moving closer to the little golem as my anticipation grew to a boiling point. I can finally lay my eyes on this mystical artifact. I was so transfixed on Guru digging through the piles of bits that I overlooked something critical.

"Where's Ahuizotl and Caballeron?"

"Right behind you," We all swiftly turn our heads to the sound to find Cabaerllon and Ahuizotl right behind us. The stallion in question was hold a crossbow aimed directly at Fluttershy's face. Fluttershy stood frozen in terror as Caballeron finger held down the trigger.

"LET HER GO NOW!" Twilight demanded, but the stallion ignored her.

"Or you'll do what? You don't have the use of your magic from the nerve agent in your system,"

"How do you know that? You two came in before us!"

"I think your slipping Daring Do. If what you say is true then the trap should have been already set off," My eyes widened in horror at that. He was right. They had a good lead on us back at the campsite. If they had any difficulty with a trap, then we would've caught up to them.

"You used us to active the traps to grant you two safe passage!" Twilight stated.

"That's right my dear. thank you ever so much for your assistance,"

Goku walked up to the two as he spoke. "How were you able to hide your presence from us?" Caballeron thrusts the crossbow into Fluttershy's causing her to wince. This action stopped Goku's advance.

"Stay where you are good sir. This crossbow has a dead pony switch feature. If my finger leaves the trigger, then our lovely pegasus here gets a new head accessory. And to answer your question, good sir. Ahuizotl, if you would be so kind as to show your little trinket?"

Ahuizotl then pulls out a small red gemstone as Cabaerllorn rest his hand on his shoulder. The gem lights up, and both of them fade from our sight. They reappeared moments later with a satisfied grin. "This gem can completely mask our very essence. We knew you would escape us at the campsite somehow so we staged everything to flush out any help you may have brought with you. Once we got to the temple, we only waited for you to arrive and solve the traps for us," Ahuizotl gloated. I gritted my teeth in frustration.

"Now let's talk terms, you three are going to free the rest of my employees and help haul all the riches from this room and into my ship. We will be taking this lovely lady with us to ensure you do not try any funny business. She will be let go once I am aboard my ship and you can reconvene back at the village where you first came in," Caballeron said.

"And if we refuse?" Goku asked. His voice had a certain edge to it despite his calm visage. Ahuizotl snorted and walked right up to Goku. He stood on his hind legs while he proceeded to glare at the man. Goku stared right back, and I can tell Ahuizotl was unnerved by him. He drew his fist back and slammed it into Goku's face. However, to Caballeron shock and Ahuizotl painful dismay, Goku remained perfectly still as Ahuizotl recoiled from a busted knuckle. Twilight had a sly smirk, and even Fluttershy managed to smile a little. I knew Goku was a mighty stallion, but that was just incredible.

"AAARGH!!! You insolent cur! Do you want that mare to die right here and now!?" Ahuizotl said through a strained voice. Before things could escalate any further, Guru found the Dragonball we've been searching for all this time.

"Guru, Guru. One Star Dragonball acquired,"

"A Dragonball? That sounds exotic. And what a fascinating little creature you are. Bring me the orb," Guru analyzed the situation and decided it was best to comply for now. He floated over to the stallion and presented the Dragonball. Caballeron looked at the ball with captivation. The way the light reflected off it surface was fantastic. I have to say I'm a little envious that these orbs are not originally from this planet. They would look great in a museum. "Well now... I'll be taking this ball and adding it to my personal collection. Now let's be off then," He said as he pocketed the ball.

"If only I could use my magic right now," I heard Twilight muttered, but then she had a look of surprise as if she just realized something. She started focusing intently on the crossbow in Caballeron hand. I had no idea what she was doing, but I hope it will get us out of this jam. Ahuizotl glares at Goku once more before moving past him. I watched as he stood in front of the kneeling statue, his paws making greedy gripping motions, as he gently picks it up, and throw his head back in maniacal laughter.

"I finally have it. The Orb of Ascension. This artifact will grant me the same magical prowess from any creature I see fit. I will command the sun like Celestia. Control the moon like Luna. Hey, even wield the chaotic powers Discord. All I need to do is find the nearest magical creature in this vicinity," I always thought that orb was a myth. He turned to Twilight only to pause at what she was doing. While this was going on, Twilight's pupils glowed a bright white and the crossbow that was threatening her friend had instantly incinerated.

"What!? Aargh!" Caballeron shrieked. I had no idea how Twilight did that, but I used the chance to rush Caballeron. Before he could do anything else, I shoulder tackled him out the door. He fell to the ground with a hard thud, slipping into unconsciousness from the blow as Fluttershy rejoined us.

"T-thank you Twilight,"

"Oh, that was incredible! I didn't think I could pull off my Ki using my eyes as a catalyst, but the risk paid off. I'm glad your safe Fluttershy,"

"Awesome Twilight," Goku praised before he turns his attention back to Ahuizotl. "I'll take care of the rest!"

"Fool! With this orb, I can challenge any creature on this planet! You don't stand--" Goku appeared right in front of Ahuizotl, cutting him off, and tightly gripped the paw holding the orb. Ahuizotl smug facade fell as he grimaces from the pain. Goku held out his palm to his face and shot him a smirk. Ahuizotl, in turn, arched an eyebrow before a shockwave erupted from Goku's hand. The force slammed my archenemy into the wall on the far side where his body fell into a pile of bits, leaving him half buried from the waist up. The Orb of Ascension casually rolls back to the zebra statue while stood there with my muzzle agape. I got to study under these guys. It will make my adventures a lot easier.

"Well, that takes care of him. I'll get back the Dragonball from Cabby, and we can regroup with your friends. This latest adventure will make for one incredible installment," I said as I walked to the exit. Caballeron was still taking his nap. I could spy the Dragonball resting in his breast pocket. In hindsight, I probably should've paid closer attention to that orb. Something like that with only a puzzle door keeping it safe isn't practical. Just as I was about to take a step outside the Treasury, the doors slammed shut. I turned back to everypony who all had a look of confusion.

"Why did the doors just close?" Fluttershy asked timidly.

"Everypony! The statue!" Twilight shout. We all turned around to see the zebra statue begin to move. It picked up the orb and stood at 10 feet tall. There was a cylindrical hole in its chest. It takes the sphere and places it inside the hole. The hollowed out eye sockets glared at us with red-hot intensity. And then, much to our surprise, it spoke in a deep and commanding voice.

"You have stolen that which is not yours to take. This action will prove to be a grave mistake," Great, even the statues of zebra's rhythm. Not that I am culturally insensitive, but all the rhyming becomes grating after a while. "If you wish to leave with the treasure then you must present your answer!"

"B-but we didn't take anything!" Fluttershy argued.

"All that is placed in here now belongs to the Temple of Gaia. The ball that is missing makes you a liar!"

"He must mean the Dragonball!" Twilight pointed out. It was at that moment that Goku walked up to the statue.

"Sorry but that Dragonball is of great importance to my planet. so we're taking it with us!"

"It matters little to me what you wish. Any that steals from the temple will be crushed by my first. Give me your answer or your journey will become quite dire!"

"Fair enough! Here's my answer!" My eyes bulged out of my head as I saw Goku have a golden aura burst from his body. He then took a fighting stance and challenged the golden zebra. "They say that gold is a pretty weak metal for fighting. Let's find out! YAH!!!"

Goku dashed forward with incredible speed as he pulled his right first back. The statue somehow was able to follow his movement, and throw a right fist of its own. The two fist met, and a shockwave erupted that blew all the treasure away from them, myself and the other's included. I was able to stop my momentum before I became a stain on the wall. I saw that Twilight manage to erect a barrier around her, Guru, and Fluttershy. I quickly made my way to them while Goku squared off with Golden Zebra. The statue threw a hefty roundhouse at Goku, who in turn, blocks it with his left forearm. Goku pushes the leg back scored a direct hit with a punch to the zebra's abdomen. However, the walking hunk of gold didn't even flinch. It raised both of its fists for an overhead strike, but Goku dodges by jumping in the air. He flips several times before he comes back down with an ax kick.

The kick lands directly on the zebra's temple, and the force even caves in the ground under it. But once again, the statue showed no signs of being damaged. I guess it makes sense since it is an inanimate object turned guardian. So how do you beat something that can't feel pain or isn't even alive in the first place? No answer came as the zebra statue grabs hold of Goku's leg and chuck him to the opposite side of the room. Thankfully Goku rebounds off the wall and charges right back into the fray. He lands another blow to the zebra's statues face, and it started to crack. But to our horror, it healed almost instantly. Goku greeted his teeth and began to throw a barrage of punches in rapid secession. The Zebra remained motionless as it withstood this brutal assault. It was clear that Goku was faster and stronger, but any damage he dealt out healed as soon as it came.

"Goku! Try using some Ki blasts. The Orb of Ascension keeps healing the damage your dealing out! You have to destroy it faster than it can respond!" Twilight suggested.

"No can do Twilight! The area is too small, and you guys might get caught up in the blast radius. Not to mention that I might destroy the temple," Goku said as he dodges a left hook from the statue by jumping back. "But you did give me an idea. I'll just destroy the orb and end this fight!" He darted forward again as his fist glow a bright light. He aimed for the ball in the zebra's chest, but once again, the statue defends by catching his strike in its palm. Cracks had run up its entire arm before it healed itself.

"Your efforts are in vain. In this spot, I shall remain. I will weather your storm while you lose power in that form. Speak the answer that I seek. Or face a terrible you will soon meet!"

"Ha! sorry pal, but giving up isn't in my vocabulary! I won't stop until we're out of here!" With that said, Goku started raining down blows from every angle to win. But that walking accessory made a good point. This fight is likely to drag on forever if what I heard about Goku is true. But that little verbal exchange got me thinking. Typically, a guardian would flat out stop anypony from stealing the treasure in these temples. Except this guy keeps going on about some cryptic answer to an unannounced question. Unless...

I turned to Twilight who was still maintaining our barrier. "Does anypony you remember the question we we're asked when we entered this room?"

"I do. It was 'What happens when the unstoppable force meets the immovable object,'" Fluttershy said.

"But we already answered that question!" Twilight reminded.

"I think the issue is still in effect. We have to tell the Guardian the answer!" I ran past the barrier and up to the two combatants who were currently in a deadlock. "Guardian of Gaia. When the unstoppable force meets the immovable object, they surrender!" I yelled. But the statue paid me no mind. Why was that? I racked my brain as Goku fingers folded over the Golden Zebra's as his boot dug a trench in the ground to push his enemy. But the statue remained firmly planted in its spot. As I watched them struggle for a while before something else clicked in my head. We have the answer, but we're applying it in the wrong way. "Goku! You got to stop fighting!"

"What!? But if I don't beat this guy then we can't get out unless I destroy the temple!"

Twilight seemed to pick up on what I saying and added her two bits. "No Goku, she's right! Think about the question and apply to your situation right now!" Goku gave us a quizzical look as he thought about our words.

"When the unstoppable force meets the immovable object, they surrender..." He muttered befoe his eyes went wide at a realization. He broke the power struggle and jumped back from the statue. The Golden Zebra stood straight up as Goku casually walked right in front of it. Then something odd happened. His spiky golden hair turned black, and his pupils were no longer blueish-green. That mysterious gold aura vanished as well. He smiled at the statue before he places his palms together and bowing his head down. The figure stood there for a moment as he processed the action Goku was performing. After what feels like forever, The Golden Zebra mimic Goku's actions. "I surrender,"

"I surrender too. It was superb fighting you. Your heart holds no greed so you may proceed," The doors sealing us in began to open, and we're free to leave. We each gave our respect to the guardian as we took our leave with Ahuizotl in tow. Thankfully, he was still knocked out cold, so we didn't have to hear him curse our names. We went to pick up Caballeron, only to discover that his unconscious form had disappeared.

"Great. Caballeron came too. And he still has the Dragonball,"

"As long as he doesn't have Guru then he won't get far. I'm sure he hasn't left the temple yet. We can still catch up," Twilight said. We moved as fast as we could up the stairs and back to the main hall of the temple. Imagine my surprise to find Caballeron subdued by Krillin's group. I guess they completed their task before us.

"About time. We were waiting here forever. We even pumped into Caballeron trying to make a break for with this in his hands," Rainbow said as she flashed us the One Star Dragonball. "Anyway Zecora got what she needs to become a shaman,"

"I'm triumphal for you Zecora. I'm glad you all didn't have as much trouble as we did," Fluttershy said with aa gentle smile. Zecora sent a knowing look to Krillin and Rainbow Dash who shifted around awkwardly.

"Our mission was a success, But it did not come without duress," Zecora said.

"We should head back to the village and meet with the Chief. I'm eager as to how she will conduct this process," Twilight said with excitement.

"Hey Goku, you're not a Super Saiyan anymore. Finally tapped out your reserves huh?" Krillin teases.

"It was a part of this test we had to solve. Speaking of which, what do we do with these and the rest of the goons," Goku said.

A mischievous smile found its way on my muzzle. "I might have a few ideas,"

[The village Chief's Hut.]

We casually sat in a circle with Zecora and the Cheif at the center as they prepared the shaman ritual. The pot of soil and seeds was in the middle of the two zebra's as the sentinels stood in a square around us. The walk from the temple to Caballeron and Ahuizotl campsite was pleasant enough. The goons were right where we left them in those changes they used to trap the local wildlife. However, I decided that for the two ringleaders should spend some quality time thinking about what they've done.

So I for a cage big enough for two and stuffed them inside. Then we manage to convince Fluttershy to tell some of her animal friends to stand guard over them until zebras came to remove them from their lands. Those Tigers certainly took their role seriously. And I must confess I got a real kick out of seeing my two rivals cling to each other as their guard took a swipe at them. I faintly heard them say "Curse you Daring Do!!!" as we left. I learned from Zecora that the zebras have a crazy powder they use to wipe the minds of those wanting to steal from the temple. This reason is probably why nopony ever came back to take all the treasure. So they won't be trying to take from the temple again.

But enough about those them. Chief Majora and Zecora started waving their hands in a flowing motion. At first, nothing happened. But then tiny particles of light danced around their smooth moving hands. They were two different colors. The blue light belongs to Majora, and the white one belongs to Zecora. Goku and Krillin's eyes seem to widen at the glowing balls. The particles of light encompassed the hut as the two Zebra's movement slowly became more synchronized. Until the two different orbs of light combined to make yellow and then all the particles flowed into Zecora's palms. Zecora gently envelops the pot, and right before our eyes, the seeds dug into the soil.

Moments later, a bud sprouted from the earth and began to steadily grow until it blossomed into the most beautiful and rarest flower found in the land of Zebrica.

"Oh my, what a gorgeous flower," Fluttershy said.

"It's breathtaking... I've never seen flora with that color pattern!' Twilight said in awe.

"I know. That plant has some good tastes," Rainbow said as she flicked her prismatic mane.

"...That's the Arcobaleno Rosa..." I said in disbelief. "It's an incredibly rare flower that can be found only in Zebrica, but nopony knows exactly where in Zebrica they originated,"

Chief Majora chuckles at our baffled states. "Your assumption is valid. Only a fully realized shaman can create this color palette. And thus, I declare the ritual complete. Zecora accomplished an incredible feat. To announce that you are now a shaman is a real treat," Zecora smiled as tears nipped the corners of her eyes. She bowed her head to the village chief as we said our goodbyes-- Yup, that's not going away anytime soon.

[Outside the hut. Third Person POV.]

"Well, I guess this is goodbye. I never thought I would team up with not just one but two aliens," Daring Do said.

"It was fun meeting you too Daring Do. Hopefully, we can check the book when it comes out," Goku said.

"Only if you promise to let me get a look at Shenron when you call him,"

"Hehe, sure thing," Daring Do then turn to the rest of the group as she spreads her wings. She gives then a salute and takes off into the sunset.

"I wonder if I'll get top billing," Krillin asked before he realized something. "Wait, we didn't tell her about our part in the temple!"

"The path of the shaman is served for the Zebras. They use the utmost secrecy concerning these trials so Daring was asked to edit any parts involving Zecora's trials," Twilight informed as Krillin became downtrodden.

"Hehe, I don't think Cueball and the temple of Gaia sound as awesome," Rainbow teases.

"I'm sure you will be represented well in her series," Fluttershy said in a sympathetic tone.

"By the way, Zecora, that energy from your ritual felt a lot like Ki energy," Goku said. Everyone turned to Zecora who was now sporting a coy smile.

"I can say this much..." Zecora began as she levitated the Dragonball from Guru's grasps, much to the shock of her friends. "We share qualities as such,"

"Haha, well one thing is for sure, we have another Dragonball which puts us ahead of Chrysalis. It should be smooth sailings from here," Krillin said. The group joined hands with Goku as he placed his fingers on his head and used instant transmission to bring them back to Equestria.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry this one took so long. I had a bit of writer's block during some bits of it. We're moving on to Trunks group next chapter.

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